@@ -1,740 +0,0 @@
-#include "../include/infer.hpp"
-#include "../include/yolo.hpp"
-namespace yolo {
-using namespace std;
-#define GPU_BLOCK_THREADS 512
-#define checkRuntime(call) \
- do { \
- auto ___call__ret_code__ = (call); \
- if (___call__ret_code__ != cudaSuccess) { \
- INFO("CUDA Runtime error💥 %s # %s, code = %s [ %d ]", #call, \
- cudaGetErrorString(___call__ret_code__), cudaGetErrorName(___call__ret_code__), \
- ___call__ret_code__); \
- abort(); \
- } \
- } while (0)
-#define checkKernel(...) \
- do { \
- { (__VA_ARGS__); } \
- checkRuntime(cudaPeekAtLastError()); \
- } while (0)
-enum class NormType : int { None = 0, MeanStd = 1, AlphaBeta = 2 };
-enum class ChannelType : int { None = 0, SwapRB = 1 };
-/* 归一化操作,可以支持均值标准差,alpha beta,和swap RB */
-struct Norm {
- float mean[3];
- float std[3];
- float alpha, beta;
- NormType type = NormType::None;
- ChannelType channel_type = ChannelType::None;
- // out = (x * alpha - mean) / std
- static Norm mean_std(const float mean[3], const float std[3], float alpha = 1 / 255.0f,
- ChannelType channel_type = ChannelType::None);
- // out = x * alpha + beta
- static Norm alpha_beta(float alpha, float beta = 0, ChannelType channel_type = ChannelType::None);
- // None
- static Norm None();
-Norm Norm::mean_std(const float mean[3], const float std[3], float alpha,
- ChannelType channel_type) {
- Norm out;
- out.type = NormType::MeanStd;
- out.alpha = alpha;
- out.channel_type = channel_type;
- memcpy(out.mean, mean, sizeof(out.mean));
- memcpy(out.std, std, sizeof(out.std));
- return out;
-Norm Norm::alpha_beta(float alpha, float beta, ChannelType channel_type) {
- Norm out;
- out.type = NormType::AlphaBeta;
- out.alpha = alpha;
- out.beta = beta;
- out.channel_type = channel_type;
- return out;
-Norm Norm::None() { return Norm(); }
-const int NUM_BOX_ELEMENT = 8; // left, top, right, bottom, confidence, class,
- // keepflag, row_index(output)
-const int MAX_IMAGE_BOXES = 1024;
-inline int upbound(int n, int align = 32) { return (n + align - 1) / align * align; }
-static __host__ __device__ void affine_project(float *matrix, float x, float y, float *ox,
- float *oy) {
- *ox = matrix[0] * x + matrix[1] * y + matrix[2];
- *oy = matrix[3] * x + matrix[4] * y + matrix[5];
-static __global__ void decode_kernel_common(float *predict, int num_bboxes, int num_classes,
- int output_cdim, float confidence_threshold,
- float *invert_affine_matrix, float *parray,
- int position = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
- if (position >= num_bboxes) return;
- float *pitem = predict + output_cdim * position;
- float objectness = pitem[4];
- if (objectness < confidence_threshold) return;
- float *class_confidence = pitem + 5;
- float confidence = *class_confidence++;
- int label = 0;
- for (int i = 1; i < num_classes; ++i, ++class_confidence) {
- if (*class_confidence > confidence) {
- confidence = *class_confidence;
- label = i;
- }
- }
- confidence *= objectness;
- if (confidence < confidence_threshold) return;
- int index = atomicAdd(parray, 1);
- if (index >= MAX_IMAGE_BOXES) return;
- float cx = *pitem++;
- float cy = *pitem++;
- float width = *pitem++;
- float height = *pitem++;
- float left = cx - width * 0.5f;
- float top = cy - height * 0.5f;
- float right = cx + width * 0.5f;
- float bottom = cy + height * 0.5f;
- affine_project(invert_affine_matrix, left, top, &left, &top);
- affine_project(invert_affine_matrix, right, bottom, &right, &bottom);
- float *pout_item = parray + 1 + index * NUM_BOX_ELEMENT;
- *pout_item++ = left;
- *pout_item++ = top;
