@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+Changelog for package object_map
+1.11.0 (2019-03-21)
+* [Feature] costmap generator (`#1774 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/issues/1774>`_)
+ * * Initial commit for visualization package
+ * Removal of all visualization messages from perception nodes
+ * Visualization dependency removal
+ * Launch file modification
+ * * Fixes to visualization
+ * Error on Clustering CPU
+ * Reduce verbosity on markers
+ * Publish acceleration and velocity from ukf tracker
+ * Remove hardcoded path
+ * Updated README
+ * updated prototype
+ * Prototype update for header and usage
+ * Removed unknown label from being reported
+ * Updated publishing orientation to match develop
+ * * Published all the trackers
+ * Added valid field for visualization and future compatibility with ADAS ROI filtering
+ * Add simple functions
+ * * Reversed back UKF node to develop
+ * Formatted speed
+ * Refactor codes
+ * Make tracking visualization work
+ * Relay class info in tracker node
+ * Remove dependency to jskbbox and rosmarker in ukf tracker
+ * apply rosclang to ukf tracker
+ * Refactor codes
+ * Revert "apply rosclang to ukf tracker"
+ * Revert "Remove dependency to jskbbox and rosmarker in ukf tracker"
+ * Revert "Relay class info in tracker node"
+ * delete dependency to jsk and remove pointcloud_frame
+ * get direction nis
+ * set velocity_reliable true in tracker node
+ * Add divided function
+ * add function
+ * Sanity checks
+ * Relay all the data from input DetectedObject
+ * Divided function work both for immukf and sukf
+ * Add comment
+ * Refactor codes
+ * Pass immukf test
+ * make direction assisted tracking work
+ * Visualization fixes
+ * Refactor codes
+ * Tracker Merging step added
+ * Added launch file support for merging phase
+ * lane assisted with sukf
+ * * change only static objects
+ * keep label of the oldest tracker
+ * Static Object discrimination
+ * Non rotating bouding box
+ * no disappear if detector works
+ * Modify removeRedundant a bit
+ * initial commit for costmap generator
+ * add vague stucture
+ * add brief structure fot points2costmap
+ * refactor codes
+ * add sensor points costmap
+ * add waypoint costmap
+ * bug fix for wayarea2costmap
+ * add simple structure for objects2costmap
+ * add vague structure for waypoints2costmap
+ * Replacement of JSK visualization for RViz Native Markers
+ * add occupancy grid visualization
+ * add objects costmap
+ * add minimum height threshold for pointcloud
+ * debug computing.yaml from objects_topic to objects_input
+ * Add blurred costmap
+ * Add comment on computing.yml
+ * visualizing bug fix
+ * Make sure object's cost is 100 and blurred outside of objects
+ * add costmap_generator package
+ * add unit tests
+ * delete test launch file
+ * Apply autoware ros clang
+ * Add README
+ * sync develop's readme
+ * sync develop's code
+ * add convex hull costmap
+ * Relay ros header appropriately
+ * change interaface for generating costmap from points
+ * add test for points2costmap
+ * Modify for how to pick up convex-hull points
+ * add test
+ * add test for objects2costmap
+ * Added missing include
+ * Added missing grid_map_ros dependency
+ * Updated include
+ * Re-strutured include folders
+ * Generic folder name
+ * Fix/costmap generator (`#2077 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/issues/2077>`_)
+ * segmentation fault in CheckAssignPoints2GridCell
+ * Remove redundant codes in test
+ * Add some variables in SetUp
+ * rename class
+ * rename files
+ * modify tests
+ * Add scription in SetUp
+ * Remove unnecesary in_object
+ * Refactor test codes
+* [fix] Install commands for all the packages (`#1861 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/issues/1861>`_)
+ * Initial fixes to detection, sensing, semantics and utils
+ * fixing wrong filename on install command
+ * Fixes to install commands
+ * Hokuyo fix name
+ * Fix obj db
+ * Obj db include fixes
+ * End of final cleaning sweep
+ * Incorrect command order in runtime manager
+ * Param tempfile not required by runtime_manager
+ * * Fixes to runtime manager install commands
+ * Remove devel directory from catkin, if any
+ * Updated launch files for robosense
+ * Updated robosense
+ * Fix/add missing install (`#1977 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/issues/1977>`_)
+ * Added launch install to lidar_kf_contour_track
+ * Added install to op_global_planner
+ * Added install to way_planner
+ * Added install to op_local_planner
+ * Added install to op_simulation_package
+ * Added install to op_utilities
+ * Added install to sync
+ * * Improved installation script for pointgrey packages
+ * Fixed nodelet error for gmsl cameras
+ * USe install space in catkin as well
+ * add install to catkin
+ * Fix install directives (`#1990 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/issues/1990>`_)
+ * Fixed installation path
+ * Fixed params installation path
+ * Fixed cfg installation path
+ * Delete cache on colcon_release
+* Fix license notice in corresponding package.xml
+* Contributors: Abraham Monrroy Cano, Kosuke Murakami, amc-nu
+1.10.0 (2019-01-17)
+* Fixes for catkin_make
+* Switch to Apache 2 license (develop branch) (`#1741 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/issues/1741>`_)
+ * Switch to Apache 2
+ * Replace BSD-3 license header with Apache 2 and reassign copyright to the
+ Autoware Foundation.
