@@ -0,0 +1,3445 @@
+/// \file MappingHelpers.cpp
+/// \brief Helper functions for mapping operation such as (load and initialize vector maps , convert map from one format to another, .. )
+/// \author Hatem Darweesh
+/// \date Jul 2, 2016
+#include "op_planner/MappingHelpers.h"
+#include "op_planner/MatrixOperations.h"
+#include "op_planner/PlanningHelpers.h"
+#include <float.h>
+#include "math.h"
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace UtilityHNS;
+using namespace std;
+#define DEFAULT_REF_VELOCITY 60 //km/h
+namespace PlannerHNS
+int MappingHelpers::g_max_point_id = 0;
+int MappingHelpers::g_max_lane_id = 0;
+int MappingHelpers::g_max_stop_line_id = 0;
+int MappingHelpers::g_max_traffic_light_id = 0;
+double MappingHelpers::m_USING_VER_ZERO = 0;
+MappingHelpers::MappingHelpers() {
+MappingHelpers::~MappingHelpers() {
+GPSPoint MappingHelpers::GetTransformationOrigin(const int& bToyotaCityMap)
+// if(bToyotaCityMap == 1)
+// return GPSPoint(-3700, 99427, -88,0); //toyota city
+// else if(bToyotaCityMap == 2)
+// return GPSPoint(14805.945, 84680.211, -39.59, 0); // for moriyama map
+// else
+ return GPSPoint();
+ //return GPSPoint(18221.1, 93546.1, -36.19, 0);
+Lane* MappingHelpers::GetLaneById(const int& id,RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).id == id)
+ return &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+int MappingHelpers::GetLaneIdByWaypointId(const int& id,std::vector<Lane>& lanes)
+ for(unsigned int in_l= 0; in_l < lanes.size(); in_l++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int in_p = 0; in_p<lanes.at(in_l).points.size(); in_p++)
+ {
+ if(id == lanes.at(in_l).points.at(in_p).id)
+ {
+ return lanes.at(in_l).points.at(in_p).laneId;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int MappingHelpers::ReplaceMyID(int& id,const std::vector<std::pair<int,int> >& rep_list)
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i < rep_list.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(rep_list.at(i).first == id)
+ {
+ id = rep_list.at(i).second;
+ return id;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+void MappingHelpers::ConstructRoadNetworkFromROSMessage(const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane>& lanes_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints>& points_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanCenterLinesFileReader::AisanCenterLine>& dt_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanIntersectionFileReader::AisanIntersection>& intersection_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanAreasFileReader::AisanArea>& area_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanLinesFileReader::AisanLine>& line_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanStopLineFileReader::AisanStopLine>& stop_line_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanSignalFileReader::AisanSignal>& signal_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanVectorFileReader::AisanVector>& vector_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanCurbFileReader::AisanCurb>& curb_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanRoadEdgeFileReader::AisanRoadEdge>& roadedge_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanWayareaFileReader::AisanWayarea>& wayarea_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanCrossWalkFileReader::AisanCrossWalk>& crosswalk_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanNodesFileReader::AisanNode>& nodes_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanDataConnFileReader::DataConn>& conn_data,
+ const GPSPoint& origin, RoadNetwork& map, const bool& bSpecialFlag,
+ const bool& bFindLaneChangeLanes, const bool& bFindCurbsAndWayArea)
+ vector<Lane> roadLanes;
+ Lane lane_obj;
+ int laneIDSeq = 0;
+ WayPoint prevWayPoint;
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane prev_lane_point;
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane curr_lane_point;
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane next_lane_point;
+ vector<pair<int,int> > id_replace_list;
