@@ -1,3028 +1,3244 @@
-#include "globalplan.h"
-#include "limits"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <Eigen/Dense>
-#include <Eigen/Cholesky>
-#include <Eigen/LU>
-#include <Eigen/QR>
-#include <Eigen/SVD>
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <QPointF>
-using namespace Eigen;
-extern "C"
-#include "dubins.h"
-static void AddSignalMark(Road * pRoad, int nlane,std::vector<PlanPoint> & xvectorPP);
- * @brief GetLineDis 获得点到直线Geometry的距离。
- * @param pline
- * @param x
- * @param y
- * @param nearx
- * @param neary
- * @param nearhead
- * @return
- */
-static double GetLineDis(GeometryLine * pline,const double x,const double y,double & nearx,
- double & neary,double & nearhead)
- double fRtn = 1000.0;
- double a1,a2,a3,a4,b1,b2;
- double ratio = pline->GetHdg();
- while(ratio >= 2.0* M_PI)ratio = ratio-2.0*M_PI;
- while(ratio<0)ratio = ratio+2.0*M_PI;
- double dis1,dis2,dis3;
- double x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3;
- x1 = pline->GetX();y1=pline->GetY();
- if((ratio == 0)||(ratio == M_PI))
- {
- a1 = 0;a4=0;
- a2 = 1;b1= pline->GetY();
- a3 = 1;b2= x;
- }
- else
- {
- if((ratio == 0.5*M_PI)||(ratio == 1.5*M_PI))
- {
- a2=0;a3=0;
- a1=1,b1=pline->GetX();
- a4 = 1;b2 = y;
- }
- else
- {
- a1 = tan(ratio) *(-1.0);
- a2 = 1;
- a3 = tan(ratio+M_PI/2.0)*(-1.0);
- a4 = 1;
- b1 = a1*pline->GetX() + a2 * pline->GetY();
- b2 = a3*x+a4*y;
- }
- }
- y2 = y1 + pline->GetLength() * sin(ratio);
- x2 = x1 + pline->GetLength() * cos(ratio);
- Eigen::Matrix2d A;
- A<<a1,a2,
- a3,a4;
- Eigen::Vector2d B(b1,b2);
- Eigen::Vector2d opoint = A.lu().solve(B);
- // std::cout<<opoint<<std::endl;
- x3 = opoint(0);
- y3 = opoint(1);
- dis1 = sqrt(pow(x1-x,2)+pow(y1-y,2));
- dis2 = sqrt(pow(x2-x,2)+pow(y2-y,2));
- dis3 = sqrt(pow(x3-x,2)+pow(y3-y,2));
-// std::cout<<" dis 1 is "<<dis1<<std::endl;
-// std::cout<<" dis 2 is "<<dis2<<std::endl;
-// std::cout<<" dis 3 is "<<dis3<<std::endl;
- if((dis1>pline->GetLength())||(dis2>pline->GetLength())) //Outoff line
- {
- // std::cout<<" out line"<<std::endl;
- if(dis1<dis2)
- {
- fRtn = dis1;
- nearx = x1;neary=y1;nearhead = pline->GetHdg();
- }
- else
- {
- fRtn = dis2;
- nearx = x2;neary=y2;nearhead = pline->GetHdg();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fRtn = dis3;
- nearx = x3;neary=y3;nearhead = pline->GetHdg();
- }
-// std::cout<<"dis is "<<fRtn<<" x is "<<nearx<<" y is "<<neary<<" head is "<<nearhead<<std::endl;
- return fRtn;
-static int getcirclecrosspoint(QPointF startPos, QPointF endPos, QPointF agvPos, double R,QPointF & point1,QPointF & point2 )
- double m=0;
- double k;
- double b;
- //计算分子
- m=startPos.x()-endPos.x();
- //求直线的方程
- if(0==m)
- {
- k=100000;
- b=startPos.y()-k*startPos.x();
- }
- else
- {
- k=(endPos.y()-startPos.y())/(endPos.x()-startPos.x());
- b=startPos.y()-k*startPos.x();
- }
-// qDebug()<<k<<b;
- double temp = fabs(k*agvPos.x()-agvPos.y()+b)/sqrt(k*k+b*b);
- //求直线与圆的交点 前提是圆需要与直线有交点
- if(fabs(k*agvPos.x()-agvPos.y()+b)/sqrt(k*k+b*b)<R)
- {
- point1.setX((2*agvPos.x()-2*k*(b-agvPos.y())+sqrt(pow((2*k*(b-agvPos.y())-2*agvPos.x()),2)-4*(k*k+1)*((b-agvPos.y())*(b-agvPos.y())+agvPos.x()*agvPos.x()-R*R)))/(2*k*k+2));
- point2.setX((2*agvPos.x()-2*k*(b-agvPos.y())-sqrt(pow((2*k*(b-agvPos.y())-2*agvPos.x()),2)-4*(k*k+1)*((b-agvPos.y())*(b-agvPos.y())+agvPos.x()*agvPos.x()-R*R)))/(2*k*k+2));
- point1.setY(k*point1.x()+b);
- point2.setY(k*point2.x()+b);
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
- * @brief CalcHdg
- * 计算点0到点1的航向
- * @param p0 Point 0
- * @param p1 Point 1
-static double CalcHdg(QPointF p0, QPointF p1)
- double x0,y0,x1,y1;
- x0 = p0.x();
- y0 = p0.y();
- x1 = p1.x();
- y1 = p1.y();
- if(x0 == x1)
- {
- if(y0 < y1)
- {
- return M_PI/2.0;
- }
- else
- return M_PI*3.0/2.0;
- }
- double ratio = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0);
- double hdg = atan(ratio);
- if(ratio > 0)
- {
- if(y1 > y0)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- hdg = hdg + M_PI;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(y1 > y0)
- {
- hdg = hdg + M_PI;
- }
- else
- {
- hdg = hdg + 2.0*M_PI;
- }
- }
- return hdg;
-static bool pointinarc(GeometryArc * parc,QPointF poingarc,QPointF point1)
- double hdg = CalcHdg(poingarc,point1);
- if(parc->GetCurvature() >0)hdg = hdg + M_PI/2.0;
- else hdg = hdg - M_PI/2.0;
- if(hdg >= 2.0*M_PI)hdg = hdg - 2.0*M_PI;
- if(hdg < 0)hdg = hdg + 2.0*M_PI;
- double hdgrange = parc->GetLength()/(1.0/parc->GetCurvature());
- double hdgdiff = hdg - parc->GetHdg();
- if(hdgrange >= 0 )
- {
- if(hdgdiff < 0)hdgdiff = hdgdiff + M_PI*2.0;
- }
- else
- {
- if(hdgdiff > 0)hdgdiff = hdgdiff - M_PI*2.0;
- }
- if(fabs(hdgdiff ) < fabs(hdgrange))return true;
- return false;
-static inline double calcpointdis(QPointF p1,QPointF p2)
- return sqrt(pow(p1.x()-p2.x(),2)+pow(p1.y()-p2.y(),2));
- * @brief GetArcDis
- * 计算点到圆弧的最短距离,首先用点和圆弧中心点的直线与圆的交点,计算点到交点的距离,如果交点在圆弧上,则最短距离是交点之一,否则计算点到圆弧两个端点的距离。
- * @param parc pointer to a arc geomery
- * @param x current x
- * @param y current y
- * @param nearx near x
- * @param neary near y
- * @param nearhead nearhead
-static double GetArcDis(GeometryArc * parc,double x,double y,double & nearx,
- double & neary,double & nearhead)
- // double fRtn = 1000.0;
- if(parc->GetCurvature() == 0.0)return 1000.0;
- double R = fabs(1.0/parc->GetCurvature());
-// if(parc->GetX() == 4.8213842690322309e+01)
-// {
-// int a = 1;
-// a = 3;
-// }
-// if(parc->GetCurvature() == -0.0000110203)
-// {
-// int a = 1;
-// a = 3;
-// }
- //calculate arc center
- double x_center,y_center;
- if(parc->GetCurvature() > 0)
- {
- x_center = parc->GetX() + R * cos(parc->GetHdg() + M_PI/2.0);
- y_center = parc->GetY() + R * sin(parc->GetHdg()+ M_PI/2.0);
- }
- else
- {
- x_center = parc->GetX() + R * cos(parc->GetHdg() - M_PI/2.0);
- y_center = parc->GetY() + R * sin(parc->GetHdg() - M_PI/2.0);
- }
- double hdgltoa = CalcHdg(QPointF(x,y),QPointF(x_center,y_center));
- QPointF arcpoint;
- arcpoint.setX(x_center);arcpoint.setY(y_center);
- QPointF pointnow;
- pointnow.setX(x);pointnow.setY(y);
- QPointF point1,point2;
- point1.setX(x_center + (R * cos(hdgltoa)));
- point1.setY(y_center + (R * sin(hdgltoa)));
- point2.setX(x_center + (R * cos(hdgltoa + M_PI)));
- point2.setY(y_center + (R * sin(hdgltoa + M_PI)));
- //calculat dis
- bool bp1inarc,bp2inarc;
- bp1inarc =pointinarc(parc,arcpoint,point1);
- bp2inarc =pointinarc(parc,arcpoint,point2);
- double fdis[4];
- fdis[0] = calcpointdis(pointnow,point1);
- fdis[1] = calcpointdis(pointnow,point2);
- fdis[2] = calcpointdis(pointnow,QPointF(parc->GetX(),parc->GetY()));
- QPointF pointend;
- double hdgrange = parc->GetLength()*parc->GetCurvature();
- double hdgend = parc->GetHdg() + hdgrange;
- while(hdgend <0.0)hdgend = hdgend + 2.0 *M_PI;
- while(hdgend >= 2.0*M_PI) hdgend = hdgend -2.0*M_PI;
- if(parc->GetCurvature() >0)
- {
- pointend.setX(arcpoint.x() + R*cos(hdgend -M_PI/2.0 ));
- pointend.setY(arcpoint.y() + R*sin(hdgend -M_PI/2.0) );
- }
- else
- {
- pointend.setX(arcpoint.x() + R*cos(hdgend +M_PI/2.0 ));
- pointend.setY(arcpoint.y() + R*sin(hdgend +M_PI/2.0) );
- }
- fdis[3] = calcpointdis(pointnow,pointend);
- int indexmin = -1;
- double fdismin = 1000000.0;
- if(bp1inarc)
- {
- indexmin = 0;fdismin = fdis[0];
- }
- if(bp2inarc)
- {
- if(indexmin == -1)
- {
- indexmin = 1;fdismin = fdis[1];
- }
- else
- {
- if(fdis[1]<fdismin)
- {
- indexmin = 1;fdismin = fdis[1];
- }
- }
- }
- if(indexmin == -1)
- {
- indexmin = 2;fdismin = fdis[2];
- }
- else
- {
- if(fdis[2]<fdismin)
- {
- indexmin = 2;fdismin = fdis[2];
- }
- }
- if(fdis[3]<fdismin)
- {
- indexmin = 3;fdismin = fdis[3];
- }
- switch (indexmin) {
- case 0:
- nearx = point1.x();
- neary = point1.y();
- if(parc->GetCurvature()<0)
- {
- nearhead = CalcHdg(arcpoint,point1) - M_PI/2.0;
- }
- else
- {
- nearhead = CalcHdg(arcpoint,point1) + M_PI/2.0;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- nearx = point2.x();
- neary = point2.y();
- if(parc->GetCurvature()<0)
- {
- nearhead = CalcHdg(arcpoint,point2) - M_PI/2.0;
- }
- else
- {
- nearhead = CalcHdg(arcpoint,point2) + M_PI/2.0;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- nearx = parc->GetX();
- neary = parc->GetY();
- nearhead = parc->GetHdg();
- break;
- case 3:
- nearx = pointend.x();
- neary = pointend.y();
- nearhead = hdgend;
- break;
- default:
- std::cout<<"error in arcdis "<<std::endl;
- break;
- }
- while(nearhead>2.0*M_PI)nearhead = nearhead -2.0*M_PI;
- while(nearhead<0)nearhead = nearhead + 2.0*M_PI;
- return fdismin;
-static double GetSpiralDis(GeometrySpiral * pspiral,double xnow,double ynow,double & nearx,
- double & neary,double & nearhead)
- double x,y,hdg;
- double s = 0.0;
- double fdismin = 100000.0;
- double s0 = pspiral->GetS();
- while(s<pspiral->GetLength())
- {
- pspiral->GetCoords(s0+s,x,y,hdg);
- s = s+0.1;
- double fdis = calcpointdis(QPointF(x,y),QPointF(xnow,ynow));
- if(fdis<fdismin)
- {
- fdismin = fdis;
- nearhead = hdg;
- nearx = x;
- neary = y;
- }
- }
- return fdismin;
- * @brief GetParamPoly3Dis 获得点到贝塞尔曲线的距离。
- * @param parc
- * @param xnow
- * @param ynow
- * @param nearx
- * @param neary
- * @param nearhead
- * @return
- */
-static double GetParamPoly3Dis(GeometryParamPoly3 * parc,double xnow,double ynow,double & nearx,
- double & neary,double & nearhead)
- double s = 0.1;
- double fdismin = 100000.0;
- double xold,yold;
- xold = parc->GetX();
- yold = parc->GetY();
- double fdis = calcpointdis(QPointF(parc->GetX(),parc->GetY()),QPointF(xnow,ynow));
- if(fdis<fdismin)
- {
- fdismin = fdis;
- nearhead = parc->GetHdg();
- nearx = parc->GetX();
- neary = parc->GetY();
- }
- double s_start = parc->GetS();
- while(s < parc->GetLength())
- {
- double x, y,hdg;//xtem,ytem;
- parc->GetCoords(s_start+s,x,y,hdg);
- if(fdis<fdismin)
- {
- fdismin = fdis;
- nearhead = hdg;
- nearx = x;
- neary = y;
- }
-// xold = x;
-// yold = y;
- s = s+ 0.1;
- }
- return fdismin;
-static double GetPoly3Dis(GeometryPoly3 * ppoly,double xnow,double ynow,double & nearx,
- double & neary,double & nearhead)
- double x,y,hdg;
-// double s = 0.0;
- double fdismin = 100000.0;
- // double s0 = ppoly->GetS();
- x = ppoly->GetX();
- y = ppoly->GetY();
- double A,B,C,D;
- A = ppoly->GetA();
- B = ppoly->GetB();
- C = ppoly->GetC();
- D = ppoly->GetD();
- const double steplim = 0.3;
- double du = steplim;
- double u = 0;
- double v = 0;
- double oldx,oldy;
- oldx = x;
- oldy = y;
- double xstart,ystart;
- xstart = x;
- ystart = y;
- double hdgstart = ppoly->GetHdg();
- double flen = 0;
- u = u+du;
- while(flen < ppoly->GetLength())
- {
- double fdis = 0;
- v = A + B*u + C*u*u + D*u*u*u;
- x = xstart + u*cos(hdgstart) - v*sin(hdgstart);
- y = ystart + u*sin(hdgstart) + v*cos(hdgstart);
- fdis = sqrt(pow(x- oldx,2)+pow(y-oldy,2));
- if(fdis>(steplim*2.0))du = du/2.0;
- flen = flen + fdis;
- u = u + du;
- hdg = CalcHdg(QPointF(oldx,oldy),QPointF(x,y));
- double fdisnow = calcpointdis(QPointF(x,y),QPointF(xnow,ynow));
- if(fdisnow<fdismin)
- {
- fdismin = fdisnow;
- nearhead = hdg;
- nearx = x;
- neary = y;
- }
- oldx = x;
- oldy = y;
- }
- return fdismin;
- * @brief GetNearPoint
- * 计算点到圆弧的最短距离,首先用点和圆弧中心点的直线与圆的交点,计算点到交点的距离,如果交点在圆弧上,则最短距离是交点之一,否则计算点到圆弧两个端点的距离。
- * @param x current x
- * @param y current y
- * @param pxodr OpenDrive
- * @param pObjRoad Road
- * @param pgeo Geometry of road
- * @param nearx near x
- * @param neary near y
- * @param nearhead nearhead
- * @param nearthresh near threshhold
- * @retval if == 0 successfull <0 fail.
