@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "modules/control/controller/mpc_controller.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <limits>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "Eigen/LU"
+#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
+#include "cyber/common/log.h"
+#include "cyber/time/clock.h"
+#include "modules/common/configs/vehicle_config_helper.h"
+#include "modules/common/math/math_utils.h"
+#include "modules/common/math/mpc_osqp.h"
+#include "modules/control/common/control_gflags.h"
+namespace apollo {
+namespace control {
+using apollo::common::ErrorCode;
+using apollo::common::Status;
+using apollo::common::TrajectoryPoint;
+using apollo::common::VehicleStateProvider;
+using apollo::cyber::Clock;
+using Matrix = Eigen::MatrixXd;
+using apollo::common::VehicleConfigHelper;
+namespace {
+std::string GetLogFileName() {
+ time_t raw_time;
+ char name_buffer[80];
+ std::time(&raw_time);
+ std::tm time_tm;
+ localtime_r(&raw_time, &time_tm);
+ strftime(name_buffer, sizeof(name_buffer),
+ "/tmp/mpc_controller_%F_%H%M%S.csv", &time_tm);
+ return std::string(name_buffer);
+void WriteHeaders(std::ofstream &file_stream) {}
+} // namespace
+MPCController::MPCController() : name_("MPC Controller") {
+ if (FLAGS_enable_csv_debug) {
+ mpc_log_file_.open(GetLogFileName());
+ mpc_log_file_ << std::fixed;
+ mpc_log_file_ << std::setprecision(6);
+ WriteHeaders(mpc_log_file_);
+ }
+ AINFO << "Using " << name_;
+MPCController::~MPCController() { CloseLogFile(); }
+bool MPCController::LoadControlConf(const ControlConf *control_conf) {
+ if (!control_conf) {
+ AERROR << "[MPCController] control_conf = nullptr";
+ return false;
+ }
+ vehicle_param_ = VehicleConfigHelper::Instance()->GetConfig().vehicle_param();
+ ts_ = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().ts();
+ if (ts_ <= 0.0) {
+ AERROR << "[MPCController] Invalid control update interval.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ cf_ = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().cf();
+ cr_ = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().cr();
+ wheelbase_ = vehicle_param_.wheel_base();
+ steer_ratio_ = vehicle_param_.steer_ratio();
+ steer_single_direction_max_degree_ =
+ vehicle_param_.max_steer_angle() * 180 / M_PI;
+ max_lat_acc_ = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().max_lateral_acceleration();
+ // TODO(Shu, Qi, Yu): add sanity check for conf values
+ // steering ratio should be positive
+ static constexpr double kEpsilon = 1e-6;
+ if (std::isnan(steer_ratio_) || steer_ratio_ < kEpsilon) {
+ AERROR << "[MPCController] steer_ratio = 0";
+ return false;
+ }
+ wheel_single_direction_max_degree_ =
+ steer_single_direction_max_degree_ / steer_ratio_ / 180 * M_PI;
+ max_acceleration_ = vehicle_param_.max_acceleration();
+ max_deceleration_ = vehicle_param_.max_deceleration();
+ const double mass_fl = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().mass_fl();
+ const double mass_fr = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().mass_fr();
+ const double mass_rl = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().mass_rl();
+ const double mass_rr = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().mass_rr();
+ const double mass_front = mass_fl + mass_fr;
+ const double mass_rear = mass_rl + mass_rr;
+ mass_ = mass_front + mass_rear;
+ lf_ = wheelbase_ * (1.0 - mass_front / mass_);
+ lr_ = wheelbase_ * (1.0 - mass_rear / mass_);
+ iz_ = lf_ * lf_ * mass_front + lr_ * lr_ * mass_rear;