+ for(unsigned int l= 0; l < lanes_data.size(); l++)
+ {
+ curr_lane_point = lanes_data.at(l);
+ curr_lane_point.originalMapID = -1;
+ if(l+1 < lanes_data.size())
+ {
+ next_lane_point = lanes_data.at(l+1);
+ if(curr_lane_point.FLID == next_lane_point.LnID && curr_lane_point.DID == next_lane_point.DID)
+ {
+ next_lane_point.BLID = curr_lane_point.BLID;
+ if(next_lane_point.LaneDir == 'F')
+ next_lane_point.LaneDir = curr_lane_point.LaneDir;
+ if(curr_lane_point.BLID2 != 0)
+ {
+ if(next_lane_point.BLID2 == 0) next_lane_point.BLID2 = curr_lane_point.BLID2;
+ else if(next_lane_point.BLID3 == 0) next_lane_point.BLID3 = curr_lane_point.BLID2;
+ else if(next_lane_point.BLID4 == 0) next_lane_point.BLID4 = curr_lane_point.BLID2;
+ }
+ if(curr_lane_point.BLID3 != 0)
+ {
+ if(next_lane_point.BLID2 == 0) next_lane_point.BLID2 = curr_lane_point.BLID3;
+ else if(next_lane_point.BLID3 == 0) next_lane_point.BLID3 = curr_lane_point.BLID3;
+ else if(next_lane_point.BLID4 == 0) next_lane_point.BLID4 = curr_lane_point.BLID3;
+ }
+ if(curr_lane_point.BLID3 != 0)
+ {
+ if(next_lane_point.BLID2 == 0) next_lane_point.BLID2 = curr_lane_point.BLID4;
+ else if(next_lane_point.BLID3 == 0) next_lane_point.BLID3 = curr_lane_point.BLID4;
+ else if(next_lane_point.BLID4 == 0) next_lane_point.BLID4 = curr_lane_point.BLID4;
+ }
+ if(curr_lane_point.FLID2 != 0)
+ {
+ if(next_lane_point.FLID2 == 0) next_lane_point.FLID2 = curr_lane_point.FLID2;
+ else if(next_lane_point.FLID3 == 0) next_lane_point.FLID3 = curr_lane_point.FLID2;
+ else if(next_lane_point.FLID4 == 0) next_lane_point.FLID4 = curr_lane_point.FLID2;
+ }
+ if(curr_lane_point.FLID3 != 0)
+ {
+ if(next_lane_point.FLID2 == 0) next_lane_point.FLID2 = curr_lane_point.FLID3;
+ else if(next_lane_point.FLID3 == 0) next_lane_point.FLID3 = curr_lane_point.FLID3;
+ else if(next_lane_point.FLID4 == 0) next_lane_point.FLID4 = curr_lane_point.FLID3;
+ }
+ if(curr_lane_point.FLID3 != 0)
+ {
+ if(next_lane_point.FLID2 == 0) next_lane_point.FLID2 = curr_lane_point.FLID4;
+ else if(next_lane_point.FLID3 == 0) next_lane_point.FLID3 = curr_lane_point.FLID4;
+ else if(next_lane_point.FLID4 == 0) next_lane_point.FLID4 = curr_lane_point.FLID4;
+ }
+ if(prev_lane_point.FLID == curr_lane_point.LnID)
+ prev_lane_point.FLID = next_lane_point.LnID;
+ id_replace_list.push_back(make_pair(curr_lane_point.LnID, next_lane_point.LnID));
+ int originalMapID = curr_lane_point.LnID;
+ curr_lane_point = next_lane_point;
+ curr_lane_point.originalMapID = originalMapID;
+ l++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(curr_lane_point.LnID != prev_lane_point.FLID)
+ {
+ if(laneIDSeq != 0) //first lane
+ {
+ lane_obj.toIds.push_back(prev_lane_point.FLID);
+ roadLanes.push_back(lane_obj);
+// if(lane_obj.points.size() <= 1)
+// prev_FLID = 0;
+ }
+ laneIDSeq++;
+ lane_obj = Lane();
+ lane_obj.speed = curr_lane_point.LimitVel;
+ lane_obj.id = curr_lane_point.LnID;
+ lane_obj.fromIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.BLID);
+ lane_obj.roadId = laneIDSeq;
+ }
+ WayPoint wp;
+ bool bFound = GetWayPoint(curr_lane_point.LnID, lane_obj.id, curr_lane_point.RefVel,curr_lane_point.DID,
+ dt_data, points_data,origin, wp);
+ wp.originalMapID = curr_lane_point.originalMapID;
+ if(curr_lane_point.LaneDir == 'L')
+ {
+ wp.actionCost.push_back(make_pair(LEFT_TURN_ACTION, LEFT_INITIAL_TURNS_COST));
+ //std::cout << " Left Lane : " << curr_lane_point.LnID << std::endl ;
+ }
+ else if(curr_lane_point.LaneDir == 'R')
+ {
+ wp.actionCost.push_back(make_pair(RIGHT_TURN_ACTION, RIGHT_INITIAL_TURNS_COST));
+ //std::cout << " Right Lane : " << curr_lane_point.LnID << std::endl ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wp.actionCost.push_back(make_pair(FORWARD_ACTION, 0));
+ }
+ wp.fromIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.BLID);
+ wp.toIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.FLID);
+ //if(curr_lane_point.JCT > 0)
+ if(curr_lane_point.FLID2 > 0)
+ {
+ lane_obj.toIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.FLID2);
+ wp.toIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.FLID2);
