@@ -1,1347 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018-2019 Autoware Foundation. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "ukf.h"
-* Initializes Unscented Kalman filter
- */
- : num_state_(5)
- , num_lidar_state_(2)
- , num_lidar_direction_state_(3)
- , num_motion_model_(3)
- , is_direction_cv_available_(false)
- , is_direction_ctrv_available_(false)
- , is_direction_rm_available_(false)
- , std_lane_direction_(0.15)
- // initial state vector
- x_merge_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 1);
- // initial state vector
- x_cv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 1);
- // initial state vector
- x_ctrv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 1);
- // initial state vector
- x_rm_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 1);
- // initial covariance matrix
- p_merge_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 5);
- // initial covariance matrix
- p_cv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 5);
- // initial covariance matrix
- p_ctrv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 5);
- // initial covariance matrix
- p_rm_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 5);
- // Process noise standard deviation longitudinal acceleration in m/s^2
- std_a_cv_ = 1.5;
- std_a_ctrv_ = 1.5;
- std_a_rm_ = 3;
- std_ctrv_yawdd_ = 1.5;
- std_cv_yawdd_ = 1.5;
- std_rm_yawdd_ = 3;
- // Laser measurement noise standard deviation position1 in m
- std_laspx_ = 0.15;
- // Laser measurement noise standard deviation position2 in m
- std_laspy_ = 0.15;
- // time when the state is true, in us
- time_ = 0.0;
- // predicted sigma points matrix
- x_sig_pred_cv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, 2 * num_state_ + 1);
- // predicted sigma points matrix
- x_sig_pred_ctrv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, 2 * num_state_ + 1);
- // predicted sigma points matrix
- x_sig_pred_rm_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, 2 * num_state_ + 1);
- // create vector for weights
- weights_c_ = Eigen::VectorXd(2 * num_state_ + 1);
- weights_s_ = Eigen::VectorXd(2 * num_state_ + 1);
- // transition probability
- p1_.push_back(0.9);
- p1_.push_back(0.05);
- p1_.push_back(0.05);
- p2_.push_back(0.05);
- p2_.push_back(0.9);
- p2_.push_back(0.05);
- p3_.push_back(0.05);
- p3_.push_back(0.05);
- p3_.push_back(0.9);
- mode_match_prob_cv2cv_ = 0;
- mode_match_prob_ctrv2cv_ = 0;
- mode_match_prob_rm2cv_ = 0;
- mode_match_prob_cv2ctrv_ = 0;
- mode_match_prob_ctrv2ctrv_ = 0;
- mode_match_prob_rm2ctrv_ = 0;
- mode_match_prob_cv2rm_ = 0;
- mode_match_prob_ctrv2rm_ = 0;
- mode_match_prob_rm2rm_ = 0;
- mode_prob_cv_ = 0.33;
- mode_prob_ctrv_ = 0.33;
- mode_prob_rm_ = 0.33;
- z_pred_cv_ = Eigen::VectorXd(2);
- z_pred_ctrv_ = Eigen::VectorXd(2);
- z_pred_rm_ = Eigen::VectorXd(2);
- s_cv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(2, 2);
- s_ctrv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(2, 2);
- s_rm_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(2, 2);
- k_cv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 2);
- k_ctrv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 2);
- k_rm_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 2);
- pd_ = 0.9;
- pg_ = 0.99;
- // tracking parameter
- lifetime_ = 0;
- is_static_ = false;
- // bounding box params
- is_stable_ = false;
- iv::fusion::Dimension * pdi = object_.mutable_dimensions();
- pdi->set_x(1.0);
- pdi->set_y(1.0);
-// object_.di = 1.0;
-// object_.dimensions.y = 1.0;
- // for static classification
- init_meas_ = Eigen::VectorXd(2);
- x_merge_yaw_ = 0;
- // for raukf
- cv_meas_ = Eigen::VectorXd(2);
- ctrv_meas_ = Eigen::VectorXd(2);
- rm_meas_ = Eigen::VectorXd(2);
- r_cv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(2, 2);
- r_ctrv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(2, 2);
- r_rm_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(2, 2);
- q_cv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 5);
- q_ctrv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 5);
- q_rm_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5, 5);
- nis_cv_ = 0;
- nis_ctrv_ = 0;
- nis_rm_ = 0;
- new_x_sig_cv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, 2 * num_state_ + 1);
- new_x_sig_ctrv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, 2 * num_state_ + 1);
- new_x_sig_rm_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, 2 * num_state_ + 1);
- new_z_sig_cv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(2, 2 * num_state_ + 1);
- new_z_sig_ctrv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(2, 2 * num_state_ + 1);
- new_z_sig_rm_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(2, 2 * num_state_ + 1);
- new_z_pred_cv_ = Eigen::VectorXd(2);
- new_z_pred_ctrv_ = Eigen::VectorXd(2);
- new_z_pred_rm_ = Eigen::VectorXd(2);
- new_s_cv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(2, 2);
- new_s_ctrv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(2, 2);
- new_s_rm_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(2, 2);
- // for lane direction combined filter
- lidar_direction_r_cv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_lidar_direction_state_, num_lidar_direction_state_);
