@@ -0,0 +1,7665 @@
+ * esmini - Environment Simulator Minimalistic
+ * https://github.com/esmini/esmini
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) partners of Simulation Scenarios
+ * https://sites.google.com/view/simulationscenarios
+ */
+ /*
+ * This module provides an limited interface to OpenDRIVE files.
+ * It supports all geometry types (as of ODR 1.4), junctions and some properties such as lane offset
+ * but lacks many features as road markings, signals, road signs, speed and road banking
+ *
+ * It converts between world (cartesian) and road coordinates (both Track and Lane)
+ *
+ * When used standalone (outside ScenarioEngine) the road manager is initialized via the Position class like this:
+ * roadmanager::Position::LoadOpenDrive("example.xodr");
+ *
+ * Simplest use case is to put a vehicle on the road and simply move it forward along the road, e.g:
+ *
+ * car->pos = new roadmanager::Position(3, -2, 10, 0);
+ * while(true)
+ * {
+ * car->pos->MoveAlongS(0.1);
+ * }
+ *
+ * The first line will create a Position object initialized at road with ID = 3, in lane = -2 and at lane offset = 0
+ * Then the position is updated along that road and lane, moving 10 cm at a time.
+ *
+ * A bit more realistic example:
+ *
+ * car->pos = new roadmanager::Position(odrManager->GetRoadByIdx(0)->GetId(), -2, 10, 0);
+ * while(true)
+ * {
+ * car->pos->MoveAlongS(speed * dt);
+ * }
+ *
+ * Here we refer to the ID of the first road in the network. And instead of static delta movement, the distance
+ * is a function of speed and delta time since last update.
+ *
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <random>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <limits>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "RoadManager.hpp"
+#include "odrSpiral.h"
+#include "pugixml.hpp"
+#include "CommonMini.hpp"
+static std::mt19937 mt_rand;
+static unsigned int global_lane_counter;
+using namespace std;
+using namespace roadmanager;
+#define CURV_ZERO 0.00001
+#define MAX_TRACK_DIST 10
+#define OSI_POINT_CALC_STEPSIZE 1 // [m]
+#define OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE 0.01 // [m]
+int g_Lane_id;
+int g_Laneb_id;
+double Polynomial::Evaluate(double p)
+ p *= p_scale_;
+ return (a_ + p * b_ + p * p*c_ + p * p*p*d_);
+double Polynomial::EvaluatePrim(double p)
+ p *= p_scale_;
+ return (b_ + 2 * p*c_ + 3 * p*p*d_);
+double Polynomial::EvaluatePrimPrim(double p)
+ p *= p_scale_;
+ return (2 * c_ + 6 * p*d_);
+void Polynomial::Set(double a, double b, double c, double d, double p_scale)
+ a_ = a;
+ b_ = b;
+ c_ = c;
+ d_ = d;
+ p_scale_ = p_scale;
+OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct& OSIPoints::GetPoint(int i)
+ if (point_.size() <= i || point_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("OSIPoints::GetPoint(int i) -> exceeds index");
+ }
+ else if (i < 0)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("OSIPoints::GetXFromIdx(int i) -> index must be larger than 0");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return point_[i];
+ }
+double OSIPoints::GetXfromIdx(int i)
+ if(point_.size() <= i || point_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("OSIPoints::GetXFromIdx(int i) -> exceeds index");
+ }
+ else if(i < 0)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("OSIPoints::GetXFromIdx(int i) -> index must be larger than 0");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return point_[i].x;
+ }
+double OSIPoints::GetYfromIdx(int i)
+ if (point_.size() <= i || point_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("OSIPoints::GetYFromIdx(int i) -> exceeds index");
+ }
+ else if(i < 0)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("OSIPoints::GetYFromIdx(int i) -> index must be larger than 0");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return point_[i].y;
+ }
+double OSIPoints::GetZfromIdx(int i)
+ if (point_.size() <= i || point_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("OSIPoints::GetZFromIdx(int i) -> exceeds index");
+ }
+ else if(i < 0)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("OSIPoints::GetZFromIdx(int i) -> index must be larger than 0");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return point_[i].z;
+ }
+int OSIPoints::GetNumOfOSIPoints()
+ return (int)point_.size();
+void Geometry::Print()
+ LOG("Geometry virtual Print\n");
+void Geometry::EvaluateDS(double ds, double *x, double *y, double *h)
+ (void)ds; (void)x; (void)y; (void)h;
+ LOG("Geometry virtual Evaluate\n");
+void Line::Print()
+ LOG("Line x: %.2f, y: %.2f, h: %.2f length: %.2f\n", GetX(), GetY(), GetHdg(), GetLength());
+void Line::EvaluateDS(double ds, double *x, double *y, double *h)
+ *h = GetHdg();
+ *x = GetX() + ds * cos(*h);
+ *y = GetY() + ds * sin(*h);
+void Arc::Print()
+ LOG("Arc x: %.2f, y: %.2f, h: %.2f curvature: %.2f length: %.2f\n", GetX(), GetY(), GetHdg(), curvature_, GetLength());
+void Arc::EvaluateDS(double ds, double *x, double *y, double *h)
+ double x_local = 0;
+ double y_local = 0;
+ // arc_length = angle * radius -> angle = arc_length / radius = arc_length * curvature
+ double angle = ds * curvature_;
+ // Now calculate x, y in a local unit circle coordinate system
+ if (curvature_ < 0)
+ {
+ // starting from 90 degrees going clockwise
+ x_local = cos(angle + M_PI / 2.0);
+ y_local = sin(angle + M_PI / 2.0) - 1; // -1 transform to y = 0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // starting from -90 degrees going counter clockwise
+ x_local = cos(angle + 3.0 * M_PI_2);
+ y_local = sin(angle + 3.0 * M_PI_2) + 1; // +1 transform to y = 0
+ }
+ // Rotate according to heading and scale according to radius
+ *x = GetX() + GetRadius() * (x_local * cos(GetHdg()) - y_local * sin(GetHdg()));
+ *y = GetY() + GetRadius() * (x_local * sin(GetHdg()) + y_local * cos(GetHdg()));
+ *h = GetHdg() + angle;
+Spiral::Spiral(double s, double x, double y, double hdg, double length, double curv_start, double curv_end) :
+ Geometry(s, x, y, hdg, length, GEOMETRY_TYPE_SPIRAL),
+ curv_start_(curv_start), curv_end_(curv_end), c_dot_(0.0), x0_(0.0), y0_(0.0), h0_(0.0), s0_(0.0), arc_(0), line_(0)
+ SetCDot((curv_end_ - curv_start_) / length_);
+ if (fabs(GetCDot()) < SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ // constant radius => clothoid is actually a line or an arc
+ if (fabs(this->GetCurvStart()) < SMALL_NUMBER) // Line
+ {
+ line_ = new Line(s, x, y, hdg, length);
+ }
+ else // Arc
+ {
+ arc_ = new Arc(s, x, y, hdg, length, curv_start);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (fabs(curv_start_) > SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ // not starting from zero curvature (straight line)
+ // How long do we need to follow the spiral to reach start curve value?
+ SetS0(curv_start_ / c_dot_);
+ // Find out x, y, heading of start position
+ double x0, y0, h0;
+ odrSpiral(GetS0(), c_dot_, &x0, &y0, &h0);
+ SetX0(x0);
+ SetY0(y0);
+ SetH0(h0);
+ }
+ }
+void Spiral::Print()
+ LOG("Spiral x: %.2f, y: %.2f, h: %.2f start curvature: %.4f end curvature: %.4f length: %.2f %s\n",
+ GetX(), GetY(), GetHdg(), GetCurvStart(), GetCurvEnd(), GetLength(),
+ arc_ != 0 ? " - actually an Arc" : line_ != 0 ? "- actually a Line" : "");
+void Spiral::EvaluateDS(double ds, double* x, double* y, double* h)
+ double xTmp, yTmp, t;
+ if (line_ != 0)
+ {
+ line_->EvaluateDS(ds, x, y, h);
+ }
+ else if (arc_ != 0)
+ {
+ arc_->EvaluateDS(ds, x, y, h);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ odrSpiral(s0_ + ds, c_dot_, &xTmp, &yTmp, &t);
+ *h = t - GetH0() + GetHdg();
+ double x1, x2, y1, y2;
+ // transform spline segment to origo and start angle = 0
+ x1 = xTmp - GetX0();
+ y1 = yTmp - GetY0();
+ x2 = x1 * cos(-GetH0()) - y1 * sin(-GetH0());
+ y2 = x1 * sin(-GetH0()) + y1 * cos(-GetH0());
+ // Then transform according to segment start position and heading
+ *x = GetX() + x2 * cos(GetHdg()) - y2 * sin(GetHdg());
+ *y = GetY() + x2 * sin(GetHdg()) + y2 * cos(GetHdg());
+ }
+double Spiral::EvaluateCurvatureDS(double ds)
+ if (line_ != 0)
+ {
+ return LARGE_NUMBER;
+ }
+ else if (arc_ != 0)
+ {
+ return arc_->GetCurvature();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (curv_start_ + (ds / GetLength()) * (curv_end_ - curv_start_));
+ }
+void Spiral::SetX(double x)
+ if (line_ != 0)
+ {
+ line_->SetX(x);
+ }
+ else if (arc_ != 0)
+ {
+ arc_->SetX(x);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x_ = x;
+ }
+void Spiral::SetY(double y)
+ if (line_ != 0)
+ {
+ line_->SetY(y);
+ }
+ else if (arc_ != 0)
+ {
+ arc_->SetY(y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ y_ = y;
+ }
+void Spiral::SetHdg(double h)
+ if (line_ != 0)
+ {
+ line_->SetHdg(h);
+ }
+ else if (arc_ != 0)
+ {
+ arc_->SetHdg(h);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hdg_ = h;
+ }
+Poly3::Poly3(double s, double x, double y, double hdg, double length, double a, double b, double c, double d) :
+ Geometry(s, x, y, hdg, length, GEOMETRY_TYPE_POLY3), umax_(0.0)
+ poly3_.Set(a, b, c, d);
+ double xTmp = 0;
+ double yTmp = 0;
+ EvaluateDSLocal(GetLength()-SMALL_NUMBER, xTmp, yTmp);
+ SetUMax(xTmp);
+void Poly3::Print()
+ LOG("Poly3 x: %.2f, y: %.2f, h: %.2f length: %.2f a: %.2f b: %.2f c: %.2f d: %.2f\n",
+ GetX(), GetY(), GetHdg(), GetLength(), poly3_.GetA(), poly3_.GetB(), poly3_.GetC(), poly3_.GetD());
+void Poly3::EvaluateDSLocal(double ds, double &u, double &v)
+ double distTmp = 0;
+ double steplen = MIN(10, ds); // along u axis - to be tuned
+ u = v = 0;
+ if (ds > length_ - SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ u = umax_;
+ v = poly3_.Evaluate(u);
+ }
+ else if (ds > SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ for (double uTmp = 0; uTmp < length_; uTmp += steplen)
+ {
+ double vTmp = poly3_.Evaluate(uTmp);
+ double delta = sqrt((uTmp - u) * (uTmp - u) + (vTmp - v) * (vTmp - v));
+ if (distTmp + delta > ds)
+ {
+ // interpolate
+ double w = (distTmp + delta - ds) / MAX(delta, SMALL_NUMBER);
+ u = w * u + (1 - w) * uTmp;
+ v = poly3_.Evaluate(u);
+ break;
+ }
+ distTmp += delta;
+ u = uTmp;
+ v = vTmp;
+ }
+ }
+void Poly3::EvaluateDS(double ds, double *x, double *y, double *h)
+ double u_local = 0;
+ double v_local = 0;
+ EvaluateDSLocal(ds, u_local, v_local);
+ *x = GetX() + u_local * cos(GetHdg()) - v_local * sin(GetHdg());
+ *y = GetY() + u_local * sin(GetHdg()) + v_local * cos(GetHdg());
+ *h = GetHdg() + atan(poly3_.EvaluatePrim(u_local));
+double Poly3::EvaluateCurvatureDS(double ds)
+ return poly3_.EvaluatePrimPrim(ds);
+void ParamPoly3::Print()
+ LOG("ParamPoly3 x: %.2f, y: %.2f, h: %.2f length: %.2f U: %.8f, %.8f, %.8f, %.8f V: %.8f, %.8f, %.8f, %.8f\n",
+ GetX(), GetY(), GetHdg(), GetLength(),
+ poly3U_.GetA(), poly3U_.GetB(), poly3U_.GetC(), poly3U_.GetD(),
+ poly3V_.GetA(), poly3V_.GetB(), poly3V_.GetC(), poly3V_.GetD()
+ );
+void ParamPoly3::EvaluateDS(double ds, double *x, double *y, double *h)
+ double p = S2P(ds);
+ double hdg = GetHdg();
+ double u_local = poly3U_.Evaluate(p);
+ double v_local = poly3V_.Evaluate(p);
+ *x = GetX() + u_local * cos(hdg) - v_local * sin(hdg);
+ *y = GetY() + u_local * sin(hdg) + v_local * cos(hdg);
+ *h = hdg + atan2(poly3V_.EvaluatePrim(p), poly3U_.EvaluatePrim(p));
+double ParamPoly3::EvaluateCurvatureDS(double ds)
+ return poly3V_.EvaluatePrimPrim(ds) / poly3U_.EvaluatePrim(ds);
+void ParamPoly3::calcS2PMap(PRangeType p_range)
+ double len = 0;
+ double p_step_len = 1.0 / double(PARAMPOLY3_STEPS);
+ double p = 0;
+ if (p_range == PRangeType::P_RANGE_ARC_LENGTH)
+ {
+ p_step_len = length_/(PARAMPOLY3_STEPS);
+ }
+ // Calculate actual arc length of the curve
+ s2p_map_[0][0] = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < PARAMPOLY3_STEPS+1; i++)
+ {
+ p += p_step_len;
+ double pm = p - 0.5 * p_step_len; // midpoint method
+ double integrator = sqrt(
+ pow(3 * poly3U_.GetD() * pm * pm + 2 * poly3U_.GetC() * pm + poly3U_.GetB(), 2) +
+ pow(3 * poly3V_.GetD() * pm * pm + 2 * poly3V_.GetC() * pm + poly3V_.GetB(), 2));
+ len += p_step_len * integrator;
+ s2p_map_[i][0] = len;
+ }
+ // Map length (ds) to p for each sub-segment, adjust for incorrect length attribute
+ double scale_factor;
+ scale_factor = length_ / len;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < PARAMPOLY3_STEPS+1; i++)
+ {
+ s2p_map_[i][0] *= scale_factor;
+ s2p_map_[i][1] = i * length_ / PARAMPOLY3_STEPS;
+ }
+double ParamPoly3::S2P(double s)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < PARAMPOLY3_STEPS; i++)
+ {
+ if (s2p_map_[i + 1][0] > s)
+ {
+ double w = (s - s2p_map_[i][0]) / (s2p_map_[i + 1][0] - s2p_map_[i][0]);
+ return s2p_map_[i][1] + w * (s2p_map_[i + 1][1] - s2p_map_[i][1]);
+ }
+ }
+ return s2p_map_[PARAMPOLY3_STEPS][1];
+void Elevation::Print()
+ LOG("Elevation: s: %.2f A: %.4f B: %.4f C: %.4f D: %.4f\n",
+ GetS(), poly3_.GetA(), poly3_.GetB(), poly3_.GetC(), poly3_.GetD());
+void LaneLink::Print()
+ LOG("LaneLink type: %d id: %d\n", type_, id_);
+void Lane::SetGlobalId()
+ global_id_ = g_Lane_id;
+ g_Lane_id++;
+void LaneBoundaryOSI::SetGlobalId()
+ global_id_ = g_Laneb_id;
+ g_Laneb_id++;
+void LaneRoadMarkTypeLine::SetGlobalId()
+ global_id_ = g_Laneb_id;
+ g_Laneb_id++;
+LaneWidth *Lane::GetWidthByIndex(int index)
+ if(lane_width_.size() <= index || lane_width_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Lane::GetWidthByIndex(int index) -> exceeds index");
+ }
+ else if(lane_width_.size() < 0)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Lane::GetWidthByIndex(int index) -> index must be larger than 0");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return lane_width_[index];
+ }
+LaneWidth *Lane::GetWidthByS(double s)
+ if (lane_width_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return 0; // No lanewidth defined
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i+1<(int)lane_width_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (s < lane_width_[i + 1]->GetSOffset())
+ {
+ return lane_width_[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return lane_width_.back();
+LaneLink *Lane::GetLink(LinkType type)
+ for (int i=0; i<(int)link_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ LaneLink *l = link_[i];
+ if (l->GetType() == type)
+ {
+ return l;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; // No link of requested type exists
+void LaneWidth::Print()
+ LOG("LaneWidth: sOffset: %.2f, a: %.2f, b: %.2f, c: %.2f, d: %.2f\n",
+ s_offset_, poly3_.GetA(), poly3_.GetB(), poly3_.GetC(), poly3_.GetD());
+LaneRoadMark* Lane::GetLaneRoadMarkByIdx(int idx)
+ if(lane_roadMark_.size() <= idx || lane_roadMark_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Lane::GetLaneRoadMarkByIdx(int idx) -> exceeds index");
+ }
+ else if(lane_roadMark_.size() < 0)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Lane::GetLaneRoadMarkByIdx(int idx) -> index must be larger than 0");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return lane_roadMark_[idx];
+ }
+std::vector<int> Lane::GetLineGlobalIds()
+ std::vector<int> line_ids;
+ for (int i = 0; i<GetNumberOfRoadMarks(); i++)
+ {
+ LaneRoadMark* laneroadmark = GetLaneRoadMarkByIdx(i);
+ for (int j = 0; j<laneroadmark->GetNumberOfRoadMarkTypes(); j++)
+ {
+ LaneRoadMarkType* laneroadmarktype = laneroadmark->GetLaneRoadMarkTypeByIdx(j);
+ for (int h = 0; h<laneroadmarktype->GetNumberOfRoadMarkTypeLines(); h++)
+ {
+ LaneRoadMarkTypeLine* laneroadmarktypeline = laneroadmarktype->GetLaneRoadMarkTypeLineByIdx(h);
+ line_ids.push_back(laneroadmarktypeline->GetGlobalId());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return line_ids;
+int Lane::GetLaneBoundaryGlobalId()
+ if (lane_boundary_)
+ {
+ return lane_boundary_->GetGlobalId();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+LaneRoadMarkType* LaneRoadMark::GetLaneRoadMarkTypeByIdx(int idx)
+ if (idx < (int)lane_roadMarkType_.size())
+ {
+ return lane_roadMarkType_[idx];
+ }
+ return 0;
+LaneRoadMarkTypeLine* LaneRoadMarkType::GetLaneRoadMarkTypeLineByIdx(int idx)
+ if (idx < (int)lane_roadMarkTypeLine_.size())
+ {
+ return lane_roadMarkTypeLine_[idx];
+ }
+ return 0;
+void LaneRoadMarkType::AddLine(LaneRoadMarkTypeLine *lane_roadMarkTypeLine)
+ lane_roadMarkTypeLine->SetGlobalId();
+ lane_roadMarkTypeLine_.push_back(lane_roadMarkTypeLine);
+void Lane::SetLaneBoundary(LaneBoundaryOSI *lane_boundary)
+ lane_boundary->SetGlobalId();
+ lane_boundary_ = lane_boundary;
+void LaneOffset::Print()
+ LOG("LaneOffset s %.2f a %.4f b %.2f c %.2f d %.2f length %.2f\n",
+ s_, polynomial_.GetA(), polynomial_.GetB(), polynomial_.GetC(), polynomial_.GetD(), length_);
+double LaneOffset::GetLaneOffset(double s)
+ return (polynomial_.Evaluate(s - s_));
+double LaneOffset::GetLaneOffsetPrim(double s)
+ return (polynomial_.EvaluatePrim(s - s_));
+void Lane::Print()
+ LOG("Lane: %d, type: %d, level: %d\n", id_, type_, level_);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < link_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ link_[i]->Print();
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<lane_width_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ lane_width_[i]->Print();
+ }
+bool Lane::IsCenter()
+ if (GetId() == 0)
+ {
+ return true; // Ref lane no width -> no driving
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+bool Lane::IsType(Lane::LaneType type)
+ if (GetId() == 0)
+ {
+ return false; // Ref lane no width -> no driving
+ }
+ return bool(type_ & type);
+bool Lane::IsDriving()
+ if (GetId() == 0)
+ {
+ return false; // Ref lane no width -> no driving
+ }
+ return bool(type_ & Lane::LaneType::LANE_TYPE_ANY_DRIVING);
+LaneSection* Road::GetLaneSectionByIdx(int idx)
+ if (idx >= 0 && idx < lane_section_.size())
+ {
+ return lane_section_[idx];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+int Road::GetLaneSectionIdxByS(double s, int start_at)
+ if (start_at < 0 || start_at > lane_section_.size() - 1)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ LaneSection *lane_section = lane_section_[start_at];
+ size_t i = start_at;
+ if (s < lane_section->GetS() && start_at > 0)
+ {
+ // Look backwards
+ for (i = start_at - 1; i > 0; i--) // No need to check the first one
+ {
+ lane_section = GetLaneSectionByIdx((int)i);
+ if (s > lane_section->GetS())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // look forward
+ for (i = start_at; i < GetNumberOfLaneSections()-1; i++) // No need to check the last one
+ {
+ lane_section = GetLaneSectionByIdx((int)i);
+ if (s < lane_section->GetS() + lane_section->GetLength())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (int)i;
+LaneInfo Road::GetLaneInfoByS(double s, int start_lane_section_idx, int start_lane_id, int laneTypeMask)
+ LaneInfo lane_info;
+ lane_info.lane_section_idx_ = start_lane_section_idx;
+ lane_info.lane_id_ = start_lane_id;
+ if (lane_info.lane_section_idx_ >= (int)lane_section_.size())
+ {
+ LOG("Error idx %d > n_lane_sections %d\n", lane_info.lane_section_idx_, (int)lane_section_.size());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LaneSection *lane_section = lane_section_[lane_info.lane_section_idx_];
+ // check if we passed current section
+ if (s > lane_section->GetS() + lane_section->GetLength() || s < lane_section->GetS())
+ {
+ if (s > lane_section->GetS() + lane_section->GetLength())
+ {
+ while (s > lane_section->GetS() + lane_section->GetLength() && lane_info.lane_section_idx_ + 1 < GetNumberOfLaneSections())
+ {
+ // Find out connecting lane, then move to next lane section
+ lane_info.lane_id_ = lane_section->GetConnectingLaneId(lane_info.lane_id_, SUCCESSOR);
+ lane_section = GetLaneSectionByIdx(++lane_info.lane_section_idx_);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (s < lane_section->GetS())
+ {
+ while (s < lane_section->GetS() && lane_info.lane_section_idx_ > 0)
+ {
+ // Move to previous lane section
+ lane_info.lane_id_ = lane_section->GetConnectingLaneId(lane_info.lane_id_, PREDECESSOR);
+ lane_section = GetLaneSectionByIdx(--lane_info.lane_section_idx_);
+ }
+ }
+ // If new lane is not of snapping type, try to move into a close valid lane
+ Lane* lane = lane_section->GetLaneById(lane_info.lane_id_);
+ if (lane == 0 || !(laneTypeMask & lane_section->GetLaneById(lane_info.lane_id_)->GetLaneType()))
+ {
+ double offset = 0;
+ double t = 0;
+ if (lane == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("No valid connecting lane (s: %.2f lane_id %d) - looking for a valid lane from center outwards", s, lane_info.lane_id_);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t = lane->GetOffsetFromRef() + GetLaneWidthByS(s, lane->GetId());
+ }
+ lane_info.lane_id_ = lane_section->GetLaneByIdx(lane_section->GetClosestLaneIdx(s, t, offset, true, laneTypeMask))->GetId();
+ if (lane_info.lane_id_ == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Failed to find a closest snapping lane");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return lane_info;
+double Road::GetLaneWidthByS(double s, int lane_id)
+ LaneSection *lsec;
+ if (GetNumberOfLaneSections() < 1)
+ {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < GetNumberOfLaneSections(); i++)
+ {
+ lsec = GetLaneSectionByIdx((int)i);
+ if (s < lsec->GetS() + lsec->GetLength())
+ {
+ return lsec->GetWidth(s, lane_id);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+double Road::GetSpeedByS(double s)
+ if (type_.size() > 0)
+ {
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < type_.size() - 1 && s > type_[i + 1]->s_; i++);
+ return type_[i]->speed_;
+ }
+ // No type entries, fall back to a speed based on nr of lanes
+ return 0;
+Geometry* Road::GetGeometry(int idx)
+ if (idx < 0 || idx + 1 > (int)geometry_.size())
+ {
+ LOG("Road::GetGeometry index %d out of range [0:%d]\n", idx, (int)geometry_.size());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return geometry_[idx];
+void LaneSection::Print()
+ LOG("LaneSection: %.2f, %d lanes:\n", s_, (int)lane_.size());
+ for (size_t i=0; i<lane_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ lane_[i]->Print();
+ }
+Lane* LaneSection::GetLaneByIdx(int idx)
+ if (idx < (int)lane_.size())
+ {
+ return lane_[idx];
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool LaneSection::IsOSILaneById(int id)
+ Lane* lane = GetLaneById(id);
+ if (lane == 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return !lane->IsCenter();
+ }
+Lane* LaneSection::GetLaneById(int id)
+ for (size_t i=0; i<lane_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (lane_[i]->GetId() == id)
+ {
+ return lane_[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int LaneSection::GetLaneIdByIdx(int idx)
+ if (idx > (int)lane_.size() - 1)
+ {
+ LOG("LaneSection::GetLaneIdByIdx Error: index %d, only %d lanes\n", idx, (int)lane_.size());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (lane_[idx]->GetId());
+ }
+int LaneSection::GetLaneIdxById(int id)
+ for (int i = 0; i<(int)lane_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (lane_[i]->GetId() == id)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+int LaneSection::GetLaneGlobalIdByIdx(int idx)
+ if (idx > (int)lane_.size() - 1)
+ {
+ LOG("LaneSection::GetLaneIdByIdx Error: index %d, only %d lanes\n", idx, (int)lane_.size());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (lane_[idx]->GetGlobalId());
+ }
+int LaneSection::GetLaneGlobalIdById(int id)
+ for (size_t i=0; i<(int)lane_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (lane_[i]->GetId() == id)
+ {
+ return lane_[i]->GetGlobalId();
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+int LaneSection::GetNumberOfDrivingLanes()
+ int counter = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lane_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (lane_[i]->IsDriving())
+ {
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ return counter;
+int LaneSection::GetNumberOfDrivingLanesSide(int side)
+ int counter = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lane_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (SIGN(lane_[i]->GetId()) == SIGN(side) && lane_[i]->IsDriving())
+ {
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ return counter;
+int LaneSection::GetNUmberOfLanesRight()
+ int counter = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<lane_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (lane_[i]->GetId() < 0)
+ {
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ return counter;
+int LaneSection::GetNUmberOfLanesLeft()
+ int counter = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lane_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (lane_[i]->GetId() > 0)
+ {
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ return counter;
+double LaneSection::GetWidth(double s, int lane_id)
+ if (lane_id == 0)
+ {
+ return 0.0; // reference lane has no width
+ }
+ Lane *lane = GetLaneById(lane_id);
+ if (lane == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Error (lane id %d)\n", lane_id);
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ LaneWidth *lane_width = lane->GetWidthByS(s - s_);
+ if (lane_width == 0) // No lane width registered
+ {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ // Calculate local s-parameter in width segment
+ double ds = s - (s_ + lane_width->GetSOffset());
+ // Calculate width at local s
+ return lane_width->poly3_.Evaluate(ds);
+double LaneSection::GetOuterOffset(double s, int lane_id)
+ if (lane_id == 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ double width = GetWidth(s, lane_id);
+ if (abs(lane_id) == 1)
+ {
+ // this is the last lane, next to reference lane of width = 0. Stop here.