+ }
+ if(curr_lane_point.FLID3 > 0)
+ {
+ lane_obj.toIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.FLID3);
+ wp.toIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.FLID3);
+ }
+ if(curr_lane_point.FLID4 > 0)
+ {
+ lane_obj.toIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.FLID4);
+ wp.toIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.FLID4);
+ }
+ if(curr_lane_point.BLID2 > 0)
+ {
+ lane_obj.fromIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.BLID2);
+ wp.fromIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.BLID2);
+ }
+ if(curr_lane_point.BLID3 > 0)
+ {
+ lane_obj.fromIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.BLID3);
+ wp.fromIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.BLID3);
+ }
+ if(curr_lane_point.BLID4 > 0)
+ {
+ lane_obj.fromIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.BLID4);
+ wp.fromIds.push_back(curr_lane_point.BLID4);
+ }
+ //if(prev_lane_point.DID == curr_lane_point.DID && curr_lane_point.LnID == prev_lane_point.FLID)
+// if(prevWayPoint.pos.x == wp.pos.x && prevWayPoint.pos.y == wp.pos.y)
+// {
+// //if((prev_lane_point.FLID2 != 0 && curr_lane_point.FLID2 != 0) || (prev_lane_point.FLID3 != 0 && curr_lane_point.FLID3 != 0) || (prev_lane_point.FLID4 != 0 && curr_lane_point.FLID4 != 0))
+// {
+// cout << "Prev WP, LnID: " << prev_lane_point.LnID << ",BLID: " << prev_lane_point.BLID << ",FLID: " << prev_lane_point.FLID << ",DID: " << prev_lane_point.DID
+// << ", Begin: " << prev_lane_point.BLID2 << "," << prev_lane_point.BLID3 << "," << prev_lane_point.BLID4
+// << ", End: " << prev_lane_point.FLID2 << "," << prev_lane_point.FLID3 << "," << prev_lane_point.FLID4 << ": " << prev_lane_point.LaneDir << endl;
+// cout << "Curr WP, LnID: " << curr_lane_point.LnID << ",BLID: " << curr_lane_point.BLID << ",FLID: " << curr_lane_point.FLID << ",DID: " << curr_lane_point.DID
+// << ", Begin: " << curr_lane_point.BLID2 << "," << curr_lane_point.BLID3 << "," << curr_lane_point.BLID4
+// << ", End: " << curr_lane_point.FLID2 << "," <<curr_lane_point.FLID3 << "," << curr_lane_point.FLID4 << ": " << curr_lane_point.LaneDir << endl << endl;
+// }
+// }
+ if(bFound)
+ {
+ lane_obj.points.push_back(wp);
+ prevWayPoint = wp;
+ }
+ else
+ cout << " Strange ! point is not in the map !! " << endl;
+ prev_lane_point = curr_lane_point;
+ }
+ //delete first two lanes !!!!! Don't know why , you don't know why ! , these two line cost you a lot .. ! why why , works for toyota map , but not with moriyama
+ if(bSpecialFlag)
+ {
+ if(roadLanes.size() > 0)
+ roadLanes.erase(roadLanes.begin()+0);
+ if(roadLanes.size() > 0)
+ roadLanes.erase(roadLanes.begin()+0);
+ }
+ roadLanes.push_back(lane_obj);
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < roadLanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL = &roadLanes.at(i);
+ ReplaceMyID(pL->id, id_replace_list);
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->fromIds.size(); j++)
+ {
+ int id = ReplaceMyID(pL->fromIds.at(j), id_replace_list);
+ if(id != -1)
+ pL->fromIds.at(j) = id;
+ }
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->toIds.size(); j++)
+ {
+ int id = ReplaceMyID(pL->toIds.at(j), id_replace_list);
+ if(id != -1)
+ pL->toIds.at(j) = id;
+ }
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->points.size(); j++)
+ {
+ ReplaceMyID(pL->points.at(j).id, id_replace_list);
+ ReplaceMyID(pL->points.at(j).laneId, id_replace_list);
+ for(unsigned int jj = 0 ; jj < pL->points.at(j).fromIds.size(); jj++)
+ {
+ int id = ReplaceMyID(pL->points.at(j).fromIds.at(jj), id_replace_list);
+ if(id != -1)
+ pL->points.at(j).fromIds.at(jj) = id;
+ }
+ for(unsigned int jj = 0 ; jj < pL->points.at(j).toIds.size(); jj++)
+ {
+ int id = ReplaceMyID(pL->points.at(j).toIds.at(jj), id_replace_list);
+ if(id != -1)
+ pL->points.at(j).toIds.at(jj) = id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Link Lanes and lane's waypoints by pointers
+ //For each lane, the previous code set the fromId as the id of the last waypoint of the previos lane.