-int GetNearPoint(const double x,const double y,OpenDrive * pxodr,Road ** pObjRoad,GeometryBlock ** pgeo, double & s,double & nearx,
- double & neary,double & nearhead,const double nearthresh,double &froads)
- double dismin = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- s = dismin;
- int i;
- double frels;
- for(i=0;i<pxodr->GetRoadCount();i++)
- {
- int j;
- Road * proad = pxodr->GetRoad(i);
- double nx,ny,nh;
- for(j=0;j<proad->GetGeometryBlockCount();j++)
- {
- GeometryBlock * pgb = proad->GetGeometryBlock(j);
- double dis;
- RoadGeometry * pg;
- pg = pgb->GetGeometryAt(0);
- switch (pg->GetGeomType()) {
- case 0: //line
- dis = xodrfunc::GetLineDis((GeometryLine *) pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
- // dis = GetLineDis((GeometryLine *) pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh);
- break;
- case 1:
- dis = xodrfunc::GetSpiralDis((GeometrySpiral *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
- break;
- case 2: //arc
- dis = xodrfunc::GetArcDis((GeometryArc *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
- break;
- case 3:
- dis = xodrfunc::GetPoly3Dis((GeometryPoly3 *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
- break;
- case 4:
- dis = xodrfunc::GetParamPoly3Dis((GeometryParamPoly3 *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
- break;
- default:
- dis = 100000.0;
- break;
- }
- if(dis < dismin)
- {
- dismin = dis;
- nearx = nx;
- neary = ny;
- nearhead = nh;
- s = dis;
- froads = frels;
- *pObjRoad = proad;
- *pgeo = pgb;
- }
-// if(pgb->CheckIfLine())
-// {
-// GeometryLine * pline = (GeometryLine *)pgb->GetGeometryAt(0);
-// double dis = GetLineDis(pline,x,y,nx,ny,nh);
-// if(dis < dismin)
-// {
-// dismin = dis;
-// nearx = nx;
-// neary = ny;
-// nearhead = nh;
-// s = dis;
-// *pObjRoad = proad;
-// *pgeo = pgb;
-// }
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// GeometryLine * pline1 = (GeometryLine *)pgb->GetGeometryAt(0);
-// double dis = GetLineDis(pline1,x,y,nx,ny,nh);
-// if(dis < dismin)
-// {
-// dismin = dis;
-// nearx = nx;
-// neary = ny;
-// nearhead = nh;
-// s = dis;
-// *pObjRoad = proad;
-// *pgeo = pgb;
-// }
-// GeometryArc * parc = (GeometryArc *)pgb->GetGeometryAt(1);
-// dis = GetArcDis(parc,x,y,nx,ny,nh);
-// if(dis < dismin)
-// {
-// dismin = dis;
-// nearx = nx;
-// neary = ny;
-// nearhead = nh;
-// s = dis;
-// *pObjRoad = proad;
-// *pgeo = pgb;
-// }
-// pline1 = (GeometryLine *)pgb->GetGeometryAt(2);
-// dis = GetLineDis(pline1,x,y,nx,ny,nh);
-// if(dis < dismin)
-// {
-// dismin = dis;
-// nearx = nx;
-// neary = ny;
-// nearhead = nh;
-// s = dis;
-// *pObjRoad = proad;
-// *pgeo = pgb;
-// }
-// }
- }
- }
- if(s > nearthresh)return -1;
- return 0;
-namespace iv {
-struct nearroad
-Road * pObjRoad;
-GeometryBlock * pgeob;
-double nearx;
-double neary;
-double nearhead;
-double frels;
-double fdis;
-int lr = 2; //1 left 2 right;
-int nmode = 0; //0 same direciion dis zero 1 oposite dis = 0 2 same direction dis<5 3 oposite dis <5 4 same direction > 5 5 oposite direction;
-int GetNearPointWithHead(const double x,const double y,const double hdg,OpenDrive * pxodr,std::vector<iv::nearroad> & xvectornear,
- const double nearthresh,bool bhdgvalid = true)
- int i;
- double frels;
- int nminmode = 5;
- for(i=0;i<pxodr->GetRoadCount();i++)
- {
- int j;
- Road * proad = pxodr->GetRoad(i);
- double nx,ny,nh;
- bool bchange = false;
- double localdismin = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- double localnearx = 0;
- double localneary = 0;
- double localnearhead = 0;
- double locals = 0;
- double localfrels = 0;
- GeometryBlock * pgeolocal;
- for(j=0;j<proad->GetGeometryBlockCount();j++)
- {
- localdismin = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- GeometryBlock * pgb = proad->GetGeometryBlock(j);
- double dis;
- RoadGeometry * pg;
- pg = pgb->GetGeometryAt(0);
- switch (pg->GetGeomType()) {
- case 0: //line
- dis = xodrfunc::GetLineDis((GeometryLine *) pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
- break;
- case 1:
- dis = xodrfunc::GetSpiralDis((GeometrySpiral *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
- break;
- case 2: //arc
- dis = xodrfunc::GetArcDis((GeometryArc *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
- break;
- case 3:
- dis = xodrfunc::GetPoly3Dis((GeometryPoly3 *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
- break;
- case 4:
- dis = xodrfunc::GetParamPoly3Dis((GeometryParamPoly3 *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
- break;
- default:
- dis = 100000.0;
- break;
- }
- if(dis<localdismin)
- {
- localdismin = dis;
- localnearx = nx;
- localneary = ny;
- localnearhead = nh;
- locals = dis;
- localfrels = frels;
- pgeolocal = pgb;
- bchange = true;
- }
- }
- if(localdismin < nearthresh)
- {
- iv::nearroad xnear;
- xnear.pObjRoad = proad;
- xnear.pgeob = pgeolocal;
- xnear.nearx = localnearx;
- xnear.neary = localneary;
- xnear.fdis = localdismin;
- xnear.nearhead = localnearhead;
- xnear.frels = localfrels;
- if(xnear.fdis>0)
- {
- double fcalhdg = xodrfunc::CalcHdg(QPointF(xnear.nearx,xnear.neary),QPointF(x,y));
- double fhdgdiff = fcalhdg - xnear.nearhead;
- while(fhdgdiff<0)fhdgdiff = fhdgdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
- while(fhdgdiff>= 2.0*M_PI)fhdgdiff = fhdgdiff - 2.0*M_PI;
- if(fhdgdiff<M_PI)
- {
- double fdisroad = proad->GetRoadLeftWidth(xnear.frels);
- if(fdisroad>xnear.fdis)
- {
- xnear.fdis = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- xnear.fdis = xnear.fdis - fdisroad;
- }
- xnear.lr = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- double fdisroad = proad->GetRoadRightWidth(xnear.frels);
- if(fdisroad>xnear.fdis)
- {
- xnear.fdis = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- xnear.fdis = xnear.fdis - fdisroad;
- }
- xnear.lr = 2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(bhdgvalid == false)
- {
- if(xnear.pObjRoad->GetLaneSectionCount()>0)
- {
- LaneSection * pLS = xnear.pObjRoad->GetLaneSection(0);
- if(pLS->GetRightLaneCount()>0)
- {
- xnear.lr = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- xnear.lr = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- xnear.lr = 2;
- }
- }
- }
- LaneSection * pLS = xnear.pObjRoad->GetLaneSection(0);
- if(pLS != NULL)
- {
- if(xnear.fdis < 0.00001)
- {
- if(bhdgvalid == false)
- {
- xnear.nmode = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- double headdiff = hdg - xnear.nearhead;
- while(headdiff < 2.0*M_PI) headdiff = headdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
- while(headdiff >= 2.0*M_PI)headdiff = headdiff - 2.0*M_PI;
- if(((headdiff <M_PI/2.0)||(headdiff > M_PI*3.0/2.0))&&(pLS->GetRightLaneCount()>0))
- {
- xnear.nmode = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- xnear.nmode = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(xnear.fdis<5)
- {
- if(bhdgvalid == false)
- {
- xnear.nmode = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- double headdiff = hdg - xnear.nearhead;
- while(headdiff < 2.0*M_PI) headdiff = headdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
- while(headdiff >= 2.0*M_PI)headdiff = headdiff - 2.0*M_PI;
- if(((headdiff <M_PI/2.0)||(headdiff > M_PI*3.0/2.0))&&(pLS->GetRightLaneCount()>0))
- {
- xnear.nmode = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- xnear.nmode = 3;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(bhdgvalid == false)
- {
- xnear.nmode = 4;
- }
- else
- {
- double headdiff = hdg - xnear.nearhead;
- while(headdiff < 2.0*M_PI) headdiff = headdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
- while(headdiff >= 2.0*M_PI)headdiff = headdiff - 2.0*M_PI;
- if(((headdiff <M_PI/2.0)||(headdiff > M_PI*3.0/2.0))&&(pLS->GetRightLaneCount()>0))
- {
- xnear.nmode = 4;
- }
- else
- {
- xnear.nmode = 5;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(xnear.nmode < nminmode)nminmode = xnear.nmode;
- xvectornear.push_back(xnear);
- }
- }
- }
- if(xvectornear.size() == 0)return -1;
- if(xvectornear.size() > 1)
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<(int)xvectornear.size();i++)
- {
- if(xvectornear[i].nmode > nminmode)
- {
- xvectornear.erase(xvectornear.begin() + i);
- i = i-1;
- }
- }
- }
- if((xvectornear.size()>1)&&(nminmode>=4)) //if dis > 5 select small dis
- {
- int i;
- while(xvectornear.size()>1)
- {
- if(xvectornear[1].fdis < xvectornear[0].fdis)
- {
- xvectornear.erase(xvectornear.begin());
- }
- else
- {
- xvectornear.erase(xvectornear.begin()+1);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- * @brief SelectRoadLeftRight
- * 选择左侧道路或右侧道路
- * 1.选择角度差小于90度的道路一侧,即同侧道路
- * 2.单行路,选择存在的那一侧道路。
- * @param pRoad 道路
- * @param head1 车的航向或目标点的航向
- * @param head_road 目标点的航向
- * @retval 1 left 2 right
-static int SelectRoadLeftRight(Road * pRoad,const double head1,const double head_road)
- int nrtn = 2;
- double headdiff = head1 - head_road;
- while(headdiff < 2.0*M_PI) headdiff = headdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
- while(headdiff >= 2.0*M_PI)headdiff = headdiff - 2.0*M_PI;
- bool bSel = false;
- if((headdiff >=M_PI/2.0)&&(headdiff <= M_PI*3.0/2.0)) //if diff is
- {
- if(pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLeftLaneCount()>0)
- {
- nrtn = 1;
- bSel = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetRightLaneCount()>0)
- {
- nrtn = 2;
- bSel = true;
- }
- }
- if(bSel == false)
- {
- if(pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLeftLaneCount() >0)
- {
- nrtn = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- nrtn = 2;
- }
- }
- return nrtn;
-//static double getlinereldis(GeometryLine * pline,double x,double y)
-// double x0,y0;
-// x0 = pline->GetX();
-// y0 = pline->GetY();
-// double dis = sqrt(pow(x-x0,2) + pow(y-y0,2));
-// if(dis > pline->GetS())
-// {
-// std::cout<<"getlinereldis exceed s S is "<<pline->GetS()<<" dis is "<<dis<<std::endl;
-// return dis;
-// }
-// return dis;
-//static double getarcreldis(GeometryArc * parc,double x,double y)
-// double x0,y0;
-// x0 = parc->GetX();
-// y0 = parc->GetY();
-// double dis = sqrt(pow(x-x0,2) + pow(y-y0,2));
-// double R = fabs(1.0/parc->GetCurvature());
-// double ang = 2.0* asin(dis/(2.0*R));
-// double frtn = ang * R;
-// return frtn;
-//static double getparampoly3reldis(GeometryParamPoly3 *parc, double xnow, double ynow)
-// double s = 0.1;
-// double xold,yold;
-// xold = parc->GetX();
-// yold = parc->GetY();
-// while(s < parc->GetLength())
-// {
-// double x, y,xtem,ytem;
-// xtem = parc->GetuA() + parc->GetuB() * s + parc->GetuC() * s*s + parc->GetuD() * s*s*s;
-// ytem = parc->GetvA() + parc->GetvB() * s + parc->GetvC() * s*s + parc->GetvD() * s*s*s;
-// x = xtem*cos(parc->GetHdg()) - ytem * sin(parc->GetHdg()) + parc->GetX();
-// y = xtem*sin(parc->GetHdg()) + ytem * cos(parc->GetHdg()) + parc->GetY();
-// if(sqrt(pow(xnow - x,2) + pow(ynow -y,2))<0.3)
-// {
-// break;
-// }
-// xold = x;
-// yold = y;
-// s = s+ 0.1;
-// }
-// return s;
-//static double getreldis(RoadGeometry * prg,double x,double y)
-// int ngeotype = prg->GetGeomType();
-// double frtn = 0;
-// switch (ngeotype) {
-// case 0:
-// frtn = getlinereldis((GeometryLine *)prg,x,y);
-// break;
-// case 1:
-// break;
-// case 2:
-// frtn = getarcreldis((GeometryArc *)prg,x,y);
-// break;
-// case 3:
-// break;
-// case 4:
-// frtn = getparampoly3reldis((GeometryParamPoly3 *)prg,x,y);
-// break;
-// default:
-// break;
-// }
-// return frtn;
-//static double getposinroad(Road * pRoad,GeometryBlock * pgeob,double x,double y)
-// RoadGeometry* prg = pgeob->GetGeometryAt(0);
-// double s1 = prg->GetS();
-// double srtn = s1;
-// return s1 + getreldis(prg,x,y);
-static std::vector<PlanPoint> getlinepoint(GeometryLine * pline,const double fspace = 0.1)
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
- int i;
- double s = pline->GetLength();
- int nsize = s/fspace;
- if(nsize ==0)nsize = 1;
- for(i=0;i<nsize;i++)
- {
- double x,y;
- x = pline->GetX() + i *fspace * cos(pline->GetHdg());
- y = pline->GetY() + i *fspace * sin(pline->GetHdg());
- PlanPoint pp;
- pp.x = x;
- pp.y = y;
- pp.dis = i*fspace;
- pp.hdg = pline->GetHdg();
- pp.mS = pline->GetS() + i*fspace;
- xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
- }
- return xvectorPP;
-static std::vector<PlanPoint> getarcpoint(GeometryArc * parc,const double fspace = 0.1)
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
- // double fRtn = 1000.0;
- if(parc->GetCurvature() == 0.0)return xvectorPP;
- double R = fabs(1.0/parc->GetCurvature());
- //calculate arc center
- double x_center = parc->GetX() + (1.0/parc->GetCurvature()) * cos(parc->GetHdg() + M_PI/2.0);
- double y_center = parc->GetY() + (1.0/parc->GetCurvature()) * sin(parc->GetHdg()+ M_PI/2.0);
- double arcdiff = fspace/R;
- int nsize = parc->GetLength()/fspace;
- if(nsize == 0)nsize = 1;
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<nsize;i++)
- {
- double x,y;
- PlanPoint pp;
- if(parc->GetCurvature() > 0)
- {
- x = x_center + R * cos(parc->GetHdg() + i*arcdiff - M_PI/2.0);
- y = y_center + R * sin(parc->GetHdg() + i*arcdiff - M_PI/2.0);
- pp.hdg = parc->GetHdg() + i*arcdiff;
- }
- else
- {
- x = x_center + R * cos(parc->GetHdg() -i*arcdiff + M_PI/2.0);
- y = y_center + R * sin(parc->GetHdg() -i*arcdiff + M_PI/2.0);
- pp.hdg = parc->GetHdg() - i*arcdiff;
- }
- pp.x = x;
- pp.y = y;
- pp.dis = i*fspace;
- pp.mS = parc->GetS() + i*fspace;
- xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
- }
- return xvectorPP;
-static std::vector<PlanPoint> getspiralpoint(GeometrySpiral * pspiral,const double fspace = 0.1)
- double x,y,hdg;
- double s = 0.0;
- double s0 = pspiral->GetS();
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
- PlanPoint pp;
- while(s<pspiral->GetLength())
- {
- pspiral->GetCoords(s0+s,x,y,hdg);
- pp.x = x;
- pp.y = y;
- pp.hdg = hdg;
- pp.dis = s;
- pp.mS = pspiral->GetS() + s;
- xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
- s = s+fspace;
- }
- return xvectorPP;
-static std::vector<PlanPoint> getpoly3dpoint(GeometryPoly3 * ppoly,const double fspace = 0.1)
- double x,y;
- x = ppoly->GetX();
- y = ppoly->GetY();
- double A,B,C,D;
- A = ppoly->GetA();
- B = ppoly->GetB();
- C = ppoly->GetC();
- D = ppoly->GetD();
- const double steplim = fspace;
- double du = steplim;
- double u = 0;
- double v = 0;
- double oldx,oldy;
- oldx = x;
- oldy = y;
- double xstart,ystart;
- xstart = x;
- ystart = y;
- double hdgstart = ppoly->GetHdg();
- double flen = 0;
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
- PlanPoint pp;
- pp.x = xstart;
- pp.y = ystart;
- pp.hdg = hdgstart;
- pp.dis = 0;
- pp.mS = ppoly->GetS();
- xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
- u = du;
- while(flen < ppoly->GetLength())
- {
- double fdis = 0;
- v = A + B*u + C*u*u + D*u*u*u;
- x = xstart + u*cos(hdgstart) - v*sin(hdgstart);
- y = ystart + u*sin(hdgstart) + v*cos(hdgstart);
- fdis = sqrt(pow(x- oldx,2)+pow(y-oldy,2));
- double hdg = CalcHdg(QPointF(oldx,oldy),QPointF(x,y));
- oldx = x;
- oldy = y;
- if(fdis>(steplim*2.0))du = du/2.0;
- flen = flen + fdis;
- u = u + du;
- pp.x = x;
- pp.y = y;
- pp.hdg = hdg;
- // s = s+ dt;
- pp.dis = flen;;
- pp.mS = ppoly->GetS() + flen;
- xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
- }
- return xvectorPP;
-static std::vector<PlanPoint> getparampoly3dpoint(GeometryParamPoly3 * parc,const double fspace = 0.1)
- double s = 0.1;
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
- PlanPoint pp;
- double xold,yold;
- xold = parc->GetX();
- yold = parc->GetY();
- double hdg0 = parc->GetHdg();
- pp.x = xold;
- pp.y = yold;
- pp.hdg = hdg0;
- pp.dis = 0;
-// xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
- double dt = 1.0;
- double tcount = parc->GetLength()/0.1;
- if(tcount > 0)
- {
- dt = 1.0/tcount;
- }
- double t;
- s = dt;
- s = 0;
- double ua,ub,uc,ud,va,vb,vc,vd;
- ua = parc->GetuA();ub= parc->GetuB();uc= parc->GetuC();ud = parc->GetuD();
- va = parc->GetvA();vb= parc->GetvB();vc= parc->GetvC();vd = parc->GetvD();
- double s_start = parc->GetS();
- while(s < parc->GetLength())
- {
- double x, y,hdg;
- parc->GetCoords(s_start+s,x,y,hdg);
- pp.x = x;
- pp.y = y;
- pp.hdg = hdg;
- s = s+ fspace;
- pp.dis = pp.dis + fspace;;
- pp.mS = s_start + s;
- xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
- }
- return xvectorPP;
-std::vector<PlanPoint> GetPoint(pathsection xpath,const double fspace = 0.1)
- Road * pRoad = xpath.mpRoad;
- //s_start s_end for select now section data.
- double s_start,s_end;
- LaneSection * pLS = pRoad->GetLaneSection(xpath.msectionid);
- s_start = pLS->GetS();
- if(xpath.msectionid == (pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount()-1))s_end = pRoad->GetRoadLength();
- else
- {
- s_end = pRoad->GetLaneSection(xpath.msectionid+1)->GetS();
- }
-// if(xpath.mroadid == 10190)
-// {
-// int a = 1;
-// a++;
-// }
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPPS;
- double s = 0;
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<pRoad->GetGeometryBlockCount();i++)
- {
- GeometryBlock * pgb = pRoad->GetGeometryBlock(i);
- RoadGeometry * prg = pgb->GetGeometryAt(0);
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
- if(i<(pRoad->GetGeometryBlockCount() -0))
- {
- if(prg->GetS()>s_end)
- {
- continue;
- }
- if((prg->GetS() + prg->GetLength())<s_start)
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- double s1 = prg->GetLength();
- switch (prg->GetGeomType()) {
- case 0:
- xvectorPP = getlinepoint((GeometryLine *)prg,fspace);
- break;
- case 1:
- xvectorPP = getspiralpoint((GeometrySpiral *)prg,fspace);
- break;
- case 2:
- xvectorPP = getarcpoint((GeometryArc *)prg,fspace);
- break;
- case 3:
- xvectorPP = getpoly3dpoint((GeometryPoly3 *)prg,fspace);
- break;
- case 4:
- xvectorPP = getparampoly3dpoint((GeometryParamPoly3 *)prg,fspace);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- int j;
- if(prg->GetS()<s_start)
- {
- s1 = prg->GetLength() -(s_start - prg->GetS());
- }
- if((prg->GetS() + prg->GetLength())>s_end)
- {
- s1 = s_end - prg->GetS();
- }
- for(j=0;j<xvectorPP.size();j++)
- {
- PlanPoint pp = xvectorPP.at(j);
- pp.mfCurvature = pRoad->GetRoadCurvature(pp.mS);
- if(((pp.dis+prg->GetS()) >= s_start) &&((pp.dis+prg->GetS()) <= s_end))
- {
- if(s_start > prg->GetS())
- {
- pp.dis = s + pp.dis -(s_start - prg->GetS());
- }
- else
- {
- pp.dis = s+ pp.dis;
- }
- pp.nRoadID = atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data());
- xvectorPPS.push_back(pp);
- }
-// if((prg->GetS()>s_start)&&((prg->GetS() + prg->GetLength())<s_end))
-// {
-// pp.dis = s + pp.dis;
-// pp.nRoadID = atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data());
-// xvectorPPS.push_back(pp);
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// if(prg->GetS()<s_start)
-// {
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// if(pp.dis<(s_end -prg->GetS()))
-// {
-// pp.dis = s + pp.dis;
-// pp.nRoadID = atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data());
-// xvectorPPS.push_back(pp);
-// }
-// }
-// }
- }
- s = s+ s1;
- }
- return xvectorPPS;
-std::vector<PlanPoint> GetPoint(Road * pRoad)
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPPS;
- double s = 0;
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<pRoad->GetGeometryBlockCount();i++)
- {
- GeometryBlock * pgb = pRoad->GetGeometryBlock(i);
- RoadGeometry * prg = pgb->GetGeometryAt(0);
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
- double s1 = prg->GetLength();
- switch (prg->GetGeomType()) {
- case 0:
- xvectorPP = getlinepoint((GeometryLine *)prg);
- break;
- case 1:
- xvectorPP = getspiralpoint((GeometrySpiral *)prg);
- break;
- case 2:
- xvectorPP = getarcpoint((GeometryArc *)prg);
- break;
- case 3:
- xvectorPP = getpoly3dpoint((GeometryPoly3 *)prg);
- break;
- case 4:
- xvectorPP = getparampoly3dpoint((GeometryParamPoly3 *)prg);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- int j;
- for(j=0;j<xvectorPP.size();j++)
- {
- PlanPoint pp = xvectorPP.at(j);
- pp.dis = s + pp.dis;
- pp.nRoadID = atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data());
- xvectorPPS.push_back(pp);
- }
- s = s+ s1;
- }
- return xvectorPPS;
-int indexinroadpoint(std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP,double x,double y)
- int nrtn = 0;
- int i;
- int dismin = 1000;
- for(i=0;i<xvectorPP.size();i++)
- {
- double dis = sqrt(pow(xvectorPP.at(i).x - x,2) + pow(xvectorPP.at(i).y -y,2));
- if(dis <dismin)
- {
- dismin = dis;
- nrtn = i;
- }
- }
- if(dismin > 10.0)
- {
- std::cout<<"indexinroadpoint near point is error. dis is "<<dismin<<std::endl;
- }
- return nrtn;
-double getwidth(Road * pRoad, int nlane)
- double frtn = 0;
- int i;
- int nlanecount = pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLaneCount();
- for(i=0;i<nlanecount;i++)
- {
- if(nlane == pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLane(i)->GetId())
- {
- LaneWidth* pLW = pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLane(i)->GetLaneWidth(0);
- if(pLW != 0)
- {
- frtn = pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLane(i)->GetLaneWidth(0)->GetA();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return frtn;
-double getoff(Road * pRoad,int nlane)
- double off = getwidth(pRoad,nlane)/2.0;
- if(nlane < 0)off = off * (-1.0);
- // int nlanecount = pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLaneCount();
- int i;
- if(nlane > 0)
- off = off + getwidth(pRoad,0)/2.0;
- else
- off = off - getwidth(pRoad,0)/2.0;
- if(nlane > 0)
- {
- for(i=1;i<nlane;i++)
- {
- off = off + getwidth(pRoad,i);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i=-1;i>nlane;i--)
- {
- off = off - getwidth(pRoad,i);
- }
- }
-// return 0;
- return off;
-namespace iv {
-struct lanewidthabcd
- int nlane;
- double A;
- double B;
- double C;
- double D;
-double getwidth(Road * pRoad, int nlane,std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorlwa,double s)
- double frtn = 0;
- int i;
- int nlanecount = xvectorlwa.size();
- for(i=0;i<nlanecount;i++)
- {
- if(nlane == xvectorlwa.at(i).nlane)
- {
- iv::lanewidthabcd * plwa = &xvectorlwa.at(i);
- frtn = plwa->A + plwa->B*s + plwa->C *s*s + plwa->D *s*s*s;
- break;
- }
- }
- return frtn;
-std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> GetLaneWidthABCD(Road * pRoad)
- std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorlwa;
- if(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount()<1)return xvectorlwa;
- int i;
- LaneSection * pLS = pRoad->GetLaneSection(0);
-// if(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount() > 1)
-// {
-// for(i=0;i<(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount()-1);i++)
-// {
-// if(s>pRoad->GetLaneSection(i+1)->GetS())
-// {
-// pLS = pRoad->GetLaneSection(i+1);
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// }
- int nlanecount = pLS->GetLaneCount();
- for(i=0;i<nlanecount;i++)
- {
- iv::lanewidthabcd xlwa;
- LaneWidth* pLW = pLS->GetLane(i)->GetLaneWidth(0);
- xlwa.nlane = pLS->GetLane(i)->GetId();
- if(pLW != 0)
- {
- xlwa.A = pLW->GetA();
- xlwa.B = pLW->GetB();
- xlwa.C = pLW->GetC();
- xlwa.D = pLW->GetD();
- }
- else
- {
- xlwa.A = 0;
- xlwa.B = 0;
- xlwa.C = 0;
- xlwa.D = 0;
- }
- // if(strncmp(pLS->GetLane(i)->GetType().data(),"driving",256) == 0)
- xvectorlwa.push_back(xlwa); //Calculate Road Width, not driving need add in.
