@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ void Junction::SetName(string name)
void Junction::SetId(string id)
{ mId=id; }
+void Junction::SetType(string strtype)
+{ mType = strtype;}
* Adds a junction connection to the junction
@@ -82,6 +85,16 @@ unsigned int Junction::AddJunctionCrossPath(string id,string crossingRoad, strin
mLastAddedJunctionCrossPath = mJunctionCrossPathVector.size() -1;
return mLastAddedJunctionCrossPath;
+unsigned int Junction::AddJunctionDirectConnection( string id, string linkedRoad)
+ // Adds a new junction connection
+ mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.push_back(JunctionDirectConnection(id, linkedRoad));
+ // Saves the index of the newly added junction connection
+ mLastAddedJunctionDirectConnection = mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.size()-1;
+ return mLastAddedJunctionDirectConnection;
@@ -130,6 +143,18 @@ unsigned int Junction::CloneJunctionPath(unsigned int index)
return mLastAddedJunctionCrossPath;
+unsigned int Junction::CloneJunctionDirectConnection(unsigned int index)
+ if(index<mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.size()-1)
+ mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.insert(mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.begin()+index+1, mJunctionDirectConnectionVector[index]);
+ // or just push it to the back
+ else if(index==mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.size()-1)
+ mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.push_back(mJunctionDirectConnectionVector[index]);
+ // Save the last added record index
+ mLastAddedJunctionDirectConnection=index+1;
+ return mLastAddedJunctionDirectConnection;
* Methods used to delete child records from the respective vectors
@@ -151,6 +176,11 @@ void Junction::DeleteJunctionCrossPath(unsigned int index)
+void Junction::DeleteJunctionDirectConnection(unsigned int index)
+ mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.erase(mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.begin()+index);
* Return the name of the junction
@@ -163,6 +193,11 @@ string Junction::GetName()
string Junction::GetId()
{ return mId; }
+string Junction::GetType()
+ return mType;
* Return the vector that stores junction connections
* @return A pointer to std::vector of JunctionConnection type that stores junction connections
@@ -328,6 +363,32 @@ JunctionCrossPath* Junction::GetLastAddedJunctionCrossPath()
+std::vector<JunctionDirectConnection>* Junction::GetJunctionDirectConnectionVector()
+{ return & mJunctionDirectConnectionVector;}
+unsigned int Junction::GetJunctionDirectConnectionCount()
+{ return mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.size();}
+JunctionDirectConnection * Junction::GetJunctionDirectConnection(unsigned int i)
+{ return &mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.at(i);}
+JunctionDirectConnection * Junction::GetLastJunctionDirectConnection()
+ if(mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.size()>0)
+ return &mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.at(mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.size()-1);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+JunctionDirectConnection * Junction::GetLastAddedJunctionDirectConnection()
+ if(mLastAddedJunctionDirectConnection<mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.size())
+ return &mJunctionDirectConnectionVector.at(mLastAddedJunctionDirectConnection);
+ else
+ return NULL;
@@ -771,3 +832,164 @@ void JunctionCrossPath::SetJunctionCrossPathEndLaneLink(JunctionCrossPathEndLane
mendLaneLink = xEnd;
+* Constructor. Sets basic junction connection parameters
+* @param id ID within the junction
+* @param incomingRoad ID of the incoming road
+* @param connectingRoad ID of the connecting path
+* @param contactPoint Contact point on the connecting road (start / end)
+JunctionDirectConnection::JunctionDirectConnection( string id, string linkedRoad)
+ mId=id;
+ mIncomingRoad.clear();
+ mLinkedRoad=linkedRoad;
+ mContactPoint.clear();
