@@ -0,0 +1,1400 @@
+#include <tinyspline_ros/tinyspline.h>
+#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free */
+#include <math.h> /* fabs, sqrt */
+#include <string.h> /* memcpy, memmove, strcmp */
+#include <setjmp.h> /* setjmp, longjmp */
+* *
+* :: Error handling *
+* *
+#define TRY(x, y) y = (tsError) setjmp(x); if (y == 0) {
+#define CATCH } else {
+#define ETRY }
+* *
+* :: Data Types *
+* *
+ * Stores the private data of a ::tsBSpline.
+ */
+struct tsBSplineImpl
+ size_t deg; /**< Degree of B-Spline basis function. */
+ size_t dim; /**< Dimension of control points (2D => x, y) */
+ size_t n_ctrlp; /**< Number of control points. */
+ size_t n_knots; /**< Number of knots (n_ctrlp + deg + 1). */
+ * Stores the private data of a ::tsDeBoorNet.
+ */
+struct tsDeBoorNetImpl
+ tsReal u; /**< The evaluated knot value. */
+ size_t k; /**< The index [u_k, u_k+1) */
+ size_t s; /**< Multiplicity of u_k. */
+ size_t h; /**< Number of insertions required to obtain result. */
+ size_t dim; /**< Dimension of points. (2D => x, y) */
+ size_t n_points; /** Number of points in 'points'. */
+* *
+* :: Forward Declarations & Internal Utility Functions *
+* *
+void ts_internal_bspline_fill_knots(const tsBSpline *spline,
+ tsBSplineType type, tsReal min, tsReal max, tsBSpline *_result_,
+ jmp_buf buf);
+size_t ts_internal_bspline_sof_state(const tsBSpline *spline)
+ return sizeof(struct tsBSplineImpl) +
+ ts_bspline_sof_control_points(spline) +
+ ts_bspline_sof_knots(spline);
+tsReal * ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(const tsBSpline *spline)
+ return (tsReal *) (& spline->pImpl[1]);
+tsReal * ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(const tsBSpline *spline)
+ return ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(spline)
+ + ts_bspline_len_control_points(spline);
+size_t ts_internal_deboornet_sof_state(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return sizeof(struct tsDeBoorNetImpl) +
+ ts_deboornet_sof_points(net) +
+ ts_deboornet_sof_result(net);
+tsReal * ts_internal_deboornet_access_points(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return (tsReal *) (& net->pImpl[1]);
+tsReal * ts_internal_deboornet_access_result(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ if (ts_deboornet_num_result(net) == 2) {
+ return ts_internal_deboornet_access_points(net);
+ } else {
+ return ts_internal_deboornet_access_points(net) +
+ /* Last point in `points`. */
+ (ts_deboornet_len_points(net) -
+ ts_deboornet_dimension(net));
+ }
+void ts_internal_bspline_find_u(const tsBSpline *spline, tsReal u, size_t *k,
+ size_t *s, jmp_buf buf)
+ const size_t deg = ts_bspline_degree(spline);
+ const size_t order = ts_bspline_order(spline);
+ const size_t num_knots = ts_bspline_num_knots(spline);
+ const tsReal *knots = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(spline);
+ *k = *s = 0;
+ for (; *k < num_knots; (*k)++) {
+ const tsReal uk = knots[*k];
+ if (ts_fequals(u, uk)) {
+ (*s)++;
+ } else if (u < uk) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* keep in mind that currently k is k+1 */
+ if (*s > order)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_MULTIPLICITY);
+ if (*k <= deg) /* u < u_min */
+ longjmp(buf, TS_U_UNDEFINED);
+ if (*k == num_knots && *s == 0) /* u > u_last */
+ longjmp(buf, TS_U_UNDEFINED);
+ if (*k > num_knots-deg + *s-1) /* u > u_max */
+ longjmp(buf, TS_U_UNDEFINED);
+ (*k)--; /* k+1 - 1 will never underflow */
+* *
+* :: Field Access Functions *
+* *
+size_t ts_bspline_degree(const tsBSpline *spline)
+ return spline->pImpl->deg;
+tsError ts_bspline_set_degree(tsBSpline *spline, size_t deg)
+ if (deg >= ts_bspline_num_control_points(spline))
+ return TS_DEG_GE_NCTRLP;
+ spline->pImpl->deg = deg;
+ return TS_SUCCESS;
+size_t ts_bspline_order(const tsBSpline *spline)
+ return ts_bspline_degree(spline) + 1;
+tsError ts_bspline_set_order(tsBSpline *spline, size_t order)
+ return ts_bspline_set_degree(spline, order - 1);
+size_t ts_bspline_dimension(const tsBSpline *spline)
+ return spline->pImpl->dim;
+tsError ts_bspline_set_dimension(tsBSpline *spline, size_t dim)
+ if (dim == 0)
+ return TS_DIM_ZERO;
+ if (ts_bspline_len_control_points(spline) % dim != 0)
+ spline->pImpl->dim = dim;
+ return TS_SUCCESS;
+size_t ts_bspline_len_control_points(const tsBSpline *spline)
+ return ts_bspline_num_control_points(spline) *
+ ts_bspline_dimension(spline);
+size_t ts_bspline_num_control_points(const tsBSpline *spline)
+ return spline->pImpl->n_ctrlp;
+size_t ts_bspline_sof_control_points(const tsBSpline *spline)
+ return ts_bspline_len_control_points(spline) * sizeof(tsReal);
+tsError ts_bspline_control_points(const tsBSpline *spline, tsReal **ctrlp)
+ const size_t size = ts_bspline_sof_control_points(spline);
+ *ctrlp = malloc(size);
+ if (!*ctrlp) {
+ return TS_MALLOC;
+ } else {
+ memcpy(*ctrlp,
+ ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(spline),
+ size);
+ return TS_SUCCESS;
+ }
+tsError ts_bspline_set_control_points(tsBSpline *spline, const tsReal *ctrlp)
