@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-2019 Autoware Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "mpc_follower/mpc_follower_core.h"
+#define DEBUG_INFO(...) { if (show_debug_info_) { ROS_INFO(__VA_ARGS__); }}
+ : nh_(""), pnh_("~"), my_position_ok_(false), my_velocity_ok_(false), my_steering_ok_(false)
+ pnh_.param("show_debug_info", show_debug_info_, bool(false));
+ pnh_.param("ctrl_period", ctrl_period_, double(0.03));
+ pnh_.param("enable_path_smoothing", enable_path_smoothing_, bool(true));
+ pnh_.param("enable_yaw_recalculation", enable_yaw_recalculation_, bool(false));
+ pnh_.param("path_filter_moving_ave_num", path_filter_moving_ave_num_, int(35));
+ pnh_.param("path_smoothing_times", path_smoothing_times_, int(1));
+ pnh_.param("curvature_smoothing_num", curvature_smoothing_num_, int(35));
+ pnh_.param("traj_resample_dist", traj_resample_dist_, double(0.1)); // [m]
+ pnh_.param("admisible_position_error", admisible_position_error_, double(5.0));
+ pnh_.param("admisible_yaw_error_deg", admisible_yaw_error_deg_, double(90.0));
+ pnh_.param("output_interface", output_interface_, std::string("all"));
+ /* mpc parameters */
+ pnh_.param("mpc_prediction_horizon", mpc_param_.prediction_horizon, int(70));
+ pnh_.param("mpc_prediction_sampling_time", mpc_param_.prediction_sampling_time, double(0.1));
+ pnh_.param("mpc_weight_lat_error", mpc_param_.weight_lat_error, double(1.0));
+ pnh_.param("mpc_weight_heading_error", mpc_param_.weight_heading_error, double(0.0));
+ pnh_.param("mpc_weight_heading_error_squared_vel_coeff", mpc_param_.weight_heading_error_squared_vel_coeff, double(0.3));
+ pnh_.param("mpc_weight_steering_input", mpc_param_.weight_steering_input, double(1.0));
+ pnh_.param("mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel_coeff", mpc_param_.weight_steering_input_squared_vel_coeff, double(0.25));
+ pnh_.param("mpc_weight_lat_jerk", mpc_param_.weight_lat_jerk, double(0.0));
+ pnh_.param("mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error", mpc_param_.weight_terminal_lat_error, double(1.0));
+ pnh_.param("mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error", mpc_param_.weight_terminal_heading_error, double(0.1));
+ pnh_.param("mpc_zero_ff_steer_deg", mpc_param_.zero_ff_steer_deg, double(2.0));
+ pnh_.param("delay_compensation_time", mpc_param_.delay_compensation_time, double(0.0));
+ pnh_.param("steer_lim_deg", steer_lim_deg_, double(35.0));
+ pnh_.param("vehicle_model_wheelbase", wheelbase_, double(2.9));
+ /* vehicle model setup */
+ pnh_.param("vehicle_model_type", vehicle_model_type_, std::string("kinematics"));
+ if (vehicle_model_type_ == "kinematics")
+ {
+ double steer_tau;
+ pnh_.param("vehicle_model_steer_tau", steer_tau, double(0.1));
+ vehicle_model_ptr_ = std::make_shared<KinematicsBicycleModel>(wheelbase_, amathutils::deg2rad(steer_lim_deg_), steer_tau);
+ ROS_INFO("[MPC] set vehicle_model = kinematics");
+ }
+ else if (vehicle_model_type_ == "kinematics_no_delay")
+ {
+ vehicle_model_ptr_ = std::make_shared<KinematicsBicycleModelNoDelay>(wheelbase_, amathutils::deg2rad(steer_lim_deg_));
+ ROS_INFO("[MPC] set vehicle_model = kinematics_no_delay");
+ }
+ else if (vehicle_model_type_ == "dynamics")
+ {
+ double mass_fl, mass_fr, mass_rl, mass_rr, cf, cr;
+ pnh_.param("mass_fl", mass_fl, double(600));
+ pnh_.param("mass_fr", mass_fr, double(600));
+ pnh_.param("mass_rl", mass_rl, double(600));
+ pnh_.param("mass_rr", mass_rr, double(600));
+ pnh_.param("cf", cf, double(155494.663));
+ pnh_.param("cr", cr, double(155494.663));
+ vehicle_model_ptr_ = std::make_shared<DynamicsBicycleModel>(wheelbase_, mass_fl, mass_fr, mass_rl, mass_rr, cf, cr);