+ return width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int step = lane_id < 0 ? +1 : -1;
+ return (width + GetOuterOffset(s, lane_id + step));
+ }
+double LaneSection::GetCenterOffset(double s, int lane_id)
+ if (lane_id == 0)
+ {
+ // Reference lane (0) has no width
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ double inner_offset = GetOuterOffset(s, lane_id);
+ double width = GetWidth(s, lane_id);
+ // Center is simply mean value of inner and outer lane boundries
+ return inner_offset - width / 2;
+double LaneSection::GetOuterOffsetHeading(double s, int lane_id)
+ if (lane_id == 0)
+ {
+ return 0.0; // reference lane has no width
+ }
+ Lane *lane = GetLaneById(lane_id);
+ if (lane == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("LaneSection::GetOuterOffsetHeading Error (lane id %d)\n", lane_id);
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ LaneWidth *lane_width = lane->GetWidthByS(s - s_);
+ if (lane_width == 0) // No lane width registered
+ {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ // Calculate local s-parameter in width segment
+ double ds = s - (s_ + lane_width->GetSOffset());
+ // Calculate heading at local s
+ double heading = lane_width->poly3_.EvaluatePrim(ds);
+ if (abs(lane_id) == 1)
+ {
+ // this is the last lane, next to reference lane of width = 0. Stop here.
+ return heading;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int step = lane_id < 0 ? +1 : -1;
+ return (heading + GetOuterOffsetHeading(s, lane_id + step));
+ }
+double LaneSection::GetCenterOffsetHeading(double s, int lane_id)
+ int step = lane_id < 0 ? +1 : -1;
+ if (lane_id == 0)
+ {
+ // Reference lane (0) has no width
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ double inner_offset_heading = GetOuterOffsetHeading(s, lane_id + step);
+ double outer_offset_heading = GetOuterOffsetHeading(s, lane_id);
+ // Center is simply mean value of inner and outer lane boundries
+ return (inner_offset_heading + outer_offset_heading) / 2;
+void LaneSection::AddLane(Lane *lane)
+ lane->SetGlobalId();
+ global_lane_counter++;
+ // Keep list sorted on lane ID, from + to -
+ if (lane_.size() > 0 && lane->GetId() > lane_.back()->GetId())
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lane_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (lane->GetId() > lane_[i]->GetId())
+ {
+ lane_.insert(lane_.begin() + i, lane);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lane_.push_back(lane);
+ }
+int LaneSection::GetConnectingLaneId(int incoming_lane_id, LinkType link_type)
+ int id = incoming_lane_id;
+ if (GetLaneById(id) == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Lane id %d not available in lane section!", id);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (GetLaneById(id)->GetLink(link_type))
+ {
+ id = GetLaneById(id)->GetLink(link_type)->GetId();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if no driving lane found - stay on same index
+ id = incoming_lane_id;
+ }
+ return id;
+double LaneSection::GetWidthBetweenLanes(int lane_id1, int lane_id2, double s)
+ double lanewidth = (std::fabs(GetCenterOffset(s, lane_id1)) - std::fabs(GetCenterOffset(s, lane_id2)));
+ return lanewidth;
+// Offset from lane1 to lane2 in direction of reference line
+double LaneSection::GetOffsetBetweenLanes(int lane_id1, int lane_id2, double s)
+ double laneCenter1 = GetCenterOffset(s, lane_id1) * SIGN(lane_id1);
+ double laneCenter2 = GetCenterOffset(s, lane_id2) * SIGN(lane_id2);
+ return (laneCenter2 - laneCenter1);
+// Offset from closest left road mark to current position
+RoadMarkInfo Lane::GetRoadMarkInfoByS(int track_id, int lane_id, double s)
+ Position* pos = new roadmanager::Position();
+ Road *road = pos->GetRoadById(track_id);
+ LaneSection *lsec;
+ Lane *lane;
+ LaneRoadMark *lane_roadMark;
+ LaneRoadMarkType *lane_roadMarkType;
+ LaneRoadMarkTypeLine *lane_roadMarkTypeLine;
+ RoadMarkInfo rm_info = {-1, -1};
+ int lsec_idx, number_of_lsec, number_of_roadmarks, number_of_roadmarktypes, number_of_roadmarklines;
+ double s_roadmark, s_roadmarkline, s_end_roadmark, s_end_roadmarkline = 0, lsec_end = 0;
+ if (road == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Set Error: track %d not available\n", track_id);
+ lsec_idx = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lsec_idx = road->GetLaneSectionIdxByS(s);
+ }
+ lsec = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lsec_idx);
+ if (lsec == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Set Error: lane section %d not available\n", lsec_idx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ number_of_lsec = road->GetNumberOfLaneSections();
+ if (lsec_idx == number_of_lsec-1)
+ {
+ lsec_end = road->GetLength();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lsec_end = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lsec_idx+1)->GetS();
+ }
+ }
+ lane = lsec->GetLaneById(lane_id);
+ if (lane == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Set Error: lane section %d not available\n", lane_id);
+ }
+ number_of_roadmarks = lane->GetNumberOfRoadMarks();
+ if (number_of_roadmarks > 0)
+ {
+ for (int m=0; m<number_of_roadmarks; m++)
+ {
+ lane_roadMark = lane->GetLaneRoadMarkByIdx(m);
+ s_roadmark = lsec->GetS() + lane_roadMark->GetSOffset();
+ if (m == number_of_roadmarks-1)
+ {
+ s_end_roadmark = lsec_end;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s_end_roadmark = lane->GetLaneRoadMarkByIdx(m+1)->GetSOffset();
+ }
+ // Check the existence of "type" keyword under roadmark
+ number_of_roadmarktypes = lane_roadMark->GetNumberOfRoadMarkTypes();
+ if (number_of_roadmarktypes != 0)
+ {
+ lane_roadMarkType = lane_roadMark->GetLaneRoadMarkTypeByIdx(0);
+ number_of_roadmarklines = lane_roadMarkType->GetNumberOfRoadMarkTypeLines();
+ // Looping through each roadmarkline under roadmark
+ for (int n=0; n<number_of_roadmarklines; n++)
+ {
+ lane_roadMarkTypeLine = lane_roadMarkType->GetLaneRoadMarkTypeLineByIdx(n);
+ s_roadmarkline = s_roadmark + lane_roadMarkTypeLine->GetSOffset();
+ if (lane_roadMarkTypeLine != 0)
+ {
+ if (n == number_of_roadmarklines-1)
+ {
+ s_end_roadmarkline = s_end_roadmark;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s_end_roadmarkline = lane_roadMarkType->GetLaneRoadMarkTypeLineByIdx(n+1)->GetSOffset();
+ }
+ }
+ if (s >= s_roadmarkline && s < s_end_roadmarkline)
+ {
+ rm_info.roadmark_idx_ = m;
+ rm_info.roadmarkline_idx_ = n;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rm_info.roadmarkline_idx_ = 0;
+ if (s >= s_roadmark && s < s_end_roadmark)
+ {
+ rm_info.roadmark_idx_ = m;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete pos;
+ return rm_info;
+RoadLink::RoadLink(LinkType type, pugi::xml_node node)
+ string element_type = node.attribute("elementType").value();
+ string contact_point_type = "";
+ type_ = type;
+ element_id_ = atoi(node.attribute("elementId").value());
+ if (node.attribute("contactPoint") != NULL)
+ {
+ contact_point_type = node.attribute("contactPoint").value();
+ }
+ if (element_type == "road")
+ {
+ element_type_ = ELEMENT_TYPE_ROAD;
+ if (contact_point_type == "start")
+ {
+ contact_point_type_ = CONTACT_POINT_START;
+ }
+ else if (contact_point_type == "end")
+ {
+ contact_point_type_ = CONTACT_POINT_END;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unsupported element type: %s\n", contact_point_type.c_str());
+ contact_point_type_ = CONTACT_POINT_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (element_type == "junction")
+ {
+ element_type_ = ELEMENT_TYPE_JUNCTION;
+ contact_point_type_ = CONTACT_POINT_NONE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unsupported element type: %s\n", element_type.c_str());
+ element_type_ = ELEMENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+void RoadLink::Print()
+ cout << "RoadLink type: " << type_ << " id: " << element_id_ << " element type: " << element_type_ << " contact point type: " << contact_point_type_ << endl;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<geometry_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete(geometry_[i]);
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<elevation_profile_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete(elevation_profile_[i]);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < super_elevation_profile_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete(super_elevation_profile_[i]);
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<link_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete(link_[i]);
+ }
+void Road::Print()
+ LOG("Road id: %d length: %.2f\n", id_, GetLength());
+ cout << "Geometries:" << endl;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < geometry_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ cout << "Geometry type: " << geometry_[i]->GetType() << endl;
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<link_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ link_[i]->Print();
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<lane_section_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ lane_section_[i]->Print();
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<lane_offset_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ lane_offset_[i]->Print();
+ }
+void Road::AddLine(Line *line)
+ geometry_.push_back((Geometry*)line);
+void Road::AddArc(Arc *arc)
+ geometry_.push_back((Geometry*)arc);
+void Road::AddSpiral(Spiral *spiral)
+ geometry_.push_back((Geometry*)spiral);
+void Road::AddPoly3(Poly3 *poly3)
+ geometry_.push_back((Geometry*)poly3);
+void Road::AddParamPoly3(ParamPoly3 *param_poly3)
+ geometry_.push_back((Geometry*)param_poly3);
+void Road::AddElevation(Elevation *elevation)
+ // Adjust last elevation length
+ if (elevation_profile_.size() > 0)
+ {
+ Elevation *e_previous = elevation_profile_.back();
+ e_previous->SetLength(elevation->GetS() - e_previous->GetS());
+ }
+ elevation->SetLength(length_ - elevation->GetS());
+ elevation_profile_.push_back((Elevation*)elevation);
+void Road::AddSuperElevation(Elevation *super_elevation)
+ // Adjust last super elevation length
+ if (super_elevation_profile_.size() > 0)
+ {
+ Elevation *e_previous = super_elevation_profile_.back();
+ e_previous->SetLength(super_elevation->GetS() - e_previous->GetS());
+ }
+ super_elevation->SetLength(length_ - super_elevation->GetS());
+ super_elevation_profile_.push_back((Elevation*)super_elevation);
+Elevation* Road::GetElevation(int idx)
+ if (idx < 0 || idx >= elevation_profile_.size())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return elevation_profile_[idx];
+Elevation* Road::GetSuperElevation(int idx)
+ if (idx < 0 || idx >= super_elevation_profile_.size())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return super_elevation_profile_[idx];
+void Road::AddSignal(Signal *signal)
+ // Adjust signal length
+ if (signal_.size() > 0)
+ {
+ Signal *sig_previous = signal_.back();
+ sig_previous->SetLength(signal->GetS() - sig_previous->GetS());
+ }
+ signal->SetLength(length_ - signal->GetS());
+ LOG("Add signal[%d]: %s", (int)signal_.size(), signal->GetName().c_str());
+ signal_.push_back((Signal*)signal);
+int Road::GetNumberOfSignals()
+ return (int)signal_.size();
+Signal* Road::GetSignal(int idx)
+ if (idx < 0 || idx >= signal_.size())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return signal_[idx];
+void Road::AddObject(Object* object)
+ LOG("Add object[%d]: %s", (int)object_.size(), object->GetName().c_str());
+ object_.push_back(object);
+Object* Road::GetObject(int idx)
+ if (idx < 0 || idx >= object_.size())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return object_[idx];
+OutlineCornerRoad::OutlineCornerRoad(int roadId, double s, double t, double dz, double height):
+ roadId_(roadId), s_(s), t_(t), dz_(dz), height_(height)
+void OutlineCornerRoad::GetPos(double& x, double& y, double& z)
+ roadmanager::Position pos;
+ pos.SetTrackPos(roadId_, s_, t_);
+ x = pos.GetX();
+ y = pos.GetY();
+ z = pos.GetZ() + dz_;
+OutlineCornerLocal::OutlineCornerLocal(int roadId, double s, double t, double u, double v, double zLocal, double height, double heading) :
+ roadId_(roadId), s_(s), t_(t), u_(u), v_(v), zLocal_(zLocal), height_(height), heading_(heading)
+void OutlineCornerLocal::GetPos(double& x, double& y, double& z)
+ roadmanager::Position pref;
+ pref.SetTrackPos(roadId_, s_, t_);
+ double total_heading = GetAngleSum(pref.GetH(), heading_);
+ double u2, v2;
+ RotateVec2D(u_, v_, total_heading, u2, v2);
+ x = pref.GetX() + u2;
+ y = pref.GetY() + v2;
+ z = pref.GetZ() + zLocal_;
+double Road::GetLaneOffset(double s)
+ int i = 0;
+ if (lane_offset_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (; i + 1 < (int)lane_offset_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (s < lane_offset_[i + 1]->GetS())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (lane_offset_[i]->GetLaneOffset(s));
+double Road::GetLaneOffsetPrim(double s)
+ int i = 0;
+ if (lane_offset_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (; i + 1 < (int)lane_offset_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (s < lane_offset_[i + 1]->GetS())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (lane_offset_[i]->GetLaneOffsetPrim(s));
+int Road::GetNumberOfLanes(double s)
+ LaneSection *lsec = GetLaneSectionByS(s);
+ if (lsec)
+ {
+ return (lsec->GetNumberOfLanes());
+ }
+ return 0;
+int Road::GetNumberOfDrivingLanes(double s)
+ LaneSection *lsec = GetLaneSectionByS(s);
+ if (lsec)
+ {
+ return (lsec->GetNumberOfDrivingLanes());
+ }
+ return 0;
+Lane* Road::GetDrivingLaneByIdx(double s, int idx)
+ int count = 0;
+ LaneSection *ls = GetLaneSectionByS(s);
+ for (int i = 0; i < ls->GetNumberOfLanes(); i++)
+ {
+ if (ls->GetLaneByIdx(i)->IsDriving())
+ {
+ if (count++ == idx)
+ {
+ return ls->GetLaneByIdx(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int Road::GetNumberOfDrivingLanesSide(double s, int side)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < GetNumberOfLaneSections() - 1; i++)
+ {
+ if (s < lane_section_[i+1]->GetS())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (lane_section_[i]->GetNumberOfDrivingLanesSide(side));
+double Road::GetWidth(double s, int side, int laneTypeMask)
+ double offset = 0;
+ size_t i;
+ int index;
+ for (i = 0; i < GetNumberOfLaneSections() - 1; i++)
+ {
+ if (s < lane_section_[i+1]->GetS())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i < GetNumberOfLaneSections())
+ {
+ LaneSection* lsec = lane_section_[i];
+ // Since the lanes are sorted from left to right,
+ // side == +1 means first lane and side == -1 means last lane
+ if (side > 0)
+ {
+ index = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ index = lsec->GetNumberOfLanes() - 1;
+ }
+ int lane_id = lsec->GetLaneIdByIdx(index);
+ int step = side > 0 ? +1 : -1;
+ // Find outmost lane matching requested lane type
+ while (lane_id != 0 && !(lsec->GetLaneByIdx(index)->GetLaneType() & laneTypeMask))
+ {
+ lane_id = lsec->GetLaneIdByIdx(index += step);
+ }
+ offset = fabs(lsec->GetOuterOffset(s, lane_id));
+ }
+ return offset;
+void Road::AddLaneOffset(LaneOffset *lane_offset)
+ // Adjust lane offset length
+ if (lane_offset_.size() > 0)
+ {
+ LaneOffset *lo_previous = lane_offset_.back();
+ lo_previous->SetLength(lane_offset->GetS() - lo_previous->GetS());
+ }
+ lane_offset->SetLength(length_ - lane_offset->GetS());
+ lane_offset_.push_back((LaneOffset*)lane_offset);
+double Road::GetCenterOffset(double s, int lane_id)
+ // First find out what lane section
+ LaneSection *lane_section = GetLaneSectionByS(s);
+ if (lane_section)
+ {
+ return lane_section->GetCenterOffset(s, lane_id);
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+RoadLink* Road::GetLink(LinkType type)
+ for (size_t i=0; i<link_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (link_[i]->GetType() == type)
+ {
+ return link_[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; // Link of requested type is missing
+void Road::AddLaneSection(LaneSection *lane_section)
+ // Adjust last elevation section length
+ if (lane_section_.size() > 0)
+ {
+ LaneSection *ls_previous = lane_section_.back();
+ ls_previous->SetLength(lane_section->GetS() - ls_previous->GetS());
+ }
+ lane_section->SetLength(length_ - lane_section->GetS());
+ lane_section_.push_back((LaneSection*)lane_section);
+bool Road::GetZAndPitchByS(double s, double *z, double *pitch, int *index)
+ if (GetNumberOfElevations() > 0)
+ {
+ if (*index < 0 || *index >= GetNumberOfElevations())
+ {
+ *index = 0;
+ }
+ Elevation *elevation = GetElevation(*index);
+ if (elevation == NULL)
+ {
+ LOG("Elevation error NULL, nelev: %d elev_idx: %d\n", GetNumberOfElevations(), *index);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (elevation && s > elevation->GetS() + elevation->GetLength())
+ {
+ while (s > elevation->GetS() + elevation->GetLength() && *index < GetNumberOfElevations() - 1)
+ {
+ // Move to next elevation section
+ elevation = GetElevation(++*index);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (elevation && s < elevation->GetS())
+ {
+ while (s < elevation->GetS() && *index > 0)
+ {
+ // Move to previous elevation section
+ elevation = GetElevation(--*index);
+ }
+ }
+ if (elevation)
+ {
+ double p = s - elevation->GetS();
+ *z = elevation->poly3_.Evaluate(p);
+ *pitch = -elevation->poly3_.EvaluatePrim(p);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ *z = 0;
+ return false;
+bool Road::UpdateZAndRollBySAndT(double s, double t, double *z, double *roll, int *index)
+ if (GetNumberOfSuperElevations() > 0)
+ {
+ if (*index < 0 || *index >= GetNumberOfSuperElevations())
+ {
+ *index = 0;
+ }
+ Elevation *super_elevation = GetSuperElevation(*index);
+ if (super_elevation == NULL)
+ {
+ LOG("Superelevation error NULL, nelev: %d elev_idx: %d\n", GetNumberOfSuperElevations(), *index);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (super_elevation && s > super_elevation->GetS() + super_elevation->GetLength())
+ {
+ while (s > super_elevation->GetS() + super_elevation->GetLength() && *index < GetNumberOfSuperElevations() - 1)
+ {
+ // Move to next elevation section
+ super_elevation = GetSuperElevation(++ *index);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (super_elevation && s < super_elevation->GetS())
+ {
+ while (s < super_elevation->GetS() && *index > 0)
+ {
+ // Move to previous elevation section
+ super_elevation = GetSuperElevation(-- *index);
+ }
+ }
+ if (super_elevation)
+ {
+ double ds = s - super_elevation->GetS();
+ *roll = super_elevation->poly3_.Evaluate(ds);
+ *z += sin(*roll) * (t + GetLaneOffset(s));
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+Road* OpenDrive::GetRoadById(int id)
+ for (size_t i=0; i<road_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (road_[i]->GetId() == id)
+ {
+ return road_[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+Road *OpenDrive::GetRoadByIdx(int idx)
+ if (idx >= 0 && idx < (int)road_.size())
+ {
+ return road_[idx];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+Geometry *OpenDrive::GetGeometryByIdx(int road_idx, int geom_idx)
+ if (road_idx >= 0 && road_idx < (int)road_.size())
+ {
+ return road_[road_idx]->GetGeometry(geom_idx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+Junction* OpenDrive::GetJunctionById(int id)
+ for (size_t i=0; i<junction_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (junction_[i]->GetId() == id)
+ {
+ return junction_[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+Junction *OpenDrive::GetJunctionByIdx(int idx)
+ if (idx >= 0 && idx < (int)junction_.size())
+ {
+ return junction_[idx];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("GetJunctionByIdx error (idx %d, njunctions %d)\n", idx, (int)junction_.size());
+ return 0;
+ }
+OpenDrive::OpenDrive(const char *filename)
+ if (!LoadOpenDriveFile(filename))
+ {
+ LOG("Error loading OpenDrive %s\n", filename);
+ throw std::invalid_argument("Failed to load OpenDrive file");
+ }
+void OpenDrive::InitGlobalLaneIds()
+ g_Lane_id = 0;
+ g_Laneb_id = 0;
+extern double glat0;// = 39.0677643;//39.1201777;
+extern double glon0;// = 117.3548368;//117.02802270;
+bool OpenDrive::LoadOpenDriveFile(const char *filename, bool replace)
+ mt_rand.seed((unsigned int)time(0));
+ if (replace)
+ {
+ InitGlobalLaneIds();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<road_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete road_[i];
+ }
+ road_.clear();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<junction_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete junction_[i];
+ }
+ junction_.clear();
+ }
+ odr_filename_ = filename;
+ if (odr_filename_ == "")
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ pugi::xml_document doc;
+ // First assume absolute path
+ pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(filename);
+ if (!result)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("OpenDRIVE");
+ if (node == NULL)
+ {
+ cout << "Root null" << endl;
+ throw std::invalid_argument("The file does not seem to be an OpenDRIVE");
+ }
+ pugi::xml_node nodeheader = node.child("header");
+ if(nodeheader != NULL)
+ {
+ glat0 = atof(nodeheader.attribute("lat0").value());
+ glon0 = atof(nodeheader.attribute("lon0").value());
+ }
+ for (pugi::xml_node road_node = node.child("road"); road_node; road_node = road_node.next_sibling("road"))
+ {
+ Road *r = new Road(atoi(road_node.attribute("id").value()), road_node.attribute("name").value());
+ r->SetLength(atof(road_node.attribute("length").value()));
+ r->SetJunction(atoi(road_node.attribute("junction").value()));
+ for (pugi::xml_node type_node = road_node.child("type"); type_node; type_node = type_node.next_sibling("type"))
+ {
+ RoadTypeEntry *r_type = new RoadTypeEntry();
+ std::string type = type_node.attribute("type").value();
+ if (type == "unknown")
+ {
+ r_type->road_type_ = roadmanager::RoadType::ROADTYPE_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ else if (type == "rural")
+ {
+ r_type->road_type_ = roadmanager::RoadType::ROADTYPE_RURAL;
+ }
+ else if (type == "motorway")
+ {
+ r_type->road_type_ = roadmanager::RoadType::ROADTYPE_MOTORWAY;
+ }
+ else if (type == "town")
+ {
+ r_type->road_type_ = roadmanager::RoadType::ROADTYPE_TOWN;
+ }
+ else if (type == "lowSpeed")
+ {
+ r_type->road_type_ = roadmanager::RoadType::ROADTYPE_LOWSPEED;
+ }
+ else if (type == "pedestrian")
+ {
+ r_type->road_type_ = roadmanager::RoadType::ROADTYPE_PEDESTRIAN;
+ }
+ else if (type == "bicycle")
+ {
+ r_type->road_type_ = roadmanager::RoadType::ROADTYPE_BICYCLE;
+ }
+ else if (type == "")
+ {
+ LOG("Missing road type - setting default (rural)");
+ r_type->road_type_ = roadmanager::RoadType::ROADTYPE_RURAL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unsupported road type: %s - assuming rural", type.c_str());
+ r_type->road_type_ = roadmanager::RoadType::ROADTYPE_RURAL;
+ }
+ r_type->s_ = atof(type_node.attribute("s").value());
+ // Check for optional speed record
+ pugi::xml_node speed = type_node.child("speed");
+ if (speed != NULL)
+ {
+ r_type->speed_ = atof(speed.attribute("max").value());
+ std::string unit = speed.attribute("unit").value();
+ if (unit == "km/h")
+ {
+ r_type->speed_ /= 3.6; // Convert to m/s
+ }
+ else if (unit == "mph")
+ {
+ r_type->speed_ *= 0.44704; // Convert to m/s
+ }
+ else if (unit == "m/s")
+ {
+ // SE unit - do nothing
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unsupported speed unit: %s - assuming SE unit m/s", unit.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ r->AddRoadType(r_type);
+ }
+ pugi::xml_node link = road_node.child("link");
+ if (link != NULL)
+ {
+ pugi::xml_node successor = link.child("successor");
+ if (successor != NULL)
+ {
+ r->AddLink(new RoadLink(SUCCESSOR, successor));
+ }
+ pugi::xml_node predecessor = link.child("predecessor");
+ if (predecessor != NULL)
+ {
+ r->AddLink(new RoadLink(PREDECESSOR, predecessor));
+ }
+ if (r->GetJunction() != -1)
+ {
+ // As connecting road it is expected to have connections in both ends
+ if (successor == NULL)
+ {
+ LOG("Warning: connecting road %d in junction %d lacks successor", r->GetId(), r->GetJunction());
+ }
+ if (predecessor == NULL)
+ {
+ LOG("Warning: connecting road %d in junction %d lacks predesessor", r->GetId(), r->GetJunction());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pugi::xml_node plan_view = road_node.child("planView");
+ if (plan_view != NULL)
+ {
+ for (pugi::xml_node geometry = plan_view.child("geometry"); geometry; geometry = geometry.next_sibling())
+ {
+ double s = atof(geometry.attribute("s").value());
+ double x = atof(geometry.attribute("x").value());
+ double y = atof(geometry.attribute("y").value());
+ double hdg = atof(geometry.attribute("hdg").value());
+ double length = atof(geometry.attribute("length").value());
+ pugi::xml_node type = geometry.last_child();
+ if (type != NULL)
+ {
+ // Find out the type of geometry
+ if (!strcmp(type.name(), "line"))
+ {
+ r->AddLine(new Line(s, x, y, hdg, length));
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(type.name(), "arc"))
+ {
+ double curvature = atof(type.attribute("curvature").value());
+ r->AddArc(new Arc(s, x, y, hdg, length, curvature));
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(type.name(), "spiral"))
+ {
+ double curv_start = atof(type.attribute("curvStart").value());
+ double curv_end = atof(type.attribute("curvEnd").value());
+ r->AddSpiral(new Spiral(s, x, y, hdg, length, curv_start, curv_end));
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(type.name(), "poly3"))
+ {
+ double a = atof(type.attribute("a").value());
+ double b = atof(type.attribute("b").value());
+ double c = atof(type.attribute("c").value());
+ double d = atof(type.attribute("d").value());
+ r->AddPoly3(new Poly3(s, x, y, hdg, length, a, b, c, d));
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(type.name(), "paramPoly3"))
+ {
+ double aU = atof(type.attribute("aU").value());
+ double bU = atof(type.attribute("bU").value());
+ double cU = atof(type.attribute("cU").value());
+ double dU = atof(type.attribute("dU").value());
+ double aV = atof(type.attribute("aV").value());
+ double bV = atof(type.attribute("bV").value());
+ double cV = atof(type.attribute("cV").value());
+ double dV = atof(type.attribute("dV").value());
+ ParamPoly3::PRangeType p_range = ParamPoly3::P_RANGE_NORMALIZED;
+ pugi::xml_attribute attr = type.attribute("pRange");
+ if (attr && !strcmp(attr.value(), "arcLength"))
+ {
+ p_range = ParamPoly3::P_RANGE_ARC_LENGTH;
+ }
+ ParamPoly3 *pp3 = new ParamPoly3(s, x, y, hdg, length, aU, bU, cU, dU, aV, bV, cV, dV, p_range);
+ if (pp3 != NULL)
+ {