+ * Update license on Python files
+ * Update copyright years
+ * Add #ifndef/define _POINTS_IMAGE_H\_
+ * Updated license comment
+* Use colcon as the build tool (`#1704 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/issues/1704>`_)
+ * Switch to colcon as the build tool instead of catkin
+ * Added cmake-target
+ * Added note about the second colcon call
+ * Added warning about catkin* scripts being deprecated
+ * Added install targets
+ * Update Docker image tags
+ * Message packages fixes
+ * Fix missing dependency
+* Add grid_map_vizualization to run_depend
+* Feature/perception visualization cleanup (`#1648 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/issues/1648>`_)
+ * * Initial commit for visualization package
+ * Removal of all visualization messages from perception nodes
+ * Visualization dependency removal
+ * Launch file modification
+ * * Fixes to visualization
+ * Error on Clustering CPU
+ * Reduce verbosity on markers
+ * intial commit
+ * * Changed to 2 spaces indentation
+ * Added README
+ * Fixed README messages type
+ * 2 space indenting
+ * ros clang format
+ * Publish acceleration and velocity from ukf tracker
+ * Remove hardcoded path
+ * Updated README
+ * updated prototype
+ * Prototype update for header and usage
+ * Removed unknown label from being reported
+ * Updated publishing orientation to match develop
+ * * Published all the trackers
+ * Added valid field for visualization and future compatibility with ADAS ROI filtering
+ * Add simple functions
+ * Refacor code
+ * * Reversed back UKF node to develop
+ * Formatted speed
+ * Refactor codes
+ * Refactor codes
+ * Refactor codes
+ * Refacor codes
+ * Make tracking visualization work
+ * Relay class info in tracker node
+ * Remove dependency to jskbbox and rosmarker in ukf tracker
+ * apply rosclang to ukf tracker
+ * Refactor codes
+ * Refactor codes
+ * add comment
+ * refactor codes
+ * Revert "Refactor codes"
+ This reverts commit 135aaac46e49cb18d9b76611576747efab3caf9c.
+ * Revert "apply rosclang to ukf tracker"
+ This reverts commit 4f8d1cb5c8263a491f92ae5321e5080cb34b7b9c.
+ * Revert "Remove dependency to jskbbox and rosmarker in ukf tracker"
+ This reverts commit 4fa1dd40ba58065f7afacc5e478001078925b27d.
+ * Revert "Relay class info in tracker node"
+ This reverts commit 1637baac44c8d3d414cc069f3af12a79770439ae.
