@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "kernel.h"
+__global__ void generateVoxels_random_kernel(float *points, size_t points_size,
+ float min_x_range, float max_x_range,
+ float min_y_range, float max_y_range,
+ float min_z_range, float max_z_range,
+ float pillar_x_size, float pillar_y_size, float pillar_z_size,
+ int grid_y_size, int grid_x_size,
+ unsigned int *mask, float *voxels)
+ int point_idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+ if(point_idx >= points_size) return;
+ float4 point = ((float4*)points)[point_idx];
+ if(point.x<min_x_range||point.x>=max_x_range
+ || point.y<min_y_range||point.y>=max_y_range
+ || point.z<min_z_range||point.z>=max_z_range) return;
+ int voxel_idx = floorf((point.x - min_x_range)/pillar_x_size);
+ int voxel_idy = floorf((point.y - min_y_range)/pillar_y_size);
+ unsigned int voxel_index = voxel_idy * grid_x_size
+ + voxel_idx;
+ unsigned int point_id = atomicAdd(&(mask[voxel_index]), 1);
+ if(point_id >= POINTS_PER_VOXEL) return;
+ float *address = voxels + (voxel_index*POINTS_PER_VOXEL + point_id)*4;
+ atomicExch(address+0, point.x);
+ atomicExch(address+1, point.y);
+ atomicExch(address+2, point.z);
+ atomicExch(address+3, point.w);
+cudaError_t generateVoxels_random_launch(float *points, size_t points_size,
+ float min_x_range, float max_x_range,
+ float min_y_range, float max_y_range,
+ float min_z_range, float max_z_range,
+ float pillar_x_size, float pillar_y_size, float pillar_z_size,
+ int grid_y_size, int grid_x_size,
+ unsigned int *mask, float *voxels,
+ cudaStream_t stream)
+ int threadNum = THREADS_FOR_VOXEL;
+ dim3 blocks((points_size+threadNum-1)/threadNum);
+ dim3 threads(threadNum);
+ generateVoxels_random_kernel<<<blocks, threads, 0, stream>>>
+ (points, points_size,
+ min_x_range, max_x_range,
+ min_y_range, max_y_range,
+ min_z_range, max_z_range,
+ pillar_x_size, pillar_y_size, pillar_z_size,
+ grid_y_size, grid_x_size,
+ mask, voxels);
+ cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
+ return err;
+__global__ void generateVoxelsList_kernel(float *points, size_t points_size,
+ float min_x_range, float max_x_range,
+ float min_y_range, float max_y_range,
+ float min_z_range, float max_z_range,
+ float pillar_x_size, float pillar_y_size, float pillar_z_size,
+ int grid_y_size, int grid_x_size,
+ unsigned int *mask, int *voxelsList)
+ int point_idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+ if(point_idx >= points_size) return;
+ float4 point = ((float4*)points)[point_idx];
+ if(point.x<min_x_range||point.x>=max_x_range
+ || point.y<min_y_range||point.y>=max_y_range
+ || point.z<min_z_range||point.z>=max_z_range)
+ {
+ voxelsList[point_idx] = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ int voxel_idx = floorf((point.x - min_x_range)/pillar_x_size);
+ int voxel_idy = floorf((point.y - min_y_range)/pillar_y_size);
+ unsigned int voxel_index = voxel_idy * grid_x_size
+ + voxel_idx;
+ atomicAdd(&(mask[voxel_index]), 1);
+ voxelsList[point_idx] = voxel_index;
+__global__ void generateVoxels_kernel(float *points, size_t points_size,
+ int *voxelsList,
+ unsigned int *mask, float *voxels)
+ int point_idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+ if(point_idx >= points_size) return;
+ int voxel_index = voxelsList[point_idx];
+ if (voxel_index == -1) return;
+ int point_id = atomicAdd(&(mask[voxel_index]), 1);
+ if(point_id >= POINTS_PER_VOXEL) return;
+ float *address = voxels + (voxel_index*POINTS_PER_VOXEL + point_id)*4;
+ float4 point = ((float4*)points)[point_idx];
+ atomicExch(address+0, point.x);
+ atomicExch(address+1, point.y);
+ atomicExch(address+2, point.z);
+ atomicExch(address+3, point.w);
+__global__ void generateBaseFeatures_kernel(unsigned int *mask, float *voxels,
+ int grid_y_size, int grid_x_size,
+ unsigned int *pillar_num,
+ float *voxel_features,
+ unsigned int *voxel_num,
+ unsigned int *voxel_idxs)
+ unsigned int voxel_idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+ unsigned int voxel_idy = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
+ if(voxel_idx >= grid_x_size ||voxel_idy >= grid_y_size) return;
+ unsigned int voxel_index = voxel_idy * grid_x_size
+ + voxel_idx;
+ unsigned int count = mask[voxel_index];
+ if( !(count>0) ) return;
+ count = count<POINTS_PER_VOXEL?count:POINTS_PER_VOXEL;
+ unsigned int current_pillarId = 0;
+ current_pillarId = atomicAdd(pillar_num, 1);
+ voxel_num[current_pillarId] = count;
+ uint4 idx = {0, 0, voxel_idy, voxel_idx};
+ ((uint4*)voxel_idxs)[current_pillarId] = idx;
+ for (int i=0; i<count; i++){
+ int inIndex = voxel_index*POINTS_PER_VOXEL + i;
+ int outIndex = current_pillarId*POINTS_PER_VOXEL + i;
+ ((float4*)voxel_features)[outIndex] = ((float4*)voxels)[inIndex];
+ }
+ // clear buffer for next infer
+ atomicExch(mask + voxel_index, 0);
+// create 4 channels
+cudaError_t generateBaseFeatures_launch(unsigned int *mask, float *voxels,
+ int grid_y_size, int grid_x_size,
+ unsigned int *pillar_num,
+ float *voxel_features,
+ unsigned int *voxel_num,
+ unsigned int *voxel_idxs,
+ cudaStream_t stream)
+ dim3 threads = {32,32};
+ dim3 blocks = {(grid_x_size + threads.x -1)/threads.x,
+ (grid_y_size + threads.y -1)/threads.y};
+ generateBaseFeatures_kernel<<<blocks, threads, 0, stream>>>
+ (mask, voxels, grid_y_size, grid_x_size,
