@@ -600,6 +600,9 @@ private:
string mColor;
double mWidth;
string mLaneChange;
+ vector<LaneRoadMarkLine> mvetorLaneRoadMarkLine;
* Constructors
@@ -628,6 +631,57 @@ public:
double GetWidth();
string GetLaneChange();
+ /**
+ * Methods used to add child records to the respective vectors
+ */
+ unsigned int AddLaneRoadMarkLine(double s, double a, double b, double c, double d);
+ /**
+ * Methods used to clone child records in the respective vectors
+ */
+ unsigned int CloneLaneRoadMarkLine(unsigned int index);
+ /**
+ * Methods used to delete child records from the respective vectors
+ */
+ void DeleteLaneRoadMarkLine(unsigned int index);
+ /**
+ * Get pointers to the records vectors
+ */
+ vector <LaneRoadMarkLine> *GetLaneRoadMarkLineVector();
+ /**
+ * Get the number of elements in a certain vector
+ */
+ unsigned int GetLaneRoadMarkLineCount();
+ /**
+ * Get the elements of a certain vectors at position i
+ */
+ LaneWidth* GetLaneRoadMarkLine(unsigned int i);
+ /**
+ * Get the last elements of a certain vectors
+ */
+ LaneWidth* GetLastLaneRoadMarkLine();
+ /**
+ * Get the last added elements of a certain vectors (their position might not be at the end of the vector)
+ */
+ LaneWidth* GetLastAddedLaneRoadMarkLine();
+ /**
+ * Check the intervals and return the index of the records that applies to the provided s-offset
+ */
@@ -882,9 +936,41 @@ private:
double mspace;
double mtOffset;
double msOffset;
- std::string mrule;
- double width;
- std::string mcolor;
+ std::vector<std::string> mrule;
+ std::vector<double> mwidth;
+ std::vector<std::string> mcolor;
+ /*
+ * Constructors
+ */
+ LaneRoadMarkLine(double length, double space, double tOffset, double sOffset);
+ /*
+ * Methods that return the parameters of the lane offset
+ */
+ double Getlength();
+ double Getspace();
+ double GettOffset();
+ double GetsOffset();
+ int Getrule(std::string & rule); //If return 1, have vaule, return 0 no this value
+ int Getwidth(double & width); //same with rule
+ int Getcolor(std::string & color); //same with rule
+ /*
+ * Methods that set the parameters of the lane offset
+ */
+ void Setlength(double length);
+ void Setspace(double space);
+ void SettOffset(double tOffset);
+ void SetsOffset(double sOffset);
+ void Setrule(std::string & rule);
+ void Setwidth(double & width);
+ void Setcolor(std::string & color);
+ void Resetrule();
+ void Resetwidth();
+ void Resetcolor();