+ * delete dependency to jsk and remove pointcloud_frame
+ * get direction nis
+ * set velocity_reliable true in tracker node
+ * Add divided function
+ * add function
+ * Sanity checks
+ * Relay all the data from input DetectedObject
+ * Divided function work both for immukf and sukf
+ * Add comment
+ * Refactor codes
+ * Pass immukf test
+ * make direction assisted tracking work
+ * Visualization fixes
+ * Refacor codes
+ * Refactor codes
+ * Refactor codes
+ * refactor codes
+ * refactor codes
+ * Refactor codes
+ * refactor codes
+ * Tracker Merging step added
+ * Added launch file support for merging phase
+ * lane assisted with sukf
+ * Refactor codes
+ * Refactor codes
+ * * change only static objects
+ * keep label of the oldest tracker
+ * Static Object discrimination
+ * Non rotating bouding box
+ * no disappear if detector works
+ * Modify removeRedundant a bit
+ * Replacement of JSK visualization for RViz Native Markers
+ * Added Models namespace to visualization
+ * Naming change for matching the perception component graph
+ * * Added 3D Models for different classes in visualization
+ * 2D Rect node visualize_rects added to visualization_package
+* Fix Ros/ROS naming convention
+* Contributors: Abraham Monrroy Cano, Akihito Ohsato, Esteve Fernandez, amc-nu
+1.9.1 (2018-11-06)
+1.9.0 (2018-10-31)
+1.8.0 (2018-08-31)
+* [Fix] Moved C++11 flag to autoware_build_flags (`#1395 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/pull/1395>`_)
+* [Feature] Makes sure that all binaries have their dependencies linked (`#1385 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/pull/1385>`_)
+* [Fix] Extend and Update interface.yaml (`#1291 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/pull/1291>`_)
+* Contributors: Esteve Fernandez, Kenji Funaoka
+1.7.0 (2018-05-18)
+* update Version from 1.6.3 to 1.7.0 in package.xml and CHANGELOG.rst
+* [fix] Fixes for all packages and dependencies (`#1240 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/pull/1240>`_)
+ * Initial Cleanup
+ * fixed also for indigo
+ * kf cjeck
+ * Fix road wizard
+ * Added travis ci
+ * Trigger CI
+ * Fixes to cv_tracker and lidar_tracker cmake
+ * Fix kitti player dependencies
+ * Removed unnecessary dependencies
+ * messages fixing for can
+ * Update build script travis
+ * Travis Path
+ * Travis Paths fix
+ * Travis test
+ * Eigen checks
+ * removed unnecessary dependencies
+ * Eigen Detection
+ * Job number reduced
+ * Eigen3 more fixes
+ * More Eigen3
+ * Even more Eigen
+ * find package cmake modules included
+ * More fixes to cmake modules
+ * Removed non ros dependency
+ * Enable industrial_ci for indidog and kinetic
+ * Wrong install command
+ * fix rviz_plugin install
+ * FastVirtualScan fix
+ * Fix Qt5 Fastvirtualscan
+ * Fixed qt5 system dependencies for rosdep
+ * NDT TKU Fix catkin not pacakged
+ * More in detail dependencies fixes for more packages
+ * GLEW library for ORB
+ * Ignore OrbLocalizer
+ * Ignore Version checker
+ * Fix for driveworks interface
+ * driveworks not catkinpackagedd
+ * Missing catkin for driveworks
+ * libdpm opencv not catkin packaged
+ * catkin lib gnss not included in obj_db
+ * Points2Polygon fix
+ * More missing dependencies
+ * image viewer not packaged
+ * Fixed SSH2 detection, added viewers for all distros
+ * Fix gnss localizer incorrect dependency config
+ * Fixes to multiple packages dependencies
+ * gnss plib and package
+ * More fixes to gnss
+ * gnss dependencies for gnss_loclaizer
+ * Missing gnss dependency for gnss on localizer
+ * More fixes for dependencies
+ Replaced gnss for autoware_gnss_library
+ * gnss more fixes
+ * fixes to more dependencies
+ * header dependency
+ * Debug message
+ * more debug messages changed back to gnss
+ * debud messages
+ * gnss test
+ * gnss install command
+ * Several fixes for OpenPlanner and its lbiraries
+ * Fixes to ROSInterface
+ * More fixes to robotsdk and rosinterface
+ * robotsdk calibration fix
+ * Fixes to rosinterface robotsdk libraries and its nodes
+ * Fixes to Qt5 missing dependencies in robotsdk
+ * glviewer missing dependencies
+ * Missing qt specific config cmake for robotsdk
+ * disable cv_tracker
+ * Fix to open planner un needed dependendecies
+ * Fixes for libraries indecision maker
+ * Fixes to libraries decision_maker installation
+ * Gazebo on Kinetic
+ * Added Missing library
+ * * Removed Gazebo and synchonization packages
+ * Renames vmap in lane_planner
+ * Added installation commands for missing pakcages
+ * Fixes to lane_planner
+ * Added NDT TKU Glut extra dependencies
+ * ndt localizer/lib fast pcl fixes