+ //here we fix that by finding from each fromID the corresponding point and replace the fromId by the LaneID associated with that point.
+ for(unsigned int l= 0; l < roadLanes.size(); l++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int fp = 0; fp< roadLanes.at(l).fromIds.size(); fp++)
+ {
+ roadLanes.at(l).fromIds.at(fp) = GetLaneIdByWaypointId(roadLanes.at(l).fromIds.at(fp), roadLanes);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int tp = 0; tp< roadLanes.at(l).toIds.size(); tp++)
+ {
+ roadLanes.at(l).toIds.at(tp) = GetLaneIdByWaypointId(roadLanes.at(l).toIds.at(tp), roadLanes);
+ }
+ double sum_a = 0;
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < roadLanes.at(l).points.size(); j++)
+ {
+ sum_a += roadLanes.at(l).points.at(j).pos.a;
+ }
+ roadLanes.at(l).dir = sum_a/(double)roadLanes.at(l).points.size();
+ }
+ //map has one road segment
+ RoadSegment roadSegment1;
+ roadSegment1.id = 1;
+ roadSegment1.Lanes = roadLanes;
+ map.roadSegments.push_back(roadSegment1);
+ //Link Lanes and lane's waypoints by pointers
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ //Link Lanes
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->fromIds.size(); j++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int l= 0; l < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); l++)
+ {
+ if(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(l).id == pL->fromIds.at(j))
+ {
+ pL->fromLanes.push_back(&map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(l));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->toIds.size(); j++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int l= 0; l < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); l++)
+ {
+ if(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(l).id == pL->toIds.at(j))
+ {
+ pL->toLanes.push_back(&map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(l));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->points.size(); j++)
+ {
+ pL->points.at(j).pLane = pL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->points.size(); j++)
+ {
+ if(pL->points.at(j).actionCost.size() > 0)
+ {
+ if(pL->points.at(j).actionCost.at(0).first == LEFT_TURN_ACTION)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(pL->points.at(j).actionCost.at(0).first == RIGHT_TURN_ACTION)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(bFindLaneChangeLanes)
+ {
+ cout << " >> Extract Lane Change Information... " << endl;
+ FindAdjacentLanes(map);
+ }
+ //Extract Signals and StopLines
+ // Signals
+ ExtractSignalData(signal_data, vector_data, points_data, origin, map);
+ //Stop Lines
+ ExtractStopLinesData(stop_line_data, line_data, points_data, origin, map);
+ //Link waypoints
+ LinkMissingBranchingWayPoints(map);
+ //Link StopLines and Traffic Lights
+ LinkTrafficLightsAndStopLines(map);
+ //LinkTrafficLightsAndStopLinesConData(conn_data, id_replace_list, map);
+ if(bFindCurbsAndWayArea)
+ {
+ //Curbs
+ ExtractCurbData(curb_data, line_data, points_data, origin, map);
+ //Wayarea
+ ExtractWayArea(area_data, wayarea_data, line_data, points_data, origin, map);
+ }
+ //Fix angle for lanes
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ PlannerHNS::PlanningHelpers::FixAngleOnly(pL->points);
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "Map loaded from data with " << roadLanes.size() << " lanes" << endl;
+void MappingHelpers::AssignActionCostToLane(Lane* pL, ACTION_TYPE action, double cost)
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->points.size(); j++)
+ {
+ pL->points.at(j).actionCost.clear();
+ pL->points.at(j).actionCost.push_back(make_pair(action, cost));
+ }
+WayPoint* MappingHelpers::FindWaypoint(const int& id, RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int p= 0; p < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.size(); p++)
+ {
+ if(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.at(p).id == id)