+ r->AddParamPoly3(pp3);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("ParamPoly3: Major error\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "Unknown geometry type: " << type.name() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "Type == NULL" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pugi::xml_node elevation_profile = road_node.child("elevationProfile");
+ if (elevation_profile != NULL)
+ {
+ for (pugi::xml_node elevation = elevation_profile.child("elevation"); elevation; elevation = elevation.next_sibling())
+ {
+ double s = atof(elevation.attribute("s").value());
+ double a = atof(elevation.attribute("a").value());
+ double b = atof(elevation.attribute("b").value());
+ double c = atof(elevation.attribute("c").value());
+ double d = atof(elevation.attribute("d").value());
+ Elevation *ep = new Elevation(s, a, b, c, d);
+ if (ep != NULL)
+ {
+ r->AddElevation(ep);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Elevation: Major error\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pugi::xml_node super_elevation_profile = road_node.child("lateralProfile");
+ if (super_elevation_profile != NULL)
+ {
+ for (pugi::xml_node super_elevation = super_elevation_profile.child("superelevation"); super_elevation; super_elevation = super_elevation.next_sibling())
+ {
+ double s = atof(super_elevation.attribute("s").value());
+ double a = atof(super_elevation.attribute("a").value());
+ double b = atof(super_elevation.attribute("b").value());
+ double c = atof(super_elevation.attribute("c").value());
+ double d = atof(super_elevation.attribute("d").value());
+ Elevation *ep = new Elevation(s, a, b, c, d);
+ if (ep != NULL)
+ {
+ r->AddSuperElevation(ep);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("SuperElevation: Major error\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pugi::xml_node lanes = road_node.child("lanes");
+ if (lanes != NULL)
+ {
+ for (pugi::xml_node_iterator child = lanes.children().begin(); child != lanes.children().end(); child++)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(child->name(), "laneOffset"))
+ {
+ double s = atof(child->attribute("s").value());
+ double a = atof(child->attribute("a").value());
+ double b = atof(child->attribute("b").value());
+ double c = atof(child->attribute("c").value());
+ double d = atof(child->attribute("d").value());
+ r->AddLaneOffset(new LaneOffset(s, a, b, c, d));
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(child->name(), "laneSection"))
+ {
+ double s = atof(child->attribute("s").value());
+ LaneSection *lane_section = new LaneSection(s);
+ r->AddLaneSection(lane_section);
+ for (pugi::xml_node_iterator child2 = child->children().begin(); child2 != child->children().end(); child2++)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(child2->name(), "left"))
+ {
+ //LOG("Lane left\n");
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(child2->name(), "right"))
+ {
+ //LOG("Lane right\n");
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(child2->name(), "center"))
+ {
+ //LOG("Lane center\n");
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(child2->name(), "userData"))
+ {
+ // Not supported
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unsupported lane side: %s\n", child2->name());
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (pugi::xml_node_iterator lane_node = child2->children().begin(); lane_node != child2->children().end(); lane_node++)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(lane_node->name(), "lane"))
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected element: %s, expected \"lane\"\n", lane_node->name());
+ continue;
+ }
+ Lane::LaneType lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_NONE;
+ if (lane_node->attribute("type") == 0 || !strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), ""))
+ {
+ LOG("Lane type error");
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "none"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_NONE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "driving"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_DRIVING;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "stop"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_STOP;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "shoulder"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_SHOULDER;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "biking"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_BIKING;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "sidewalk"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_SIDEWALK;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "border"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_BORDER;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "restricted"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_RESTRICTED;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "parking"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_PARKING;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "bidirectional"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_BIDIRECTIONAL;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "median"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_MEDIAN;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "special1"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_SPECIAL1;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "special2"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_SPECIAL2;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "special3"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_SPECIAL3;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "roadmarks"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_ROADMARKS;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "tram"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_TRAM;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "rail"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_RAIL;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "entry") ||
+ !strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "mwyEntry"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_ENTRY;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "exit") ||
+ !strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "mwyExit"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_EXIT;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "offRamp"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_OFF_RAMP;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(lane_node->attribute("type").value(), "onRamp"))
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_ON_RAMP;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("unknown lane type: %s (road id=%d)\n", lane_node->attribute("type").value(), r->GetId());
+ }
+ int lane_id = atoi(lane_node->attribute("id").value());
+ // If lane ID == 0, make sure it's not a driving lane
+ if (lane_id == 0 && lane_type == Lane::LANE_TYPE_DRIVING)
+ {
+ lane_type = Lane::LANE_TYPE_NONE;
+ }
+ Lane *lane = new Lane(lane_id, lane_type);
+ if (lane == NULL)
+ {
+ LOG("Error: creating lane\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ lane_section->AddLane(lane);
+ // Link
+ pugi::xml_node lane_link = lane_node->child("link");
+ if (lane_link != NULL)
+ {
+ pugi::xml_node successor = lane_link.child("successor");
+ if (successor != NULL)
+ {
+ lane->AddLink(new LaneLink(SUCCESSOR, atoi(successor.attribute("id").value())));
+ }
+ pugi::xml_node predecessor = lane_link.child("predecessor");
+ if (predecessor != NULL)
+ {
+ lane->AddLink(new LaneLink(PREDECESSOR, atoi(predecessor.attribute("id").value())));
+ }
+ }
+ // Width
+ for (pugi::xml_node width = lane_node->child("width"); width; width = width.next_sibling("width"))
+ {
+ double s_offset = atof(width.attribute("sOffset").value());
+ double a = atof(width.attribute("a").value());
+ double b = atof(width.attribute("b").value());
+ double c = atof(width.attribute("c").value());
+ double d = atof(width.attribute("d").value());
+ lane->AddLaneWidth(new LaneWidth(s_offset, a, b, c, d));
+ }
+ // roadMark
+ for (pugi::xml_node roadMark = lane_node->child("roadMark"); roadMark; roadMark = roadMark.next_sibling("roadMark"))
+ {
+ // s_offset
+ double s_offset = atof(roadMark.attribute("sOffset").value());
+ // type
+ LaneRoadMark::RoadMarkType roadMark_type = LaneRoadMark::NONE_TYPE;
+ if (roadMark.attribute("type") == 0 || !strcmp(roadMark.attribute("type").value(), ""))
+ {
+ LOG("Lane road mark type error");
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("type").value(), "none"))
+ {
+ roadMark_type = LaneRoadMark::NONE_TYPE;
+ // None type indicates no roadmark, skip
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("type").value(), "solid"))
+ {
+ roadMark_type = LaneRoadMark::SOLID;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("type").value(), "broken"))
+ {
+ roadMark_type = LaneRoadMark::BROKEN;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("type").value(), "solid solid"))
+ {
+ roadMark_type = LaneRoadMark::SOLID_SOLID;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("type").value(), "solid broken"))
+ {
+ roadMark_type = LaneRoadMark::SOLID_BROKEN;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("type").value(), "broken solid"))
+ {
+ roadMark_type = LaneRoadMark::BROKEN_SOLID;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("type").value(), "broken broken"))
+ {
+ roadMark_type = LaneRoadMark::BROKEN_BROKEN;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("type").value(), "botts dots"))
+ {
+ roadMark_type = LaneRoadMark::BOTTS_DOTS;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("type").value(), "grass"))
+ {
+ roadMark_type = LaneRoadMark::GRASS;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("type").value(), "curb"))
+ {
+ roadMark_type = LaneRoadMark::CURB;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("unknown lane road mark type: %s (road id=%d)\n", roadMark.attribute("type").value(), r->GetId());
+ }
+ // weight - consider it optional with default value = STANDARD
+ LaneRoadMark::RoadMarkWeight roadMark_weight = LaneRoadMark::STANDARD;
+ if (roadMark.attribute("weight") != 0 && strcmp(roadMark.attribute("weight").value(), ""))
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("weight").value(), "standard"))
+ {
+ roadMark_weight = LaneRoadMark::STANDARD;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("weight").value(), "bold"))
+ {
+ roadMark_weight = LaneRoadMark::BOLD;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("unknown lane road mark weight: %s (road id=%d)\n", roadMark.attribute("type").value(), r->GetId());
+ }
+ }
+ // color - consider it optional with default value = STANDARD_COLOR
+ LaneRoadMark::RoadMarkColor roadMark_color = LaneRoadMark::STANDARD_COLOR;
+ if (roadMark.attribute("color") != 0 && strcmp(roadMark.attribute("color").value(), ""))
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("color").value(), "standard"))
+ {
+ roadMark_color = LaneRoadMark::STANDARD_COLOR;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("color").value(), "blue"))
+ {
+ roadMark_color = LaneRoadMark::BLUE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("color").value(), "green"))
+ {
+ roadMark_color = LaneRoadMark::GREEN;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("color").value(), "red"))
+ {
+ roadMark_color = LaneRoadMark::RED;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("color").value(), "white"))
+ {
+ roadMark_color = LaneRoadMark::WHITE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("color").value(), "yellow"))
+ {
+ roadMark_color = LaneRoadMark::YELLOW;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("unknown lane road mark color: %s (road id=%d)\n", roadMark.attribute("color").value(), r->GetId());
+ }
+ }
+ // material
+ LaneRoadMark::RoadMarkMaterial roadMark_material = LaneRoadMark::STANDARD_MATERIAL;
+ // laneChange
+ LaneRoadMark::RoadMarkLaneChange roadMark_laneChange = LaneRoadMark::NONE_LANECHANGE;
+ if (roadMark.attribute("laneChange") == 0 || !strcmp(roadMark.attribute("laneChange").value(), ""))
+ {
+ LOG("Lane road mark lane change error");
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("laneChange").value(), "none"))
+ {
+ roadMark_laneChange = LaneRoadMark::NONE_LANECHANGE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("laneChange").value(), "increase"))
+ {
+ roadMark_laneChange = LaneRoadMark::INCREASE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("laneChange").value(), "decrease"))
+ {
+ roadMark_laneChange = LaneRoadMark::DECREASE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(roadMark.attribute("laneChange").value(), "both"))
+ {
+ roadMark_laneChange = LaneRoadMark::BOTH;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("unknown lane road mark lane change: %s (road id=%d)\n", roadMark.attribute("laneChange").value(), r->GetId());
+ }
+ double roadMark_width = atof(roadMark.attribute("width").value());
+ double roadMark_height = atof(roadMark.attribute("height").value());
+ LaneRoadMark *lane_roadMark = new LaneRoadMark(s_offset, roadMark_type, roadMark_weight, roadMark_color,
+ roadMark_material, roadMark_laneChange, roadMark_width, roadMark_height);
+ lane->AddLaneRoadMark(lane_roadMark);
+ // sub_type
+ LaneRoadMarkType* lane_roadMarkType = 0;
+ for (pugi::xml_node sub_type = roadMark.child("type"); sub_type; sub_type = sub_type.next_sibling("type"))
+ {
+ if (sub_type != NULL)
+ {
+ std::string sub_type_name = sub_type.attribute("name").value();
+ double sub_type_width = atof(sub_type.attribute("width").value());
+ lane_roadMarkType = new LaneRoadMarkType(sub_type_name, sub_type_width);
+ lane_roadMark->AddType(lane_roadMarkType);
+ for (pugi::xml_node line = sub_type.child("line"); line; line = line.next_sibling("line"))
+ {
+ double length = atof(line.attribute("length").value());
+ double space = atof(line.attribute("space").value());
+ double t_offset = atof(line.attribute("t_offset").value());
+ double s_offset_l = atof(line.attribute("s_offset").value());
+ // rule
+ LaneRoadMarkTypeLine::RoadMarkTypeLineRule rule = LaneRoadMarkTypeLine::NONE;
+ if (line.attribute("rule") == 0 || !strcmp(line.attribute("rule").value(), ""))
+ {
+ LOG("Lane road mark type line rule error");
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(line.attribute("rule").value(), "none"))
+ {
+ rule = LaneRoadMarkTypeLine::NONE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(line.attribute("rule").value(), "caution"))
+ {
+ rule = LaneRoadMarkTypeLine::CAUTION;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(line.attribute("rule").value(), "no passing"))
+ {
+ rule = LaneRoadMarkTypeLine::NO_PASSING;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("unknown lane road mark type line rule: %s (road id=%d)\n", line.attribute("rule").value(), r->GetId());
+ }
+ double width = atof(line.attribute("width").value());
+ LaneRoadMarkTypeLine *lane_roadMarkTypeLine = new LaneRoadMarkTypeLine(length, space, t_offset, s_offset_l, rule, width);
+ lane_roadMarkType->AddLine(lane_roadMarkTypeLine);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (roadMark_type != LaneRoadMark::NONE_TYPE && lane_roadMarkType == 0)
+ {
+ if (roadMark_type == LaneRoadMark::SOLID ||
+ roadMark_type == LaneRoadMark::CURB)
+ {
+ lane_roadMarkType = new LaneRoadMarkType("stand-in", 0.15);
+ lane_roadMark->AddType(lane_roadMarkType);
+ LaneRoadMarkTypeLine::RoadMarkTypeLineRule rule = LaneRoadMarkTypeLine::NONE;
+ LaneRoadMarkTypeLine* lane_roadMarkTypeLine = new LaneRoadMarkTypeLine(0, 0, 0, 0, rule, 0.15);
+ lane_roadMarkType->AddLine(lane_roadMarkTypeLine);
+ }
+ else if (roadMark_type == LaneRoadMark::BROKEN ||
+ roadMark_type == LaneRoadMark::BROKEN_BROKEN)
+ {
+ lane_roadMarkType = new LaneRoadMarkType("stand-in", 0.15);
+ lane_roadMark->AddType(lane_roadMarkType);
+ LaneRoadMarkTypeLine::RoadMarkTypeLineRule rule = LaneRoadMarkTypeLine::NONE;
+ LaneRoadMarkTypeLine* lane_roadMarkTypeLine = new LaneRoadMarkTypeLine(4, 8, 0, 0, rule, 0.15);
+ lane_roadMarkType->AddLine(lane_roadMarkTypeLine);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("No road mark created for road %d lane %d. Type %d not supported. Either swich type or add a roadMark <type> element.", r->GetId(), lane_id, roadMark_type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unsupported lane type: %s\n", child->name());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pugi::xml_node signals = road_node.child("signals");
+ if (signals != NULL)
+ {
+ for (pugi::xml_node signal = signals.child("signal"); signal; signal = signal.next_sibling())
+ {
+ double s = atof(signal.attribute("s").value());
+ double t = atof(signal.attribute("t").value());
+ int ids = atoi(signal.attribute("id").value());
+ std::string name = signal.attribute("name").value();
+ // dynamic
+ bool dynamic = false;
+ if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("dynamic").value(), ""))
+ {
+ LOG("Signal dynamic check error");
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("dynamic").value(), "no"))
+ {
+ dynamic = false;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("rule").value(), "yes"))
+ {
+ dynamic = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("unknown dynamic signal identification: %s (road ids=%d)\n", signal.attribute("dynamic").value(), r->GetId());
+ }
+ // orientation
+ Signal::Orientation orientation = Signal::NONE;
+ if (signal.attribute("orientation") == 0 || !strcmp(signal.attribute("orientation").value(), ""))
+ {
+ LOG("Road signal orientation error");
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("orientation").value(), "none"))
+ {
+ orientation = Signal::NONE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("orientation").value(), "+"))
+ {
+ orientation = Signal::POSITIVE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("orientation").value(), "-"))
+ {
+ orientation = Signal::NEGATIVE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("unknown road signal orientation: %s (road ids=%d)\n", signal.attribute("orientation").value(), r->GetId());
+ }
+ double z_offset = atof(signal.attribute("zOffset").value());
+ std::string country = signal.attribute("country").value();
+ // type
+ Signal::Type type = Signal::NONETYPE;
+ if (signal.attribute("type") == 0 || !strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), ""))
+ {
+ LOG("Road signal type error");
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "none") || !strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "-1"))
+ {
+ type = Signal::NONETYPE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "1000001"))
+ {
+ type = Signal::T1000001;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "1000002"))
+ {
+ type = Signal::T1000002;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "1000007"))
+ {
+ type = Signal::T1000007;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "1000008"))
+ {
+ type = Signal::T1000008;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "1000009"))
+ {
+ type = Signal::T1000009;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "1000010"))
+ {
+ type = Signal::T1000010;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "1000011"))
+ {
+ type = Signal::T1000011;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "1000012"))
+ {
+ type = Signal::T1000012;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "1000013"))
+ {
+ type = Signal::T1000013;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "1000014"))
+ {
+ type = Signal::T1000014;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("type").value(), "1000015"))
+ {
+ type = Signal::T1000015;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("unknown road signal type: %s (road ids=%d)\n", signal.attribute("type").value(), r->GetId());
+ }
+ // sub_type
+ Signal::SubType sub_type = Signal::NONESUBTYPE;
+ if (signal.attribute("subtype") == 0 || !strcmp(signal.attribute("subtype").value(), ""))
+ {
+ LOG("Road signal sub-type error");
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("subtype").value(), "none") || !strcmp(signal.attribute("subtype").value(), "-1"))
+ {
+ sub_type = Signal::NONESUBTYPE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("subtype").value(), "10"))
+ {
+ sub_type = Signal::SUBT10;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("subtype").value(), "20"))
+ {
+ sub_type = Signal::SUBT20;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("subtype").value(), "30"))
+ {
+ sub_type = Signal::SUBT30;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("subtype").value(), "40"))
+ {
+ sub_type = Signal::SUBT40;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(signal.attribute("subtype").value(), "50"))
+ {
+ sub_type = Signal::SUBT50;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("unknown road signal sub-type: %s (road ids=%d)\n", signal.attribute("subtype").value(), r->GetId());
+ }
+ double value = atof(signal.attribute("value").value());
+ std::string unit = signal.attribute("unit").value();
+ double height = atof(signal.attribute("height").value());
+ double width = atof(signal.attribute("width").value());
+ std::string text = signal.attribute("text").value();
+ double h_offset = atof(signal.attribute("hOffset").value());
+ double pitch = atof(signal.attribute("pitch").value());
+ double roll = atof(signal.attribute("roll").value());
+ Signal *sig = new Signal(s, t, ids, name, dynamic, orientation, z_offset, country, type, sub_type, value, unit, height,
+ width, text, h_offset, pitch, roll);
+ if (sig != NULL)
+ {
+ r->AddSignal(sig);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Signal: Major error\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pugi::xml_node objects = road_node.child("objects");
+ if (objects != NULL)
+ {
+ for (pugi::xml_node object = objects.child("object"); object; object = object.next_sibling())
+ {
+ double s = atof(object.attribute("s").value());
+ double t = atof(object.attribute("t").value());
+ int ids = atoi(object.attribute("id").value());
+ std::string name = object.attribute("name").value();
+ // orientation
+ Object::Orientation orientation = Object::Orientation::NONE;
+ if (object.attribute("orientation") == 0 || !strcmp(object.attribute("orientation").value(), ""))
+ {
+ LOG("Road object orientation error");
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(object.attribute("orientation").value(), "none"))
+ {
+ orientation = Object::Orientation::NONE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(object.attribute("orientation").value(), "+"))
+ {
+ orientation = Object::Orientation::POSITIVE;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(object.attribute("orientation").value(), "-"))
+ {
+ orientation = Object::Orientation::NEGATIVE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("unknown road object orientation: %s (road ids=%d)\n", object.attribute("orientation").value(), r->GetId());
+ }
+ std::string type = object.attribute("type").value();
+ double z_offset = atof(object.attribute("zOffset").value());
+ double length = atof(object.attribute("length").value());
+ double height = atof(object.attribute("height").value());
+ double width = atof(object.attribute("width").value());
+ double heading = atof(object.attribute("hdg").value());
+ double pitch = atof(object.attribute("pitch").value());
+ double roll = atof(object.attribute("roll").value());
+ Object* obj = new Object(s, t, ids, name, orientation, z_offset, type, length, height,
+ width, heading, pitch, roll);
+ if (obj != NULL)
+ {
+ r->AddObject(obj);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Object: Major error\n");
+ }
+ pugi::xml_node outlines_node = object.child("outlines");
+ if (outlines_node != NULL)
+ {
+ for (pugi::xml_node outline_node = outlines_node.child("outline"); outline_node; outline_node = outline_node.next_sibling())
+ {
+ int id = atoi(outline_node.attribute("id").value());
+ bool closed = !strcmp(outline_node.attribute("closed").value(), "true") ? true : false;
+ Outline* outline = new Outline(id, Outline::FillType::FILL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, closed);
+ for (pugi::xml_node corner_node = outline_node.first_child(); corner_node; corner_node = corner_node.next_sibling())
+ {
+ OutlineCorner* corner = 0;
+ if (!strcmp(corner_node.name(), "cornerRoad"))
+ {
+ double sc = atof(corner_node.attribute("s").value());
+ double tc = atof(corner_node.attribute("t").value());
+ double dz = atof(corner_node.attribute("dz").value());
+ double heightc = atof(corner_node.attribute("height").value());
+ corner = (OutlineCorner*)(new OutlineCornerRoad(r->GetId(), sc, tc, dz, heightc));
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(corner_node.name(), "cornerLocal"))
+ {
+ double u = atof(corner_node.attribute("u").value());
+ double v = atof(corner_node.attribute("v").value());
+ double zLocal = atof(corner_node.attribute("z").value());
+ double heightc = atof(corner_node.attribute("height").value());
+ corner = (OutlineCorner*)(new OutlineCornerLocal(r->GetId(), obj->GetS(), obj->GetT(), u, v, zLocal, heightc, heading));
+ }
+ outline->AddCorner(corner);
+ }
+ obj->AddOutline(outline);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (r->GetNumberOfLaneSections() == 0)
+ {
+ // Add empty center reference lane
+ LaneSection *lane_section = new LaneSection(0.0);
+ lane_section->AddLane(new Lane(0, Lane::LANE_TYPE_NONE));
+ r->AddLaneSection(lane_section);
+ }
+ road_.push_back(r);
+ }
+ for (pugi::xml_node junction_node = node.child("junction"); junction_node; junction_node = junction_node.next_sibling("junction"))
+ {
+ int idj = atoi(junction_node.attribute("id").value());
+ std::string name = junction_node.attribute("name").value();
+ Junction *j = new Junction(idj, name);
+ for (pugi::xml_node connection_node = junction_node.child("connection"); connection_node; connection_node = connection_node.next_sibling("connection"))
+ {
+ if (connection_node != NULL)
+ {
+ int idc = atoi(connection_node.attribute("id").value());
+ (void)idc;
+ int incoming_road_id = atoi(connection_node.attribute("incomingRoad").value());
+ int connecting_road_id = atoi(connection_node.attribute("connectingRoad").value());
+ Road *incoming_road = GetRoadById(incoming_road_id);
+ Road *connecting_road = GetRoadById(connecting_road_id);
+ // Check that the connecting road is referring back to this junction
+ if (connecting_road->GetJunction() != j->GetId())
+ {
+ LOG("Warning: Connecting road (id %d) junction attribute (%d) is not referring back to junction %d which is making use of it",
+ connecting_road->GetId(), connecting_road->GetJunction(), j->GetId());
+ }
+ ContactPointType contact_point = CONTACT_POINT_UNKNOWN;
+ std::string contact_point_str = connection_node.attribute("contactPoint").value();