- lidar_direction_r_ctrv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_lidar_direction_state_, num_lidar_direction_state_);
- lidar_direction_r_rm_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_lidar_direction_state_, num_lidar_direction_state_);
- k_lidar_direction_cv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, num_lidar_direction_state_);
- k_lidar_direction_ctrv_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, num_lidar_direction_state_);
- k_lidar_direction_rm_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, num_lidar_direction_state_);
- lidar_direction_ctrv_meas_ = Eigen::VectorXd(num_lidar_direction_state_);
-double UKF::normalizeAngle(const double angle)
- double normalized_angle = angle;
- while (normalized_angle > M_PI)
- normalized_angle -= 2. * M_PI;
- while (normalized_angle < -M_PI)
- normalized_angle += 2. * M_PI;
- return normalized_angle;
-void UKF::initialize(const Eigen::VectorXd& z, const double timestamp, const int target_id)
- ukf_id_ = target_id;
- // first measurement
- x_merge_ << 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1;
- // init covariance matrix by hardcoding since no clue about initial state covrariance
- p_merge_ << 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
- // set weights
- // reference from "The Unscented Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Estimation, Eric A. Wan and Rudolph van der Merwe, 2000"
- // alpha = 0.0025, beta = 2, k = 0
- double alpha = 0.0025;
- double beta = 2;
- double k = 0;
- lambda_ = alpha * alpha * (num_state_ + k) - num_state_;
- double weight_s_0 = lambda_ / (lambda_ + num_state_);
- double weight_c_0 = lambda_ / (lambda_ + num_state_) + (1 - alpha * alpha + beta);
- weights_s_(0) = weight_s_0;
- weights_c_(0) = weight_c_0;
- for (int i = 1; i < 2 * num_state_ + 1; i++)
- { // 2n+1 weights
- double weight = 0.5 / (num_state_ + lambda_);
- weights_s_(i) = weight;
- weights_c_(i) = weight;
- }
- // init timestamp
- time_ = timestamp;
- x_merge_(0) = z(0);
- x_merge_(1) = z(1);
- z_pred_cv_(0) = z(0);
- z_pred_cv_(1) = z(1);
- z_pred_ctrv_(0) = z(0);
- z_pred_ctrv_(1) = z(1);
- z_pred_rm_(0) = z(0);
- z_pred_rm_(1) = z(1);
- x_cv_ = x_ctrv_ = x_rm_ = x_merge_;
- p_cv_ = p_ctrv_ = p_rm_ = p_merge_;
- s_cv_ << 1, 0, 0, 1;
- s_ctrv_ << 1, 0, 0, 1;
- s_rm_ << 1, 0, 0, 1;
- // initialize R covariance
- r_cv_ << std_laspx_ * std_laspx_, 0, 0, std_laspy_ * std_laspy_;
- r_ctrv_ << std_laspx_ * std_laspx_, 0, 0, std_laspy_ * std_laspy_;
- r_rm_ << std_laspx_ * std_laspx_, 0, 0, std_laspy_ * std_laspy_;
- // initialize lidar-lane R covariance
- // clang-format off
- lidar_direction_r_cv_ << std_laspx_ * std_laspx_, 0, 0,
- 0, std_laspy_ * std_laspy_, 0,
- 0, 0, std_lane_direction_*std_lane_direction_;
- lidar_direction_r_ctrv_ << std_laspx_ * std_laspx_, 0, 0,
- 0, std_laspy_ * std_laspy_, 0,
- 0, 0, std_lane_direction_*std_lane_direction_;
- lidar_direction_r_rm_ << std_laspx_ * std_laspx_, 0, 0,
- 0, std_laspy_ * std_laspy_, 0,
- 0, 0, std_lane_direction_*std_lane_direction_;
- // clang-format on
- // init tracking num
- tracking_num_ = 1;
-void UKF::updateModeProb(const std::vector<double>& lambda_vec)
- double cvGauss = lambda_vec[0];
- double ctrvGauss = lambda_vec[1];
- double rmGauss = lambda_vec[2];
- double sumGauss = cvGauss * mode_prob_cv_ + ctrvGauss * mode_prob_ctrv_ + rmGauss * mode_prob_rm_;
- mode_prob_cv_ = (cvGauss * mode_prob_cv_) / sumGauss;
- mode_prob_ctrv_ = (ctrvGauss * mode_prob_ctrv_) / sumGauss;
- mode_prob_rm_ = (rmGauss * mode_prob_rm_) / sumGauss;
- // prevent each prob from becoming 0
- if (fabs(mode_prob_cv_) < 0.0001)
- mode_prob_cv_ = 0.0001;
- if (fabs(mode_prob_ctrv_) < 0.0001)
- mode_prob_ctrv_ = 0.0001;
- if (fabs(mode_prob_rm_) < 0.0001)
- mode_prob_rm_ = 0.0001;
-void UKF::updateYawWithHighProb()
- if (mode_prob_cv_ > mode_prob_ctrv_)
- {
- if (mode_prob_cv_ > mode_prob_rm_)
- {
- x_merge_yaw_ = x_cv_(3);
- }
- else
- {
- x_merge_yaw_ = x_rm_(3);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (mode_prob_ctrv_ > mode_prob_rm_)
- {
- x_merge_yaw_ = x_ctrv_(3);
- }
- else
- {
- x_merge_yaw_ = x_rm_(3);
- }
- }
- x_merge_(3) = x_merge_yaw_;
-void UKF::mergeEstimationAndCovariance()
- x_merge_ = mode_prob_cv_ * x_cv_ + mode_prob_ctrv_ * x_ctrv_ + mode_prob_rm_ * x_rm_;
- while (x_merge_(3) > M_PI)
- x_merge_(3) -= 2. * M_PI;
- while (x_merge_(3) < -M_PI)
- x_merge_(3) += 2. * M_PI;
- // not interacting yaw(-pi ~ pi)
- updateYawWithHighProb();
- p_merge_ = mode_prob_cv_ * (p_cv_ + (x_cv_ - x_merge_) * (x_cv_ - x_merge_).transpose()) +
- mode_prob_ctrv_ * (p_ctrv_ + (x_ctrv_ - x_merge_) * (x_ctrv_ - x_merge_).transpose()) +
- mode_prob_rm_ * (p_rm_ + (x_rm_ - x_merge_) * (x_rm_ - x_merge_).transpose());
-void UKF::mixingProbability()
- double sumProb1 = mode_prob_cv_ * p1_[0] + mode_prob_ctrv_ * p2_[0] + mode_prob_rm_ * p3_[0];
- double sumProb2 = mode_prob_cv_ * p1_[1] + mode_prob_ctrv_ * p2_[1] + mode_prob_rm_ * p3_[1];
- double sumProb3 = mode_prob_cv_ * p1_[2] + mode_prob_ctrv_ * p2_[2] + mode_prob_rm_ * p3_[2];
- mode_match_prob_cv2cv_ = mode_prob_cv_ * p1_[0] / sumProb1;