- *pout_item++ = right;
- *pout_item++ = bottom;
- *pout_item++ = confidence;
- *pout_item++ = label;
- *pout_item++ = 1; // 1 = keep, 0 = ignore
-static __global__ void decode_kernel_v8(float *predict, int num_bboxes, int num_classes,
- int output_cdim, float confidence_threshold,
- float *invert_affine_matrix, float *parray,
- int position = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
- if (position >= num_bboxes) return;
- float *pitem = predict + output_cdim * position;
- float *class_confidence = pitem + 4;
- float confidence = *class_confidence++;
- int label = 0;
- for (int i = 1; i < num_classes; ++i, ++class_confidence) {
- if (*class_confidence > confidence) {
- confidence = *class_confidence;
- label = i;
- }
- }
- if (confidence < confidence_threshold) return;
- int index = atomicAdd(parray, 1);
- if (index >= MAX_IMAGE_BOXES) return;
- float cx = *pitem++;
- float cy = *pitem++;
- float width = *pitem++;
- float height = *pitem++;
- float left = cx - width * 0.5f;
- float top = cy - height * 0.5f;
- float right = cx + width * 0.5f;
- float bottom = cy + height * 0.5f;
- affine_project(invert_affine_matrix, left, top, &left, &top);
- affine_project(invert_affine_matrix, right, bottom, &right, &bottom);
- float *pout_item = parray + 1 + index * NUM_BOX_ELEMENT;
- *pout_item++ = left;
- *pout_item++ = top;
- *pout_item++ = right;
- *pout_item++ = bottom;
- *pout_item++ = confidence;
- *pout_item++ = label;
- *pout_item++ = 1; // 1 = keep, 0 = ignore
- *pout_item++ = position;
-static __device__ float box_iou(float aleft, float atop, float aright, float abottom, float bleft,
- float btop, float bright, float bbottom) {
- float cleft = max(aleft, bleft);
- float ctop = max(atop, btop);
- float cright = min(aright, bright);
- float cbottom = min(abottom, bbottom);
- float c_area = max(cright - cleft, 0.0f) * max(cbottom - ctop, 0.0f);
- if (c_area == 0.0f) return 0.0f;
- float a_area = max(0.0f, aright - aleft) * max(0.0f, abottom - atop);
- float b_area = max(0.0f, bright - bleft) * max(0.0f, bbottom - btop);
- return c_area / (a_area + b_area - c_area);
-static __global__ void fast_nms_kernel(float *bboxes, int MAX_IMAGE_BOXES, float threshold) {
- int position = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x);
- int count = min((int)*bboxes, MAX_IMAGE_BOXES);
- if (position >= count) return;
- // left, top, right, bottom, confidence, class, keepflag
- float *pcurrent = bboxes + 1 + position * NUM_BOX_ELEMENT;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- float *pitem = bboxes + 1 + i * NUM_BOX_ELEMENT;
- if (i == position || pcurrent[5] != pitem[5]) continue;
- if (pitem[4] >= pcurrent[4]) {
- if (pitem[4] == pcurrent[4] && i < position) continue;
- float iou = box_iou(pcurrent[0], pcurrent[1], pcurrent[2], pcurrent[3], pitem[0], pitem[1],
- pitem[2], pitem[3]);
- if (iou > threshold) {
- pcurrent[6] = 0; // 1=keep, 0=ignore
- return;
- }
- }
- }
-static dim3 grid_dims(int numJobs) {
- int numBlockThreads = numJobs < GPU_BLOCK_THREADS ? numJobs : GPU_BLOCK_THREADS;
- return dim3(((numJobs + numBlockThreads - 1) / (float)numBlockThreads));
-static dim3 block_dims(int numJobs) {
- return numJobs < GPU_BLOCK_THREADS ? numJobs : GPU_BLOCK_THREADS;
-static void decode_kernel_invoker(float *predict, int num_bboxes, int num_classes, int output_cdim,
- float confidence_threshold, float nms_threshold,
- float *invert_affine_matrix, float *parray, int MAX_IMAGE_BOXES,
- Type type, cudaStream_t stream) {
- auto grid = grid_dims(num_bboxes);
- auto block = block_dims(num_bboxes);