+ mpc_eps_ = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().eps();
+ mpc_max_iteration_ = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().max_iteration();
+ throttle_lowerbound_ =
+ std::max(vehicle_param_.throttle_deadzone(),
+ control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().throttle_minimum_action());
+ brake_lowerbound_ =
+ std::max(vehicle_param_.brake_deadzone(),
+ control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().brake_minimum_action());
+ minimum_speed_protection_ = control_conf->minimum_speed_protection();
+ max_acceleration_when_stopped_ =
+ control_conf->max_acceleration_when_stopped();
+ max_abs_speed_when_stopped_ = vehicle_param_.max_abs_speed_when_stopped();
+ standstill_acceleration_ =
+ control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().standstill_acceleration();
+ enable_mpc_feedforward_compensation_ =
+ control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().enable_mpc_feedforward_compensation();
+ unconstrained_control_diff_limit_ =
+ control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().unconstrained_control_diff_limit();
+ LoadControlCalibrationTable(control_conf->mpc_controller_conf());
+ ADEBUG << "MPC conf loaded";
+ return true;
+void MPCController::ProcessLogs(const SimpleMPCDebug *debug,
+ const canbus::Chassis *chassis) {
+ // TODO(QiL): Add debug information
+void MPCController::LogInitParameters() {
+ ADEBUG << name_ << " begin.";
+ ADEBUG << "[MPCController parameters]"
+ << " mass_: " << mass_ << ","
+ << " iz_: " << iz_ << ","
+ << " lf_: " << lf_ << ","
+ << " lr_: " << lr_;
+void MPCController::InitializeFilters(const ControlConf *control_conf) {
+ // Low pass filter
+ std::vector<double> den(3, 0.0);
+ std::vector<double> num(3, 0.0);
+ common::LpfCoefficients(
+ ts_, control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().cutoff_freq(), &den, &num);
+ digital_filter_.set_coefficients(den, num);
+ lateral_error_filter_ = common::MeanFilter(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(
+ control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().mean_filter_window_size()));
+ heading_error_filter_ = common::MeanFilter(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(
+ control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().mean_filter_window_size()));
+Status MPCController::Init(std::shared_ptr<DependencyInjector> injector,
+ const ControlConf *control_conf) {
+ if (!LoadControlConf(control_conf)) {
+ AERROR << "failed to load control conf";
+ return Status(ErrorCode::CONTROL_COMPUTE_ERROR,
+ "failed to load control_conf");
+ }
+ injector_ = injector;
+ // Matrix init operations.
+ matrix_a_ = Matrix::Zero(basic_state_size_, basic_state_size_);
+ matrix_ad_ = Matrix::Zero(basic_state_size_, basic_state_size_);
+ matrix_a_(0, 1) = 1.0;
+ matrix_a_(1, 2) = (cf_ + cr_) / mass_;
+ matrix_a_(2, 3) = 1.0;
+ matrix_a_(3, 2) = (lf_ * cf_ - lr_ * cr_) / iz_;
+ matrix_a_(4, 5) = 1.0;
+ matrix_a_(5, 5) = 0.0;
+ // TODO(QiL): expand the model to accommodate more combined states.
+ matrix_a_coeff_ = Matrix::Zero(basic_state_size_, basic_state_size_);
+ matrix_a_coeff_(1, 1) = -(cf_ + cr_) / mass_;
+ matrix_a_coeff_(1, 3) = (lr_ * cr_ - lf_ * cf_) / mass_;
+ matrix_a_coeff_(2, 3) = 1.0;
+ matrix_a_coeff_(3, 1) = (lr_ * cr_ - lf_ * cf_) / iz_;
+ matrix_a_coeff_(3, 3) = -1.0 * (lf_ * lf_ * cf_ + lr_ * lr_ * cr_) / iz_;
+ matrix_b_ = Matrix::Zero(basic_state_size_, controls_);
+ matrix_bd_ = Matrix::Zero(basic_state_size_, controls_);