+ ROS_INFO("[MPC] set vehicle_model = dynamics");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR("[MPC] vehicle_model_type is undefined");
+ }
+ /* QP solver setup */
+ std::string qp_solver_type_;
+ pnh_.param("qp_solver_type", qp_solver_type_, std::string("unconstraint_fast"));
+ if (qp_solver_type_ == "unconstraint")
+ {
+ qpsolver_ptr_ = std::make_shared<QPSolverEigenLeastSquare>();
+ ROS_INFO("[MPC] set qp solver = unconstraint");
+ }
+ else if (qp_solver_type_ == "unconstraint_fast")
+ {
+ qpsolver_ptr_ = std::make_shared<QPSolverEigenLeastSquareLLT>();
+ ROS_INFO("[MPC] set qp solver = unconstraint_fast");
+ }
+ else if (qp_solver_type_ == "qpoases_hotstart")
+ {
+ int max_iter;
+ pnh_.param("qpoases_max_iter", max_iter, int(500));
+ qpsolver_ptr_ = std::make_shared<QPSolverQpoasesHotstart>(max_iter);
+ ROS_INFO("[MPC] set qp solver = qpoases_hotstart");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR("[MPC] qp_solver_type is undefined");
+ }
+ steer_cmd_prev_ = 0.0;
+ lateral_error_prev_ = 0.0;
+ yaw_error_prev_ = 0.0;
+ /* delay compensation */
+ const int delay_step = std::round(mpc_param_.delay_compensation_time / ctrl_period_);
+ std::deque<double> tmp_deque(delay_step, 0.0);
+ input_buffer_ = tmp_deque;
+ /* initialize lowpass filter */
+ double steering_lpf_cutoff_hz, error_deriv_lpf_curoff_hz;
+ pnh_.param("steering_lpf_cutoff_hz", steering_lpf_cutoff_hz, double(3.0));
+ pnh_.param("error_deriv_lpf_curoff_hz", error_deriv_lpf_curoff_hz, double(5.0));
+ lpf_steering_cmd_.initialize(ctrl_period_, steering_lpf_cutoff_hz);
+ lpf_lateral_error_.initialize(ctrl_period_, error_deriv_lpf_curoff_hz);
+ lpf_yaw_error_.initialize(ctrl_period_, error_deriv_lpf_curoff_hz);
+ /* set up ros system */
+ timer_control_ = nh_.createTimer(ros::Duration(ctrl_period_), &MPCFollower::timerCallback, this);
+ std::string out_twist, out_vehicle_cmd, in_vehicle_status, in_waypoints, in_selfpose;
+ pnh_.param("out_twist_name", out_twist, std::string("twist_raw"));
+ pnh_.param("out_vehicle_cmd_name", out_vehicle_cmd, std::string("ctrl_raw"));
+ pnh_.param("in_waypoints_name", in_waypoints, std::string("base_waypoints"));
+ pnh_.param("in_selfpose_name", in_selfpose, std::string("current_pose"));
+ pnh_.param("in_vehicle_status_name", in_vehicle_status, std::string("vehicle_status"));
+ pub_twist_cmd_ = nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::TwistStamped>(out_twist, 1);
+ pub_steer_vel_ctrl_cmd_ = nh_.advertise<autoware_msgs::ControlCommandStamped>(out_vehicle_cmd, 1);
+ sub_ref_path_ = nh_.subscribe(in_waypoints, 1, &MPCFollower::callbackRefPath, this);
+ sub_pose_ = nh_.subscribe(in_selfpose, 1, &MPCFollower::callbackPose, this);
+ sub_vehicle_status_ = nh_.subscribe(in_vehicle_status, 1, &MPCFollower::callbackVehicleStatus, this);
+ /* for debug */
+ pub_debug_filtered_traj_ = pnh_.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("debug/filtered_traj", 1);
+ pub_debug_predicted_traj_ = pnh_.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("debug/predicted_traj", 1);
+ pub_debug_mpc_calc_time_ = pnh_.advertise<std_msgs::Float32>("debug/mpc_calc_time", 1);
+ pub_debug_values_ = pnh_.advertise<std_msgs::Float64MultiArray>("debug/debug_values", 1);
+ sub_estimate_twist_ = nh_.subscribe("estimate_twist", 1, &MPCFollower::callbackEstimateTwist, this);
+void MPCFollower::timerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent &te)
+ /* guard */
+ if (vehicle_model_ptr_ == nullptr || qpsolver_ptr_ == nullptr)
+ {
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] vehicle_model = %d, qp_solver = %d", !(vehicle_model_ptr_ == nullptr), !(qpsolver_ptr_ == nullptr));
