@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-#include "sdi_datarecv_consumer.h"
+#include "sdi_datarecv_consumer.h"
extern setupConfig_t setupConfig;
extern iv::msgunit shmSonar;
+extern double gsoundVelocity;
SDI_DataRecv_Consumer::SDI_DataRecv_Consumer(Byte_Qvector_Producer_Consumer *pBuf)
@@ -20,17 +21,702 @@ void SDI_DataRecv_Consumer::run()
QVector<uint8_t> tempData;
+ BYTES2UINT bytes2uint;
+ bytes2uint.wordData = 0xFF00;
while (!QThread::isInterruptionRequested())
tempData = pBuffer->Consume_Element();
uint16_t tempPtr = tempData.size();
- uint8_t payloadSize_H = tempData.at(tempPtr - 1);
- uint8_t payloadSize_L = tempData.at(tempPtr - 2);
- SDI_payload_size = payloadSize_H;
- SDI_payload_size = ((SDI_payload_size << 8) & 0xFF00) | payloadSize_L;
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(tempPtr - 1);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(tempPtr - 2);
+ SDI_payload_size = bytes2uint.wordData;
+ SDI_sensor_CNT = tempData.at(8);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(5);
+ SDI_TX_Mask = bytes2uint.wordData;
+ if(SDI_sensor_CNT == 4 && SDI_payload_size >= 0x0061)
+ {
+ if(SDI_TX_Mask == 0x0041)
+ {
+ if(tempData.at(9)==0x00&&tempData.at(39)==0x01&&tempData.at(61)==0x06&&tempData.at(91)==0x07)
+ {
+ Clear_Sensor_Data();
+ uint8_t tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(10); // sensor 0
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+11);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+12);
+ sensorTOF_0.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_0.append(tempData.at(4*i+13));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(40); // sensor 1
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+41);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+42);
+ sensorTOF_1.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_1.append(tempData.at(4*i+43));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(62); // sensor 6
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+63);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+64);
+ sensorTOF_6.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_6.append(tempData.at(4*i+65));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(92); // sensor 7
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+93);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+94);
+ sensorTOF_7.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_7.append(tempData.at(4*i+95));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"sensor ID is not correct, payload data may broken. "<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(SDI_TX_Mask == 0x0820)
+ {
+ if(tempData.at(9)==0x04&&tempData.at(31)==0x05&&tempData.at(61)==0x0A&&tempData.at(83)==0x0B)
+ {
+ uint8_t tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(10); // sensor 4
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+11);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+12);
+ sensorTOF_4.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_4.append(tempData.at(4*i+13));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(32); // sensor 5
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+33);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+34);
+ sensorTOF_5.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_5.append(tempData.at(4*i+35));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(62); // sensor 10
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+63);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+64);
+ sensorTOF_10.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_10.append(tempData.at(4*i+65));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(84); // sensor 11
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+85);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+86);
+ sensorTOF_11.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_11.append(tempData.at(4*i+87));
+ }
+ this->ResultFilterAndPublish();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"sensor ID is not correct, payload data may broken. "<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"TX Mask error. Sensor may broken?"<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(SDI_sensor_CNT == 6 && SDI_payload_size >= 0x008D)
+ {
+ if(SDI_TX_Mask == 0x0082)
+ {
+ if(tempData.at(9)==0x00&&tempData.at(31)==0x01&&tempData.at(61)==0x02&&tempData.at(83)==0x06&&tempData.at(105)==0x07&&tempData.at(135)==0x08)
+ {
+ uint8_t tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(10); // sensor 0
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+11);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+12);
+ sensorTOF_0.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_0.append(tempData.at(4*i+13));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(32); // sensor 1
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+33);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+34);
+ sensorTOF_1.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_1.append(tempData.at(4*i+35));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(62); // sensor 2
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+63);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+64);
+ sensorTOF_2.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_2.append(tempData.at(4*i+65));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(84); // sensor 6
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+85);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+86);
+ sensorTOF_6.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_6.append(tempData.at(4*i+87));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(106); // sensor 7