- mode_match_prob_ctrv2cv_ = mode_prob_ctrv_ * p2_[0] / sumProb1;
- mode_match_prob_rm2cv_ = mode_prob_rm_ * p3_[0] / sumProb1;
- mode_match_prob_cv2ctrv_ = mode_prob_cv_ * p1_[1] / sumProb2;
- mode_match_prob_ctrv2ctrv_ = mode_prob_ctrv_ * p2_[1] / sumProb2;
- mode_match_prob_rm2ctrv_ = mode_prob_rm_ * p3_[1] / sumProb2;
- mode_match_prob_cv2rm_ = mode_prob_cv_ * p1_[2] / sumProb3;
- mode_match_prob_ctrv2rm_ = mode_prob_ctrv_ * p2_[2] / sumProb3;
- mode_match_prob_rm2rm_ = mode_prob_rm_ * p3_[2] / sumProb3;
-void UKF::interaction()
- Eigen::MatrixXd x_pre_cv = x_cv_;
- Eigen::MatrixXd x_pre_ctrv = x_ctrv_;
- Eigen::MatrixXd x_pre_rm = x_rm_;
- Eigen::MatrixXd p_pre_cv = p_cv_;
- Eigen::MatrixXd p_pre_ctrv = p_ctrv_;
- Eigen::MatrixXd p_pre_rm = p_rm_;
- x_cv_ = mode_match_prob_cv2cv_ * x_pre_cv + mode_match_prob_ctrv2cv_ * x_pre_ctrv + mode_match_prob_rm2cv_ * x_pre_rm;
- x_ctrv_ = mode_match_prob_cv2ctrv_ * x_pre_cv + mode_match_prob_ctrv2ctrv_ * x_pre_ctrv +
- mode_match_prob_rm2ctrv_ * x_pre_rm;
- x_rm_ = mode_match_prob_cv2rm_ * x_pre_cv + mode_match_prob_ctrv2rm_ * x_pre_ctrv + mode_match_prob_rm2rm_ * x_pre_rm;
- // not interacting yaw(-pi ~ pi)
- x_cv_(3) = x_pre_cv(3);
- x_ctrv_(3) = x_pre_ctrv(3);
- x_rm_(3) = x_pre_rm(3);
- // normalizing angle
- while (x_cv_(3) > M_PI)
- x_cv_(3) -= 2. * M_PI;
- while (x_cv_(3) < -M_PI)
- x_cv_(3) += 2. * M_PI;
- while (x_ctrv_(3) > M_PI)
- x_ctrv_(3) -= 2. * M_PI;
- while (x_ctrv_(3) < -M_PI)
- x_ctrv_(3) += 2. * M_PI;
- while (x_rm_(3) > M_PI)
- x_rm_(3) -= 2. * M_PI;
- while (x_rm_(3) < -M_PI)
- x_rm_(3) += 2. * M_PI;
- p_cv_ = mode_match_prob_cv2cv_ * (p_pre_cv + (x_pre_cv - x_cv_) * (x_pre_cv - x_cv_).transpose()) +
- mode_match_prob_ctrv2cv_ * (p_pre_ctrv + (x_pre_ctrv - x_cv_) * (x_pre_ctrv - x_cv_).transpose()) +
- mode_match_prob_rm2cv_ * (p_pre_rm + (x_pre_rm - x_cv_) * (x_pre_rm - x_cv_).transpose());
- p_ctrv_ = mode_match_prob_cv2ctrv_ * (p_pre_cv + (x_pre_cv - x_ctrv_) * (x_pre_cv - x_ctrv_).transpose()) +
- mode_match_prob_ctrv2ctrv_ * (p_pre_ctrv + (x_pre_ctrv - x_ctrv_) * (x_pre_ctrv - x_ctrv_).transpose()) +
- mode_match_prob_rm2ctrv_ * (p_pre_rm + (x_pre_rm - x_ctrv_) * (x_pre_rm - x_ctrv_).transpose());
- p_rm_ = mode_match_prob_cv2rm_ * (p_pre_cv + (x_pre_cv - x_rm_) * (x_pre_cv - x_rm_).transpose()) +
- mode_match_prob_ctrv2rm_ * (p_pre_ctrv + (x_pre_ctrv - x_rm_) * (x_pre_ctrv - x_rm_).transpose()) +
- mode_match_prob_rm2rm_ * (p_pre_rm + (x_pre_rm - x_rm_) * (x_pre_rm - x_rm_).transpose());
-void UKF::predictionSUKF(const double dt, const bool has_subscribed_vectormap)
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Init covariance Q if it is necessary
- ****************************************************************************/
- initCovarQs(dt, x_merge_(3));
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Prediction Motion Model
- ****************************************************************************/
- predictionMotion(dt, MotionModel::CTRV);
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Prediction Measurement
- ****************************************************************************/
- predictionLidarMeasurement(MotionModel::CTRV, num_lidar_state_);
- if (has_subscribed_vectormap)
- {
- predictionLidarMeasurement(MotionModel::CTRV, num_lidar_direction_state_);
- }
-void UKF::predictionIMMUKF(const double dt, const bool has_subscribed_vectormap)
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Init covariance Q if it is needed
- ****************************************************************************/
- initCovarQs(dt, x_merge_(3));
- /*****************************************************************************
- * IMM Mixing and Interaction
- ****************************************************************************/
- mixingProbability();
- interaction();
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Prediction Motion Model
- ****************************************************************************/
- predictionMotion(dt, MotionModel::CV);
- predictionMotion(dt, MotionModel::CTRV);
- predictionMotion(dt, MotionModel::RM);
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Prediction Measurement
- ****************************************************************************/
- predictionLidarMeasurement(MotionModel::CV, num_lidar_state_);
- predictionLidarMeasurement(MotionModel::CTRV, num_lidar_state_);
- predictionLidarMeasurement(MotionModel::RM, num_lidar_state_);
- if (has_subscribed_vectormap)
- {
- predictionLidarMeasurement(MotionModel::CV, num_lidar_direction_state_);
- predictionLidarMeasurement(MotionModel::CTRV, num_lidar_direction_state_);
- predictionLidarMeasurement(MotionModel::RM, num_lidar_direction_state_);
- }
-void UKF::findMaxZandS(Eigen::VectorXd& max_det_z, Eigen::MatrixXd& max_det_s)
- double cv_det = s_cv_.determinant();
- double ctrv_det = s_ctrv_.determinant();
- double rm_det = s_rm_.determinant();
- if (cv_det > ctrv_det)
- {
- if (cv_det > rm_det)
- {
- max_det_z = z_pred_cv_;
- max_det_s = s_cv_;
- }
- else
- {
- max_det_z = z_pred_rm_;
- max_det_s = s_rm_;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (ctrv_det > rm_det)
- {
- max_det_z = z_pred_ctrv_;
- max_det_s = s_ctrv_;