+ matrix_b_(1, 0) = cf_ / mass_;
+ matrix_b_(3, 0) = lf_ * cf_ / iz_;
+ matrix_b_(4, 1) = 0.0;
+ matrix_b_(5, 1) = -1.0;
+ matrix_bd_ = matrix_b_ * ts_;
+ matrix_c_ = Matrix::Zero(basic_state_size_, 1);
+ matrix_cd_ = Matrix::Zero(basic_state_size_, 1);
+ matrix_state_ = Matrix::Zero(basic_state_size_, 1);
+ matrix_k_ = Matrix::Zero(1, basic_state_size_);
+ matrix_r_ = Matrix::Identity(controls_, controls_);
+ matrix_q_ = Matrix::Zero(basic_state_size_, basic_state_size_);
+ int r_param_size = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().matrix_r_size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < r_param_size; ++i) {
+ matrix_r_(i, i) = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().matrix_r(i);
+ }
+ int q_param_size = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().matrix_q_size();
+ if (basic_state_size_ != q_param_size) {
+ const auto error_msg =
+ absl::StrCat("MPC controller error: matrix_q size: ", q_param_size,
+ " in parameter file not equal to basic_state_size_: ",
+ basic_state_size_);
+ AERROR << error_msg;
+ return Status(ErrorCode::CONTROL_COMPUTE_ERROR, error_msg);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < q_param_size; ++i) {
+ matrix_q_(i, i) = control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().matrix_q(i);
+ }
+ // Update matrix_q_updated_ and matrix_r_updated_
+ matrix_r_updated_ = matrix_r_;
+ matrix_q_updated_ = matrix_q_;
+ InitializeFilters(control_conf);
+ LoadMPCGainScheduler(control_conf->mpc_controller_conf());
+ LogInitParameters();
+ ADEBUG << "[MPCController] init done!";
+ return Status::OK();
+void MPCController::CloseLogFile() {
+ if (FLAGS_enable_csv_debug && mpc_log_file_.is_open()) {
+ mpc_log_file_.close();
+ }
+double MPCController::Wheel2SteerPct(const double wheel_angle) {
+ return wheel_angle / wheel_single_direction_max_degree_ * 100;
+void MPCController::Stop() { CloseLogFile(); }
+std::string MPCController::Name() const { return name_; }
+void MPCController::LoadMPCGainScheduler(
+ const MPCControllerConf &mpc_controller_conf) {
+ const auto &lat_err_gain_scheduler =
+ mpc_controller_conf.lat_err_gain_scheduler();
+ const auto &heading_err_gain_scheduler =
+ mpc_controller_conf.heading_err_gain_scheduler();
+ const auto &feedforwardterm_gain_scheduler =
+ mpc_controller_conf.feedforwardterm_gain_scheduler();
+ const auto &steer_weight_gain_scheduler =
+ mpc_controller_conf.steer_weight_gain_scheduler();
+ ADEBUG << "MPC control gain scheduler loaded";
+ Interpolation1D::DataType xy1, xy2, xy3, xy4;
+ for (const auto &scheduler : lat_err_gain_scheduler.scheduler()) {
+ xy1.push_back(std::make_pair(scheduler.speed(), scheduler.ratio()));
+ }
+ for (const auto &scheduler : heading_err_gain_scheduler.scheduler()) {
+ xy2.push_back(std::make_pair(scheduler.speed(), scheduler.ratio()));
+ }
+ for (const auto &scheduler : feedforwardterm_gain_scheduler.scheduler()) {
+ xy3.push_back(std::make_pair(scheduler.speed(), scheduler.ratio()));
+ }
+ for (const auto &scheduler : steer_weight_gain_scheduler.scheduler()) {
+ xy4.push_back(std::make_pair(scheduler.speed(), scheduler.ratio()));
+ }
+ lat_err_interpolation_.reset(new Interpolation1D);
+ ACHECK(lat_err_interpolation_->Init(xy1))
+ << "Fail to load lateral error gain scheduler for MPC controller";
+ heading_err_interpolation_.reset(new Interpolation1D);
+ ACHECK(heading_err_interpolation_->Init(xy2))
+ << "Fail to load heading error gain scheduler for MPC controller";
+ feedforwardterm_interpolation_.reset(new Interpolation1D);