+ return &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.at(p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+WayPoint* MappingHelpers::FindWaypointV2(const int& id, const int& l_id, RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pLane = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ if(pLane ->id != l_id)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int p= 0; p < pLane->points.size(); p++)
+ {
+ if(pLane->points.at(p).id == id)
+ return &pLane->points.at(p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+void MappingHelpers::ConstructRoadNetworkFromDataFiles(const std::string vectoMapPath, RoadNetwork& map, const bool& bZeroOrigin)
+ /**
+ * Exporting the center lines
+ */
+ string laneLinesDetails = vectoMapPath + "point.csv";
+ string center_lines_info = vectoMapPath + "dtlane.csv";
+ string lane_info = vectoMapPath + "lane.csv";
+ string node_info = vectoMapPath + "node.csv";
+ string area_info = vectoMapPath + "area.csv";
+ string line_info = vectoMapPath + "line.csv";
+ string signal_info = vectoMapPath + "signaldata.csv";
+ string stop_line_info = vectoMapPath + "stopline.csv";
+ string vector_info = vectoMapPath + "vector.csv";
+ string curb_info = vectoMapPath + "curb.csv";
+ string roadedge_info = vectoMapPath + "roadedge.csv";
+ string wayarea_info = vectoMapPath + "wayarea.csv";
+ string crosswalk_info = vectoMapPath + "crosswalk.csv";
+ string conn_info = vectoMapPath + "dataconnection.csv";
+ string intersection_info = vectoMapPath + "intersection.csv";
+ cout << " >> Loading vector map data files ... " << endl;
+ AisanCenterLinesFileReader center_lanes(center_lines_info);
+ AisanLanesFileReader lanes(lane_info);
+ AisanPointsFileReader points(laneLinesDetails);
+ AisanNodesFileReader nodes(node_info);
+ AisanLinesFileReader lines(line_info);
+ AisanStopLineFileReader stop_line(stop_line_info);
+ AisanSignalFileReader signal(signal_info);
+ AisanVectorFileReader vec(vector_info);
+ AisanCurbFileReader curb(curb_info);
+ AisanRoadEdgeFileReader roadedge(roadedge_info);
+ AisanDataConnFileReader conn(conn_info);
+ AisanAreasFileReader areas(area_info);
+ AisanWayareaFileReader way_area(wayarea_info);
+ AisanCrossWalkFileReader cross_walk(crosswalk_info);
+ vector<AisanIntersectionFileReader::AisanIntersection> intersection_data;
+ vector<AisanNodesFileReader::AisanNode> nodes_data;
+ vector<AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane> lanes_data;
+ vector<AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints> points_data;
+ vector<AisanCenterLinesFileReader::AisanCenterLine> dt_data;
+ vector<AisanLinesFileReader::AisanLine> line_data;
+ vector<AisanStopLineFileReader::AisanStopLine> stop_line_data;
+ vector<AisanSignalFileReader::AisanSignal> signal_data;
+ vector<AisanVectorFileReader::AisanVector> vector_data;
+ vector<AisanCurbFileReader::AisanCurb> curb_data;
+ vector<AisanRoadEdgeFileReader::AisanRoadEdge> roadedge_data;
+ vector<AisanAreasFileReader::AisanArea> area_data;
+ vector<AisanWayareaFileReader::AisanWayarea> way_area_data;
+ vector<AisanCrossWalkFileReader::AisanCrossWalk> crosswalk_data;
+ vector<AisanDataConnFileReader::DataConn> conn_data;
+ nodes.ReadAllData(nodes_data);
+ lanes.ReadAllData(lanes_data);
+ points.ReadAllData(points_data);
+ center_lanes.ReadAllData(dt_data);
+ lines.ReadAllData(line_data);
+ stop_line.ReadAllData(stop_line_data);
+ signal.ReadAllData(signal_data);
+ vec.ReadAllData(vector_data);
+ curb.ReadAllData(curb_data);
+ roadedge.ReadAllData(roadedge_data);
+ areas.ReadAllData(area_data);
+ way_area.ReadAllData(way_area_data);
+ cross_walk.ReadAllData(crosswalk_data);
+ conn.ReadAllData(conn_data);
+ if(points_data.size() == 0)
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "## Alert Can't Read Points Data from vector map files in path: " << vectoMapPath << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ //Special Condtion to be able to pars old data structures
+ int bSpecialMap = 0;