+ publishControlCommands(0.0, 0.0, steer_cmd_prev_, 0.0); // publish brake
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ref_traj_.size() == 0 || !my_position_ok_ || !my_velocity_ok_ || !my_steering_ok_)
+ {
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] MPC is not solved. ref_traj_.size() = %d, my_position_ok_ = %d, my_velocity_ok_ = %d, my_steering_ok_ = %d",
+ ref_traj_.size(), my_position_ok_, my_velocity_ok_, my_steering_ok_);
+ publishControlCommands(0.0, 0.0, steer_cmd_prev_, 0.0); // publish brake
+ return;
+ }
+ /* control command */
+ double vel_cmd = 0.0;
+ double acc_cmd = 0.0;
+ double steer_cmd = 0.0;
+ double steer_vel_cmd = 0.0;
+ /* solve MPC */
+ auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+ const bool mpc_solved = calculateMPC(vel_cmd, acc_cmd, steer_cmd, steer_vel_cmd);
+ double elapsed_ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now() - start).count() * 1.0e-6;
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] timerCallback: MPC calculating time = %f [ms]\n", elapsed_ms);
+ /* publish computing time */
+ std_msgs::Float32 mpc_calc_time_msg;
+ mpc_calc_time_msg.data = elapsed_ms;
+ pub_debug_mpc_calc_time_.publish(mpc_calc_time_msg);
+ if (!mpc_solved)
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("[MPC] MPC is not solved. publish 0 velocity.");
+ vel_cmd = 0.0;
+ acc_cmd = 0.0;
+ steer_cmd = steer_cmd_prev_;
+ steer_vel_cmd = 0.0;
+ }
+ publishControlCommands(vel_cmd, acc_cmd, steer_cmd, steer_vel_cmd);
+bool MPCFollower::calculateMPC(double &vel_cmd, double &acc_cmd, double &steer_cmd, double &steer_vel_cmd)
+ const int N = mpc_param_.prediction_horizon;
+ const double DT = mpc_param_.prediction_sampling_time;
+ const int DIM_X = vehicle_model_ptr_->getDimX();
+ const int DIM_U = vehicle_model_ptr_->getDimU();
+ const int DIM_Y = vehicle_model_ptr_->getDimY();
+ const double current_yaw = tf2::getYaw(vehicle_status_.pose.orientation);
+ /* calculate nearest point on reference trajectory (used as initial state) */
+ unsigned int nearest_index = 0;
+ double yaw_err, dist_err, nearest_traj_time;
+ geometry_msgs::Pose nearest_pose;
+ if (!MPCUtils::calcNearestPoseInterp(ref_traj_, vehicle_status_.pose, nearest_pose, nearest_index, dist_err, yaw_err, nearest_traj_time))
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("[MPC] calculateMPC: error in calculating nearest pose. stop mpc.");
+ return false;
+ };
+ /* check if lateral error is not too large */
+ if (dist_err > admisible_position_error_ || std::fabs(yaw_err) > amathutils::deg2rad(admisible_yaw_error_deg_ ))
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("[MPC] error is over limit, stop mpc. (pos: error = %f[m], limit: %f[m], yaw: error = %f[deg], limit %f[deg])",
+ dist_err, admisible_position_error_, amathutils::rad2deg(yaw_err), admisible_yaw_error_deg_);
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* set mpc initial time */
+ const double mpc_start_time = nearest_traj_time;
+ /* check trajectory length */
+ const double mpc_end_time = mpc_start_time + (N - 1) * DT + mpc_param_.delay_compensation_time + ctrl_period_;
+ if (mpc_end_time > ref_traj_.relative_time.back())
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("[MPC] path is too short for prediction. path end: %f[s], mpc end time: %f[s]", ref_traj_.relative_time.back(), mpc_end_time);
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* convert tracking x,y error to lat error */
+ const double err_x = vehicle_status_.pose.position.x - nearest_pose.position.x;
+ const double err_y = vehicle_status_.pose.position.y - nearest_pose.position.y;
+ const double sp_yaw = tf2::getYaw(nearest_pose.orientation);