+ if (contact_point_str == "start")
+ {
+ contact_point = CONTACT_POINT_START;
+ }
+ else if (contact_point_str == "end")
+ {
+ contact_point = CONTACT_POINT_END;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unsupported contact point: %s\n", contact_point_str.c_str());
+ }
+ Connection *connection = new Connection(incoming_road, connecting_road, contact_point);
+ for (pugi::xml_node lane_link_node = connection_node.child("laneLink"); lane_link_node; lane_link_node = lane_link_node.next_sibling("laneLink"))
+ {
+ int from_id = atoi(lane_link_node.attribute("from").value());
+ int to_id = atoi(lane_link_node.attribute("to").value());
+ connection->AddJunctionLaneLink(from_id, to_id);
+ }
+ j->AddConnection(connection);
+ }
+ }
+ junction_.push_back(j);
+ }
+ // CheckConnections();
+ if (!SetRoadOSI())
+ {
+ LOG("Failed to create OSI points for OpenDrive road!");
+ }
+ return true;
+Connection::Connection(Road* incoming_road, Road *connecting_road, ContactPointType contact_point)
+ // Find corresponding road objects
+ incoming_road_ = incoming_road;
+ connecting_road_ = connecting_road;
+ contact_point_ = contact_point;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<lane_link_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete lane_link_[i];
+ }
+void Connection::AddJunctionLaneLink(int from, int to)
+ lane_link_.push_back(new JunctionLaneLink(from, to));
+int Connection::GetConnectingLaneId(int incoming_lane_id)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lane_link_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (lane_link_[i]->from_ == incoming_lane_id)
+ {
+ return lane_link_[i]->to_;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void Connection::Print()
+ LOG("Connection: incoming %d connecting %d\n", incoming_road_->GetId(), connecting_road_->GetId());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lane_link_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ lane_link_[i]->Print();
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<connection_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete connection_[i];
+ }
+int Junction::GetNumberOfRoadConnections(int roadId, int laneId)
+ int counter = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetNumberOfConnections(); i++)
+ {
+ Connection * connection = GetConnectionByIdx(i);
+ if (connection && connection->GetIncomingRoad() && roadId == connection->GetIncomingRoad()->GetId())
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < connection->GetNumberOfLaneLinks(); j++)
+ {
+ JunctionLaneLink *lane_link = connection->GetLaneLink(j);
+ if (laneId == lane_link->from_)
+ {
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return counter;
+LaneRoadLaneConnection Junction::GetRoadConnectionByIdx(int roadId, int laneId, int idx, int laneTypeMask)
+ int counter = 0;
+ LaneRoadLaneConnection lane_road_lane_connection;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetNumberOfConnections(); i++)
+ {
+ Connection *connection = GetConnectionByIdx(i);
+ if (connection && connection->GetIncomingRoad() && roadId == connection->GetIncomingRoad()->GetId())
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < connection->GetNumberOfLaneLinks(); j++)
+ {
+ JunctionLaneLink *lane_link = connection->GetLaneLink(j);
+ if (laneId == lane_link->from_)
+ {
+ if (counter == idx)
+ {
+ lane_road_lane_connection.SetLane(laneId);
+ lane_road_lane_connection.contact_point_ = connection->GetContactPoint();
+ lane_road_lane_connection.SetConnectingRoad(connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetId());
+ lane_road_lane_connection.SetConnectingLane(lane_link->to_);
+ // find out driving direction
+ int laneSectionId;
+ if (lane_link->to_ < 0)
+ {
+ laneSectionId = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ laneSectionId = connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetNumberOfLaneSections() - 1;
+ }
+ if (!(connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetLaneSectionByIdx(laneSectionId)->GetLaneById(lane_link->to_)->GetLaneType() & laneTypeMask))
+ {
+ LOG("OpenDrive::GetJunctionConnection target lane not driving! from %d, %d to %d, %d\n",
+ roadId, laneId, connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetId(), lane_link->to_);
+ }
+ return lane_road_lane_connection;
+ }
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// LOG("RoadConnection not found!");
+ return lane_road_lane_connection;
+int Junction::GetNoConnectionsFromRoadId(int incomingRoadId)
+ int counter = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetNumberOfConnections(); i++)
+ {
+ Connection * connection = GetConnectionByIdx(i);
+ if (connection && connection->GetIncomingRoad()->GetId() == incomingRoadId)
+ {
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ return counter;
+int Junction::GetConnectingRoadIdFromIncomingRoadId(int incomingRoadId, int index)
+ int counter = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetNumberOfConnections(); i++)
+ {
+ Connection * connection = GetConnectionByIdx(i);
+ if (connection && connection->GetIncomingRoad()->GetId() == incomingRoadId)
+ {
+ if (counter == index)
+ {
+ return GetConnectionByIdx(i)->GetConnectingRoad()->GetId();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+void Junction::Print()
+ LOG("Junction %d %s: \n", id_, name_.c_str());
+ for (size_t i=0; i<connection_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ connection_[i]->Print();
+ }
+bool RoadPath::CheckRoad(Road *checkRoad, RoadPath::PathNode *srcNode, Road *fromRoad)
+ RoadLink* nextLink = 0;
+ if (srcNode->link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::RoadLink::ELEMENT_TYPE_ROAD)
+ {
+ if (srcNode->link->GetContactPointType() == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_END)
+ {
+ nextLink = checkRoad->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nextLink = checkRoad->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (srcNode->link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_JUNCTION)
+ {
+ if (checkRoad->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR) &&
+ checkRoad->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR)->GetElementId() == fromRoad->GetId())
+ {
+ nextLink = checkRoad->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR);
+ }
+ else if (checkRoad->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR) &&
+ checkRoad->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR)->GetElementId() == fromRoad->GetId())
+ {
+ nextLink = checkRoad->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR);
+ }
+ }
+ if (nextLink == 0)
+ {
+ // end of road
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check if next node is already visited
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < visited_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (visited_[i]->link == nextLink)
+ {
+ // Already visited, ignore and return
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if next node is already among unvisited
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < unvisited_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (unvisited_[i]->link == nextLink)
+ {
+ // Consider it, i.e. calc distance and potentially store it (if less than old)
+ if (srcNode->dist + checkRoad->GetLength() < unvisited_[i]->dist)
+ {
+ unvisited_[i]->dist = srcNode->dist + checkRoad->GetLength();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == unvisited_.size())
+ {
+ // link not visited before, add it
+ PathNode *pNode = new PathNode;
+ pNode->dist = srcNode->dist + checkRoad->GetLength();
+ pNode->link = nextLink;
+ pNode->fromRoad = checkRoad;
+ pNode->previous = srcNode;
+ unvisited_.push_back(pNode);
+ }
+ return true;
+int RoadPath::Calculate(double &dist)
+ OpenDrive* odr = startPos_->GetOpenDrive();
+ RoadLink *link = 0;
+ Junction *junction = 0;
+ Road* startRoad = odr->GetRoadById(startPos_->GetTrackId());
+ Road* targetRoad = odr->GetRoadById(targetPos_->GetTrackId());
+ Road* pivotRoad = startRoad;
+ Road* nextRoad = startRoad;
+ bool found = false;
+ double tmpDist = 0;
+ size_t i;
+ // This method will find and measure the length of the shortest path
+ // between a start position and a target position
+ // The implementation is based on Dijkstra's algorithm
+ // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm
+ if (pivotRoad == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Invalid startpos road ID: %d", startPos_->GetTrackId());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Look both forward and backwards from start position
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ tmpDist = startPos_->GetS(); // distance to first road link is distance to start of road
+ link = pivotRoad->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR); // Find link to previous road or junction
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmpDist = pivotRoad->GetLength() - startPos_->GetS(); // distance to end of road
+ link = pivotRoad->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR); // Find link to previous road or junction
+ }
+ // If only forward direction would be of interest, add something like:
+ // if (abs(startPos_->GetHRelative()) > M_PI_2 && abs(startPos_->GetHRelative()) < 3 * M_PI / 2)
+ // then choose predecessor, else successor
+ if (link)
+ {
+ PathNode* pNode = new PathNode;
+ pNode->dist = tmpDist;
+ pNode->link = link;
+ pNode->fromRoad = pivotRoad;
+ pNode->previous = 0;
+ unvisited_.push_back(pNode);
+ }
+ }
+ if (startRoad == targetRoad)
+ {
+ dist = targetPos_->GetS() - startPos_->GetS();
+ // Special case: On same road, distance is equal to delta s
+ if (startPos_->GetLaneId() < 0)
+ {
+ if (startPos_->GetHRelative() > M_PI_2 && startPos_->GetHRelative() < 3 * M_PI_2)
+ {
+ // facing opposite road direction
+ dist *= -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // decreasing in lanes with positive IDs
+ dist *= -1;
+ if (startPos_->GetHRelative() < M_PI_2 || startPos_->GetHRelative() > 3 * M_PI_2)
+ {
+ // facing along road direction
+ dist *= -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (unvisited_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ // No links
+ dist = 0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 100 && !found && unvisited_.size() > 0; i++)
+ {
+ found = false;
+ // Find unvisited PathNode with shortest distance
+ double minDist = LARGE_NUMBER;
+ int minIndex = 0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < unvisited_.size(); j++)
+ {
+ if (unvisited_[j]->dist < minDist)
+ {
+ minIndex = (int)j;
+ minDist = unvisited_[j]->dist;
+ }
+ }
+ link = unvisited_[minIndex]->link;
+ tmpDist = unvisited_[minIndex]->dist;
+ pivotRoad = unvisited_[minIndex]->fromRoad;
+ // - Inspect all unvisited neighbor nodes (links), measure edge (road) distance to that link
+ // - Note the total distance
+ // - If not already in invisited list, put it there.
+ // - Update distance to this link if shorter than previously registered value
+ if (link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_ROAD)
+ {
+ // only one edge (road)
+ nextRoad = odr->GetRoadById(link->GetElementId());
+ if (nextRoad == targetRoad)
+ {
+ // Special case: On same road, distance is equal to delta s, direction considered
+ if (link->GetContactPointType() == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_START)
+ {
+ tmpDist += targetPos_->GetS();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmpDist += nextRoad->GetLength() - targetPos_->GetS();
+ }
+ found = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CheckRoad(nextRoad, unvisited_[minIndex], pivotRoad);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_JUNCTION)
+ {
+ // check all outgoing edges (connecting roads) from the link (junction)
+ junction = odr->GetJunctionById(link->GetElementId());
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < junction->GetNoConnectionsFromRoadId(pivotRoad->GetId()); j++)
+ {
+ nextRoad = odr->GetRoadById(junction->GetConnectingRoadIdFromIncomingRoadId(pivotRoad->GetId(), (int)j));
+ if (nextRoad == 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (nextRoad == targetRoad)
+ {
+ // Special case: On same road, distance is equal to delta s, direction considered
+ if (nextRoad->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR)->GetElementId() == pivotRoad->GetId())
+ {
+ tmpDist += targetPos_->GetS();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmpDist += nextRoad->GetLength() - targetPos_->GetS();
+ }
+ found = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CheckRoad(nextRoad, unvisited_[minIndex], pivotRoad);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Mark pivot link as visited (move it from unvisited to visited)
+ visited_.push_back(unvisited_[minIndex]);
+ unvisited_.erase(unvisited_.begin() + minIndex);
+ }
+ if (found)
+ {
+ // Find out whether the path goes forward or backwards from starting position
+ if (visited_.size() > 0)
+ {
+ RoadPath::PathNode* node = visited_.back();
+ while (node)
+ {
+ if (node->previous == 0)
+ {
+ // This is the first node - inspect whether it is in front or behind start position
+ if ((node->link == startRoad->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR) &&
+ abs(startPos_->GetHRelative()) > M_PI_2 && abs(startPos_->GetHRelative()) < 3 * M_PI / 2) ||
+ ((node->link == startRoad->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR) &&
+ abs(startPos_->GetHRelative()) < M_PI_2 || abs(startPos_->GetHRelative()) > 3 * M_PI / 2)))
+ {
+ direction_ = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ direction_ = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ node = node->previous;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dist = direction_ * tmpDist;
+ return found ? 0 : -1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < visited_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete(visited_[i]);
+ }
+ visited_.clear();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < unvisited_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete(unvisited_[i]);
+ }
+ unvisited_.clear();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < road_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete(road_[i]);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < junction_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete(junction_[i]);
+ }
+int OpenDrive::GetTrackIdxById(int id)
+ for (int i = 0; i<(int)road_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (road_[i]->GetId() == id)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ LOG("OpenDrive::GetTrackIdxById Error: Road id %d not found\n", id);
+ return -1;
+int OpenDrive::GetTrackIdByIdx(int idx)
+ if (idx >= 0 && idx < (int)road_.size())
+ {
+ return (road_[idx]->GetId());
+ }
+ LOG("OpenDrive::GetTrackIdByIdx: idx %d out of range [0:%d]\n", idx, (int)road_.size());
+ return 0;
+int OpenDrive::IsDirectlyConnected(int road1_id, int road2_id, double &angle)
+ Road *road1 = GetRoadById(road1_id);
+ Road *road2 = GetRoadById(road2_id);
+ RoadLink *link;
+ // Look from road 1, both ends, for road 2
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ link = road1->GetLink(i == 0 ? LinkType::SUCCESSOR : LinkType::PREDECESSOR);
+ if (link)
+ {
+ if (link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_ROAD)
+ {
+ if (link->GetElementId() == road2->GetId())
+ {
+ angle = 0;
+ return i == 0 ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_JUNCTION)
+ {
+ Junction *junction = GetJunctionById(link->GetElementId());
+ for (int j = 0; junction != NULL && j < junction->GetNumberOfConnections(); j++)
+ {
+ Connection *connection = junction->GetConnectionByIdx(j);
+ Position test_pos1;
+ Position test_pos2;
+ double heading1, heading2;
+ // check case where road1 is incoming road
+ if (connection->GetIncomingRoad() == NULL)
+ {
+ LOG("Junction %d connection %d missing incoming road", junction->GetId(), j);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (connection->GetConnectingRoad() == NULL)
+ {
+ LOG("Junction %d connection %d missing connecting road", junction->GetId(), j);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (connection->GetIncomingRoad()->GetId() == road1_id && connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetId() == road2_id)
+ {
+ test_pos1.SetLanePos(road2_id, 0, 0, 0);
+ test_pos2.SetLanePos(road2_id, 0, road2->GetLength(), 0);
+ if (connection->GetContactPoint() == CONTACT_POINT_END)
+ {
+ heading1 = test_pos2.GetH() + M_PI;
+ heading2 = test_pos1.GetH() + M_PI;
+ }
+ else if(connection->GetContactPoint() == CONTACT_POINT_START)
+ {
+ heading1 = test_pos1.GetH();
+ heading2 = test_pos2.GetH();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected contact point %d", connection->GetContactPoint());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ angle = GetAbsAngleDifference(heading1, heading2);
+ return i == 0 ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ // then check other case where road1 is outgoing from connecting road (connecting road is a road within junction)
+ else if (connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetId() == road2_id &&
+ ((connection->GetContactPoint() == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_START &&
+ connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR) && connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR)->GetElementId() == road1_id) ||
+ (connection->GetContactPoint() == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_END &&
+ connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR) && connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR)->GetElementId() == road1_id))
+ )
+ {
+ if (connection->GetContactPoint() == CONTACT_POINT_START) // connecting road ends up connecting to road_1
+ {
+ test_pos1.SetLanePos(road2_id, 0, road2->GetLength(), 0);
+ test_pos2.SetLanePos(road2_id, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR)->GetContactPointType() == CONTACT_POINT_START) // connecting to start of road_1
+ {
+ heading1 = test_pos2.GetH();
+ heading2 = test_pos1.GetH();
+ }
+ else if (connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR)->GetContactPointType() == CONTACT_POINT_END) // connecting to end of road_1
+ {
+ heading1 = test_pos2.GetH() + M_PI;
+ heading2 = test_pos1.GetH() + M_PI;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected contact point %d", connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR)->GetContactPointType());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (connection->GetContactPoint() == CONTACT_POINT_END) // connecting road start point connecting to road_1
+ {
+ test_pos1.SetLanePos(road2_id, 0, 0, 0);
+ test_pos2.SetLanePos(road2_id, 0, road2->GetLength(), 0);
+ if (connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR)->GetContactPointType() == CONTACT_POINT_START) // connecting to start of road_1
+ {
+ heading1 = test_pos2.GetH() + M_PI;
+ heading2 = test_pos1.GetH() + M_PI;
+ }
+ else if (connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR)->GetContactPointType() == CONTACT_POINT_END) // connecting to end of road_1
+ {
+ heading1 = test_pos2.GetH();
+ heading2 = test_pos1.GetH();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected contact point %d", connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR)->GetContactPointType());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected contact point %d", connection->GetContactPoint());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ angle = GetAbsAngleDifference(heading1, heading2);
+ return i == 0 ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool OpenDrive::IsIndirectlyConnected(int road1_id, int road2_id, int* &connecting_road_id, int* &connecting_lane_id, int lane1_id, int lane2_id)
+ Road *road1 = GetRoadById(road1_id);
+ Road *road2 = GetRoadById(road2_id);
+ RoadLink *link = 0;
+ LinkType link_type[2] = { SUCCESSOR , PREDECESSOR };
+ // Try both ends
+ for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
+ {
+ link = road1->GetLink(link_type[k]);
+ if (link == 0)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ LaneSection *lane_section = 0;
+ if (link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ELEMENT_TYPE_ROAD)
+ {
+ if (link->GetElementId() == road2->GetId())
+ {
+ if (lane1_id != 0 && lane2_id != 0)
+ {
+ // Check lane connected
+ if (link_type[k] == SUCCESSOR)
+ {
+ lane_section = road1->GetLaneSectionByIdx(road1->GetNumberOfLaneSections() - 1);
+ }
+ else if (link_type[k] == PREDECESSOR)
+ {
+ lane_section = road1->GetLaneSectionByIdx(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Error LinkType %d not suppoered\n", link_type[k]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (lane_section == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Error lane section == 0\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Lane *lane = lane_section->GetLaneById(lane1_id);
+ (void)lane;
+ if (!(lane_section->GetConnectingLaneId(lane1_id, link_type[k]) == lane2_id))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Now, check other end lane connectivitiy
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // check whether the roads are connected via a junction connecting road and specified lane
+ else if (link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ELEMENT_TYPE_JUNCTION)
+ {
+ Junction *junction = GetJunctionById(link->GetElementId());
+ for (int i = 0; i < junction->GetNumberOfConnections(); i++)
+ {
+ Connection *connection = junction->GetConnectionByIdx(i);
+ if (connection->GetIncomingRoad()->GetId() == road1_id)
+ {
+ Road* connecting_road = connection->GetConnectingRoad();
+ RoadLink* exit_link = 0;
+ // Found a connecting road - first check if this is the second road
+ if (connecting_road->GetId() == road2_id)
+ {
+ // Check lanes
+ for (int j = 0; j < connection->GetNumberOfLaneLinks(); j++)
+ {
+ if (connection->GetLaneLink(j)->from_ == lane1_id &&
+ connection->GetLaneLink(j)->to_ == lane2_id)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Then check if it connects to second road
+ if (connection->GetContactPoint() == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_START)
+ {
+ exit_link = connecting_road->GetLink(SUCCESSOR);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ exit_link = connecting_road->GetLink(PREDECESSOR);
+ }
+ if (exit_link->GetElementId() == road2_id)
+ {
+ // Finally check that lanes are connected through the junction
+ // Look at lane section and locate lane connecting both roads
+ // Assume connecting road has only one lane section
+ lane_section = connecting_road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(0);
+ if (lane_section == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Error lane section == 0\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < lane_section->GetNumberOfLanes(); j++)
+ {
+ Lane *lane = lane_section->GetLaneByIdx(j);
+ LaneLink *lane_link_predecessor = lane->GetLink(PREDECESSOR);
+ LaneLink *lane_link_successor = lane->GetLink(SUCCESSOR);
+ if (lane_link_predecessor == 0 || lane_link_successor == 0)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((connection->GetContactPoint() == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_START &&
+ lane_link_predecessor->GetId() == lane1_id &&
+ lane_link_successor->GetId() == lane2_id) ||
+ (connection->GetContactPoint() == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_END &&
+ lane_link_predecessor->GetId() == lane2_id &&
+ lane_link_successor->GetId() == lane1_id))
+ {
+ // Found link
+ if (connecting_road_id != 0)
+ {
+ *connecting_road_id = connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetId();
+ }
+ if (connecting_lane_id != 0)
+ {
+ *connecting_lane_id = lane->GetId();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Error: LinkElementType %d unsupported\n", link->GetElementType());
+ }
+ }
+ LOG("Link not found");
+ return false;
+int OpenDrive::CheckConnectedRoad(Road *road, RoadLink *link, ContactPointType expected_contact_point_type, RoadLink *link2)
+ if (link2 == 0)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (link2->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_ROAD)
+ {
+ if (link->GetElementId() == road->GetId())
+ {
+ if (link->GetContactPointType() != expected_contact_point_type)
+ {
+ LOG("Found connecting road from other end, but contact point is wrong (expected START, got %s)",
+ ContactPointType2Str(link->GetContactPointType()).c_str());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int OpenDrive::CheckJunctionConnection(Junction *junction, Connection *connection)
+ if (junction == 0)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Check if junction is referred to from the connected road
+ Road *road = connection->GetConnectingRoad();
+ if (road == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Error no connecting road");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ RoadLink *link[2];
+ link[0] = road->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR);
+ link[1] = road->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ if (link[i] != 0)
+ {
+ if (link[i]->GetElementType() != RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_ROAD)
+ {
+ LOG("Expected element type ROAD, found %s", link[i]->GetElementType());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (link[i]->GetElementId() != connection->GetIncomingRoad()->GetId())
+ {
+ // Check connection from this outgoing road
+ Road *roadc = GetRoadById(link[i]->GetElementId());
+ RoadLink *link2[2];
+ link2[0] = roadc->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR);
+ link2[1] = roadc->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR);
+ for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+ {
+ if (link2[j] != 0)
+ {
+ if (link2[j]->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_JUNCTION &&
+ link2[j]->GetElementId() == junction->GetId())
+ {
+ // Now finally find the reverse link
+ for (int k = 0; k < junction->GetNumberOfConnections(); k++)
+ {
+ if (junction->GetConnectionByIdx(k)->GetIncomingRoad() == roadc)
+ {
+ // Sharing same connecting road?
+ if (junction->GetConnectionByIdx(k)->GetConnectingRoad() == connection->GetConnectingRoad())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LOG("Warning: Missing reverse connection from road %d to %d via junction %d connecting road %d. Potential issue in the OpenDRIVE file.",
+ connection->GetIncomingRoad()->GetId(), roadc->GetId(), junction->GetId(), connection->GetConnectingRoad()->GetId());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+int OpenDrive::CheckLink(Road *road, RoadLink *link, ContactPointType expected_contact_point_type)
+ // does this connection exist in the other direction?