- }
- else
- {
- max_det_z = z_pred_rm_;
- max_det_s = s_rm_;
- }
- }
-void UKF::updateEachMotion(const double detection_probability, const double gate_probability, const double gating_thres,
- const iv::fusion::fusionobjectarray& object_vec,
- std::vector<double>& lambda_vec)
- // calculating association probability
- double num_meas = object_vec.obj_size();
- double b = 2 * num_meas * (1 - detection_probability * gate_probability) / (gating_thres * detection_probability);
- Eigen::VectorXd max_det_z;
- Eigen::MatrixXd max_det_s;
- findMaxZandS(max_det_z, max_det_s);
- double Vk = M_PI * sqrt(gating_thres * max_det_s.determinant());
- for (int motion_ind = 0; motion_ind < num_motion_model_; motion_ind++)
- {
- Eigen::MatrixXd x(x_cv_.rows(), x_cv_.cols());
- Eigen::MatrixXd p(p_cv_.rows(), p_cv_.cols());
- bool is_direction_available = false;
- int num_meas_state = 0;
- Eigen::VectorXd z_pred;
- Eigen::MatrixXd s_pred;
- Eigen::MatrixXd kalman_gain;
- Eigen::VectorXd likely_meas;
- double e_sum = 0;
- std::vector<double> e_vec;
- std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> diff_vec;
- std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> meas_vec;
- if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CV)
- {
- x = x_cv_;
- p = p_cv_;
- if (is_direction_cv_available_)
- {
- is_direction_available = true;
- num_meas_state = num_lidar_direction_state_;
- z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- kalman_gain = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, num_meas_state);
- z_pred = z_pred_lidar_direction_cv_;
- s_pred = s_lidar_direction_cv_;
- kalman_gain = k_lidar_direction_cv_;
- }
- else
- {
- num_meas_state = num_lidar_state_;
- z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- kalman_gain = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, num_meas_state);
- z_pred = z_pred_cv_;
- s_pred = s_cv_;
- kalman_gain = k_cv_;
- }
- }
- else if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CTRV)
- {
- x = x_ctrv_;
- p = p_ctrv_;
- if (is_direction_ctrv_available_)
- {
- is_direction_available = true;
- num_meas_state = num_lidar_direction_state_;
- z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- kalman_gain = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, num_meas_state);
- z_pred = z_pred_lidar_direction_ctrv_;
- s_pred = s_lidar_direction_ctrv_;
- kalman_gain = k_lidar_direction_ctrv_;
- }
- else
- {
- num_meas_state = num_lidar_state_;
- z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- kalman_gain = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, num_meas_state);
- z_pred = z_pred_ctrv_;
- s_pred = s_ctrv_;
- kalman_gain = k_ctrv_;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- x = x_rm_;
- p = p_rm_;
- if (is_direction_rm_available_)
- {
- is_direction_available = true;
- num_meas_state = num_lidar_direction_state_;
- z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- kalman_gain = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, num_meas_state);
- z_pred = z_pred_lidar_direction_rm_;
- s_pred = s_lidar_direction_rm_;
- kalman_gain = k_lidar_direction_rm_;
- }
- else
- {
- num_meas_state = num_lidar_state_;
- z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- kalman_gain = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, num_meas_state);
- z_pred = z_pred_rm_;
- s_pred = s_rm_;
- kalman_gain = k_rm_;
- }
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_meas; i++)
- {
- Eigen::VectorXd meas = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- meas(0) = object_vec.obj(i).centroid().x();
- meas(1) = object_vec.obj(i).centroid().y();
- if (is_direction_available)
- meas(2) = object_vec.obj(i).yaw();
- meas_vec.push_back(meas);
- Eigen::VectorXd diff = meas - z_pred;
- diff_vec.push_back(diff);
- double e = exp(-0.5 * diff.transpose() * s_pred.inverse() * diff);
- e_vec.push_back(e);
- e_sum += e;
- }
- double beta_zero = b / (b + e_sum);
- std::vector<double> beta_vec;
- if (num_meas != 0)
- {
- std::vector<double>::iterator max_iter = std::max_element(e_vec.begin(), e_vec.end());
- int max_ind = std::distance(e_vec.begin(), max_iter);
- likely_meas = meas_vec[max_ind];
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_meas; i++)
- {
- double temp = e_vec[i] / (b + e_sum);
- beta_vec.push_back(temp);
- }
- Eigen::VectorXd sigma_x;
- sigma_x.setZero(num_meas_state);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_meas; i++)
- {
- sigma_x += beta_vec[i] * diff_vec[i];
- }
- Eigen::MatrixXd sigma_p;
- sigma_p.setZero(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_meas; i++)
- {
- sigma_p += (beta_vec[i] * diff_vec[i] * diff_vec[i].transpose() - sigma_x * sigma_x.transpose());
- }
- // update x and P
- Eigen::MatrixXd updated_x(x_cv_.rows(), x_cv_.cols());
- updated_x = x + kalman_gain * sigma_x;
- updated_x(3) = normalizeAngle(updated_x(3));
- Eigen::MatrixXd updated_p(p_cv_.rows(), p_cv_.cols());
- if (num_meas != 0)
- {
- updated_p = beta_zero * p + (1 - beta_zero) * (p - kalman_gain * s_pred * kalman_gain.transpose()) +
- kalman_gain * sigma_p * kalman_gain.transpose();
- }
- else
- {
- updated_p = p - kalman_gain * s_pred * kalman_gain.transpose();
- }