+ const size_t size = ts_bspline_sof_control_points(spline);
+ memcpy(ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(spline), ctrlp, size);
+ return TS_SUCCESS;
+size_t ts_bspline_num_knots(const tsBSpline *spline)
+ return spline->pImpl->n_knots;
+size_t ts_bspline_sof_knots(const tsBSpline *spline)
+ return ts_bspline_num_knots(spline) * sizeof(tsReal);
+tsError ts_bspline_knots(const tsBSpline *spline, tsReal **knots)
+ const size_t size = ts_bspline_sof_knots(spline);
+ *knots = malloc(size);
+ if (!*knots) {
+ return TS_MALLOC;
+ } else {
+ memcpy(*knots,
+ ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(spline),
+ size);
+ return TS_SUCCESS;
+ }
+tsError ts_bspline_set_knots(tsBSpline *spline, const tsReal *knots)
+ size_t order, size, idx, mult;
+ tsReal lst_knot, knot;
+ order = ts_bspline_order(spline);
+ lst_knot = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(spline)[0];
+ mult = 1;
+ for (idx = 1; idx < ts_bspline_num_knots(spline); idx++)
+ {
+ knot = knots[idx];
+ if (ts_fequals(lst_knot, knot))
+ mult++;
+ else if (lst_knot > knot)
+ return TS_KNOTS_DECR;
+ else
+ mult = 0;
+ if (mult > order)
+ lst_knot = knot;
+ }
+ size = ts_bspline_sof_knots(spline);
+ memcpy(ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(spline), knots, size);
+ return TS_SUCCESS;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+tsReal ts_deboornet_knot(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return net->pImpl->u;
+size_t ts_deboornet_index(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return net->pImpl->k;
+size_t ts_deboornet_multiplicity(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return net->pImpl->s;
+size_t ts_deboornet_num_insertions(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return net->pImpl->h;
+size_t ts_deboornet_dimension(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return net->pImpl->dim;
+size_t ts_deboornet_len_points(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return ts_deboornet_num_points(net) * ts_deboornet_dimension(net);
+size_t ts_deboornet_num_points(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return net->pImpl->n_points;
+size_t ts_deboornet_sof_points(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return ts_deboornet_len_points(net) * sizeof(tsReal);
+tsError ts_deboornet_points(const tsDeBoorNet *net, tsReal **points)
+ const size_t size = ts_deboornet_sof_points(net);
+ *points = malloc(size);
+ if (!*points) {
+ return TS_MALLOC;
+ } else {
+ memcpy(*points,
+ ts_internal_deboornet_access_points(net),
+ size);
+ return TS_SUCCESS;
+ }
+size_t ts_deboornet_len_result(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return ts_deboornet_num_result(net) * ts_deboornet_dimension(net);
+size_t ts_deboornet_num_result(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return ts_deboornet_num_points(net) == 2 ? 2 : 1;
+size_t ts_deboornet_sof_result(const tsDeBoorNet *net)
+ return ts_deboornet_len_result(net) * sizeof(tsReal);
+tsError ts_deboornet_result(const tsDeBoorNet *net, tsReal **result)
+ const size_t size = ts_deboornet_sof_result(net);
+ *result = malloc(size);
+ if (!*result) {
+ return TS_MALLOC;
+ } else {
+ memcpy(*result,
+ ts_internal_deboornet_access_result(net),
+ size);
+ return TS_SUCCESS;
+ }
+* *
+* :: Constructors, Destructors, Copy, and Move Functions *
+* *
+void ts_bspline_default(tsBSpline *_spline_)
+ _spline_->pImpl = NULL;
+void ts_internal_bspline_new(size_t n_ctrlp, size_t dim, size_t deg,
+ tsBSplineType type, tsBSpline *_spline_, jmp_buf buf)
+ const size_t order = deg + 1;
+ const size_t num_knots = n_ctrlp + order;
+ const size_t len_ctrlp = n_ctrlp * dim;
+ const size_t sof_real = sizeof(tsReal);
+ const size_t sof_impl = sizeof(struct tsBSplineImpl);
+ const size_t sof_ctrlp_vec = len_ctrlp * sof_real;
+ const size_t sof_knots_vec = num_knots * sof_real;
+ const size_t sof_spline = sof_impl + sof_ctrlp_vec + sof_knots_vec;
+ tsError e;
+ jmp_buf b;
+ if (dim < 1)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_DIM_ZERO);
+ if (deg >= n_ctrlp)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_DEG_GE_NCTRLP);
+ _spline_->pImpl = (struct tsBSplineImpl *) malloc(sof_spline);
+ if (!_spline_->pImpl)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_MALLOC);
+ _spline_->pImpl->deg = deg;
+ _spline_->pImpl->dim = dim;
+ _spline_->pImpl->n_ctrlp = n_ctrlp;
+ _spline_->pImpl->n_knots = num_knots;
+ TRY(b, e)
+ ts_internal_bspline_fill_knots(
+ _spline_, type, 0.f, 1.f, _spline_, b);
+ ts_bspline_free(_spline_);
+ longjmp(buf, e);
+tsError ts_bspline_new(size_t n_ctrlp, size_t dim, size_t deg,
+ tsBSplineType type, tsBSpline *_spline_)
+ tsError err;
+ jmp_buf buf;
+ TRY(buf, err)
+ ts_internal_bspline_new(
+ n_ctrlp, dim, deg, type, _spline_, buf);
+ ts_bspline_default(_spline_);
+ return err;
+void ts_internal_bspline_copy(const tsBSpline *original, tsBSpline *_copy_,
+ jmp_buf buf)
+ size_t size;
+ if (original == _copy_)
+ return;
+ size = ts_internal_bspline_sof_state(original);
+ _copy_->pImpl = malloc(size);