+ const double err_lat = -sin(sp_yaw) * err_x + cos(sp_yaw) * err_y;
+ /* get steering angle */
+ const double steer = vehicle_status_.tire_angle_rad;
+ /* define initial state for error dynamics */
+ Eigen::VectorXd x0 = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(DIM_X);
+ if (vehicle_model_type_ == "kinematics")
+ {
+ x0 << err_lat, yaw_err, steer;
+ }
+ else if (vehicle_model_type_ == "kinematics_no_delay")
+ {
+ x0 << err_lat, yaw_err;
+ }
+ else if (vehicle_model_type_ == "dynamics")
+ {
+ double dot_err_lat = (err_lat - lateral_error_prev_) / ctrl_period_;
+ double dot_err_yaw = (yaw_err - yaw_error_prev_) / ctrl_period_;
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] (before lpf) dot_err_lat = %f, dot_err_yaw = %f", dot_err_lat, dot_err_yaw);
+ lateral_error_prev_ = err_lat;
+ yaw_error_prev_ = yaw_err;
+ dot_err_lat = lpf_lateral_error_.filter(dot_err_lat);
+ dot_err_yaw = lpf_yaw_error_.filter(dot_err_yaw);
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] (after lpf) dot_err_lat = %f, dot_err_yaw = %f", dot_err_lat, dot_err_yaw);
+ x0 << err_lat, dot_err_lat, yaw_err, dot_err_yaw;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR("vehicle_model_type is undefined");
+ return false;
+ }
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] selfpose.x = %f, y = %f, yaw = %f", vehicle_status_.pose.position.x, vehicle_status_.pose.position.y, current_yaw);
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] nearpose.x = %f, y = %f, yaw = %f", nearest_pose.position.x, nearest_pose.position.y, tf2::getYaw(nearest_pose.orientation));
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] nearest_index = %d, nearest_traj_time = %f", nearest_index, nearest_traj_time);
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] lat error = %f, yaw error = %f, steer = %f, sp_yaw = %f, my_yaw = %f", err_lat, yaw_err, steer, sp_yaw, current_yaw);
+ /////////////// delay compensation ///////////////
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Ad(DIM_X, DIM_X);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Bd(DIM_X, DIM_U);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Wd(DIM_X, 1);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Cd(DIM_Y, DIM_X);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Uref(DIM_U, 1);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd x_curr = x0;
+ double mpc_curr_time = mpc_start_time;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input_buffer_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ double k = 0.0;
+ double v = 0.0;
+ if (!MPCUtils::interp1d(ref_traj_.relative_time, ref_traj_.k, mpc_curr_time, k) ||
+ !MPCUtils::interp1d(ref_traj_.relative_time, ref_traj_.vx, mpc_curr_time, v))
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("[MPC] calculateMPC: mpc resample error at delay compensation, stop mpc calculation. check code!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* get discrete state matrix A, B, C, W */
+ vehicle_model_ptr_->setVelocity(v);
+ vehicle_model_ptr_->setCurvature(k);
+ vehicle_model_ptr_->calculateDiscreteMatrix(Ad, Bd, Cd, Wd, ctrl_period_);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd ud = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_U, 1);
+ ud(0, 0) = input_buffer_.at(i); // for steering input delay
+ x_curr = Ad * x_curr + Bd * ud + Wd;
+ mpc_curr_time += ctrl_period_;
+ }
+ x0 = x_curr; // set delay compensated initial state
+ /////////////// generate mpc matrix ///////////////
+ /*
+ * predict equation: Xec = Aex * x0 + Bex * Uex + Wex
+ * cost function: J = Xex' * Qex * Xex + (Uex - Uref)' * Rex * (Uex - Urefex)
+ * Qex = diag([Q,Q,...]), Rex = diag([R,R,...])