+ ACHECK(feedforwardterm_interpolation_->Init(xy3))
+ << "Fail to load feed forward term gain scheduler for MPC controller";
+ steer_weight_interpolation_.reset(new Interpolation1D);
+ ACHECK(steer_weight_interpolation_->Init(xy4))
+ << "Fail to load steer weight gain scheduler for MPC controller";
+Status MPCController::ComputeControlCommand(
+ const localization::LocalizationEstimate *localization,
+ const canbus::Chassis *chassis,
+ const planning::ADCTrajectory *planning_published_trajectory,
+ ControlCommand *cmd) {
+ trajectory_analyzer_ =
+ std::move(TrajectoryAnalyzer(planning_published_trajectory));
+ SimpleMPCDebug *debug = cmd->mutable_debug()->mutable_simple_mpc_debug();
+ debug->Clear();
+ ComputeLongitudinalErrors(&trajectory_analyzer_, debug);
+ // Update state
+ UpdateState(debug);
+ UpdateMatrix(debug);
+ FeedforwardUpdate(debug);
+ auto vehicle_state = injector_->vehicle_state();
+ // Add gain scheduler for higher speed steering
+ if (FLAGS_enable_gain_scheduler) {
+ matrix_q_updated_(0, 0) =
+ matrix_q_(0, 0) *
+ lat_err_interpolation_->Interpolate(vehicle_state->linear_velocity());
+ matrix_q_updated_(2, 2) =
+ matrix_q_(2, 2) * heading_err_interpolation_->Interpolate(
+ vehicle_state->linear_velocity());
+ steer_angle_feedforwardterm_updated_ =
+ steer_angle_feedforwardterm_ *
+ feedforwardterm_interpolation_->Interpolate(
+ vehicle_state->linear_velocity());
+ matrix_r_updated_(0, 0) =
+ matrix_r_(0, 0) * steer_weight_interpolation_->Interpolate(
+ vehicle_state->linear_velocity());
+ } else {
+ matrix_q_updated_ = matrix_q_;
+ matrix_r_updated_ = matrix_r_;
+ steer_angle_feedforwardterm_updated_ = steer_angle_feedforwardterm_;
+ }
+ debug->add_matrix_q_updated(matrix_q_updated_(0, 0));
+ debug->add_matrix_q_updated(matrix_q_updated_(1, 1));
+ debug->add_matrix_q_updated(matrix_q_updated_(2, 2));
+ debug->add_matrix_q_updated(matrix_q_updated_(3, 3));
+ debug->add_matrix_r_updated(matrix_r_updated_(0, 0));
+ debug->add_matrix_r_updated(matrix_r_updated_(1, 1));
+ Matrix control_matrix = Matrix::Zero(controls_, 1);
+ std::vector<Matrix> control(horizon_, control_matrix);
+ Matrix control_gain_matrix = Matrix::Zero(controls_, basic_state_size_);
+ std::vector<Matrix> control_gain(horizon_, control_gain_matrix);
+ Matrix addition_gain_matrix = Matrix::Zero(controls_, 1);
+ std::vector<Matrix> addition_gain(horizon_, addition_gain_matrix);
+ Matrix reference_state = Matrix::Zero(basic_state_size_, 1);
+ std::vector<Matrix> reference(horizon_, reference_state);
+ Matrix lower_bound(controls_, 1);
+ lower_bound << -wheel_single_direction_max_degree_, max_deceleration_;
+ Matrix upper_bound(controls_, 1);
+ upper_bound << wheel_single_direction_max_degree_, max_acceleration_;
+ const double max = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ Matrix lower_state_bound(basic_state_size_, 1);
+ Matrix upper_state_bound(basic_state_size_, 1);
+ // lateral_error, lateral_error_rate, heading_error, heading_error_rate
+ // station_error, station_error_rate
+ lower_state_bound << -1.0 * max, -1.0 * max, -1.0 * M_PI, -1.0 * max,
+ -1.0 * max, -1.0 * max;
+ upper_state_bound << max, max, M_PI, max, max, max;
+#ifdef ADCTEST
+ double mpc_start_timestamp = 0;
+ double mpc_start_timestamp = Clock::NowInSeconds();
+ double steer_angle_feedback = 0.0;
+ double acc_feedback = 0.0;
+ double steer_angle_ff_compensation = 0.0;
+ double unconstrained_control_diff = 0.0;
+ double control_gain_truncation_ratio = 0.0;
+ double unconstrained_control = 0.0;
