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edit decide_gps_00.cpp by liusunan

fujiankuan vor 4 Jahren
30 geänderte Dateien mit 1764 neuen und 308 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 0 125
  2. 2 0
  3. 6 4
  4. 125 115
  5. 141 39
  6. 26 9
  7. 6 0
  8. 3 0
  9. 55 4
  10. 2 0
  11. 42 0
  12. 2 0
  13. 2 2
  14. 2 2
  15. 9 0
  16. 3 0
  17. 6 0
  18. 10 1
  19. 305 0
  20. 48 0
  21. 521 0
  22. 40 0
  23. 27 0
  24. 78 0
  25. 76 0
  26. 30 0
  27. 170 0
  28. 6 3
  29. 7 0
  30. 14 4

+ 0 - 125

@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-if [ ${#Qtgccdir} -lt 6 ]; then
-  echo "Because not set gcc_64 , so auto find gcc_64 "
-  optfiles=`find /opt -name 'gcc_64'` 
-  for entry in $optfiles
-  do
-     if [ ${entry:0-6:6} == "gcc_64" ];  then
-       if [ -d $entry ];  then
-          Qtgccdir="$entry"
-	  echo -e "\033[32m""  -----found gccdir:"$Qtgccdir"\033[0m"
-       fi
-     fi
-  done
-if [ ${#Qtgccdir} -lt 6 ]; then
-  if [ -d '/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/qt5' ]; then
-    Qtgccdir='/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/qt5'
-  else 
-    echo "if NVIDIA,please sudo apt install qt"
-  fi
-if [ ${#Qtgccdir} -lt 6 ]; then
-   echo -e "\033[31m""  -----not found gccdir: so exit""\033[0m"
-   exit 1
-if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
-	echo "没有输入"
-	echo "$1"
-	exit
-rm -rf app
-mkdir app
-cd app
-mkdir lib
-cd ..
-mkdir commonlib
-cd commonlib
-mkdir platforms
-cp $QtPlatformdir/libqxcb.so platforms
-cd platforms
-mkdir lib
-libfiles=`ldd libqxcb.so | awk '{ if(match($3,"^/"))printf("%s "),$3 }'` 
-cp $libfiles $PWD/lib 
-cd ..
-mkdir lib
-cp $QtLibDir/libQt5DBus.* $PWD/lib
-cp $QtLibDir/libQt5XcbQpa.* $PWD/lib
-rm -rf $PWD/platforms/lib
-cd platforms
-cd ..
-cd ..
-files=`ldd $EXE | awk '{ if(match($3,"^/"))printf("%s "),$3 }'`
-cp $files $PWD/app/lib
-cp $PWD/commonlib/lib/* $PWD/app/lib
-cp -r  $PWD/commonlib/platforms $PWD/app
-cp $EXE $PWD/app
-for x in ${ignore_lib_name[@]}
-rm -f $PWD/app/lib/${x}
-rm -rf commonlib
-cd app
-patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/lib/' $EXE
-if [ "$?" != 0 ];then
-	echo -e "\e[31m deploy.sh: patchelf $EXE faile, Ensure patchelf tool installed\e[0m"
-	exit 1
-cd platforms
-patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/../lib/' libqxcb.so
-if [ "$?" != 0 ];then
-	echo -e "\e[31m deploy.sh: patchelf $EXE faile, Ensure patchelf tool installed\e[0m"
-	exit 1
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cp -r app $PWD/deploy/
-rm -rf app

+ 2 - 0

@@ -835,6 +835,8 @@ int  iv::decition::Compute00::getEsrIndex(std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace,int road
                 if (abs(xxx - gpsTrace[j].x) <= (3.0*Veh_Width / 4.0+fxiuzhengCs) && abs(yyy - (gpsTrace[j].y)) <= 1)
+                    return i;
                     if (lastEsrID == i)

+ 6 - 4

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ float iv::decition::PIDController::getPidAngle(float realSpeed, std::vector<Poin
     double KEang = 14, KEPos = 10, DEang = 0, DEPos = 0,IEpos=0,IEang=0;
-        IEpos=1,IEang=0.5;
+        KEang = 14, KEPos = 100,IEpos=3,IEang=0.5;
@@ -131,9 +131,11 @@ float iv::decition::PIDController::getPidAngle(float realSpeed, std::vector<Poin
     //    else if (ang < -angleLimit) {
     //        ang = -angleLimit;
     //    }
-    if (lastAng >-3000&&lastAng<3000) {
-        ang = 0.2 * lastAng + 0.8 * ang;
-    }
+        if (lastAng >-3000&&lastAng<3000) {
+            ang = 0.2 * lastAng + 0.8 * ang;
+        }
     if(ang >-3000&&ang<3000){
         lastAng = ang;