- }
- return xvectorlwa;
-inline double getoff(int nlane,double s,std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorLWA,std::vector<int> xvectorIndex)
- int i;
- double off = 0;
- double a,b,c,d;
- if(xvectorIndex.size() == 0)return off;
- for(i=0;i<(xvectorIndex.size()-1);i++)
- {
- a = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].A;
- b = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].B;
- c = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].C;
- d = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].D;
- if(xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].nlane != 0)
- {
- off = off + a + b*s + c*s*s + d*s*s*s;
- }
- else
- {
- off = off + (a + b*s + c*s*s + d*s*s*s)/2.0;
- }
- }
- i = xvectorIndex.size()-1;
- a = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].A;
- b = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].B;
- c = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].C;
- d = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].D;
- off = off + (a + b*s + c*s*s + d*s*s*s)/2.0;
- if(nlane < 0) off = off*(-1.0);
-// std::cout<<"s is "<<s<<std::endl;
-// std::cout<<" off is "<<off<<std::endl;
- return off;
-double GetRoadWidth(std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorLWA,int nlane,double s)
- double fwidth = 0;
- int i;
- double a,b,c,d;
- int nsize = xvectorLWA.size();
- for(i=0;i<nsize;i++)
- {
- if(nlane*(xvectorLWA[i].nlane)>0)
- {
- a = xvectorLWA[i].A;
- b = xvectorLWA[i].B;
- c = xvectorLWA[i].C;
- d = xvectorLWA[i].D;
- fwidth = fwidth + a + b*s +c*s*s + d*s*s*s;
- }
- }
- return fwidth;
-int GetLaneOriTotal(Road * pRoad, int nlane,double s,int & nori, int & ntotal,double & fSpeed,bool & bNoavoid)
- if(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount() < 1)return -1;
- LaneSection * pLS = pRoad->GetLaneSection(0);
- int i;
- if(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount() > 1)
- {
- for(i=0;i<(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount()-1);i++)
- {
- if(s>pRoad->GetLaneSection(i+1)->GetS())
- {
- pLS = pRoad->GetLaneSection(i+1);
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- nori = 0;
- ntotal = 0;
- fSpeed = -1; //if -1 no speedlimit for map
- pRoad->GetRoadSpeedMax(s,fSpeed); //Get Road Speed Limit.
- pRoad->GetRoadNoavoid(s,bNoavoid);
- int nlanecount = pLS->GetLaneCount();
- for(i=0;i<nlanecount;i++)
- {
- int nlaneid = pLS->GetLane(i)->GetId();
- if(nlaneid == nlane)
- {
- Lane * pLane = pLS->GetLane(i);
- if(pLane->GetLaneSpeedCount() > 0)
- {
- LaneSpeed * pLSpeed = pLane->GetLaneSpeed(0);
- int j;
- int nspeedcount = pLane->GetLaneSpeedCount();
- for(j=0;j<(nspeedcount -1);j++)
- {
- if((s-pLS->GetS())>=pLane->GetLaneSpeed(j+1)->GetS())
- {
- pLSpeed = pLane->GetLaneSpeed(j+1);
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if(pLSpeed->GetS()<=(s-pLS->GetS()))fSpeed = pLSpeed->GetMax();
- }
- }
- if(nlane<0)
- {
- if(nlaneid < 0)
- {
- if(strncmp(pLS->GetLane(i)->GetType().data(),"driving",256) == 0)
- {
- ntotal++;
- if(nlaneid<nlane)nori++;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(nlaneid > 0)
- {
- if(strncmp(pLS->GetLane(i)->GetType().data(),"driving",256) == 0)
- {
- ntotal++;
- if(nlaneid > nlane)nori++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-std::vector<int> GetLWIndex(std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorLWA,int nlane)
- std::vector<int> xvectorindex;
- int i;
- if(nlane >= 0)
- {
- for(i=0;i<=nlane;i++)
- {
- int j;
- int nsize = xvectorLWA.size();
- for(j=0;j<nsize;j++)
- {
- if(i == xvectorLWA.at(j).nlane )
- {
- xvectorindex.push_back(j);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i=0;i>=nlane;i--)
- {
- int j;
- int nsize = xvectorLWA.size();
- for(j=0;j<nsize;j++)
- {
- if(i == xvectorLWA.at(j).nlane )
- {
- xvectorindex.push_back(j);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return xvectorindex;
-void CalcBorringRoad(pathsection xps,std::vector<PlanPoint> & xvectorPP)
- if(xps.mpRoad->GetRoadBorrowCount() == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- Road * pRoad = xps.mpRoad;
- unsigned int nborrowsize = pRoad->GetRoadBorrowCount();
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned int nPPCount = xvectorPP.size();
- for(i=0;i<nborrowsize;i++)
- {
- RoadBorrow * pborrow = pRoad->GetRoadBorrow(i);
- if(pborrow == NULL)
- {
- std::cout<<"warning:can't get borrow"<<std::endl;
- continue;
- }
- if((pborrow->GetMode() == "All")||((pborrow->GetMode()=="R2L")&&(xps.mainsel<0))||((pborrow->GetMode()=="L2R")&&(xps.mainsel>0)))
- {
- unsigned int j;
- double soffset = pborrow->GetS();
- double borrowlen = pborrow->GetLength();
- for(j=0;j<xvectorPP.size();j++)
- {
- if((xvectorPP[j].mS>=soffset)&&(xvectorPP[j].mS<=(soffset + borrowlen)))
- {
- xvectorPP[j].mbBoringRoad = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void CalcInLaneAvoid(pathsection xps,std::vector<PlanPoint> & xvectorPP,const double fvehiclewidth,
- const int nchang1,const int nchang2,const int nchangpoint)
- if(xvectorPP.size()<2)return;
- bool bInlaneavoid = false;
- int i;
- if((xps.mbStartToMainChange == false) && (xps.mbMainToEndChange == false))
- {
- if(xps.mpRoad->GetRoadLength()<30)
- {
- double hdgdiff = xvectorPP.at(xvectorPP.size()-1).hdg - xvectorPP.at(0).hdg;
- if(hdgdiff<0)hdgdiff = hdgdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
- if(hdgdiff>(M_PI/3.0)&&(hdgdiff<(5.0*M_PI/3.0)))
- bInlaneavoid = false;
- else
- bInlaneavoid = true;
- }
- else
- {
- bInlaneavoid = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(xps.mpRoad->GetRoadLength()>100)bInlaneavoid = true;
- }
- if(bInlaneavoid == false)
- {
- int nvpsize = xvectorPP.size();
- for(i=0;i<nvpsize;i++)
- {
- xvectorPP.at(i).bInlaneAvoid = false;
- xvectorPP.at(i).mx_left = xvectorPP.at(i).x;
- xvectorPP.at(i).my_left = xvectorPP.at(i).y;
- xvectorPP.at(i).mx_right = xvectorPP.at(i).x;
- xvectorPP.at(i).my_right = xvectorPP.at(i).y;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int nvpsize = xvectorPP.size();
- for(i=0;i<nvpsize;i++)xvectorPP.at(i).bInlaneAvoid = true;
- if((xps.mbStartToMainChange == true)||(xps.mbMainToEndChange == true))
- {
- if(xps.mbStartToMainChange == true)
- {
- for(i=(nchang1 - nchangpoint/2);i<(nchang1 + nchangpoint/2);i++)
- {
- if((i>=0)&&(i<nvpsize))
- xvectorPP.at(i).bInlaneAvoid = false;
- }
- }
- if(xps.mbMainToEndChange)
- {
- for(i=(nchang2 - nchangpoint/2);i<(nchang2 + nchangpoint/2);i++)
- {
- if((i>=0)&&(i<nvpsize))
- xvectorPP.at(i).bInlaneAvoid = false;
- }
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i<nvpsize;i++)
- {
- if(xvectorPP.at(i).bInlaneAvoid)
- {
- double foff = xvectorPP.at(i).mfDisToLaneLeft -0.3-fvehiclewidth*0.5; //30cm + 0.5vehcilewidth
- if(foff < 0.3)
- {
- xvectorPP.at(i).bInlaneAvoid = false;
- xvectorPP.at(i).mx_left = xvectorPP.at(i).x;
- xvectorPP.at(i).my_left = xvectorPP.at(i).y;
- xvectorPP.at(i).mx_right = xvectorPP.at(i).x;
- xvectorPP.at(i).my_right = xvectorPP.at(i).y;
- }
- else
- {
- xvectorPP.at(i).mx_left = xvectorPP.at(i).x + foff * cos(xvectorPP.at(i).hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- xvectorPP.at(i).my_left = xvectorPP.at(i).y + foff * sin(xvectorPP.at(i).hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- xvectorPP.at(i).mx_right = xvectorPP.at(i).x + foff * cos(xvectorPP.at(i).hdg - M_PI/2.0);
- xvectorPP.at(i).my_right = xvectorPP.at(i).y + foff * sin(xvectorPP.at(i).hdg - M_PI/2.0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-double getoff(Road * pRoad,int nlane,const double s)
- int i;
- int nLSCount = pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount();
- double s_section = 0;
- double foff = 0;
- for(i=0;i<nLSCount;i++)
- {
- LaneSection * pLS = pRoad->GetLaneSection(i);
- if(i<(nLSCount -1))
- {
- if(pRoad->GetLaneSection(i+1)->GetS()<s)
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- s_section = pLS->GetS();
- int nlanecount = pLS->GetLaneCount();
- int j;
- for(j=0;j<nlanecount;j++)
- {
- Lane * pLane = pLS->GetLane(j);
- int k;
- double s_lane = s-s_section;
- if(pLane->GetId() != 0)
- {
- for(k=0;k<pLane->GetLaneWidthCount();k++)
- {
- if(k<(pLane->GetLaneWidthCount()-1))
- {
- if((pLane->GetLaneWidth(k+1)->GetS()+s_section)<s)
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- s_lane = pLane->GetLaneWidth(k)->GetS();
- break;
- }
- LaneWidth * pLW = pLane->GetLaneWidth(k);
- if(pLW == 0)
- {
- std::cout<<"not find LaneWidth"<<std::endl;
- break;
- }
- double fds = s - s_lane - s_section;
- double fwidth= pLW->GetA() + pLW->GetB() * fds
- +pLW->GetC() * pow(fds,2) + pLW->GetD() * pow(fds,3);
-// if((pRoad->GetRoadId() == "211210") &&(nlane == -1) &&(pLane->GetId() == -1))
-// {
-// qDebug("fs is %f width is %f",fds,fwidth);
-// }
- if(nlane == pLane->GetId())
- {
- foff = foff + fwidth/2.0;
- }
- if((nlane*(pLane->GetId())>0)&&(abs(nlane)>abs(pLane->GetId())))
- {
- foff = foff + fwidth;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- if(pRoad->GetLaneOffsetCount()>0)
- {
- int nLOCount = pRoad->GetLaneOffsetCount();
- int isel = -1;
- for(i=0;i<(nLOCount-1);i++)
- {
- if(pRoad->GetLaneOffset(i+1)->GetS()>s)
- {
- isel = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(isel < 0)isel = nLOCount-1;
- LaneOffset * pLO = pRoad->GetLaneOffset(isel);
- double s_off = s - pLO->GetS();
- double off1 = pLO->Geta() + pLO->Getb()*s_off + pLO->Getc() * s_off * s_off
- +pLO->Getd() * s_off * s_off * s_off;
- foff = foff - off1;
- }
- if(nlane<0)foff = foff*(-1);
- return foff;
-std::vector<PlanPoint> GetLanePoint(pathsection xps,std::vector<PlanPoint> xvPP,const double fvehiclewidth)
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
- std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorLWA = GetLaneWidthABCD(xps.mpRoad);
- std::vector<int> xvectorindex1,xvectorindex2,xvectorindex3;
- int nchange1,nchange2;
- int nlane1,nlane2,nlane3;
- if(xps.mnStartLaneSel == xps.mnEndLaneSel)
- {
- xps.mainsel = xps.mnStartLaneSel;
- xps.mbStartToMainChange = false;
- xps.mbMainToEndChange = false;
- }
- else
- {
- if(xps.mpRoad->GetRoadLength() < 100)
- {
- xps.mainsel = xps.mnEndLaneSel;
- xps.mbStartToMainChange = true;
- xps.mbMainToEndChange = false;
- }
- }
- double off1,off2,off3;
- if(xps.mnStartLaneSel < 0)
- {
- off1 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.mnStartLaneSel);
- off2 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel);
- off3 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.mnEndLaneSel);
- xvectorindex1 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,xps.mnStartLaneSel);
- xvectorindex2 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,xps.mainsel);
- xvectorindex3 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,xps.mnEndLaneSel);
- nlane1 = xps.mnStartLaneSel;
- nlane2 = xps.mainsel;
- nlane3 = xps.mnEndLaneSel;
- }
- else
- {
- off3 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.mnStartLaneSel);
- off2 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel);
- off1 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.mnEndLaneSel);
- xvectorindex3 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,xps.mnStartLaneSel);
- xvectorindex2 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,xps.mainsel);
- xvectorindex1 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,xps.mnEndLaneSel);
- nlane3 = xps.mnStartLaneSel;
- nlane2 = xps.mainsel;
- nlane1 = xps.mnEndLaneSel;
- }
- int nchangepoint = 300;
- if((nchangepoint * 3) > xvPP.size())
- {
- nchangepoint = xvPP.size()/3;
- }
- int nsize = xvPP.size();
- nchange1 = nsize/3;
- if(nchange1>500)nchange1 = 500;
- nchange2 = nsize*2/3;
- if( (nsize-nchange2)>500)nchange2 = nsize-500;
-// if(nsize < 1000)
-// {
-// std::cout<<"GetLanePoint Error. road id is "<<xps.mpRoad->GetRoadId()<<std::endl;
-// return xvectorPP;
-// }
- double x,y;
- int i;
- if(xps.mainsel < 0)
- {
- for(i=0;i<nsize;i++)
- {
- PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
- // off1 = getoff(nlane1,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex1);
- off1 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,pp.mS);
- pp.x = pp.x + off1 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- pp.y = pp.y + off1 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- pp.nlrchange = 1;
- if(xps.mainsel != xps.secondsel)
- {
- off1 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.secondsel,pp.mS);
- pp.mfSecx = xvPP.at(i).x + off1 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- pp.mfSecy = xvPP.at(i).y + off1 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- if(xps.mainsel >xps.secondsel)
- {
- pp.nlrchange = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- pp.nlrchange = 2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pp.mfSecx = pp.x ;
- pp.mfSecy = pp.y ;
- }
- pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
- pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
- pp.lanmp = 0;
- pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = off1*(-1);
- pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,xps.mainsel,pp.mS);
- GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed,pp.mbNoavoid);
- xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i=0;i<nsize;i++)
- {
- PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
- // off1 = getoff(nlane1,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex1);
- off1 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,pp.mS);
- pp.x = pp.x + off1 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- pp.y = pp.y + off1 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- pp.nlrchange = 1;
- if(xps.mainsel != xps.secondsel)
- {
- off1 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.secondsel,pp.mS);
- pp.mfSecx = xvPP.at(i).x + off1 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- pp.mfSecy = xvPP.at(i).y + off1 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- if(xps.mainsel >xps.secondsel)
- {
- pp.nlrchange = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- pp.nlrchange = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pp.mfSecx = pp.x ;
- pp.mfSecy = pp.y ;
- }
- pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
- pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
- pp.lanmp = 0;
- pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = off1;
- pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,xps.mainsel,pp.mS);
- GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed,pp.mbNoavoid);
- pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
- xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
- }
-// for(i=0;i<(nchange1- nchangepoint/2);i++)
-// {
-// PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
-// off1 = getoff(nlane1,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex1);
-// pp.x = pp.x + off1 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
-// pp.y = pp.y + off1 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
-// pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
-// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane1,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
-// pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
-// pp.lanmp = 0;
-// pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = off1;
-// pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane1,pp.mS);
-// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane1,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
-// xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
-// }
-// for(i=(nchange1 - nchangepoint/2);i<(nchange1+nchangepoint/2);i++)
-// {
-// PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
-// off1 = getoff(nlane1,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex1);
-// off2 = getoff(nlane2,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex2);
-// double offx = off1 + (off2 - off1) *(i-nchange1 + nchangepoint/2)/nchangepoint;
-// pp.x = pp.x + offx *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
-// pp.y = pp.y + offx *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
-// pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
-// double flanewidth1 = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane1,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
-// pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = offx;
-// pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane1,pp.mS);
-// if(nlane1 == nlane2)
-// {
-// pp.mWidth = flanewidth1;
-// pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
-// pp.lanmp = 0;
-// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane1,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// if(nlane1 < nlane2)
-// {
-// pp.lanmp = -1;
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// pp.lanmp = 1;
-// }
-// if(i<nchange1)
-// {
-// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane1,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
-// double fmove = pp.mWidth * (i-(nchange1 - nchangepoint/2))/nchangepoint;
-// if(nlane1<nlane2)pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 - fmove;
-// else pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 + fmove;
-// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane1,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
-// double fmove = pp.mWidth * (nchange1+nchangepoint/2 -i)/nchangepoint;
-// if(nlane1<nlane2)pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 + fmove;
-// else pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 - fmove;
-// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
-// }
-// }
-// xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
-// }
-// for(i=(nchange1 + nchangepoint/2);i<(nchange2-nchangepoint/2);i++)
-// {
-// PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
-// off2 = getoff(nlane2,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex2);
-// pp.x = pp.x + off2 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
-// pp.y = pp.y + off2 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
-// pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
-// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
-// pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
-// pp.lanmp = 0;
-// pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = off2;
-// pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane2,pp.mS);
-// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
-// xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
-// }
-// for(i=(nchange2 - nchangepoint/2);i<(nchange2+nchangepoint/2);i++)
-// {
-// PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
-// off2 = getoff(nlane2,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex2);
-// off3 = getoff(nlane3,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex3);
-// double offx = off2 + (off3 - off2) *(i-nchange2 + nchangepoint/2)/nchangepoint;
-// pp.x = pp.x + offx *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
-// pp.y = pp.y + offx *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
-// pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
-// double flanewidth1 = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
-// pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = offx;
-// pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane2,pp.mS);
-// if(nlane2 == nlane3)
-// {
-// pp.mWidth = flanewidth1;
-// pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
-// pp.lanmp = 0;
-// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// if(nlane2 < nlane3)
-// {
-// pp.lanmp = -1;
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// pp.lanmp = 1;
-// }
-// if(i<nchange2)
-// {
-// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
-// double fmove = pp.mWidth * (i-(nchange2 - nchangepoint/2))/nchangepoint;
-// if(nlane2<nlane3)pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 - fmove;
-// else pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 + fmove;
-// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane3,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
-// double fmove = pp.mWidth * (nchange2+nchangepoint/2 -i)/nchangepoint;
-// if(nlane2<nlane3)pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 + fmove;
-// else pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 - fmove;
-// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane3,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
-// }
-// }
-// xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
-// }
-// for(i=(nchange2+ nchangepoint/2);i<nsize;i++)
-// {
-// PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
-// off3 = getoff(nlane3,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex3);
-// pp.x = pp.x + off3 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
-// pp.y = pp.y + off3 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
-// pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
-// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane3,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
-// pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
-// pp.lanmp = 0;
-// pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = off3;
-// pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane3,pp.mS);
-// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane3,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
-// xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
-// }
- }
- CalcInLaneAvoid(xps,xvectorPP,fvehiclewidth,nchange1,nchange2,nchangepoint);
- if(xps.mpRoad->GetRoadBorrowCount()>0)
- {
- CalcBorringRoad(xps,xvectorPP);
- }
- if(xps.mnStartLaneSel > 0)
- {
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvvPP;
- int nvsize = xvectorPP.size();
- for(i=0;i<nvsize;i++)
- {
- xvvPP.push_back(xvectorPP.at(nvsize-1-i));
- }
- AddSignalMark(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel,xvvPP);
- return xvvPP;
- }
-// pRoad->GetLaneSection(xps.msectionid)
- AddSignalMark(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel,xvectorPP);
- return xvectorPP;
-static void AddSignalMark(Road * pRoad, int nlane,std::vector<PlanPoint> & xvectorPP)
- if(pRoad->GetSignalCount() == 0)return;
- int nsigcount = pRoad->GetSignalCount();
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<nsigcount;i++)
- {
- Signal * pSig = pRoad->GetSignal(i);
- int nfromlane = -100;
- int ntolane = 100;
- signal_laneValidity * pSig_laneValidity = pSig->GetlaneValidity();
- if(pSig_laneValidity != 0)
- {
- nfromlane = pSig_laneValidity->GetfromLane();
- ntolane = pSig_laneValidity->GettoLane();
- }
- if((nlane < 0)&&(nfromlane >= 0))
- {
- continue;
- }
- if((nlane > 0)&&(ntolane<=0))
- {
- continue;
- }
- double s = pSig->Gets();
- double fpos = s/pRoad->GetRoadLength();
- if(nlane > 0)fpos = 1.0 -fpos;
- int npos = fpos *xvectorPP.size();
- if(npos <0)npos = 0;
- if(npos>=xvectorPP.size())npos = xvectorPP.size()-1;
- while(xvectorPP.at(npos).nSignal != -1)
- {
- if(npos > 0)npos--;
- else break;
- }
- while(xvectorPP.at(npos).nSignal != -1)
- {
- if(npos < (xvectorPP.size()-1))npos++;
- else break;
- }
- xvectorPP.at(npos).nSignal = atoi(pSig->Gettype().data());
- }
-static std::vector<PlanPoint> GetPlanPoint(std::vector<pathsection> xpathsection,Road * pRoad,GeometryBlock * pgeob,
- Road * pRoad_obj,GeometryBlock * pgeob_obj,
- const double x_now,const double y_now,const double head,
- double nearx,double neary, double nearhead,
- double nearx_obj,double neary_obj,const double fvehiclewidth,const double flen = 1000)
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPPs;
- double fspace = 0.1;
- if(flen<2000)fspace = 0.1;
- else
- {
- if(flen<5000)fspace = 0.3;
- else
- {
- if(flen<10000)fspace = 0.5;
- else
- fspace = 1.0;
- }
- }
- int i;
-// std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP = GetPoint( xpathsection[0].mpRoad);
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP = GetPoint( xpathsection[0],fspace);
- int indexstart = indexinroadpoint(xvectorPP,nearx,neary);
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvPP = GetLanePoint(xpathsection[0],xvectorPP,fvehiclewidth);
- if(xpathsection[0].mainsel < 0)
- {
- for(i=indexstart;i<xvPP.size();i++)
- {
- xvectorPPs.push_back(xvPP.at(i));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i=(xvPP.size() -indexstart);i<xvPP.size();i++)
- {
- PlanPoint pp;
- pp = xvPP.at(i);
-// pp.hdg = pp.hdg +M_PI;
- xvectorPPs.push_back(pp);
- }
- }
- int npathlast = xpathsection.size() - 1;
-// while(npathlast >= 0)
-// {
-// if(npathlast == 0)break;
-// if(xpathsection[npathlast].mpRoad != xpathsection[npathlast - 1].mpRoad)break;
-// }
- for(i=1;i<(npathlast);i++)
- {
-// if(xpathsection[i].mpRoad == xpathsection[i-1].mpRoad)
-// {
-// if(xpathsection[i].mainsel * xpathsection[i-1].mainsel >0)
-// {
-// continue;
-// }
-// }
-// if(xpathsection[i].mpRoad == xpathsection[npathlast].mpRoad)
-// {
-// if(xpathsection[i].mainsel * xpathsection[npathlast].mainsel > 0)
-// {
-// break;
-// }
-// }
- // xvectorPP = GetPoint( xpathsection[i].mpRoad);
- xvectorPP = GetPoint( xpathsection[i],fspace);
- xvPP = GetLanePoint(xpathsection[i],xvectorPP,fvehiclewidth);
-// std::cout<<" road id: "<<xpathsection[i].mroadid<<" section: "
-// <<xpathsection[i].msectionid<<" size is "<<xvectorPP.size()<<std::endl;
-// std::cout<<" road id is "<<xpathsection[i].mpRoad->GetRoadId().data()<<" size is "<<xvPP.size()<<std::endl;
- int j;
- for(j=0;j<xvPP.size();j++)
- {
- PlanPoint pp;
- pp = xvPP.at(j);
-// pp.hdg = pp.hdg +M_PI;
- xvectorPPs.push_back(pp);
- }
- }
- xvectorPP = GetPoint(xpathsection[npathlast],fspace);
-// xvectorPP = GetPoint(xpathsection[npathlast].mpRoad);
- int indexend = indexinroadpoint(xvectorPP,nearx_obj,neary_obj);
- xvPP = GetLanePoint(xpathsection[npathlast],xvectorPP,fvehiclewidth);
- int nlastsize;
- if(xpathsection[npathlast].mainsel<0)
- {
- nlastsize = indexend;
- }
- else
- {
- if(indexend>0) nlastsize = xvPP.size() - indexend;
- else nlastsize = xvPP.size();
- }
- for(i=0;i<nlastsize;i++)
- {
- xvectorPPs.push_back(xvPP.at(i));
- }
- //Find StartPoint
-// if
-// int a = 1;
- return xvectorPPs;
-std::vector<PlanPoint> gTempPP;
-int getPoint(double q[3], double x, void* user_data) {
-// printf("%f, %f, %f, %f\n", q[0], q[1], q[2], x);
- PlanPoint pp;
- pp.x = q[0];
- pp.y = q[1];
- pp.hdg = q[2];
- pp.dis = x;
- pp.speed = *((double *)user_data);
- gTempPP.push_back(pp);
-// std::cout<<pp.x<<" "<<" "<<pp.y<<" "<<pp.hdg<<std::endl;
- return 0;
- * @brief getlanesel
- * @param nSel
- * @param pLaneSection
- * @param nlr
- * @return
- */
-int getlanesel(int nSel,LaneSection * pLaneSection,int nlr)
- int nlane = nSel;
- int mainselindex = 0;
- if(nlr == 2)nlane = nlane*(-1);
- int nlanecount = pLaneSection->GetLaneCount();
- int i;
- int nTrueSel = nSel;
- if(nTrueSel <= 1)nTrueSel= 1;
- int nCurSel = 1;
- if(nlr == 2)nCurSel = nCurSel *(-1);
- bool bOK = false;
- int nxsel = 1;
- int nlasttid = 0;
- bool bfindlast = false;
- while(bOK == false)
- {
- bool bHaveDriving = false;
- int ncc = 0;
- for(i=0;i<nlanecount;i++)
- {
- Lane * pLane = pLaneSection->GetLane(i);
- if(strncmp(pLane->GetType().data(),"driving",255) == 0 )
- {
- if((nlr == 1)&&(pLane->GetId()>0))
- {
- ncc++;
- }
- if((nlr == 2)&&(pLane->GetId()<0))
- {
- ncc++;
- }
- if(ncc == nxsel)
- {
- bHaveDriving = true;
- bfindlast = true;
- nlasttid = pLane->GetId();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(bHaveDriving == true)
- {
- if(nxsel == nTrueSel)
- {
- return nlasttid;
- }
- else
- {
- nxsel++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(bfindlast)
- {
- return nlasttid;
- }
- else
- {
- std::cout<<"can't find lane."<<std::endl;
- return 0;
- }
- //Use Last
- }
- }
- return 0;
- int k;
- bool bFind = false;
- while(bFind == false)
- {
- for(k=0;k<nlanecount;k++)
- {
- Lane * pLane = pLaneSection->GetLane(k);
- if((nlane == pLane->GetId())&&(strncmp(pLane->GetType().data(),"driving",255) == 0))
- {
- bFind = true;
- mainselindex = k;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(bFind)continue;
- if(nlr == 1)nlane--;
- else nlane++;
- if(nlane == 0)
- {
- std::cout<<" Fail. can't find lane"<<std::endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- return nlane;
-void checktrace(std::vector<PlanPoint> & xPlan)
- int i;
- int nsize = xPlan.size();
- for(i=1;i<nsize;i++)
- {
- double dis = sqrt(pow(xPlan.at(i).x - xPlan.at(i-1).x,2) + pow(xPlan.at(i).y - xPlan.at(i-1).y,2));
- if(dis > 0.3)
- {
- double hdg = CalcHdg(QPointF(xPlan.at(i-1).x,xPlan.at(i-1).y),QPointF(xPlan.at(i).x,xPlan.at(i).y));
- int ncount = dis/0.1;
- int j;
- for(j=1;j<ncount;j++)
- {
- double x, y;
- PlanPoint pp;
- pp.x = xPlan.at(i-1).x + j*0.1 *cos(hdg);
- pp.y = xPlan.at(i-1).y + j*0.1 *sin(hdg);
- pp.hdg = hdg;
- xPlan.insert(xPlan.begin()+i+j-1,pp);
- }
- qDebug("dis is %f",dis);
- }
- }
-void ChangeLane(std::vector<PlanPoint> & xvectorPP)
- int i = 0;
- int nsize = xvectorPP.size();
- for(i=0;i<nsize;i++)
- {
- if((xvectorPP[i].mfSecx == xvectorPP[i].x)&&(xvectorPP[i].mfSecy == xvectorPP[i].y))
- {
- }
- else
- {
- int k;
- for(k=i;k<(nsize-1);k++)
- {
- if((xvectorPP[k].mfSecx == xvectorPP[k].x)&&(xvectorPP[k].mfSecy == xvectorPP[k].y))
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- int nnum = k-i;
- int nchangepoint = 300;
- double froadlen = sqrt(pow(xvectorPP[k].x - xvectorPP[i].x,2)
- +pow(xvectorPP[k].y - xvectorPP[i].y,2));
- const double fMAXCHANGE = 100;
- if(froadlen<fMAXCHANGE)
- {
- nchangepoint = nnum;
- }
- else
- {
- nchangepoint = (fMAXCHANGE/froadlen) * nnum;
- }
- qDebug(" road %d len is %f changepoint is %d nnum is %d",
- xvectorPP[k-1].nRoadID,froadlen,nchangepoint,nnum);
- int nstart = i + nnum/2 -nchangepoint/2;
- int nend = i+nnum/2 + nchangepoint/2;
- if(nnum<300)
- {
- nstart = i;
- nend = k;
- }
- int j;
- for(j=i;j<nstart;j++)
- {
- xvectorPP[j].x = xvectorPP[j].mfSecx;
- xvectorPP[j].y = xvectorPP[j].mfSecy;
- }
- nnum = nend - nstart;
- for(j=nstart;j<nend;j++)
- {
- double fdis = sqrt(pow(xvectorPP[j].x - xvectorPP[j].mfSecx,2)
- +pow(xvectorPP[j].y - xvectorPP[j].mfSecy,2));
- double foff = fdis *(j-nstart)/nnum;
- if(xvectorPP[j].nlrchange == 1)
- {
-// std::cout<<"foff is "<<foff<<std::endl;
- xvectorPP[j].x = xvectorPP[j].mfSecx + foff *cos(xvectorPP[j].hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- xvectorPP[j].y = xvectorPP[j].mfSecy + foff *sin(xvectorPP[j].hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- xvectorPP[j].mfDisToRoadLeft = xvectorPP[j].mfDisToRoadLeft + fdis - foff;
- }
- else
- {
- xvectorPP[j].x = xvectorPP[j].mfSecx + foff *cos(xvectorPP[j].hdg - M_PI/2.0);
- xvectorPP[j].y = xvectorPP[j].mfSecy + foff *sin(xvectorPP[j].hdg - M_PI/2.0);
- xvectorPP[j].mfDisToRoadLeft = xvectorPP[j].mfDisToRoadLeft - fdis +foff;
- }
- }
- i =k;
- }
- }
-#include <QFile>
- * @brief MakePlan 全局路径规划
- * @param pxd 有向图
- * @param pxodr OpenDrive地图
- * @param x_now 当前x坐标
- * @param y_now 当前y坐标
- * @param head 当前航向
- * @param x_obj 目标点x坐标
- * @param y_obj 目标点y坐标
- * @param obj_dis 目标点到路径的距离
- * @param srcnearthresh 当前点离最近路径的阈值,如果不在这个范围,寻找失败
- * @param dstnearthresh 目标点离最近路径的阈值,如果不在这个范围,寻找失败
- * @param nlanesel 车道偏好,1为内车道,数值越大越偏外,如果数值不满足,会选择最靠外的。
- * @param xPlan 返回的轨迹点
- * @return 0 成功 <0 失败
- */
-int MakePlan(xodrdijkstra * pxd,OpenDrive * pxodr,const double x_now,const double y_now,const double head,
- const double x_obj,const double y_obj,const double & obj_dis,
- const double srcnearthresh,const double dstnearthresh,
- const int nlanesel,std::vector<PlanPoint> & xPlan,const double fvehiclewidth )
- double s;double nearx;
- double neary;double nearhead;
- Road * pRoad;GeometryBlock * pgeob;
- Road * pRoad_obj;GeometryBlock * pgeob_obj;
- double s_obj;double nearx_obj;
- double neary_obj;double nearhead_obj;
- int lr_end = 2;
- int lr_start = 2;
- double fs1,fs2;
-// int nfind = GetNearPoint(x_now,y_now,pxodr,&pRoad,&pgeob,s,nearx,neary,nearhead,srcnearthresh);
- std::vector<iv::nearroad> xvectornearstart;
- std::vector<iv::nearroad> xvectornearend;
- GetNearPointWithHead(x_now,y_now,head,pxodr,xvectornearstart,srcnearthresh,true);
- GetNearPointWithHead(x_obj,y_obj,0,pxodr,xvectornearend,dstnearthresh,false);
- if(xvectornearstart.size()<1)
- {
- std::cout<<" plan fail. can't find start point."<<std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if(xvectornearend.size() < 1)
- {
- std::cout<<" plan fail. can't find end point."<<std::endl;
- return -2;
- }
- std::vector<std::vector<PlanPoint>> xvectorplans;
- std::vector<double> xvectorroutedis;
- int i;
- int j;
- for(i=0;i<(int)xvectornearstart.size();i++)
- {
- for(j=0;j<(int)xvectornearend.size();j++)
- {
- iv::nearroad * pnearstart = &xvectornearstart[i];
- iv::nearroad * pnearend = &xvectornearend[j];
- pRoad = pnearstart->pObjRoad;
- pgeob = pnearstart->pgeob;
- pRoad_obj = pnearend->pObjRoad;
- pgeob_obj = pnearend->pgeob;
- lr_start = pnearstart->lr;
- lr_end = pnearend->lr;
- nearx = pnearstart->nearx;
- neary = pnearstart->neary;
- nearx_obj = pnearend->nearx;
- neary_obj = pnearend->neary;
- bool bNeedDikstra = true;
- if((atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data()) == atoi(pRoad_obj->GetRoadId().data()))&&(lr_start == lr_end) &&(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount() == 1))
- {
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvPP = GetPoint(pRoad);
- int nindexstart = indexinroadpoint(xvPP,nearx,neary);
- int nindexend = indexinroadpoint(xvPP,nearx_obj,neary_obj);
- int nlane = getlanesel(nlanesel,pRoad->GetLaneSection(0),lr_start);
- AddSignalMark(pRoad,nlane,xvPP);
- if((nindexend >nindexstart)&&(lr_start == 2))
- {
- bNeedDikstra = false;
- }
- if((nindexend <nindexstart)&&(lr_start == 1))
- {
- bNeedDikstra = false;
- }
- if(bNeedDikstra == false)
- {
- std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorLWA = GetLaneWidthABCD(pRoad);
- std::vector<int> xvectorindex1;
- xvectorindex1 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,nlane);
- double foff = getoff(pRoad,nlane);
- foff = foff + 0.0;
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
- int i = nindexstart;
- while(i!=nindexend)
- {
- if(lr_start == 2)
- {
- PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
- foff = getoff(nlane,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex1);
- pp.x = pp.x + foff *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- pp.y = pp.y + foff *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- pp.mWidth = getwidth(pRoad,nlane,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
- pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
- pp.lanmp = 0;
- pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = foff *(-1.0);
- pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane,pp.mS);
- GetLaneOriTotal(pRoad,nlane,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed,pp.mbNoavoid);
- xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
- i++;
- }
- else
- {
- PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
- foff = getoff(nlane,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex1);
- pp.x = pp.x + foff *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- pp.y = pp.y + foff *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
- pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
- pp.mWidth = getwidth(pRoad,nlane,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
- pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
- pp.lanmp = 0;
- pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = foff;
- pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane,pp.mS);
- GetLaneOriTotal(pRoad,nlane,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed,pp.mbNoavoid);
- xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
- i--;
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i<(int)xvectorPP.size();i++)
- {
- xvectorPP[i].mfCurvature = pRoad->GetRoadCurvature(xvectorPP[i].mS);
- }
- pathsection xps;
- xps.mbStartToMainChange = false;
- xps.mbMainToEndChange = false;
- // CalcInLaneAvoid(xps,xvectorPP,fvehiclewidth,0,0,0);
- xPlan = xvectorPP;
- xvectorplans.push_back(xvectorPP);
- xvectorroutedis.push_back(xvectorPP.size() * 0.1);
- }
- }
- if(bNeedDikstra)
- {
- bool bSuc = false;
- std::vector<int> xpath = pxd->getpath(atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data()),lr_start,atoi(pRoad_obj->GetRoadId().data()),lr_end,bSuc,fs1,fs2);
- if(xpath.size()<1)
- {
- continue;
- }
- if(bSuc == false)
- {
- continue;
- }
- double flen = pxd->getpathlength(xpath);
- std::vector<pathsection> xpathsection = pxd->getgpspoint(atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data()),lr_start,atoi(pRoad_obj->GetRoadId().data()),lr_end,xpath,nlanesel);
- std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP = GetPlanPoint(xpathsection,pRoad,pgeob,pRoad_obj,pgeob_obj,x_now,y_now,
- head,nearx,neary,nearhead,nearx_obj,neary_obj,fvehiclewidth,flen);
- ChangeLane(xvectorPP);
- xvectorplans.push_back(xvectorPP);
- xvectorroutedis.push_back(flen);
- }
- }
- }
- if(xvectorplans.size() > 0)
- {
- if(xvectorplans.size() == 1)
- {
- xPlan = xvectorplans[0];
- }
- else
- {
- int nsel = 0;
- double fdismin = xvectorroutedis[0];
- for(i=1;i<(int)xvectorroutedis.size();i++)
- {
- if(xvectorroutedis[i]<fdismin)
- {
- nsel = i;
- }
- }
- xPlan = xvectorplans[nsel];
- }
- return 0;
- }
- std::cout<<" plan fail. can't find path."<<std::endl;
- return -1000;
+#include "globalplan.h"
+#include "limits"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <Eigen/Dense>
+#include <Eigen/Cholesky>
+#include <Eigen/LU>
+#include <Eigen/QR>
+#include <Eigen/SVD>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QPointF>
+using namespace Eigen;
+extern "C"
+#include "dubins.h"
+static void AddSignalMark(Road * pRoad, int nlane,std::vector<PlanPoint> & xvectorPP);
+ * @brief GetLineDis 获得点到直线Geometry的距离。
+ * @param pline
+ * @param x
+ * @param y
+ * @param nearx
+ * @param neary
+ * @param nearhead
+ * @return
+ */
+static double GetLineDis(GeometryLine * pline,const double x,const double y,double & nearx,
+ double & neary,double & nearhead)
+ double fRtn = 1000.0;
+ double a1,a2,a3,a4,b1,b2;
+ double ratio = pline->GetHdg();
+ while(ratio >= 2.0* M_PI)ratio = ratio-2.0*M_PI;
+ while(ratio<0)ratio = ratio+2.0*M_PI;