- if (type == Type::V8 || type == Type::V8Seg) {
- checkKernel(decode_kernel_v8<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
- predict, num_bboxes, num_classes, output_cdim, confidence_threshold, invert_affine_matrix,
- parray, MAX_IMAGE_BOXES));
- } else {
- checkKernel(decode_kernel_common<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
- predict, num_bboxes, num_classes, output_cdim, confidence_threshold, invert_affine_matrix,
- parray, MAX_IMAGE_BOXES));
- }
- grid = grid_dims(MAX_IMAGE_BOXES);
- block = block_dims(MAX_IMAGE_BOXES);
- checkKernel(fast_nms_kernel<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(parray, MAX_IMAGE_BOXES, nms_threshold));
-static __global__ void warp_affine_bilinear_and_normalize_plane_kernel(
- uint8_t *src, int src_line_size, int src_width, int src_height, float *dst, int dst_width,
- int dst_height, uint8_t const_value_st, float *warp_affine_matrix_2_3, Norm norm) {
- int dx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
- int dy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
- if (dx >= dst_width || dy >= dst_height) return;
- float m_x1 = warp_affine_matrix_2_3[0];
- float m_y1 = warp_affine_matrix_2_3[1];
- float m_z1 = warp_affine_matrix_2_3[2];
- float m_x2 = warp_affine_matrix_2_3[3];
- float m_y2 = warp_affine_matrix_2_3[4];
- float m_z2 = warp_affine_matrix_2_3[5];
- float src_x = m_x1 * dx + m_y1 * dy + m_z1;
- float src_y = m_x2 * dx + m_y2 * dy + m_z2;
- float c0, c1, c2;
- if (src_x <= -1 || src_x >= src_width || src_y <= -1 || src_y >= src_height) {
- // out of range
- c0 = const_value_st;
- c1 = const_value_st;
- c2 = const_value_st;
- } else {
- int y_low = floorf(src_y);
- int x_low = floorf(src_x);
- int y_high = y_low + 1;
- int x_high = x_low + 1;
- uint8_t const_value[] = {const_value_st, const_value_st, const_value_st};
- float ly = src_y - y_low;
- float lx = src_x - x_low;
- float hy = 1 - ly;
- float hx = 1 - lx;
- float w1 = hy * hx, w2 = hy * lx, w3 = ly * hx, w4 = ly * lx;
- uint8_t *v1 = const_value;
- uint8_t *v2 = const_value;
- uint8_t *v3 = const_value;
- uint8_t *v4 = const_value;
- if (y_low >= 0) {
- if (x_low >= 0) v1 = src + y_low * src_line_size + x_low * 3;
- if (x_high < src_width) v2 = src + y_low * src_line_size + x_high * 3;
- }
- if (y_high < src_height) {
- if (x_low >= 0) v3 = src + y_high * src_line_size + x_low * 3;
- if (x_high < src_width) v4 = src + y_high * src_line_size + x_high * 3;
- }
- // same to opencv
- c0 = floorf(w1 * v1[0] + w2 * v2[0] + w3 * v3[0] + w4 * v4[0] + 0.5f);
- c1 = floorf(w1 * v1[1] + w2 * v2[1] + w3 * v3[1] + w4 * v4[1] + 0.5f);
- c2 = floorf(w1 * v1[2] + w2 * v2[2] + w3 * v3[2] + w4 * v4[2] + 0.5f);
- }
- if (norm.channel_type == ChannelType::SwapRB) {
- float t = c2;
- c2 = c0;
- c0 = t;
- }
- if (norm.type == NormType::MeanStd) {
- c0 = (c0 * norm.alpha - norm.mean[0]) / norm.std[0];
- c1 = (c1 * norm.alpha - norm.mean[1]) / norm.std[1];
- c2 = (c2 * norm.alpha - norm.mean[2]) / norm.std[2];
- } else if (norm.type == NormType::AlphaBeta) {
- c0 = c0 * norm.alpha + norm.beta;
- c1 = c1 * norm.alpha + norm.beta;
- c2 = c2 * norm.alpha + norm.beta;
- }
- int area = dst_width * dst_height;
- float *pdst_c0 = dst + dy * dst_width + dx;
- float *pdst_c1 = pdst_c0 + area;
- float *pdst_c2 = pdst_c1 + area;
- *pdst_c0 = c0;
- *pdst_c1 = c1;
- *pdst_c2 = c2;
-static void warp_affine_bilinear_and_normalize_plane(uint8_t *src, int src_line_size, int src_width,
- int src_height, float *dst, int dst_width,
- int dst_height, float *matrix_2_3,