+ if (!_copy_->pImpl)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_MALLOC);
+ memcpy(_copy_->pImpl, original->pImpl, size);
+tsError ts_bspline_copy(const tsBSpline *original, tsBSpline *_copy_)
+ tsError err;
+ jmp_buf buf;
+ TRY(buf, err)
+ ts_internal_bspline_copy(original, _copy_, buf);
+ if (original != _copy_)
+ ts_bspline_default(_copy_);
+ return err;
+void ts_bspline_move(tsBSpline *from, tsBSpline *_to_)
+ if (from == _to_)
+ return;
+ _to_->pImpl = from->pImpl;
+ ts_bspline_default(from);
+void ts_bspline_free(tsBSpline *_spline_)
+ if (_spline_->pImpl)
+ free(_spline_->pImpl);
+ ts_bspline_default(_spline_);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void ts_deboornet_default(tsDeBoorNet *_deBoorNet_)
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl = NULL;
+void ts_internal_deboornet_new(const tsBSpline *spline,
+ tsDeBoorNet *_deBoorNet_, jmp_buf buf)
+ const size_t dim = ts_bspline_dimension(spline);
+ const size_t deg = ts_bspline_degree(spline);
+ const size_t num_points = (size_t)(deg * (deg+1) * 0.5f);
+ const size_t sof_real = sizeof(tsReal);
+ const size_t sof_impl = sizeof(struct tsDeBoorNetImpl);
+ const size_t sof_points_vec = num_points * dim * sof_real;
+ const size_t sof_net = sof_impl * sof_points_vec;
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl = (struct tsDeBoorNetImpl *) malloc(sof_net);
+ if (!_deBoorNet_->pImpl)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_MALLOC);
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->u = 0.f;
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->k = 0;
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->s = 0;
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->h = deg;
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->dim = dim;
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->n_points = num_points;
+void ts_deboornet_free(tsDeBoorNet *_deBoorNet_)
+ if (_deBoorNet_->pImpl)
+ free(_deBoorNet_->pImpl);
+ ts_deboornet_default(_deBoorNet_);
+void ts_internal_deboornet_copy(const tsDeBoorNet *original,
+ tsDeBoorNet *_copy, jmp_buf buf)
+ size_t size;
+ if (original == _copy)
+ return;
+ size = ts_internal_deboornet_sof_state(original);
+ _copy->pImpl = malloc(size);
+ if (!_copy->pImpl)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_MALLOC);
+ memcpy(_copy->pImpl, original->pImpl, size);
+tsError ts_deboornet_copy(const tsDeBoorNet *original, tsDeBoorNet *_copy_)
+ tsError err;
+ jmp_buf buf;
+ TRY(buf, err)
+ ts_internal_deboornet_copy(original, _copy_, buf);
+ if (original != _copy_)
+ ts_deboornet_default(_copy_);
+ return err;
+void ts_deboornet_move(tsDeBoorNet *from, tsDeBoorNet *_to_)
+ if (from == _to_)
+ return;
+ _to_->pImpl = from->pImpl;
+ ts_deboornet_default(from);
+* *
+* :: Interpolation and Approximation Functions *
+* *
+void ts_internal_bspline_thomas_algorithm(const tsReal *points, size_t n,
+ size_t dim, tsReal *_result_, jmp_buf buf)
+ const size_t sof_real = sizeof(tsReal);
+ const size_t sof_ctrlp = dim * sof_real;
+ tsReal* m; /* Array of weights. */
+ size_t len_m; /* Length of m. */
+ size_t lst; /* Index of the last control point in \p points. */
+ size_t i, d; /* Used in for loops. */
+ size_t j, k, l; /* Used as temporary indices. */
+ /* input validation */
+ if (dim == 0)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_DIM_ZERO);
+ if (n == 0)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_DEG_GE_NCTRLP);
+ if (n <= 2) {
+ memcpy(_result_, points, n * sof_ctrlp);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* In the following n >= 3 applies... */
+ len_m = n-2; /* ... len_m >= 1 */
+ lst = (n-1)*dim; /* ... lst >= 2*dim */
+ /* m_0 = 1/4, m_{k+1} = 1/(4-m_k), for k = 0,...,n-2 */
+ m = (tsReal*) malloc(len_m * sof_real);
+ if (m == NULL)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_MALLOC);
+ m[0] = 0.25f;
+ for (i = 1; i < len_m; i++)
+ m[i] = 1.f/(4 - m[i-1]);
+ /* forward sweep */
+ ts_arr_fill(_result_, n*dim, 0.f);
+ memcpy(_result_, points, sof_ctrlp);
+ memcpy(_result_+lst, points+lst, sof_ctrlp);
+ for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
+ k = dim+d;
+ _result_[k] = 6*points[k];
+ _result_[k] -= points[d];
+ }
+ for (i = 2; i <= n-2; i++) {
+ for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
+ j = (i-1)*dim+d;
+ k = i*dim+d;
+ l = (i+1)*dim+d;
+ _result_[k] = 6*points[k];
+ _result_[k] -= _result_[l];
+ _result_[k] -= m[i-2]*_result_[j]; /* i >= 2 */
+ }
+ }
+ /* back substitution */
+ if (n > 3)
+ ts_arr_fill(_result_+lst, dim, 0.f);
+ for (i = n-2; i >= 1; i--) {
+ for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
+ k = i*dim+d;
+ l = (i+1)*dim+d;
+ /* The following line is the reason why it's important
+ * to not fill \p _result_ with 0 if n = 3. On the
+ * other hand, if n > 3 subtracting 0 is exactly what
+ * we want. */
+ _result_[k] -= _result_[l];
+ _result_[k] *= m[i-1]; /* i >= 1 */
+ }
+ }
+ if (n > 3)
+ memcpy(_result_+lst, points+lst, sof_ctrlp);
+ /* we are done */
+ free(m);