+ */
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Aex = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_X * N, DIM_X);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Bex = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_X * N, DIM_U * N);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Wex = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_X * N, 1);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Cex = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_Y * N, DIM_X * N);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Qex = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_Y * N, DIM_Y * N);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Rex = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_U * N, DIM_U * N);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Urefex = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_U * N, 1);
+ /* weight matrix depends on the vehicle model */
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Q = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_Y, DIM_Y);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd R = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_U, DIM_U);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd Q_adaptive = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_Y, DIM_Y);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd R_adaptive = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_U, DIM_U);
+ Q(0, 0) = mpc_param_.weight_lat_error;
+ Q(1, 1) = mpc_param_.weight_heading_error;
+ R(0, 0) = mpc_param_.weight_steering_input;
+ /* resample ref_traj with mpc sampling time */
+ std::vector<double> mpc_time_v;
+ for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ {
+ mpc_time_v.push_back(mpc_curr_time + i * DT);
+ }
+ MPCTrajectory mpc_resampled_ref_traj;
+ if (!MPCUtils::interp1dMPCTraj(ref_traj_.relative_time, ref_traj_, mpc_time_v, mpc_resampled_ref_traj))
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("[MPC] calculateMPC: mpc resample error, stop mpc calculation. check code!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* predict dynamics for N times */
+ for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ {
+ const double ref_k = mpc_resampled_ref_traj.k[i];
+ const double ref_vx = mpc_resampled_ref_traj.vx[i];
+ const double ref_vx_squared = ref_vx * ref_vx;
+ /* get discrete state matrix A, B, C, W */
+ vehicle_model_ptr_->setVelocity(ref_vx);
+ vehicle_model_ptr_->setCurvature(ref_k);
+ vehicle_model_ptr_->calculateDiscreteMatrix(Ad, Bd, Cd, Wd, DT);
+ Q_adaptive = Q;
+ R_adaptive = R;
+ if (i == N - 1)
+ {
+ Q_adaptive(0, 0) = mpc_param_.weight_terminal_lat_error;
+ Q_adaptive(1, 1) = mpc_param_.weight_terminal_heading_error;
+ }
+ Q_adaptive(1, 1) += ref_vx_squared * mpc_param_.weight_heading_error_squared_vel_coeff;
+ R_adaptive(0, 0) += ref_vx_squared * mpc_param_.weight_steering_input_squared_vel_coeff;
+ /* update mpc matrix */
+ int idx_x_i = i * DIM_X;
+ int idx_x_i_prev = (i - 1) * DIM_X;
+ int idx_u_i = i * DIM_U;
+ int idx_y_i = i * DIM_Y;
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ Aex.block(0, 0, DIM_X, DIM_X) = Ad;
+ Bex.block(0, 0, DIM_X, DIM_U) = Bd;
+ Wex.block(0, 0, DIM_X, 1) = Wd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Aex.block(idx_x_i, 0, DIM_X, DIM_X) = Ad * Aex.block(idx_x_i_prev, 0, DIM_X, DIM_X);
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
+ {
+ int idx_u_j = j * DIM_U;
+ Bex.block(idx_x_i, idx_u_j, DIM_X, DIM_U) = Ad * Bex.block(idx_x_i_prev, idx_u_j, DIM_X, DIM_U);
+ }
+ Wex.block(idx_x_i, 0, DIM_X, 1) = Ad * Wex.block(idx_x_i_prev, 0, DIM_X, 1) + Wd;
+ }
+ Bex.block(idx_x_i, idx_u_i, DIM_X, DIM_U) = Bd;
+ Cex.block(idx_y_i, idx_x_i, DIM_Y, DIM_X) = Cd;
+ Qex.block(idx_y_i, idx_y_i, DIM_Y, DIM_Y) = Q_adaptive;
+ Rex.block(idx_u_i, idx_u_i, DIM_U, DIM_U) = R_adaptive;
+ /* get reference input (feed-forward) */
+ vehicle_model_ptr_->calculateReferenceInput(Uref);
+ if (std::fabs(Uref(0, 0)) < amathutils::deg2rad(mpc_param_.zero_ff_steer_deg))
+ {
+ Uref(0, 0) = 0.0; // ignore curvature noise
+ }
+ Urefex.block(i * DIM_U, 0, DIM_U, 1) = Uref;
+ mpc_curr_time += DT;
+ }
+ /* add lateral jerk : weight for (v * {u(i) - u(i-1)} )^2 */
+ for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i)
+ {
+ const double v = mpc_resampled_ref_traj.vx[i];
+ const double lateral_jerk_weight = v * v * mpc_param_.weight_lat_jerk;
+ Rex(i, i) += lateral_jerk_weight;
+ Rex(i + 1, i) -= lateral_jerk_weight;
+ Rex(i, i + 1) -= lateral_jerk_weight;
+ Rex(i + 1, i + 1) += lateral_jerk_weight;
+ }
+ if (Aex.array().isNaN().any() || Bex.array().isNaN().any() ||
+ Cex.array().isNaN().any() || Wex.array().isNaN().any())
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("[MPC] calculateMPC: model matrix includes NaN, stop MPC.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ /////////////// optimization ///////////////
+ /*
+ * solve quadratic optimization.