- uint8_t const_value, const Norm &norm,
- cudaStream_t stream) {
- dim3 grid((dst_width + 31) / 32, (dst_height + 31) / 32);
- dim3 block(32, 32);
- checkKernel(warp_affine_bilinear_and_normalize_plane_kernel<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
- src, src_line_size, src_width, src_height, dst, dst_width, dst_height, const_value,
- matrix_2_3, norm));
-static __global__ void decode_single_mask_kernel(int left, int top, float *mask_weights,
- float *mask_predict, int mask_width,
- int mask_height, unsigned char *mask_out,
- int mask_dim, int out_width, int out_height) {
- // mask_predict to mask_out
- // mask_weights @ mask_predict
- int dx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
- int dy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
- if (dx >= out_width || dy >= out_height) return;
- int sx = left + dx;
- int sy = top + dy;
- if (sx < 0 || sx >= mask_width || sy < 0 || sy >= mask_height) {
- mask_out[dy * out_width + dx] = 0;
- return;
- }
- float cumprod = 0;
- for (int ic = 0; ic < mask_dim; ++ic) {
- float cval = mask_predict[(ic * mask_height + sy) * mask_width + sx];
- float wval = mask_weights[ic];
- cumprod += cval * wval;
- }
- float alpha = 1.0f / (1.0f + exp(-cumprod));
- mask_out[dy * out_width + dx] = alpha * 255;
-static void decode_single_mask(float left, float top, float *mask_weights, float *mask_predict,
- int mask_width, int mask_height, unsigned char *mask_out,
- int mask_dim, int out_width, int out_height, cudaStream_t stream) {
- // mask_weights is mask_dim(32 element) gpu pointer
- dim3 grid((out_width + 31) / 32, (out_height + 31) / 32);
- dim3 block(32, 32);
- checkKernel(decode_single_mask_kernel<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
- left, top, mask_weights, mask_predict, mask_width, mask_height, mask_out, mask_dim, out_width,
- out_height));
-const char *type_name(Type type) {
- switch (type) {
- case Type::V5:
- return "YoloV5";
- case Type::V3:
- return "YoloV3";
- case Type::V7:
- return "YoloV7";
- case Type::X:
- return "YoloX";
- case Type::V8:
- return "YoloV8";
- default:
- return "Unknow";
- }
-struct AffineMatrix {
- float i2d[6]; // image to dst(network), 2x3 matrix
- float d2i[6]; // dst to image, 2x3 matrix
- void compute(const std::tuple<int, int> &from, const std::tuple<int, int> &to) {
- float scale_x = get<0>(to) / (float)get<0>(from);
- float scale_y = get<1>(to) / (float)get<1>(from);
- float scale = std::min(scale_x, scale_y);
- i2d[0] = scale;
- i2d[1] = 0;
- i2d[2] = -scale * get<0>(from) * 0.5 + get<0>(to) * 0.5 + scale * 0.5 - 0.5;
- i2d[3] = 0;
- i2d[4] = scale;
- i2d[5] = -scale * get<1>(from) * 0.5 + get<1>(to) * 0.5 + scale * 0.5 - 0.5;
- double D = i2d[0] * i2d[4] - i2d[1] * i2d[3];
- D = D != 0. ? double(1.) / D : double(0.);
- double A11 = i2d[4] * D, A22 = i2d[0] * D, A12 = -i2d[1] * D, A21 = -i2d[3] * D;
- double b1 = -A11 * i2d[2] - A12 * i2d[5];
- double b2 = -A21 * i2d[2] - A22 * i2d[5];
- d2i[0] = A11;
- d2i[1] = A12;
- d2i[2] = b1;
- d2i[3] = A21;
- d2i[4] = A22;
- d2i[5] = b2;
- }
-InstanceSegmentMap::InstanceSegmentMap(int width, int height) {
- this->width = width;
- this->height = height;
- checkRuntime(cudaMallocHost(&this->data, width * height));
-InstanceSegmentMap::~InstanceSegmentMap() {
- if (this->data) {
- checkRuntime(cudaFreeHost(this->data));
- this->data = nullptr;
- }
- this->width = 0;
- this->height = 0;
-class InferImpl : public Infer {
- public:
- shared_ptr<trt::Infer> trt_;
- string engine_file_;
- Type type_;
- float confidence_threshold_;
- float nms_threshold_;
