@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+#include "dialogroadoptimize.h"
+#include "ui_dialogroadoptimize.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include "geofit.h"
+DialogRoadOptimize::DialogRoadOptimize(Road * pRoad,OpenDrive * pxodr,QWidget *parent) :
+ QDialog(parent),
+ ui(new Ui::DialogRoadOptimize)
+ ui->setupUi(this);
+ ui->lineEdit_disthresh->setText("0.1");
+ ui->lineEdit_hdgthresh->setText("0.01");
+ ui->lineEdit_arcbezel->setText("3.0");
+ ui->lineEdit_linebezel->setText("10.0");
+ ui->lineEdit_roadoffthresh->setText("0.5");
+ mpRoad = pRoad;
+ mpxodr = pxodr;
+ std::vector<double> fvectordis,fvectorhdg;
+ int nrtn = CheckRoadQuality(pRoad,fvectordis,fvectorhdg);
+ const int noutbufsize = 100000;
+ std::shared_ptr<char> pstrout_ptr = std::shared_ptr<char>(new char[noutbufsize]);
+ char strline[1000];
+ snprintf(pstrout_ptr.get(),noutbufsize,"Check point:%d\n",nrtn);
+ if(nrtn > 0)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<nrtn;i++)
+ {
+ snprintf(strline,1000,"%d distance:%f hdgdiff:%f\n",i,fvectordis[i],fvectorhdg[i]);
+ strncat(pstrout_ptr.get(),strline,noutbufsize);
+ }
+ }
+ ui->plainTextEdit->setPlainText(pstrout_ptr.get());
+ setWindowTitle("Road Optimize");
+ delete ui;
+int DialogRoadOptimize::CheckRoadQuality(Road *pRoad, std::vector<double> & fvectordis,
+ std::vector<double> & fvectorhdg)
+ if(pRoad->GetGeometryBlockCount() <=1)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int nrtn = 0;
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0;i<(pRoad->GetGeometryBlockCount()-1);i++)
+ {
+ GeometryBlock * pgeob1 = pRoad->GetGeometryBlock(i);
+ GeometryBlock * pgeob2 = pRoad->GetGeometryBlock(i+1);
+ double x1,y1,hdg1;
+ double x2,y2,hdg2;
+ pgeob1->GetGeometryAt(0)->GetCoords(pgeob1->GetGeometryAt(0)->GetS() + pgeob1->GetGeometryAt(0)->GetLength(),
+ x1,y1,hdg1);
+ pgeob2->GetGeometryAt(0)->GetCoords(pgeob2->GetGeometryAt(0)->GetS() ,
+ x2,y2,hdg2);
+ double fdis = sqrt(pow(x2-x1,2)+pow(y2-y1,2));
+ double fhdgdiff = hdg2 - hdg1;
+ while (fhdgdiff>M_PI)fhdgdiff = fhdgdiff -2.0*M_PI;
+ while(fhdgdiff<=(-M_PI))fhdgdiff = fhdgdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
+ fvectordis.push_back(fdis);
+ fvectorhdg.push_back(fhdgdiff);
+ nrtn++;
+ }
+ return nrtn;
+void DialogRoadOptimize::on_pushButton_Optimize_clicked()
+ double fdisthresh = ui->lineEdit_disthresh->text().toDouble();
+ double fhdgthresh = ui->lineEdit_hdgthresh->text().toDouble();
+ double flinebezel = ui->lineEdit_linebezel->text().toDouble();
+ double farcbezel = ui->lineEdit_arcbezel->text().toDouble();
+ double froadoffthresh = ui->lineEdit_roadoffthresh->text().toDouble();
+ if(fdisthresh<0.00001)
+ {
+ fdisthresh = 0.00001;
+ std::cout<<"fdisthresh change to "<<fdisthresh<<std::endl;
+ }
+ if(fhdgthresh<0.001)
+ {
+ fhdgthresh = 0.001;
+ std::cout<<"fhdgthesh change to "<<fhdgthresh<<std::endl;
+ }
+ if(flinebezel<1.0)
+ {
+ flinebezel = 1.0;
+ std::cout<<"flinebezel change to "<<flinebezel<<std::endl;
+ }
+ if(farcbezel<1.0)
+ {
+ farcbezel = 1.0;
+ std::cout<<"farcbezel change to "<<farcbezel<<std::endl;
+ }
+ if(froadoffthresh<0.05)
+ {
+ froadoffthresh = 0.05;
+ std::cout<<"froadoffthresh change to "<<froadoffthresh<<std::endl;
+ }
+ std::vector<double> fvectordis,fvectorhdg;