+ * cost function: 1/2 * Uex' * H * Uex + f' * Uex
+ */
+ const Eigen::MatrixXd CB = Cex * Bex;
+ const Eigen::MatrixXd QCB = Qex * CB;
+ Eigen::MatrixXd H = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_U * N, DIM_U * N);
+ H.triangularView<Eigen::Upper>() = CB.transpose() * QCB; // NOTE: This calculation is very heavy. searching for a good way...
+ H.triangularView<Eigen::Upper>() += Rex;
+ H.triangularView<Eigen::Lower>() = H.transpose();
+ Eigen::MatrixXd f = (Cex * (Aex * x0 + Wex)).transpose() * QCB - Urefex.transpose() * Rex;
+ /* constraint matrix : lb < U < ub, lbA < A*U < ubA */
+ const double u_lim = amathutils::deg2rad(steer_lim_deg_);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd A = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_U * N, DIM_U * N);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd lbA = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_U * N, 1);
+ Eigen::MatrixXd ubA = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(DIM_U * N, 1);
+ Eigen::VectorXd lb = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(DIM_U * N, -u_lim); // min steering angle
+ Eigen::VectorXd ub = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(DIM_U * N, u_lim); // max steering angle
+ auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+ Eigen::VectorXd Uex;
+ if (!qpsolver_ptr_->solve(H, f.transpose(), A, lb, ub, lbA, ubA, Uex))
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("[MPC] qp solver error");
+ return false;
+ }
+ double elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now() - start).count() * 1.0e-6;
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] calculateMPC: qp solver calculation time = %f [ms]", elapsed);
+ if (Uex.array().isNaN().any())
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("[MPC] calculateMPC: model Uex includes NaN, stop MPC. ");
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* saturation */
+ const double u_sat = std::max(std::min(Uex(0), u_lim), -u_lim);
+ /* filtering */
+ const double u_filtered = lpf_steering_cmd_.filter(u_sat);
+ /* set steering command */
+ steer_cmd = u_filtered;
+ steer_vel_cmd = (Uex(1) - Uex(0)) / DT;
+ /* Velocity control: for simplicity, now we calculate steer and speed separately */
+ vel_cmd = ref_traj_.vx[0];
+ acc_cmd = (ref_traj_.vx[1] - ref_traj_.vx[0]) / DT;
+ steer_cmd_prev_ = steer_cmd;
+ /* save to buffer */
+ input_buffer_.push_back(steer_cmd);
+ input_buffer_.pop_front();
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] calculateMPC: mpc steer command raw = %f, filtered = %f, steer_vel_cmd = %f", Uex(0, 0), u_filtered, steer_vel_cmd);
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] calculateMPC: mpc vel command = %f, acc_cmd = %f", vel_cmd, acc_cmd);
+ ////////////////// DEBUG ///////////////////
+ /* calculate predicted trajectory */
+ Eigen::VectorXd Xex = Aex * x0 + Bex * Uex + Wex;
+ MPCTrajectory debug_mpc_predicted_traj;
+ for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ {
+ const double lat_error = Xex(i * DIM_X);
+ const double yaw_error = Xex(i * DIM_X + 1);
+ const double x = mpc_resampled_ref_traj.x[i] - std::sin(mpc_resampled_ref_traj.yaw[i]) * lat_error;
+ const double y = mpc_resampled_ref_traj.y[i] + std::cos(mpc_resampled_ref_traj.yaw[i]) * lat_error;
+ const double z = mpc_resampled_ref_traj.z[i];
+ debug_mpc_predicted_traj.push_back(x, y, z, mpc_resampled_ref_traj.yaw[i] + yaw_error, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ /* publish for visualization */
+ visualization_msgs::Marker marker;
+ convertTrajToMarker(debug_mpc_predicted_traj, marker, "predicted_traj", 0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 0.2);
+ pub_debug_predicted_traj_.publish(marker);
+ /* publish debug values */
+ {
+ double curr_v = vehicle_status_.twist.linear.x;
+ double nearest_k = 0.0;
+ MPCUtils::interp1d(ref_traj_.relative_time, ref_traj_.k, nearest_traj_time, nearest_k);