- vector<shared_ptr<trt::Memory<unsigned char>>> preprocess_buffers_;
- trt::Memory<float> input_buffer_, bbox_predict_, output_boxarray_;
- trt::Memory<float> segment_predict_;
- int network_input_width_, network_input_height_;
- Norm normalize_;
- vector<int> bbox_head_dims_;
- vector<int> segment_head_dims_;
- int num_classes_ = 0;
- bool has_segment_ = false;
- bool isdynamic_model_ = false;
- vector<shared_ptr<trt::Memory<unsigned char>>> box_segment_cache_;
- virtual ~InferImpl() = default;
- void adjust_memory(int batch_size) {
- // the inference batch_size
- size_t input_numel = network_input_width_ * network_input_height_ * 3;
- input_buffer_.gpu(batch_size * input_numel);
- bbox_predict_.gpu(batch_size * bbox_head_dims_[1] * bbox_head_dims_[2]);
- output_boxarray_.gpu(batch_size * (32 + MAX_IMAGE_BOXES * NUM_BOX_ELEMENT));
- output_boxarray_.cpu(batch_size * (32 + MAX_IMAGE_BOXES * NUM_BOX_ELEMENT));
- if (has_segment_)
- segment_predict_.gpu(batch_size * segment_head_dims_[1] * segment_head_dims_[2] *
- segment_head_dims_[3]);
- if ((int)preprocess_buffers_.size() < batch_size) {
- for (int i = preprocess_buffers_.size(); i < batch_size; ++i)
- preprocess_buffers_.push_back(make_shared<trt::Memory<unsigned char>>());
- }
- }
- void preprocess(int ibatch, const Image &image,
- shared_ptr<trt::Memory<unsigned char>> preprocess_buffer, AffineMatrix &affine,
- void *stream = nullptr) {
- affine.compute(make_tuple(image.width, image.height),
- make_tuple(network_input_width_, network_input_height_));
- size_t input_numel = network_input_width_ * network_input_height_ * 3;
- float *input_device = input_buffer_.gpu() + ibatch * input_numel;
- size_t size_image = image.width * image.height * 3;
- size_t size_matrix = upbound(sizeof(affine.d2i), 32);
- uint8_t *gpu_workspace = preprocess_buffer->gpu(size_matrix + size_image);
- float *affine_matrix_device = (float *)gpu_workspace;
- uint8_t *image_device = gpu_workspace + size_matrix;
- uint8_t *cpu_workspace = preprocess_buffer->cpu(size_matrix + size_image);
- float *affine_matrix_host = (float *)cpu_workspace;
- uint8_t *image_host = cpu_workspace + size_matrix;
- // speed up
- cudaStream_t stream_ = (cudaStream_t)stream;
- memcpy(image_host, image.bgrptr, size_image);
- memcpy(affine_matrix_host, affine.d2i, sizeof(affine.d2i));
- checkRuntime(
- cudaMemcpyAsync(image_device, image_host, size_image, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream_));
- checkRuntime(cudaMemcpyAsync(affine_matrix_device, affine_matrix_host, sizeof(affine.d2i),
- cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream_));
- warp_affine_bilinear_and_normalize_plane(image_device, image.width * 3, image.width,
- image.height, input_device, network_input_width_,
- network_input_height_, affine_matrix_device, 114,
- normalize_, stream_);
- }
- bool load(const string &engine_file, Type type, float confidence_threshold, float nms_threshold) {
- trt_ = trt::load(engine_file);
- if (trt_ == nullptr) return false;
- trt_->print();
- this->type_ = type;
- this->confidence_threshold_ = confidence_threshold;
- this->nms_threshold_ = nms_threshold;
- auto input_dim = trt_->static_dims(0);
- bbox_head_dims_ = trt_->static_dims(1);
- has_segment_ = type == Type::V8Seg;
- if (has_segment_) {
- bbox_head_dims_ = trt_->static_dims(2);
- segment_head_dims_ = trt_->static_dims(1);
- }
- network_input_width_ = input_dim[3];
- network_input_height_ = input_dim[2];
- isdynamic_model_ = trt_->has_dynamic_dim();
- if (type == Type::V5 || type == Type::V3 || type == Type::V7) {