+void ts_internal_relaxed_uniform_cubic_bspline(const tsReal *points, size_t n,
+ size_t dim, tsBSpline *_spline_, jmp_buf buf)
+ const size_t order = 4; /**< Order of spline to interpolate. */
+ const tsReal as = 1.f/6.f; /**< The value 'a sixth'. */
+ const tsReal at = 1.f/3.f; /**< The value 'a third'. */
+ const tsReal tt = 2.f/3.f; /**< The value 'two third'. */
+ size_t sof_ctrlp; /**< Size of a single control point. */
+ const tsReal* b = points; /**< Array of the b values. */
+ tsReal* s; /**< Array of the s values. */
+ size_t i, d; /**< Used in for loops */
+ size_t j, k, l; /**< Used as temporary indices. */
+ tsReal *ctrlp; /**< Pointer to the control points of \p _spline_. */
+ tsError e_;
+ jmp_buf b_;
+ /* input validation */
+ if (dim == 0)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_DIM_ZERO);
+ if (n <= 1)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_DEG_GE_NCTRLP);
+ /* in the following n >= 2 applies */
+ sof_ctrlp = dim * sizeof(tsReal); /* dim > 0 implies sof_ctrlp > 0 */
+ /* n >= 2 implies n-1 >= 1 implies (n-1)*4 >= 4 */
+ ts_internal_bspline_new(
+ (n-1)*4, dim, order-1, TS_BEZIERS, _spline_, buf);
+ ctrlp = ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(_spline_);
+ TRY(b_, e_)
+ s = (tsReal*) malloc(n * sof_ctrlp);
+ if (!s)
+ longjmp(b_, TS_MALLOC);
+ ts_bspline_free(_spline_);
+ longjmp(buf, e_);
+ /* set s_0 to b_0 and s_n = b_n */
+ memcpy(s, b, sof_ctrlp);
+ memcpy(s + (n-1)*dim, b + (n-1)*dim, sof_ctrlp);
+ /* set s_i = 1/6*b_i + 2/3*b_{i-1} + 1/6*b_{i+1}*/
+ for (i = 1; i < n-1; i++) {
+ for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
+ j = (i-1)*dim+d;
+ k = i*dim+d;
+ l = (i+1)*dim+d;
+ s[k] = as * b[j];
+ s[k] += tt * b[k];
+ s[k] += as * b[l];
+ }
+ }
+ /* create beziers from b and s */
+ for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
+ for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
+ j = i*dim+d;
+ k = i*4*dim+d;
+ l = (i+1)*dim+d;
+ ctrlp[k] = s[j];
+ ctrlp[k+dim] = tt*b[j] + at*b[l];
+ ctrlp[k+2*dim] = at*b[j] + tt*b[l];
+ ctrlp[k+3*dim] = s[l];
+ }
+ }
+ /* we are done */
+ free(s);
+void ts_internal_bspline_interpolate_cubic(const tsReal *points, size_t n,
+ size_t dim, tsBSpline *_spline_, jmp_buf buf)
+ tsError e;
+ jmp_buf b;
+ tsReal* thomas = (tsReal*) malloc(n*dim*sizeof(tsReal));
+ if (!thomas)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_MALLOC);
+ TRY(b, e)
+ ts_internal_bspline_thomas_algorithm(
+ points, n, dim, thomas, b);
+ ts_internal_relaxed_uniform_cubic_bspline(
+ thomas, n, dim, _spline_, b);
+ free(thomas);
+ if (e < 0)
+ longjmp(buf, e);
+tsError ts_bspline_interpolate_cubic(const tsReal *points, size_t n,
+ size_t dim, tsBSpline *_spline_)
+ tsError err;
+ jmp_buf buf;
+ TRY(buf, err)
+ ts_internal_bspline_interpolate_cubic(
+ points, n, dim, _spline_, buf);
+ ts_bspline_default(_spline_);
+ return err;
+* *
+* :: Query Functions *
+* *
+void ts_internal_bspline_eval(const tsBSpline *spline, tsReal u,
+ tsDeBoorNet *_deBoorNet_, jmp_buf buf)
+ const size_t deg = ts_bspline_degree(spline);
+ const size_t order = ts_bspline_order(spline);
+ const size_t dim = ts_bspline_dimension(spline);
+ const size_t num_knots = ts_bspline_num_knots(spline);
+ const size_t sof_ctrlp = dim * sizeof(tsReal);
+ const tsReal *ctrlp = ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(spline);
+ const tsReal *knots = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(spline);
+ tsReal *points; /**< Pointer to the points of \p _deBoorNet_. */
+ size_t k; /**< Index of \p u. */
+ size_t s; /**< Multiplicity of \p u. */
+ tsReal uk; /**< The actual used u. */
+ size_t from; /**< Offset used to copy values. */
+ size_t fst; /**< First affected control point, inclusive. */
+ size_t lst; /**< Last affected control point, inclusive. */
+ size_t N; /**< Number of affected control points. */
+ /* The following indices are used to create the DeBoor net. */
+ size_t lidx; /**< Current left index. */
+ size_t ridx; /**< Current right index. */
+ size_t tidx; /**< Current to index. */
+ size_t r, i, d; /**< Used in for loop. */
+ tsReal ui; /**< Knot value at index i. */
+ tsReal a, a_hat; /**< Weighting factors of control points. */
+ /* Setup the net with its default values. */
+ ts_internal_deboornet_new(spline, _deBoorNet_, buf);
+ points = ts_internal_deboornet_access_points(_deBoorNet_);
+ /* 1. Find index k such that u is in between [u_k, u_k+1).
+ * 2. Setup already known values.
+ * 3. Decide by multiplicity of u how to calculate point P(u). */
+ /* 1. */
+ ts_internal_bspline_find_u(spline, u, &k, &s, buf);
+ /* 2. */
+ uk = knots[k]; /* Ensures that with any precision of */
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->u = /* tsReal the knot vector stays valid. */
+ ts_fequals(u, uk) ? uk : u;
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->k = k;
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->s = s;
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->h = deg < s ? 0 : deg-s; /* prevent underflow */
+ /* 3. (by 1. s <= order)
+ *
+ * 3a) Check for s = order.