+ 125 - 115

@@ -216,9 +216,9 @@ iv::decition::Decition iv::decition::DecideGps00::getDecideFromGPS(GPS_INS now_g
-//    GPS_INS gps= Coordinate_UnTransfer(0,1.5,now_gps_ins);
-//    now_gps_ins.gps_x=gps.gps_x;
-//    now_gps_ins.gps_y=gps.gps_y;
+    //    GPS_INS gps= Coordinate_UnTransfer(0,1.5,now_gps_ins);
+    //    now_gps_ins.gps_x=gps.gps_x;
+    //    now_gps_ins.gps_y=gps.gps_y;
     //    GaussProjInvCal(now_gps_ins.gps_x, now_gps_ins.gps_y,&now_gps_ins.gps_lng, &now_gps_ins.gps_lat);
@@ -1093,13 +1093,16 @@ iv::decition::Decition iv::decition::DecideGps00::getDecideFromGPS(GPS_INS now_g
-    if(vehState==avoiding){
-        controlAng=max(-150.0,controlAng);
-        controlAng=min(150.0,controlAng);
-    }
-    if(vehState==backOri){
-        controlAng=max(-120.0,controlAng);
-        controlAng=min(120.0,controlAng);
+    if(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype !="zhongche"){
+        if(vehState==avoiding){
+            controlAng=max(-150.0,controlAng);
+            controlAng=min(150.0,controlAng);
+        }
+        if(vehState==backOri){
+            controlAng=max(-120.0,controlAng);
+            controlAng=min(120.0,controlAng);
+        }
@@ -1677,15 +1680,18 @@ iv::decition::Decition iv::decition::DecideGps00::getDecideFromGPS(GPS_INS now_g
     if ( vehState==changingRoad || vehState==chaocheBack)
         double lastAng = 0.0 - lastAngle;
-        if (controlAng>40)
-        {
-            controlAng =40;
-        }
-        else if (controlAng<-40)
-        {
-            controlAng = - 40;
-        }
+        if(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype !="zhongche"){
+            if (controlAng>40)
+            {
+                controlAng =40;
+            }
+            else if (controlAng<-40)
+            {
+                controlAng = - 40;
+            }
+        }
@@ -1847,6 +1853,10 @@ iv::decition::Decition iv::decition::DecideGps00::getDecideFromGPS(GPS_INS now_g
     //------------------------------v2x traffic light end--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   // if(obsDistance>6.5){
+     //   obsDistance=500;
+    //}
     if(obsDistance>0 && obsDistance<10){
@@ -1863,7 +1873,7 @@ iv::decition::Decition iv::decition::DecideGps00::getDecideFromGPS(GPS_INS now_g
     // givlog->debug("SPEED","dSpeed is %f",dSpeed);
-     gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0.0 - controlAng;
+    gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0.0 - controlAng;
     phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, obsDistance, obsSpeed,now_gps_ins);
@@ -2636,74 +2646,74 @@ void iv::decition::DecideGps00::predictObsOnRoad(std::vector<iv::Perception::Per
 int iv::decition::DecideGps00::chooseAvoidRoad(iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr, GPS_INS now_gps_ins, const std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine,std::vector<iv::Perception::PerceptionOutput> lidar_per) {
     roadPre = -1;
-//    if (roadNow<roadOri)
-//    {
-//        for (int i = 0; i < roadNow; i++)
-//        {
-//            gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
-//            //	gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsR[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(roadOri-i))], lastGpsIndex);
-//            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
-//            gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
-//            //	computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
-//            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
-//        }
-//        for (int i = roadOri+1; i < roadSum; i++)
-//        {
-//            gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
-//            //	gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsL[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(i - roadOri))], lastGpsIndex);
-//            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
-//            gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
-//            //	bsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
-//            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, i,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
-//        }
-//    }
-//    else if (roadNow>roadOri)
-//    {
-//        for (int i = 0; i < roadOri; i++)
-//        {
-//            gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
-//            //	gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsR[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(roadOri - i))], lastGpsIndex);
-//            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
-//            gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
-//            //	computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
-//            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
-//        }
-//        for (int i = roadNow + 1; i < roadSum; i++)
-//        {
-//            gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
-//            //		gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsL[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(i - roadOri))], lastGpsIndex);
-//            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
-//            gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
-//            //	computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
-//            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
-//        }
-//    }
-//    else
-//    {
-//        for (int i = 0; i < roadOri; i++)
-//        {
-//            gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
-//            //	gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsR[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(roadOri - i))], lastGpsIndex);
-//            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
-//            gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
-//            //	computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
-//            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
-//        }
-//        for (int i = roadOri + 1; i < roadSum; i++)
-//        {
-//            gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
-//            //		gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsL[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(i - roadOri))], lastGpsIndex);
-//            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
-//            gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
-//            //	computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
-//            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
-//        }
-//    }
+    //    if (roadNow<roadOri)
+    //    {
+    //        for (int i = 0; i < roadNow; i++)
+    //        {
+    //            gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
+    //            //	gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsR[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(roadOri-i))], lastGpsIndex);
+    //            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
+    //            gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+    //            //	computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
+    //            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+    //        }
+    //        for (int i = roadOri+1; i < roadSum; i++)
+    //        {
+    //            gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
+    //            //	gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsL[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(i - roadOri))], lastGpsIndex);
+    //            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
+    //            gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+    //            //	bsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
+    //            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, i,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+    //        }
+    //    }
+    //    else if (roadNow>roadOri)
+    //    {
+    //        for (int i = 0; i < roadOri; i++)
+    //        {
+    //            gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
+    //            //	gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsR[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(roadOri - i))], lastGpsIndex);
+    //            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
+    //            gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+    //            //	computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
+    //            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+    //        }
+    //        for (int i = roadNow + 1; i < roadSum; i++)
+    //        {
+    //            gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
+    //            //		gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsL[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(i - roadOri))], lastGpsIndex);
+    //            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
+    //            gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+    //            //	computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
+    //            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+    //        }
+    //    }
+    //    else
+    //    {
+    //        for (int i = 0; i < roadOri; i++)
+    //        {
+    //            gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
+    //            //	gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsR[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(roadOri - i))], lastGpsIndex);
+    //            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
+    //            gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+    //            //	computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
+    //            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+    //        }
+    //        for (int i = roadOri + 1; i < roadSum; i++)
+    //        {
+    //            gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
+    //            //		gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsL[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(i - roadOri))], lastGpsIndex);
+    //            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
+    //            gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+    //            //	computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
+    //            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+    //        }
+    //    }
     for (int i =  0; i < roadSum; i++)
@@ -2712,7 +2722,7 @@ int iv::decition::DecideGps00::chooseAvoidRoad(iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr, GP
         avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
         gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
         //	computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, roadNow + i);
-       computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, i,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+        computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, i,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
     if (lidarGridPtr!=NULL)
@@ -2774,33 +2784,33 @@ int iv::decition::DecideGps00::chooseAvoidRoad(iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr, GP
 int iv::decition::DecideGps00::chooseBackRoad(iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr, GPS_INS now_gps_ins, std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine,std::vector<iv::Perception::PerceptionOutput> lidar_per) {
     roadPre = -1;
-//    computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
-//    if (roadNow>roadOri+1)
-//    {
-//        for (int i = roadOri+1; i < roadNow; i++)
-//        {
-//            gpsTraceBack.clear();
-//            //	gpsTraceBack = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsL[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(i-roadOri))], lastGpsIndex);
-//            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
-//            gpsTraceBack = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
-//            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
-//        }
-//    }
-//    else if (roadNow < roadOri - 1) {
-//        for (int i = roadOri - 1; i > roadNow; i--)
-//        {
-//            gpsTraceBack.clear();
-//            //	gpsTraceBack = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsR[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(roadOri-i))], lastGpsIndex);
-//            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
-//            gpsTraceBack = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
-//            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
-//        }
-//    }
+    //    computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+    //    if (roadNow>roadOri+1)
+    //    {
+    //        for (int i = roadOri+1; i < roadNow; i++)
+    //        {
+    //            gpsTraceBack.clear();
+    //            //	gpsTraceBack = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsL[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(i-roadOri))], lastGpsIndex);
+    //            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
+    //            gpsTraceBack = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+    //            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+    //        }
+    //    }
+    //    else if (roadNow < roadOri - 1) {
+    //        for (int i = roadOri - 1; i > roadNow; i--)
+    //        {
+    //            gpsTraceBack.clear();
+    //            //	gpsTraceBack = getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gmapsR[int(abs(roadWidth * 2)*(roadOri-i))], lastGpsIndex);
+    //            avoidX = (roadWidth)*(roadOri - i);
+    //            gpsTraceBack = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+    //            computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+    //        }
+    //    }
     for (int i =  0; i <roadSum; i++)