- normalize_ = Norm::alpha_beta(1 / 255.0f, 0.0f, ChannelType::SwapRB);
- num_classes_ = bbox_head_dims_[2] - 5;
- } else if (type == Type::V8) {
- normalize_ = Norm::alpha_beta(1 / 255.0f, 0.0f, ChannelType::SwapRB);
- num_classes_ = bbox_head_dims_[2] - 4;
- } else if (type == Type::V8Seg) {
- normalize_ = Norm::alpha_beta(1 / 255.0f, 0.0f, ChannelType::SwapRB);
- num_classes_ = bbox_head_dims_[2] - 4 - segment_head_dims_[1];
- } else if (type == Type::X) {
- // float mean[] = {0.485, 0.456, 0.406};
- // float std[] = {0.229, 0.224, 0.225};
- // normalize_ = Norm::mean_std(mean, std, 1/255.0f, ChannelType::SwapRB);
- normalize_ = Norm::None();
- num_classes_ = bbox_head_dims_[2] - 5;
- } else {
- INFO("Unsupport type %d", type);
- }
- return true;
- }
- virtual BoxArray forward(const Image &image, void *stream = nullptr) override {
- auto output = forwards({image}, stream);
- if (output.empty()) return {};
- return output[0];
- }
- virtual vector<BoxArray> forwards(const vector<Image> &images, void *stream = nullptr) override {
- int num_image = images.size();
- if (num_image == 0) return {};
- auto input_dims = trt_->static_dims(0);
- int infer_batch_size = input_dims[0];
- if (infer_batch_size != num_image) {
- if (isdynamic_model_) {
- infer_batch_size = num_image;
- input_dims[0] = num_image;
- if (!trt_->set_run_dims(0, input_dims)) return {};
- } else {
- if (infer_batch_size < num_image) {
- "When using static shape model, number of images[%d] must be "
- "less than or equal to the maximum batch[%d].",
- num_image, infer_batch_size);
- return {};
- }
- }
- }
- adjust_memory(infer_batch_size);
- vector<AffineMatrix> affine_matrixs(num_image);
- cudaStream_t stream_ = (cudaStream_t)stream;
- for (int i = 0; i < num_image; ++i)
- preprocess(i, images[i], preprocess_buffers_[i], affine_matrixs[i], stream);
- float *bbox_output_device = bbox_predict_.gpu();
- vector<void *> bindings{input_buffer_.gpu(), bbox_output_device};
- if (has_segment_) {
- bindings = {input_buffer_.gpu(), segment_predict_.gpu(), bbox_output_device};
- }
- if (!trt_->forward(bindings, stream)) {
- INFO("Failed to tensorRT forward.");
- return {};
- }
- for (int ib = 0; ib < num_image; ++ib) {
- float *boxarray_device =
- output_boxarray_.gpu() + ib * (32 + MAX_IMAGE_BOXES * NUM_BOX_ELEMENT);
- float *affine_matrix_device = (float *)preprocess_buffers_[ib]->gpu();
- float *image_based_bbox_output =
- bbox_output_device + ib * (bbox_head_dims_[1] * bbox_head_dims_[2]);
- checkRuntime(cudaMemsetAsync(boxarray_device, 0, sizeof(int), stream_));
- decode_kernel_invoker(image_based_bbox_output, bbox_head_dims_[1], num_classes_,
- bbox_head_dims_[2], confidence_threshold_, nms_threshold_,
- affine_matrix_device, boxarray_device, MAX_IMAGE_BOXES, type_, stream_);
- }
- checkRuntime(cudaMemcpyAsync(output_boxarray_.cpu(), output_boxarray_.gpu(),
- output_boxarray_.gpu_bytes(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream_));
- checkRuntime(cudaStreamSynchronize(stream_));
- vector<BoxArray> arrout(num_image);
- int imemory = 0;
- for (int ib = 0; ib < num_image; ++ib) {
- float *parray = output_boxarray_.cpu() + ib * (32 + MAX_IMAGE_BOXES * NUM_BOX_ELEMENT);
- int count = min(MAX_IMAGE_BOXES, (int)*parray);
- BoxArray &output = arrout[ib];
- output.reserve(count);
- for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- float *pbox = parray + 1 + i * NUM_BOX_ELEMENT;
- int label = pbox[5];
- int keepflag = pbox[6];
- if (keepflag == 1) {
- Box result_object_box(pbox[0], pbox[1], pbox[2], pbox[3], pbox[4], label);
