@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+#include <thread>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <QUdpSocket>
+//#include <QNetworkDatagram>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <QMutex>
+#include <QDateTime>
+#include <QFile>
+//#include <pcl/conversions.h>
+#include <pcl/point_cloud.h>
+#include <pcl/point_types.h>
+#include "modulecomm.h"
+#include "lidar_driver_hesaipandarqt64.h"
+#include "lidar_hesaipandarqt64_rawdata.h"
+#include "ivexit.h"
+#include "ivfault.h"
+#include "ivlog.h"
+#ifdef VV7_1
+int vv7;
+#define Lidar_Pi 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
+#define Lidar32 (unsigned long)3405883584//
+#define Lidar_roll_ang 90*Lidar_Pi/180.0
+static std::thread * g_phesaipandar64Thread;
+static std::thread * g_phesaipandar64ProcThread;
+//float gV_theta[16] = {-15,1,-13,3,-11,5,-9,7,-7,9,-5,11,-3,13,-1,15}; //16 Angles
+//static float gV_theta[64] = {14.7,10.85,7.877,4.875,2.858,1.846,1.678,1.506,1.34,1.169,1.002,0.831,0.664,0.493,0.326,0.155,-0.013,-0.182,-0.351,-0.519,-0.69,-0.857,-1.027,-1.195,-1.366,-1.533,-1.704,-1.87,-2.042,-2.21,-2.38,-2.547,-2.718,-2.882,-3.055,-3.222,-3.392,-3.557,-3.73,-3.894,-4.066,-4.232,-4.403,-4.567,-4.74,-4.902,-5.074,-5.239,-5.411,-5.573,-5.747,-5.908,-6.08,-6.243,-7.245,-8.241,-9.242,-10.227,-11.214,-12.188,-13.156,-14.112,-19.071,-25.079}; //64 Angles
+static float gV_theta[64] = {8.736,8.314,7.964,7.669,7.417,7.198,7.007,6.838,6.688,6.554,6.434,6.326,6.228,6.14,6.059,5.987,-5.27,-5.216,-5.167,-5.123,-5.083,-5.047,-5.016,-4.988,-4.963,-4.942,-4.924,-4.91,-4.898,-4.889,-4.884,-4.881,5.493,5.496,5.502,5.512,5.525,5.541,5.561,5.584,5.611,5.642,5.676,5.716,5.759,5.808,5.862,5.921,-5.33,-5.396,-5.469,-5.55,-5.64,-5.74,-5.85,-5.974,-6.113,-6.269,-6.447,-6.651,-6.887,-7.163,-7.493,-7.892};
+//static float gH_theta[64] = {-1.042,-1.042,-1.042,-1.042,-1.042,-1.042,1.042,3.125,5.208,-5.208,-3.125,-1.042,1.042,3.125,5.208,-5.208,-3.125,-1.042,1.042,3.125,5.208,-5.208,-3.125,-1.042,1.042,3.125,5.208,-5.208,-3.125,-1.042,1.042,3.125,5.208,-5.208,-3.125,-1.042,1.042,3.125,5.208,-5.208,-3.125,-1.042,1.042,3.125,5.208,-5.208,-3.125,-1.042,1.042,3.125,5.208,-5.208,-3.125,-1.042,-1.042,-1.042,-1.042,-1.042,-1.042,-1.042,-1.042,-1.042,-1.042,-1.042};
+static float gH_theta[64] = {-52.121,-49.785,-47.577,-45.477,-43.465,-41.528,-39.653,-37.831,-36.055,-34.32,-32.619,-30.95,-29.308,-27.69,-26.094,-24.517,-22.964,-21.42,-19.889,-18.372,-16.865,-15.368,-13.88,-12.399,-10.925,-9.457,-7.994,-6.535,-5.079,-3.626,-2.175,-0.725,0.725,2.175,3.626,5.079,6.534,7.993,9.456,10.923,12.397,13.877,15.365,16.861,18.368,19.885,21.415,22.959,24.524,26.101,27.697,29.315,30.957,32.627,34.328,36.064,37.84,39.662,41.537,43.475,45.487,47.587,49.795,52.133};
+static float gV_theta_cos[64],gV_theta_sin[64];
+//static void * g_hesaipandar64_raw;
+static void * g_lidar_pc;
+static bool g_bhesaipandar64_run = false;
+static bool g_bhesaipandar64_running = false;
+static bool g_bhesaipandar64_Proc_running = false;
+static int g_seq = 0;
+static unsigned short glidar_port=2368;
+extern char gstr_memname[256];
+extern char gstr_rollang[256];
+extern char gstr_inclinationang_yaxis[256]; //from y axis
+extern char gstr_inclinationang_xaxis[256]; //from x axis
+//char gstr_hostip[256];
+extern char gstr_port[256];
+extern char gstr_yaml[256];
+extern char gstr_calibfile[256];