+ if (link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_ROAD)
+ {
+ Road *connecting_road = GetRoadById(link->GetElementId());
+ if (connecting_road != 0)
+ {
+ if (CheckConnectedRoad(road, link, expected_contact_point_type, connecting_road->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR)) == 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (CheckConnectedRoad(road, link, expected_contact_point_type, connecting_road->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR)) == 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Warning: Reversed road link %d->%d not found. Might be a flaw in the OpenDRIVE description.", road->GetId(), connecting_road->GetId());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_JUNCTION)
+ {
+ Junction *junction = GetJunctionById(link->GetElementId());
+ // Check all outgoing connections
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < junction->GetNumberOfConnections(); i++)
+ {
+ Connection *connection = junction->GetConnectionByIdx((int)i);
+ if (connection->GetIncomingRoad() == road)
+ {
+ CheckJunctionConnection(junction, connection);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int OpenDrive::CheckConnections()
+ int counter = 0;
+ RoadLink *link;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < road_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ // Check for connections
+ if ((link = road_[i]->GetLink(LinkType::PREDECESSOR)) != 0)
+ {
+ CheckLink(road_[i], link, ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_START);
+ }
+ if ((link = road_[i]->GetLink(LinkType::SUCCESSOR)) != 0)
+ {
+ CheckLink(road_[i], link, ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_END);
+ }
+ }
+ return counter;
+void OpenDrive::Print()
+ LOG("Roads:\n");
+ for (size_t i=0; i<road_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ road_[i]->Print();
+ }
+ LOG("junctions\n");
+ for (size_t i=0; i<junction_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ junction_[i]->Print();
+ }
+void Position::Init()
+ track_id_ = -1;
+ lane_id_ = 0;
+ s_ = 0.0;
+ s_route_ = 0.0;
+ s_trajectory_ = 0.0;
+ t_ = 0.0;
+ offset_ = 0.0;
+ x_ = 0.0;
+ y_ = 0.0;
+ z_ = 0.0;
+ h_ = 0.0;
+ p_ = 0.0;
+ r_ = 0.0;
+ velX_ = 0.0;
+ velY_ = 0.0;
+ velZ_ = 0.0;
+ accX_ = 0.0;
+ accY_ = 0.0;
+ accZ_ = 0.0;
+ h_rate_ = 0.0;
+ p_rate_ = 0.0;
+ r_rate_ = 0.0;
+ h_acc_ = 0.0;
+ p_acc_ = 0.0;
+ r_acc_ = 0.0;
+ h_offset_ = 0.0;
+ h_road_ = 0.0;
+ h_relative_ = 0.0;
+ curvature_ = 0.0;
+ p_road_ = 0.0;
+ p_relative_ = 0.0;
+ r_road_ = 0.0;
+ r_relative_ = 0.0;
+ rel_pos_ = 0;
+ type_ = PositionType::NORMAL;
+ orientation_type_ = OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE;
+ snapToLaneTypes_ = Lane::LaneType::LANE_TYPE_ANY_DRIVING;
+ status_ = 0;
+ lockOnLane_ = false;
+ z_road_ = 0.0;
+ track_idx_ = -1;
+ geometry_idx_ = -1;
+ lane_section_idx_ = -1;
+ lane_idx_ = -1;
+ elevation_idx_ = -1;
+ super_elevation_idx_ = -1;
+ route_ = 0;
+ trajectory_ = 0;
+ Init();
+Position::Position(int track_id, double s, double t)
+ Init();
+ SetTrackPos(track_id, s, t);
+Position::Position(int track_id, int lane_id, double s, double offset)
+ Init();
+ SetLanePos(track_id, lane_id, s, offset);
+Position::Position(double x, double y, double z, double h, double p, double r)
+ Init();
+ SetInertiaPos(x, y, z, h, p, r);
+Position::Position(double x, double y, double z, double h, double p, double r, bool calculateTrackPosition)
+ Init();
+ SetInertiaPos(x, y, z, h, p, r, calculateTrackPosition);
+bool Position::LoadOpenDrive(const char *filename)
+ return(GetOpenDrive()->LoadOpenDriveFile(filename));
+OpenDrive* Position::GetOpenDrive()
+ static OpenDrive od;
+ return &od;
+bool OpenDrive::CheckLaneOSIRequirement(std::vector<double> x0, std::vector<double> y0, std::vector<double> x1, std::vector<double> y1)
+ double x0_tan_diff, y0_tan_diff, x1_tan_diff, y1_tan_diff;
+ x0_tan_diff = x0[2]-x0[0];
+ y0_tan_diff = y0[2]-y0[0];
+ x1_tan_diff = x1[2]-x1[0];
+ y1_tan_diff = y1[2]-y1[0];
+ // Avoiding Zero Denominator in OSI point calculations
+ if(x0_tan_diff == 0) {x0_tan_diff+=0.001; }
+ if(y0_tan_diff == 0) {y0_tan_diff+=0.001; }
+ if(x1_tan_diff == 0) {x1_tan_diff+=0.001; }
+ if(y1_tan_diff == 0) {y1_tan_diff+=0.001; }
+ // Creating tangent line around the point (First Point) with given tolerance
+ double k_0 = y0_tan_diff/x0_tan_diff;
+ double m_0 = y0[1] - k_0*x0[1];
+ // Creating tangent line around the point (Second Point) with given tolerance
+ double k_1 = y1_tan_diff/x1_tan_diff;
+ double m_1 = y1[1] - k_1*x1[1];
+ // Intersection point of the tangent lines
+ double intersect_tangent_x = (m_0 - m_1) / (k_1 - k_0);
+ double intersect_tangent_y = k_0*intersect_tangent_x + m_0;
+ // Creating real line between the First Point and Second Point
+ double k = (y1[1] - y0[1]) / (x1[1] - x0[1]);
+ double m = y0[1] - k*x0[1];
+ // The maximum distance can be found between the real line and a tangent line: passing through [u_intersect, y_intersect] with slope "k"
+ // The perpendicular line to the tangent line can be formulated as f(Q) = intersect_tangent_y + (intersect_tangent_x / k) - Q/k
+ // Then the point on the real line which gives maximum distance -> f(Q) = k*Q + m
+ double intersect_x = (intersect_tangent_y + (intersect_tangent_x/k) - m) / (k + 1/k);
+ double intersect_y = k*intersect_x + m;
+ double max_distance = sqrt(pow(intersect_y-intersect_tangent_y,2) + pow(intersect_x-intersect_tangent_x,2));
+ // Max distance can be "nan" when the lane is perfectly straigt and hence k = 0.
+ // In this case, it satisfies OSI_LANE_CALC_REQUIREMENT since it is a perfect line
+ if (max_distance < SE_Env::Inst().GetOSIMaxLateralDeviation() || isnan(max_distance))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+void OpenDrive::SetLaneOSIPoints()
+ // Initialization
+ Position* pos = new roadmanager::Position();
+ Road *road;
+ LaneSection *lsec;
+ Lane *lane;
+ int number_of_lane_sections, number_of_lanes, counter;
+ double lsec_end;
+ std::vector<OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct> osi_point;
+ std::vector<double> x0, y0, x1, y1;
+ double s0, s1, s1_prev;
+ bool osi_requirement;
+ double max_segment_length = SE_Env::Inst().GetOSIMaxLongitudinalDistance();
+ // Looping through each road
+ for (int i=0; i<road_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ road = road_[i];
+ if (road->GetNumberOfSuperElevations() > 0)
+ {
+ // If road has lateral profile, then increase sampling resolution
+ max_segment_length = 0.1 * SE_Env::Inst().GetOSIMaxLongitudinalDistance();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ max_segment_length = SE_Env::Inst().GetOSIMaxLongitudinalDistance();
+ }
+ // Looping through each lane section
+ number_of_lane_sections = road_[i]->GetNumberOfLaneSections();
+ for (int j=0; j<number_of_lane_sections; j++)
+ {
+ // Get the ending position of the current lane section
+ lsec = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(j);
+ if (j == number_of_lane_sections-1)
+ {
+ lsec_end = road->GetLength();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lsec_end = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(j+1)->GetS();
+ }
+ // Starting points of the each lane section for OSI calculations
+ s0 = lsec->GetS();
+ s1_prev = s0;
+ // Looping through each lane
+ number_of_lanes = lsec->GetNumberOfLanes();
+ for (int k=0; k<number_of_lanes; k++)
+ {
+ lane = lsec->GetLaneByIdx(k);
+ counter = 0;
+ // Looping through sequential points along the track determined by "OSI_POINT_CALC_STEPSIZE"
+ while(true)
+ {
+ counter++;
+ // Make sure we stay within lane section length
+ s1 = MIN(s1, lsec_end - OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE);
+ // [XO, YO] = closest position with given (-) tolerance
+ pos->SetLanePos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), MAX(0, s0-OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE), 0, j);
+ x0.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y0.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // [XO, YO] = Real position with no tolerance
+ pos->SetLanePos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), s0, 0, j);
+ x0.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y0.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // Add the starting point of each lane as osi point
+ if (counter == 1)
+ {
+ OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct p = { s0, pos->GetX(), pos->GetY(), pos->GetZ(), pos->GetHRoad() };
+ osi_point.push_back(p);
+ }
+ // [XO, YO] = closest position with given (+) tolerance
+ pos->SetLanePos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), s0+OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE, 0, j);
+ x0.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y0.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // [X1, Y1] = closest position with given (-) tolerance
+ pos->SetLanePos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), s1-OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE, 0, j);
+ x1.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y1.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // [X1, Y1] = Real position with no tolerance
+ pos->SetLanePos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), s1, 0, j);
+ x1.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y1.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // [X1, Y1] = closest position with given (+) tolerance
+ pos->SetLanePos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), s1+OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE, 0, j);
+ x1.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y1.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // Check OSI Requirement between current given points
+ if (x1[1]-x0[1] != 0 && y1[1]-y0[1] != 0)
+ {
+ osi_requirement = CheckLaneOSIRequirement(x0, y0, x1, y1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ osi_requirement = true;
+ }
+ // If requirement is satisfied -> look further points
+ // If requirement is not satisfied:
+ // Assign last unique satisfied point as OSI point
+ // Continue searching from the last satisfied point
+ if ((osi_requirement && s1 - s0 < max_segment_length) || s1 - s0 < 0.1)
+ {
+ s1_prev = s1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ {
+ // Back to last point and try smaller step forward
+ s1_prev = s1;
+ s1 = MIN(s0 + (s1 - s0) * 0.5, lsec_end - OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s0 = s1_prev;
+ s1_prev = s1;
+ if (counter != 1)
+ {
+ pos->SetLanePos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), s0, 0, j);
+ OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct p = { s0, pos->GetX(), pos->GetY(), pos->GetZ(), pos->GetHRoad() };
+ osi_point.push_back(p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If the end of the lane reached, assign end of the lane as final OSI point for current lane
+ if (s1 + OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE >= lsec_end)
+ {
+ pos->SetLanePos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), MAX(0, lsec_end-SMALL_NUMBER), 0, j);
+ OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct p = { lsec_end, pos->GetX(), pos->GetY(), pos->GetZ(), pos->GetHRoad() };
+ osi_point.push_back(p);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Clear x-y collectors for next iteration
+ x0.clear();
+ y0.clear();
+ x1.clear();
+ y1.clear();
+ }
+ // Set all collected osi points for the current lane
+ lane->osi_points_.Set(osi_point);
+ // Clear osi collectors for next iteration
+ osi_point.clear();
+ // Re-assign the starting point of the next lane as the start point of the current lane section for OSI calculations
+ s0 = lsec->GetS();
+ s1_prev = s0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void OpenDrive::SetLaneBoundaryPoints()
+ // Initialization
+ Position* pos = new roadmanager::Position();
+ Road *road;
+ LaneSection *lsec;
+ Lane *lane;
+ int number_of_lane_sections, number_of_lanes, counter;
+ double lsec_end;
+ std::vector<double> x0, y0, x1, y1;
+ std::vector<OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct> osi_point;
+ double s0, s1, s1_prev;
+ bool osi_requirement;
+ double max_segment_length = SE_Env::Inst().GetOSIMaxLongitudinalDistance();
+ // Looping through each road
+ for (int i=0; i<road_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ road = road_[i];
+ if (road->GetNumberOfSuperElevations() > 0)
+ {
+ // If road has lateral profile, then increase sampling resolution
+ max_segment_length = 0.1 * SE_Env::Inst().GetOSIMaxLongitudinalDistance();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ max_segment_length = SE_Env::Inst().GetOSIMaxLongitudinalDistance();
+ }
+ // Looping through each lane section
+ number_of_lane_sections = road_[i]->GetNumberOfLaneSections();
+ for (int j=0; j<number_of_lane_sections; j++)
+ {
+ // Get the ending position of the current lane section
+ lsec = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(j);
+ if (j == number_of_lane_sections-1)
+ {
+ lsec_end = road->GetLength();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lsec_end = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(j+1)->GetS();
+ }
+ // Starting points of the each lane section for OSI calculations
+ s0 = lsec->GetS();
+ s1_prev = s0;
+ // Looping through each lane
+ number_of_lanes = lsec->GetNumberOfLanes();
+ for (int k=0; k<number_of_lanes; k++)
+ {
+ lane = lsec->GetLaneByIdx(k);
+ counter = 0;
+ int n_roadmarks = lane->GetNumberOfRoadMarks();
+ if (n_roadmarks == 0)
+ {
+ // Looping through sequential points along the track determined by "OSI_POINT_CALC_STEPSIZE"
+ while(true)
+ {
+ counter++;
+ // Make sure we stay within lane section length
+ s1 = MIN(s1, lsec_end - OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE);
+ // [XO, YO] = closest position with given (-) tolerance
+ pos->SetLaneBoundaryPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), MAX(0, s0-OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE), 0, j);
+ x0.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y0.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // [XO, YO] = Real position with no tolerance
+ pos->SetLaneBoundaryPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), s0, 0, j);
+ x0.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y0.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // Add the starting point of each lane as osi point
+ if (counter == 1)
+ {
+ OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct p = { s0, pos->GetX(), pos->GetY(), pos->GetZ(), pos->GetHRoad() };
+ osi_point.push_back(p);
+ }
+ // [XO, YO] = closest position with given (+) tolerance
+ pos->SetLaneBoundaryPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), s0+OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE, 0, j);
+ x0.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y0.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // [X1, Y1] = closest position with given (-) tolerance
+ pos->SetLaneBoundaryPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), s1-OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE, 0, j);
+ x1.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y1.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // [X1, Y1] = Real position with no tolerance
+ pos->SetLaneBoundaryPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), s1, 0, j);
+ x1.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y1.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // [X1, Y1] = closest position with given (+) tolerance
+ pos->SetLaneBoundaryPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), s1+OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE, 0, j);
+ x1.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y1.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // Check OSI Requirement between current given points
+ if (x1[1]-x0[1] != 0 && y1[1]-y0[1] != 0)
+ {
+ osi_requirement = CheckLaneOSIRequirement(x0, y0, x1, y1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ osi_requirement = true;
+ }
+ // If requirement is satisfied -> look further points
+ // If requirement is not satisfied:
+ // Assign last satisfied point as OSI point
+ // Continue searching from the last satisfied point
+ if (osi_requirement && s1 - s0 < max_segment_length)
+ {
+ s1_prev = s1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s0 = s1_prev;
+ s1_prev = s1;
+ if (counter != 1)
+ {
+ pos->SetLaneBoundaryPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), s0, 0, j);
+ OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct p = { s0, pos->GetX(), pos->GetY(), pos->GetZ(), pos->GetHRoad() };
+ osi_point.push_back(p);
+ }
+ }
+ // If the end of the lane reached, assign end of the lane as final OSI point for current lane
+ if (s1 + OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE >= lsec_end)
+ {
+ pos->SetLaneBoundaryPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), MAX(0, lsec_end - SMALL_NUMBER), 0, j);
+ OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct p = { lsec_end, pos->GetX(), pos->GetY(), pos->GetZ(), pos->GetHRoad() };
+ osi_point.push_back(p);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Clear x-y collectors for next iteration
+ x0.clear();
+ y0.clear();
+ x1.clear();
+ y1.clear();
+ }
+ // Initialization of LaneBoundary class
+ LaneBoundaryOSI * lb = new LaneBoundaryOSI((int)0);
+ // add the lane boundary class to the lane class and generating the global id
+ lane->SetLaneBoundary(lb);
+ //Fills up the osi points in the lane boundary class
+ lb->osi_points_.Set(osi_point);
+ // Clear osi collectors for next iteration
+ osi_point.clear();
+ // Re-assign the starting point of the next lane as the start point of the current lane section for OSI calculations
+ s0 = lsec->GetS();
+ s1_prev = s0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void OpenDrive::SetRoadMarkOSIPoints()
+ // Initialization
+ Position* pos = new roadmanager::Position();
+ Road *road;
+ LaneSection *lsec;
+ Lane *lane;
+ LaneRoadMark *lane_roadMark;
+ LaneRoadMarkType *lane_roadMarkType;
+ LaneRoadMarkTypeLine *lane_roadMarkTypeLine;
+ int number_of_lane_sections, number_of_lanes, number_of_roadmarks, number_of_roadmarktypes, number_of_roadmarklines, counter;
+ double s0, s1, s1_prev, lsec_end, s_roadmark, s_end_roadmark, s_roadmarkline, s_end_roadmarkline;
+ std::vector<double> x0, y0, x1, y1;
+ std::vector<OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct> osi_point;
+ bool osi_requirement;
+ double max_segment_length = SE_Env::Inst().GetOSIMaxLongitudinalDistance();
+ // Looping through each road
+ for (int i=0; i<road_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ road = road_[i];
+ if (road->GetNumberOfSuperElevations() > 0)
+ {
+ // If road has lateral profile, then increase sampling resolution
+ max_segment_length = 0.1 * SE_Env::Inst().GetOSIMaxLongitudinalDistance();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ max_segment_length = SE_Env::Inst().GetOSIMaxLongitudinalDistance();
+ }
+ // Looping through each lane section
+ number_of_lane_sections = road_[i]->GetNumberOfLaneSections();
+ for (int j=0; j<number_of_lane_sections; j++)
+ {
+ // Get the ending position of the current lane section
+ lsec = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(j);
+ if (j == number_of_lane_sections-1)
+ {
+ lsec_end = road->GetLength();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lsec_end = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(j+1)->GetS();
+ }
+ // Looping through each lane
+ number_of_lanes = lsec->GetNumberOfLanes();
+ for (int k=0; k<number_of_lanes; k++)
+ {
+ lane = lsec->GetLaneByIdx(k);
+ // Looping through each roadMark within the lane
+ number_of_roadmarks = lane->GetNumberOfRoadMarks();
+ if (number_of_roadmarks != 0)
+ {
+ for (int m=0; m<number_of_roadmarks; m++)
+ {
+ lane_roadMark = lane->GetLaneRoadMarkByIdx(m);
+ s_roadmark = lsec->GetS() + lane_roadMark->GetSOffset();
+ if (m == number_of_roadmarks-1)
+ {
+ s_end_roadmark = MAX(0, lsec_end - SMALL_NUMBER);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s_end_roadmark = MAX(0, lsec->GetS() + lane->GetLaneRoadMarkByIdx(m+1)->GetSOffset() - SMALL_NUMBER);
+ }
+ // Check the existence of "type" keyword under roadmark
+ number_of_roadmarktypes = lane_roadMark->GetNumberOfRoadMarkTypes();
+ if (number_of_roadmarktypes != 0)
+ {
+ lane_roadMarkType = lane_roadMark->GetLaneRoadMarkTypeByIdx(0);
+ number_of_roadmarklines = lane_roadMarkType->GetNumberOfRoadMarkTypeLines();
+ // Looping through each roadmarkline under roadmark
+ for (int n=0; n<number_of_roadmarklines; n++)
+ {
+ lane_roadMarkTypeLine = lane_roadMarkType->GetLaneRoadMarkTypeLineByIdx(n);
+ s_roadmarkline = s_roadmark + lane_roadMarkTypeLine->GetSOffset();
+ if (lane_roadMarkTypeLine != 0)
+ {
+ if (n == number_of_roadmarklines-1)
+ {
+ s_end_roadmarkline = s_end_roadmark;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s_end_roadmarkline = lsec->GetS() + lane_roadMarkType->GetLaneRoadMarkTypeLineByIdx(n + 1)->GetSOffset();
+ }
+ if (lane_roadMark->GetType() == LaneRoadMark::RoadMarkType::BROKEN)
+ {
+ // Setting OSI points for each roadmarkline
+ while(true)
+ {
+ pos->SetRoadMarkPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), m, 0, n, s_roadmarkline, 0, j);
+ OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct p = { s_roadmarkline, pos->GetX(), pos->GetY(), pos->GetZ(), pos->GetHRoad() };
+ osi_point.push_back(p);
+ pos->SetRoadMarkPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), m, 0, n, s_roadmarkline+lane_roadMarkTypeLine->GetLength(), 0, j);
+ p = { s_roadmarkline + lane_roadMarkTypeLine->GetLength(), pos->GetX(), pos->GetY(), pos->GetZ(), pos->GetHRoad() };
+ osi_point.push_back(p);
+ s_roadmarkline += lane_roadMarkTypeLine->GetLength() + lane_roadMarkTypeLine->GetSpace();
+ if (s_roadmarkline < SMALL_NUMBER || s_roadmarkline > s_end_roadmarkline - SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ if (s_roadmarkline < SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ LOG("Roadmark length + space = 0 - ignoring");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (lane_roadMark->GetType() == LaneRoadMark::RoadMarkType::SOLID)
+ {
+ s0 = s_roadmarkline;
+ s1_prev = s0;
+ counter = 0;
+ while(true)
+ {
+ counter++;
+ // Make sure we stay within road length
+ s1 = MIN(s1, road->GetLength() - OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE);
+ // [XO, YO] = closest position with given (-) tolerance
+ pos->SetRoadMarkPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), m, 0, n, s0-OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE, 0, j);
+ x0.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y0.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // [XO, YO] = Real position with no tolerance
+ pos->SetRoadMarkPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), m, 0, n, s0, 0, j);
+ x0.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y0.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // Add the starting point of each lane as osi point
+ if (counter == 1)
+ {
+ OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct p = { s0, pos->GetX(), pos->GetY(), pos->GetZ(), pos->GetHRoad() };
+ osi_point.push_back(p);
+ }
+ // [XO, YO] = closest position with given (+) tolerance
+ pos->SetRoadMarkPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), m, 0, n, s0+OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE, 0, j);
+ x0.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y0.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // [X1, Y1] = closest position with given (-) tolerance
+ pos->SetRoadMarkPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), m, 0, n, s1-OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE, 0, j);
+ x1.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y1.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // [X1, Y1] = Real position with no tolerance
+ pos->SetRoadMarkPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), m, 0, n, s1, 0, j);
+ x1.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y1.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // [X1, Y1] = closest position with given (+) tolerance
+ pos->SetRoadMarkPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), m, 0, n, s1+OSI_TANGENT_LINE_TOLERANCE, 0, j);
+ x1.push_back(pos->GetX());
+ y1.push_back(pos->GetY());
+ // Check OSI Requirement between current given points
+ osi_requirement = CheckLaneOSIRequirement(x0, y0, x1, y1);
+ // If requirement is satisfied -> look further points
+ // If requirement is not satisfied:
+ // Assign last satisfied point as OSI point
+ // Continue searching from the last satisfied point
+ if (osi_requirement && s1 - s0 < max_segment_length)
+ {
+ s1_prev = s1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s0 = s1_prev;
+ s1_prev = s1;
+ if (counter != 1)
+ {
+ pos->SetRoadMarkPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), m, 0, n, s0, 0, j);
+ OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct p = { s0, pos->GetX(), pos->GetY(), pos->GetZ(), pos->GetHRoad() };
+ osi_point.push_back(p);
+ }
+ }
+ // If the end of the road mark line reached, assign end of the road mark line as final OSI point for current road mark line
+ if (s1 > s_end_roadmarkline - SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ pos->SetRoadMarkPos(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), m, 0, n, s_end_roadmarkline, 0, j);
+ OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct p = { s_end_roadmarkline, pos->GetX(), pos->GetY(), pos->GetZ(), pos->GetHRoad() };
+ osi_point.push_back(p);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Clear x-y collectors for next iteration
+ x0.clear();
+ y0.clear();
+ x1.clear();
+ y1.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ // Set all collected osi points for the current lane rpadmarkline
+ lane_roadMarkTypeLine->osi_points_.Set(osi_point);
+ // Clear osi collectors for roadmarks for next iteration
+ osi_point.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("LaneRoadMarkTypeLine %d for LaneRoadMarkType for LaneRoadMark %d for lane %d is not defined", n, m, lane->GetId());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+bool OpenDrive::SetRoadOSI()
+ LOG("Generating OSI lanes");
+ SetLaneOSIPoints();
+ LOG("Generating OSI road marks");
+ SetRoadMarkOSIPoints();
+ LOG("Generating OSI lane boundaries");
+ SetLaneBoundaryPoints();
+ LOG("OSI road features done");
+ return true;
+int LaneSection::GetClosestLaneIdx(double s, double t, double &offset, bool noZeroWidth, int laneTypeMask)
+ double min_offset = t; // Initial offset relates to reference line
+ int candidate_lane_idx = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetNumberOfLanes(); i++) // Search through all lanes
+ {
+ int lane_id = GetLaneIdByIdx(i);
+ double laneCenterOffset = SIGN(lane_id) * GetCenterOffset(s, lane_id);
+ // Only consider lanes with matching lane type
+ if (laneTypeMask & GetLaneById(lane_id)->GetLaneType() && (!noZeroWidth || GetWidth(s, lane_id) > SMALL_NUMBER))
+ {
+ if (candidate_lane_idx == -1 || fabs(t - laneCenterOffset) < fabs(min_offset))
+ {
+ min_offset = t - laneCenterOffset;
+ candidate_lane_idx = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ offset = min_offset;
+ if (candidate_lane_idx == -1)
+ {
+ // Fall back to reference lane
+ candidate_lane_idx = GetLaneIdxById(0);
+ }
+ return candidate_lane_idx;
+int Position::GotoClosestDrivingLaneAtCurrentPosition()
+ Road *road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_);
+ if (road == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("No road %d", track_idx_);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ LaneSection *lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ if (lane_section == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("No lane section for idx %d - keeping current lane setting\n", lane_section_idx_);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ double offset;
+ int lane_idx = lane_section->GetClosestLaneIdx(s_, t_, offset, true);
+ if (lane_idx == -1)
+ {
+ LOG("Failed to find a valid drivable lane");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ lane_id_ = lane_section->GetLaneIdByIdx(lane_idx);
+ offset_ = offset;
+ return 0;
+void Position::Track2Lane()
+ Road *road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_);
+ if (road == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Track2Lane Error: No road %d\n", track_idx_);
+ return;
+ }
+ Geometry *geometry = road->GetGeometry(geometry_idx_);
+ if (geometry == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Track2Lane Error: No geometry %d\n", geometry_idx_);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find LaneSection according to s, starting from current
+ int lane_section_idx = road->GetLaneSectionIdxByS(s_, lane_section_idx_);
+ LaneSection *lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx);
+ if (lane_section == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("No lane section for idx %d - keeping current lane setting", lane_section_idx_);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find the closest driving lane within the lane section
+ double offset;
+ int lane_idx = lane_section->GetClosestLaneIdx(s_, t_, offset, true, snapToLaneTypes_);
+ if (lane_idx == -1)
+ {
+ LOG("Failed find closest lane");
+ return;
+ }
+ offset_ = offset;
+ // Update cache indices
+ lane_idx_ = lane_idx;
+ lane_id_ = lane_section->GetLaneIdByIdx(lane_idx_);
+ lane_section_idx_ = lane_section_idx;
+int Position::XYZH2TrackPos(double x3, double y3, double z3, double h3, bool alignZPitchRoll)
+ // Overall method:
+ // 1. Iterate over all roads, looking at OSI points of each lane sections center line (lane 0)
+ // 2. Identify line segment (between two OSI points) closest to xyz point
+ // 3. Identify which vertex of the line is closest
+ // 4. Given the normals of lines on each side of the vertex, identify which line the points projects onto
+ // 5. The s value for projected xyz point on the line segment corresponds to the rate
+ // between angle from xyz point to projected point and the difference of angle normals
+ Road *road, *current_road = 0;
+ Road *roadMin = 0;
+ bool directlyConnected = false;
+ double weight = 0; // Add some resistance to switch from current road, applying a stronger bound to current road
+ double angle = 0;
+ bool search_done = false;
+ double closestS = 0;
+ int j2, k2, jMin=-1, kMin=-1, jMinLocal, kMinLocal;
+ double closestPointDist = INFINITY;
+ bool closestPointInside = false;
+ bool insideCurrentRoad = false; // current postion projects on current road
+ double headingDiffMin = INFINITY;
+ bool closestPointDirectlyConnected = false;
+ if (GetOpenDrive()->GetNumOfRoads() == 0)
+ {
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_GENERIC;
+ }
+ current_road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_);
+ // First step is to identify closest road and OSI line segment
+ size_t nrOfRoads;
+ if (route_)
+ {
+ // Route assigned. Iterate over all roads in the route. I.e. check all waypoints road ID.