+ double dis1,dis2,dis3;
+ double x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3;
+ x1 = pline->GetX();y1=pline->GetY();
+ if((ratio == 0)||(ratio == M_PI))
+ {
+ a1 = 0;a4=0;
+ a2 = 1;b1= pline->GetY();
+ a3 = 1;b2= x;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if((ratio == 0.5*M_PI)||(ratio == 1.5*M_PI))
+ {
+ a2=0;a3=0;
+ a1=1,b1=pline->GetX();
+ a4 = 1;b2 = y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ a1 = tan(ratio) *(-1.0);
+ a2 = 1;
+ a3 = tan(ratio+M_PI/2.0)*(-1.0);
+ a4 = 1;
+ b1 = a1*pline->GetX() + a2 * pline->GetY();
+ b2 = a3*x+a4*y;
+ }
+ }
+ y2 = y1 + pline->GetLength() * sin(ratio);
+ x2 = x1 + pline->GetLength() * cos(ratio);
+ Eigen::Matrix2d A;
+ A<<a1,a2,
+ a3,a4;
+ Eigen::Vector2d B(b1,b2);
+ Eigen::Vector2d opoint = A.lu().solve(B);
+ // std::cout<<opoint<<std::endl;
+ x3 = opoint(0);
+ y3 = opoint(1);
+ dis1 = sqrt(pow(x1-x,2)+pow(y1-y,2));
+ dis2 = sqrt(pow(x2-x,2)+pow(y2-y,2));
+ dis3 = sqrt(pow(x3-x,2)+pow(y3-y,2));
+// std::cout<<" dis 1 is "<<dis1<<std::endl;
+// std::cout<<" dis 2 is "<<dis2<<std::endl;
+// std::cout<<" dis 3 is "<<dis3<<std::endl;
+ if((dis1>pline->GetLength())||(dis2>pline->GetLength())) //Outoff line
+ {
+ // std::cout<<" out line"<<std::endl;
+ if(dis1<dis2)
+ {
+ fRtn = dis1;
+ nearx = x1;neary=y1;nearhead = pline->GetHdg();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fRtn = dis2;
+ nearx = x2;neary=y2;nearhead = pline->GetHdg();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fRtn = dis3;
+ nearx = x3;neary=y3;nearhead = pline->GetHdg();
+ }
+// std::cout<<"dis is "<<fRtn<<" x is "<<nearx<<" y is "<<neary<<" head is "<<nearhead<<std::endl;
+ return fRtn;
+static int getcirclecrosspoint(QPointF startPos, QPointF endPos, QPointF agvPos, double R,QPointF & point1,QPointF & point2 )
+ double m=0;
+ double k;
+ double b;
+ //计算分子
+ m=startPos.x()-endPos.x();
+ //求直线的方程
+ if(0==m)
+ {
+ k=100000;
+ b=startPos.y()-k*startPos.x();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ k=(endPos.y()-startPos.y())/(endPos.x()-startPos.x());
+ b=startPos.y()-k*startPos.x();
+ }
+// qDebug()<<k<<b;
+ double temp = fabs(k*agvPos.x()-agvPos.y()+b)/sqrt(k*k+b*b);
+ //求直线与圆的交点 前提是圆需要与直线有交点
+ if(fabs(k*agvPos.x()-agvPos.y()+b)/sqrt(k*k+b*b)<R)
+ {
+ point1.setX((2*agvPos.x()-2*k*(b-agvPos.y())+sqrt(pow((2*k*(b-agvPos.y())-2*agvPos.x()),2)-4*(k*k+1)*((b-agvPos.y())*(b-agvPos.y())+agvPos.x()*agvPos.x()-R*R)))/(2*k*k+2));
+ point2.setX((2*agvPos.x()-2*k*(b-agvPos.y())-sqrt(pow((2*k*(b-agvPos.y())-2*agvPos.x()),2)-4*(k*k+1)*((b-agvPos.y())*(b-agvPos.y())+agvPos.x()*agvPos.x()-R*R)))/(2*k*k+2));
+ point1.setY(k*point1.x()+b);
+ point2.setY(k*point2.x()+b);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ * @brief CalcHdg
+ * 计算点0到点1的航向
+ * @param p0 Point 0
+ * @param p1 Point 1
+static double CalcHdg(QPointF p0, QPointF p1)
+ double x0,y0,x1,y1;
+ x0 = p0.x();
+ y0 = p0.y();
+ x1 = p1.x();
+ y1 = p1.y();
+ if(x0 == x1)
+ {
+ if(y0 < y1)
+ {
+ return M_PI/2.0;
+ }
+ else
+ return M_PI*3.0/2.0;
+ }
+ double ratio = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0);
+ double hdg = atan(ratio);
+ if(ratio > 0)
+ {
+ if(y1 > y0)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hdg = hdg + M_PI;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(y1 > y0)
+ {
+ hdg = hdg + M_PI;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hdg = hdg + 2.0*M_PI;
+ }
+ }
+ return hdg;
+static bool pointinarc(GeometryArc * parc,QPointF poingarc,QPointF point1)
+ double hdg = CalcHdg(poingarc,point1);
+ if(parc->GetCurvature() >0)hdg = hdg + M_PI/2.0;
+ else hdg = hdg - M_PI/2.0;
+ if(hdg >= 2.0*M_PI)hdg = hdg - 2.0*M_PI;
+ if(hdg < 0)hdg = hdg + 2.0*M_PI;
+ double hdgrange = parc->GetLength()/(1.0/parc->GetCurvature());
+ double hdgdiff = hdg - parc->GetHdg();
+ if(hdgrange >= 0 )
+ {
+ if(hdgdiff < 0)hdgdiff = hdgdiff + M_PI*2.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(hdgdiff > 0)hdgdiff = hdgdiff - M_PI*2.0;
+ }
+ if(fabs(hdgdiff ) < fabs(hdgrange))return true;
+ return false;
+static inline double calcpointdis(QPointF p1,QPointF p2)
+ return sqrt(pow(p1.x()-p2.x(),2)+pow(p1.y()-p2.y(),2));
+ * @brief GetArcDis
+ * 计算点到圆弧的最短距离,首先用点和圆弧中心点的直线与圆的交点,计算点到交点的距离,如果交点在圆弧上,则最短距离是交点之一,否则计算点到圆弧两个端点的距离。
+ * @param parc pointer to a arc geomery
+ * @param x current x
+ * @param y current y
+ * @param nearx near x
+ * @param neary near y
+ * @param nearhead nearhead
+static double GetArcDis(GeometryArc * parc,double x,double y,double & nearx,
+ double & neary,double & nearhead)
+ // double fRtn = 1000.0;
+ if(parc->GetCurvature() == 0.0)return 1000.0;
+ double R = fabs(1.0/parc->GetCurvature());
+// if(parc->GetX() == 4.8213842690322309e+01)
+// {
+// int a = 1;
+// a = 3;
+// }
+// if(parc->GetCurvature() == -0.0000110203)
+// {
+// int a = 1;
+// a = 3;
+// }
+ //calculate arc center
+ double x_center,y_center;
+ if(parc->GetCurvature() > 0)
+ {
+ x_center = parc->GetX() + R * cos(parc->GetHdg() + M_PI/2.0);
+ y_center = parc->GetY() + R * sin(parc->GetHdg()+ M_PI/2.0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x_center = parc->GetX() + R * cos(parc->GetHdg() - M_PI/2.0);
+ y_center = parc->GetY() + R * sin(parc->GetHdg() - M_PI/2.0);
+ }
+ double hdgltoa = CalcHdg(QPointF(x,y),QPointF(x_center,y_center));
+ QPointF arcpoint;
+ arcpoint.setX(x_center);arcpoint.setY(y_center);
+ QPointF pointnow;
+ pointnow.setX(x);pointnow.setY(y);
+ QPointF point1,point2;
+ point1.setX(x_center + (R * cos(hdgltoa)));
+ point1.setY(y_center + (R * sin(hdgltoa)));
+ point2.setX(x_center + (R * cos(hdgltoa + M_PI)));
+ point2.setY(y_center + (R * sin(hdgltoa + M_PI)));
+ //calculat dis
+ bool bp1inarc,bp2inarc;
+ bp1inarc =pointinarc(parc,arcpoint,point1);
+ bp2inarc =pointinarc(parc,arcpoint,point2);
+ double fdis[4];
+ fdis[0] = calcpointdis(pointnow,point1);
+ fdis[1] = calcpointdis(pointnow,point2);
+ fdis[2] = calcpointdis(pointnow,QPointF(parc->GetX(),parc->GetY()));
+ QPointF pointend;
+ double hdgrange = parc->GetLength()*parc->GetCurvature();
+ double hdgend = parc->GetHdg() + hdgrange;
+ while(hdgend <0.0)hdgend = hdgend + 2.0 *M_PI;
+ while(hdgend >= 2.0*M_PI) hdgend = hdgend -2.0*M_PI;
+ if(parc->GetCurvature() >0)
+ {
+ pointend.setX(arcpoint.x() + R*cos(hdgend -M_PI/2.0 ));
+ pointend.setY(arcpoint.y() + R*sin(hdgend -M_PI/2.0) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pointend.setX(arcpoint.x() + R*cos(hdgend +M_PI/2.0 ));
+ pointend.setY(arcpoint.y() + R*sin(hdgend +M_PI/2.0) );
+ }
+ fdis[3] = calcpointdis(pointnow,pointend);
+ int indexmin = -1;
+ double fdismin = 1000000.0;
+ if(bp1inarc)
+ {
+ indexmin = 0;fdismin = fdis[0];
+ }
+ if(bp2inarc)
+ {
+ if(indexmin == -1)
+ {
+ indexmin = 1;fdismin = fdis[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(fdis[1]<fdismin)
+ {
+ indexmin = 1;fdismin = fdis[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(indexmin == -1)
+ {
+ indexmin = 2;fdismin = fdis[2];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(fdis[2]<fdismin)
+ {
+ indexmin = 2;fdismin = fdis[2];
+ }
+ }
+ if(fdis[3]<fdismin)
+ {
+ indexmin = 3;fdismin = fdis[3];
+ }
+ switch (indexmin) {
+ case 0:
+ nearx = point1.x();
+ neary = point1.y();
+ if(parc->GetCurvature()<0)
+ {
+ nearhead = CalcHdg(arcpoint,point1) - M_PI/2.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nearhead = CalcHdg(arcpoint,point1) + M_PI/2.0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ nearx = point2.x();
+ neary = point2.y();
+ if(parc->GetCurvature()<0)
+ {
+ nearhead = CalcHdg(arcpoint,point2) - M_PI/2.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nearhead = CalcHdg(arcpoint,point2) + M_PI/2.0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ nearx = parc->GetX();
+ neary = parc->GetY();
+ nearhead = parc->GetHdg();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ nearx = pointend.x();
+ neary = pointend.y();
+ nearhead = hdgend;
+ break;
+ default:
+ std::cout<<"error in arcdis "<<std::endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ while(nearhead>2.0*M_PI)nearhead = nearhead -2.0*M_PI;
+ while(nearhead<0)nearhead = nearhead + 2.0*M_PI;
+ return fdismin;
+static double GetSpiralDis(GeometrySpiral * pspiral,double xnow,double ynow,double & nearx,
+ double & neary,double & nearhead)
+ double x,y,hdg;
+ double s = 0.0;
+ double fdismin = 100000.0;
+ double s0 = pspiral->GetS();
+ while(s<pspiral->GetLength())
+ {
+ pspiral->GetCoords(s0+s,x,y,hdg);
+ s = s+0.1;
+ double fdis = calcpointdis(QPointF(x,y),QPointF(xnow,ynow));
+ if(fdis<fdismin)
+ {
+ fdismin = fdis;
+ nearhead = hdg;
+ nearx = x;
+ neary = y;
+ }
+ }
+ return fdismin;
+ * @brief GetParamPoly3Dis 获得点到贝塞尔曲线的距离。
+ * @param parc
+ * @param xnow
+ * @param ynow
+ * @param nearx
+ * @param neary
+ * @param nearhead
+ * @return
+ */
+static double GetParamPoly3Dis(GeometryParamPoly3 * parc,double xnow,double ynow,double & nearx,
+ double & neary,double & nearhead)
+ double s = 0.1;
+ double fdismin = 100000.0;
+ double xold,yold;
+ xold = parc->GetX();
+ yold = parc->GetY();
+ double fdis = calcpointdis(QPointF(parc->GetX(),parc->GetY()),QPointF(xnow,ynow));
+ if(fdis<fdismin)
+ {
+ fdismin = fdis;
+ nearhead = parc->GetHdg();
+ nearx = parc->GetX();
+ neary = parc->GetY();
+ }
+ double s_start = parc->GetS();
+ while(s < parc->GetLength())
+ {
+ double x, y,hdg;//xtem,ytem;
+ parc->GetCoords(s_start+s,x,y,hdg);
+ if(fdis<fdismin)
+ {
+ fdismin = fdis;
+ nearhead = hdg;
+ nearx = x;
+ neary = y;
+ }
+// xold = x;
+// yold = y;
+ s = s+ 0.1;
+ }
+ return fdismin;
+static double GetPoly3Dis(GeometryPoly3 * ppoly,double xnow,double ynow,double & nearx,
+ double & neary,double & nearhead)
+ double x,y,hdg;
+// double s = 0.0;
+ double fdismin = 100000.0;
+ // double s0 = ppoly->GetS();
+ x = ppoly->GetX();
+ y = ppoly->GetY();
+ double A,B,C,D;
+ A = ppoly->GetA();
+ B = ppoly->GetB();
+ C = ppoly->GetC();
+ D = ppoly->GetD();
+ const double steplim = 0.3;
+ double du = steplim;
+ double u = 0;
+ double v = 0;
+ double oldx,oldy;
+ oldx = x;
+ oldy = y;
+ double xstart,ystart;
+ xstart = x;
+ ystart = y;
+ double hdgstart = ppoly->GetHdg();
+ double flen = 0;
+ u = u+du;
+ while(flen < ppoly->GetLength())
+ {
+ double fdis = 0;
+ v = A + B*u + C*u*u + D*u*u*u;
+ x = xstart + u*cos(hdgstart) - v*sin(hdgstart);
+ y = ystart + u*sin(hdgstart) + v*cos(hdgstart);
+ fdis = sqrt(pow(x- oldx,2)+pow(y-oldy,2));
+ if(fdis>(steplim*2.0))du = du/2.0;
+ flen = flen + fdis;
+ u = u + du;
+ hdg = CalcHdg(QPointF(oldx,oldy),QPointF(x,y));
+ double fdisnow = calcpointdis(QPointF(x,y),QPointF(xnow,ynow));
+ if(fdisnow<fdismin)
+ {
+ fdismin = fdisnow;
+ nearhead = hdg;
+ nearx = x;
+ neary = y;
+ }
+ oldx = x;
+ oldy = y;
+ }
+ return fdismin;
+ * @brief GetNearPoint
+ * 计算点到圆弧的最短距离,首先用点和圆弧中心点的直线与圆的交点,计算点到交点的距离,如果交点在圆弧上,则最短距离是交点之一,否则计算点到圆弧两个端点的距离。
+ * @param x current x
+ * @param y current y
+ * @param pxodr OpenDrive
+ * @param pObjRoad Road
+ * @param pgeo Geometry of road
+ * @param nearx near x
+ * @param neary near y
+ * @param nearhead nearhead
+ * @param nearthresh near threshhold
+ * @retval if == 0 successfull <0 fail.
+int GetNearPoint(const double x,const double y,OpenDrive * pxodr,Road ** pObjRoad,GeometryBlock ** pgeo, double & s,double & nearx,
+ double & neary,double & nearhead,const double nearthresh,double &froads)
+ double dismin = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+ s = dismin;
+ int i;
+ double frels;
+ for(i=0;i<pxodr->GetRoadCount();i++)
+ {
+ int j;
+ Road * proad = pxodr->GetRoad(i);
+ double nx,ny,nh;
+ for(j=0;j<proad->GetGeometryBlockCount();j++)
+ {
+ GeometryBlock * pgb = proad->GetGeometryBlock(j);
+ double dis;
+ RoadGeometry * pg;
+ pg = pgb->GetGeometryAt(0);
+ switch (pg->GetGeomType()) {
+ case 0: //line
+ dis = xodrfunc::GetLineDis((GeometryLine *) pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
+ // dis = GetLineDis((GeometryLine *) pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ dis = xodrfunc::GetSpiralDis((GeometrySpiral *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
+ break;
+ case 2: //arc
+ dis = xodrfunc::GetArcDis((GeometryArc *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ dis = xodrfunc::GetPoly3Dis((GeometryPoly3 *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ dis = xodrfunc::GetParamPoly3Dis((GeometryParamPoly3 *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
+ break;
+ default:
+ dis = 100000.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(dis < dismin)
+ {
+ dismin = dis;
+ nearx = nx;
+ neary = ny;
+ nearhead = nh;
+ s = dis;
+ froads = frels;
+ *pObjRoad = proad;
+ *pgeo = pgb;
+ }
+// if(pgb->CheckIfLine())
+// {
+// GeometryLine * pline = (GeometryLine *)pgb->GetGeometryAt(0);
+// double dis = GetLineDis(pline,x,y,nx,ny,nh);
+// if(dis < dismin)
+// {
+// dismin = dis;
+// nearx = nx;
+// neary = ny;
+// nearhead = nh;
+// s = dis;
+// *pObjRoad = proad;
+// *pgeo = pgb;
+// }
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// GeometryLine * pline1 = (GeometryLine *)pgb->GetGeometryAt(0);
+// double dis = GetLineDis(pline1,x,y,nx,ny,nh);
+// if(dis < dismin)
+// {
+// dismin = dis;
+// nearx = nx;
+// neary = ny;
+// nearhead = nh;
+// s = dis;
+// *pObjRoad = proad;
+// *pgeo = pgb;
+// }
+// GeometryArc * parc = (GeometryArc *)pgb->GetGeometryAt(1);
+// dis = GetArcDis(parc,x,y,nx,ny,nh);
+// if(dis < dismin)
+// {
+// dismin = dis;
+// nearx = nx;
+// neary = ny;
+// nearhead = nh;
+// s = dis;
+// *pObjRoad = proad;
+// *pgeo = pgb;
+// }
+// pline1 = (GeometryLine *)pgb->GetGeometryAt(2);
+// dis = GetLineDis(pline1,x,y,nx,ny,nh);
+// if(dis < dismin)
+// {
+// dismin = dis;
+// nearx = nx;
+// neary = ny;
+// nearhead = nh;
+// s = dis;
+// *pObjRoad = proad;
+// *pgeo = pgb;
+// }
+// }
+ }
+ }
+ if(s > nearthresh)return -1;
+ return 0;
+int GetNearPointWithHead(const double x,const double y,const double hdg,OpenDrive * pxodr,std::vector<iv::nearroad> & xvectornear,
+ const double nearthresh,bool bhdgvalid = true)
+ std::cout<<" near thresh "<<nearthresh<<std::endl;
+ int i;
+ double frels;
+ int nminmode = 6;
+ for(i=0;i<pxodr->GetRoadCount();i++)
+ {
+ int j;
+ Road * proad = pxodr->GetRoad(i);
+ double nx,ny,nh;
+ bool bchange = false;
+ double localdismin = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+ double localnearx = 0;
+ double localneary = 0;
+ double localnearhead = 0;
+ double locals = 0;
+ double localfrels = 0;
+ GeometryBlock * pgeolocal;
+ localdismin = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+ for(j=0;j<proad->GetGeometryBlockCount();j++)
+ {
+ GeometryBlock * pgb = proad->GetGeometryBlock(j);
+ double dis;
+ RoadGeometry * pg;
+ pg = pgb->GetGeometryAt(0);
+ switch (pg->GetGeomType()) {
+ case 0: //line
+ dis = xodrfunc::GetLineDis((GeometryLine *) pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ dis = xodrfunc::GetSpiralDis((GeometrySpiral *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
+ break;
+ case 2: //arc
+ dis = xodrfunc::GetArcDis((GeometryArc *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ dis = xodrfunc::GetPoly3Dis((GeometryPoly3 *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ dis = xodrfunc::GetParamPoly3Dis((GeometryParamPoly3 *)pg,x,y,nx,ny,nh,frels);
+ break;
+ default:
+ dis = 100000.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(dis<localdismin)
+ {
+ localdismin = dis;
+ localnearx = nx;
+ localneary = ny;
+ localnearhead = nh;
+ locals = dis;
+ localfrels = frels;
+ pgeolocal = pgb;
+ bchange = true;
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout<<" local dismin "<<localdismin<<std::endl;
+ if(localdismin < nearthresh)
+ {
+ iv::nearroad xnear;
+ xnear.pObjRoad = proad;
+ xnear.pgeob = pgeolocal;
+ xnear.nearx = localnearx;
+ xnear.neary = localneary;
+ xnear.fdis = localdismin;
+ xnear.nearhead = localnearhead;
+ xnear.frels = localfrels;
+ if((xnear.fdis>0)&&(xnear.frels>0.00001)&&(xnear.frels<(proad->GetRoadLength()-0.00001)))
+ {
+ double fcalhdg = xodrfunc::CalcHdg(QPointF(xnear.nearx,xnear.neary),QPointF(x,y));
+ double fhdgdiff = fcalhdg - xnear.nearhead;
+ while(fhdgdiff<0)fhdgdiff = fhdgdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
+ while(fhdgdiff>= 2.0*M_PI)fhdgdiff = fhdgdiff - 2.0*M_PI;
+ if(fhdgdiff<M_PI)
+ {
+ double fdisroad = proad->GetRoadLeftWidth(xnear.frels);
+ if(fdisroad>xnear.fdis)
+ {
+ xnear.fdis = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xnear.fdis = xnear.fdis - fdisroad;
+ }
+ xnear.lr = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double fdisroad = proad->GetRoadRightWidth(xnear.frels);
+ if(fdisroad>xnear.fdis)
+ {
+ xnear.fdis = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xnear.fdis = xnear.fdis - fdisroad;
+ }
+ xnear.lr = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bhdgvalid == false)
+ {
+ if(xnear.pObjRoad->GetLaneSectionCount()>0)
+ {
+ LaneSection * pLS = xnear.pObjRoad->GetLaneSection(0);
+ if(pLS->GetRightLaneCount()>0)
+ {
+ xnear.lr = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xnear.lr = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xnear.lr = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LaneSection * pLS = xnear.pObjRoad->GetLaneSection(0);
+ if(pLS != NULL)
+ {
+ if(xnear.fdis < 0.00001)
+ {
+ if(bhdgvalid == false)
+ {
+ xnear.nmode = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double headdiff = hdg - xnear.nearhead;
+ while(headdiff < 2.0*M_PI) headdiff = headdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
+ while(headdiff >= 2.0*M_PI)headdiff = headdiff - 2.0*M_PI;
+ if(((headdiff <M_PI/2.0)||(headdiff > M_PI*3.0/2.0))&&(pLS->GetRightLaneCount()>0))
+ {
+ xnear.nmode = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xnear.nmode = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(xnear.fdis<5)
+ {
+ if(bhdgvalid == false)
+ {
+ xnear.nmode = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double headdiff = hdg - xnear.nearhead;
+ while(headdiff < 2.0*M_PI) headdiff = headdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
+ while(headdiff >= 2.0*M_PI)headdiff = headdiff - 2.0*M_PI;
+ if(((headdiff <M_PI/2.0)||(headdiff > M_PI*3.0/2.0))&&(pLS->GetRightLaneCount()>0))
+ {
+ xnear.nmode = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xnear.nmode = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bhdgvalid == false)
+ {
+ xnear.nmode = 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double headdiff = hdg - xnear.nearhead;
+ while(headdiff < 2.0*M_PI) headdiff = headdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
+ while(headdiff >= 2.0*M_PI)headdiff = headdiff - 2.0*M_PI;
+ if(((headdiff <M_PI/2.0)||(headdiff > M_PI*3.0/2.0))&&(pLS->GetRightLaneCount()>0))
+ {
+ xnear.nmode = 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xnear.nmode = 5;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(xnear.nmode < nminmode)nminmode = xnear.nmode;
+ if(xnear.pObjRoad->GetLaneSectionCount()>0)
+ {
+ LaneSection * pLS = xnear.pObjRoad->GetLaneSection(0);
+ if((pLS->GetRightLaneCount()>0)&& ((pLS->GetLeftLaneCount()==0)) && (xnear.lr == 1))
+ {
+ xnear.lr = 2;