+ std_msgs::Float64MultiArray debug_values;
+ debug_values.data.push_back(steer_cmd); // [0] final steering command (MPC + LPF)
+ debug_values.data.push_back(u_sat); // [1] mpc calculation result
+ debug_values.data.push_back(Urefex(0)); // [2] feedforward steering value
+ debug_values.data.push_back(std::atan(nearest_k * wheelbase_)); // [3] feedforward steering value raw
+ debug_values.data.push_back(steer); // [4] current steering angle
+ debug_values.data.push_back(err_lat); // [5] lateral error
+ debug_values.data.push_back(tf2::getYaw(vehicle_status_.pose.orientation)); // [6] current_pose yaw
+ debug_values.data.push_back(tf2::getYaw(nearest_pose.orientation)); // [7] nearest_pose yaw
+ debug_values.data.push_back(yaw_err); // [8] yaw error
+ debug_values.data.push_back(vel_cmd); // [9] command velocitys
+ debug_values.data.push_back(vehicle_status_.twist.linear.x); // [10] measured velocity
+ debug_values.data.push_back(curr_v * tan(steer_cmd) / wheelbase_); // [11] angvel from steer comand (MPC assumes)
+ debug_values.data.push_back(curr_v * tan(steer) / wheelbase_); // [12] angvel from measured steer
+ debug_values.data.push_back(curr_v * nearest_k); // [13] angvel from path curvature (Path angvel)
+ debug_values.data.push_back(nearest_k); // [14] nearest path curvature
+ debug_values.data.push_back(estimate_twist_.twist.linear.x); // [15] current velocity
+ debug_values.data.push_back(estimate_twist_.twist.angular.z); // [16] estimate twist angular velocity (real angvel)
+ pub_debug_values_.publish(debug_values);
+ }
+ return true;
+void MPCFollower::callbackRefPath(const autoware_msgs::Lane::ConstPtr &msg)
+ current_waypoints_ = *msg;
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] path callback: received path size = %lu", current_waypoints_.waypoints.size());
+ MPCTrajectory traj;
+ /* calculate relative time */
+ std::vector<double> relative_time;
+ MPCUtils::calcPathRelativeTime(current_waypoints_, relative_time);
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] path callback: relative_time.size() = %lu, front() = %f, back() = %f",
+ relative_time.size(), relative_time.front(), relative_time.back());
+ /* resampling */
+ MPCUtils::convertWaypointsToMPCTrajWithDistanceResample(current_waypoints_, relative_time, traj_resample_dist_, traj);
+ MPCUtils::convertEulerAngleToMonotonic(traj.yaw);
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] path callback: resampled traj size() = %lu", traj.relative_time.size());
+ /* path smoothing */
+ if (enable_path_smoothing_)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < path_smoothing_times_; ++i)
+ {
+ if (!MoveAverageFilter::filt_vector(path_filter_moving_ave_num_, traj.x) ||
+ !MoveAverageFilter::filt_vector(path_filter_moving_ave_num_, traj.y) ||
+ !MoveAverageFilter::filt_vector(path_filter_moving_ave_num_, traj.yaw) ||
+ !MoveAverageFilter::filt_vector(path_filter_moving_ave_num_, traj.vx))
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("[MPC] path callback: filtering error. stop filtering");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* calculate yaw angle */
+ if (enable_yaw_recalculation_)
+ {
+ MPCUtils::calcTrajectoryYawFromXY(traj);
+ MPCUtils::convertEulerAngleToMonotonic(traj.yaw);
+ }
+ /* calculate curvature */
+ MPCUtils::calcTrajectoryCurvature(traj, curvature_smoothing_num_);
+ const double max_k = *max_element(traj.k.begin(), traj.k.end());
+ const double min_k = *min_element(traj.k.begin(), traj.k.end());
+ DEBUG_INFO("[MPC] path callback: trajectory curvature : max_k = %f, min_k = %f", max_k, min_k);
+ /* add end point with vel=0 on traj for mpc prediction */
+ const double mpc_predict_time_length = (mpc_param_.prediction_horizon + 1) * mpc_param_.prediction_sampling_time + mpc_param_.delay_compensation_time + ctrl_period_;
+ const double end_velocity = 0.0;
+ traj.vx.back() = end_velocity; // also for end point