+* Set the ID parameter
+void JunctionDirectConnection::SetId(string id)
+{ mId=id; }
+* Set the ID of the incoming road
+void JunctionDirectConnection::SetIncomingRoad(string incomingRoad)
+ mIncomingRoad.clear();
+ mIncomingRoad.push_back(incomingRoad);
+* Set the ID of the connecting path
+void JunctionDirectConnection::SetLinkedRoad(string linkedRoad)
+{ mLinkedRoad=linkedRoad; }
+* Set the contact point parameter
+* @param contactPoint Contact point of the connecting road. Can be either start or end
+void JunctionDirectConnection::SetContactPoint(string contactPoint)
+ mContactPoint.clear();
+ mContactPoint.push_back(contactPoint);
+* Add a lane link record
+* @param from ID of the incoming lane
+* @param to ID of the connecting lane
+unsigned int JunctionDirectConnection::AddJunctionLaneLink(int from, int to)
+ mJunctionLaneLinkVector.push_back(JunctionLaneLink(from, to));
+ mLastAddedJunctionLaneLink = mJunctionLaneLinkVector.size()-1;
+ return mLastAddedJunctionLaneLink;
+ * Method used to clone child record in the respective vectors
+ */
+unsigned int JunctionDirectConnection::CloneJunctionLaneLink(unsigned int index)
+ // Clone the object and insert it in the middle of the vector
+ if(index<mJunctionLaneLinkVector.size()-1)
+ mJunctionLaneLinkVector.insert(mJunctionLaneLinkVector.begin()+index+1, mJunctionLaneLinkVector[index]);
+ // or just push it to the back
+ else if(index==mJunctionLaneLinkVector.size()-1)
+ mJunctionLaneLinkVector.push_back(mJunctionLaneLinkVector[index]);
+ // Save the last added record index
+ mLastAddedJunctionLaneLink=index+1;
+ return mLastAddedJunctionLaneLink;
+* Delete the lane link parameter at the provided index
+void JunctionDirectConnection::DeleteJunctionLaneLink(unsigned int index)
+ mJunctionLaneLinkVector.erase(mJunctionLaneLinkVector.begin()+index);
+* Get the ID parameter
+string JunctionDirectConnection::GetId()
+{ return mId; }
+* Get the ID fo the incoming road
+int JunctionDirectConnection::GetIncomingRoad(string & incomingRoad)
+ if(mIncomingRoad.size() == 0)return 0;
+ incomingRoad = mIncomingRoad[0];
+ return 1; }
+* Get the ID of the connecting road
+string JunctionDirectConnection::GetLinkedRoad()
+{ return mLinkedRoad; }
+* Get the contact point parameter
+int JunctionDirectConnection::GetContactPoint(string & contactPoint)
+ if(mContactPoint.size() == 0)return 0;
+ contactPoint = mContactPoint[0];
+ return 1; }
+* Return the vector that stores junction lane link records
+* @return A pointer to std::vector of JunctionLaneLink type that stores junction lane link records
+std::vector<JunctionLaneLink>* JunctionDirectConnection::GetJunctionLaneLinkVector()
+{ return &mJunctionLaneLinkVector; }
+* Return the number of junction lane link records
+* @return An unsigned int that stores the number of junction lane link records
+unsigned int JunctionDirectConnection::GetJunctionLaneLinkCount()
+{ return mJunctionLaneLinkVector.size(); }
+* Return the pointer to a junction lane link record at provided index
+* @param i Index to the junction lane link record that is returned
+* @return A pointer to JunctionLaneLink object
+JunctionLaneLink* JunctionDirectConnection::GetJunctionLaneLink(unsigned int i)
+{ return &mJunctionLaneLinkVector.at(i); }
+* Return the pointer to the last junction lane link record
+* @return A pointer to JunctionLaneLink object
+JunctionLaneLink* JunctionDirectConnection::GetLastJunctionLaneLink()
+ if(mJunctionLaneLinkVector.size()>0)
+ return &mJunctionLaneLinkVector.at(mJunctionLaneLinkVector.size()-1);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+* Return the pointer to the last added junction lane link record (which might not be the one from the end of the vector)
+* @return A pointer to JunctionLaneLink object
+JunctionLaneLink* JunctionDirectConnection::GetLastAddedJunctionLaneLink()
+ if(mLastAddedJunctionLaneLink<mJunctionLaneLinkVector.size())
+ return &mJunctionLaneLinkVector.at(mLastAddedJunctionLaneLink);
+ else
+ return NULL;