- double lambda;
- if (num_meas != 0)
- {
- lambda =
- (1 - gate_probability * detection_probability) / pow(Vk, num_meas) +
- detection_probability * pow(Vk, 1 - num_meas) * e_sum / (num_meas * sqrt(2 * M_PI * s_pred.determinant()));
- }
- else
- {
- lambda = (1 - gate_probability * detection_probability);
- }
- lambda_vec.push_back(lambda);
- if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CV)
- {
- x_cv_ = updated_x;
- p_cv_ = updated_p;
- }
- else if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CTRV)
- {
- x_ctrv_ = updated_x;
- p_ctrv_ = updated_p;
- }
- else
- {
- x_rm_ = updated_x;
- p_rm_ = updated_p;
- }
- }
-void UKF::updateMeasurementForCTRV(const iv::fusion::fusionobjectarray& object_vec)
- std::vector<double> e_ctrv_vec;
- std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> meas_vec;
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<object_vec.obj_size();i++)
-// for (auto const& object : object_vec)
- {
- iv::fusion::fusionobject object = object_vec.obj(i);
- Eigen::VectorXd meas;
- if (is_direction_ctrv_available_)
- {
- meas = Eigen::VectorXd(num_lidar_direction_state_);
- meas << object.centroid().x(), object.centroid().y(), object.yaw();
- meas_vec.push_back(meas);
- Eigen::VectorXd diff_ctrv = meas - z_pred_lidar_direction_ctrv_;
- double e_ctrv = exp(-0.5 * diff_ctrv.transpose() * s_lidar_direction_ctrv_.inverse() * diff_ctrv);
- e_ctrv_vec.push_back(e_ctrv);
- }
- else
- {
- meas = Eigen::VectorXd(num_lidar_state_);
- meas << object.centroid().x(), object.centroid().y();
- meas_vec.push_back(meas);
- Eigen::VectorXd diff_ctrv = meas - z_pred_ctrv_;
- double e_ctrv = exp(-0.5 * diff_ctrv.transpose() * s_ctrv_.inverse() * diff_ctrv);
- e_ctrv_vec.push_back(e_ctrv);
- }
- }
- std::vector<double>::iterator max_ctrv_iter = std::max_element(e_ctrv_vec.begin(), e_ctrv_vec.end());
- int max_ctrv_ind = std::distance(e_ctrv_vec.begin(), max_ctrv_iter);
- if (is_direction_ctrv_available_)
- {
- lidar_direction_ctrv_meas_ = meas_vec[max_ctrv_ind];
- }
- else
- {
- ctrv_meas_ = meas_vec[max_ctrv_ind];
- }
-void UKF::uppateForCTRV()
- Eigen::VectorXd x = x_ctrv_.col(0);
- if (is_direction_ctrv_available_)
- {
- x_ctrv_.col(0) = x + k_lidar_direction_ctrv_ * (lidar_direction_ctrv_meas_ - z_pred_lidar_direction_ctrv_);
- p_ctrv_ = p_ctrv_ - k_lidar_direction_ctrv_ * s_lidar_direction_ctrv_ * k_lidar_direction_ctrv_.transpose();
- x_merge_.col(0) = x_ctrv_.col(0);
- }
- else
- {
- x_ctrv_.col(0) = x + k_ctrv_ * (ctrv_meas_ - z_pred_ctrv_);
- p_ctrv_ = p_ctrv_ - k_ctrv_ * s_ctrv_ * k_ctrv_.transpose();
- x_merge_.col(0) = x_ctrv_.col(0);
- }
-void UKF::updateSUKF(const iv::fusion::fusionobjectarray& object_vec)
- // Applying this skip process only to updateSUKF
- // since updateIMMUKF update covariance even if there is no measurement.
- if (object_vec.obj_size() == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- updateKalmanGain(MotionModel::CTRV);
- updateMeasurementForCTRV(object_vec);
- uppateForCTRV();
-void UKF::updateIMMUKF(const double detection_probability, const double gate_probability, const double gating_thres,
- const iv::fusion::fusionobjectarray& object_vec)
- /*****************************************************************************
- * IMM Update
- ****************************************************************************/
- // update kalman gain
- updateKalmanGain(MotionModel::CV);
- updateKalmanGain(MotionModel::CTRV);
- updateKalmanGain(MotionModel::RM);
- // update state varibale x and state covariance p
- std::vector<double> lambda_vec;
- updateEachMotion(detection_probability, gate_probability, gating_thres, object_vec, lambda_vec);
- /*****************************************************************************
- * IMM Merge Step
- ****************************************************************************/
- updateModeProb(lambda_vec);
- mergeEstimationAndCovariance();
-void UKF::ctrv(const double p_x, const double p_y, const double v, const double yaw, const double yawd,
- const double delta_t, std::vector<double>& state)
- // predicted state values
- double px_p, py_p;
- // avoid division by zero
- if (fabs(yawd) > 0.001)
- {
- px_p = p_x + v / yawd * (sin(yaw + yawd * delta_t) - sin(yaw));
- py_p = p_y + v / yawd * (cos(yaw) - cos(yaw + yawd * delta_t));
- }
- else
- {
- px_p = p_x + v * delta_t * cos(yaw);
- py_p = p_y + v * delta_t * sin(yaw);
- }
- double v_p = v;
- double yaw_p = yaw + yawd * delta_t;
- double yawd_p = yawd;
- while (yaw_p > M_PI)
- yaw_p -= 2. * M_PI;
- while (yaw_p < -M_PI)
- yaw_p += 2. * M_PI;
- state[0] = px_p;
- state[1] = py_p;
- state[2] = v_p;
- state[3] = yaw_p;
- state[4] = yawd_p;
-void UKF::cv(const double p_x, const double p_y, const double v, const double yaw, const double yawd,
- const double delta_t, std::vector<double>& state)
- // Reference: Bayesian Environment Representation, Prediction, and Criticality Assessment for Driver Assistance
- // Systems, 2016
- double px_p = p_x + v * cos(yaw) * delta_t;
- double py_p = p_y + v * sin(yaw) * delta_t;
- double v_p = v;
- double yaw_p = yaw;
- double yawd_p = 0;
- state[0] = px_p;
- state[1] = py_p;
- state[2] = v_p;
- state[3] = yaw_p;
- state[4] = yawd_p;