+ 141 - 39

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #include "ObjectSignal.h"
+#include <iostream>
 signal_positionRoad::signal_positionRoad(double s, double t, double zOffset, double hOffset, double pitch, double roll)
@@ -142,10 +143,36 @@ void signal_positionInertial::Setroll(double roll)
+signal_laneValidity::signal_laneValidity(int fromLane,int toLane)
+    mfromLane = fromLane;
+    mtoLane = toLane;
+int signal_laneValidity::GetfromLane()
+    return mfromLane;
+int signal_laneValidity::GettoLane()
+    return mtoLane;
+void signal_laneValidity::SetfromLane(int fromLane)
+    mfromLane = fromLane;
+void signal_laneValidity::SettoLane(int toLane)
+    mtoLane = toLane;
 Signal::Signal(double s, double t, std::string id, std::string name, bool dynamic,string orientation,
-               double zOffset, int type, std::string country, std::string countryRevision,
-               int subtype, double hOffset, double pitch, double roll, double height, double width)
+               double zOffset, string type, std::string country, std::string countryRevision,
+               string subtype, double hOffset, double pitch, double roll, double height, double width)
     ms = s;
     mt = t;
@@ -163,45 +190,102 @@ Signal::Signal(double s, double t, std::string id, std::string name, bool dynami
     mroll = roll;
     mheight = height;
     mwidth = width;
+    mpsignal_laneValidity = 0;
     mpsignal_positionInertial = 0;
     mpsignal_positionRoad = new signal_positionRoad(s,t,zOffset,hOffset,pitch,roll);
+    mpsignal_positionInertial = 0;
+    mpsignal_positionRoad = 0;
+    mpsignal_laneValidity = 0;
-//    if(mpsignal_positionInertial != 0)delete mpsignal_positionInertial;
-//    if(mpsignal_positionRoad != 0)delete mpsignal_positionRoad;
-//Signal& Signal::operator=(const Signal& x)
-//    if (this != &x)
-//    {
-//        this->Sets(x.Gets());
-//        ms = x.Gets();
-//        mt = x.Gett();
-//        mid = x.Getid();
-//        mname = x.Getname();
-//        mdynamic = x.Getdynamic();
-//        morientation = x.Getorientation();
-//        mzOffset = x.GetzOffset();
-//        mtype = x.Gettype();
-//        mcountry = x.Getcountry();
-//        mcountryRevision = x.GetcountryRevision();
-//        msubtype = x.Getsubtype();
-//        mhOffset = x.GethOffset();
-//        mpitch = x.Getpitch();
-//        mroll = x.Getroll();
-//        mheight = x.Getheight();
-//        mwidth = x.Getwidth();
-//        mpsignal_positionInertial = 0;
-//        signal_positionRoad * p = x.GetpositionRoad();
-//        mpsignal_positionRoad = new signal_positionRoad(p->Gets(),p->Gett(),
-//                                                        p->GetzOffset(),p->GethOffset(),
-//                                                        p->Getpitch(),p->Getroll());
-//    }
-//    return *this;
+    if(mpsignal_laneValidity != 0)delete mpsignal_laneValidity;
+    if(mpsignal_positionInertial != 0)delete mpsignal_positionInertial;
+    if(mpsignal_positionRoad != 0)delete mpsignal_positionRoad;
+Signal& Signal::operator=(const Signal& x)
+    if (this != &x)
+    {
+        this->ms = x.ms;
+        this->mt = x.mt;
+        this->mid = x.mid;
+        this->mname = x.mname;
+        this->mdynamic = x.mdynamic;
+        this->morientation = x.morientation;
+        this->mzOffset = x.mzOffset;
+        this->mtype = x.mtype;
+        this->mcountry = x.mcountry;
+        this->mcountryRevision = x.mcountryRevision;
+        this->msubtype = x.msubtype;
+        this->mhOffset = x.mhOffset;
+        this->mpitch = x.mpitch;
+        this->mroll = x.mroll;
+        this->mheight = x.mheight;
+        this->mwidth = x.mwidth;
+        this->mpsignal_positionInertial = 0;
+        if(x.mpsignal_positionInertial != 0)
+        {
+            this->mpsignal_positionInertial = new signal_positionInertial(x.mpsignal_positionInertial->Getx(),
+                                                                      x.mpsignal_positionInertial->Gety(),
+                                                                      x.mpsignal_positionInertial->Getz(),
+                                                                      x.mpsignal_positionInertial->Gethdg(),
+                                                                      x.mpsignal_positionInertial->Getpitch(),
+                                                                      x.mpsignal_positionInertial->Getroll());
+        }
+        this->mpsignal_laneValidity = 0;
+        if(x.mpsignal_laneValidity != 0)
+        {
+            this->mpsignal_laneValidity = new signal_laneValidity(x.mpsignal_laneValidity->GetfromLane(),
+                                                              x.mpsignal_laneValidity->GettoLane());
+        }
+        this->mpsignal_positionRoad = new signal_positionRoad(ms,mt,mzOffset,mhOffset,mpitch,mroll);
+    }
+    return *this;
+Signal::Signal(const Signal &x)
+    ms = x.ms;
+    mt = x.mt;
+    mid = x.mid;
+    mname = x.mname;
+    mdynamic = x.mdynamic;
+    morientation = x.morientation;
+    mzOffset = x.mzOffset;
+    mtype = x.mtype;
+    mcountry = x.mcountry;
+    mcountryRevision = x.mcountryRevision;
+    msubtype = x.msubtype;
+    mhOffset = x.mhOffset;
+    mpitch = x.mpitch;
+    mroll = x.mroll;
+    mheight = x.mheight;
+    mwidth = x.mwidth;
+    this->mpsignal_positionInertial = 0;
+    if(x.mpsignal_positionInertial != 0)
+    {
+        this->mpsignal_positionInertial = new signal_positionInertial(x.mpsignal_positionInertial->Getx(),
+                                                                  x.mpsignal_positionInertial->Gety(),
+                                                                  x.mpsignal_positionInertial->Getz(),
+                                                                  x.mpsignal_positionInertial->Gethdg(),
+                                                                  x.mpsignal_positionInertial->Getpitch(),
+                                                                  x.mpsignal_positionInertial->Getroll());
+    }
+    this->mpsignal_laneValidity = 0;
+    if(x.mpsignal_laneValidity != 0)
+    {
+        this->mpsignal_laneValidity = new signal_laneValidity(x.mpsignal_laneValidity->GetfromLane(),
+                                                          x.mpsignal_laneValidity->GettoLane());
+    }
+    mpsignal_positionRoad = new signal_positionRoad(ms,mt,mzOffset,mhOffset,mpitch,mroll);
 double Signal::Gets()
@@ -238,7 +322,7 @@ double Signal::GetzOffset()
     return mzOffset;
-int Signal::Gettype()
+string Signal::Gettype()
     return mtype;
@@ -253,7 +337,7 @@ string Signal::GetcountryRevision()
     return mcountryRevision;
-int Signal::Getsubtype()
+string Signal::Getsubtype()
     return msubtype;
@@ -328,7 +412,7 @@ void Signal::SetzOffset(double zOffset)
     mzOffset = zOffset;
-void Signal::Settype(int type)
+void Signal::Settype(string type)
     mtype = type;
@@ -343,7 +427,7 @@ void Signal::SetcountryRevision(std::string countryRevision)
     mcountryRevision = countryRevision;
-void Signal::Setsubtype(int subtype)
+void Signal::Setsubtype(string subtype)
     msubtype = subtype;
@@ -373,6 +457,19 @@ void Signal::Setwidth(double width)
     mwidth = width;
+void Signal::SetlaneValidity(int fromLane, int toLane)
+    if(mpsignal_laneValidity == 0)
+    {
+        mpsignal_laneValidity = new signal_laneValidity(fromLane,toLane);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        mpsignal_laneValidity->SetfromLane(fromLane);
+        mpsignal_laneValidity->SettoLane(toLane);
+    }
 void Signal::SetpositionRoad(double s, double t, double zOffset, double hOffset, double pitch,double roll)
     if(mpsignal_positionRoad == 0)
@@ -407,6 +504,11 @@ void Signal::SetpositionInertial(double x, double y, double z, double hdg, doubl
+signal_laneValidity * Signal::GetlaneValidity()
+    return mpsignal_laneValidity;