+ Road * pRoad = mpRoad;
+ int nrtn = CheckRoadQuality(pRoad,fvectordis,fvectorhdg);
+ if(nrtn == 0)
+ {
+ QMessageBox::information(this,"Info","Not Need Optimize",QMessageBox::YesAll);
+ return;
+ }
+ int nmsgbufsize = 100000;
+ std::shared_ptr<char> strmsg_ptr = std::shared_ptr<char>(new char[nmsgbufsize]);
+ snprintf(strmsg_ptr.get(),nmsgbufsize,"Change pos: \n");
+ int nchange = 0;
+ Road * pnewroad = mpRoad;
+ int i;
+ int nowgeobpos = 0;
+ GeometryBlock * pgeobnow = pnewroad->GetGeometryBlock(0);
+ std::vector<GeometryBlock > * pvectorgeo = pnewroad->GetGeometryBlockVector();
+ for(i=0;i<nrtn;i++)
+ {
+ if((fvectordis[i]>fdisthresh)||(fabs(fvectorhdg[i])>fhdgthresh))
+ {
+ pgeobnow = pnewroad->GetGeometryBlock(nowgeobpos);
+ RoadGeometry * pgeo = pgeobnow->GetGeometryAt(0);
+ int ngeotype = pgeo->GetGeomType();
+ std::cout<<"geo type : "<<ngeotype<<std::endl;
+ if((pgeo->GetGeomType() ==0) ||(pgeo->GetGeomType() == 2))
+ {
+ double fthresh = flinebezel;
+ if(ngeotype == 2)fthresh = farcbezel;
+ if(pgeo->GetLength()>(fthresh+1.0))
+ {
+ double xkeeplen = pgeo->GetLength() - fthresh;
+ double x_start,y_start,hdg_start,x_end,y_end,hdg_end;
+ pgeo->GetCoords(pgeo->GetS()+xkeeplen,x_start,y_start,hdg_start);
+ pnewroad->GetGeometryBlock(nowgeobpos+1)->GetGeometryAt(0)->GetCoords(pgeo->GetS() + pgeo->GetLength(),
+ x_end,y_end,hdg_end);
+ std::vector<geobase> xvectorgeo = geofit::CreateBezierGeo(x_start,y_start,
+ hdg_start,x_end,y_end,hdg_end);
+ GeometryBlock xgb;
+ qDebug("be len: %f ",xvectorgeo[0].mfLen);
+ xgb.AddGeometryParamPoly3(pgeo->GetS() + xkeeplen,x_start,y_start,hdg_start,xvectorgeo[0].mfLen,
+ xvectorgeo[0].mfu[0],xvectorgeo[0].mfu[1],
+ xvectorgeo[0].mfu[2],xvectorgeo[0].mfu[3],
+ xvectorgeo[0].mfv[0],xvectorgeo[0].mfv[1],
+ xvectorgeo[0].mfv[2],xvectorgeo[0].mfv[3],false);
+ double fdisgeo = GetGeo1toGeo2MaxDis(&xgb,&(pvectorgeo->at(nowgeobpos)));
+ if(fdisgeo<= froadoffthresh)
+ {
+ pgeo->SetLength(xkeeplen);
+ pvectorgeo->insert(pvectorgeo->begin() + nowgeobpos+1,xgb);
+ nowgeobpos = nowgeobpos+2;
+ char strout[1000];
+ snprintf(strout,1000,"geo %d to geo %d. Insert a bezel.geo off:%f.\n",i,i+1,fdisgeo);
+ strncat(strmsg_ptr.get(),strout,nmsgbufsize);
+ nchange++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char strout[1000];
+ snprintf(strout,1000,"geo %d to geo %d. Optimize off %f exceed thresh.\n",i,i+1,fdisgeo);
+ strncat(strmsg_ptr.get(),strout,nmsgbufsize);
+ nchange++;
+ nowgeobpos++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double x_start,y_start,hdg_start,x_end,y_end,hdg_end;
+ pgeo->GetCoords(pgeo->GetS(),x_start,y_start,hdg_start);
+ pnewroad->GetGeometryBlock(nowgeobpos+1)->GetGeometryAt(0)->GetCoords(pgeo->GetS() + pgeo->GetLength(),
+ x_end,y_end,hdg_end);
+ std::vector<geobase> xvectorgeo = geofit::CreateBezierGeo(x_start,y_start,
+ hdg_start,x_end,y_end,hdg_end);
+ qDebug("be len: %f ",xvectorgeo[0].mfLen);
+ GeometryBlock xgb;
+ xgb.AddGeometryParamPoly3(pgeo->GetS(),x_start,y_start,hdg_start,xvectorgeo[0].mfLen,
+ xvectorgeo[0].mfu[0],xvectorgeo[0].mfu[1],
+ xvectorgeo[0].mfu[2],xvectorgeo[0].mfu[3],
+ xvectorgeo[0].mfv[0],xvectorgeo[0].mfv[1],
+ xvectorgeo[0].mfv[2],xvectorgeo[0].mfv[3],false);
+ double fdisgeo = GetGeo1toGeo2MaxDis(&xgb,&(pvectorgeo->at(nowgeobpos)));