-void UKF::randomMotion(const double p_x, const double p_y, const double v, const double yaw, const double yawd,
- const double delta_t, std::vector<double>& state)
- // Reference: Bayesian Environment Representation, Prediction, and Criticality Assessment for Driver Assistance
- // Systems, 2016
- double px_p = p_x;
- double py_p = p_y;
- double v_p = 0.0;
- double yaw_p = yaw;
- double yawd_p = 0;
- state[0] = px_p;
- state[1] = py_p;
- state[2] = v_p;
- state[3] = yaw_p;
- state[4] = yawd_p;
-void UKF::initCovarQs(const double dt, const double yaw)
- if (tracking_num_ != TrackingState::Init)
- {
- return;
- }
- double dt_2 = dt * dt;
- double dt_3 = dt_2 * dt;
- double dt_4 = dt_3 * dt;
- double cos_yaw = cos(yaw);
- double sin_yaw = sin(yaw);
- double cos_2_yaw = cos(yaw) * cos(yaw);
- double sin_2_yaw = sin(yaw) * sin(yaw);
- double cos_sin = cos_yaw * sin_yaw;
- double cv_var_a = std_a_cv_ * std_a_cv_;
- double cv_var_yawdd = std_cv_yawdd_ * std_cv_yawdd_;
- double ctrv_var_a = std_a_ctrv_ * std_a_ctrv_;
- double ctrv_var_yawdd = std_ctrv_yawdd_ * std_ctrv_yawdd_;
- double rm_var_a = std_a_rm_ * std_a_rm_;
- double rm_var_yawdd = std_rm_yawdd_ * std_rm_yawdd_;
- q_cv_ << 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * cos_2_yaw * cv_var_a, 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * cos_sin * cv_var_a,
- 0.5 * dt_3 * cos_yaw * cv_var_a, 0, 0, 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * cos_sin * cv_var_a,
- 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * sin_2_yaw * cv_var_a, 0.5 * dt_3 * sin_yaw * cv_var_a, 0, 0, 0.5 * dt_3 * cos_yaw * cv_var_a,
- 0.5 * dt_3 * sin_yaw * cv_var_a, dt_2 * cv_var_a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * cv_var_yawdd,
- 0.5 * dt_3 * cv_var_yawdd, 0, 0, 0, 0.5 * dt_3 * cv_var_yawdd, dt_2 * cv_var_yawdd;
- q_ctrv_ << 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * cos_2_yaw * ctrv_var_a, 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * cos_sin * ctrv_var_a,
- 0.5 * dt_3 * cos_yaw * ctrv_var_a, 0, 0, 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * cos_sin * ctrv_var_a,
- 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * sin_2_yaw * ctrv_var_a, 0.5 * dt_3 * sin_yaw * ctrv_var_a, 0, 0,
- 0.5 * dt_3 * cos_yaw * ctrv_var_a, 0.5 * dt_3 * sin_yaw * ctrv_var_a, dt_2 * ctrv_var_a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * ctrv_var_yawdd, 0.5 * dt_3 * ctrv_var_yawdd, 0, 0, 0, 0.5 * dt_3 * ctrv_var_yawdd,
- dt_2 * ctrv_var_yawdd;
- q_rm_ << 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * cos_2_yaw * rm_var_a, 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * cos_sin * rm_var_a,
- 0.5 * dt_3 * cos_yaw * rm_var_a, 0, 0, 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * cos_sin * rm_var_a,
- 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * sin_2_yaw * rm_var_a, 0.5 * dt_3 * sin_yaw * rm_var_a, 0, 0, 0.5 * dt_3 * cos_yaw * rm_var_a,
- 0.5 * dt_3 * sin_yaw * rm_var_a, dt_2 * rm_var_a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5 * 0.5 * dt_4 * rm_var_yawdd,
- 0.5 * dt_3 * rm_var_yawdd, 0, 0, 0, 0.5 * dt_3 * rm_var_yawdd, dt_2 * rm_var_yawdd;
-void UKF::predictionMotion(const double delta_t, const int model_ind)
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Initialize model parameters
- ****************************************************************************/
- Eigen::MatrixXd x(x_cv_.rows(), 1);
- Eigen::MatrixXd p(p_cv_.rows(), p_cv_.cols());
- Eigen::MatrixXd q(p_cv_.rows(), p_cv_.cols());
- Eigen::MatrixXd x_sig_pred(x_sig_pred_cv_.rows(), x_sig_pred_cv_.cols());
- if (model_ind == MotionModel::CV)
- {
- x = x_cv_.col(0);
- p = p_cv_;
- q = q_cv_;
- x_sig_pred = x_sig_pred_cv_;
- }
- else if (model_ind == MotionModel::CTRV)
- {
- x = x_ctrv_.col(0);
- p = p_ctrv_;
- q = q_ctrv_;
- x_sig_pred = x_sig_pred_ctrv_;
- }
- else
- {
- x = x_rm_.col(0);
- p = p_rm_;
- q = q_rm_;
- x_sig_pred = x_sig_pred_rm_;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Create Sigma Points
- ****************************************************************************/
- Eigen::MatrixXd x_sig = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, 2 * num_state_ + 1);
- // create square root matrix
- Eigen::MatrixXd L = p.llt().matrixL();
- // create augmented sigma points
- x_sig.col(0) = x;
- for (int i = 0; i < num_state_; i++)
- {
- Eigen::VectorXd pred1 = x + sqrt(lambda_ + num_state_) * L.col(i);
- Eigen::VectorXd pred2 = x - sqrt(lambda_ + num_state_) * L.col(i);
- while (pred1(3) > M_PI)
- pred1(3) -= 2. * M_PI;
- while (pred1(3) < -M_PI)
- pred1(3) += 2. * M_PI;
- while (pred2(3) > M_PI)
- pred2(3) -= 2. * M_PI;
- while (pred2(3) < -M_PI)
- pred2(3) += 2. * M_PI;
- x_sig.col(i + 1) = pred1;
- x_sig.col(i + 1 + num_state_) = pred2;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Predict Sigma Points
- ****************************************************************************/
- // predict sigma points
- for (int i = 0; i < 2 * num_state_ + 1; i++)
- {
- // extract values for better readability
- double p_x = x_sig(0, i);
- double p_y = x_sig(1, i);
- double v = x_sig(2, i);
- double yaw = x_sig(3, i);
- double yawd = x_sig(4, i);
- std::vector<double> state(5);