+ 26 - 9

@@ -70,6 +70,18 @@ public:
     void Setroll(double roll);
+class signal_laneValidity
+    int mfromLane;
+    int mtoLane;
+    signal_laneValidity(int fromLane,int toLane);
+    int GetfromLane();
+    int GettoLane();
+    void SetfromLane(int fromLane);
+    void SettoLane(int toLane);
@@ -85,10 +97,10 @@ private:
     bool mdynamic;
     string morientation;
     double mzOffset;
-    int mtype;
+    string mtype;
     string mcountry;
     string mcountryRevision;
-    int msubtype;
+    string msubtype;
     double mhOffset;
     double mpitch;
     double mroll;
@@ -96,11 +108,14 @@ private:
     double mwidth;
     signal_positionRoad * mpsignal_positionRoad;
     signal_positionInertial * mpsignal_positionInertial;
+    signal_laneValidity * mpsignal_laneValidity;
-    Signal(double s,double t,string id,string name,bool dynamic,string orientation,double zOffset,int type,string country,string countryRevision,
-           int subtype,double hOffset,double pitch,double roll ,double height,double width);
+    Signal(double s,double t,string id,string name,bool dynamic,string orientation,double zOffset,string type,string country,string countryRevision,
+           string subtype,double hOffset,double pitch,double roll ,double height,double width);
+    Signal();
-//    Signal& operator=(const Signal& x);
+    Signal& operator=(const Signal& x);
+    Signal(const Signal & x);
     double Gets();
     double Gett();
     string Getid();
@@ -108,10 +123,10 @@ public:
     bool Getdynamic();
     string Getorientation();
     double GetzOffset();
-    int Gettype();
+    string Gettype();
     string Getcountry();
     string GetcountryRevision();
-    int Getsubtype();
+    string Getsubtype();
     double GethOffset();
     double Getpitch();
     double Getroll();
@@ -119,6 +134,7 @@ public:
     double Getwidth();
     signal_positionRoad * GetpositionRoad();
     signal_positionInertial * GetpositionInertial();
+    signal_laneValidity * GetlaneValidity();
     void Sets(double s);
     void Sett(double t);
     void Setid(string id);
@@ -126,15 +142,16 @@ public:
     void Setdynamic(bool dynamic);
     void Setorientation(string orientation);
     void SetzOffset(double zOffset);
-    void Settype(int type);
+    void Settype(string type);
     void Setcountry(string country);
     void SetcountryRevision(string countryRevision);
-    void Setsubtype(int subtype);
+    void Setsubtype(string subtype);
     void SethOffset(double hOffset);
     void Setpitch(double pitch);
     void Setroll(double roll);
     void Setheight(double height);
     void Setwidth(double width);
+    void SetlaneValidity(int fromLane, int toLane);
     void SetpositionRoad(double s,double t, double zOffset,double hOffset,double pitch,double roll);
     void SetpositionInertial(double x,double y, double z, double hdg,double pitch,double roll);

+ 6 - 0

@@ -299,3 +299,9 @@ void Header::SetXYValues(double north, double south, double east,double west)
+void Header::GetLat0Lon0(double &lat0, double &lon0)
+    lat0 = mLat0;
+    lon0 = mLon0;

+ 3 - 0

@@ -181,6 +181,9 @@ public:
     void SetAllParams(unsigned short int revMajor, unsigned short int revMinor, string name, float version, string date,
         double north, double south, double east,double west,double lat0,double lon0,double hdg0);
+    void GetLat0Lon0(double & lat0,double & lon0);

+ 55 - 4

@@ -937,10 +937,10 @@ bool OpenDriveXmlParser::ReadSignal(Road *road, TiXmlElement *node)
     string strdynamic;
     string orientation;
     double zOffset;
-    int type;
+    string type;
     string country;
     string countryRevision;
-    int subtype;
+    string subtype;
     double hOffset;
     double pitch;
     double roll;
@@ -955,10 +955,10 @@ bool OpenDriveXmlParser::ReadSignal(Road *road, TiXmlElement *node)
-    checker+=node->QueryIntAttribute("type",&type);
+    checker+=node->QueryStringAttribute("type",&type);
-    checker+=node->QueryIntAttribute("subtype",&subtype);
+    checker+=node->QueryStringAttribute("subtype",&subtype);
@@ -973,8 +973,59 @@ bool OpenDriveXmlParser::ReadSignal(Road *road, TiXmlElement *node)
     else dynamic = true;
+    Signal * pSignal = road->GetSignal(road->GetSignalCount() - 1);
+    TiXmlElement * subNode;
+    //Proceed to Signals
+    subNode=node->FirstChildElement("validity");
+    if (subNode)
+    {
+        ReadSignal_laneValidity(pSignal, subNode);
+    }
+    subNode=node->FirstChildElement("positionInertial");
+    if(subNode)
+    {
+        ReadSignal_positionInertial(pSignal,subNode);
+    }
+    return true;
+bool OpenDriveXmlParser::ReadSignal_laneValidity(Signal *pSignal, TiXmlElement *node)
+    int fromLane;
+    int toLane;
+    int checker=TIXML_SUCCESS;
+    checker+=node->QueryIntAttribute("fromLane",&fromLane);
+    checker+=node->QueryIntAttribute("toLane",&toLane);
+    if (checker!=TIXML_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        cout<<"Error parsing laneValidity attributes"<<endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+    pSignal->SetlaneValidity(fromLane,toLane);
     return true;
+bool OpenDriveXmlParser::ReadSignal_positionInertial(Signal *pSignal, TiXmlElement *node)
+    double x,y,z,hdg,pitch,roll;
+    int checker=TIXML_SUCCESS;
+    checker+=node->QueryDoubleAttribute("x",&x);
+    checker+=node->QueryDoubleAttribute("y",&y);
+    checker+=node->QueryDoubleAttribute("z",&z);
+    checker+=node->QueryDoubleAttribute("hdg",&hdg);
+    checker+=node->QueryDoubleAttribute("pitch",&pitch);
+    checker+=node->QueryDoubleAttribute("roll",&roll);
+    if (checker!=TIXML_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        cout<<"Error parsing positionInertial attributes"<<endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+    pSignal->SetpositionInertial(x,y,z,hdg,pitch,roll);
+    return true;
 bool OpenDriveXmlParser::ReadSurface (Road* road, TiXmlElement *node)

+ 2 - 0

@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ public:
 	bool ReadObjects (Road* road, TiXmlElement *node);
 	bool ReadSignals (Road* road, TiXmlElement *node);
     bool ReadSignal(Road * road,TiXmlElement * node);
+    bool ReadSignal_positionInertial(Signal * pSignal, TiXmlElement *node);
+    bool ReadSignal_laneValidity(Signal * pSignal,TiXmlElement * node);
 	bool ReadSurface (Road* road, TiXmlElement *node);

+ 42 - 0

@@ -937,6 +937,7 @@ bool OpenDriveXmlWriter::WriteSignal(TiXmlElement *node, Signal * pSignal)
+    nodeSignal->SetAttribute("name",pSignal->Getname());
     if(pSignal->Getdynamic() == true)
@@ -953,8 +954,49 @@ bool OpenDriveXmlWriter::WriteSignal(TiXmlElement *node, Signal * pSignal)
+    signal_laneValidity * psignal_lanevalidity = pSignal->GetlaneValidity();
+    if(psignal_lanevalidity != 0)
+    {
+        WriteSignal_laneValidity(nodeSignal,psignal_lanevalidity);
+    }
+    signal_positionInertial * psignal_positionInertial = pSignal->GetpositionInertial();
+    if(psignal_positionInertial != 0)
+    {
+        WriteSignal_positionInertial(nodeSignal,psignal_positionInertial);
+    }
     return true;
+bool OpenDriveXmlWriter::WriteSignal_positionInertial(TiXmlElement *node, signal_positionInertial *pSignal_positionInertial)
+    TiXmlElement* nodepositionInertial = new TiXmlElement("positionInertial");
+    node->LinkEndChild(nodepositionInertial);
+    nodepositionInertial->SetAttribute("x",pSignal_positionInertial->Getx());
+    nodepositionInertial->SetAttribute("y",pSignal_positionInertial->Gety());
+    nodepositionInertial->SetAttribute("z",pSignal_positionInertial->Getz());
+    nodepositionInertial->SetAttribute("hdg",pSignal_positionInertial->Gethdg());
+    nodepositionInertial->SetAttribute("pitch",pSignal_positionInertial->Getpitch());
+    nodepositionInertial->SetAttribute("roll",pSignal_positionInertial->Getroll());
+    return true;
+bool OpenDriveXmlWriter::WriteSignal_laneValidity(TiXmlElement *node, signal_laneValidity *pSignal_laneValidity)
+    TiXmlElement* nodelaneValidity = new TiXmlElement("validity");
+    node->LinkEndChild(nodelaneValidity);
+    nodelaneValidity->SetAttribute("fromLane",pSignal_laneValidity->GetfromLane());
+    nodelaneValidity->SetAttribute("toLane",pSignal_laneValidity->GettoLane());
+    return true;
 bool OpenDriveXmlWriter::WriteSurface (TiXmlElement *node, Road* road)