+ if(fdisgeo <= froadoffthresh)
+ {
+ pvectorgeo->erase(pvectorgeo->begin()+nowgeobpos);
+ pvectorgeo->insert(pvectorgeo->begin()+nowgeobpos,xgb);
+ nowgeobpos = nowgeobpos+1;
+ char strout[1000];
+ snprintf(strout,1000,"geo %d to geo %d. geo %d replace by a bezel. geo off:%f.\n",i,i+1,i,fdisgeo);
+ strncat(strmsg_ptr.get(),strout,nmsgbufsize);
+ nchange++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char strout[1000];
+ snprintf(strout,1000,"geo %d to geo %d. Optimize off %f exceed thresh.\n",i,i+1,fdisgeo);
+ strncat(strmsg_ptr.get(),strout,nmsgbufsize);
+ nchange++;
+ nowgeobpos++;
+ }
+ // break;
+ }
+ unsigned int j;
+ for(j=1;j<pvectorgeo->size();j++)
+ {
+ pvectorgeo->at(j).GetGeometryAt(0)->SetS(pvectorgeo->at(j-1).GetGeometryAt(0)->GetS()
+ +pvectorgeo->at(j-1).GetGeometryAt(0)->GetLength());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nowgeobpos++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char strout[1000];
+ snprintf(strout,1000,"geo %d to geo %d. Not Need Optimize.\n",i,i+1);
+ strncat(strmsg_ptr.get(),strout,nmsgbufsize);
+ nowgeobpos++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(nchange > 0)
+ {
+ RoadGeometry * pgeolast = pvectorgeo->at(pvectorgeo->size()-1).GetGeometryAt(0);
+ pnewroad->SetRoadLength(pgeolast->GetS() + pgeolast->GetLength());
+ }
+ char strout[1000];
+ snprintf(strout,1000,"Optimize %d position.",nchange);
+ strncat(strmsg_ptr.get(),strout,nmsgbufsize);
+ QMessageBox::information(this,"Optimize Result",strmsg_ptr.get(),QMessageBox::YesAll);
+double DialogRoadOptimize::GetGeo1toGeo2MaxDis(GeometryBlock *pgeob1, GeometryBlock *pgeob2)
+ RoadGeometry * prg1,*prg2;
+ prg1 = pgeob1->GetGeometryAt(0);
+ prg2 = pgeob2->GetGeometryAt(0);
+ double fstep = 0.1;
+ int nCount = (int)(prg1->GetLength()/fstep);
+ if(nCount == 0)
+ {
+ return sqrt(pow(prg1->GetX() - prg2->GetX(),2)+pow(prg1->GetY() - prg2->GetY(),2));
+ }
+ int i;
+ double rg1_s = prg1->GetS();
+ double rg2_s = prg2->GetS();
+// double rg1_len = prg1->GetLength();
+ double rg2_len = prg2->GetLength();
+ double fdismax = 0;
+ double fsmax = 0;
+ for(i=0;i<nCount;i++)
+ {
+ double s = fstep * i;
+ double x1,y1,hdg1;
+ double fstep2 = 0.5;
+ prg1->GetCoords(rg1_s+s,x1,y1,hdg1);
+ int nCount2 =(int)( rg2_len/fstep2);
+ double snear = 0;
+ double sdis = 1000.0;
+ if(nCount2 == 0)
+ {
+ snear = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int j;
+ for(j=0;j<nCount2;j++)
+ {
+ double x2,y2,hdg2;
+ double s2 = j*fstep2;
+ prg2->GetCoords(rg2_s +s2,x2,y2,hdg2);
+ double fdis = sqrt(pow(x2-x1,2)+pow(y2-y1,2));
+ if(fdis <sdis)
+ {
+ snear = s2;
+ sdis = fdis;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ double snear_low = snear - fstep2;
+ double snear_high = snear + fstep2;
+ if(snear_low<0)snear_low = 0;
+ if(snear_high > rg2_len)snear_high = rg2_len;
+ double s3 = snear_low;
+ while(s3<=snear_high)
+ {
+ double x3,y3,hdg3;
+ prg2->GetCoords(rg2_s+s3,x3,y3,hdg3);
+ double fdis = sqrt(pow(x3-x1,2)+pow(y3-y1,2));
+ if(fdis < sdis)
+ {
+ snear = s3;
+ sdis = fdis;
+ }
+ s3 = s3 +0.01;
+ }
+ if(sdis > fdismax)
+ {
+ fdismax = sdis;
+ fsmax = snear;
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout<<"dismax : "<<fdismax<<std::endl;
+ return fdismax;