+ traj.push_back(traj.x.back(), traj.y.back(), traj.z.back(), traj.yaw.back(),
+ end_velocity, traj.k.back(), traj.relative_time.back() + mpc_predict_time_length);
+ if (!traj.size())
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR("[MPC] path callback: trajectory size is undesired.");
+ DEBUG_INFO("size: x=%lu, y=%lu, z=%lu, yaw=%lu, v=%lu,k=%lu,t=%lu", traj.x.size(), traj.y.size(),
+ traj.z.size(), traj.yaw.size(), traj.vx.size(), traj.k.size(), traj.relative_time.size());
+ return;
+ }
+ ref_traj_ = traj;
+ /* publish trajectory for visualize */
+ visualization_msgs::Marker markers;
+ convertTrajToMarker(ref_traj_, markers, "ref_traj", 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.05);
+ pub_debug_filtered_traj_.publish(markers);
+void MPCFollower::convertTrajToMarker(const MPCTrajectory &traj, visualization_msgs::Marker &marker,
+ std::string ns, double r, double g, double b, double z)
+ marker.points.clear();
+ marker.header.frame_id = current_waypoints_.header.frame_id;
+ marker.header.stamp = ros::Time();
+ marker.ns = ns;
+ marker.id = 0;
+ marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_STRIP;
+ marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
+ marker.scale.x = 0.15;
+ marker.scale.y = 0.3;
+ marker.scale.z = 0.3;
+ marker.color.a = 0.9;
+ marker.color.r = r;
+ marker.color.g = g;
+ marker.color.b = b;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < traj.x.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ geometry_msgs::Point p;
+ p.x = traj.x.at(i);
+ p.y = traj.y.at(i);
+ p.z = traj.z.at(i) + z;
+ marker.points.push_back(p);
+ }
+void MPCFollower::callbackPose(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped::ConstPtr &msg)
+ vehicle_status_.header = msg->header;
+ vehicle_status_.pose = msg->pose;
+ my_position_ok_ = true;
+void MPCFollower::callbackVehicleStatus(const autoware_msgs::VehicleStatus &msg)
+ vehicle_status_.tire_angle_rad = msg.angle;
+ vehicle_status_.twist.linear.x = amathutils::kmph2mps(msg.speed);
+ my_steering_ok_ = true;
+ my_velocity_ok_ = true;
+void MPCFollower::publishControlCommands(const double &vel_cmd, const double &acc_cmd,
+ const double &steer_cmd, const double &steer_vel_cmd)
+ const double omega_cmd = vehicle_status_.twist.linear.x * std::tan(steer_cmd) / wheelbase_;
+ if (output_interface_ == "twist")
+ {
+ publishTwist(vel_cmd, omega_cmd);
+ }
+ else if (output_interface_ == "ctrl_raw")
+ {
+ publishCtrlCmd(vel_cmd, acc_cmd, steer_cmd);
+ }
+ else if (output_interface_ == "all")
+ {
+ publishTwist(vel_cmd, omega_cmd);
+ publishCtrlCmd(vel_cmd, acc_cmd, steer_cmd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("[MPC] control command interface is not appropriate");
+ }
+void MPCFollower::publishTwist(const double &vel_cmd, const double &omega_cmd)
+ /* convert steering to twist */
+ geometry_msgs::TwistStamped twist;
+ twist.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
+ twist.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
+ twist.twist.linear.x = vel_cmd;
+ twist.twist.linear.y = 0.0;
+ twist.twist.linear.z = 0.0;
+ twist.twist.angular.x = 0.0;
+ twist.twist.angular.y = 0.0;
+ twist.twist.angular.z = omega_cmd;
+ pub_twist_cmd_.publish(twist);
+void MPCFollower::publishCtrlCmd(const double &vel_cmd, const double &acc_cmd, const double &steer_cmd)
+ autoware_msgs::ControlCommandStamped cmd;
+ cmd.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
+ cmd.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
+ cmd.cmd.linear_velocity = vel_cmd;
+ cmd.cmd.linear_acceleration = acc_cmd;
+ cmd.cmd.steering_angle = steer_cmd;
+ pub_steer_vel_ctrl_cmd_.publish(cmd);
+ ROS_INFO("Publish 0 twist before I died.");
+ double vel_cmd = 0.0;
+ double acc_cmd = 0.0;
+ double steer_cmd = 0.0;
+ double steer_vel_cmd = 0.0;
+ if (my_steering_ok_)
+ steer_cmd = vehicle_status_.tire_angle_rad;
+ publishControlCommands(vel_cmd, acc_cmd, steer_cmd, steer_vel_cmd);