- if (model_ind == MotionModel::CV)
- cv(p_x, p_y, v, yaw, yawd, delta_t, state);
- else if (model_ind == MotionModel::CTRV)
- ctrv(p_x, p_y, v, yaw, yawd, delta_t, state);
- else
- randomMotion(p_x, p_y, v, yaw, yawd, delta_t, state);
- // write predicted sigma point into right column
- x_sig_pred(0, i) = state[0];
- x_sig_pred(1, i) = state[1];
- x_sig_pred(2, i) = state[2];
- x_sig_pred(3, i) = state[3];
- x_sig_pred(4, i) = state[4];
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Convert Predicted Sigma Points to Mean/Covariance
- ****************************************************************************/
- // predicted state mean
- x.fill(0.0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2 * num_state_ + 1; i++)
- { // iterate over sigma points
- x = x + weights_s_(i) * x_sig_pred.col(i);
- }
- while (x(3) > M_PI)
- x(3) -= 2. * M_PI;
- while (x(3) < -M_PI)
- x(3) += 2. * M_PI;
- // predicted state covariance matrix
- p.fill(0.0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2 * num_state_ + 1; i++)
- { // iterate over sigma points
- // state difference
- Eigen::VectorXd x_diff = x_sig_pred.col(i) - x;
- // angle normalization
- while (x_diff(3) > M_PI)
- x_diff(3) -= 2. * M_PI;
- while (x_diff(3) < -M_PI)
- x_diff(3) += 2. * M_PI;
- p = p + weights_c_(i) * x_diff * x_diff.transpose();
- }
- p = p + q;
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Update model parameters
- ****************************************************************************/
- if (model_ind == MotionModel::CV)
- {
- x_cv_.col(0) = x;
- p_cv_ = p;
- x_sig_pred_cv_ = x_sig_pred;
- }
- else if (model_ind == MotionModel::CTRV)
- {
- x_ctrv_.col(0) = x;
- p_ctrv_ = p;
- x_sig_pred_ctrv_ = x_sig_pred;
- }
- else
- {
- x_rm_.col(0) = x;
- p_rm_ = p;
- x_sig_pred_rm_ = x_sig_pred;
- }
-void UKF::updateKalmanGain(const int motion_ind)
- Eigen::VectorXd x(x_cv_.rows());
- Eigen::MatrixXd x_sig_pred(x_sig_pred_cv_.rows(), x_sig_pred_cv_.cols());
- Eigen::VectorXd z_pred;
- Eigen::MatrixXd s_pred;
- int num_meas_state = 0;
- if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CV)
- {
- x = x_cv_.col(0);
- x_sig_pred = x_sig_pred_cv_;
- if (is_direction_cv_available_)
- {
- num_meas_state = num_lidar_direction_state_;
- z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- z_pred = z_pred_lidar_direction_cv_;
- s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- s_pred = s_lidar_direction_cv_;
- }
- else
- {
- num_meas_state = num_lidar_state_;
- z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- z_pred = z_pred_cv_;
- s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- s_pred = s_cv_;
- }
- }
- else if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CTRV)
- {
- x = x_ctrv_.col(0);
- x_sig_pred = x_sig_pred_ctrv_;
- if (is_direction_ctrv_available_)
- {
- num_meas_state = num_lidar_direction_state_;
- z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- z_pred = z_pred_lidar_direction_ctrv_;
- s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- s_pred = s_lidar_direction_ctrv_;
- }
- else
- {
- num_meas_state = num_lidar_state_;
- z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- z_pred = z_pred_ctrv_;
- s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- s_pred = s_ctrv_;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- x = x_rm_.col(0);
- x_sig_pred = x_sig_pred_rm_;
- if (is_direction_rm_available_)
- {
- num_meas_state = num_lidar_direction_state_;
- z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- z_pred = z_pred_lidar_direction_rm_;
- s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- s_pred = s_lidar_direction_rm_;
- }
- else
- {
- num_meas_state = num_lidar_state_;
- z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- z_pred = z_pred_rm_;
- s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- s_pred = s_rm_;
- }
- }
- Eigen::MatrixXd cross_covariance = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_state_, num_meas_state);
- cross_covariance.fill(0.0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2 * num_state_ + 1; i++)
- {
- Eigen::VectorXd z_sig_point(num_meas_state);
- if (num_meas_state == num_lidar_direction_state_)
- {
- z_sig_point << x_sig_pred(0, i), x_sig_pred(1, i), x_sig_pred(3, i);
- }
- else
- {
- z_sig_point << x_sig_pred(0, i), x_sig_pred(1, i);
- }
- Eigen::VectorXd z_diff = z_sig_point - z_pred;
- Eigen::VectorXd x_diff = x_sig_pred.col(i) - x;
- x_diff(3) = normalizeAngle(x_diff(3));
- if (num_meas_state == num_lidar_direction_state_)
- {
- z_diff(2) = normalizeAngle(z_diff(2));
- }
- cross_covariance = cross_covariance + weights_c_(i) * x_diff * z_diff.transpose();
- }
- Eigen::MatrixXd kalman_gain = cross_covariance * s_pred.inverse();
- if (num_meas_state == num_lidar_direction_state_)
- {
- if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CV)
- {
- k_lidar_direction_cv_ = kalman_gain;
- }
- else if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CTRV)
- {
- k_lidar_direction_ctrv_ = kalman_gain;
- }
- else
- {
- k_lidar_direction_rm_ = kalman_gain;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CV)
- {
- k_cv_ = kalman_gain;
- }
- else if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CTRV)