+ 2 - 0

@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ public:
 	bool WriteObjects (TiXmlElement *node, Road* road);
 	bool WriteSignals (TiXmlElement *node, Road* road);
     bool WriteSignal(TiXmlElement * node, Signal * pSignal);
+    bool WriteSignal_positionInertial(TiXmlElement * node, signal_positionInertial * pSignal_positionInertial);
+    bool WriteSignal_laneValidity(TiXmlElement * node, signal_laneValidity * pSignal_laneValidity);
 	bool WriteSurface (TiXmlElement *node, Road* road);

+ 2 - 2

@@ -610,8 +610,8 @@ unsigned int Road::AddObject()
 	return index;
-unsigned int Road::AddSignal(double s,double t,string id,string name,bool dynamic,string orientation,double zOffset,int type,string country,string countryRevision,
-                             int subtype,double hOffset,double pitch,double roll ,double height,double width)
+unsigned int Road::AddSignal(double s,double t,string id,string name,bool dynamic,string orientation,double zOffset,string type,string country,string countryRevision,
+                             string subtype,double hOffset,double pitch,double roll ,double height,double width)
 	// Check the first method in the group for details

+ 2 - 2

@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ public:
 	unsigned int AddCrossfall (string side, double s, double a, double b, double c, double d);
 	unsigned int AddLaneSection(double s);
 	unsigned int AddObject();
-    unsigned int AddSignal(double s,double t,string id,string name,bool dynamic,string orientation,double zOffset,int type,string country,string countryRevision,
-                           int subtype,double hOffset,double pitch,double roll ,double height,double width);
+    unsigned int AddSignal(double s,double t,string id,string name,bool dynamic,string orientation,double zOffset,string type,string country,string countryRevision,
+                           string subtype,double hOffset,double pitch,double roll ,double height,double width);
 	 * Methods used to clone child records in the respective vectors

+ 9 - 0

@@ -2639,6 +2639,9 @@ void MainWindow::onClickLoad()
+    if((mxodr.GetRoadCount()>0)&&(mxodr.GetHeader() == 0))
+        mxodr.SetHeader(1,1,"adcmap",1.1,QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd").toLatin1().data(),0,0,0,0,glat0,glon0,ghdg0);
@@ -4772,3 +4775,9 @@ void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
         event->accept(); // 接受退出信号,程序退出
+void MainWindow::on_actionSet_Traffic_Light_triggered()
+    TrafficLightDialog td(&mxodr,this);
+    int res = td.exec();

+ 3 - 0

@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 #include "geofit.h"
 #include "autoconnect.h"
 #include "speeddialog.h"
+#include "trafficlightdialog.h"
 #include <iostream>
 #include <map>
@@ -234,6 +235,8 @@ private slots:
     void closeEvent(QCloseEvent * event);
+    void on_actionSet_Traffic_Light_triggered();

+ 6 - 0

@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
     <addaction name="actionAutoConnect"/>
     <addaction name="actionSet_Speed"/>
+    <addaction name="actionSet_Traffic_Light"/>
    <addaction name="menuFile"/>
    <addaction name="menuFunction"/>
@@ -79,6 +80,11 @@
     <string>Set Speed</string>
+  <action name="actionSet_Traffic_Light">
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Edit Traffic Light</string>
+   </property>
+  </action>
  <layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/>

+ 10 - 1

@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ SOURCES += \
         main.cpp \
         mainwindow.cpp \
     speeddialog.cpp \
+    trafficlightdialog.cpp \
+    trafficlightlanevaliditydialog.cpp \
+    trafficlightpositiondialog.cpp \
     xodr.cpp \
     myview.cpp \
     linedata.cpp \
@@ -62,6 +65,9 @@ HEADERS += \
     autoconnect.h \
         mainwindow.h \
     speeddialog.h \
+    trafficlightdialog.h \
+    trafficlightlanevaliditydialog.h \
+    trafficlightpositiondialog.h \
     xodr.h \
     myview.h \
     boost.h \
@@ -87,7 +93,10 @@ HEADERS += \
 FORMS += \
         mainwindow.ui \
-        speeddialog.ui
+        speeddialog.ui \
+        trafficlightdialog.ui \
+        trafficlightlanevaliditydialog.ui \
+        trafficlightpositiondialog.ui
 unix:LIBS += -lboost_thread -lboost_system -lboost_serialization -lprotobuf