+extern iv::Ivfault * gIvfault;
+extern iv::Ivlog * gIvlog;
+ * @brief The hesaipandar64_Buf class
+ * Use for Lidar UDP DATA Save
+ */
+class hesaipandar64_Buf
+ char * mstrdata;
+ int mnSize; //Data SizeUse
+ QMutex mMutex;
+ int mIndex;
+ hesaipandar64_Buf()
+ {
+ mstrdata = new char[BK32_DATA_BUFSIZE];
+ mIndex = 0;
+ mnSize = 0;
+ }
+ ~hesaipandar64_Buf()
+ {
+ delete mstrdata;
+ }
+ void WriteData(const char * strdata,const int nSize)
+ {
+ mMutex.lock();
+ memcpy(mstrdata,strdata,nSize);
+ mnSize = nSize;
+ mIndex++;
+ mMutex.unlock();
+ }
+ int ReadData(char * strdata,const int nRead,int * pnIndex)
+ {
+ int nRtn = 0;
+ if(mnSize <= 0)return 0;
+ mMutex.lock();
+ nRtn = mnSize;
+ if(nRtn >nRead)
+ {
+ nRtn = nRead;
+ std::cout<<"lidar_hesaipandarQT64 hesaipandarQT64_Buf ReadData data nRead = "<<nRead<<" is small"<<std::endl;
+ }
+ memcpy(strdata,mstrdata,nRtn);
+ mnSize = 0;
+ if(pnIndex != 0)*pnIndex = mIndex;
+ mMutex.unlock();
+ return nRtn;
+ }
+static hesaipandar64_Buf * g_hesaipandar64_Buf;
+static char * g_RawData_Buf; //Buffer UDP Data
+static int gnRawPos = 0;
+static float gAngle_Old = 0;
+static float gAngle_Total = 0;
+static unsigned short gold = 0;
+static int gnPac = 0;
+#include <QTime>
+static QTime gTime;
+ * @brief processhesaipandar64_Data
+ * @param ba UDP Buffer
+ * 1.UDP ByteArray Length is npacsize.
+ * 2.if Angle is More than 360. Tell Another thread process.
+ */
+static void processhesaipandar64_Data(QByteArray ba)
+ gnPac++;
+ unsigned short * pAng;
+ float fAng;
+ char * pdata;
+ pdata = ba.data();
+// const int npacsize = 1194;
+ const int npacsize = 1072;
+ if(ba.length() >= npacsize)
+ {
+// pAng = (unsigned short *)(pdata+8);
+ pAng = (unsigned short *)(pdata+6+6);
+ fAng = *pAng;fAng = fAng*0.01;
+ if(fabs(fAng-gAngle_Old)>300)
+ {
+ gAngle_Total = gAngle_Total + fabs(fabs(fAng-gAngle_Old)-360);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gAngle_Total = gAngle_Total + fabs(fabs(fAng-gAngle_Old));
+ }
+ gAngle_Old = fAng;
+ if(gAngle_Total > 360)
+ {
+ g_hesaipandar64_Buf->WriteData(g_RawData_Buf,gnRawPos);
+ lidar_hesaipandar64_raw * p = new lidar_hesaipandar64_raw();
+ p->mnLen = gnRawPos;
+ memcpy(p->mstrdata,g_RawData_Buf,gnRawPos);
+// iv::modulecomm::ModuleSendMsg(g_hesaipandar64_raw,(char *)p,sizeof(lidar_hesaipandar64_raw));
+ delete p;
+ memcpy(g_RawData_Buf,pdata,npacsize);
+ gnRawPos = npacsize;
+ // std::cout<<"index = "<<gnPac<<" time ="<<gTime.elapsed()<<" a cycle"<<std::endl;
+ gAngle_Total = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if((gnRawPos+npacsize)<= BK32_DATA_BUFSIZE)
+ {
+ memcpy(g_RawData_Buf+gnRawPos,pdata,npacsize);
+ gnRawPos= gnRawPos+npacsize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"lidar_hesaipandar64 processhesaipandar64_Data data is very big gnRawPos = "<<gnRawPos<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // std::cout<<*pAng<<std::endl;
+ // gold = *pAng;
+ if(gnRawPos == 0)
+ {
+ gAngle_Total = 0;
+ gAngle_Old = *pAng;
+ gAngle_Old = gAngle_Old*0.01;
+ memcpy(g_RawData_Buf,pdata,npacsize);
+ gnRawPos = gnRawPos+npacsize;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"lidar_hesaipandar64 processhesaipandar64_Data receive data packet len is not npacsize "<<std::endl;
+ }
+ * @brief hesaipandar64_Func thread for receive udp socket
+ * @param n
+ */
+static void hesaipandar64_Func(int n)