+ * Take the two points k-s and k-s + 1. If one of
+ * them doesn't exist, take only the other.
+ * 3b) Use de boor algorithm to find point P(u). */
+ if (s == order) {
+ /* only one of the two control points exists */
+ if (k == deg || /* only the first */
+ k == num_knots - 1) { /* only the last */
+ from = k == deg ? 0 : (k-s) * dim;
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->n_points = 1;
+ memcpy(points, ctrlp + from, sof_ctrlp);
+ } else {
+ from = (k-s) * dim;
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->n_points = 2;
+ memcpy(points, ctrlp + from, 2 * sof_ctrlp);
+ }
+ } else { /* by 3a) s <= deg (order = deg+1) */
+ fst = k-deg; /* by 1. k >= deg */
+ lst = k-s; /* s <= deg <= k */
+ N = lst-fst + 1; /* lst <= fst implies N >= 1 */
+ _deBoorNet_->pImpl->n_points = (size_t)(N * (N+1) * 0.5f);
+ /* copy initial values to output */
+ memcpy(points, ctrlp + fst*dim, N * sof_ctrlp);
+ lidx = 0;
+ ridx = dim;
+ tidx = N*dim; /* N >= 1 implies tidx > 0 */
+ r = 1;
+ for (;r <= ts_deboornet_num_insertions(_deBoorNet_); r++) {
+ i = fst + r;
+ for (; i <= lst; i++) {
+ ui = knots[i];
+ a = (ts_deboornet_knot(_deBoorNet_) - ui) /
+ (knots[i+deg-r+1] - ui);
+ a_hat = 1.f-a;
+ for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
+ points[tidx++] =
+ a_hat * points[lidx++] +
+ a * points[ridx++];
+ }
+ }
+ lidx += dim;
+ ridx += dim;
+ }
+ }
+tsError ts_bspline_eval(const tsBSpline *spline, tsReal u,
+ tsDeBoorNet *_deBoorNet_)
+ tsError err;
+ jmp_buf buf;
+ TRY(buf, err)
+ ts_internal_bspline_eval(spline, u, _deBoorNet_, buf);
+ ts_deboornet_default(_deBoorNet_);
+ return err;
+* *
+* :: Transformation Functions *
+* *
+void ts_internal_bspline_derive(const tsBSpline *spline,
+ tsBSpline *_derivative_, jmp_buf buf)
+ const size_t sof_real = sizeof(tsReal);
+ const size_t dim = ts_bspline_dimension(spline);
+ const size_t deg = ts_bspline_degree(spline);
+ const size_t num_ctrlp = ts_bspline_num_control_points(spline);
+ const size_t num_knots = ts_bspline_num_knots(spline);
+ tsBSpline tmp; /**< Temporarily stores the result. */
+ const tsReal* from_ctrlp = ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(spline);
+ const tsReal* from_knots = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(spline);
+ tsReal* to_ctrlp = NULL; /**< Pointer to the control points of tmp. */
+ tsReal* to_knots = NULL; /**< Pointer to the knots of tmp. */
+ size_t i, j, k; /**< Used in for loops. */
+ if (deg < 1 || num_ctrlp < 2)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_UNDERIVABLE);
+ ts_internal_bspline_new(num_ctrlp-1, dim, deg-1, TS_NONE, &tmp, buf);
+ to_ctrlp = ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(&tmp);
+ to_knots = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(&tmp);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_ctrlp-1; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
+ if (ts_fequals(from_knots[i+deg+1], from_knots[i+1])) {
+ ts_bspline_free(&tmp);
+ longjmp(buf, TS_UNDERIVABLE);
+ } else {
+ k = i*dim + j;
+ to_ctrlp[k] = from_ctrlp[(i+1)*dim + j] - from_ctrlp[k];
+ to_ctrlp[k] *= deg;
+ to_ctrlp[k] /= from_knots[i+deg+1] - from_knots[i+1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ memcpy(to_knots, from_knots+1, (num_knots-2)*sof_real);
+ if (spline == _derivative_)
+ ts_bspline_free(_derivative_);
+ ts_bspline_move(&tmp, _derivative_);
+tsError ts_bspline_derive(const tsBSpline *spline, tsBSpline *_derivative_)
+ tsError err;
+ jmp_buf buf;
+ TRY(buf, err)
+ ts_internal_bspline_derive(spline, _derivative_, buf);
+ if (spline != _derivative_)
+ ts_bspline_default(_derivative_);
+ return err;
+void ts_internal_bspline_fill_knots(const tsBSpline *spline,
+ tsBSplineType type, tsReal min, tsReal max, tsBSpline *_result_,
+ jmp_buf buf)
+ const size_t n_knots = ts_bspline_num_knots(spline);
+ const size_t deg = ts_bspline_degree(spline);
+ const size_t order = deg + 1; /**< ensures order >= 1. */
+ tsReal fac; /**< Factor used to calculate the knot values. */
+ size_t i; /**< Used in for loops. */
+ tsReal *knots; /**< Pointer to the knots of \p _result_. */
+ /* order >= 1 implies 2*order >= 2 implies n_knots >= 2 */
+ if (n_knots < 2*order)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_DEG_GE_NCTRLP);
+ if (type == TS_BEZIERS && n_knots % order != 0)
+ longjmp(buf, TS_NUM_KNOTS);
+ if (min > max || ts_fequals(min, max))
+ longjmp(buf, TS_KNOTS_DECR);
+ /* copy spline even if type is TS_NONE */
+ ts_internal_bspline_copy(spline, _result_, buf);
+ knots = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(_result_);
+ if (type == TS_OPENED) {
+ /* ensures that the first knot value is exactly \min */
+ knots[0] = min; /* n_knots >= 2 */
+ fac = (max-min) / (n_knots-1); /* n_knots >= 2 */
+ for (i = 1; i < n_knots-1; i++)
+ knots[i] = min + i*fac;
+ /* ensure that the last knot value is exactly \max */
+ knots[i] = max;
+ } else if (type == TS_CLAMPED) {
+ /* n_knots >= 2*order == 2*(deg+1) == 2*deg + 2 > 2*deg - 1 */