+ 305 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+#include "trafficlightdialog.h"
+#include "ui_trafficlightdialog.h"
+#include "trafficlightlanevaliditydialog.h"
+#include "trafficlightpositiondialog.h"
+#include <QMessageBox>
+TrafficLightDialog::TrafficLightDialog(OpenDrive * pxodr,QWidget *parent) :
+    QDialog(parent),
+    ui(new Ui::TrafficLightDialog)
+    ui->setupUi(this);
+    mpxodr = pxodr;
+    ui->comboBox_dynamic->addItem("yes");
+    ui->comboBox_dynamic->addItem("no");
+    ui->lineEdit_id->setReadOnly(true);
+    int i;
+    int nroadcount = mpxodr->GetRoadCount();
+    for(i=0;i<nroadcount;i++)
+    {
+        const char * strname = mpxodr->GetRoad(i)->GetRoadId().data();
+        ui->comboBox_Road->addItem(strname);
+    }
+    setWindowTitle("Edit Traffic Light");
+    delete ui;
+void TrafficLightDialog::on_comboBox_Road_currentIndexChanged(int index)
+    Road * pRoad = mpxodr->GetRoad(index);
+    if(pRoad == 0)
+    {
+ //       QMessageBox::warning(this,"WARN","MainWindow::onClickCBRoadChange road is NULL");
+        return;
+    }
+    ui->lineEdit_RoadLen->setText(QString::number(pRoad->GetRoadLength(),'f',3));
+    ui->comboBox_TrafficLIght->clear();
+    int nsigcount = pRoad->GetSignalCount();
+    if(nsigcount == 0)
+    {
+        initlineedit();
+        return;
+    }
+    int i;
+    for(i=0;i<nsigcount;i++)
+    {
+        Signal * pSignal = pRoad->GetSignal(i);
+        ui->comboBox_TrafficLIght->addItem(pSignal->Getid().data());
+    }
+void TrafficLightDialog::initlineedit()
+    ui->lineEdit_name->setText("");
+    ui->lineEdit_id->setText("");
+    ui->lineEdit_s->setText("0.0");
+    ui->lineEdit_t->setText("0.0");
+//    ui->comboBox_dynamic->setText("");
+    ui->lineEdit_orientation->setText("-");
+    ui->lineEdit_zOffset->setText("0.0");
+    ui->lineEdit_type->setText("1000001");
+    ui->lineEdit_country->setText("OpenDrive");
+    ui->lineEdit_countryRevision->setText("2013");
+    ui->lineEdit_subtype->setText("-1");
+    ui->lineEdit_hOffset->setText("0.1");
+    ui->lineEdit_pitch->setText("0");
+    ui->lineEdit_roll->setText("0");
+    ui->lineEdit_height->setText("0.1");
+    ui->lineEdit_width->setText("0.1");
+void TrafficLightDialog::showsignal(Signal *pSignal)
+    ui->lineEdit_name->setText(pSignal->Getname().data());
+    ui->lineEdit_id->setText(pSignal->Getid().data());
+    ui->lineEdit_s->setText(QString::number(pSignal->Gets()));
+    ui->lineEdit_t->setText(QString::number(pSignal->Gett()));
+    if(pSignal->Getdynamic())ui->comboBox_dynamic->setCurrentIndex(0);
+    else ui->comboBox_dynamic->setCurrentIndex(1);
+//    ui->comboBox_dynamic->setText("");
+    ui->lineEdit_orientation->setText(pSignal->Getorientation().data());
+    ui->lineEdit_zOffset->setText(QString::number(pSignal->GetzOffset()));
+    ui->lineEdit_type->setText(pSignal->Gettype().data());
+    ui->lineEdit_country->setText(pSignal->Getcountry().data());
+    ui->lineEdit_countryRevision->setText(pSignal->GetcountryRevision().data());
+    ui->lineEdit_subtype->setText(pSignal->Getsubtype().data());
+    ui->lineEdit_hOffset->setText(QString::number(pSignal->GethOffset()));
+    ui->lineEdit_pitch->setText(QString::number(pSignal->Getpitch()));
+    ui->lineEdit_roll->setText(QString::number(pSignal->Getroll()));
+    ui->lineEdit_height->setText(QString::number(pSignal->Getheight()));
+    ui->lineEdit_width->setText(QString::number(pSignal->Getwidth()));
+void TrafficLightDialog::on_comboBox_TrafficLIght_currentIndexChanged(int index)
+    Road * pRoad =mpxodr->GetRoad(ui->comboBox_Road->currentIndex());
+    if(pRoad == 0)return;
+    if(pRoad->GetSignalCount() == 0)return;
+    if(index >= pRoad->GetSignalCount())return;
+    Signal * pSignal = pRoad->GetSignal(index);
+    showsignal(pSignal);
+void TrafficLightDialog::on_pushButton_EditinertialPosition_clicked()
+    Road * pRoad =mpxodr->GetRoad(ui->comboBox_Road->currentIndex());
+    if(pRoad == 0)return;
+    if(pRoad->GetSignalCount() == 0)return;
+    Signal * pSignal =pRoad->GetSignal(ui->comboBox_TrafficLIght->currentIndex());
+    if(pSignal == 0)return;
+    double lon0,lat0;
+    mpxodr->GetHeader()->GetLat0Lon0(lat0,lon0);
+    TrafficLightpositionDialog td(pSignal,lon0,lat0,this);
+    int res = td.exec();
+    (void)&res;
+void TrafficLightDialog::on_pushButton_EditlaneValidity_clicked()
+    Road * pRoad =mpxodr->GetRoad(ui->comboBox_Road->currentIndex());
+    if(pRoad == 0)return;
+    if(pRoad->GetSignalCount() == 0)return;
+    Signal * pSignal =pRoad->GetSignal(ui->comboBox_TrafficLIght->currentIndex());
+    if(pSignal == 0)return;
+    TrafficLightlaneValidityDialog td(pSignal,this);
+    int res = td.exec();
+    (void)&res;
+void TrafficLightDialog::on_pushButton_Add_clicked()
+    Road * pRoad =mpxodr->GetRoad(ui->comboBox_Road->currentIndex());
+    if(pRoad == 0)return;
+    double s;
+    double t;
+    string id;
+    string name;
+    bool dynamic;
+    string orientation;
+    double zOffset;
+    string type;
+    string country;
+    string countryRevision;
+    string subtype;
+    double hOffset;
+    double pitch;
+    double roll;
+    double height;
+    double width;
+    int nid = getnewsignalid();
+    string strid = QString::number(nid).toStdString();
+    geteditvalue(s,t,name,dynamic,orientation,zOffset,type,country,countryRevision,
+                 subtype,hOffset,pitch,roll,height,width);
+    pRoad->AddSignal(s,t,strid,name,dynamic,orientation,zOffset,type,country,countryRevision,
+                     subtype,hOffset,pitch,roll,height,width);
+    on_comboBox_Road_currentIndexChanged(ui->comboBox_Road->currentIndex());
+    ui->comboBox_TrafficLIght->setCurrentIndex(pRoad->GetSignalCount()-1);
+void TrafficLightDialog::on_pushButton_Delete_clicked()
+    Road * pRoad =mpxodr->GetRoad(ui->comboBox_Road->currentIndex());
+    if(pRoad == 0)return;
+    if(pRoad->GetSignalCount() == 0)
+    {
+        QMessageBox::warning(this,"warning","No Signal Delete.");
+        return;
+    }
+    pRoad->DeleteSignal(ui->comboBox_TrafficLIght->currentIndex());
+    on_comboBox_Road_currentIndexChanged(ui->comboBox_Road->currentIndex());
+    ui->comboBox_TrafficLIght->setCurrentIndex(pRoad->GetSignalCount()-1);
+void TrafficLightDialog::on_pushButton_Update_clicked()
+    Road * pRoad =mpxodr->GetRoad(ui->comboBox_Road->currentIndex());
+    if(pRoad == 0)return;
+    if(pRoad->GetSignalCount() == 0)return;
+    Signal * pSignal =pRoad->GetSignal(ui->comboBox_TrafficLIght->currentIndex());
+    if(pSignal == 0)return;
+    double s;
+    double t;
+    string name;
+    bool dynamic;
+    string orientation;
+    double zOffset;
+    string type;
+    string country;
+    string countryRevision;
+    string subtype;
+    double hOffset;
+    double pitch;
+    double roll;
+    double height;
+    double width;
+    geteditvalue(s,t,name,dynamic,orientation,zOffset,type,country,countryRevision,
+                 subtype,hOffset,pitch,roll,height,width);
+    pSignal->Sets(s);
+    pSignal->Sett(t);
+    pSignal->Setname(name);
+    pSignal->Setdynamic(dynamic);
+    pSignal->Setorientation(orientation);
+    pSignal->SetzOffset(zOffset);
+    pSignal->Settype(type);
+    pSignal->Setcountry(country);
+    pSignal->SetcountryRevision(countryRevision);
+    pSignal->Setsubtype(subtype);
+    pSignal->SethOffset(hOffset);
+    pSignal->Setpitch(pitch);
+    pSignal->Setroll(roll);
+    pSignal->Setheight(height);
+    pSignal->Setwidth(width);
+int TrafficLightDialog::geteditvalue(double &s, double &t, std::string &name, bool &dynamic,
+                                     std::string &orientation, double &zOffset, std::string &type,
+                                     std::string &country, std::string &countryRevision, std::string &subtype,
+                                     double &hOffset, double &pitch, double &roll, double &height, double &width)
+    s = ui->lineEdit_s->text().toDouble();
+    t = ui->lineEdit_t->text().toDouble();
+    name = ui->lineEdit_name->text().toStdString();
+    if(ui->comboBox_dynamic->currentIndex() == 0)dynamic = true;
+    else dynamic = false;
+    orientation = ui->lineEdit_orientation->text().toStdString();
+    zOffset = ui->lineEdit_zOffset->text().toDouble();
+    type = ui->lineEdit_type->text().toStdString();
+    country = ui->lineEdit_country->text().toStdString();
+    countryRevision = ui->lineEdit_countryRevision->text().toStdString();
+    subtype = ui->lineEdit_subtype->text().toStdString();
+    hOffset = ui->lineEdit_hOffset->text().toDouble();
+    pitch = ui->lineEdit_pitch->text().toDouble();
+    roll = ui->lineEdit_roll->text().toDouble();
+    height = ui->lineEdit_height->text().toDouble();
+    width = ui->lineEdit_width->text().toDouble();
+    return 0;
+int TrafficLightDialog::getnewsignalid()
+    int id = -1;
+    bool bHaveExist = false;
+    do
+    {
+        bHaveExist = false;
+        id = id + 1;
+        int nroadcount = mpxodr->GetRoadCount();
+        int i,j;
+        for(i=0;i<nroadcount;i++)
+        {
+            Road * pRoad = mpxodr->GetRoad(i);
+            int nsignalcount = pRoad->GetSignalCount();
+            for(j=0;j<nsignalcount;j++)
+            {
+                if(id == atoi(pRoad->GetSignal(j)->Getid().data()))
+                {
+                    bHaveExist = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if(bHaveExist)break;
+        }
+    }while(bHaveExist == true);
+    return id;