+ nrOfRoads = route_->waypoint_.size();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Iterate over all roads in the road network
+ nrOfRoads = GetOpenDrive()->GetNumOfRoads();
+ }
+ for (int i = -1; !search_done && i < (int)nrOfRoads; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == -1)
+ {
+ // First check current road (from last known position).
+ if (current_road)
+ {
+ road = current_road;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ continue; // Skip, no current road
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (current_road && i == track_idx_)
+ {
+ continue; // Skip, already checked this one
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (route_)
+ {
+ road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadById(route_->waypoint_[i]->GetTrackId());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check whether complete road is too far away - then skip to next
+ const double potentialWidthOfRoad = 25;
+ if (PointDistance2D(x3, y3, road->GetGeometry(0)->GetX(), road->GetGeometry(0)->GetY()) -
+ (road->GetLength() + potentialWidthOfRoad) > closestPointDist) // add potential width of the road
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ weight = 0;
+ angle = 0;
+ // Add resistance to leave current road or directly connected ones
+ // actual weights are totally unscientific... up to tuning
+ if (road != current_road)
+ {
+ if (current_road && GetOpenDrive()->IsDirectlyConnected(current_road->GetId(), road->GetId(), angle))
+ {
+ directlyConnected = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ weight += 3; // For non connected roads add additional "penalty" threshold
+ directlyConnected = false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < road->GetNumberOfLaneSections(); j++)
+ {
+ OSIPoints* osiPoints = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(j)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints();
+ double sLocal = -1;
+ // skip last point on last lane section
+ int numPoints = osiPoints->GetNumOfOSIPoints();
+ if (j == road->GetNumberOfLaneSections() - 1)
+ {
+ numPoints--;
+ }
+ // Find closest line or point
+ for (int k = 0; k < numPoints; k++)
+ {
+ double distTmp = 0;
+ OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct& osi_point = osiPoints->GetPoint(k);
+ double z = osi_point.z;
+ bool inside = false;
+ // in case of multiple roads with the same reference line, also look at width of the road of relevant side
+ // side of road is determined by cross product of position (relative OSI point) and road heading
+ double cp = GetCrossProduct2D(cos(osi_point.h), sin(osi_point.h), x3 - osi_point.x, y3 - osi_point.y);
+ double width = road->GetWidth(osi_point.s, SIGN(cp), ~Lane::LaneType::LANE_TYPE_NONE);
+ double x2, y2, z2, sLocalTmp;
+ jMinLocal = j;
+ kMinLocal = k;
+ double px, py;
+ if (k == osiPoints->GetNumOfOSIPoints() - 1)
+ {
+ // End of lane section, look into next one
+ j2 = MIN(j + 1, road->GetNumberOfLaneSections() - 1);
+ k2 = MIN(1, road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(j2)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints()->GetNumOfOSIPoints() - 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ k2 = k + 1;
+ j2 = j;
+ }
+ x2 = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(j2)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints()->GetPoint(k2).x;
+ y2 = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(j2)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints()->GetPoint(k2).y;
+ z2 = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(j2)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints()->GetPoint(k2).z;
+ // OSI points is an approximation of actual geometry
+ // Check potential additional area formed by actual normal and OSI points normal
+ // at start and end
+ if ((j == 0 && k == 0) || ((j > 1 || k > 1) && (j == road->GetNumberOfLaneSections() - 1 && k == osiPoints->GetNumOfOSIPoints() - 2)))
+ {
+ double x, y, h;
+ Position pos;
+ if (j == 0 && k == 0)
+ {
+ // road startpoint
+ pos.SetLanePos(road->GetId(), 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // road endpoint
+ pos.SetLanePos(road->GetId(), 0, road->GetLength(), 0);
+ }
+ x = pos.GetX();
+ y = pos.GetY();
+ h = pos.GetH();
+ // Calculate actual normal
+ double n_actual_angle = GetAngleSum(h, M_PI_2);
+ double n_actual_x, n_actual_y;
+ RotateVec2D(1, 0, n_actual_angle, n_actual_x, n_actual_y);
+ // Calculate normal of OSI line
+ double h_osi = GetAngleOfVector(x2 - osi_point.x, y2 - osi_point.y);
+ double n_osi_angle = GetAngleSum(h_osi, M_PI_2);
+ double n_osi_x, n_osi_y;
+ RotateVec2D(1, 0, n_osi_angle, n_osi_x, n_osi_y);
+ // Calculate vector from road endpoint (first or last) to obj pos
+ double vx = x3 - x;
+ double vy = y3 - y;
+ // make sure normals points same side as point
+ double forward_x = 1.0;
+ double forward_y = 0.0;
+ RotateVec2D(1.0, 0.0, h, forward_x, forward_y);
+ if (GetCrossProduct2D(forward_x, forward_y, vx, vy) < 0)
+ {
+ n_actual_x = -n_actual_x;
+ n_actual_y = -n_actual_y;
+ n_osi_x = -n_osi_x;
+ n_osi_y = -n_osi_y;
+ }
+ double cp_actual = GetCrossProduct2D(vx, vy, n_actual_x, n_actual_y);
+ double cp_osi = GetCrossProduct2D(vx, vy, n_osi_x, n_osi_y);
+ if (SIGN(cp_actual) != SIGN(cp_osi))
+ {
+ inside = true;
+ distTmp = GetLengthOfLine2D(vx, vy, 0, 0);
+ jMinLocal = j;
+ kMinLocal = k;
+ }
+ //printf("rid %d inside %d j %d k %d cp_actual %.2f cp_osi %.2f\n", road->GetId(), inside, j, k, cp_actual, cp_osi);
+ }
+ if (!inside)
+ {
+ // Ok, now look along the OSI lines, between the OSI points along the road centerline
+ ProjectPointOnVector2D(x3, y3, osi_point.x, osi_point.y, x2, y2, px, py);
+ distTmp = PointDistance2D(x3, y3, px, py);
+ inside = PointInBetweenVectorEndpoints(px, py, osi_point.x, osi_point.y, x2, y2, sLocalTmp);
+ if (!inside && k > 0 && (SIGN(sLocalTmp) != SIGN(sLocal)))
+ {
+ // In between two line segments, or more precisely in the triangle area outside a
+ // convex vertex corner between two line segments. Consider beeing inside road segment.
+ inside = true;
+ }
+ sLocal = sLocalTmp;
+ // Find closest point of the two
+ if (PointSquareDistance2D(x3, y3, osi_point.x, osi_point.y) <
+ PointSquareDistance2D(x3, y3, x2, y2))
+ {
+ jMinLocal = j;
+ kMinLocal = k;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ jMinLocal = j2;
+ kMinLocal = k2;
+ }
+ }
+ // subtract width of the road
+ distTmp = distTmp - width;
+ if (distTmp < 0)
+ {
+ // On road - distance is zero, but continue search because
+ // we could be in a junction where roads are overlapping
+ distTmp = 0;
+ }
+ if (inside)
+ {
+ z = (1 - sLocal) * osi_point.z + sLocal * z2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Find combined longitudinal and lateral distance to line endpoint
+ // sLocal represent now (outside line segment) distance to closest line segment end point
+ distTmp = sqrt(distTmp * distTmp + sLocal * sLocal);
+ }
+ if (fabs(z3 - z) > 2.0)
+ {
+ // Add threshold for considering z - to avoid noise in co-planar distance calculations
+ distTmp += fabs(z3 - z);
+ }
+ if (!insideCurrentRoad && road == current_road)
+ {
+ // Register whether current position is on current road
+ // Allow for 2 meter lateral slack outside road edges
+ insideCurrentRoad = inside && distTmp < 2;
+ }
+ else if (insideCurrentRoad)
+ {
+ // Only add weight if position inside current road
+ // longitudinal (end points) and lateral (road width)
+ distTmp += weight;
+ }
+ if (distTmp < closestPointDist + SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ bool directlyConnectedCandidate = false;
+ if (directlyConnected && closestPointDirectlyConnected)
+ {
+ // For directly connected roads (junction), we might have options
+ // among equally close ones, find the one which goes the most straight forward
+ if (fabs(distTmp - closestPointDist) < SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ if (angle < headingDiffMin)
+ {
+ directlyConnectedCandidate = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (directlyConnectedCandidate || distTmp < closestPointDist)
+ {
+ closestPointDist = distTmp;
+ roadMin = road;
+ jMin = jMinLocal;
+ kMin = kMinLocal;
+ closestPointInside = inside;
+ closestPointDirectlyConnected = directlyConnected;
+ if (directlyConnected)
+ {
+ headingDiffMin = angle;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (closestPointInside)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ // The closest OSI vertex has been identified
+ // Now, find out exact road s-value based on interpolation of normal angles
+ // for the two lines having the vertex in common
+ if (roadMin == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Error finding minimum distance\n");
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_GENERIC;
+ }
+ if (jMin != -1 && kMin != -1)
+ {
+ // Find out what line the points projects to, starting or ending with closest point?
+ // Do this by comparing the angle to the position with the road normal at found point
+ OSIPoints::OSIPointStruct osip_closest, osip_first, osip_second;
+ osip_closest = roadMin->GetLaneSectionByIdx(jMin)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints()->GetPoint(kMin);
+ double xTangent = cos(osip_closest.h);
+ double yTangent = sin(osip_closest.h);
+ double dotP = GetDotProduct2D(xTangent, yTangent, x3 - osip_closest.x, y3 - osip_closest.y);
+ int jFirst, jSecond, kFirst, kSecond;
+ if (dotP > 0)
+ {
+ // Positive dot product means closest OSI point is behind
+ osip_first = osip_closest;
+ jFirst = jMin;
+ kFirst = kMin;
+ if (kMin < roadMin->GetLaneSectionByIdx(jMin)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints()->GetNumOfOSIPoints() - 1)
+ {
+ jSecond = jMin;
+ kSecond = kMin + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (jMin < roadMin->GetNumberOfLaneSections() - 1)
+ {
+ jSecond = jMin + 1;
+ if (roadMin->GetLaneSectionByIdx(jSecond)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints()->GetNumOfOSIPoints() > 1)
+ {
+ kSecond = 1; // Skip first point, it's the same as last in last lane section
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kSecond = 0; // Only one point available in lane section - don't go further
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Last point
+ jSecond = jMin;
+ kSecond = kMin;
+ }
+ }
+ osip_second = roadMin->GetLaneSectionByIdx(jSecond)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints()->GetPoint(kSecond);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Negative dot product means closest OSI point is ahead
+ osip_second = osip_closest;
+ jSecond = jMin;
+ kSecond = kMin;
+ if (kMin > 0)
+ {
+ jFirst = jMin;
+ kFirst = kMin - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (jMin > 0)
+ {
+ jFirst = jMin - 1;
+ if (roadMin->GetLaneSectionByIdx(jFirst)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints()->GetNumOfOSIPoints() > 1)
+ {
+ // Skip last point, it's the same as first in successor lane section
+ kFirst = roadMin->GetLaneSectionByIdx(jFirst)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints()->GetNumOfOSIPoints() - 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Only one point available in lane section - don't go further
+ kFirst = roadMin->GetLaneSectionByIdx(jFirst)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints()->GetNumOfOSIPoints() - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // First point
+ jFirst = jMin;
+ kFirst = kMin;
+ }
+ }
+ osip_first = roadMin->GetLaneSectionByIdx(jFirst)->GetLaneById(0)->GetOSIPoints()->GetPoint(kFirst);
+ }
+ if (jFirst == jSecond && kFirst == kSecond)
+ {
+ // Same point
+ closestS = osip_first.s;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Different points
+ double angleBetweenNormals, angleToPosition;
+ double normalIntersectionX, normalIntersectionY;
+ double sNorm = 0;
+ // Check for straight line
+ if (fabs(osip_first.h - osip_second.h) < SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ double px, py;
+ ProjectPointOnVector2D(x3, y3, osip_first.x, osip_first.y, osip_second.x, osip_second.y, px, py);
+ // Find relative position of projected point on line segment
+ double l1 = GetLengthOfLine2D(osip_first.x, osip_first.y, px, py);
+ double l2 = GetLengthOfLine2D(osip_first.x, osip_first.y, osip_second.x, osip_second.y);
+ sNorm = l1 / l2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Find normals at end points of line segment
+ double xn0, yn0, xn1, yn1;
+ RotateVec2D(cos(osip_first.h), sin(osip_first.h), M_PI_2, xn0, yn0);
+ RotateVec2D(cos(osip_second.h), sin(osip_second.h), M_PI_2, xn1, yn1);
+ // Find intersection of extended normals
+ GetIntersectionOfTwoLineSegments(
+ osip_first.x, osip_first.y,
+ osip_first.x + xn0, osip_first.y + yn0,
+ osip_second.x, osip_second.y,
+ osip_second.x + xn1, osip_second.y + yn1,
+ normalIntersectionX, normalIntersectionY);
+ // Align normal vectors to direction from intersection towards line segment
+ NormalizeVec2D(osip_first.x - normalIntersectionX, osip_first.y - normalIntersectionY, xn0, yn0);
+ NormalizeVec2D(osip_second.x - normalIntersectionX, osip_second.y - normalIntersectionY, xn1, yn1);
+ // Find angle between normals
+ angleBetweenNormals = acos(GetDotProduct2D(-xn0, -yn0, -xn1, -yn1));
+ // Find angle between the two vectors:
+ // 1. line between normals intersection and the point of query
+ // 2. Normal in the first point of closest line segment (turned around to match direction of first line)
+ double lx = normalIntersectionX - x3;
+ double ly = normalIntersectionY - y3;
+ double lLength = sqrt(lx * lx + ly * ly);
+ angleToPosition = acos(GetDotProduct2D(-xn0, -yn0, lx / lLength, ly / lLength));
+ // Finally calculate interpolation factor
+ sNorm = angleToPosition / angleBetweenNormals;
+ //printf("road_id %d jMin %d kMin %d lx %.2f ly %.2f angle0 %.2f angle1 %.2f normalIntersectionX %.2f normalIntersectionY %.2f sNorm %.2f\n",
+ // roadMin->GetId(), jMin, kMin, lx, ly, angleToPosition, angleBetweenNormals, normalIntersectionX, normalIntersectionY, sNorm);
+ }
+ closestS = (1 - sNorm) * osip_first.s + sNorm * osip_second.s;
+ closestS = CLAMP(closestS, 0, roadMin->GetLength());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected: No closest OSI point found!");
+ }
+ double fixedLaneOffset = 0;
+ int fixedLaneId = 0;
+ if (lockOnLane_)
+ {
+ // Register lateral position of previous lane
+ LaneSection* lsec = current_road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ if (lsec)
+ {
+ fixedLaneOffset = SIGN(lane_id_) * lsec->GetCenterOffset(s_, lane_id_);
+ // Now find cloest lane at that lateral position, at updated s value
+ double laneOffset;
+ int lane_idx = lsec->GetClosestLaneIdx(closestS, fixedLaneOffset, laneOffset, true, Lane::LaneType::LANE_TYPE_ANY_DRIVING);
+ fixedLaneId = lsec->GetLaneIdByIdx(lane_idx);
+ }
+ }
+ // Set position exact on center line
+ int retvalue = SetTrackPos(roadMin->GetId(), closestS, 0, UpdateTrackPosMode::UPDATE_XYZ);
+ double xCenterLine = x_;
+ double yCenterLine = y_;
+ // Find out actual lateral position
+ double latOffset = PointToLineDistance2DSigned(
+ x3, y3, xCenterLine, yCenterLine,
+ xCenterLine + cos(GetHRoad()), yCenterLine + sin(GetHRoad()));
+ // Update lateral offsets
+ if (lockOnLane_)
+ {
+ SetLanePos(roadMin->GetId(), fixedLaneId, closestS, latOffset - fixedLaneOffset, UpdateTrackPosMode::UPDATE_NOT_XYZH);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetTrackPos(roadMin->GetId(), closestS, latOffset, UpdateTrackPosMode::UPDATE_NOT_XYZH);
+ }
+ static int rid = 0;
+ if (roadMin->GetId() != rid)
+ {
+ rid = roadMin->GetId();
+ }
+ // Set specified position and heading
+ SetX(x3);
+ SetY(y3);
+ SetHeading(h3);
+ EvaluateRoadZPitchRoll(alignZPitchRoll);
+ // If on a route, calculate corresponding route position
+ if (route_)
+ {
+ CalcRoutePosition();
+ }
+ return retvalue;
+bool Position::EvaluateRoadZPitchRoll(bool alignZPitchRoll)
+ if (track_id_ < 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ret_value = GetRoadById(track_id_)->GetZAndPitchByS(s_, &z_road_, &p_road_, &elevation_idx_);
+ ret_value &= GetRoadById(track_id_)->UpdateZAndRollBySAndT(s_, t_, &z_road_, &r_road_, &super_elevation_idx_);
+ if (alignZPitchRoll)
+ {
+ SetZ(z_road_);
+ // Adjust pitch and roll of road in driving direction
+ if (GetHRelative() > M_PI_2 && GetHRelative() < 3 * M_PI_2)
+ {
+ p_road_ *= -1;
+ r_road_ *= -1;
+ }
+ SetPitch(p_relative_ + p_road_);
+ SetRoll(r_relative_ + r_road_);
+ }
+ return ret_value;
+int Position::Track2XYZ(bool alignH)
+ if (GetOpenDrive()->GetNumOfRoads() == 0)
+ {
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_GENERIC;
+ }
+ Road *road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_);
+ if (road == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Track2XYZ Error: No road %d\n", track_idx_);
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_GENERIC;
+ }
+ Geometry *geometry = road->GetGeometry(geometry_idx_);
+ if (geometry == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Track2XYZ Error: No geometry %d\n", geometry_idx_);
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_GENERIC;
+ }
+ geometry->EvaluateDS(s_ - geometry->GetS(), &x_, &y_, &h_road_);
+ // Consider lateral t position, perpendicular to track heading
+ double x_local = (t_ + road->GetLaneOffset(s_)) * cos(h_road_ + M_PI_2);
+ double y_local = (t_ + road->GetLaneOffset(s_)) * sin(h_road_ + M_PI_2);
+ h_road_ += atan(road->GetLaneOffsetPrim(s_)) + h_offset_;
+ h_road_ = GetAngleInInterval2PI(h_road_);
+ if (alignH)
+ {
+ // Update heading, taking relative heading into account
+ h_ = GetAngleInInterval2PI(h_road_ + h_relative_);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // road heading might have changed - update h_relative
+ h_relative_ = GetAngleInInterval2PI(h_ - h_road_);
+ }
+ x_ += x_local;
+ y_ += y_local;
+ // z = Elevation
+ EvaluateRoadZPitchRoll(true);
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_NO_ERROR;
+void Position::LaneBoundary2Track()
+ Road *road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_);
+ t_ = 0;
+ if (road != 0 && road->GetNumberOfLaneSections() > 0)
+ {
+ LaneSection *lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ if (lane_section != 0 && lane_id_ !=0)
+ {
+ t_ = offset_ + lane_section->GetOuterOffset(s_, lane_id_) * (lane_id_ < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+ h_offset_ = lane_section->GetOuterOffsetHeading(s_, lane_id_) * (lane_id_ < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+ }
+ }
+void Position::Lane2Track()
+ Road *road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_);
+ t_ = 0;
+ if (road != 0 && road->GetNumberOfLaneSections() > 0)
+ {
+ LaneSection *lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ if (lane_section != 0)
+ {
+ t_ = offset_ + lane_section->GetCenterOffset(s_, lane_id_) * (lane_id_ < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+ h_offset_ = lane_section->GetCenterOffsetHeading(s_, lane_id_) * (lane_id_ < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+ }
+ }
+void Position::RoadMark2Track()
+ Road *road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_);
+ t_ = 0;
+ if (road != 0 && road->GetNumberOfLaneSections() > 0)
+ {
+ LaneSection *lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ if (lane_section != 0 && lane_id_ !=0)
+ {
+ t_ = offset_ + lane_section->GetOuterOffset(s_, lane_id_) * (lane_id_ < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+ h_offset_ = lane_section->GetOuterOffsetHeading(s_, lane_id_) * (lane_id_ < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+ }
+ Lane *lane = lane_section->GetLaneByIdx(lane_idx_);
+ LaneRoadMark *lane_roadmark = lane->GetLaneRoadMarkByIdx(roadmark_idx_);
+ LaneRoadMarkType *lane_roadmarktype = lane_roadmark->GetLaneRoadMarkTypeByIdx(roadmarktype_idx_);
+ LaneRoadMarkTypeLine *lane_roadmarktypeline = lane_roadmarktype->GetLaneRoadMarkTypeLineByIdx(roadmarkline_idx_);
+ if (lane_roadmarktypeline != 0)
+ {
+ t_ = t_ + lane_roadmarktypeline->GetTOffset();
+ }
+ }
+void Position::XYZ2Track(bool alignZAndPitch)
+ XYZH2TrackPos(x_, y_, z_, h_, alignZAndPitch);
+int Position::SetLongitudinalTrackPos(int track_id, double s)
+ Road *road;
+ if (GetOpenDrive()->GetNumOfRoads() == 0)
+ {
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_GENERIC;
+ }
+ if ((road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadById(track_id)) == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Set Error: track %d not found\n", track_id);
+ // Just hard code values and return
+ track_id_ = track_id;
+ s_ = s;
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_GENERIC;
+ }
+ if (track_id != track_id_)
+ {
+ // update internal track and geometry indices
+ track_id_ = track_id;
+ track_idx_ = GetOpenDrive()->GetTrackIdxById(track_id);
+ geometry_idx_ = 0;
+ elevation_idx_ = 0;
+ super_elevation_idx_ = 0;
+ lane_section_idx_ = 0;
+ lane_id_ = 0;
+ lane_idx_ = 0;
+ }
+ Geometry *geometry = road->GetGeometry(geometry_idx_);
+ // check if still on same geometry
+ if (s > geometry->GetS() + geometry->GetLength())
+ {
+ while (s > geometry->GetS() + geometry->GetLength() && geometry_idx_ < road->GetNumberOfGeometries() - 1)
+ {
+ // Move to next geometry
+ geometry = road->GetGeometry(++geometry_idx_);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (s < geometry->GetS())
+ {
+ while (s < geometry->GetS() && geometry_idx_ > 0)
+ {
+ // Move to previous geometry
+ geometry = road->GetGeometry(--geometry_idx_);
+ }
+ }
+ if (s > road->GetLength())
+ {
+ if (s > road->GetLength() + SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Set Warning: s (%.2f) too large, track %d only %.2f m long\n", s, track_id_, road->GetLength());
+ }
+ s_ = road->GetLength();
+ status_ |= POS_STATUS_END_OF_ROAD;
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_END_OF_ROAD;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s_ = s;
+ }
+ if (s < SMALL_NUMBER || s > road->GetLength() - SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ status_ |= POS_STATUS_END_OF_ROAD;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status_ &= ~POS_STATUS_END_OF_ROAD;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int Position::SetTrackPos(int track_id, double s, double t, UpdateTrackPosMode updateMode)
+ int retvalue = SetLongitudinalTrackPos(track_id, s);
+ t_ = t;
+ Track2Lane();
+ if (updateMode == UpdateTrackPosMode::UPDATE_XYZ)
+ {
+ Track2XYZ(false);
+ }
+ else if (updateMode == UpdateTrackPosMode::UPDATE_XYZH)
+ {
+ Track2XYZ(true);
+ }
+ return retvalue;
+void Position::ForceLaneId(int lane_id)
+ if (lane_idx_ < 0 || lane_section_idx_ < 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // find out lateral distance between current and target lane
+ Road *road = GetRoadById(GetTrackId());
+ double lat_dist = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_)->GetOffsetBetweenLanes(lane_id_, lane_id, GetS());
+ lane_id_ = lane_id;
+ offset_ -= lat_dist;
+static std::string LinkType2Str(LinkType type)
+ if (type == LinkType::PREDECESSOR)
+ {
+ return "PREDECESSOR";
+ }
+ else if (type == LinkType::SUCCESSOR)
+ {
+ return "SUCCESSOR";
+ }
+ else if (type == LinkType::NONE)
+ {
+ return "NONE";
+ }
+ else if (type == LinkType::UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ return "UNKNOWN";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return "UNDEFINED";
+ }
+std::string OpenDrive::ContactPointType2Str(ContactPointType type)
+ if (type == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_START)
+ {
+ return "PREDECESSOR";
+ }
+ else if (type == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_END)
+ {
+ return "SUCCESSOR";
+ }
+ else if (type == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_NONE)
+ {
+ return "NONE";
+ }
+ else if (type == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ return "UNKNOWN";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return "UNDEFINED";
+ }
+std::string OpenDrive::ElementType2Str(RoadLink::ElementType type)
+ if (type == RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_JUNCTION)
+ {
+ return "JUNCTION";
+ }
+ else if (type == RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_ROAD)
+ {
+ return "ROAD";
+ }
+ else if (type == RoadLink::ElementType::ELEMENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ return "UNKNOWN";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return "UNDEFINED";
+ }
+int Position::MoveToConnectingRoad(RoadLink *road_link, ContactPointType &contact_point_type, Junction::JunctionStrategyType strategy)
+ Road *road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_);
+ Road *next_road = 0;
+ LaneSection *lane_section;
+ Lane *lane;
+ int new_lane_id = 0;
+ if (road == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Invalid road id %d\n", road->GetId());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (road_link->GetElementId() == -1)
+ {
+ LOG("No connecting road or junction at rid %d link_type %s", road->GetId(), LinkType2Str(road_link->GetType()).c_str());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Get lane info from current road
+ lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ if (lane_section == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("No lane section rid %d ls_idx %d link_type %s", road->GetId(), lane_section_idx_, LinkType2Str(road_link->GetType()).c_str());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ lane = lane_section->GetLaneByIdx(lane_idx_);
+ if (lane == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("No lane rid %d lidx %d nlanes %d link_type %s lsecidx %d\n",