- if (has_segment_) {
- int row_index = pbox[7];
- int mask_dim = segment_head_dims_[1];
- float *mask_weights = bbox_output_device +
- (ib * bbox_head_dims_[1] + row_index) * bbox_head_dims_[2] +
- num_classes_ + 4;
- float *mask_head_predict = segment_predict_.gpu();
- float left, top, right, bottom;
- float *i2d = affine_matrixs[ib].i2d;
- affine_project(i2d, pbox[0], pbox[1], &left, &top);
- affine_project(i2d, pbox[2], pbox[3], &right, &bottom);
- float box_width = right - left;
- float box_height = bottom - top;
- float scale_to_predict_x = segment_head_dims_[3] / (float)network_input_width_;
- float scale_to_predict_y = segment_head_dims_[2] / (float)network_input_height_;
- int mask_out_width = box_width * scale_to_predict_x + 0.5f;
- int mask_out_height = box_height * scale_to_predict_y + 0.5f;
- if (mask_out_width > 0 && mask_out_height > 0) {
- if (imemory >= (int)box_segment_cache_.size()) {
- box_segment_cache_.push_back(std::make_shared<trt::Memory<unsigned char>>());
- }
- int bytes_of_mask_out = mask_out_width * mask_out_height;
- auto box_segment_output_memory = box_segment_cache_[imemory];
- result_object_box.seg =
- make_shared<InstanceSegmentMap>(mask_out_width, mask_out_height);
- unsigned char *mask_out_device = box_segment_output_memory->gpu(bytes_of_mask_out);
- unsigned char *mask_out_host = result_object_box.seg->data;
- decode_single_mask(left * scale_to_predict_x, top * scale_to_predict_y, mask_weights,
- mask_head_predict + ib * segment_head_dims_[1] *
- segment_head_dims_[2] *
- segment_head_dims_[3],
- segment_head_dims_[3], segment_head_dims_[2], mask_out_device,
- mask_dim, mask_out_width, mask_out_height, stream_);
- checkRuntime(cudaMemcpyAsync(mask_out_host, mask_out_device,
- box_segment_output_memory->gpu_bytes(),
- cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream_));
- }
- }
- output.emplace_back(result_object_box);
- }
- }
- }
- if (has_segment_) checkRuntime(cudaStreamSynchronize(stream_));
- return arrout;
- }
-Infer *loadraw(const std::string &engine_file, Type type, float confidence_threshold,
- float nms_threshold) {
- InferImpl *impl = new InferImpl();
- if (!impl->load(engine_file, type, confidence_threshold, nms_threshold)) {
- delete impl;
- impl = nullptr;
- }
- return impl;
-shared_ptr<Infer> load(const string &engine_file, Type type, float confidence_threshold,
- float nms_threshold) {
- return std::shared_ptr<InferImpl>(
- (InferImpl *)loadraw(engine_file, type, confidence_threshold, nms_threshold));
-std::tuple<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> hsv2bgr(float h, float s, float v) {
- const int h_i = static_cast<int>(h * 6);
- const float f = h * 6 - h_i;
- const float p = v * (1 - s);
- const float q = v * (1 - f * s);
- const float t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
- float r, g, b;
- switch (h_i) {
- case 0:
- r = v, g = t, b = p;
- break;
- case 1:
- r = q, g = v, b = p;
- break;
- case 2:
- r = p, g = v, b = t;
- break;
- case 3:
- r = p, g = q, b = v;
- break;
- case 4:
- r = t, g = p, b = v;
- break;
- case 5:
- r = v, g = p, b = q;
- break;
- default:
- r = 1, g = 1, b = 1;
- break;
- }
- return make_tuple(static_cast<uint8_t>(b * 255), static_cast<uint8_t>(g * 255),
- static_cast<uint8_t>(r * 255));
-std::tuple<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> random_color(int id) {
- float h_plane = ((((unsigned int)id << 2) ^ 0x937151) % 100) / 100.0f;
- float s_plane = ((((unsigned int)id << 3) ^ 0x315793) % 100) / 100.0f;
- return hsv2bgr(h_plane, s_plane, 1);
-}; // namespace yolo