+ gTime.start();
+ std::cout<<"Enter hesaipandar64_Func."<<std::endl;
+ QUdpSocket * udpSocket = new QUdpSocket( );
+ udpSocket->bind(QHostAddress::Any, glidar_port);
+ unsigned int ndatamisstime = 0;
+ int nstate = 0;
+ int nlaststate = 0;
+ while(g_bhesaipandar64_run)
+ {
+ if(udpSocket->hasPendingDatagrams())
+ {
+ ndatamisstime = 0;
+ // std::cout<<"have data."<<std::endl;
+ QByteArray datagram;
+ datagram.resize(udpSocket->pendingDatagramSize());
+ QHostAddress sender;
+ quint16 senderPort;
+ udpSocket->readDatagram(datagram.data(), datagram.size(),
+ &sender, &senderPort);
+// processTheDatagram(datagram);
+ // std::cout<<"have data."<<std::endl;
+// QNetworkDatagram datagram = udpSocket->receiveDatagram();
+ processhesaipandar64_Data(datagram);
+ datagram.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+// std::cout<<"running."<<std::endl;
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
+ if(ndatamisstime < 1000000) ndatamisstime++;
+ }
+ if(ndatamisstime > 1000)
+ {
+ nstate = 1;
+ }
+ if(ndatamisstime > 60000)
+ {
+ nstate = 2;
+ }
+ if(ndatamisstime < 100)
+ {
+ nstate = 0;
+ }
+ if(nlaststate != nstate)
+ {
+ nlaststate = nstate;
+ switch (nstate) {
+ case 0:
+ gIvfault->SetFaultState(0,0,"OK");
+ gIvlog->info("received udp data.device is ok.");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ gIvfault->SetFaultState(1,1,"No data");
+ gIvlog->warn("more than 1 second no data. warning.");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ gIvfault->SetFaultState(2,2,"No data,Please Check Device or setting.");
+ gIvlog->error("more than 60 seconds no data. error. Please check device or setting.");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ udpSocket->close();
+ delete udpSocket;
+ g_bhesaipandar64_running = false;
+ std::cout<<"hesaipandar64_Func Exit."<<std::endl;
+ * @brief process_hesaipandar64obs Make PointCloud And Share
+ * @param strdata pointer to data
+ * @param nLen data length
+ */
+static void process_hesaipandar64obs(char * strdata,int nLen)
+ double frollang = atof(gstr_rollang) *M_PI/180.0; //Roll Angle
+ double finclinationang_xaxis = atof(gstr_inclinationang_xaxis)*M_PI/180.0; //Inclination from x axis
+ double finclinationang_yaxis = atof(gstr_inclinationang_yaxis)*M_PI/180.0; //Inclination from y axis
+ bool binclix = false;
+ bool bincliy = false;
+ if(finclinationang_xaxis != 0.0)binclix = true;
+ if(finclinationang_yaxis != 0.0)bincliy = true;
+ double cos_finclinationang_xaxis = cos(finclinationang_xaxis);
+ double sin_finclinationang_xaxis = sin(finclinationang_xaxis);
+ double cos_finclinationang_yaxis = cos(finclinationang_yaxis);
+ double sin_finclinationang_yaxis = sin(finclinationang_yaxis);
+ QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr point_cloud(
+ new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>());
+ point_cloud->header.frame_id = "velodyne";
+ point_cloud->height = 1;
+ point_cloud->header.stamp = dt.currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
+ point_cloud->width = 0;
+ point_cloud->header.seq =g_seq;
+ g_seq++;
+ unsigned char * pstr = (unsigned char *)strdata;
+// std::cout<<"enter obs."<<std::endl;
+// float w = 0.0036;
+ float Ang = 0;
+ float Range = 0;
+ int bag = 0;
+ int Group = 0;
+ int pointi = 0;
+ float wt = 0;
+ int wt1 = 0;
+// const int npacsize = 1194;
+ const int npacsize = 1072;