+ road->GetId(), lane_idx_, lane_section->GetNumberOfLanes(), LinkType2Str(road_link->GetType()).c_str(), lane_section_idx_);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (road_link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ELEMENT_TYPE_ROAD)
+ {
+ LaneLink *lane_link = lane->GetLink(road_link->GetType());
+ if (lane_link != 0)
+ {
+ new_lane_id = lane->GetLink(road_link->GetType())->GetId();
+ if (new_lane_id == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Road+ new lane id %d\n", new_lane_id);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //LOG("No lane link from rid %d lid %d to rid %d", GetTrackId(), GetLaneId(), road_link->GetElementId());
+ }
+ contact_point_type = road_link->GetContactPointType();
+ next_road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadById(road_link->GetElementId());
+ }
+ else if (road_link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ELEMENT_TYPE_JUNCTION)
+ {
+ Junction *junction = GetOpenDrive()->GetJunctionById(road_link->GetElementId());
+ if (junction == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Error: junction %d not existing\n", road_link->GetElementType());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int connection_idx = 0;
+ int n_connections = junction->GetNumberOfRoadConnections(road->GetId(), lane->GetId());
+ if (n_connections == 0)
+ {
+// LOG("No connections from road id %d lane id %d in junction %d", road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), junction->GetId());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if (n_connections == 1)
+ {
+ connection_idx = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // find valid connecting road, if multiple choices choose either most straight one OR by random
+ if (strategy == Junction::JunctionStrategyType::STRAIGHT)
+ {
+ // Find the straighest link
+ int best_road_index = 0;
+ double min_heading_diff = 1E10; // set huge number
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_connections; i++)
+ {
+ LaneRoadLaneConnection lane_road_lane_connection =
+ junction->GetRoadConnectionByIdx(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), i, snapToLaneTypes_);
+ next_road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadById(lane_road_lane_connection.GetConnectingRoadId());
+ Position test_pos;
+ if (lane_road_lane_connection.contact_point_ == CONTACT_POINT_START)
+ {
+ // Inspect heading at the connecting road
+ test_pos.SetLanePos(next_road->GetId(), new_lane_id, next_road->GetLength(), 0);
+ }
+ else if (lane_road_lane_connection.contact_point_ == CONTACT_POINT_END)
+ {
+ test_pos.SetLanePos(next_road->GetId(), new_lane_id, 0, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected contact point type: %d", road_link->GetContactPointType());
+ }
+ // Transform angle into a comparable format
+ double heading_diff = GetAbsAngleDifference(test_pos.GetHRoad(), GetHRoad());
+ if (heading_diff > M_PI / 2)
+ {
+ heading_diff = fabs(heading_diff - M_PI); // don't care of driving direction here
+ }
+ if (heading_diff < min_heading_diff)
+ {
+ min_heading_diff = heading_diff;
+ best_road_index = i;
+ }
+ }
+ connection_idx = best_road_index;
+ }
+ else if (strategy == Junction::JunctionStrategyType::RANDOM)
+ {
+ connection_idx = (int)(n_connections * (double)mt_rand() / mt_rand.max());
+ }
+ }
+ LaneRoadLaneConnection lane_road_lane_connection = junction->GetRoadConnectionByIdx(road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), connection_idx, snapToLaneTypes_);
+ contact_point_type = lane_road_lane_connection.contact_point_;
+ new_lane_id = lane_road_lane_connection.GetConnectinglaneId();
+ next_road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadById(lane_road_lane_connection.GetConnectingRoadId());
+ }
+ if (next_road == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("No next road\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (new_lane_id == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("No connection from rid %d lid %d -> rid %d eltype %d - try moving to closest lane\n",
+ road->GetId(), lane->GetId(), road_link->GetElementId(), road_link->GetElementType());
+ // Find closest lane on new road - by convert to track pos and then set lane offset = 0
+ if (road_link->GetContactPointType() == CONTACT_POINT_START)
+ {
+ SetTrackPos(next_road->GetId(), 0, GetT(), UpdateTrackPosMode::UPDATE_NOT_XYZH);
+ }
+ else if (road_link->GetContactPointType() == CONTACT_POINT_END)
+ {
+ SetTrackPos(next_road->GetId(), next_road->GetLength(), GetT(), UpdateTrackPosMode::UPDATE_NOT_XYZH);
+ }
+ offset_ = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ double new_offset = offset_;
+ if ((road_link->GetType() == LinkType::PREDECESSOR && contact_point_type == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_START) ||
+ (road_link->GetType() == LinkType::SUCCESSOR && contact_point_type == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_END))
+ {
+ h_relative_ = GetAngleSum(h_relative_, M_PI);
+ new_offset = -offset_;
+ }
+ // Find out if connecting to start or end of new road
+ if (road_link->GetContactPointType() == CONTACT_POINT_START)
+ {
+ // Specify first (0) lane section
+ SetLanePos(next_road->GetId(), new_lane_id, 0, new_offset, 0);
+ }
+ else if (road_link->GetContactPointType() == CONTACT_POINT_END)
+ {
+ // Find out and specify last lane section
+ SetLanePos(next_road->GetId(), new_lane_id, next_road->GetLength(), new_offset, GetRoadById(road_link->GetElementId())->GetNumberOfLaneSections()-1);
+ }
+ else if (road_link->GetContactPointType() == CONTACT_POINT_NONE && road_link->GetElementType() == RoadLink::ELEMENT_TYPE_JUNCTION)
+ {
+ if (contact_point_type == CONTACT_POINT_START)
+ {
+ SetLanePos(next_road->GetId(), new_lane_id, 0, new_offset);
+ }
+ else if (contact_point_type == CONTACT_POINT_END)
+ {
+ SetLanePos(next_road->GetId(), new_lane_id, next_road->GetLength(), new_offset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected contact point: %d\n", contact_point_type);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unsupported contact point type %d\n", road_link->GetContactPointType());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int Position::MoveAlongS(double ds, double dLaneOffset, Junction::JunctionStrategyType strategy)
+ RoadLink *link;
+ double ds_signed = ds;
+ int max_links = 8; // limit lookahead through junctions/links
+ ContactPointType contact_point_type;
+ if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE)
+ {
+ // Create a temporary position to evaluate in relative lane coordinates
+ Position pos = *this->rel_pos_;
+ // First move position along s
+ pos.MoveAlongS(this->s_);
+ // Then move laterally
+ pos.SetLanePos(pos.track_id_, pos.lane_id_ + this->lane_id_, pos.s_, pos.offset_ + this->offset_);
+ this->x_ = pos.x_;
+ this->y_ = pos.y_;
+ this->z_ = pos.z_;
+ this->h_ = pos.h_;
+ this->p_ = pos.p_;
+ this->r_ = pos.r_;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (GetOpenDrive()->GetNumOfRoads() == 0 || track_idx_ < 0)
+ {
+ // No roads available or current track undefined
+ return 0;
+ }
+ double s_stop = 0;
+ ds_signed = (GetLaneId() > 0 ? -1 : 1) * ds; // adjust sign of ds according to lane direction - right lane is < 0 in road dir
+ double signed_dLaneOffset = dLaneOffset;
+ // move from road to road until ds-value is within road length or maximum of connections has been crossed
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_links; i++)
+ {
+ if (s_ + ds_signed > GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_)->GetLength())
+ {
+ // Calculate remaining s-value once we moved to the connected road
+ ds_signed = s_ + ds_signed - GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_)->GetLength();
+ link = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_)->GetLink(SUCCESSOR);
+ // register s-value at end of the road, to be used in case of bad connection
+ s_stop = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_)->GetLength();
+ }
+ else if (s_ + ds_signed < 0)
+ {
+ // Calculate remaining s-value once we moved to the connected road
+ ds_signed = s_ + ds_signed;
+ link = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_)->GetLink(PREDECESSOR);
+ // register s-value at end of the road, to be used in case of bad connection
+ s_stop = 0;
+ }
+ else // New position is within current track (road)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // If link is OK then move to the start- or endpoint of the connected road, depending on contact point
+ if (!link || link->GetElementId() == -1 || MoveToConnectingRoad(link, contact_point_type, strategy) != 0)
+ {
+ // Failed to find a connection, stay at end of current road
+ SetLanePos(track_id_, lane_id_, s_stop, offset_);
+ status_ |= POS_STATUS_END_OF_ROAD;
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_END_OF_ROAD;
+ }
+ // Adjust sign of ds based on connection point
+ if (contact_point_type == ContactPointType::CONTACT_POINT_END)
+ {
+ ds_signed = -fabs(ds_signed);
+ signed_dLaneOffset = -dLaneOffset;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ds_signed = fabs(ds_signed);
+ signed_dLaneOffset = dLaneOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ // Finally, update the position with the adjusted s and offset values
+ SetLanePos(track_id_, lane_id_, s_ + ds_signed, offset_ + signed_dLaneOffset);
+ // Check if lane has narrowed down to zero width
+ Road* road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadById(track_id_);
+ LaneInfo li = road->GetLaneInfoByS(GetS(), lane_section_idx_, lane_id_, snapToLaneTypes_);
+ if (road->GetLaneWidthByS(GetS(), li.lane_id_) < SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ double offset = 0;
+ int old_lane_id = lane_id_;
+ int new_lane_idx = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(li.lane_section_idx_)->GetClosestLaneIdx(GetS(), GetT(), offset, true, snapToLaneTypes_);
+ int new_lane_id = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(li.lane_section_idx_)->GetLaneByIdx(new_lane_idx)->GetId();
+ SetLanePos(track_id_, new_lane_id, GetS(), 0);
+ LOG("Lane %d on road %d is or became zero width, moved to closest available lane: %d", road->GetId(), old_lane_id, GetLaneId());
+ }
+ if (s_ < SMALL_NUMBER || s_ > road->GetLength() - SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ status_ |= POS_STATUS_END_OF_ROAD;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status_ &= ~POS_STATUS_END_OF_ROAD;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int Position::SetLanePos(int track_id, int lane_id, double s, double offset, int lane_section_idx)
+ offset_ = offset;
+ int retvalue;
+ if ((retvalue = SetLongitudinalTrackPos(track_id, s)) != ErrorCode::ERROR_NO_ERROR)
+ {
+ lane_id_ = lane_id;
+ offset_ = offset;
+ return retvalue;
+ }
+ Road *road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadById(track_id);
+ if (road == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Set Error: track %d not available\n", track_id);
+ lane_id_ = lane_id;
+ offset_ = offset;
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_GENERIC;
+ }
+ if (lane_id != lane_id_ && lane_section_idx == -1)
+ {
+ // New lane ID might indicate a discreet jump to a new, distant position, reset lane section, if not specified in func parameter)
+ lane_section_idx = road->GetLaneSectionIdxByS(s);
+ }
+ LaneSection *lane_section = 0;
+ if (lane_section_idx > -1) // If lane section was specified or reset
+ {
+ lane_section_idx_ = lane_section_idx;
+ lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ lane_id_ = lane_id;
+ }
+ else // Find LaneSection and info according to s
+ {
+ LaneInfo lane_info = road->GetLaneInfoByS(s_, lane_section_idx_, lane_id_, snapToLaneTypes_);
+ lane_section_idx_ = lane_info.lane_section_idx_;
+ lane_id_ = lane_info.lane_id_;
+ lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ }
+ if (lane_section != 0)
+ {
+ lane_idx_ = lane_section->GetLaneIdxById(lane_id_);
+ if (lane_idx_ == -1)
+ {
+ LOG("lane_idx %d fail for lane id %d\n", lane_idx_, lane_id_);
+ lane_idx_ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Set (lanepos) Error - lanesection NULL lsidx %d rid %d lid %d\n",
+ lane_section_idx_, road->GetId(), lane_id_);
+ }
+ Lane2Track();
+ Track2XYZ();
+ return 0;
+void Position::SetLaneBoundaryPos(int track_id, int lane_id, double s, double offset, int lane_section_idx)
+ offset_ = offset;
+ int old_lane_id = lane_id_;
+ int old_track_id = track_id_;
+ int retval;
+ if ((retval = SetLongitudinalTrackPos(track_id, s)) != 0)
+ {
+ lane_id_ = lane_id;
+ offset_ = offset;
+ return;
+ }
+ Road *road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadById(track_id);
+ if (road == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Set Error: track %d not available\n", track_id);
+ lane_id_ = lane_id;
+ offset_ = offset;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lane_id != lane_id_ && lane_section_idx == -1)
+ {
+ // New lane ID might indicate a discreet jump to a new, distant position, reset lane section, if not specified in func parameter)
+ lane_section_idx = road->GetLaneSectionIdxByS(s);
+ }
+ LaneSection *lane_section = 0;
+ if (lane_section_idx > -1) // If lane section was specified or reset
+ {
+ lane_section_idx_ = lane_section_idx;
+ lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ lane_id_ = lane_id;
+ }
+ else // Find LaneSection and info according to s
+ {
+ LaneInfo lane_info = road->GetLaneInfoByS(s_, lane_section_idx_, lane_id_, snapToLaneTypes_);
+ lane_section_idx_ = lane_info.lane_section_idx_;
+ lane_id_ = lane_info.lane_id_;
+ lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ }
+ if (lane_section != 0)
+ {
+ lane_idx_ = lane_section->GetLaneIdxById(lane_id_);
+ if (lane_idx_ == -1)
+ {
+ LOG("lane_idx %d fail for lane id %d\n", lane_idx_, lane_id_);
+ lane_idx_ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Set (lanepos) Error - lanesection NULL lsidx %d rid %d lid %d\n",
+ lane_section_idx_, road->GetId(), lane_id_);
+ }
+ // Check road direction when on new track
+ if (old_lane_id != 0 && lane_id_ != 0 && track_id_ != old_track_id && SIGN(lane_id_) != SIGN(old_lane_id))
+ {
+ h_relative_ = GetAngleSum(h_relative_, M_PI);
+ }
+ // If moved over to opposite driving direction, then turn relative heading 180 degrees
+ //if (old_lane_id != 0 && lane_id_ != 0 && SIGN(lane_id_) != SIGN(old_lane_id))
+ //{
+ // h_relative_ = GetAngleSum(h_relative_, M_PI);
+ //}
+ //Lane2Track();
+ LaneBoundary2Track();
+ Track2XYZ();
+ return;
+void Position::SetRoadMarkPos(int track_id, int lane_id, int roadmark_idx, int roadmarktype_idx, int roadmarkline_idx, double s, double offset, int lane_section_idx)
+ offset_ = offset;
+ int old_lane_id = lane_id_;
+ int old_track_id = track_id_;
+ Road* road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadById(track_id);
+ if (road == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Set Error: track %d not available\n", track_id);
+ lane_id_ = lane_id;
+ offset_ = offset;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (s > road->GetLength())
+ {
+ // Truncate road mark point to road length
+ s = road->GetLength();
+ }
+ if (SetLongitudinalTrackPos(track_id, s) != 0)
+ {
+ lane_id_ = lane_id;
+ offset_ = offset;
+ roadmark_idx_ = roadmark_idx;
+ roadmarktype_idx_ = roadmarktype_idx;
+ roadmarkline_idx_ = roadmarkline_idx;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lane_id != lane_id_ && lane_section_idx == -1)
+ {
+ // New lane ID might indicate a discreet jump to a new, distant position, reset lane section, if not specified in func parameter)
+ lane_section_idx = road->GetLaneSectionIdxByS(s);
+ }
+ LaneSection *lane_section = 0;
+ if (lane_section_idx > -1) // If lane section was specified or reset
+ {
+ lane_section_idx_ = lane_section_idx;
+ lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ lane_id_ = lane_id;
+ }
+ else // Find LaneSection and info according to s
+ {
+ LaneInfo lane_info = road->GetLaneInfoByS(s_, lane_section_idx_, lane_id_, snapToLaneTypes_);
+ lane_section_idx_ = lane_info.lane_section_idx_;
+ lane_id_ = lane_info.lane_id_;
+ lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ }
+ if (lane_section != 0)
+ {
+ lane_idx_ = lane_section->GetLaneIdxById(lane_id_);
+ if (lane_idx_ == -1)
+ {
+ LOG("lane_idx %d fail for lane id %d\n", lane_idx_, lane_id_);
+ lane_idx_ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Position::Set (lanepos) Error - lanesection NULL lsidx %d rid %d lid %d\n",
+ lane_section_idx_, road->GetId(), lane_id_);
+ }
+ // Check road direction when on new track
+ if (old_lane_id != 0 && lane_id_ != 0 && track_id_ != old_track_id && SIGN(lane_id_) != SIGN(old_lane_id))
+ {
+ h_relative_ = GetAngleSum(h_relative_, M_PI);
+ }
+ Lane *lane = lane_section->GetLaneByIdx(lane_idx_);
+ if (lane != 0)
+ {
+ roadmark_idx_ = roadmark_idx;
+ }
+ LaneRoadMark *lane_roadmark = lane->GetLaneRoadMarkByIdx(roadmark_idx_);
+ if (lane_roadmark != 0)
+ {
+ s_ = MIN(s_, road->GetLength());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("roadmark_idx_ %d fail for lane id %d\n", roadmark_idx_, lane_idx_);
+ roadmark_idx_ = 0;
+ }
+ if (lane_roadmark->GetNumberOfRoadMarkTypes() != 0)
+ {
+ roadmarktype_idx_ = roadmarktype_idx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ roadmarktype_idx_ = 0;
+ }
+ LaneRoadMarkType *lane_roadmarktype = lane_roadmark->GetLaneRoadMarkTypeByIdx(roadmarktype_idx_);
+ if (lane_roadmarktype != 0)
+ {
+ roadmarkline_idx_ = roadmarkline_idx;
+ LaneRoadMarkTypeLine *lane_roadmarktypeline = lane_roadmarktype->GetLaneRoadMarkTypeLineByIdx(roadmarkline_idx_);
+ if (lane_roadmarktypeline != 0)
+ {
+ s_ = MIN(s_ + lane_roadmarktypeline->GetSOffset(), road->GetLength());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("roadmarktypeline_idx_ %d fail for roadmarktype_idx %d\n", roadmarkline_idx_, roadmarktype_idx_);
+ roadmarkline_idx_ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("roadmarktype_idx_ %d fail for roadmark_idx %d\n", roadmarktype_idx_, roadmark_idx_);
+ roadmarkline_idx_ = 0;
+ }
+ RoadMark2Track();
+ Track2XYZ();
+int Position::SetInertiaPos(double x, double y, double z, double h, double p, double r, bool updateTrackPos)
+ x_ = x;
+ y_ = y;
+ z_ = z;
+ if (updateTrackPos)
+ {
+ XYZ2Track(false);
+ }
+ // Now when road orientation is known, call functions for
+ // updating angles both absolute and relative the road
+ SetHeading(h);
+ SetPitch(p);
+ SetRoll(r);
+ return 0;
+int Position::SetInertiaPos(double x, double y, double h, bool updateTrackPos)
+ x_ = x;
+ y_ = y;
+ if (updateTrackPos)
+ {
+ XYZ2Track(true);
+ }
+ // Now when road orientation is known, call functions for
+ // updating angles both absolute and relative the road
+ SetHeading(h);
+ return 0;
+void Position::SetHeading(double heading)
+ h_ = heading;
+ h_relative_ = GetAngleInInterval2PI(GetAngleDifference(h_, h_road_));
+void Position::SetHeadingRelative(double heading)
+ h_relative_ = GetAngleInInterval2PI(heading);
+ h_ = GetAngleSum(h_road_, h_relative_);
+void Position::SetHeadingRelativeRoadDirection(double heading)
+ if (h_relative_ > M_PI_2 && h_relative_ < 3 * M_PI_2)
+ {
+ // Driving towards road direction
+ h_relative_ = GetAngleInInterval2PI(-heading + M_PI);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ h_relative_ = GetAngleInInterval2PI(heading);
+ }
+ h_ = GetAngleSum(h_road_, h_relative_);
+void Position::SetRoll(double roll)
+ r_ = roll;
+ r_relative_ = GetAngleInInterval2PI(GetAngleDifference(r_, r_road_));
+void Position::SetRollRelative(double roll)
+ r_relative_ = GetAngleInInterval2PI(roll);
+ r_ = GetAngleSum(r_road_, r_relative_);
+void Position::SetPitch(double pitch)
+ p_ = pitch;
+ p_relative_ = GetAngleInInterval2PI(GetAngleDifference(p_, p_road_));
+void Position::SetPitchRelative(double pitch)
+ p_relative_ = GetAngleInInterval2PI(pitch);
+ p_ = GetAngleSum(p_road_, p_relative_);
+double Position::GetCurvature()
+ Geometry *geom = GetOpenDrive()->GetGeometryByIdx(track_idx_, geometry_idx_);
+ if (geom)
+ {
+ return geom->EvaluateCurvatureDS(GetS() - geom->GetS());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+double Position::GetHRoadInDrivingDirection()
+ return h_road_ + (lane_id_ > 0 ? M_PI : 0);
+double Position::GetPRoadInDrivingDirection()
+ return p_road_ * (lane_id_ > 0 ? -1 : 1);
+double Position::GetHRelativeDrivingDirection()
+ return GetAngleDifference(h_, GetDrivingDirection());
+double Position::GetSpeedLimit()
+ double speed_limit = 70 / 3.6; // some default speed
+ Road *road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_);
+ if (road)
+ {
+ speed_limit = road->GetSpeedByS(s_);
+ if (speed_limit < SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ // No speed limit defined, set a value depending on number of lanes
+ speed_limit = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_)->GetNumberOfDrivingLanesSide(GetS(), SIGN(GetLaneId())) > 1 ? 120 / 3.6 : 60 / 3.6;
+ }
+ }
+ return speed_limit;
+double Position::GetDrivingDirection()
+ double x, y, h;
+ Geometry *geom = GetOpenDrive()->GetGeometryByIdx(track_idx_, geometry_idx_);
+ if (!geom)
+ {
+ return h_;
+ }
+ geom->EvaluateDS(GetS() - geom->GetS(), &x, &y, &h);
+ // adjust 180 degree according to side of road
+ if (GetLaneId() > 0) // Left side of road reference line
+ {
+ h = GetAngleSum(h, M_PI);
+ }
+ return(h);
+void Position::CopyRMPos(Position *from)
+ // Preserve route field
+ Route *tmp = route_;
+ *this = *from;
+ route_ = tmp;
+void Position::PrintTrackPos()
+ LOG(" Track pos: (road_id %d, s %.2f, t %.2f, h %.2f)", track_id_, s_, t_, h_);
+void Position::PrintLanePos()
+ LOG(" Lane pos: (road_id %d, lane_id %d, s %.2f, offset %.2f, h %.2f)", track_id_, lane_id_, s_, offset_, h_);
+void Position::PrintInertialPos()
+ LOG(" Inertial pos: (x %.2f, y %.2f, z %.2f, h %.2f, p %.2f, r %.2f)", x_, y_, z_, h_, p_, r_);
+void Position::Print()
+ LOG("Position:");
+ PrintTrackPos();
+ PrintLanePos();
+ PrintInertialPos();
+void Position::PrintXY()
+ LOG("%.2f, %.2f\n", x_, y_);
+bool Position::IsOffRoad()
+ Road* road = GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadByIdx(track_idx_);
+ if (road)
+ {
+ // Check whether outside road width
+ if (fabs(t_) > road->GetWidth(GetS(), SIGN(t_), ~Lane::LaneType::LANE_TYPE_NONE))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+double Position::getRelativeDistance(Position target_position, double &x, double &y)
+ // Calculate diff vector from current to target
+ double diff_x, diff_y;
+ diff_x = target_position.GetX() - GetX();
+ diff_y = target_position.GetY() - GetY();
+ // Compensate for current heading (rotate so that current heading = 0)
+ x = diff_x * cos(-GetH()) - diff_y * sin(-GetH());
+ y = diff_x * sin(-GetH()) + diff_y * cos(-GetH());
+ // Now just check whether diff vector X-component is less than 0 (behind current)
+ int sign = x > 0 ? 1 : -1;
+ // Return length of dist vector
+ return sign * sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
+void Position::CalcRoutePosition()
+ if (route_ == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Loop over waypoints - look for current track ID and sum the distance (route s) up to current position
+ double dist = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < route_->waypoint_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ int direction = route_->GetWayPointDirection((int)i);
+ if (direction == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected lack of connection in route at waypoint %d", i);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ // Subtract initial s-value for the first waypoint
+ if (direction > 0) // route in waypoint road direction
+ {
+ dist = GetRoadById(route_->waypoint_[i]->GetTrackId())->GetLength() - route_->waypoint_[i]->s_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // going towards road direction - remaining distance equals route s-value
+ dist = route_->waypoint_[i]->s_;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Add length of intermediate waypoint road
+ dist += GetRoadById(route_->waypoint_[i]->GetTrackId())->GetLength();
+ }
+ if (GetTrackId() == route_->waypoint_[i]->GetTrackId())
+ {
+ // current position is at the road of this waypoint - i.e. along the route
+ // remove remaming s from road
+ if (direction > 0)
+ {
+ dist -= (GetRoadById(route_->waypoint_[i]->GetTrackId())->GetLength() - GetS());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dist -= GetS();
+ }
+ s_route_ = dist;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void Position::SetRoute(Route *route)
+ route_ = route;
+ // Also find out current position in terms of route position
+ CalcRoutePosition();
+void Position::SetTrajectory(Trajectory* trajectory)
+ trajectory_ = trajectory;
+ // Reset trajectory S value
+ s_trajectory_ = 0;
+bool Position::Delta(Position pos_b, PositionDiff &diff)
+ double dist = 0;
+ bool found;
+ RoadPath *path = new RoadPath(this, &pos_b);
+ found = (path->Calculate(dist) == 0);
+ if (found)
+ {
+ diff.dLaneId = pos_b.GetLaneId() - GetLaneId();
+ diff.ds = dist;
+ diff.dt = pos_b.GetT() - GetT();
+#if 0 // Change to 1 to print some info on stdout - e.g. for debugging
+ printf("Dist %.2f Path (reversed): %d", dist, pos_b.GetTrackId());
+ if (path->visited_.size() > 0)
+ {
+ RoadPath::PathNode* node = path->visited_.back();
+ while (node)
+ {
+ if (node->fromRoad != 0)
+ {
+ printf(" <- %d", node->fromRoad->GetId());
+ }
+ node = node->previous;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ diff.dLaneId = 0;