+ pillar_num,
+ voxel_features,
+ voxel_num,
+ voxel_idxs);
+ cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
+ return err;
+// 4 channels -> 10 channels
+__global__ void generateFeatures_kernel(float* voxel_features,
+ unsigned int* voxel_num, unsigned int* voxel_idxs, unsigned int *params,
+ float voxel_x, float voxel_y, float voxel_z,
+ float range_min_x, float range_min_y, float range_min_z,
+ float* features)
+ int pillar_idx = blockIdx.x * WARPS_PER_BLOCK + threadIdx.x/WARP_SIZE;
+ int point_idx = threadIdx.x % WARP_SIZE;
+ int pillar_idx_inBlock = threadIdx.x/32;
+ unsigned int num_pillars = params[0];
+ if (pillar_idx >= num_pillars) return;
+ __shared__ float4 pillarSM[WARPS_PER_BLOCK][WARP_SIZE];
+ __shared__ float4 pillarSumSM[WARPS_PER_BLOCK];
+ __shared__ uint4 idxsSM[WARPS_PER_BLOCK];
+ __shared__ int pointsNumSM[WARPS_PER_BLOCK];
+ __shared__ float pillarOutSM[WARPS_PER_BLOCK][WARP_SIZE][FEATURES_SIZE];
+ if (threadIdx.x < WARPS_PER_BLOCK) {
+ pointsNumSM[threadIdx.x] = voxel_num[blockIdx.x * WARPS_PER_BLOCK + threadIdx.x];
+ idxsSM[threadIdx.x] = ((uint4*)voxel_idxs)[blockIdx.x * WARPS_PER_BLOCK + threadIdx.x];
+ pillarSumSM[threadIdx.x] = {0,0,0,0};
+ }
+ pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx] = ((float4*)voxel_features)[pillar_idx*WARP_SIZE + point_idx];
+ __syncthreads();
+ //calculate sm in a pillar
+ if (point_idx < pointsNumSM[pillar_idx_inBlock]) {
+ atomicAdd(&(pillarSumSM[pillar_idx_inBlock].x), pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].x);
+ atomicAdd(&(pillarSumSM[pillar_idx_inBlock].y), pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].y);
+ atomicAdd(&(pillarSumSM[pillar_idx_inBlock].z), pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].z);
+ }
+ __syncthreads();
+ //feature-mean
+ float4 mean;
+ float validPoints = pointsNumSM[pillar_idx_inBlock];
+ mean.x = pillarSumSM[pillar_idx_inBlock].x / validPoints;
+ mean.y = pillarSumSM[pillar_idx_inBlock].y / validPoints;
+ mean.z = pillarSumSM[pillar_idx_inBlock].z / validPoints;
+ mean.x = pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].x - mean.x;
+ mean.y = pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].y - mean.y;
+ mean.z = pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].z - mean.z;
+ //calculate offset
+ float x_offset = voxel_x / 2 + idxsSM[pillar_idx_inBlock].w * voxel_x + range_min_x;
+ float y_offset = voxel_y / 2 + idxsSM[pillar_idx_inBlock].z * voxel_y + range_min_y;
+ float z_offset = voxel_z / 2 + idxsSM[pillar_idx_inBlock].y * voxel_z + range_min_z;
+ //feature-offset
+ float4 center;
+ center.x = pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].x - x_offset;
+ center.y = pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].y - y_offset;
+ center.z = pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].z - z_offset;
+ //store output
+ if (point_idx < pointsNumSM[pillar_idx_inBlock]) {
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][0] = pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].x;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][1] = pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].y;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][2] = pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].z;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][3] = pillarSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx].w;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][4] = mean.x;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][5] = mean.y;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][6] = mean.z;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][7] = center.x;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][8] = center.y;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][9] = center.z;
+ } else {
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][0] = 0;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][1] = 0;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][2] = 0;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][3] = 0;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][4] = 0;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][5] = 0;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][6] = 0;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][7] = 0;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][8] = 0;
+ pillarOutSM[pillar_idx_inBlock][point_idx][9] = 0;
+ }
+ __syncthreads();
+ for(int i = 0; i < FEATURES_SIZE; i ++) {
+ int outputSMId = pillar_idx_inBlock*WARP_SIZE*FEATURES_SIZE + i* WARP_SIZE + point_idx;
+ int outputId = pillar_idx*WARP_SIZE*FEATURES_SIZE + i* WARP_SIZE + point_idx;
+ features[outputId] = ((float*)pillarOutSM)[outputSMId] ;
+ }
+cudaError_t generateFeatures_launch(float* voxel_features,
+ unsigned int * voxel_num,
+ unsigned int* voxel_idxs,
+ unsigned int *params,
+ float voxel_x, float voxel_y, float voxel_z,
+ float range_min_x, float range_min_y, float range_min_z,
+ float* features,
+ cudaStream_t stream)
+ dim3 threads(WARPS_PER_BLOCK*WARP_SIZE);
+ generateFeatures_kernel<<<blocks, threads, 0, stream>>>
+ (voxel_features,
+ voxel_num,
+ voxel_idxs,
+ params,
+ voxel_x, voxel_y, voxel_z,
+ range_min_x, range_min_y, range_min_z,
+ features);
+ cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
+ return err;