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#include <QDialog>
+#include "OpenDrive/OpenDrive.h"
+namespace Ui {
+class TrafficLightDialog;
+class TrafficLightDialog : public QDialog
+    explicit TrafficLightDialog(OpenDrive * pxodr,QWidget *parent = nullptr);
+    ~TrafficLightDialog();
+private slots:
+    void on_comboBox_Road_currentIndexChanged(int index);
+    void on_comboBox_TrafficLIght_currentIndexChanged(int index);
+    void on_pushButton_EditinertialPosition_clicked();
+    void on_pushButton_EditlaneValidity_clicked();
+    void on_pushButton_Add_clicked();
+    void on_pushButton_Delete_clicked();
+    void on_pushButton_Update_clicked();
+    Ui::TrafficLightDialog *ui;
+    OpenDrive * mpxodr;
+    void initlineedit();
+    void showsignal(Signal * pSignal);
+    int geteditvalue(double & s,double & t, string & name, bool &dynamic, string & orientation, double & zOffset,
+                     string & type, string & country, string & countryRevision, string & subtype, double & hOffset,
+                     double & pitch, double & roll, double & height, double & width);
+    int getnewsignalid();

+ 521 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+ <class>TrafficLightDialog</class>
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+    <string>Road</string>
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+     <height>17</height>
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+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Length</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_RoadLen">
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+     <height>25</height>
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+  <widget class="QComboBox" name="comboBox_TrafficLIght">
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+     <height>31</height>
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+    <string>Traffic Light</string>
+   </property>
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+   <property name="text">
+    <string>s</string>
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+   <property name="geometry">
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+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
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+     <y>220</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
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+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
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+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
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+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_zOffset">
+   <property name="geometry">
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+     <y>270</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
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+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_type">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>570</x>
+     <y>270</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_country">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>800</x>
+     <y>267</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_countryRevision">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>120</x>
+     <y>320</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
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+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_subtype">
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+     <x>350</x>
+     <y>320</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_hOffset">
+   <property name="geometry">
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+     <x>570</x>
+     <y>320</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
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+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_orientation">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>800</x>
+     <y>319</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_pitch">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>120</x>
+     <y>370</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_roll">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>350</x>
+     <y>370</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
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+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_5">
+   <property name="geometry">
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+     <x>250</x>
+     <y>220</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>t</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_6">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>490</x>
+     <y>220</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>id</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_7">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>720</x>
+     <y>220</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>name</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_8">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>30</x>
+     <y>272</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
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+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>dynamic</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_9">
+   <property name="geometry">
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+     <x>250</x>
+     <y>270</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>zOffset</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_10">
+   <property name="geometry">
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+     <x>490</x>
+     <y>270</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>type</string>
+   </property>
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+   <property name="geometry">
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+     <x>720</x>
+     <y>272</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>country</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_12">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>30</x>
+     <y>323</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Revision</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_13">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>250</x>
+     <y>320</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>subtype</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_14">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>490</x>
+     <y>320</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>hOffset</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_15">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>720</x>
+     <y>322</y>
+     <width>80</width>
+     <height>17</height>
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+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>orientation</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_16">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>30</x>
+     <y>370</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>pitch</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_17">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>250</x>
+     <y>371</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>roll</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_height">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>570</x>
+     <y>370</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
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+   </property>
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+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_width">
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+     <x>800</x>
+     <y>370</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
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+   </property>
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+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_18">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>490</x>
+     <y>372</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>height</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_19">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>720</x>
+     <y>372</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>width</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QComboBox" name="comboBox_dynamic">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>120</x>
+     <y>270</y>
+     <width>111</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton_Add">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>540</x>
+     <y>135</y>
+     <width>89</width>
+     <height>25</height>
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+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Add</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton_Delete">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>715</x>
+     <y>135</y>
+     <width>89</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Delete</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton_Update">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>400</x>
+     <y>500</y>
+     <width>89</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Update</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton_EditlaneValidity">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>170</x>
+     <y>430</y>
+     <width>191</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Edit Lane Validity</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton_EditinertialPosition">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>620</x>
+     <y>430</y>
+     <width>221</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Edit InertialPosition</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+ </widget>
+ <resources/>
+ <connections/>

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#include "trafficlightlanevaliditydialog.h"
+#include "ui_trafficlightlanevaliditydialog.h"
+#include <QMessageBox>
+TrafficLightlaneValidityDialog::TrafficLightlaneValidityDialog(Signal * pSignal,QWidget *parent) :
+    QDialog(parent),
+    ui(new Ui::TrafficLightlaneValidityDialog)
+    ui->setupUi(this);
+    mpSignal = pSignal;
+    signal_laneValidity * psignal_laneValidity = mpSignal->GetlaneValidity();
+    if(psignal_laneValidity != 0)
+    {
+        ui->lineEdit_fromLane->setText(QString::number(psignal_laneValidity->GetfromLane()));
+        ui->lineEdit_toLane->setText(QString::number(psignal_laneValidity->GettoLane()));
+    }
+    delete ui;
+void TrafficLightlaneValidityDialog::on_pushButton_clicked()
+    if((ui->lineEdit_fromLane->text().length()== 0)||(ui->lineEdit_toLane->text().length() == 0))
+    {
+        QMessageBox::warning(this,"warning","value is empty.");
+        return;
+    }
+    int fromLane = ui->lineEdit_fromLane->text().toInt();
+    int toLane = ui->lineEdit_toLane->text().toInt();
+    mpSignal->SetlaneValidity(fromLane,toLane);

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#include <QDialog>
+#include "OpenDrive/OpenDrive.h"
+namespace Ui {
+class TrafficLightlaneValidityDialog;
+class TrafficLightlaneValidityDialog : public QDialog
+    explicit TrafficLightlaneValidityDialog(Signal * pSignal,QWidget *parent = nullptr);
+    ~TrafficLightlaneValidityDialog();
+private slots:
+    void on_pushButton_clicked();
+    Ui::TrafficLightlaneValidityDialog *ui;
+    Signal * mpSignal;

+ 78 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
+ <class>TrafficLightlaneValidityDialog</class>
+ <widget class="QDialog" name="TrafficLightlaneValidityDialog">
+  <property name="geometry">
+   <rect>
+    <x>0</x>
+    <y>0</y>
+    <width>592</width>
+    <height>172</height>
+   </rect>
+  </property>
+  <property name="windowTitle">
+   <string>Dialog</string>
+  </property>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_fromLane">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>170</x>
+     <y>40</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_toLane">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>430</x>
+     <y>40</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>260</x>
+     <y>100</y>
+     <width>89</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Update</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>62</x>
+     <y>43</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>fromLane</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>331</x>
+     <y>42</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>toLane</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+ </widget>
+ <resources/>
+ <connections/>