- {
- k_ctrv_ = kalman_gain;
- }
- else
- {
- k_rm_ = kalman_gain;
- }
- }
-void UKF::predictionLidarMeasurement(const int motion_ind, const int num_meas_state)
- Eigen::MatrixXd x_sig_pred(x_sig_pred_cv_.rows(), x_sig_pred_cv_.cols());
- Eigen::MatrixXd covariance_r(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CV)
- {
- x_sig_pred = x_sig_pred_cv_;
- if (num_meas_state == num_lidar_direction_state_)
- covariance_r = lidar_direction_r_cv_;
- else
- covariance_r = r_cv_;
- }
- else if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CTRV)
- {
- x_sig_pred = x_sig_pred_ctrv_;
- if (num_meas_state == num_lidar_direction_state_)
- covariance_r = lidar_direction_r_ctrv_;
- else
- covariance_r = r_ctrv_;
- }
- else
- {
- x_sig_pred = x_sig_pred_rm_;
- if (num_meas_state == num_lidar_direction_state_)
- covariance_r = lidar_direction_r_rm_;
- else
- covariance_r = r_rm_;
- }
- Eigen::MatrixXd z_sig = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, 2 * num_state_ + 1);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2 * num_state_ + 1; i++)
- {
- double p_x = x_sig_pred(0, i);
- double p_y = x_sig_pred(1, i);
- z_sig(0, i) = p_x;
- z_sig(1, i) = p_y;
- if (num_meas_state == num_lidar_direction_state_)
- {
- double p_yaw = x_sig_pred(3, i);
- z_sig(2, i) = p_yaw;
- }
- }
- Eigen::VectorXd z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_meas_state);
- z_pred.fill(0.0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2 * num_state_ + 1; i++)
- {
- z_pred = z_pred + weights_s_(i) * z_sig.col(i);
- }
- if (num_meas_state == num_lidar_direction_state_)
- z_pred(2) = normalizeAngle(z_pred(2));
- Eigen::MatrixXd s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_meas_state, num_meas_state);
- s_pred.fill(0.0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2 * num_state_ + 1; i++)
- {
- Eigen::VectorXd z_diff = z_sig.col(i) - z_pred;
- if (num_meas_state == num_lidar_direction_state_)
- z_diff(2) = normalizeAngle(z_diff(2));
- s_pred = s_pred + weights_c_(i) * z_diff * z_diff.transpose();
- }
- // add measurement noise covariance matrix
- s_pred += covariance_r;
- if (num_meas_state == num_lidar_direction_state_)
- {
- if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CV)
- {
- z_pred_lidar_direction_cv_ = z_pred;
- s_lidar_direction_cv_ = s_pred;
- }
- else if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CTRV)
- {
- z_pred_lidar_direction_ctrv_ = z_pred;
- s_lidar_direction_ctrv_ = s_pred;
- }
- else
- {
- z_pred_lidar_direction_rm_ = z_pred;
- s_lidar_direction_rm_ = s_pred;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CV)
- {
- z_pred_cv_ = z_pred;
- s_cv_ = s_pred;
- }
- else if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CTRV)
- {
- z_pred_ctrv_ = z_pred;
- s_ctrv_ = s_pred;
- }
- else
- {
- z_pred_rm_ = z_pred;
- s_rm_ = s_pred;
- }
- }
-double UKF::calculateNIS(const iv::fusion::fusionobject& in_object, const int motion_ind)
- Eigen::VectorXd z_pred = Eigen::VectorXd(num_lidar_direction_state_);
- Eigen::MatrixXd s_pred = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_lidar_direction_state_, num_lidar_direction_state_);
- if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CV)
- {
- z_pred = z_pred_lidar_direction_cv_;
- s_pred = s_lidar_direction_cv_;
- }
- else if (motion_ind == MotionModel::CTRV)
- {
- z_pred = z_pred_lidar_direction_ctrv_;
- s_pred = s_lidar_direction_ctrv_;
- }
- else
- {
- z_pred = z_pred_lidar_direction_rm_;
- s_pred = s_lidar_direction_rm_;
- }
- // Pick up yaw estimation and yaw variance
- double diff = in_object.yaw() - z_pred(2);
- double nis = diff * s_pred(2, 2) * diff;
- return nis;
-bool UKF::isLaneDirectionAvailable(const iv::fusion::fusionobject& in_object, const int motion_ind,
- const double lane_direction_chi_thres)
- predictionLidarMeasurement(motion_ind, num_lidar_direction_state_);
- double lidar_direction_nis = calculateNIS(in_object, motion_ind);
- bool is_direction_available = false;
- if (lidar_direction_nis < lane_direction_chi_thres)
- {
- is_direction_available = true;
- }
- return is_direction_available;
-void UKF::checkLaneDirectionAvailability(const iv::fusion::fusionobject& in_object,
- const double lane_direction_chi_thres, const bool use_sukf)
- if (use_sukf)
- {
- is_direction_ctrv_available_ = isLaneDirectionAvailable(in_object, MotionModel::CTRV, lane_direction_chi_thres);
- }
- else
- {
- is_direction_cv_available_ = isLaneDirectionAvailable(in_object, MotionModel::CV, lane_direction_chi_thres);
- is_direction_ctrv_available_ = isLaneDirectionAvailable(in_object, MotionModel::CTRV, lane_direction_chi_thres);
- }
-void UKF::prediction(const bool use_sukf, const bool has_subscribed_vectormap, const double dt)
- if (use_sukf)
- {
- predictionSUKF(dt, has_subscribed_vectormap);
- }
- else
- {
- predictionIMMUKF(dt, has_subscribed_vectormap);
- }
-void UKF::update(const bool use_sukf, const double detection_probability, const double gate_probability,
- const double gating_thres, const iv::fusion::fusionobjectarray & object_vec)
- if (use_sukf)
- {
- updateSUKF(object_vec);
- }
- else
- {
- updateIMMUKF(detection_probability, gate_probability, gating_thres, object_vec);
- }