+ // use this to transform data to origin (0,0,0)
+ if(nodes_data.size() > 0 && bSpecialMap == 0)
+ {
+ ConstructRoadNetworkFromROSMessageV2(lanes_data, points_data, dt_data, intersection_data, area_data,
+ line_data, stop_line_data, signal_data, vector_data, curb_data, roadedge_data,
+ way_area_data, crosswalk_data, nodes_data, conn_data, &lanes, &points, &nodes, &lines,
+ GetTransformationOrigin(0), map, false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ConstructRoadNetworkFromROSMessage(lanes_data, points_data, dt_data, intersection_data, area_data,
+ line_data, stop_line_data, signal_data, vector_data, curb_data, roadedge_data,
+ way_area_data, crosswalk_data, nodes_data, conn_data,
+ GetTransformationOrigin(0), map, bSpecialMap == 1);
+ }
+ WayPoint origin = GetFirstWaypoint(map);
+ cout << origin.pos.ToString() ;
+bool MappingHelpers::GetWayPoint(const int& id, const int& laneID,const double& refVel, const int& did,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanCenterLinesFileReader::AisanCenterLine>& dtpoints,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints>& points,
+ const GPSPoint& origin, WayPoint& way_point)
+ for(unsigned int dtp =0; dtp < dtpoints.size(); dtp++)
+ {
+ if(dtpoints.at(dtp).DID == did)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int p =0; p < points.size(); p++)
+ {
+ if(dtpoints.at(dtp).PID == points.at(p).PID)
+ {
+ WayPoint wp;
+ wp.id = id;
+ wp.laneId = laneID;
+ wp.v = refVel;
+// double integ_part = points.at(p).L;
+// double deg = trunc(points.at(p).L);
+// double min = trunc((points.at(p).L - deg) * 100.0) / 60.0;
+// double sec = modf((points.at(p).L - deg) * 100.0, &integ_part)/36.0;
+// double L = deg + min + sec;
+// deg = trunc(points.at(p).B);
+// min = trunc((points.at(p).B - deg) * 100.0) / 60.0;
+// sec = modf((points.at(p).B - deg) * 100.0, &integ_part)/36.0;
+// double B = deg + min + sec;
+ wp.pos = GPSPoint(points.at(p).Ly + origin.x, points.at(p).Bx + origin.y, points.at(p).H + origin.z, dtpoints.at(dtp).Dir);
+ wp.pos.lat = points.at(p).L;
+ wp.pos.lon = points.at(p).B;
+ wp.pos.alt = points.at(p).H;
+ wp.pos.dir = dtpoints.at(dtp).Dir;
+ wp.iOriginalIndex = p;
+ way_point = wp;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void MappingHelpers::LoadKML(const std::string& kmlFile, RoadNetwork& map)
+ //First, Get the main element
+ TiXmlElement* pHeadElem = 0;
+ TiXmlElement* pElem = 0;
+ ifstream f(kmlFile.c_str());
+ if(!f.good())
+ {
+ cout << "Can't Open KML Map File: (" << kmlFile << ")" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ std::cout << " >> Loading KML Map file ... " << std::endl;
+ TiXmlDocument doc(kmlFile);
+ try
+ {
+ doc.LoadFile();
+ }
+ catch(exception& e)
+ {
+ cout << "KML Custom Reader Error, Can't Load .kml File, path is: "<< kmlFile << endl;
+ cout << e.what() << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ std::cout << " >> Reading Data from KML map file ... " << std::endl;
+ pElem = doc.FirstChildElement();
+ pHeadElem = GetHeadElement(pElem);
+ std::cout << " >> Load Lanes from KML file .. " << std::endl;
+ vector<Lane> laneLinksList = GetLanesList(pHeadElem);
+ map.roadSegments.clear();
+ map.roadSegments = GetRoadSegmentsList(pHeadElem);
+ std::cout << " >> Load Traffic lights from KML file .. " << std::endl;
+ vector<TrafficLight> trafficLights = GetTrafficLightsList(pHeadElem);
+ std::cout << " >> Load Stop lines from KML file .. " << std::endl;
+ vector<StopLine> stopLines = GetStopLinesList(pHeadElem);
+ std::cout << " >> Load Signes from KML file .. " << std::endl;
+ vector<TrafficSign> signs = GetTrafficSignsList(pHeadElem);
+ std::cout << " >> Load Crossings from KML file .. " << std::endl;
+ vector<Crossing> crossings = GetCrossingsList(pHeadElem);
+ std::cout << " >> Load Markings from KML file .. " << std::endl;
+ vector<Marking> markings = GetMarkingsList(pHeadElem);
+ std::cout << " >> Load Road boundaries from KML file .. " << std::endl;