+ }
+ if((pLS->GetRightLaneCount() == 0)&& ((pLS->GetLeftLaneCount()>0)) && (xnear.lr == 2))
+ {
+ xnear.lr = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ xvectornear.push_back(xnear);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(xvectornear.size() == 0)
+ {
+ std::cout<<" no near. "<<std::endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+// std::cout<<" near size: "<<xvectornear.size()<<std::endl;
+ if(xvectornear.size() > 1)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<(int)xvectornear.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(xvectornear[i].nmode > nminmode)
+ {
+ xvectornear.erase(xvectornear.begin() + i);
+ i = i-1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// std::cout<<" after size: "<<xvectornear.size()<<std::endl;
+ if((xvectornear.size()>1)&&(nminmode>=4)) //if dis > 5 select small dis
+ {
+ int i;
+ while(xvectornear.size()>1)
+ {
+ if(xvectornear[1].fdis < xvectornear[0].fdis)
+ {
+ xvectornear.erase(xvectornear.begin());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xvectornear.erase(xvectornear.begin()+1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * @brief SelectRoadLeftRight
+ * 选择左侧道路或右侧道路
+ * 1.选择角度差小于90度的道路一侧,即同侧道路
+ * 2.单行路,选择存在的那一侧道路。
+ * @param pRoad 道路
+ * @param head1 车的航向或目标点的航向
+ * @param head_road 目标点的航向
+ * @retval 1 left 2 right
+static int SelectRoadLeftRight(Road * pRoad,const double head1,const double head_road)
+ int nrtn = 2;
+ double headdiff = head1 - head_road;
+ while(headdiff < 2.0*M_PI) headdiff = headdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
+ while(headdiff >= 2.0*M_PI)headdiff = headdiff - 2.0*M_PI;
+ bool bSel = false;
+ if((headdiff >=M_PI/2.0)&&(headdiff <= M_PI*3.0/2.0)) //if diff is
+ {
+ if(pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLeftLaneCount()>0)
+ {
+ nrtn = 1;
+ bSel = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetRightLaneCount()>0)
+ {
+ nrtn = 2;
+ bSel = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bSel == false)
+ {
+ if(pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLeftLaneCount() >0)
+ {
+ nrtn = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nrtn = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return nrtn;
+//static double getlinereldis(GeometryLine * pline,double x,double y)
+// double x0,y0;
+// x0 = pline->GetX();
+// y0 = pline->GetY();
+// double dis = sqrt(pow(x-x0,2) + pow(y-y0,2));
+// if(dis > pline->GetS())
+// {
+// std::cout<<"getlinereldis exceed s S is "<<pline->GetS()<<" dis is "<<dis<<std::endl;
+// return dis;
+// }
+// return dis;
+//static double getarcreldis(GeometryArc * parc,double x,double y)
+// double x0,y0;
+// x0 = parc->GetX();
+// y0 = parc->GetY();
+// double dis = sqrt(pow(x-x0,2) + pow(y-y0,2));
+// double R = fabs(1.0/parc->GetCurvature());
+// double ang = 2.0* asin(dis/(2.0*R));
+// double frtn = ang * R;
+// return frtn;
+//static double getparampoly3reldis(GeometryParamPoly3 *parc, double xnow, double ynow)
+// double s = 0.1;
+// double xold,yold;
+// xold = parc->GetX();
+// yold = parc->GetY();
+// while(s < parc->GetLength())
+// {
+// double x, y,xtem,ytem;
+// xtem = parc->GetuA() + parc->GetuB() * s + parc->GetuC() * s*s + parc->GetuD() * s*s*s;
+// ytem = parc->GetvA() + parc->GetvB() * s + parc->GetvC() * s*s + parc->GetvD() * s*s*s;
+// x = xtem*cos(parc->GetHdg()) - ytem * sin(parc->GetHdg()) + parc->GetX();
+// y = xtem*sin(parc->GetHdg()) + ytem * cos(parc->GetHdg()) + parc->GetY();
+// if(sqrt(pow(xnow - x,2) + pow(ynow -y,2))<0.3)
+// {
+// break;
+// }
+// xold = x;
+// yold = y;
+// s = s+ 0.1;
+// }
+// return s;
+//static double getreldis(RoadGeometry * prg,double x,double y)
+// int ngeotype = prg->GetGeomType();
+// double frtn = 0;
+// switch (ngeotype) {
+// case 0:
+// frtn = getlinereldis((GeometryLine *)prg,x,y);
+// break;
+// case 1:
+// break;
+// case 2:
+// frtn = getarcreldis((GeometryArc *)prg,x,y);
+// break;
+// case 3:
+// break;
+// case 4:
+// frtn = getparampoly3reldis((GeometryParamPoly3 *)prg,x,y);
+// break;
+// default:
+// break;
+// }
+// return frtn;
+//static double getposinroad(Road * pRoad,GeometryBlock * pgeob,double x,double y)
+// RoadGeometry* prg = pgeob->GetGeometryAt(0);
+// double s1 = prg->GetS();
+// double srtn = s1;
+// return s1 + getreldis(prg,x,y);
+static std::vector<PlanPoint> getlinepoint(GeometryLine * pline,const double fspace = 0.1)
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
+ int i;
+ double s = pline->GetLength();
+ int nsize = s/fspace;
+ if(nsize ==0)nsize = 1;
+ for(i=0;i<nsize;i++)
+ {
+ double x,y;
+ x = pline->GetX() + i *fspace * cos(pline->GetHdg());
+ y = pline->GetY() + i *fspace * sin(pline->GetHdg());
+ PlanPoint pp;
+ pp.x = x;
+ pp.y = y;
+ pp.dis = i*fspace;
+ pp.hdg = pline->GetHdg();
+ pp.mS = pline->GetS() + i*fspace;
+ xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+ }
+ return xvectorPP;
+static std::vector<PlanPoint> getarcpoint(GeometryArc * parc,const double fspace = 0.1)
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
+ // double fRtn = 1000.0;
+ if(parc->GetCurvature() == 0.0)return xvectorPP;
+ double R = fabs(1.0/parc->GetCurvature());
+ //calculate arc center
+ double x_center = parc->GetX() + (1.0/parc->GetCurvature()) * cos(parc->GetHdg() + M_PI/2.0);
+ double y_center = parc->GetY() + (1.0/parc->GetCurvature()) * sin(parc->GetHdg()+ M_PI/2.0);
+ double arcdiff = fspace/R;
+ int nsize = parc->GetLength()/fspace;
+ if(nsize == 0)nsize = 1;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<nsize;i++)
+ {
+ double x,y;
+ PlanPoint pp;
+ if(parc->GetCurvature() > 0)
+ {
+ x = x_center + R * cos(parc->GetHdg() + i*arcdiff - M_PI/2.0);
+ y = y_center + R * sin(parc->GetHdg() + i*arcdiff - M_PI/2.0);
+ pp.hdg = parc->GetHdg() + i*arcdiff;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x = x_center + R * cos(parc->GetHdg() -i*arcdiff + M_PI/2.0);
+ y = y_center + R * sin(parc->GetHdg() -i*arcdiff + M_PI/2.0);
+ pp.hdg = parc->GetHdg() - i*arcdiff;
+ }
+ pp.x = x;
+ pp.y = y;
+ pp.dis = i*fspace;
+ pp.mS = parc->GetS() + i*fspace;
+ xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+ }
+ return xvectorPP;
+static std::vector<PlanPoint> getspiralpoint(GeometrySpiral * pspiral,const double fspace = 0.1)
+ double x,y,hdg;
+ double s = 0.0;
+ double s0 = pspiral->GetS();
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
+ PlanPoint pp;
+ while(s<pspiral->GetLength())
+ {
+ pspiral->GetCoords(s0+s,x,y,hdg);
+ pp.x = x;
+ pp.y = y;
+ pp.hdg = hdg;
+ pp.dis = s;
+ pp.mS = pspiral->GetS() + s;
+ xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+ s = s+fspace;
+ }
+ return xvectorPP;
+static std::vector<PlanPoint> getpoly3dpoint(GeometryPoly3 * ppoly,const double fspace = 0.1)
+ double x,y;
+ x = ppoly->GetX();
+ y = ppoly->GetY();
+ double A,B,C,D;
+ A = ppoly->GetA();
+ B = ppoly->GetB();
+ C = ppoly->GetC();
+ D = ppoly->GetD();
+ const double steplim = fspace;
+ double du = steplim;
+ double u = 0;
+ double v = 0;
+ double oldx,oldy;
+ oldx = x;
+ oldy = y;
+ double xstart,ystart;
+ xstart = x;
+ ystart = y;
+ double hdgstart = ppoly->GetHdg();
+ double flen = 0;
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
+ PlanPoint pp;
+ pp.x = xstart;
+ pp.y = ystart;
+ pp.hdg = hdgstart;
+ pp.dis = 0;
+ pp.mS = ppoly->GetS();
+ xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+ u = du;
+ while(flen < ppoly->GetLength())
+ {
+ double fdis = 0;
+ v = A + B*u + C*u*u + D*u*u*u;
+ x = xstart + u*cos(hdgstart) - v*sin(hdgstart);
+ y = ystart + u*sin(hdgstart) + v*cos(hdgstart);
+ fdis = sqrt(pow(x- oldx,2)+pow(y-oldy,2));
+ double hdg = CalcHdg(QPointF(oldx,oldy),QPointF(x,y));
+ oldx = x;
+ oldy = y;
+ if(fdis>(steplim*2.0))du = du/2.0;
+ flen = flen + fdis;
+ u = u + du;
+ pp.x = x;
+ pp.y = y;
+ pp.hdg = hdg;
+ // s = s+ dt;
+ pp.dis = flen;;
+ pp.mS = ppoly->GetS() + flen;
+ xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+ }
+ return xvectorPP;
+static std::vector<PlanPoint> getparampoly3dpoint(GeometryParamPoly3 * parc,const double fspace = 0.1)
+ double s = 0.1;
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
+ PlanPoint pp;
+ double xold,yold;
+ xold = parc->GetX();
+ yold = parc->GetY();
+ double hdg0 = parc->GetHdg();
+ pp.x = xold;
+ pp.y = yold;
+ pp.hdg = hdg0;
+ pp.dis = 0;
+// xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+ double dt = 1.0;
+ double tcount = parc->GetLength()/0.1;
+ if(tcount > 0)
+ {
+ dt = 1.0/tcount;
+ }
+ double t;
+ s = dt;
+ s = 0;
+ double ua,ub,uc,ud,va,vb,vc,vd;
+ ua = parc->GetuA();ub= parc->GetuB();uc= parc->GetuC();ud = parc->GetuD();
+ va = parc->GetvA();vb= parc->GetvB();vc= parc->GetvC();vd = parc->GetvD();
+ double s_start = parc->GetS();
+ while(s < parc->GetLength())
+ {
+ double x, y,hdg;
+ parc->GetCoords(s_start+s,x,y,hdg);
+ pp.x = x;
+ pp.y = y;
+ pp.hdg = hdg;
+ s = s+ fspace;
+ pp.dis = pp.dis + fspace;;
+ pp.mS = s_start + s;
+ xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+ }
+ return xvectorPP;
+std::vector<PlanPoint> GetPoint(pathsection xpath,const double fspace = 0.1)
+ Road * pRoad = xpath.mpRoad;
+ //s_start s_end for select now section data.
+ double s_start,s_end;
+ LaneSection * pLS = pRoad->GetLaneSection(xpath.msectionid);
+ s_start = pLS->GetS();
+ if(xpath.msectionid == (pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount()-1))s_end = pRoad->GetRoadLength();
+ else
+ {
+ s_end = pRoad->GetLaneSection(xpath.msectionid+1)->GetS();
+ }
+// if(xpath.mroadid == 10190)
+// {
+// int a = 1;
+// a++;
+// }
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPPS;
+ double s = 0;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<pRoad->GetGeometryBlockCount();i++)
+ {
+ GeometryBlock * pgb = pRoad->GetGeometryBlock(i);
+ RoadGeometry * prg = pgb->GetGeometryAt(0);
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
+ if(i<(pRoad->GetGeometryBlockCount() -0))
+ {
+ if(prg->GetS()>s_end)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if((prg->GetS() + prg->GetLength())<s_start)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ double s1 = prg->GetLength();
+ switch (prg->GetGeomType()) {
+ case 0:
+ xvectorPP = getlinepoint((GeometryLine *)prg,fspace);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ xvectorPP = getspiralpoint((GeometrySpiral *)prg,fspace);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ xvectorPP = getarcpoint((GeometryArc *)prg,fspace);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ xvectorPP = getpoly3dpoint((GeometryPoly3 *)prg,fspace);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ xvectorPP = getparampoly3dpoint((GeometryParamPoly3 *)prg,fspace);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ int j;
+ if(prg->GetS()<s_start)
+ {
+ s1 = prg->GetLength() -(s_start - prg->GetS());
+ }
+ if((prg->GetS() + prg->GetLength())>s_end)
+ {
+ s1 = s_end - prg->GetS();
+ }
+ for(j=0;j<xvectorPP.size();j++)
+ {
+ PlanPoint pp = xvectorPP.at(j);
+// double foffset = pRoad->GetLaneOffsetValue(pp.mS);
+// if(fabs(foffset)>0.001)
+// {
+// pp.x = pp.x + foffset * cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+// pp.y = pp.y + foffset * sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+// }
+ pp.mfCurvature = pRoad->GetRoadCurvature(pp.mS);
+ if(((pp.dis+prg->GetS()) >= s_start) &&((pp.dis+prg->GetS()) <= s_end))
+ {
+ if(s_start > prg->GetS())
+ {
+ pp.dis = s + pp.dis -(s_start - prg->GetS());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pp.dis = s+ pp.dis;
+ }
+ pp.nRoadID = atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data());
+ xvectorPPS.push_back(pp);
+ }
+// if((prg->GetS()>s_start)&&((prg->GetS() + prg->GetLength())<s_end))
+// {
+// pp.dis = s + pp.dis;
+// pp.nRoadID = atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data());
+// xvectorPPS.push_back(pp);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// if(prg->GetS()<s_start)
+// {
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// if(pp.dis<(s_end -prg->GetS()))
+// {
+// pp.dis = s + pp.dis;
+// pp.nRoadID = atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data());
+// xvectorPPS.push_back(pp);
+// }
+// }
+// }
+ }
+ s = s+ s1;
+ }
+ return xvectorPPS;
+std::vector<PlanPoint> GetPoint(Road * pRoad)
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPPS;
+ double s = 0;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<pRoad->GetGeometryBlockCount();i++)
+ {
+ GeometryBlock * pgb = pRoad->GetGeometryBlock(i);
+ RoadGeometry * prg = pgb->GetGeometryAt(0);
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
+ double s1 = prg->GetLength();
+ switch (prg->GetGeomType()) {
+ case 0:
+ xvectorPP = getlinepoint((GeometryLine *)prg);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ xvectorPP = getspiralpoint((GeometrySpiral *)prg);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ xvectorPP = getarcpoint((GeometryArc *)prg);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ xvectorPP = getpoly3dpoint((GeometryPoly3 *)prg);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ xvectorPP = getparampoly3dpoint((GeometryParamPoly3 *)prg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ int j;
+ for(j=0;j<xvectorPP.size();j++)
+ {
+ PlanPoint pp = xvectorPP.at(j);
+ pp.dis = s + pp.dis;
+ pp.nRoadID = atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data());
+ xvectorPPS.push_back(pp);
+ }
+ s = s+ s1;
+ }
+ unsigned int j;
+ for(j=0;j<xvectorPPS.size();j++)
+ {
+ xvectorPPS.at(j).mfCurvature = pRoad->GetRoadCurvature(xvectorPPS.at(j).mS);
+ }
+ return xvectorPPS;
+int indexinroadpoint(std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP,double x,double y)
+ int nrtn = 0;
+ int i;
+ int dismin = 1000;
+ for(i=0;i<xvectorPP.size();i++)
+ {
+ double dis = sqrt(pow(xvectorPP.at(i).x - x,2) + pow(xvectorPP.at(i).y -y,2));
+ if(dis <dismin)
+ {
+ dismin = dis;
+ nrtn = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if(dismin > 10.0)
+ {
+ std::cout<<"indexinroadpoint near point is error. dis is "<<dismin<<std::endl;
+ }
+ return nrtn;
+double getwidth(Road * pRoad, int nlane)
+ double frtn = 0;
+ int i;
+ int nlanecount = pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLaneCount();
+ for(i=0;i<nlanecount;i++)
+ {
+ if(nlane == pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLane(i)->GetId())
+ {
+ LaneWidth* pLW = pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLane(i)->GetLaneWidth(0);
+ if(pLW != 0)
+ {
+ frtn = pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLane(i)->GetLaneWidth(0)->GetA();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return frtn;
+double getoff(Road * pRoad,int nlane)
+ double off = getwidth(pRoad,nlane)/2.0;
+ if(nlane < 0)off = off * (-1.0);
+ // int nlanecount = pRoad->GetLaneSection(0)->GetLaneCount();
+ int i;
+ if(nlane > 0)
+ off = off + getwidth(pRoad,0)/2.0;
+ else
+ off = off - getwidth(pRoad,0)/2.0;
+ if(nlane > 0)
+ {
+ for(i=1;i<nlane;i++)
+ {
+ off = off + getwidth(pRoad,i);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i=-1;i>nlane;i--)
+ {
+ off = off - getwidth(pRoad,i);
+ }
+ }
+// return 0;
+ return off;
+namespace iv {
+struct lanewidthabcd
+ int nlane;
+ double A;
+ double B;
+ double C;
+ double D;
+double getwidth(Road * pRoad, int nlane,std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorlwa,double s)
+ double frtn = 0;
+ int i;
+ int nlanecount = xvectorlwa.size();
+ for(i=0;i<nlanecount;i++)
+ {
+ if(nlane == xvectorlwa.at(i).nlane)
+ {
+ iv::lanewidthabcd * plwa = &xvectorlwa.at(i);
+ frtn = plwa->A + plwa->B*s + plwa->C *s*s + plwa->D *s*s*s;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return frtn;
+std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> GetLaneWidthABCD(Road * pRoad)
+ std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorlwa;
+ if(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount()<1)return xvectorlwa;
+ int i;
+ LaneSection * pLS = pRoad->GetLaneSection(0);
+// if(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount() > 1)
+// {
+// for(i=0;i<(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount()-1);i++)
+// {
+// if(s>pRoad->GetLaneSection(i+1)->GetS())
+// {
+// pLS = pRoad->GetLaneSection(i+1);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+ int nlanecount = pLS->GetLaneCount();
+ for(i=0;i<nlanecount;i++)
+ {
+ iv::lanewidthabcd xlwa;
+ LaneWidth* pLW = pLS->GetLane(i)->GetLaneWidth(0);
+ xlwa.nlane = pLS->GetLane(i)->GetId();
+ if(pLW != 0)
+ {
+ xlwa.A = pLW->GetA();
+ xlwa.B = pLW->GetB();
+ xlwa.C = pLW->GetC();
+ xlwa.D = pLW->GetD();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xlwa.A = 0;
+ xlwa.B = 0;
+ xlwa.C = 0;
+ xlwa.D = 0;
+ }
+ // if(strncmp(pLS->GetLane(i)->GetType().data(),"driving",256) == 0)
+ xvectorlwa.push_back(xlwa); //Calculate Road Width, not driving need add in.
+ }
+ return xvectorlwa;
+inline double getoff(int nlane,double s,std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorLWA,std::vector<int> xvectorIndex)
+ int i;
+ double off = 0;
+ double a,b,c,d;
+ if(xvectorIndex.size() == 0)return off;
+ for(i=0;i<(xvectorIndex.size()-1);i++)
+ {
+ a = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].A;
+ b = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].B;
+ c = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].C;
+ d = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].D;
+ if(xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].nlane != 0)
+ {
+ off = off + a + b*s + c*s*s + d*s*s*s;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ off = off + (a + b*s + c*s*s + d*s*s*s)/2.0;
+ }
+ }
+ i = xvectorIndex.size()-1;
+ a = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].A;
+ b = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].B;
+ c = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].C;
+ d = xvectorLWA[xvectorIndex[i]].D;
+ off = off + (a + b*s + c*s*s + d*s*s*s)/2.0;
+ if(nlane < 0) off = off*(-1.0);
+// std::cout<<"s is "<<s<<std::endl;
+// std::cout<<" off is "<<off<<std::endl;
+ return off;
+double GetRoadWidth(std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorLWA,int nlane,double s)
+ double fwidth = 0;
+ int i;
+ double a,b,c,d;
+ int nsize = xvectorLWA.size();
+ for(i=0;i<nsize;i++)
+ {
+ if(nlane*(xvectorLWA[i].nlane)>0)
+ {
+ a = xvectorLWA[i].A;
+ b = xvectorLWA[i].B;
+ c = xvectorLWA[i].C;
+ d = xvectorLWA[i].D;
+ fwidth = fwidth + a + b*s +c*s*s + d*s*s*s;
+ }
+ }
+ return fwidth;
+int GetLaneOriTotal(Road * pRoad, int nlane,double s,int & nori, int & ntotal,double & fSpeed,bool & bNoavoid)
+ if(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount() < 1)return -1;
+ LaneSection * pLS = pRoad->GetLaneSection(0);
+ int i;
+ if(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount() > 1)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount()-1);i++)
+ {
+ if(s>pRoad->GetLaneSection(i+1)->GetS())
+ {
+ pLS = pRoad->GetLaneSection(i+1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nori = 0;
+ ntotal = 0;
+ fSpeed = -1; //if -1 no speedlimit for map
+ pRoad->GetRoadSpeedMax(s,fSpeed); //Get Road Speed Limit.