+ const double v = injector_->vehicle_state()->linear_velocity();
+ std::vector<double> control_cmd(controls_, 0);
+ apollo::common::math::MpcOsqp mpc_osqp(
+ matrix_ad_, matrix_bd_, matrix_q_updated_, matrix_r_updated_,
+ matrix_state_, lower_bound, upper_bound, lower_state_bound,
+ upper_state_bound, reference_state, mpc_max_iteration_, horizon_,
+ mpc_eps_);
+ if (!mpc_osqp.Solve(&control_cmd)) {
+ AERROR << "MPC OSQP solver failed";
+ } else {
+ ADEBUG << "MPC OSQP problem solved! ";
+ control[0](0, 0) = control_cmd.at(0);
+ control[0](1, 0) = control_cmd.at(1);
+ }
+ steer_angle_feedback = Wheel2SteerPct(control[0](0, 0));
+ acc_feedback = control[0](1, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < basic_state_size_; ++i) {
+ unconstrained_control += control_gain[0](0, i) * matrix_state_(i, 0);
+ }
+ unconstrained_control += addition_gain[0](0, 0) * v * debug->curvature();
+ if (enable_mpc_feedforward_compensation_) {
+ unconstrained_control_diff =
+ Wheel2SteerPct(control[0](0, 0) - unconstrained_control);
+ if (fabs(unconstrained_control_diff) <= unconstrained_control_diff_limit_) {
+ steer_angle_ff_compensation =
+ Wheel2SteerPct(debug->curvature() *
+ (control_gain[0](0, 2) *
+ (lr_ - lf_ / cr_ * mass_ * v * v / wheelbase_) -
+ addition_gain[0](0, 0) * v));
+ } else {
+ control_gain_truncation_ratio = control[0](0, 0) / unconstrained_control;
+ steer_angle_ff_compensation =
+ Wheel2SteerPct(debug->curvature() *
+ (control_gain[0](0, 2) *
+ (lr_ - lf_ / cr_ * mass_ * v * v / wheelbase_) -
+ addition_gain[0](0, 0) * v) *
+ control_gain_truncation_ratio);
+ }
+ } else {
+ steer_angle_ff_compensation = 0.0;
+ }
+#ifdef ADCTEST
+ double mpc_end_timestamp = 0;
+ double mpc_end_timestamp = Clock::NowInSeconds();
+ ADEBUG << "MPC core algorithm: calculation time is: "
+ << (mpc_end_timestamp - mpc_start_timestamp) * 1000 << " ms.";
+ // TODO(QiL): evaluate whether need to add spline smoothing after the result
+ double steer_angle = steer_angle_feedback +
+ steer_angle_feedforwardterm_updated_ +
+ steer_angle_ff_compensation;
+ if (FLAGS_set_steer_limit) {
+ const double steer_limit = std::atan(max_lat_acc_ * wheelbase_ /
+ (vehicle_state->linear_velocity() *
+ vehicle_state->linear_velocity())) *
+ steer_ratio_ * 180 / M_PI /
+ steer_single_direction_max_degree_ * 100;
+ // Clamp the steer angle with steer limitations at current speed
+ double steer_angle_limited =
+ common::math::Clamp(steer_angle, -steer_limit, steer_limit);
+ steer_angle_limited = digital_filter_.Filter(steer_angle_limited);
+ steer_angle = steer_angle_limited;
+ debug->set_steer_angle_limited(steer_angle_limited);
+ }
+ steer_angle = digital_filter_.Filter(steer_angle);
+ // Clamp the steer angle to -100.0 to 100.0
+ steer_angle = common::math::Clamp(steer_angle, -100.0, 100.0);
+ cmd->set_steering_target(steer_angle);
+ debug->set_acceleration_cmd_closeloop(acc_feedback);
+ double acceleration_cmd = acc_feedback + debug->acceleration_reference();
+ // TODO(QiL): add pitch angle feed forward to accommodate for 3D control
+ if ((planning_published_trajectory->trajectory_type() ==
+ apollo::planning::ADCTrajectory::NORMAL) &&
+ (std::fabs(debug->acceleration_reference()) <=
+ max_acceleration_when_stopped_ &&
+ std::fabs(debug->speed_reference()) <= max_abs_speed_when_stopped_)) {
+ acceleration_cmd =
+ (chassis->gear_location() == canbus::Chassis::GEAR_REVERSE)
+ ? std::max(acceleration_cmd, -standstill_acceleration_)
+ : std::min(acceleration_cmd, standstill_acceleration_);