+ 76 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#include "trafficlightpositiondialog.h"
+#include "ui_trafficlightpositiondialog.h"
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <gnss_coordinate_convert.h>
+TrafficLightpositionDialog::TrafficLightpositionDialog(Signal * pSignal,double lon0,double lat0,QWidget *parent) :
+    QDialog(parent),
+    ui(new Ui::TrafficLightpositionDialog)
+    ui->setupUi(this);
+    mpSignal = pSignal;
+    mlon0 = lon0;
+    mlat0 = lat0;
+    signal_positionInertial * pSignal_positionInertial;
+    pSignal_positionInertial = mpSignal->GetpositionInertial();
+    if(pSignal_positionInertial != 0)
+    {
+        double x, y;
+        double x0,y0;
+        double lon,lat;
+        GaussProjCal(mlon0,mlat0,&x0,&y0);
+        x = pSignal_positionInertial->Getx();
+        y = pSignal_positionInertial->Gety();
+        GaussProjInvCal((x+x0),(y+y0),&lon,&lat);
+        double hdg = pSignal_positionInertial->Gethdg();
+        double head0 = (M_PI/2.0 - hdg)*180.0/M_PI;
+        if(head0<0)head0 = head0 + 360.0;
+        double z = pSignal_positionInertial->Getz();
+        double pitch = pSignal_positionInertial->Getpitch();
+        double roll = pSignal_positionInertial->Getroll();
+        ui->lineEdit_Lon->setText(QString::number(lon,'f',7));
+        ui->lineEdit_Lat->setText(QString::number(lat,'f',7));
+        ui->lineEdit_Height->setText(QString::number(z,'f',2));
+        ui->lineEdit_hdg->setText(QString::number(head0));
+        ui->lineEdit_pitch->setText(QString::number(pitch));
+        ui->lineEdit_roll->setText(QString::number(roll));
+    }
+    delete ui;
+void TrafficLightpositionDialog::on_pushButton_Update_clicked()
+    if(mpSignal == 0)return;
+    double lon,lat,z,head,pitch,roll;
+    if((ui->lineEdit_Lon->text().length() == 0)||(ui->lineEdit_Lat->text().length() == 0))
+    {
+        QMessageBox::warning(this,"warning","Value is Empty.");
+        return;
+    }
+    lon = ui->lineEdit_Lon->text().toDouble();
+    lat = ui->lineEdit_Lat->text().toDouble();
+    z = ui->lineEdit_Height->text().toDouble();
+    head = ui->lineEdit_hdg->text().toDouble();
+    pitch = ui->lineEdit_pitch->text().toDouble();
+    roll = ui->lineEdit_roll->text().toDouble();
+    double x, y;
+    double x0,y0;
+    GaussProjCal(mlon0,mlat0,&x0,&y0);
+    GaussProjCal(lon,lat,&x,&y);
+    double hdg = (90-head)*M_PI/180.0;
+    if(hdg<0)hdg = hdg +M_PI*2.0;
+    mpSignal->SetpositionInertial(x-x0,y-y0,z,hdg,pitch,roll);

+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <QDialog>
+#include "OpenDrive/OpenDrive.h"
+namespace Ui {
+class TrafficLightpositionDialog;
+class TrafficLightpositionDialog : public QDialog
+    explicit TrafficLightpositionDialog(Signal * pSignal, double lon0,double lat0,QWidget *parent = nullptr);
+    ~TrafficLightpositionDialog();
+private slots:
+    void on_pushButton_Update_clicked();
+    Ui::TrafficLightpositionDialog *ui;
+    Signal * mpSignal;
+    double mlon0;
+    double mlat0;

+ 170 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
+ <class>TrafficLightpositionDialog</class>
+ <widget class="QDialog" name="TrafficLightpositionDialog">
+  <property name="geometry">
+   <rect>
+    <x>0</x>
+    <y>0</y>
+    <width>579</width>
+    <height>298</height>
+   </rect>
+  </property>
+  <property name="windowTitle">
+   <string>Dialog</string>
+  </property>
+  <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton_Update">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>220</x>
+     <y>230</y>
+     <width>89</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Update</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_Lon">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>160</x>
+     <y>50</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_Lat">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>430</x>
+     <y>50</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_Height">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>160</x>
+     <y>110</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_hdg">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>430</x>
+     <y>110</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_pitch">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>160</x>
+     <y>170</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_roll">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>430</x>
+     <y>170</y>
+     <width>113</width>
+     <height>25</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>23</x>
+     <y>53</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Lon</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>310</x>
+     <y>54</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>Lat</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>22</x>
+     <y>115</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>height</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>309</x>
+     <y>113</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>hdg</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_5">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>21</x>
+     <y>176</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>pitch</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_6">
+   <property name="geometry">
+    <rect>
+     <x>313</x>
+     <y>171</y>
+     <width>67</width>
+     <height>17</height>
+    </rect>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>roll</string>
+   </property>
+  </widget>
+ </widget>
+ <resources/>
+ <connections/>

+ 6 - 3

@@ -101,15 +101,18 @@ void MainWindow::onTimer()
     GaussProjCal(gps_data_set.gps_lng, gps_data_set.gps_lat, &gps_data_set.gps_x, &gps_data_set.gps_y);
     GaussProjCal(gps_data_car.gps_lng, gps_data_car.gps_lat, &gps_data_car.gps_x, &gps_data_car.gps_y);
     double distance = GetDistance(gps_data_set,gps_data_car);
-    ui->lineEdit_6->setText(QString::number(distance, 'g', 12));
+    ui->lineEdit_6->setText(QString::number(distance, 'g', 7));
     if(distance < set_R)
-        ui->textEdit->setPlainText("车辆中心点在电子栅栏以内");
+        ui->textEdit->append("<font color=\"#0000FF\">车辆中心点在电子栅栏以内</font> ");
+       // ui->textEdit->setPlainText("车辆中心点在电子栅栏以内");
     if(distance == set_R)
     if(distance > set_R)
-        ui->textEdit->setPlainText("车辆中心点在电子栅栏以外");
+       // ui->textEdit->setPlainText("车辆中心点在电子栅栏以外");
+        ui->textEdit->append("<font color=\"#FF0000\">车辆中心点在电子栅栏以外</font> ");

+ 7 - 0

@@ -325,6 +325,13 @@ void ADCIntelligentShow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
+//    ui->pushButton_prestation->setGeometry(30,30,150,100);
+//    ui->label_station->setGeometry(190,30,260,100);
+//    ui->pushButton_nextstation->setGeometry(460,30,150,100);
+//    ui->pushButton_go->setGeometry(630,30,150,100);

+ 14 - 4

@@ -788,14 +788,14 @@ color: rgb(200, 200, 200);</string>
      <property name="font">
-       <pointsize>15</pointsize>
+       <pointsize>8</pointsize>
      <property name="styleSheet">
       <string notr="true">color: rgb(255, 255, 255);</string>
      <property name="text">
-      <string>北京汽车技师学院</string>
+      <string>中国汽车技术研究中心</string>
      <property name="alignment">
@@ -804,12 +804,17 @@ color: rgb(200, 200, 200);</string>
     <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
      <property name="geometry">
-       <x>1480</x>
+       <x>1500</x>
+     <property name="font">
+      <font>
+       <pointsize>8</pointsize>
+      </font>
+     </property>
      <property name="styleSheet">
       <string notr="true">color: rgb(255, 255, 255);</string>
@@ -823,12 +828,17 @@ color: rgb(200, 200, 200);</string>
     <widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
      <property name="geometry">
-       <x>1360</x>
+       <x>1680</x>
+     <property name="font">
+      <font>
+       <pointsize>8</pointsize>
+      </font>
+     </property>
      <property name="styleSheet">
       <string notr="true">color: rgb(255, 255, 255);</string>