+ fac = (max-min) / (n_knots - 2*deg - 1);
+ ts_arr_fill(knots, order, min);
+ for (i = order ;i < n_knots-order; i++)
+ knots[i] = min + (i-deg)*fac;
+ ts_arr_fill(knots + i, order, max);
+ } else if (type == TS_BEZIERS) {
+ /* n_knots >= 2*order implies n_knots/order >= 2 */
+ fac = (max-min) / (n_knots/order - 1);
+ ts_arr_fill(knots, order, min);
+ for (i = order; i < n_knots-order; i += order)
+ ts_arr_fill(knots + i,
+ order, min + (i/order)*fac);
+ ts_arr_fill(knots + i, order, max);
+ }
+tsError ts_bspline_fill_knots(const tsBSpline *spline, tsBSplineType type,
+ tsReal min, tsReal max, tsBSpline *_result_)
+ tsError err;
+ jmp_buf buf;
+ TRY(buf, err)
+ ts_internal_bspline_fill_knots(
+ spline, type, min, max, _result_, buf);
+ if (spline != _result_)
+ ts_bspline_default(_result_);
+ return err;
+void ts_internal_bspline_resize(const tsBSpline *spline, int n, int back,
+ tsBSpline *_resized_, jmp_buf buf)
+ const size_t deg = ts_bspline_degree(spline);
+ const size_t dim = ts_bspline_dimension(spline);
+ const size_t sof_real = sizeof(tsReal);
+ const size_t num_ctrlp = ts_bspline_num_control_points(spline);
+ const size_t num_knots = ts_bspline_num_knots(spline);
+ const size_t nnum_ctrlp = num_ctrlp + n; /**< New length of ctrlp. */
+ const size_t nnum_knots = num_knots + n; /**< New length of knots. */
+ const size_t min_num_ctrlp_vec = n < 0 ? nnum_ctrlp : num_ctrlp;
+ const size_t min_num_knots_vec = n < 0 ? nnum_knots : num_knots;
+ const size_t sof_min_num_ctrlp = min_num_ctrlp_vec * dim * sof_real;
+ const size_t sof_min_num_knots = min_num_knots_vec * sof_real;
+ tsBSpline tmp; /**< Temporarily stores the result. */
+ const tsReal* from_ctrlp = ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(spline);
+ const tsReal* from_knots = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(spline);
+ tsReal* to_ctrlp = NULL; /**< Pointer to the control points of tmp. */
+ tsReal* to_knots = NULL; /**< Pointer to the knots of tmp. */
+ /* If n is 0 the spline must not be resized. */
+ if (n == 0) {
+ ts_internal_bspline_copy(spline, _resized_, buf);
+ return;
+ }
+ ts_internal_bspline_new(nnum_ctrlp, dim, deg, TS_NONE, &tmp, buf);
+ to_ctrlp = ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(&tmp);
+ to_knots = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(&tmp);
+ /* Copy control points and knots. */
+ if (!back && n < 0) {
+ memcpy(to_ctrlp, from_ctrlp + n*dim, sof_min_num_ctrlp);
+ memcpy(to_knots, from_knots + n , sof_min_num_knots);
+ } else if (!back && n > 0) {
+ memcpy(to_ctrlp + n*dim, from_ctrlp, sof_min_num_ctrlp);
+ memcpy(to_knots + n , from_knots, sof_min_num_knots);
+ } else {
+ /* n != 0 implies back == true */
+ memcpy(to_ctrlp, from_ctrlp, sof_min_num_ctrlp);
+ memcpy(to_knots, from_knots, sof_min_num_knots);
+ }
+ if (spline == _resized_)
+ ts_bspline_free(_resized_);
+ ts_bspline_move(&tmp, _resized_);
+tsError ts_bspline_resize(const tsBSpline *spline, int n, int back,
+ tsBSpline *_resized_)
+ tsError err;
+ jmp_buf buf;
+ TRY(buf, err)
+ ts_internal_bspline_resize(spline, n, back, _resized_, buf);
+ if (spline != _resized_)
+ ts_bspline_default(_resized_);
+ return err;
+void ts_internal_bspline_insert_knot(const tsBSpline *spline,
+ const tsDeBoorNet *deBoorNet, size_t n, tsBSpline *_result_,
+ jmp_buf buf)
+ const size_t deg = ts_bspline_degree(spline);
+ const size_t dim = ts_bspline_dimension(spline);
+ const tsReal *ctrlp_spline = ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(spline);
+ const tsReal *knots_spline = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(spline);
+ const size_t k = ts_deboornet_index(deBoorNet);
+ const size_t s = ts_deboornet_multiplicity(deBoorNet);
+ const size_t sof_real = sizeof(tsReal);
+ const size_t sof_ctrlp = dim * sof_real;
+ size_t N; /**< Number of affected control points. */
+ tsReal* from; /**< Pointer to copy the values from. */
+ tsReal* to; /**< Pointer to copy the values to. */
+ int stride; /**< Stride of the next pointer to copy. */
+ size_t i; /**< Used in for loops. */
+ tsReal *ctrlp_result;
+ tsReal *knots_result;
+ size_t num_ctrlp_result;
+ size_t num_knots_result;
+ if (s+n > ts_bspline_order(spline)) {
+ longjmp(buf, TS_MULTIPLICITY);
+ }
+ /* Use ::ts_bspline_resize even if \p n is 0 to copy the spline if
+ * necessary. */
+ ts_internal_bspline_resize(spline, (int)n, 1, _result_, buf);
+ if (n == 0) /* Nothing to insert. */
+ return;
+ ctrlp_result = ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(_result_);
+ knots_result = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(_result_);
+ num_ctrlp_result = ts_bspline_num_control_points(_result_);
+ num_knots_result = ts_bspline_num_knots(_result_);
+ /* n > 0 implies s <= deg implies a regular evaluation implies h+1 is
+ * valid. */
+ N = ts_deboornet_num_insertions(deBoorNet) + 1;
+ /* 1. Copy all necessary control points and knots from
+ * the original B-Spline.