+ pRoad->GetRoadNoavoid(s,bNoavoid);
+ int nlanecount = pLS->GetLaneCount();
+ for(i=0;i<nlanecount;i++)
+ {
+ int nlaneid = pLS->GetLane(i)->GetId();
+ if(nlaneid == nlane)
+ {
+ Lane * pLane = pLS->GetLane(i);
+ if(pLane->GetLaneSpeedCount() > 0)
+ {
+ LaneSpeed * pLSpeed = pLane->GetLaneSpeed(0);
+ int j;
+ int nspeedcount = pLane->GetLaneSpeedCount();
+ for(j=0;j<(nspeedcount -1);j++)
+ {
+ if((s-pLS->GetS())>=pLane->GetLaneSpeed(j+1)->GetS())
+ {
+ pLSpeed = pLane->GetLaneSpeed(j+1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pLSpeed->GetS()<=(s-pLS->GetS()))fSpeed = pLSpeed->GetMax();
+ }
+ }
+ if(nlane<0)
+ {
+ if(nlaneid < 0)
+ {
+ if(strncmp(pLS->GetLane(i)->GetType().data(),"driving",256) == 0)
+ {
+ ntotal++;
+ if(nlaneid<nlane)nori++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(nlaneid > 0)
+ {
+ if(strncmp(pLS->GetLane(i)->GetType().data(),"driving",256) == 0)
+ {
+ ntotal++;
+ if(nlaneid > nlane)nori++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+std::vector<int> GetLWIndex(std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorLWA,int nlane)
+ std::vector<int> xvectorindex;
+ int i;
+ if(nlane >= 0)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<=nlane;i++)
+ {
+ int j;
+ int nsize = xvectorLWA.size();
+ for(j=0;j<nsize;j++)
+ {
+ if(i == xvectorLWA.at(j).nlane )
+ {
+ xvectorindex.push_back(j);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i=0;i>=nlane;i--)
+ {
+ int j;
+ int nsize = xvectorLWA.size();
+ for(j=0;j<nsize;j++)
+ {
+ if(i == xvectorLWA.at(j).nlane )
+ {
+ xvectorindex.push_back(j);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return xvectorindex;
+void CalcBorringRoad(pathsection xps,std::vector<PlanPoint> & xvectorPP)
+ if(xps.mpRoad->GetRoadBorrowCount() == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ Road * pRoad = xps.mpRoad;
+ unsigned int nborrowsize = pRoad->GetRoadBorrowCount();
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int nPPCount = xvectorPP.size();
+ for(i=0;i<nborrowsize;i++)
+ {
+ RoadBorrow * pborrow = pRoad->GetRoadBorrow(i);
+ if(pborrow == NULL)
+ {
+ std::cout<<"warning:can't get borrow"<<std::endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if((pborrow->GetMode() == "All")||((pborrow->GetMode()=="R2L")&&(xps.mainsel<0))||((pborrow->GetMode()=="L2R")&&(xps.mainsel>0)))
+ {
+ unsigned int j;
+ double soffset = pborrow->GetS();
+ double borrowlen = pborrow->GetLength();
+ for(j=0;j<xvectorPP.size();j++)
+ {
+ if((xvectorPP[j].mS>=soffset)&&(xvectorPP[j].mS<=(soffset + borrowlen)))
+ {
+ xvectorPP[j].mbBoringRoad = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CalcInLaneAvoid(pathsection xps,std::vector<PlanPoint> & xvectorPP,const double fvehiclewidth,
+ const int nchang1,const int nchang2,const int nchangpoint)
+ if(xvectorPP.size()<2)return;
+ bool bInlaneavoid = false;
+ int i;
+ if((xps.mbStartToMainChange == false) && (xps.mbMainToEndChange == false))
+ {
+ if(xps.mpRoad->GetRoadLength()<30)
+ {
+ double hdgdiff = xvectorPP.at(xvectorPP.size()-1).hdg - xvectorPP.at(0).hdg;
+ if(hdgdiff<0)hdgdiff = hdgdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
+ if(hdgdiff>(M_PI/3.0)&&(hdgdiff<(5.0*M_PI/3.0)))
+ bInlaneavoid = false;
+ else
+ bInlaneavoid = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bInlaneavoid = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(xps.mpRoad->GetRoadLength()>100)bInlaneavoid = true;
+ }
+ if(bInlaneavoid == false)
+ {
+ int nvpsize = xvectorPP.size();
+ for(i=0;i<nvpsize;i++)
+ {
+ xvectorPP.at(i).bInlaneAvoid = false;
+ xvectorPP.at(i).mx_left = xvectorPP.at(i).x;
+ xvectorPP.at(i).my_left = xvectorPP.at(i).y;
+ xvectorPP.at(i).mx_right = xvectorPP.at(i).x;
+ xvectorPP.at(i).my_right = xvectorPP.at(i).y;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int nvpsize = xvectorPP.size();
+ for(i=0;i<nvpsize;i++)xvectorPP.at(i).bInlaneAvoid = true;
+ if((xps.mbStartToMainChange == true)||(xps.mbMainToEndChange == true))
+ {
+ if(xps.mbStartToMainChange == true)
+ {
+ for(i=(nchang1 - nchangpoint/2);i<(nchang1 + nchangpoint/2);i++)
+ {
+ if((i>=0)&&(i<nvpsize))
+ xvectorPP.at(i).bInlaneAvoid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(xps.mbMainToEndChange)
+ {
+ for(i=(nchang2 - nchangpoint/2);i<(nchang2 + nchangpoint/2);i++)
+ {
+ if((i>=0)&&(i<nvpsize))
+ xvectorPP.at(i).bInlaneAvoid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<nvpsize;i++)
+ {
+ if(xvectorPP.at(i).bInlaneAvoid)
+ {
+ double foff = xvectorPP.at(i).mfDisToLaneLeft -0.3-fvehiclewidth*0.5; //30cm + 0.5vehcilewidth
+ if(foff < 0.3)
+ {
+ xvectorPP.at(i).bInlaneAvoid = false;
+ xvectorPP.at(i).mx_left = xvectorPP.at(i).x;
+ xvectorPP.at(i).my_left = xvectorPP.at(i).y;
+ xvectorPP.at(i).mx_right = xvectorPP.at(i).x;
+ xvectorPP.at(i).my_right = xvectorPP.at(i).y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xvectorPP.at(i).mx_left = xvectorPP.at(i).x + foff * cos(xvectorPP.at(i).hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ xvectorPP.at(i).my_left = xvectorPP.at(i).y + foff * sin(xvectorPP.at(i).hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ xvectorPP.at(i).mx_right = xvectorPP.at(i).x + foff * cos(xvectorPP.at(i).hdg - M_PI/2.0);
+ xvectorPP.at(i).my_right = xvectorPP.at(i).y + foff * sin(xvectorPP.at(i).hdg - M_PI/2.0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+double getoff(Road * pRoad,int nlane,const double s)
+ int i;
+ int nLSCount = pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount();
+ double s_section = 0;
+ double foff = 0;
+ for(i=0;i<nLSCount;i++)
+ {
+ LaneSection * pLS = pRoad->GetLaneSection(i);
+ if(i<(nLSCount -1))
+ {
+ if(pRoad->GetLaneSection(i+1)->GetS()<s)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ s_section = pLS->GetS();
+ int nlanecount = pLS->GetLaneCount();
+ int j;
+ for(j=0;j<nlanecount;j++)
+ {
+ Lane * pLane = pLS->GetLane(j);
+ int k;
+ double s_lane = s-s_section;
+ if(pLane->GetId() != 0)
+ {
+ for(k=0;k<pLane->GetLaneWidthCount();k++)
+ {
+ if(k<(pLane->GetLaneWidthCount()-1))
+ {
+ if((pLane->GetLaneWidth(k+1)->GetS()+s_section)<s)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ s_lane = pLane->GetLaneWidth(k)->GetS();
+ break;
+ }
+ LaneWidth * pLW = pLane->GetLaneWidth(k);
+ if(pLW == 0)
+ {
+ std::cout<<"not find LaneWidth"<<std::endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ double fds = s - s_lane - s_section;
+ double fwidth= pLW->GetA() + pLW->GetB() * fds
+ +pLW->GetC() * pow(fds,2) + pLW->GetD() * pow(fds,3);
+// if((pRoad->GetRoadId() == "211210") &&(nlane == -1) &&(pLane->GetId() == -1))
+// {
+// qDebug("fs is %f width is %f",fds,fwidth);
+// }
+ if(nlane == pLane->GetId())
+ {
+ foff = foff + fwidth/2.0;
+ }
+ if((nlane*(pLane->GetId())>0)&&(abs(nlane)>abs(pLane->GetId())))
+ {
+ foff = foff + fwidth;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(nlane<0)foff = foff*(-1);
+ if(pRoad->GetLaneOffsetCount()>0)
+ {
+ int nLOCount = pRoad->GetLaneOffsetCount();
+ int isel = -1;
+ for(i=0;i<(nLOCount-1);i++)
+ {
+ if(pRoad->GetLaneOffset(i+1)->GetS()>s)
+ {
+ isel = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(isel < 0)isel = nLOCount-1;
+ LaneOffset * pLO = pRoad->GetLaneOffset(isel);
+ double s_off = s - pLO->GetS();
+ double off1 = pLO->Geta() + pLO->Getb()*s_off + pLO->Getc() * s_off * s_off
+ +pLO->Getd() * s_off * s_off * s_off;
+ foff = foff + off1;
+ }
+ return foff;
+std::vector<PlanPoint> GetLanePoint(pathsection xps,std::vector<PlanPoint> xvPP,const double fvehiclewidth)
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
+ std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorLWA = GetLaneWidthABCD(xps.mpRoad);
+ std::vector<int> xvectorindex1,xvectorindex2,xvectorindex3;
+ int nchange1,nchange2;
+ int nlane1,nlane2,nlane3;
+ if(xps.mnStartLaneSel == xps.mnEndLaneSel)
+ {
+ xps.mainsel = xps.mnStartLaneSel;
+ xps.mbStartToMainChange = false;
+ xps.mbMainToEndChange = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(xps.mpRoad->GetRoadLength() < 100)
+ {
+ xps.mainsel = xps.mnEndLaneSel;
+ xps.mbStartToMainChange = true;
+ xps.mbMainToEndChange = false;
+ }
+ }
+ double off1,off2,off3;
+ if(xps.mnStartLaneSel < 0)
+ {
+ off1 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.mnStartLaneSel);
+ off2 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel);
+ off3 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.mnEndLaneSel);
+ xvectorindex1 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,xps.mnStartLaneSel);
+ xvectorindex2 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,xps.mainsel);
+ xvectorindex3 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,xps.mnEndLaneSel);
+ nlane1 = xps.mnStartLaneSel;
+ nlane2 = xps.mainsel;
+ nlane3 = xps.mnEndLaneSel;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ off3 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.mnStartLaneSel);
+ off2 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel);
+ off1 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.mnEndLaneSel);
+ xvectorindex3 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,xps.mnStartLaneSel);
+ xvectorindex2 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,xps.mainsel);
+ xvectorindex1 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,xps.mnEndLaneSel);
+ nlane3 = xps.mnStartLaneSel;
+ nlane2 = xps.mainsel;
+ nlane1 = xps.mnEndLaneSel;
+ }
+ int nchangepoint = 300;
+ if((nchangepoint * 3) > xvPP.size())
+ {
+ nchangepoint = xvPP.size()/3;
+ }
+ int nsize = xvPP.size();
+ nchange1 = nsize/3;
+ if(nchange1>500)nchange1 = 500;
+ nchange2 = nsize*2/3;
+ if( (nsize-nchange2)>500)nchange2 = nsize-500;
+// if(nsize < 1000)
+// {
+// std::cout<<"GetLanePoint Error. road id is "<<xps.mpRoad->GetRoadId()<<std::endl;
+// return xvectorPP;
+// }
+ double x,y;
+ int i;
+ if(xps.mainsel < 0)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<nsize;i++)
+ {
+ PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
+ // off1 = getoff(nlane1,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex1);
+ off1 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,pp.mS);
+ pp.x = pp.x + off1 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ pp.y = pp.y + off1 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ pp.nlrchange = 0;
+ if(xps.mainsel != xps.secondsel)
+ {
+ off1 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.secondsel,pp.mS);
+ pp.mfSecx = xvPP.at(i).x + off1 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ pp.mfSecy = xvPP.at(i).y + off1 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ if(xps.mainsel >xps.secondsel)
+ {
+ pp.nlrchange = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pp.nlrchange = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pp.mfSecx = pp.x ;
+ pp.mfSecy = pp.y ;
+ }
+ pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+ pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
+ pp.lanmp = 0;
+ pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = off1*(-1);
+ pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,xps.mainsel,pp.mS);
+ GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed,pp.mbNoavoid);
+ xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<nsize;i++)
+ {
+ PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
+ // off1 = getoff(nlane1,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex1);
+ off1 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,pp.mS);
+ pp.x = pp.x + off1 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ pp.y = pp.y + off1 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ pp.nlrchange = 0;
+ if(xps.mainsel != xps.secondsel)
+ {
+ off1 = getoff(xps.mpRoad,xps.secondsel,pp.mS);
+ pp.mfSecx = xvPP.at(i).x + off1 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ pp.mfSecy = xvPP.at(i).y + off1 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ if(xps.mainsel >xps.secondsel)
+ {
+ pp.nlrchange = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pp.nlrchange = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pp.mfSecx = pp.x ;
+ pp.mfSecy = pp.y ;
+ }
+ pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+ pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
+ pp.lanmp = 0;
+ pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = off1;
+ pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,xps.mainsel,pp.mS);
+ GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed,pp.mbNoavoid);
+ pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
+ xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+ }
+// for(i=0;i<(nchange1- nchangepoint/2);i++)
+// {
+// PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
+// off1 = getoff(nlane1,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex1);
+// pp.x = pp.x + off1 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+// pp.y = pp.y + off1 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+// pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
+// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane1,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+// pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
+// pp.lanmp = 0;
+// pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = off1;
+// pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane1,pp.mS);
+// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane1,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
+// xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+// }
+// for(i=(nchange1 - nchangepoint/2);i<(nchange1+nchangepoint/2);i++)
+// {
+// PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
+// off1 = getoff(nlane1,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex1);
+// off2 = getoff(nlane2,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex2);
+// double offx = off1 + (off2 - off1) *(i-nchange1 + nchangepoint/2)/nchangepoint;
+// pp.x = pp.x + offx *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+// pp.y = pp.y + offx *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+// pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
+// double flanewidth1 = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane1,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+// pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = offx;
+// pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane1,pp.mS);
+// if(nlane1 == nlane2)
+// {
+// pp.mWidth = flanewidth1;
+// pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
+// pp.lanmp = 0;
+// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane1,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// if(nlane1 < nlane2)
+// {
+// pp.lanmp = -1;
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// pp.lanmp = 1;
+// }
+// if(i<nchange1)
+// {
+// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane1,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+// double fmove = pp.mWidth * (i-(nchange1 - nchangepoint/2))/nchangepoint;
+// if(nlane1<nlane2)pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 - fmove;
+// else pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 + fmove;
+// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane1,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+// double fmove = pp.mWidth * (nchange1+nchangepoint/2 -i)/nchangepoint;
+// if(nlane1<nlane2)pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 + fmove;
+// else pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 - fmove;
+// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
+// }
+// }
+// xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+// }
+// for(i=(nchange1 + nchangepoint/2);i<(nchange2-nchangepoint/2);i++)
+// {
+// PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
+// off2 = getoff(nlane2,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex2);
+// pp.x = pp.x + off2 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+// pp.y = pp.y + off2 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+// pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
+// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+// pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
+// pp.lanmp = 0;
+// pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = off2;
+// pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane2,pp.mS);
+// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
+// xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+// }
+// for(i=(nchange2 - nchangepoint/2);i<(nchange2+nchangepoint/2);i++)
+// {
+// PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
+// off2 = getoff(nlane2,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex2);
+// off3 = getoff(nlane3,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex3);
+// double offx = off2 + (off3 - off2) *(i-nchange2 + nchangepoint/2)/nchangepoint;
+// pp.x = pp.x + offx *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+// pp.y = pp.y + offx *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+// pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
+// double flanewidth1 = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+// pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = offx;
+// pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane2,pp.mS);
+// if(nlane2 == nlane3)
+// {
+// pp.mWidth = flanewidth1;
+// pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
+// pp.lanmp = 0;
+// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// if(nlane2 < nlane3)
+// {
+// pp.lanmp = -1;
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// pp.lanmp = 1;
+// }
+// if(i<nchange2)
+// {
+// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+// double fmove = pp.mWidth * (i-(nchange2 - nchangepoint/2))/nchangepoint;
+// if(nlane2<nlane3)pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 - fmove;
+// else pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 + fmove;
+// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane2,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane3,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+// double fmove = pp.mWidth * (nchange2+nchangepoint/2 -i)/nchangepoint;
+// if(nlane2<nlane3)pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 + fmove;
+// else pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0 - fmove;
+// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane3,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
+// }
+// }
+// xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+// }
+// for(i=(nchange2+ nchangepoint/2);i<nsize;i++)
+// {
+// PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
+// off3 = getoff(nlane3,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex3);
+// pp.x = pp.x + off3 *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+// pp.y = pp.y + off3 *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+// pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
+// pp.mWidth = getwidth(xps.mpRoad,nlane3,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+// pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
+// pp.lanmp = 0;
+// pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = off3;
+// pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane3,pp.mS);
+// GetLaneOriTotal(xps.mpRoad,nlane3,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed);
+// xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+// }
+ }
+ CalcInLaneAvoid(xps,xvectorPP,fvehiclewidth,nchange1,nchange2,nchangepoint);
+ if(xps.mpRoad->GetRoadBorrowCount()>0)
+ {
+ CalcBorringRoad(xps,xvectorPP);
+ }
+ if(xps.mnStartLaneSel > 0)
+ {
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvvPP;
+ int nvsize = xvectorPP.size();
+ for(i=0;i<nvsize;i++)
+ {
+ xvvPP.push_back(xvectorPP.at(nvsize-1-i));
+ }
+ AddSignalMark(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel,xvvPP);
+ return xvvPP;
+ }
+// pRoad->GetLaneSection(xps.msectionid)
+ AddSignalMark(xps.mpRoad,xps.mainsel,xvectorPP);
+ return xvectorPP;
+static void AddSignalMark(Road * pRoad, int nlane,std::vector<PlanPoint> & xvectorPP)
+ if(pRoad->GetSignalCount() == 0)return;