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+107);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+108);
+ sensorTOF_7.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_7.append(tempData.at(4*i+109));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(136); // sensor 8
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+137);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+138);
+ sensorTOF_8.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_8.append(tempData.at(4*i+139));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"sensor ID is not correct, payload data may broken. "<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(SDI_TX_Mask == 0x0104)
+ {
+ if(tempData.at(9)==0x01&&tempData.at(31)==0x02&&tempData.at(61)==0x03&&tempData.at(83)==0x07&&tempData.at(105)==0x08&&tempData.at(135)==0x09)
+ {
+ uint8_t tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(10); // sensor 1
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+11);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+12);
+ sensorTOF_1.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_1.append(tempData.at(4*i+13));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(32); // sensor 2
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+33);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+34);
+ sensorTOF_2.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_2.append(tempData.at(4*i+35));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(62); // sensor 3
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+63);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+64);
+ sensorTOF_3.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_3.append(tempData.at(4*i+65));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(84); // sensor 7
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+85);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+86);
+ sensorTOF_7.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_7.append(tempData.at(4*i+87));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(106); // sensor 8
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+107);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+108);
+ sensorTOF_8.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_8.append(tempData.at(4*i+109));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(136); // sensor 9
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+137);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+138);
+ sensorTOF_9.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_9.append(tempData.at(4*i+139));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"sensor ID is not correct, payload data may broken. "<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(SDI_TX_Mask == 0x0208)
+ {
+ if(tempData.at(9)==0x02&&tempData.at(31)==0x03&&tempData.at(61)==0x04&&tempData.at(83)==0x08&&tempData.at(105)==0x09&&tempData.at(135)==0x0A)
+ {
+ uint8_t tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(10); // sensor 2
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+11);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+12);
+ sensorTOF_2.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_2.append(tempData.at(4*i+13));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(32); // sensor 3
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+33);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+34);
+ sensorTOF_3.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_3.append(tempData.at(4*i+35));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(62); // sensor 4
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+63);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+64);
+ sensorTOF_4.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_4.append(tempData.at(4*i+65));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(84); // sensor 8
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+85);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+86);
+ sensorTOF_8.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_8.append(tempData.at(4*i+87));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(106); // sensor 9
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+107);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+108);
+ sensorTOF_9.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_9.append(tempData.at(4*i+109));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(136); // sensor 10
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+137);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+138);
+ sensorTOF_10.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_10.append(tempData.at(4*i+139));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"sensor ID is not correct, payload data may broken. "<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(SDI_TX_Mask == 0x0410)
+ {
+ if(tempData.at(9)==0x03&&tempData.at(31)==0x04&&tempData.at(61)==0x05&&tempData.at(83)==0x09&&tempData.at(105)==0x0A&&tempData.at(135)==0x0B)
+ {
+ uint8_t tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(10); // sensor 3
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+11);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+12);
+ sensorTOF_3.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_3.append(tempData.at(4*i+13));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(32); // sensor 4
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+33);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+34);