+ re enable cv_tracker
+ * Fix kf_lib
+ * Keep industrial_ci
+ * Fixes for dpm library
+ * Fusion lib fixed
+ * dpm and fusion header should match exported project name
+ * Fixes to dpm_ocv ndt_localizer and pcl_omp
+ * no fast_pcl anymore
+ * fixes to libdpm and its package
+ * CI test
+ * test with native travis ci
+ * missing update for apt
+ * Fixes to pcl_omp installation and headers
+ * Final fixes for tests, modified README
+ * * Fixes to README
+ * Enable industrial_ci
+ * re enable native travis tests
+* Fix/cmake cleanup (`#1156 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/pull/1156>`_)
+ * Initial Cleanup
+ * fixed also for indigo
+ * kf cjeck
+ * Fix road wizard
+ * Added travis ci
+ * Trigger CI
+ * Fixes to cv_tracker and lidar_tracker cmake
+ * Fix kitti player dependencies
+ * Removed unnecessary dependencies
+ * messages fixing for can
+ * Update build script travis
+ * Travis Path
+ * Travis Paths fix
+ * Travis test
+ * Eigen checks
+ * removed unnecessary dependencies
+ * Eigen Detection
+ * Job number reduced
+ * Eigen3 more fixes
+ * More Eigen3
+ * Even more Eigen
+ * find package cmake modules included
+ * More fixes to cmake modules
+ * Removed non ros dependency
+ * Enable industrial_ci for indidog and kinetic
+ * Wrong install command
+ * fix rviz_plugin install
+ * FastVirtualScan fix
+ * Fix Qt5 Fastvirtualscan
+ * Fixed qt5 system dependencies for rosdep
+ * NDT TKU Fix catkin not pacakged
+ * Fixes from industrial_ci
+* Editorial changes to README files. See `#1124 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/pull/1124>`_. (`#1125 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/pull/1125>`_)
+* Feature/occupancygrid filter (`#1002 <https://github.com/CPFL/Autoware/pull/1002>`_)
+ * Add grid map filter node
+ * Add wayarea2grid node
+ * Replace dist_transform with grid_map_filter
+ * Add Runtime Manager UI for grid_map_filter node
+ * Add UI for wayarea2grid node
+ * Add instruction videos
+ * Fix videos
+ * Both node handles were private
+ * Added Comments Documentation
+ Code refactoring to follow standards
+ Added libraries
+ Separation of Vectormap Processing inside Clustering
+ * Added documentation
+ * Changed variable name
+ * Added Road Occupancy Processor package
+ * Added extra documentation
+ Added commands to RunTimeManager
+* Contributors: Abraham Monrroy, David, Kosuke Murakami, TomohitoAndo
+1.6.3 (2018-03-06)
+1.6.2 (2018-02-27)
+* Contributors: Yusuke FUJII
+1.6.1 (2018-01-20)
+* update CHANGELOG
+* Contributors: Yusuke FUJII
+1.6.0 (2017-12-11)
+* Prepare release for 1.6.0
+* Contributors: Yamato ANDO
+1.5.1 (2017-09-25)
+* Release/1.5.1 (`#816 <https://github.com/cpfl/autoware/issues/816>`_)
+ * fix a build error by gcc version
+ * fix build error for older indigo version
+ * update changelog for v1.5.1
+ * 1.5.1
+* Contributors: Yusuke FUJII
+1.5.0 (2017-09-21)
+* Update changelog
+* Add feature to put simulated obstacles in astar planner
+* Contributors: TomohitoAndo, Yusuke FUJII
+1.4.0 (2017-08-04)
+* version number must equal current release number so we can start releasing in the future
+* added changelogs
+* Contributors: Dejan Pangercic
+1.3.1 (2017-07-16)
+1.3.0 (2017-07-14)
+* Add map offset parameters to points2costmap node
+* Add dist_transform node
+* convert to autoware_msgs
+* Contributors: TomohitoAndo, YamatoAndo
+1.2.0 (2017-06-07)
+* fixed build issues
+* fix circular-dependency
+* Update potential field
+* Contributors: Shohei Fujii, Yukihiro Saito, Yusuke FUJII
+1.1.2 (2017-02-27 23:10)
+1.1.1 (2017-02-27 22:25)
+1.1.0 (2017-02-24)
+* Add missing dependency
+* Change to use final object topic in potential field
+* Cleaned potential field node
+* Add vscan points in potential field
+* Add potential field package
+* Contributors: Yukihiro Saito, h_ohta
+1.0.1 (2017-01-14)
+1.0.0 (2016-12-22)
+* Add parameter for subscribing topic
+* Fix costmap orientation
+* Fix to subscribe the new topic
+* Ignore 0 ranges
+* Fix cost calculation for unknown costs
+* Change variable name to be easier to understand
+* Fix calculation of index
+* Remove needless nesting
+* Modify calculation for costs
+* Remove needless compiling flags
+* Fix dependencies
+* Remove unused header
+* Initialize a previous position when declared
+* Change variable type from integer to bool
+* Impletement some functions as struct method
+* Use call by value instead of call by reference with premitive data types
+* Add license statement
+* Remeve automatically generated comments
+* Add semantics package
+* Contributors: Syohei YOSHIDA, TomohitoAndo