@@ -380,13 +380,51 @@ void GeometrySpiral::ComputeVars()
+ mLengthBase = 0;
+ mX0 = 0;
+ mY0 = 0;
+ mHDG0 = 0;
+ mHDG0Cos = 1.0;
+ mHDG0Sin = 0.0;
//if the curvatureEnd is the non-zero curvature, then the motion is in normal direction along the spiral
- if ((fabs(mCurvatureEnd)>1.00e-15)&&(fabs(mCurvatureStart)<=1.00e-15))
+ // if ((fabs(mCurvatureEnd)>1.00e-15)&&(fabs(mCurvatureStart)<=1.00e-15))
+ if ((fabs(mCurvatureEnd))>(fabs(mCurvatureStart)))
- mCurvature=mCurvatureEnd;
+ mCurvature=mCurvatureEnd;
//Calculate the normalization term : a = 1.0/sqrt(2*End_Radius*Total_Curve_Length)
- mA=1.0/sqrt(2*1.0/fabs(double(mCurvature))*mLength);
+ mA=1.0/sqrt(2*1.0/fabs(double(mCurvature))*mLength);
+ double xLength = mLength;
+ if(fabs(mCurvatureStart)>0.00001)
+ {
+ mLengthBase = mLength * fabs(mCurvatureStart)/(fabs(mCurvatureEnd) - fabs(mCurvatureStart));
+ xLength = mLength + mLengthBase;
+ mA=1.0/sqrt(2*1.0/fabs(double(mCurvature))*xLength);
+ double l_start =mLengthBase *mA/sqrtPiO2;
+ //Solve the Fresnel Integrals
+ fresnl(l_start,&mY0,&mX0);
+ if (mCurvature<0)
+ mY0=-mY0;
+ l_start =mLengthBase*mA;
+ double tangentAngle = l_start*l_start;
+ if (mCurvature<0)
+ tangentAngle=-tangentAngle;
+ mHDG0 = tangentAngle;
+ mHDG0Cos = cos(-mHDG0);
+ mHDG0Sin = sin(-mHDG0);
+ }
//Denormalization Factor
@@ -395,30 +433,74 @@ void GeometrySpiral::ComputeVars()
//else the motion is in the inverse direction along the spiral
- else
+ else
- mCurvature=mCurvatureStart;
+ mCurvature=mCurvatureStart;
//Calculate the normalization term : a = 1.0/sqrt(2*End_Radius*Total_Curve_Length)
- mA=1.0/sqrt(2*1.0/fabs(mCurvature)*mLength);
+ mA=1.0/sqrt(2*1.0/fabs(mCurvature)*mLength);
+ if(fabs(mCurvatureEnd)>0.00001)
+ {
+ mLengthBase = mLength * fabs(mCurvatureEnd)/(fabs(mCurvatureStart) - fabs(mCurvatureEnd));
+ double xLength = mLength + mLengthBase;
+ mA=1.0/sqrt(2*1.0/fabs(double(mCurvature))*xLength);
+ //not complete, when have this type spiral, change this code.
+ double l_start =mLengthBase *mA/sqrtPiO2;
+ //Solve the Fresnel Integrals
+ fresnl(l_start,&mY0,&mX0);
+ if (mCurvature<0)
+ mY0=-mY0;
+ l_start =mLengthBase*mA;
+ double tangentAngle = l_start*l_start;
+ if (mCurvature<0)
+ tangentAngle=-tangentAngle;
+ mHDG0 = tangentAngle;
+ mHDG0Cos = cos(-mHDG0);
+ mHDG0Sin = sin(-mHDG0);
+ }
//Because we move in the inverse direction, we need to rotate the curve according to the heading
//around the last point of the normalized spiral
//Calculate the total length, normalize it and divide by sqrtPiO2, then, calculate the position of the final point.
- double L=(mS2-mS)*mA/sqrtPiO2;
+ double L=(mS2-mS + mLengthBase)*mA/sqrtPiO2;
//Invert the curve if the curvature is negative
if (mCurvature<0)
+ mEndX = mEndX - mX0;
+ mEndY = mEndY - mY0;
+ double tx,ty;
+ tx = mEndX;
+ ty = mEndY;
+ mEndX=tx*mHDG0Cos -ty*mHDG0Sin;
+ mEndY=ty*mHDG0Cos+tx*mHDG0Sin;
//Denormalization factor
- mDenormalizeFactor=1.0/mA;
+ mDenormalizeFactor=1.0/mA;
//Find the x,y coords of the final point of the curve in local curve coordinates
+ double L2=(mLengthBase)*mA/sqrtPiO2;
//Calculate the tangent angle
- differenceAngle=L*L*(sqrtPiO2*sqrtPiO2);
+ differenceAngle=L*L*(sqrtPiO2*sqrtPiO2) - L2*L2*(sqrtPiO2*sqrtPiO2);
double diffAngle;
//Calculate the tangent and heading angle difference that will be used to rotate the spiral
if (mCurvature<0)
@@ -517,35 +599,50 @@ void GeometrySpiral::GetCoords(double s_check, double &retX, double &retY, doubl
double l=0.0;
double tmpX=0.0, tmpY=0.0;
//Depending on the moving direction, calculate the length of the curve from its beginning to the current point and normalize
//it by multiplying with the "a" normalization term
//Cephes lib for solving Fresnel Integrals, uses cos/sin (PI/2 * X^2) format in its function.
//So, in order to use the function, transform the argument (which is just L) by dividing it by the sqrt(PI/2) factor and multiply the results by it.
if (mNormalDir)
- l=(s_check-mS)*mA/sqrtPiO2;
+ l=(s_check-mS + mLengthBase)*mA/sqrtPiO2;
- l=(mS2-s_check)*mA/sqrtPiO2;
+ l=(mS2-s_check + mLengthBase)*mA/sqrtPiO2;
//Solve the Fresnel Integrals
//If the curvature is negative, invert the curve on the Y axis
if (mCurvature<0)
+ tmpX = tmpX - mX0;
+ tmpY = tmpY - mY0;
+ double tx,ty;
+ tx = tmpX;
+ ty = tmpY;
+ tmpX=tx*mHDG0Cos -ty*mHDG0Sin;
+ tmpY=ty*mHDG0Cos+tx*mHDG0Sin;
//Denormalize the results and multiply by the sqrt(PI/2) term
//Calculate the heading at the found position. Kill the sqrt(PI/2) term that was added to the L
- l=(s_check-mS)*mA;
+ l=(s_check-mS+mLengthBase)*mA;
double tangentAngle = l*l;
if (mCurvature<0)
- retHDG=mHdg+tangentAngle;
+ retHDG=mHdg+tangentAngle -mHDG0;
if (!mNormalDir)