+ diff.ds = 0;
+ diff.dt = 0;
+ }
+ delete path;
+ return found;
+bool Position::IsAheadOf(Position target_position)
+ // Calculate diff vector from current to target
+ double diff_x, diff_y;
+ double diff_x0;
+ diff_x = target_position.GetX() - GetX();
+ diff_y = target_position.GetY() - GetY();
+ // Compensate for current heading (rotate so that current heading = 0)
+ // Only x component needed
+ diff_x0 = diff_x * cos(-GetH()) - diff_y * sin(-GetH());
+ // Now just check whether diff vector X-component is less than 0 (behind current)
+ return(diff_x0 < 0);
+int Position::GetRoadLaneInfo(RoadLaneInfo *data)
+ if (fabs(GetCurvature()) > SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ double radius = 1.0 / GetCurvature();
+ radius -= GetT(); // curvature positive in left curves, lat_offset positive left of reference lane
+ data->curvature = (1.0 / radius);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // curvature close to zero (straight segment), radius infitite - curvature the same in all lanes
+ data->curvature = GetCurvature();
+ }
+ data->pos[0] = GetX();
+ data->pos[1] = GetY();
+ data->pos[2] = GetZRoad();
+ data->heading = GetHRoad();
+ data->pitch = GetPRoad();
+ data->roll = GetRRoad();
+ // Then find out the width of the lane at current s-value
+ Road *road = GetRoadById(GetTrackId());
+ if (road)
+ {
+ data->width = road->GetLaneWidthByS(GetS(), GetLaneId());
+ data->speed_limit = road->GetSpeedByS(GetS());
+ }
+ return 0;
+int Position::GetRoadLaneInfo(double lookahead_distance, RoadLaneInfo *data, LookAheadMode lookAheadMode)
+ Position target(*this); // Make a copy of current position
+ {
+ // Look along reference lane requested, move pivot position to t=0 plus a small number in order to
+ // fall into the right direction
+ target.SetTrackPos(target.GetTrackId(), target.GetS(), SMALL_NUMBER * SIGN(GetLaneId()));
+ }
+ else if (lookAheadMode == LOOKAHEADMODE_AT_LANE_CENTER)
+ {
+ // Look along current lane center requested, move pivot position accordingly
+ target.SetLanePos(target.GetTrackId(), target.GetLaneId(), target.GetS(), 0);
+ }
+ if (fabs(lookahead_distance) > SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ int retval = target.MoveAlongS(lookahead_distance, 0, Junction::STRAIGHT);
+ if (retval != 0)
+ {
+ return retval;
+ }
+ }
+ target.GetRoadLaneInfo(data);
+ return 0;
+void Position::CalcProbeTarget(Position *target, RoadProbeInfo *data)
+ target->GetRoadLaneInfo(&data->road_lane_info);
+ // find out local x, y, z
+ double diff_x = target->GetX() - GetX();
+ double diff_y = target->GetY() - GetY();
+ double diff_z = target->GetZRoad() - GetZRoad();
+ data->relative_pos[0] = diff_x * cos(-GetH()) - diff_y * sin(-GetH());
+ data->relative_pos[1] = diff_x * sin(-GetH()) + diff_y * cos(-GetH());
+ data->relative_pos[2] = diff_z;
+#if 0
+ // for validation
+ data->global_pos[0] = GetX() + data->local_pos[0] * cos(GetH()) - data->local_pos[1] * sin(GetH());
+ data->global_pos[1] = GetY() + data->local_pos[0] * sin(GetH()) + data->local_pos[1] * cos(GetH());
+ data->global_pos[2] = GetZ() + data->local_pos[2];
+ // Calculate angle - by dot product
+ if (fabs(data->relative_pos[0]) < SMALL_NUMBER && fabs(data->relative_pos[1]) < SMALL_NUMBER && fabs(data->relative_pos[2]) < SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ data->relative_h = GetH();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double dot_prod =
+ (data->relative_pos[0] * 1.0 + data->relative_pos[1] * 0.0) /
+ sqrt(data->relative_pos[0] * data->relative_pos[0] + data->relative_pos[1] * data->relative_pos[1]);
+ data->relative_h = SIGN(data->relative_pos[1]) * acos(dot_prod);
+ }
+int Position::GetProbeInfo(double lookahead_distance, RoadProbeInfo *data, LookAheadMode lookAheadMode)
+ if (GetOpenDrive()->GetNumOfRoads() == 0)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ Position target(*this); // Make a copy of current position
+ {
+ // Look along reference lane requested, move pivot position to t=0 plus a small number in order to
+ // fall into the right direction
+ target.SetTrackPos(target.GetTrackId(), target.GetS(), SMALL_NUMBER * SIGN(GetLaneId()));
+ }
+ else if (lookAheadMode == LOOKAHEADMODE_AT_LANE_CENTER)
+ {
+ // Look along current lane center requested, move pivot position accordingly
+ target.SetLanePos(target.GetTrackId(), target.GetLaneId(), target.GetS(), 0);
+ }
+ if (fabs(lookahead_distance) > SMALL_NUMBER)
+ {
+ int retval;
+ if (target.route_)
+ {
+ retval = target.MoveRouteDS(lookahead_distance);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retval = target.MoveAlongS(lookahead_distance, 0, Junction::STRAIGHT);
+ }
+ if (retval != 0)
+ {
+ return retval;
+ }
+ }
+ CalcProbeTarget(&target, data);
+ return 0;
+int Position::GetProbeInfo(Position *target_pos, RoadProbeInfo *data)
+ CalcProbeTarget(target_pos, data);
+ return 0;
+int Position::GetTrackId()
+ if (rel_pos_ && rel_pos_ != this &&
+ (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD))
+ {
+ return rel_pos_->GetTrackId();
+ }
+ return track_id_;
+int Position::GetLaneId()
+ if (rel_pos_ && rel_pos_ != this && type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE)
+ {
+ return rel_pos_->GetLaneId() + lane_id_;
+ }
+ return lane_id_;
+int Position::GetLaneGlobalId()
+ Road *road = GetRoadById(GetTrackId());
+ if (road == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("No road %d", track_idx_);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ LaneSection *lane_section = road->GetLaneSectionByIdx(lane_section_idx_);
+ if (lane_section == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("No lane section for idx %d - keeping current lane setting\n", lane_section_idx_);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ double offset;
+ int lane_idx = lane_section->GetClosestLaneIdx(s_, t_, offset, false, Lane::LaneType::LANE_TYPE_ANY);
+ if (lane_idx == -1)
+ {
+ LOG("Failed to find a valid drivable lane");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Check if it is not a center lane
+ int lane_id = lane_section->GetLaneIdByIdx(lane_idx);
+ if(!lane_section->IsOSILaneById(lane_id))
+ {
+ if(offset>=0)
+ {
+ lane_id = 1;
+ } else {
+ lane_id = -1;
+ }
+ lane_idx = lane_section->GetLaneIdxById(lane_id);
+ }
+ return lane_section->GetLaneGlobalIdByIdx(lane_idx);
+double Position::GetS()
+ if (rel_pos_ && rel_pos_ != this &&
+ (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD))
+ {
+ return rel_pos_->GetS() + s_;
+ }
+ return s_;
+double Position::GetT()
+ if (rel_pos_ && rel_pos_ != this &&
+ (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD))
+ {
+ return rel_pos_->GetT() + t_;
+ }
+ return t_;
+double Position::GetOffset()
+ if (rel_pos_ && rel_pos_ != this &&
+ (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD))
+ {
+ return rel_pos_->GetOffset() + offset_;
+ }
+ return offset_;
+double Position::GetX()
+ if (!rel_pos_ || rel_pos_ == this)
+ {
+ return x_;
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_OBJECT)
+ {
+ return rel_pos_->GetX() + x_ * cos(rel_pos_->GetH()) - y_ * sin(rel_pos_->GetH());
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_WORLD)
+ {
+ return x_ + rel_pos_->GetX();
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD)
+ {
+ return x_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected PositionType: %d", type_);
+ }
+ return x_;
+double Position::GetY()
+ if (!rel_pos_ || rel_pos_ == this)
+ {
+ return y_;
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_OBJECT)
+ {
+ return rel_pos_->GetY() + y_ * cos(rel_pos_->GetH()) + x_ * sin(rel_pos_->GetH());
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_WORLD)
+ {
+ return y_ + rel_pos_->GetY();
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD)
+ {
+ return y_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected PositionType: %d", type_);
+ }
+ return y_;
+double Position::GetZ()
+ if (!rel_pos_ || rel_pos_ == this)
+ {
+ return z_;
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_OBJECT || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_WORLD)
+ {
+ return z_ + rel_pos_->GetZ();
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD)
+ {
+ return z_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected PositionType: %d", type_);
+ }
+ return z_;
+double Position::GetH()
+ if (!rel_pos_ || rel_pos_ == this)
+ {
+ return h_;
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_WORLD || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_OBJECT)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ return h_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return h_ + rel_pos_->GetH();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ return h_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return h_ + GetHRoadInDrivingDirection();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected PositionType: %d", type_);
+ }
+ return h_;
+double Position::GetHRelative()
+ if (!rel_pos_ || rel_pos_ == this)
+ {
+ return h_relative_;
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_WORLD || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_OBJECT)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ return h_relative_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return GetAngleInInterval2PI(h_relative_ + rel_pos_->GetHRelative());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ return h_relative_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return GetAngleInInterval2PI(h_relative_ + GetHRoadInDrivingDirection());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected PositionType: %d", type_);
+ }
+ return h_relative_;
+double Position::GetP()
+ if (!rel_pos_ || rel_pos_ == this)
+ {
+ return p_;
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_WORLD || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_OBJECT)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ return p_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return p_ + rel_pos_->GetP();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ return p_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return p_ + GetPRoadInDrivingDirection();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected PositionType: %d", type_);
+ }
+ return p_;
+double Position::GetPRelative()
+ if (!rel_pos_ || rel_pos_ == this)
+ {
+ return p_relative_;
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_WORLD || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_OBJECT)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ return p_relative_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return GetAngleInInterval2PI(p_relative_ + rel_pos_->GetPRelative());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ return p_relative_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return GetAngleInInterval2PI(p_relative_ + GetPRoadInDrivingDirection());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected PositionType: %d", type_);
+ }
+ return p_relative_;
+double Position::GetR()
+ if (!rel_pos_ || rel_pos_ == this)
+ {
+ return r_;
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_WORLD || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_OBJECT)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ return r_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return r_ + rel_pos_->GetR();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ return r_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return r_; // road R not implemented yet
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected PositionType: %d", type_);
+ }
+ return r_;
+double Position::GetRRelative()
+ if (!rel_pos_ || rel_pos_ == this)
+ {
+ return r_relative_;
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_WORLD || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_OBJECT)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ return r_relative_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return GetAngleInInterval2PI(r_relative_ + rel_pos_->GetRRelative());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ return r_relative_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return GetAngleInInterval2PI(r_relative_ + r_road_);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected PositionType: %d", type_);
+ }
+ return r_relative_;
+int Position::SetRoutePosition(Position *position)
+ if(!route_)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Is it a valid position, i.e. is it along the route
+ for (size_t i=0; i<route_->waypoint_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (route_->waypoint_[i]->GetTrackId() == position->GetTrackId()) // Same road
+ {
+ // Update current position
+ Route *tmp = route_; // save route pointer, copy the
+ *this = *position;
+ route_ = tmp;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+int Position::MoveRouteDS(double ds)
+ if (!route_)
+ {
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_GENERIC;
+ }
+ if (route_->waypoint_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_GENERIC;
+ }
+ return SetRouteS(route_, s_route_ + ds);
+int Position::SetRouteLanePosition(Route *route, double route_s, int laneId, double laneOffset)
+ SetRouteS(route, route_s);
+ // Override lane data
+ SetLanePos(track_id_, laneId, s_, laneOffset);
+ return 0;
+void PolyLine::AddVertex(Position pos, double time, bool calculateHeading)
+ Vertex* v = new Vertex();
+ v->pos_ = pos;
+ v->time_ = time;
+ v->calc_heading_ = calculateHeading;
+ vertex_.push_back(v);
+ if (vertex_.size() > 1)
+ {
+ length_ += PointDistance2D(
+ vertex_[vertex_.size() - 2]->pos_.GetX(),
+ vertex_[vertex_.size() - 2]->pos_.GetY(),
+ vertex_[vertex_.size() - 1]->pos_.GetX(),
+ vertex_[vertex_.size() - 1]->pos_.GetY());
+ }
+int Position::MoveTrajectoryDS(double ds)
+ if (!trajectory_)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (trajectory_->shape_->type_ == Shape::POLYLINE)
+ {
+ PolyLine* pline = (PolyLine*)trajectory_->shape_;
+ if (pline->vertex_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ SetTrajectoryS(trajectory_, s_trajectory_ + ds);
+ }
+ else if (trajectory_->shape_->type_ == Shape::CLOTHOID)
+ {
+ SetTrajectoryS(trajectory_, s_trajectory_ + ds);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Trajectory types Clothoid and Nurbs not supported yet");
+ }
+ return 0;
+int Position::SetTrajectoryPosByTime(Trajectory* trajectory, double time)
+ double s = 0;
+ // Find out corresponding S-value
+ size_t i = 0;
+ if (trajectory->shape_->type_ == Shape::POLYLINE)
+ {
+ PolyLine* pline = (PolyLine*)trajectory->shape_;
+ for (i = 0; i < pline->vertex_.size()-1; i++)
+ {
+ double t0 = pline->vertex_[i]->time_;
+ double t1 = pline->vertex_[i+1]->time_;
+ Position* vp0 = &pline->vertex_[i]->pos_;
+ Position* vp1 = &pline->vertex_[i+1]->pos_;
+ double dist = PointDistance2D(vp0->GetX(), vp0->GetY(), vp1->GetX(), vp1->GetY());
+ if (time < t1)
+ {
+ double a = (time - t0) / (t1 - t0);
+ s += a * dist;
+ break;
+ }
+ s += dist;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (trajectory->shape_->type_ == Shape::CLOTHOID)
+ {
+ Clothoid* clothoid = (Clothoid*)trajectory->shape_;
+ if (time > clothoid->t_start_ && time < clothoid->t_end_)
+ {
+ double t = time - clothoid->t_start_;
+ s = clothoid->length_ * (t - clothoid->t_start_) / (clothoid->t_end_ - clothoid->t_start_);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Requested time %.2f outside range [%.2f, %.2f]", time, clothoid->t_start_, clothoid->t_end_);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Trajectory types Clothoid and Nurbs not supported yet");
+ }
+// LOG("i %d t %.2f s %.2f", i, time, s);
+ SetTrajectoryS(trajectory_, s);
+ return 0;
+int Position::SetTrajectoryS(Trajectory* trajectory, double traj_s)
+ if (!trajectory)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ s_trajectory_ = traj_s;
+ if (trajectory->shape_->type_ == Shape::POLYLINE)
+ {
+ PolyLine* pline = (PolyLine*)trajectory->shape_;
+ if (pline->vertex_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if (pline->vertex_.size() == 1)
+ {
+ // Only one vertex
+ Position* vpos = &pline->vertex_[0]->pos_;
+ SetInertiaPos(vpos->GetX(), vpos->GetY(), vpos->GetZ(), vpos->GetH(), vpos->GetP(), vpos->GetR(), false);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ double tot_dist = 0;
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < pline->vertex_.size()-1; i++)
+ {
+ Position* vp0 = &pline->vertex_[i]->pos_;
+ Position* vp1 = &pline->vertex_[i+1]->pos_;
+ double dist = PointDistance2D(vp0->GetX(), vp0->GetY(), vp1->GetX(), vp1->GetY());
+ if (traj_s < tot_dist + dist)
+ {
+ // At segment, make a linear interpolation
+ double a = (traj_s - tot_dist) / dist; // a = interpolation factor
+ SetInertiaPos(
+ (1 - a) * vp0->GetX() + a * vp1->GetX(),
+ (1 - a) * vp0->GetY() + a * vp1->GetY(),
+ (1 - a) * vp0->GetZ() + a * vp1->GetZ(),
+ GetAngleInInterval2PI(vp0->GetH() + a * GetAngleDifference(vp1->GetH(), vp0->GetH())),
+ GetAngleInInterval2PI(vp0->GetP() + a * GetAngleDifference(vp1->GetP(), vp0->GetP())),
+ GetAngleInInterval2PI(vp0->GetR() + a * GetAngleDifference(vp1->GetR(), vp0->GetR())),
+ true);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tot_dist += dist;
+ }
+ if (i == pline->vertex_.size() - 1)
+ {
+ // passed length of trajectory, use final vertex
+ Position* vpos = &pline->vertex_.back()->pos_;
+ SetInertiaPos(vpos->GetX(), vpos->GetY(), vpos->GetZ(), vpos->GetH(), vpos->GetP(), vpos->GetR(), false);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (trajectory->shape_->type_ == Shape::CLOTHOID)
+ {
+ double x, y, h;
+ Clothoid* clothoid = (Clothoid*)trajectory_->shape_;
+ clothoid->spiral_->EvaluateDS(traj_s, &x, &y, &h);
+ SetInertiaPos(x, y, 0.0, h, 0.0, 0.0, false);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Trajectory type Nurbs not supported yet");
+ }
+ return -1;
+int Position::SetRouteS(Route *route, double route_s)
+ if (route->waypoint_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("SetOffset No waypoints!");
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_GENERIC;
+ }
+ OpenDrive *od = route->waypoint_[0]->GetOpenDrive();
+ double initial_s_offset = 0;
+ if (route->GetWayPointDirection(0) > 0)
+ {
+ initial_s_offset = route->waypoint_[0]->GetS();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ initial_s_offset = od->GetRoadById(route->waypoint_[0]->GetTrackId())->GetLength() - route->waypoint_[0]->GetS();
+ }
+ double route_length = 0;
+ s_route_ = route_s;
+ double new_offset = offset_;
+ // Find out what road and local s value
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < route->waypoint_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ int track_id = route->waypoint_[i]->GetTrackId();
+ double road_length = route->waypoint_[i]->GetOpenDrive()->GetRoadById(track_id)->GetLength();
+ if (s_route_ < route_length + road_length - initial_s_offset)
+ {
+ // Found road segment
+ double local_s = 0;
+ int route_direction = route->GetWayPointDirection((int)i);
+ if (route_direction == 0)
+ {
+ LOG("Unexpected lack of connection within route at waypoint %d", i);
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_GENERIC;
+ }
+ local_s = s_route_ - route_length + initial_s_offset;
+ if (route_direction < 0) // along waypoint road direction
+ {
+ local_s = road_length - local_s;
+ new_offset = -offset_;
+ if (GetHRelative() < M_PI_2 || GetHRelative() > 3 * M_PI_2)
+ {
+ SetHeadingRelative(GetAngleSum(GetHRelative(), M_PI));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new_offset = offset_;
+ if (GetHRelative() > M_PI_2 && GetHRelative() < 3 * M_PI_2)
+ {
+ SetHeadingRelative(GetAngleSum(GetHRelative(), M_PI));
+ }
+ }
+ return (SetLanePos(route->waypoint_[i]->GetTrackId(), route->waypoint_[i]->GetLaneId(), local_s, new_offset));
+ }
+ route_length += road_length - initial_s_offset;
+ initial_s_offset = 0; // For all following road segments, calculate length from beginning
+ }
+ return ErrorCode::ERROR_END_OF_ROUTE;
+void Position::ReleaseRelation()
+ // Freeze position and then disconnect
+ if (type_ == Position::PositionType::RELATIVE_LANE)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_RELATIVE)
+ {
+ // Save requested heading angle, since SetLanePos will modify it
+ double h = h_relative_;
+ // Resolve requested position
+ SetLanePos(GetTrackId(), GetLaneId(), GetS(), GetOffset());
+ // Finally set requested heading
+ if (lane_id_ > 0)
+ {
+ // In lanes going opposite road direction, add 180 degrees
+ h = GetAngleSum(h, M_PI);
+ }
+ SetHeadingRelative(h);
+ SetPitch(GetP());
+ SetRoll(GetR());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double h = h_;
+ SetLanePos(GetTrackId(), GetLaneId(), GetS(), GetOffset());
+ SetHeading(h);
+ }
+ }
+ if (type_ == Position::PositionType::RELATIVE_ROAD)
+ {
+ if (orientation_type_ == OrientationType::ORIENTATION_RELATIVE)
+ {
+ // Save requested heading angle, since SetLanePos will modify it
+ double h = h_relative_;
+ // Resolve requested position
+ SetTrackPos(GetTrackId(), GetS(), GetT());
+ // Finally set requested heading
+ if (lane_id_ > 0)
+ {
+ // In lanes going opposite road direction, add 180 degrees
+ h = GetAngleSum(h, M_PI);
+ }
+ SetHeadingRelative(h);
+ SetPitch(GetP());
+ SetRoll(GetR());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double h = h_;
+ SetTrackPos(GetTrackId(), GetS(), GetT());
+ SetHeading(h);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_OBJECT || type_ == PositionType::RELATIVE_WORLD)
+ {
+ SetInertiaPos(GetX(), GetY(), GetZ(), GetH(), GetP(), GetR(), true);
+ }
+ SetRelativePosition(0, PositionType::NORMAL);
+int Route::AddWaypoint(Position *position)
+ // Validate waypoint: Is it on the previous road or a connecting one?
+ if (waypoint_.size() > 0)
+ {
+ bool connected = false;
+ Position *prev_pos = waypoint_.back();
+ int connecting_road_id = 0;
+ int *connecting_road_id_ptr = &connecting_road_id;
+ int connecting_lane_id = 0;
+ int *connecting_lane_id_ptr = &connecting_lane_id;
+ if (prev_pos->GetTrackId() != position->GetTrackId())
+ {
+ if (position->GetOpenDrive()->IsIndirectlyConnected(prev_pos->GetTrackId(), position->GetTrackId(),
+ connecting_road_id_ptr, connecting_lane_id_ptr, prev_pos->GetLaneId(), position->GetLaneId()))
+ {
+ connected = true;
+ if (connecting_road_id != 0)
+ {
+ // Adding waypoint for junction connecting road
+ Position *connected_pos = new Position(connecting_road_id, connecting_lane_id, 0, 0);
+ waypoint_.push_back(connected_pos);
+ LOG("Route::AddWaypoint Added connecting waypoint %d: %d, %d, %.2f\n",
+ (int)waypoint_.size() - 1, connecting_road_id, connecting_lane_id, 0.0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!connected)
+ {
+ LOG("Error: waypoint (%d, %d) is not connected to the previous one (%d, %d)\n",
+ position->GetTrackId(), position->GetLaneId(), prev_pos->GetTrackId(), prev_pos->GetLaneId());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ waypoint_.push_back(position);
+ LOG("Route::AddWaypoint Added waypoint %d: %d, %d, %.2f\n", (int)waypoint_.size()-1, position->GetTrackId(), position->GetLaneId(), position->GetS());
+ return 0;
+int Route::GetWayPointDirection(int index)
+ if (waypoint_.size() == 0 || index < 0 || index >= waypoint_.size())
+ {
+ LOG("Waypoint index %d out of range (%d)", index, waypoint_.size());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (waypoint_.size() == 1)
+ {
+ LOG("Only one waypoint, no direction");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ OpenDrive *od = waypoint_[index]->GetOpenDrive();
+ Road *road = od->GetRoadById(waypoint_[index]->GetTrackId());
+ int connected = 0;
+ double angle;
+ if (index == waypoint_.size() - 1)
+ {
+ // Find connection point to previous waypoint road
+ Road *prev_road = od->GetRoadById(waypoint_[index-1]->GetTrackId());
+ connected = -od->IsDirectlyConnected(road->GetId(), prev_road->GetId(), angle);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Find connection point to next waypoint road
+ Road *next_road = od->GetRoadById(waypoint_[index+1]->GetTrackId());
+ connected = od->IsDirectlyConnected(road->GetId(), next_road->GetId(), angle);
+ }
+ return connected;
+double Route::GetLength()
+ return 0.0;
+void Route::setName(std::string name)
+ this->name_ = name;
+std::string Route::getName()
+ return name_;
+void Trajectory::Freeze()
+ if (shape_->type_ == Shape::ShapeType::POLYLINE)
+ {
+ PolyLine* pline = (PolyLine*)shape_;
+ pline->length_ = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pline->vertex_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ pline->vertex_[i]->pos_.ReleaseRelation();
+ if (i > 0)
+ {
+ pline->length_ += PointDistance2D(
+ pline->vertex_[i-1]->pos_.GetX(),
+ pline->vertex_[i-1]->pos_.GetY(),
+ pline->vertex_[i]->pos_.GetX(),
+ pline->vertex_[i]->pos_.GetY());
+ // Calculate heading from last point
+ if (pline->vertex_[i-1]->calc_heading_)
+ {
+ double dx = pline->vertex_[i]->pos_.GetX() - pline->vertex_[i - 1]->pos_.GetX();
+ double dy = pline->vertex_[i]->pos_.GetY() - pline->vertex_[i - 1]->pos_.GetY();
+ pline->vertex_[i-1]->pos_.SetHeading(atan2(dy, dx));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (shape_->type_ == Shape::ShapeType::CLOTHOID)
+ {
+ Clothoid* clothoid = (Clothoid*)shape_;
+ clothoid->pos_.ReleaseRelation();
+ clothoid->spiral_->SetX(clothoid->pos_.GetX());
+ clothoid->spiral_->SetY(clothoid->pos_.GetY());
+ clothoid->spiral_->SetHdg(clothoid->pos_.GetH());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG("Nurbs trajectory type not supported yet");
+ }