+ ADEBUG << "Stop location reached";
+ debug->set_is_full_stop(true);
+ }
+ // TODO(Yu): study the necessity of path_remain and add it to MPC if needed
+ debug->set_acceleration_cmd(acceleration_cmd);
+ double calibration_value = 0.0;
+ if (FLAGS_use_preview_speed_for_table) {
+ calibration_value = control_interpolation_->Interpolate(
+ std::make_pair(debug->speed_reference(), acceleration_cmd));
+ } else {
+ calibration_value = control_interpolation_->Interpolate(std::make_pair(
+ injector_->vehicle_state()->linear_velocity(), acceleration_cmd));
+ }
+ debug->set_calibration_value(calibration_value);
+ double throttle_cmd = 0.0;
+ double brake_cmd = 0.0;
+ if (calibration_value >= 0) {
+ throttle_cmd = std::max(calibration_value, throttle_lowerbound_);
+ brake_cmd = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ throttle_cmd = 0.0;
+ brake_cmd = std::max(-calibration_value, brake_lowerbound_);
+ }
+ cmd->set_steering_rate(FLAGS_steer_angle_rate);
+ // if the car is driven by acceleration, disgard the cmd->throttle and brake
+ cmd->set_throttle(throttle_cmd);
+ cmd->set_brake(brake_cmd);
+ cmd->set_acceleration(acceleration_cmd);
+ debug->set_heading(vehicle_state->heading());
+ debug->set_steering_position(chassis->steering_percentage());
+ debug->set_steer_angle(steer_angle);
+ debug->set_steer_angle_feedforward(steer_angle_feedforwardterm_updated_);
+ debug->set_steer_angle_feedforward_compensation(steer_angle_ff_compensation);
+ debug->set_steer_unconstrained_control_diff(unconstrained_control_diff);
+ debug->set_steer_angle_feedback(steer_angle_feedback);
+ debug->set_steering_position(chassis->steering_percentage());
+ if (std::fabs(vehicle_state->linear_velocity()) <=
+ vehicle_param_.max_abs_speed_when_stopped() ||
+ chassis->gear_location() == planning_published_trajectory->gear() ||
+ chassis->gear_location() == canbus::Chassis::GEAR_NEUTRAL) {
+ cmd->set_gear_location(planning_published_trajectory->gear());
+ } else {
+ cmd->set_gear_location(chassis->gear_location());
+ }
+ ProcessLogs(debug, chassis);
+ return Status::OK();
+Status MPCController::Reset() {
+ previous_heading_error_ = 0.0;
+ previous_lateral_error_ = 0.0;
+ return Status::OK();
+void MPCController::LoadControlCalibrationTable(
+ const MPCControllerConf &mpc_controller_conf) {
+ const auto &control_table = mpc_controller_conf.calibration_table();
+ ADEBUG << "Control calibration table loaded";
+ ADEBUG << "Control calibration table size is "
+ << control_table.calibration_size();
+ Interpolation2D::DataType xyz;
+ for (const auto &calibration : control_table.calibration()) {
+ xyz.push_back(std::make_tuple(calibration.speed(),
+ calibration.acceleration(),
+ calibration.command()));
+ }
+ control_interpolation_.reset(new Interpolation2D);
+ ACHECK(control_interpolation_->Init(xyz))
+ << "Fail to load control calibration table";
+void MPCController::UpdateState(SimpleMPCDebug *debug) {
+ const auto &com = injector_->vehicle_state()->ComputeCOMPosition(lr_);
+ ComputeLateralErrors(com.x(), com.y(), injector_->vehicle_state()->heading(),
+ injector_->vehicle_state()->linear_velocity(),
+ injector_->vehicle_state()->angular_velocity(),
+ injector_->vehicle_state()->linear_acceleration(),
+ trajectory_analyzer_, debug);
+ // State matrix update;
+ matrix_state_(0, 0) = debug->lateral_error();
+ matrix_state_(1, 0) = debug->lateral_error_rate();
+ matrix_state_(2, 0) = debug->heading_error();
+ matrix_state_(3, 0) = debug->heading_error_rate();
+ matrix_state_(4, 0) = debug->station_error();