+ int buf1len = nLen/npacsize;
+// unsigned short * pAng;
+// double ang1,ang2;
+// pAng = (unsigned short *)(strdata+2+0*100);
+// ang1 = *pAng;ang1 = ang1/100.0;
+// pAng = (unsigned short *)(strdata+2+1*100);
+// ang2 = *pAng;ang2 = ang2/100.0;
+// double angdiff = ang2 - ang1;
+// if(angdiff<0)angdiff = angdiff + 360.0;
+// angdiff = angdiff/2.0;
+ for (bag = 0; bag < buf1len; bag++)
+ {
+// for (Group = 0; Group < 6; Group++)
+ for (Group = 0; Group < 4; Group++)
+ {
+// wt1 = ((pstr[bag*npacsize +9 + Group * 194] *256) + pstr[bag*npacsize + 8 + Group * 194]) ;
+ wt1 = ((pstr[bag*npacsize +13 + Group * 258] *256) + pstr[bag*npacsize + 12 + Group * 258]) ;
+ wt = wt1/ 100.0;
+ for (pointi = 0; pointi <64; pointi++)
+ {
+ Ang = (0 - wt-gH_theta[pointi]) / 180.0 * Lidar_Pi;
+// Range = ((pstr[bag*npacsize + Group * 194 + 11 + 3 * pointi] << 8) + pstr[bag*npacsize+Group * 194 + 10 + 3 * pointi]);
+ Range = ((pstr[bag*npacsize + Group * 258 + 15 + 3 * pointi] << 8) + pstr[bag*npacsize+Group * 258 + 14 + 3 * pointi]);
+// unsigned char intensity = pstr[bag*npacsize + Group * 194 + 12 + 3 * pointi];
+ unsigned char intensity = pstr[bag*npacsize + Group * 258 + 16 + 3 * pointi];
+ Range=Range* 0.004;
+ pcl::PointXYZI point;
+ point.x = Range* gV_theta_cos[pointi]*cos(Ang + frollang);
+ point.y = Range* gV_theta_cos[pointi] *sin(Ang + frollang);
+ point.z = Range* gV_theta_sin[pointi];
+ point.intensity = intensity;
+ if(binclix)
+ {
+ double y,z;
+ y = point.y;z = point.z;
+ point.y = y*cos_finclinationang_xaxis +z*sin_finclinationang_xaxis;
+ point.z = z*cos_finclinationang_xaxis - y*sin_finclinationang_xaxis;
+ }
+ if(bincliy)
+ {
+ double z,x;
+ z = point.z;x = point.x;
+ point.z = z*cos_finclinationang_yaxis + x*sin_finclinationang_yaxis;
+ point.x = x*cos_finclinationang_yaxis - z*sin_finclinationang_yaxis;
+ }
+ point_cloud->points.push_back(point);
+ ++point_cloud->width;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ char * strOut = new char[4+sizeof(point_cloud->header.frame_id.size()) + 4+8+point_cloud->width * sizeof(pcl::PointXYZI)];
+ int * pHeadSize = (int *)strOut;
+ *pHeadSize = 4 + point_cloud->header.frame_id.size()+4+8;
+ memcpy(strOut+4,point_cloud->header.frame_id.c_str(),point_cloud->header.frame_id.size());
+ pcl::uint32_t * pu32 = (pcl::uint32_t *)(strOut+4+sizeof(point_cloud->header.frame_id.size()));
+ *pu32 = point_cloud->header.seq;
+ memcpy(strOut+4+sizeof(point_cloud->header.frame_id.size()) + 4,&point_cloud->header.stamp,8);
+ pcl::PointXYZI * p;
+ p = (pcl::PointXYZI *)(strOut +4+sizeof(point_cloud->header.frame_id.size()) + 4+8 );
+ memcpy(p,point_cloud->points.data(),point_cloud->width * sizeof(pcl::PointXYZI));
+ iv::modulecomm::ModuleSendMsg(g_lidar_pc,strOut,4+sizeof(point_cloud->header.frame_id.size()) + 4+8+point_cloud->width * sizeof(pcl::PointXYZI));
+ delete strOut;
+// std::cout<<"point cloud width = "<<point_cloud->width<<" size = "<<point_cloud->size()<<std::endl;
+ * @brief hesaipandar64_Proc_Func
+ * thread for process data to PointCloud
+ * @param n
+ */
+static void hesaipandar64_Proc_Func(int n)
+ std::cout<<"Enter hesaipandar64_Proc_Func"<<std::endl;
+ char * strdata = new char[BK32_DATA_BUFSIZE];
+ int nIndex;
+ int nRead;
+ while(g_bhesaipandar64_run)
+ {
+ if((nRead = g_hesaipandar64_Buf->ReadData(strdata,BK32_DATA_BUFSIZE,&nIndex))>0)
+ {
+ //process data.