+ * 2. Copy all necessary control points and knots from
+ * the de Boor net. */
+ /* 1.
+ *
+ * a) Copy left hand side control points from original b-spline.
+ * b) Copy right hand side control points from original b-spline.
+ * c) Copy left hand side knots from original b-spline.
+ * d) Copy right hand side knots form original b-spline. */
+ /* copy control points */
+ memmove(ctrlp_result, ctrlp_spline, (k-deg) * sof_ctrlp); /* a) */
+ from = (tsReal *) ctrlp_spline + dim*(k-deg+N);
+ /* n >= 0 implies to >= from */
+ to = ctrlp_result + dim*(k-deg+N+n);
+ memmove(to, from, (num_ctrlp_result-n-(k-deg+N)) * sof_ctrlp); /* b) */
+ /* copy knots */
+ memmove(knots_result, knots_spline, (k+1) * sof_real); /* c) */
+ from = (tsReal *) knots_spline + k+1;
+ /* n >= 0 implies to >= from */
+ to = knots_result + k+1+n;
+ memmove(to, from, (num_knots_result-n-(k+1)) * sof_real); /* d) */
+ /* 2.
+ *
+ * a) Copy left hand side control points from de boor net.
+ * b) Copy middle part control points from de boor net.
+ * c) Copy right hand side control points from de boor net.
+ * d) Insert knots with u_k. */
+ from = ts_internal_deboornet_access_points(deBoorNet);
+ to = ctrlp_result + (k-deg)*dim;
+ stride = (int)(N*dim);
+ /* copy control points */
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* a) */
+ memcpy(to, from, sof_ctrlp);
+ from += stride;
+ to += dim;
+ stride -= (int)dim;
+ }
+ memcpy(to, from, (N-n) * sof_ctrlp); /* b) */
+ from -= dim;
+ to += (N-n)*dim;
+ /* N = h+1 with h = deg-s (ts_internal_bspline_eval) implies
+ * N = deg-s+1 = order-s. n <= order-s implies
+ * N-n+1 >= order-s - order-s + 1 = 1. Thus, -(int)(N-n+1) <= -1. */
+ stride = -(int)(N-n+1) * (int)dim;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* c) */
+ memcpy(to, from, sof_ctrlp);
+ from += stride;
+ stride -= (int)dim;
+ to += dim;
+ }
+ /* copy knots */
+ to = knots_result + k+1;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* d) */
+ *to = ts_deboornet_knot(deBoorNet);
+ to++;
+ }
+tsError ts_bspline_insert_knot(const tsBSpline *spline, tsReal u, size_t n,
+ tsBSpline *_result_, size_t* k)
+ tsDeBoorNet net;
+ tsError err;
+ jmp_buf buf;
+ TRY(buf, err)
+ ts_internal_bspline_eval(spline, u, &net, buf);
+ ts_internal_bspline_insert_knot(
+ spline, &net, n, _result_, buf);
+ *k = ts_deboornet_index(&net) + n;
+ if (spline != _result_)
+ ts_bspline_default(_result_);
+ *k = 0;
+ ts_deboornet_free(&net);
+ return err;
+void ts_internal_bspline_split(const tsBSpline *spline, tsReal u,
+ tsBSpline *_split_, size_t* k, jmp_buf buf)
+ tsDeBoorNet net;
+ tsError e;
+ jmp_buf b;
+ TRY(b, e)
+ ts_internal_bspline_eval(spline, u, &net, b);
+ if (ts_deboornet_multiplicity(&net)
+ == ts_bspline_order(spline)) {
+ ts_internal_bspline_copy(spline, _split_, b);
+ *k = ts_deboornet_index(&net);
+ } else {
+ ts_internal_bspline_insert_knot(spline, &net,
+ ts_deboornet_num_insertions(&net) + 1,
+ _split_, b);
+ *k = ts_deboornet_index(&net) +
+ ts_deboornet_num_insertions(&net) + 1;
+ }
+ *k = 0;
+ ts_deboornet_free(&net);
+ if (e < 0)
+ longjmp(buf, e);
+tsError ts_bspline_split(const tsBSpline *spline, tsReal u, tsBSpline *_split_,
+ size_t* k)
+ tsError err;
+ jmp_buf buf;
+ TRY(buf, err)
+ ts_internal_bspline_split(spline, u, _split_, k, buf);
+ if (spline != _split_)
+ ts_bspline_default(_split_);
+ return err;
+void ts_internal_bspline_buckle(const tsBSpline *spline, tsReal b,
+ tsBSpline *_buckled_, jmp_buf buf)
+ const tsReal b_hat = 1.f-b; /**< The straightening factor. */
+ const size_t dim = ts_bspline_dimension(spline);
+ const size_t N = ts_bspline_num_control_points(spline);
+ const tsReal* p0 = ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(spline);
+ const tsReal* pn_1 = p0 + (N-1)*dim;
+ tsReal *ctrlp; /**< Pointer to the control points of \p _buckled_. */
+ size_t i, d; /**< Used in for loops. */
+ ts_internal_bspline_copy(spline, _buckled_, buf);
+ ctrlp = ts_internal_bspline_access_ctrlp(_buckled_);
+ for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+ for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
+ ctrlp[i*dim + d] =
+ b * ctrlp[i*dim + d] +
+ b_hat * (p0[d] + ((tsReal)i / (N-1)) * (pn_1[d] - p0[d]));
+ }
+ }
+tsError ts_bspline_buckle(const tsBSpline *spline, tsReal b,