+ matrix_state_(5, 0) = debug->speed_error();
+void MPCController::UpdateMatrix(SimpleMPCDebug *debug) {
+ const double v = std::max(injector_->vehicle_state()->linear_velocity(),
+ minimum_speed_protection_);
+ matrix_a_(1, 1) = matrix_a_coeff_(1, 1) / v;
+ matrix_a_(1, 3) = matrix_a_coeff_(1, 3) / v;
+ matrix_a_(3, 1) = matrix_a_coeff_(3, 1) / v;
+ matrix_a_(3, 3) = matrix_a_coeff_(3, 3) / v;
+ Matrix matrix_i = Matrix::Identity(matrix_a_.cols(), matrix_a_.cols());
+ matrix_ad_ = (matrix_i - ts_ * 0.5 * matrix_a_).inverse() *
+ (matrix_i + ts_ * 0.5 * matrix_a_);
+ matrix_c_(1, 0) = (lr_ * cr_ - lf_ * cf_) / mass_ / v - v;
+ matrix_c_(3, 0) = -(lf_ * lf_ * cf_ + lr_ * lr_ * cr_) / iz_ / v;
+ matrix_cd_ = matrix_c_ * debug->ref_heading_rate() * ts_;
+void MPCController::FeedforwardUpdate(SimpleMPCDebug *debug) {
+ const double v = injector_->vehicle_state()->linear_velocity();
+ const double kv =
+ lr_ * mass_ / 2 / cf_ / wheelbase_ - lf_ * mass_ / 2 / cr_ / wheelbase_;
+ steer_angle_feedforwardterm_ = Wheel2SteerPct(
+ wheelbase_ * debug->curvature() + kv * v * v * debug->curvature());
+void MPCController::ComputeLateralErrors(
+ const double x, const double y, const double theta, const double linear_v,
+ const double angular_v, const double linear_a,
+ const TrajectoryAnalyzer &trajectory_analyzer, SimpleMPCDebug *debug) {
+ const auto matched_point =
+ trajectory_analyzer.QueryNearestPointByPosition(x, y);
+ const double dx = x - matched_point.path_point().x();
+ const double dy = y - matched_point.path_point().y();
+ const double cos_matched_theta = std::cos(matched_point.path_point().theta());
+ const double sin_matched_theta = std::sin(matched_point.path_point().theta());
+ // d_error = cos_matched_theta * dy - sin_matched_theta * dx;
+ debug->set_lateral_error(cos_matched_theta * dy - sin_matched_theta * dx);
+ // matched_theta = matched_point.path_point().theta();
+ debug->set_ref_heading(matched_point.path_point().theta());
+ const double delta_theta =
+ common::math::NormalizeAngle(theta - debug->ref_heading());
+ debug->set_heading_error(delta_theta);
+ const double sin_delta_theta = std::sin(delta_theta);
+ // d_error_dot = chassis_v * sin_delta_theta;
+ double lateral_error_dot = linear_v * sin_delta_theta;
+ double lateral_error_dot_dot = linear_a * sin_delta_theta;
+ if (FLAGS_reverse_heading_control) {
+ if (injector_->vehicle_state()->gear() == canbus::Chassis::GEAR_REVERSE) {
+ lateral_error_dot = -lateral_error_dot;
+ lateral_error_dot_dot = -lateral_error_dot_dot;
+ }
+ }
+ debug->set_lateral_error_rate(lateral_error_dot);
+ debug->set_lateral_acceleration(lateral_error_dot_dot);
+ debug->set_lateral_jerk(
+ (debug->lateral_acceleration() - previous_lateral_acceleration_) / ts_);
+ previous_lateral_acceleration_ = debug->lateral_acceleration();
+ // matched_kappa = matched_point.path_point().kappa();
+ debug->set_curvature(matched_point.path_point().kappa());
+ // theta_error = delta_theta;
+ debug->set_heading_error(delta_theta);
+ // theta_error_dot = angular_v - matched_point.path_point().kappa() *
+ // matched_point.v();
+ debug->set_heading_rate(angular_v);
+ debug->set_ref_heading_rate(debug->curvature() * matched_point.v());
+ debug->set_heading_error_rate(debug->heading_rate() -
+ debug->ref_heading_rate());
+ debug->set_heading_acceleration(
+ (debug->heading_rate() - previous_heading_rate_) / ts_);
+ debug->set_ref_heading_acceleration(
+ (debug->ref_heading_rate() - previous_ref_heading_rate_) / ts_);