+ process_hesaipandar64obs(strdata,nRead);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // std::cout<<"running."<<std::endl;
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
+ }
+ }
+ g_bhesaipandar64_Proc_running = false;
+ std::cout<<"Exit hesaipandar64_Proc_Func"<<std::endl;
+void exitfunc()
+ StopLidar_hesaipandar64();
+static void decodecsv(char * strpath)
+ QFile xFile;
+ xFile.setFileName(strpath);
+ if(!xFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
+ {
+ std::cout<<"open csv file "<<strpath<<" fail."<<std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ QByteArray ba = xFile.readAll();
+ QString strdata = ba;
+ QStringList strline = strdata.split("\n");
+ const int nline= 64;
+ if(strline.size()<(nline+1))
+ {
+ std::cout<<"File not complete. line size is "<<strline.size()<<std::endl;
+ xFile.close();
+ return;
+ }
+ int i;
+ int nlinesize = strline.size();
+ float * pxV,*pxH;
+ pxV = new float[nline];
+ pxH = new float[nline];
+ bool bAllOK = true;
+ for(i=1;i<(nline +1);i++)
+ {
+ QString strx = strline.at(i);
+ QStringList strlistvalue = strx.split(",");
+ if(strlistvalue.size()>=3)
+ {
+ pxV[i-1] = QString(strlistvalue.at(1)).toDouble();
+ pxH[i-1] = QString(strlistvalue.at(2)).toDouble();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bAllOK = false;
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout<<"Elevation:"<<std::endl;
+ for(i=0;i<nline;i++)
+ {
+ std::cout<<pxV[i]<<",";
+ }
+ std::cout<<std::endl;
+ std::cout<<"Azimuth:"<<std::endl;
+ for(i=0;i<nline;i++)
+ {
+ std::cout<<pxH[i]<<",";
+ }
+ std::cout<<std::endl;
+ if(bAllOK)
+ {
+ memcpy(gV_theta,pxV,64*sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(gH_theta,pxH,64*sizeof(float));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"Not All Data OK. Please check."<<std::endl;
+ }
+ delete pxV;
+ delete pxH;
+ xFile.close();
+ * @brief StartLidar_hesaipandar64x Start
+ * @return
+ */
+ iv::ivexit::RegIVExitCall(exitfunc);
+ std::cout<<"Now Start hesaipandar64 Listen."<<std::endl;
+ g_RawData_Buf = new char[BK32_DATA_BUFSIZE];
+ decodecsv(gstr_calibfile);
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<64;i++)
+ {
+ gV_theta[i] = gV_theta[i]*M_PI/180.0;
+ gV_theta_cos[i] = cos(gV_theta[i]);
+ gV_theta_sin[i] = sin(gV_theta[i]);
+ }
+ g_hesaipandar64_Buf = new hesaipandar64_Buf();
+ g_bhesaipandar64_run = true;
+ g_bhesaipandar64_running = true;
+ g_bhesaipandar64_Proc_running = true;
+ glidar_port = atoi(gstr_port);
+// g_hesaipandar64_raw = iv::modulecomm::RegisterSend(strmemnameraw,10*sizeof(lidar_hesaipandar64_raw),10);
+ g_lidar_pc = iv::modulecomm::RegisterSend(gstr_memname,20000000,1);
+ g_phesaipandar64Thread = new std::thread(hesaipandar64_Func,0);
+ g_phesaipandar64ProcThread = new std::thread(hesaipandar64_Proc_Func,0);
+ return 0;
+ * @brief StopLidar_hesaipandar64 Stop
+ */
+ std::cout<<"Now Close hesaipandar64. "<<std::endl;
+ g_bhesaipandar64_run = false;
+ g_phesaipandar64Thread->join();
+ g_phesaipandar64ProcThread->join();
+ iv::modulecomm::Unregister(g_lidar_pc);
+ delete g_phesaipandar64ProcThread;
+ delete g_phesaipandar64Thread;
+ delete g_hesaipandar64_Buf;
+ delete g_RawData_Buf;