+ int nsigcount = pRoad->GetSignalCount();
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<nsigcount;i++)
+ {
+ Signal * pSig = pRoad->GetSignal(i);
+ int nfromlane = -100;
+ int ntolane = 100;
+ if(pSig->GetlaneValidityCount()>0)
+ {
+ bool bValid = false;
+ unsigned int j;
+ std::vector<signal_laneValidity> * pvectorlanevalid = pSig->GetlaneValidityVector();
+ unsigned int nsize = static_cast<unsigned int>(pvectorlanevalid->size());
+ for(j=0;j<nsize;j++)
+ {
+ signal_laneValidity * pSig_laneValidity = &pvectorlanevalid->at(j);
+ nfromlane = pSig_laneValidity->GetfromLane();
+ ntolane = pSig_laneValidity->GettoLane();
+ if((nlane >= nfromlane)&&(nlane<=ntolane))
+ {
+ bValid = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bValid == false)continue;
+ }
+// signal_laneValidity * pSig_laneValidity = pSig->GetlaneValidity();
+// if(pSig_laneValidity != 0)
+// {
+// nfromlane = pSig_laneValidity->GetfromLane();
+// ntolane = pSig_laneValidity->GettoLane();
+// }
+// if((nlane < 0)&&(nfromlane >= 0))
+// {
+// continue;
+// }
+// if((nlane > 0)&&(ntolane<=0))
+// {
+// continue;
+// }
+ double s = pSig->Gets();
+ double fpos = s/pRoad->GetRoadLength();
+ if(nlane > 0)fpos = 1.0 -fpos;
+ int npos = fpos *xvectorPP.size();
+ if(npos <0)npos = 0;
+ if(npos>=xvectorPP.size())npos = xvectorPP.size()-1;
+ while(xvectorPP.at(npos).nSignal != -1)
+ {
+ if(npos > 0)npos--;
+ else break;
+ }
+ while(xvectorPP.at(npos).nSignal != -1)
+ {
+ if(npos < (xvectorPP.size()-1))npos++;
+ else break;
+ }
+ xvectorPP.at(npos).nSignal = atoi(pSig->Gettype().data());
+ }
+static std::vector<PlanPoint> GetPlanPoint(std::vector<pathsection> xpathsection,Road * pRoad,GeometryBlock * pgeob,
+ Road * pRoad_obj,GeometryBlock * pgeob_obj,
+ const double x_now,const double y_now,const double head,
+ double nearx,double neary, double nearhead,
+ double nearx_obj,double neary_obj,const double fvehiclewidth,const double flen = 1000)
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPPs;
+ double fspace = 0.1;
+ if(flen<2000)fspace = 0.1;
+ else
+ {
+ if(flen<5000)fspace = 0.3;
+ else
+ {
+ if(flen<10000)fspace = 0.5;
+ else
+ fspace = 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ int i;
+// std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP = GetPoint( xpathsection[0].mpRoad);
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP = GetPoint( xpathsection[0],fspace);
+ int indexstart = indexinroadpoint(xvectorPP,nearx,neary);
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvPP = GetLanePoint(xpathsection[0],xvectorPP,fvehiclewidth);
+ if(xpathsection[0].mainsel < 0)
+ {
+ for(i=indexstart;i<xvPP.size();i++)
+ {
+ xvectorPPs.push_back(xvPP.at(i));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i=(xvPP.size() -indexstart);i<xvPP.size();i++)
+ {
+ PlanPoint pp;
+ pp = xvPP.at(i);
+// pp.hdg = pp.hdg +M_PI;
+ xvectorPPs.push_back(pp);
+ }
+ }
+ int npathlast = xpathsection.size() - 1;
+// while(npathlast >= 0)
+// {
+// if(npathlast == 0)break;
+// if(xpathsection[npathlast].mpRoad != xpathsection[npathlast - 1].mpRoad)break;
+// }
+ for(i=1;i<(npathlast);i++)
+ {
+// if(xpathsection[i].mpRoad == xpathsection[i-1].mpRoad)
+// {
+// if(xpathsection[i].mainsel * xpathsection[i-1].mainsel >0)
+// {
+// continue;
+// }
+// }
+// if(xpathsection[i].mpRoad == xpathsection[npathlast].mpRoad)
+// {
+// if(xpathsection[i].mainsel * xpathsection[npathlast].mainsel > 0)
+// {
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+ // xvectorPP = GetPoint( xpathsection[i].mpRoad);
+ xvectorPP = GetPoint( xpathsection[i],fspace);
+ xvPP = GetLanePoint(xpathsection[i],xvectorPP,fvehiclewidth);
+// std::cout<<" road id: "<<xpathsection[i].mroadid<<" section: "
+// <<xpathsection[i].msectionid<<" size is "<<xvectorPP.size()<<std::endl;
+// std::cout<<" road id is "<<xpathsection[i].mpRoad->GetRoadId().data()<<" size is "<<xvPP.size()<<std::endl;
+ int j;
+ for(j=0;j<xvPP.size();j++)
+ {
+ PlanPoint pp;
+ pp = xvPP.at(j);
+// pp.hdg = pp.hdg +M_PI;
+ xvectorPPs.push_back(pp);
+ }
+ }
+ xvectorPP = GetPoint(xpathsection[npathlast],fspace);
+// xvectorPP = GetPoint(xpathsection[npathlast].mpRoad);
+ int indexend = indexinroadpoint(xvectorPP,nearx_obj,neary_obj);
+ xvPP = GetLanePoint(xpathsection[npathlast],xvectorPP,fvehiclewidth);
+ int nlastsize;
+ if(xpathsection[npathlast].mainsel<0)
+ {
+ nlastsize = indexend;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(indexend>0) nlastsize = xvPP.size() - indexend;
+ else nlastsize = xvPP.size();
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<nlastsize;i++)
+ {
+ xvectorPPs.push_back(xvPP.at(i));
+ }
+ //Find StartPoint
+// if
+// int a = 1;
+ return xvectorPPs;
+std::vector<PlanPoint> gTempPP;
+int getPoint(double q[3], double x, void* user_data) {
+// printf("%f, %f, %f, %f\n", q[0], q[1], q[2], x);
+ PlanPoint pp;
+ pp.x = q[0];
+ pp.y = q[1];
+ pp.hdg = q[2];
+ pp.dis = x;
+ pp.speed = *((double *)user_data);
+ gTempPP.push_back(pp);
+// std::cout<<pp.x<<" "<<" "<<pp.y<<" "<<pp.hdg<<std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ * @brief getlanesel
+ * @param nSel
+ * @param pLaneSection
+ * @param nlr
+ * @return
+ */
+int getlanesel(int nSel,LaneSection * pLaneSection,int nlr)
+ int nlane = nSel;
+ int mainselindex = 0;
+ if(nlr == 2)nlane = nlane*(-1);
+ int nlanecount = pLaneSection->GetLaneCount();
+ int i;
+ int nTrueSel = nSel;
+ if(nTrueSel <= 1)nTrueSel= 1;
+ int nCurSel = 1;
+ if(nlr == 2)nCurSel = nCurSel *(-1);
+ bool bOK = false;
+ int nxsel = 1;
+ int nlasttid = 0;
+ bool bfindlast = false;
+ while(bOK == false)
+ {
+ bool bHaveDriving = false;
+ int ncc = 0;
+ for(i=0;i<nlanecount;i++)
+ {
+ Lane * pLane = pLaneSection->GetLane(i);
+ if(strncmp(pLane->GetType().data(),"driving",255) == 0 )
+ {
+ if((nlr == 1)&&(pLane->GetId()>0))
+ {
+ ncc++;
+ }
+ if((nlr == 2)&&(pLane->GetId()<0))
+ {
+ ncc++;
+ }
+ if(ncc == nxsel)
+ {
+ bHaveDriving = true;
+ bfindlast = true;
+ nlasttid = pLane->GetId();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(bHaveDriving == true)
+ {
+ if(nxsel == nTrueSel)
+ {
+ return nlasttid;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nxsel++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bfindlast)
+ {
+ return nlasttid;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"can't find lane."<<std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //Use Last
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ int k;
+ bool bFind = false;
+ while(bFind == false)
+ {
+ for(k=0;k<nlanecount;k++)
+ {
+ Lane * pLane = pLaneSection->GetLane(k);
+ if((nlane == pLane->GetId())&&(strncmp(pLane->GetType().data(),"driving",255) == 0))
+ {
+ bFind = true;
+ mainselindex = k;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bFind)continue;
+ if(nlr == 1)nlane--;
+ else nlane++;
+ if(nlane == 0)
+ {
+ std::cout<<" Fail. can't find lane"<<std::endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return nlane;
+void checktrace(std::vector<PlanPoint> & xPlan)
+ int i;
+ int nsize = xPlan.size();
+ for(i=1;i<nsize;i++)
+ {
+ double dis = sqrt(pow(xPlan.at(i).x - xPlan.at(i-1).x,2) + pow(xPlan.at(i).y - xPlan.at(i-1).y,2));
+ if(dis > 0.3)
+ {
+ double hdg = CalcHdg(QPointF(xPlan.at(i-1).x,xPlan.at(i-1).y),QPointF(xPlan.at(i).x,xPlan.at(i).y));
+ int ncount = dis/0.1;
+ int j;
+ for(j=1;j<ncount;j++)
+ {
+ double x, y;
+ PlanPoint pp;
+ pp.x = xPlan.at(i-1).x + j*0.1 *cos(hdg);
+ pp.y = xPlan.at(i-1).y + j*0.1 *sin(hdg);
+ pp.hdg = hdg;
+ xPlan.insert(xPlan.begin()+i+j-1,pp);
+ }
+ qDebug("dis is %f",dis);
+ }
+ }
+void ChangeLane(std::vector<PlanPoint> & xvectorPP)
+ int i = 0;
+ int nsize = xvectorPP.size();
+ int nstart = -1;
+ int nend = -1;
+ for(i=0;i<nsize;i++)
+ {
+ if((xvectorPP[i].mfSecx == xvectorPP[i].x)&&(xvectorPP[i].mfSecy == xvectorPP[i].y))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int k;
+ for(k=i;k<=(nsize-1);k++)
+ {
+ if((fabs(xvectorPP[k].mfSecx - xvectorPP[k].x)<0.001)&&(fabs(xvectorPP[k].mfSecy - xvectorPP[k].y)<0.001))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(k>(nsize-1))k=nsize-1;
+ int nnum = k-i;
+ int nchangepoint = 300;
+ double froadlen = sqrt(pow(xvectorPP[k].x - xvectorPP[i].x,2)
+ +pow(xvectorPP[k].y - xvectorPP[i].y,2));
+ const double fMAXCHANGE = 50;
+ if(froadlen<fMAXCHANGE)
+ {
+ nchangepoint = nnum;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nchangepoint = (fMAXCHANGE/froadlen) * nnum;
+ }
+ qDebug(" road %d len is %f changepoint is %d nnum is %d",
+ xvectorPP[k-1].nRoadID,froadlen,nchangepoint,nnum);
+ nstart = i + nnum/2 -nchangepoint/2;
+ nend = i+nnum/2 + nchangepoint/2;
+ if(nnum<300)
+ {
+ nstart = i;
+ nend = k;
+ }
+ int j;
+ for(j=i;j<nstart;j++)
+ {
+ xvectorPP[j].x = xvectorPP[j].mfSecx;
+ xvectorPP[j].y = xvectorPP[j].mfSecy;
+ }
+ nnum = nend - nstart;
+ int nlast = k-1;
+ if(k==(nsize-1))nlast = k;
+ for(j=nstart;j<=nlast;j++)
+ {
+ double fdis = sqrt(pow(xvectorPP[j].x - xvectorPP[j].mfSecx,2)
+ +pow(xvectorPP[j].y - xvectorPP[j].mfSecy,2));
+ double foff = 0;
+ if(j<nend)
+ foff = fdis *(j-nstart)/nnum;
+ else
+ foff = fdis;
+ if(xvectorPP[j].nlrchange == 1)
+ {
+// std::cout<<"foff is "<<foff<<std::endl;
+ xvectorPP[j].x = xvectorPP[j].mfSecx + foff *cos(xvectorPP[j].hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ xvectorPP[j].y = xvectorPP[j].mfSecy + foff *sin(xvectorPP[j].hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ xvectorPP[j].mfDisToRoadLeft = xvectorPP[j].mfDisToRoadLeft - foff; //+ fdis
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xvectorPP[j].x = xvectorPP[j].mfSecx + foff *cos(xvectorPP[j].hdg - M_PI/2.0);
+ xvectorPP[j].y = xvectorPP[j].mfSecy + foff *sin(xvectorPP[j].hdg - M_PI/2.0);
+ xvectorPP[j].mfDisToRoadLeft = xvectorPP[j].mfDisToRoadLeft +foff;//- fdis
+ }
+ }
+ i =k;
+ }
+ }
+ if(nstart != -1)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<nstart;i++)
+ {
+ xvectorPP[i].nlrchange = 0;
+ if(i>nsize)break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(nend >0)
+ {
+ for(i=nend;i<nsize;i++)
+ {
+ xvectorPP[i].nlrchange = 0;
+ if(i>nsize)break;
+ }
+ }
+#include <QFile>
+int OptimizeStart(std::vector<PlanPoint> & xPlan,const double x_now,const double y_now,const double head)
+ if(xPlan.size()<1)return -1;
+ double hdgdiff = head - xPlan[0].hdg;
+ while(hdgdiff>=(2.0*M_PI))hdgdiff = hdgdiff - 2.0*M_PI;
+ while(hdgdiff<0)hdgdiff = hdgdiff + 2.0*M_PI;
+ PlanPoint ppz = xPlan[0];
+ double fdis = sqrt(pow(x_now - xPlan[0].x,2)+pow(y_now - xPlan[0].y,2));
+ if(fdis>30)return -2;
+ if(fdis<0.3)return -3;
+ double fhdg = CalcHdg(QPointF(x_now,y_now),QPointF(ppz.x,ppz.y));
+ double hdgdiff2 = fhdg - xPlan[0].hdg;
+ while(hdgdiff2>=(2.0*M_PI))hdgdiff2 = hdgdiff2 - 2.0*M_PI;
+ while(hdgdiff2<0)hdgdiff2 = hdgdiff2 + 2.0*M_PI;
+ if((hdgdiff >(0.7*M_PI/2.0)) && (hdgdiff<(1.3*M_PI/2.0)))
+ {
+ double fspace = 0.1;
+ double fS = 0;
+ double R = 4.5;
+ if(R*tan(( hdgdiff2)/2.0)>fdis)
+ {
+ R = fdis/(tan((hdgdiff2)/2.0));
+ }
+ double fCurveDis = R* hdgdiff2;
+ double fLineDis = fdis - R*tan(hdgdiff2/2.0);
+ double fSTotal = fLineDis + fCurveDis ;
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xPlanBefore;
+ while(fS < fLineDis)
+ {
+ PlanPoint pp = ppz;
+ pp.hdg = fhdg;
+ pp.x = x_now + fS*cos(fhdg);
+ pp.y = y_now + fS*sin(fhdg);
+ pp.mS = fS;
+ pp.speed = 1.0;
+ xPlanBefore.push_back(pp);
+ fS = fS + fspace;
+ }
+ while(fS<fSTotal)
+ {
+ double fRel = fS - fLineDis;
+ double fangle = fRel/R;
+ double xrelraw = R*cos(M_PI/2.0 - fangle);
+ double yrelraw = R*sin(M_PI/2.0 - fangle) - R;
+ double xrel = xrelraw * cos(fhdg) - yrelraw * sin(fhdg);
+ double yrel = xrelraw * sin(fhdg) + yrelraw * cos(fhdg);
+ PlanPoint pp = ppz;
+ pp.hdg = fhdg - fangle;
+ pp.x = x_now + fLineDis*cos(fhdg) + xrel;
+ pp.y = y_now + fLineDis*sin(fhdg) + yrel;
+ pp.mS = fS;
+ pp.speed = 1.0;
+ xPlanBefore.push_back(pp);
+ fS = fS + fspace;
+ }
+// while(fS<fdis)
+// {
+// PlanPoint pp = ppz;
+// pp.hdg = fhdg;
+// pp.x = x_now + fS*cos(fhdg);
+// pp.y = y_now + fS*sin(fhdg);
+// pp.mS = fS;
+// pp.speed = 3.0;
+// xPlanBefore.push_back(pp);
+// fS = fS + fspace;
+// }
+ double fEraseDis = 0;
+ double fEraseT = R;
+ if(hdgdiff2>(M_PI/2.0))fEraseT = R*cos(hdgdiff2 - M_PI/2.0);
+ else fEraseT = R*sin(hdgdiff2);
+ while((fEraseDis<fEraseT) &&(xPlan.size()>=2))
+ {
+ double fPDis = sqrt(pow(xPlan[0].x - xPlan[1].x,2) + pow(xPlan[0].y - xPlan[1].y,2));
+ if((fEraseDis+fPDis)>(fEraseT))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ xPlan.erase(xPlan.begin());
+ fEraseDis = fEraseDis + fPDis;
+ }
+ if(xPlanBefore.size()>0)
+ {
+ int nsize = xPlanBefore.size();
+ int i;
+ for(i=(nsize-1);i>=0;i--)
+ {
+ xPlan.insert(xPlan.begin(),xPlanBefore[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ double fFixS = fSTotal - fEraseT;
+ int i;
+ int nsizeplan = xPlan.size();
+ int nsizebefore = xPlanBefore.size();
+ if(nsizeplan > nsizebefore)
+ {
+ for(i=nsizebefore;i<nsizeplan;i++)
+ {
+ xPlan[i].mS = xPlan[i].mS + fFixS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * @brief MakePlan 全局路径规划
+ * @param pxd 有向图
+ * @param pxodr OpenDrive地图
+ * @param x_now 当前x坐标
+ * @param y_now 当前y坐标
+ * @param head 当前航向
+ * @param x_obj 目标点x坐标
+ * @param y_obj 目标点y坐标
+ * @param obj_dis 目标点到路径的距离
+ * @param srcnearthresh 当前点离最近路径的阈值,如果不在这个范围,寻找失败
+ * @param dstnearthresh 目标点离最近路径的阈值,如果不在这个范围,寻找失败
+ * @param nlanesel 车道偏好,1为内车道,数值越大越偏外,如果数值不满足,会选择最靠外的。
+ * @param xPlan 返回的轨迹点
+ * @return 0 成功 <0 失败
+ */
+int MakePlan(xodrdijkstra * pxd,OpenDrive * pxodr,const double x_now,const double y_now,const double head,
+ const double x_obj,const double y_obj,const double & obj_dis,
+ const double srcnearthresh,const double dstnearthresh,
+ const int nlanesel,std::vector<PlanPoint> & xPlan,const double fvehiclewidth )
+ double s;double nearx;
+ double neary;double nearhead;
+ Road * pRoad;GeometryBlock * pgeob;
+ Road * pRoad_obj;GeometryBlock * pgeob_obj;
+ double s_obj;double nearx_obj;
+ double neary_obj;double nearhead_obj;
+ int lr_end = 2;
+ int lr_start = 2;
+ double fs1,fs2;
+// int nfind = GetNearPoint(x_now,y_now,pxodr,&pRoad,&pgeob,s,nearx,neary,nearhead,srcnearthresh);
+ std::vector<iv::nearroad> xvectornearstart;
+ std::vector<iv::nearroad> xvectornearend;
+ GetNearPointWithHead(x_now,y_now,head,pxodr,xvectornearstart,srcnearthresh,true);
+ GetNearPointWithHead(x_obj,y_obj,0,pxodr,xvectornearend,dstnearthresh,false);
+ if(xvectornearstart.size()<1)
+ {
+ std::cout<<" plan fail. can't find start point."<<std::endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(xvectornearend.size() < 1)
+ {
+ std::cout<<" plan fail. can't find end point."<<std::endl;
+ return -2;
+ }
+ std::cout<<" start size: "<<xvectornearstart.size()<<std::endl;
+ std::cout<<" end size: "<<xvectornearend.size()<<std::endl;
+ std::vector<std::vector<PlanPoint>> xvectorplans;
+ std::vector<double> xvectorroutedis;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ for(i=0;i<(int)xvectornearstart.size();i++)
+ {
+ for(j=0;j<(int)xvectornearend.size();j++)
+ {
+ iv::nearroad * pnearstart = &xvectornearstart[i];
+ iv::nearroad * pnearend = &xvectornearend[j];
+ pRoad = pnearstart->pObjRoad;
+ pgeob = pnearstart->pgeob;
+ pRoad_obj = pnearend->pObjRoad;
+ pgeob_obj = pnearend->pgeob;
+ lr_start = pnearstart->lr;
+ lr_end = pnearend->lr;
+ std::cout<<" lr start: "<<lr_start<<" lr end "<<lr_end<<std::endl;
+ nearx = pnearstart->nearx;
+ neary = pnearstart->neary;
+ nearx_obj = pnearend->nearx;
+ neary_obj = pnearend->neary;
+ bool bNeedDikstra = true;
+ if((atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data()) == atoi(pRoad_obj->GetRoadId().data()))&&(lr_start == lr_end) &&(pRoad->GetLaneSectionCount() == 1))
+ {
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvPP = GetPoint(pRoad);
+ int nindexstart = indexinroadpoint(xvPP,nearx,neary);
+ int nindexend = indexinroadpoint(xvPP,nearx_obj,neary_obj);
+ int nlane = getlanesel(nlanesel,pRoad->GetLaneSection(0),lr_start);
+ AddSignalMark(pRoad,nlane,xvPP);
+ if((nindexend >nindexstart)&&(lr_start == 2))
+ {
+ bNeedDikstra = false;
+ }
+ if((nindexend <nindexstart)&&(lr_start == 1))
+ {
+ bNeedDikstra = false;
+ }
+ if(bNeedDikstra == false)
+ {
+ std::vector<iv::lanewidthabcd> xvectorLWA = GetLaneWidthABCD(pRoad);
+ std::vector<int> xvectorindex1;
+ xvectorindex1 = GetLWIndex(xvectorLWA,nlane);
+ double foff = getoff(pRoad,nlane);
+ foff = foff + 0.0;
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP;
+ int i = nindexstart;
+ while(i!=nindexend)
+ {
+ if(lr_start == 2)
+ {
+ PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
+ foff = getoff(nlane,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex1);
+ pp.x = pp.x + foff *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ pp.y = pp.y + foff *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ pp.mWidth = getwidth(pRoad,nlane,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+ pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
+ pp.lanmp = 0;
+ pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = foff *(-1.0);
+ pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane,pp.mS);
+ pp.mLaneCur = abs(nlane);
+ pp.mVectorLaneWidth = pRoad->GetDrivingLaneWidthVector(pp.mS,lr_start);
+ pp.mLaneCount = pRoad->GetRightDrivingLaneCount(pp.mS);
+ GetLaneOriTotal(pRoad,nlane,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed,pp.mbNoavoid);
+ xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+ i++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PlanPoint pp = xvPP.at(i);
+ foff = getoff(nlane,pp.mS,xvectorLWA,xvectorindex1);
+ pp.x = pp.x + foff *cos(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ pp.y = pp.y + foff *sin(pp.hdg + M_PI/2.0);
+ pp.hdg = pp.hdg + M_PI;
+ pp.mWidth = getwidth(pRoad,nlane,xvectorLWA,pp.mS);
+ pp.mfDisToLaneLeft = pp.mWidth/2.0;
+ pp.lanmp = 0;
+ pp.mfDisToRoadLeft = foff;
+ pp.mfRoadWidth = GetRoadWidth(xvectorLWA,nlane,pp.mS);
+ pp.mLaneCur = abs(nlane);
+ pp.mVectorLaneWidth = pRoad->GetDrivingLaneWidthVector(pp.mS,lr_start);
+ pp.mLaneCount = pRoad->GetLeftDrivingLaneCount(pp.mS);
+ GetLaneOriTotal(pRoad,nlane,pp.mS,pp.mnLaneori,pp.mnLaneTotal,pp.speed,pp.mbNoavoid);
+ xvectorPP.push_back(pp);
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<(int)xvectorPP.size();i++)
+ {
+ xvectorPP[i].mfCurvature = pRoad->GetRoadCurvature(xvectorPP[i].mS);
+ }
+ pathsection xps;
+ xps.mbStartToMainChange = false;
+ xps.mbMainToEndChange = false;
+ // CalcInLaneAvoid(xps,xvectorPP,fvehiclewidth,0,0,0);
+ xPlan = xvectorPP;
+ xvectorplans.push_back(xvectorPP);
+ xvectorroutedis.push_back(xvectorPP.size() * 0.1);
+ }
+ }
+ if(bNeedDikstra)
+ {
+ bool bSuc = false;
+ std::vector<int> xpath = pxd->getpath(atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data()),lr_start,atoi(pRoad_obj->GetRoadId().data()),lr_end,bSuc,fs1,fs2);
+ if(xpath.size()<1)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(bSuc == false)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ double flen = pxd->getpathlength(xpath);
+ std::vector<pathsection> xpathsection = pxd->getgpspoint(atoi(pRoad->GetRoadId().data()),lr_start,atoi(pRoad_obj->GetRoadId().data()),lr_end,xpath,nlanesel);
+ std::vector<PlanPoint> xvectorPP = GetPlanPoint(xpathsection,pRoad,pgeob,pRoad_obj,pgeob_obj,x_now,y_now,
+ head,nearx,neary,nearhead,nearx_obj,neary_obj,fvehiclewidth,flen);
+ ChangeLane(xvectorPP);
+ xvectorplans.push_back(xvectorPP);
+ xvectorroutedis.push_back(flen);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(xvectorplans.size() > 0)
+ {
+ if(xvectorplans.size() == 1)
+ {
+ xPlan = xvectorplans[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int nsel = 0;
+ double fdismin = xvectorroutedis[0];
+ for(i=1;i<(int)xvectorroutedis.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(xvectorroutedis[i]<fdismin)
+ {
+ nsel = i;
+ }
+ }
+ xPlan = xvectorplans[nsel];
+ }
+ OptimizeStart(xPlan,x_now,y_now,head);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ std::cout<<" plan fail. can't find path."<<std::endl;
+ return -1000;