+ debug->set_heading_error_acceleration(debug->heading_acceleration() -
+ debug->ref_heading_acceleration());
+ previous_heading_rate_ = debug->heading_rate();
+ previous_ref_heading_rate_ = debug->ref_heading_rate();
+ debug->set_heading_jerk(
+ (debug->heading_acceleration() - previous_heading_acceleration_) / ts_);
+ debug->set_ref_heading_jerk(
+ (debug->ref_heading_acceleration() - previous_ref_heading_acceleration_) /
+ ts_);
+ debug->set_heading_error_jerk(debug->heading_jerk() -
+ debug->ref_heading_jerk());
+ previous_heading_acceleration_ = debug->heading_acceleration();
+ previous_ref_heading_acceleration_ = debug->ref_heading_acceleration();
+void MPCController::ComputeLongitudinalErrors(
+ const TrajectoryAnalyzer *trajectory_analyzer, SimpleMPCDebug *debug) {
+ // the decomposed vehicle motion onto Frenet frame
+ // s: longitudinal accumulated distance along reference trajectory
+ // s_dot: longitudinal velocity along reference trajectory
+ // d: lateral distance w.r.t. reference trajectory
+ // d_dot: lateral distance change rate, i.e. dd/dt
+ double s_matched = 0.0;
+ double s_dot_matched = 0.0;
+ double d_matched = 0.0;
+ double d_dot_matched = 0.0;
+ const auto matched_point = trajectory_analyzer->QueryMatchedPathPoint(
+ injector_->vehicle_state()->x(), injector_->vehicle_state()->y());
+ trajectory_analyzer->ToTrajectoryFrame(
+ injector_->vehicle_state()->x(), injector_->vehicle_state()->y(),
+ injector_->vehicle_state()->heading(),
+ injector_->vehicle_state()->linear_velocity(), matched_point, &s_matched,
+ &s_dot_matched, &d_matched, &d_dot_matched);
+#ifndef ADCTEST
+ const double current_control_time = Clock::NowInSeconds();
+ const double current_control_time = 0;
+ TrajectoryPoint reference_point =
+ trajectory_analyzer->QueryNearestPointByAbsoluteTime(
+ current_control_time);
+ ADEBUG << "matched point:" << matched_point.DebugString();
+ ADEBUG << "reference point:" << reference_point.DebugString();
+ const double linear_v = injector_->vehicle_state()->linear_velocity();
+ const double linear_a = injector_->vehicle_state()->linear_acceleration();
+ double heading_error = common::math::NormalizeAngle(
+ injector_->vehicle_state()->heading() - matched_point.theta());
+ double lon_speed = linear_v * std::cos(heading_error);
+ double lon_acceleration = linear_a * std::cos(heading_error);
+ double one_minus_kappa_lat_error = 1 - reference_point.path_point().kappa() *
+ linear_v * std::sin(heading_error);
+ debug->set_station_reference(reference_point.path_point().s());
+ debug->set_station_feedback(s_matched);
+ debug->set_station_error(reference_point.path_point().s() - s_matched);
+ debug->set_speed_reference(reference_point.v());
+ debug->set_speed_feedback(lon_speed);
+ debug->set_speed_error(reference_point.v() - s_dot_matched);
+ debug->set_acceleration_reference(reference_point.a());
+ debug->set_acceleration_feedback(lon_acceleration);
+ debug->set_acceleration_error(reference_point.a() -
+ lon_acceleration / one_minus_kappa_lat_error);
+ double jerk_reference =
+ (debug->acceleration_reference() - previous_acceleration_reference_) /
+ ts_;
+ double lon_jerk =
+ (debug->acceleration_feedback() - previous_acceleration_) / ts_;
+ debug->set_jerk_reference(jerk_reference);
+ debug->set_jerk_feedback(lon_jerk);
+ debug->set_jerk_error(jerk_reference - lon_jerk / one_minus_kappa_lat_error);
+ previous_acceleration_reference_ = debug->acceleration_reference();
+ previous_acceleration_ = debug->acceleration_feedback();
+} // namespace control
+} // namespace apollo