+ tsBSpline *_buckled_)
+ tsError err;
+ jmp_buf buf;
+ TRY(buf, err)
+ ts_internal_bspline_buckle(spline, b, _buckled_, buf);
+ if (spline != _buckled_)
+ ts_bspline_default(_buckled_);
+ return err;
+void ts_internal_bspline_to_beziers(const tsBSpline *spline,
+ tsBSpline *_beziers_, jmp_buf buf)
+ const size_t deg = ts_bspline_degree(spline);
+ const size_t order = ts_bspline_order(spline);
+ int resize; /**< Number of control points to add/remove. */
+ size_t k; /**< Index of the split knot value. */
+ tsReal u_min; /**< Minimum of the knot values. */
+ tsReal u_max; /**< Maximum of the knot values. */
+ tsBSpline tmp; /**< Temporarily stores the result. */
+ tsReal *knots; /**< Pointer to the knots of tmp. */
+ size_t num_knots; /**< Number of knots in tmp. */
+ tsError e;
+ jmp_buf b;
+ ts_internal_bspline_copy(spline, &tmp, buf);
+ knots = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(&tmp);
+ num_knots = ts_bspline_num_knots(&tmp);
+ TRY(b, e)
+ /* fix first control point if necessary */
+ u_min = knots[deg];
+ if (!ts_fequals(knots[0], u_min)) {
+ ts_internal_bspline_split(&tmp, u_min, &tmp, &k, b);
+ resize = (int)(-1*deg + (deg*2 - k));
+ ts_internal_bspline_resize(&tmp, resize, 0, &tmp, b);
+ knots = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(&tmp);
+ num_knots = ts_bspline_num_knots(&tmp);
+ }
+ /* fix last control point if necessary */
+ u_max = knots[num_knots - order];
+ if (!ts_fequals(knots[num_knots - 1], u_max)) {
+ ts_internal_bspline_split(&tmp, u_max, &tmp, &k, b);
+ num_knots = ts_bspline_num_knots(&tmp);
+ resize = (int)(-1*deg + (k - (num_knots - order)));
+ ts_internal_bspline_resize(&tmp, resize, 1, &tmp, b);
+ knots = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(&tmp);
+ num_knots = ts_bspline_num_knots(&tmp);
+ }
+ k = order;
+ while (k < num_knots - order) {
+ ts_internal_bspline_split(&tmp, knots[k], &tmp, &k, b);
+ knots = ts_internal_bspline_access_knots(&tmp);
+ num_knots = ts_bspline_num_knots(&tmp);
+ k++;
+ }
+ if (spline == _beziers_)
+ ts_bspline_free(_beziers_);
+ ts_bspline_move(&tmp, _beziers_);
+ ts_bspline_free(&tmp);
+ if (e < 0)
+ longjmp(buf, e);
+tsError ts_bspline_to_beziers(const tsBSpline *spline, tsBSpline *_beziers_)
+ tsError err;
+ jmp_buf buf;
+ TRY(buf, err)
+ ts_internal_bspline_to_beziers(spline, _beziers_, buf);
+ if (spline != _beziers_)
+ ts_bspline_default(_beziers_);
+ return err;
+* *
+* :: Utility Functions *
+* *
+int ts_fequals(tsReal x, tsReal y)
+ if (fabs(x-y) <= FLT_MAX_ABS_ERROR) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ const tsReal r = (tsReal)fabs(x) > (tsReal)fabs(y) ?
+ (tsReal)fabs((x-y) / x) : (tsReal)fabs((x-y) / y);
+ return r <= FLT_MAX_REL_ERROR;
+ }
+const char* ts_enum_str(tsError err)
+ if (err == TS_MALLOC)
+ return "malloc failed";
+ else if (err == TS_DIM_ZERO)
+ return "dim == 0";
+ else if (err == TS_DEG_GE_NCTRLP)
+ return "deg >= #ctrlp";
+ else if (err == TS_U_UNDEFINED)
+ return "spline is undefined at given u";
+ else if (err == TS_MULTIPLICITY)
+ return "s > order";
+ else if (err == TS_KNOTS_DECR)
+ return "decreasing knot vector";
+ else if (err == TS_NUM_KNOTS)
+ return "unexpected number of knots";
+ else if (err == TS_UNDERIVABLE)
+ return "spline is not derivable";
+ return "unknown error";
+tsError ts_str_enum(const char *str)
+ if (!strcmp(str, ts_enum_str(TS_MALLOC)))
+ return TS_MALLOC;
+ else if (!strcmp(str, ts_enum_str(TS_DIM_ZERO)))
+ return TS_DIM_ZERO;
+ else if (!strcmp(str, ts_enum_str(TS_DEG_GE_NCTRLP)))
+ return TS_DEG_GE_NCTRLP;
+ else if (!strcmp(str, ts_enum_str(TS_U_UNDEFINED)))
+ return TS_U_UNDEFINED;
+ else if (!strcmp(str, ts_enum_str(TS_MULTIPLICITY)))
+ else if (!strcmp(str, ts_enum_str(TS_KNOTS_DECR)))
+ return TS_KNOTS_DECR;
+ else if (!strcmp(str, ts_enum_str(TS_NUM_KNOTS)))
+ return TS_NUM_KNOTS;
+ else if (!strcmp(str, ts_enum_str(TS_UNDERIVABLE)))
+ return TS_SUCCESS;
+void ts_arr_fill(tsReal *arr, size_t num, tsReal val)
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
+ arr[i] = val;
+tsReal ts_ctrlp_dist2(const tsReal *x, const tsReal *y, size_t dim)
+ tsReal sum = 0;
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
+ sum += (x[i] - y[i]) * (x[i] - y[i]);
+ return (tsReal) sqrt(sum);