+ sensorTOF_4.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_4.append(tempData.at(4*i+35));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(62); // sensor 5
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+63);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+64);
+ sensorTOF_5.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_5.append(tempData.at(4*i+65));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(84); // sensor 9
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+85);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+86);
+ sensorTOF_9.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_9.append(tempData.at(4*i+87));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(106); // sensor 10
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+107);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+108);
+ sensorTOF_10.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_10.append(tempData.at(4*i+109));
+ }
+ tempEchosCNT = tempData.at(136); // sensor 11
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempEchosCNT;i++)
+ {
+ bytes2uint.byteData[0] = tempData.at(4*i+137);
+ bytes2uint.byteData[1] = tempData.at(4*i+138);
+ sensorTOF_11.append(bytes2uint.wordData);
+ sensorMagnitude_11.append(tempData.at(4*i+139));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"sensor ID is not correct, payload data may broken. "<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"TX Mask error. Sensor may broken?"<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"number of working sensor is "<<(int)SDI_sensor_CNT<<"payload size is "<<(int)SDI_payload_size<<" may not correct. default is 4 and 6."<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+void SDI_DataRecv_Consumer::Clear_Sensor_Data(void)
+ sensorTOF_0.clear();
+ sensorTOF_1.clear();
+ sensorTOF_2.clear();
+ sensorTOF_3.clear();
+ sensorTOF_4.clear();
+ sensorTOF_5.clear();
+ sensorTOF_6.clear();
+ sensorTOF_7.clear();
+ sensorTOF_8.clear();
+ sensorTOF_9.clear();
+ sensorTOF_10.clear();
+ sensorTOF_11.clear();
+ sensorMagnitude_0.clear();
+ sensorMagnitude_1.clear();
+ sensorMagnitude_2.clear();
+ sensorMagnitude_3.clear();
+ sensorMagnitude_4.clear();
+ sensorMagnitude_5.clear();
+ sensorMagnitude_6.clear();
+ sensorMagnitude_7.clear();
+ sensorMagnitude_8.clear();
+ sensorMagnitude_9.clear();
+ sensorMagnitude_10.clear();
+ sensorMagnitude_11.clear();
+void SDI_DataRecv_Consumer::ResultFilterAndPublish(void)
+ if(sensorTOF_0.size()!=0 && sensorMagnitude_0.size()!=0)
+ this->BubbleSort(sensorTOF_0,sensorMagnitude_0);
+ else
+ return;
+ if(sensorTOF_1.size()!=0 && sensorMagnitude_1.size()!=0)
+ this->BubbleSort(sensorTOF_1,sensorMagnitude_1);
+ else
+ return;
+ if(sensorTOF_2.size()!=0 && sensorMagnitude_2.size()!=0)
+ this->BubbleSort(sensorTOF_2,sensorMagnitude_2);
+ else
+ return;
+ if(sensorTOF_3.size()!=0 && sensorMagnitude_3.size()!=0)
+ this->BubbleSort(sensorTOF_3,sensorMagnitude_3);
+ else
+ return;
+ if(sensorTOF_4.size()!=0 && sensorMagnitude_4.size()!=0)
+ this->BubbleSort(sensorTOF_4,sensorMagnitude_4);
+ else
+ return;
+ if(sensorTOF_5.size()!=0 && sensorMagnitude_5.size()!=0)
+ this->BubbleSort(sensorTOF_5,sensorMagnitude_5);
+ else
+ return;
+ if(sensorTOF_6.size()!=0 && sensorMagnitude_6.size()!=0)
+ this->BubbleSort(sensorTOF_6,sensorMagnitude_6);
+ else
+ return;
+ if(sensorTOF_7.size()!=0 && sensorMagnitude_7.size()!=0)
+ this->BubbleSort(sensorTOF_7,sensorMagnitude_7);
+ else
+ return;
+ if(sensorTOF_8.size()!=0 && sensorMagnitude_8.size()!=0)
+ this->BubbleSort(sensorTOF_8,sensorMagnitude_8);
+ else
+ return;
+ if(sensorTOF_9.size()!=0 && sensorMagnitude_9.size()!=0)
+ this->BubbleSort(sensorTOF_9,sensorMagnitude_9);
+ else
+ return;
+ if(sensorTOF_10.size()!=0 && sensorMagnitude_10.size()!=0)
+ this->BubbleSort(sensorTOF_10,sensorMagnitude_10);
+ else
+ return;
+ if(sensorTOF_11.size()!=0 && sensorMagnitude_11.size()!=0)
+ this->BubbleSort(sensorTOF_11,sensorMagnitude_11);
+ else
+ return;
+ iv::ultrasonic::ultrasonic xmsg;
+ for(int i=0;i<sensorTOF_0.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF_0.at(i)>0 && sensorMagnitude_0.at(i)>5)
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_flside((uint32_t)(gsoundVelocity * sensorTOF_0.at(i) * 51.2 / 2000.0)); // mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_front_ls(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_flside(DIST_ERROR); // 50000 mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_front_ls(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<sensorTOF_1.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF_1.at(i)>0 && sensorMagnitude_1.at(i)>5)
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_flcorner((uint32_t)(gsoundVelocity * sensorTOF_1.at(i) * 51.2 / 2000.0)); // mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_front_l(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_flcorner(DIST_ERROR); // 50000 mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_front_l(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<sensorTOF_2.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF_2.at(i)>0 && sensorMagnitude_2.at(i)>5)
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_flmiddle((uint32_t)(gsoundVelocity * sensorTOF_2.at(i) * 51.2 / 2000.0)); // mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_front_lm(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_flmiddle(DIST_ERROR); // 50000 mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_front_lm(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<sensorTOF_3.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF_3.at(i)>0 && sensorMagnitude_3.at(i)>5)
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_frmiddle((uint32_t)(gsoundVelocity * sensorTOF_3.at(i) * 51.2 / 2000.0)); // mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_front_rm(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_frmiddle(DIST_ERROR); // 50000 mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_front_rm(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<sensorTOF_4.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF_4.at(i)>0 && sensorMagnitude_4.at(i)>5)
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_frcorner((uint32_t)(gsoundVelocity * sensorTOF_4.at(i) * 51.2 / 2000.0)); // mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_front_r(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_frcorner(DIST_ERROR); // 50000 mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_front_r(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<sensorTOF_5.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF_5.at(i)>0 && sensorMagnitude_5.at(i)>5)
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_frside((uint32_t)(gsoundVelocity * sensorTOF_5.at(i) * 51.2 / 2000.0)); // mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_front_rs(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_frside(DIST_ERROR); // 50000 mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_front_rs(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<sensorTOF_6.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF_6.at(i)>0 && sensorMagnitude_6.at(i)>5)
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_rrside((uint32_t)(gsoundVelocity * sensorTOF_6.at(i) * 51.2 / 2000.0)); // mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_rear_rs(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_rrside(DIST_ERROR); // 50000 mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_rear_rs(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<sensorTOF_7.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF_7.at(i)>0 && sensorMagnitude_7.at(i)>5)
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_rrcorner((uint32_t)(gsoundVelocity * sensorTOF_7.at(i) * 51.2 / 2000.0)); // mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_rear_r(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_rrcorner(DIST_ERROR); // 50000 mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_rear_r(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<sensorTOF_8.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF_8.at(i)>0 && sensorMagnitude_8.at(i)>5)
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_rrmiddle((uint32_t)(gsoundVelocity * sensorTOF_8.at(i) * 51.2 / 2000.0)); // mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_rear_rm(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_rrmiddle(DIST_ERROR); // 50000 mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_rear_rm(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<sensorTOF_9.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF_9.at(i)>0 && sensorMagnitude_9.at(i)>5)
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_rlmiddle((uint32_t)(gsoundVelocity * sensorTOF_9.at(i) * 51.2 / 2000.0)); // mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_rear_lm(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_rlmiddle(DIST_ERROR); // 50000 mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_rear_lm(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<sensorTOF_10.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF_10.at(i)>0 && sensorMagnitude_10.at(i)>5)
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_rlcorner((uint32_t)(gsoundVelocity * sensorTOF_10.at(i) * 51.2 / 2000.0)); // mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_rear_l(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_rlcorner(DIST_ERROR); // 50000 mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_rear_l(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<sensorTOF_11.size();i++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF_11.at(i)>0 && sensorMagnitude_11.at(i)>5)
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_rlside((uint32_t)(gsoundVelocity * sensorTOF_11.at(i) * 51.2 / 2000.0)); // mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_rear_ls(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xmsg.set_sigobjdist_rlside(DIST_ERROR); // 50000 mm
+ xmsg.set_sigsensor_rear_ls(false);
+ }
+ }
+ xmsg.set_timestamp(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch());
+ int ndatasize = xmsg.ByteSize();
+ char * strser = new char[ndatasize];
+ std::shared_ptr<char> pstrser;
+ pstrser.reset(strser);
+ if(xmsg.SerializePartialToArray(strser,ndatasize))
+ {
+ iv::modulecomm::ModuleSendMsg(shmSonar.mpa,strser,ndatasize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"ultrasonic data serialize error."<<std::endl;
+ }
+void SDI_DataRecv_Consumer::BubbleSort(QVector<uint16_t> &sensorTOF, QVector<uint16_t> &sensorMagnitude)
+ if(sensorTOF.size()<2||sensorMagnitude.size()<2)return;
+ //notice vector size must >= 2
+ int i = 0,j = 0;
+ uint16_t tempTOF = 0;
+ uint8_t tempMagnitude = 0;
+ if(sensorTOF.size() == sensorMagnitude.size())
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<sensorTOF.size()-1;i++)
+ {
+ for(j=0;j<sensorTOF.size()-1-i;j++)
+ {
+ if(sensorTOF.at(j)>sensorTOF.at(j+1))
+ {
+ tempTOF = sensorTOF.at(j);
+ sensorTOF[j] = sensorTOF.at(j+1);
+ sensorTOF[j+1] = tempTOF;
+ tempMagnitude = sensorMagnitude.at(j);
+ sensorMagnitude[j] = sensorMagnitude.at(j+1);
+ sensorMagnitude[j+1] = tempMagnitude;
+ }
+ }
+ }