+ vector<Boundary> boundaries = GetBoundariesList(pHeadElem);
+ std::cout << " >> Load Curbs from KML file .. " << std::endl;
+ vector<Curb> curbs = GetCurbsList(pHeadElem);
+ map.signs.clear();
+ map.signs = signs;
+ map.crossings.clear();
+ map.crossings = crossings;
+ map.markings.clear();
+ map.markings = markings;
+ map.boundaries.clear();
+ map.boundaries = boundaries;
+ map.curbs.clear();
+ map.curbs = curbs;
+ //Fill the relations
+ for(unsigned int i= 0; i<map.roadSegments.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ for(unsigned int j=0; j < laneLinksList.size(); j++)
+ {
+ PlanningHelpers::CalcAngleAndCost(laneLinksList.at(j).points);
+ map.roadSegments.at(i).Lanes.push_back(laneLinksList.at(j));
+ }
+ }
+ cout << " >> Link lanes and waypoints with pointers ... " << endl;
+ //Link Lanes and lane's waypoints by pointers
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ //Link Lanes
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->fromIds.size(); j++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int l= 0; l < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); l++)
+ {
+ if(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(l).id == pL->fromIds.at(j))
+ {
+ pL->fromLanes.push_back(&map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(l));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->toIds.size(); j++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int l= 0; l < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); l++)
+ {
+ if(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(l).id == pL->toIds.at(j))
+ {
+ pL->toLanes.push_back(&map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(l));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->points.size(); j++)
+ {
+ pL->points.at(j).pLane = pL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Link waypoints
+ cout << " >> Link missing branches and waypoints... " << endl;
+ LinkMissingBranchingWayPointsV2(map);
+ cout << " >> Link Lane change semantics ... " << endl;
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int p= 0; p < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.size(); p++)
+ {
+ WayPoint* pWP = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.at(p);
+ if(pWP->pLeft == 0 && pWP->LeftPointId > 0)
+ {
+ pWP->pLeft = FindWaypointV2(pWP->LeftPointId, pWP->laneId, map);
+ if(pWP->pLeft != nullptr)
+ {
+ pWP->LeftLnId = pWP->pLeft->laneId;
+ pWP->pLane->pLeftLane = pWP->pLeft->pLane;
+ if(pWP->pLeft->RightPointId == pWP->id)
+ {
+ pWP->pLeft->pRight = pWP;
+ pWP->pLeft->RightLnId = pWP->laneId;
+ pWP->pLeft->pLane->pRightLane = pWP->pLane;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(pWP->pRight == 0 && pWP->RightPointId > 0)
+ {
+ pWP->pRight = FindWaypointV2(pWP->RightPointId, pWP->laneId, map);
+ if(pWP->pRight != nullptr)
+ {
+ pWP->RightLnId = pWP->pRight->laneId;
+ pWP->pLane->pRightLane = pWP->pRight->pLane;
+ if(pWP->pRight->LeftPointId == pWP->id)
+ {
+ pWP->pRight->pLeft = pWP;
+ pWP->pRight->LeftLnId = pWP->laneId;
+ pWP->pRight->pLane->pLeftLane = pWP->pLane;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ map.stopLines = stopLines;
+ map.trafficLights = trafficLights;
+ //Link waypoints && StopLines
+ cout << " >> Link Stop lines and Traffic lights ... " << endl;
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int itl = 0; itl < map.trafficLights.size(); itl++)
+ {
+ if(map.trafficLights.at(itl).CheckLane(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).id))
+ {
+ map.trafficLights.at(itl).pLanes.push_back(&map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i));
+ map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).trafficlights.push_back(map.trafficLights.at(itl));
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int isl = 0; isl < map.stopLines.size(); isl++)
+ {
+ if(map.stopLines.at(isl).laneId == map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).id)
+ {
+ map.stopLines.at(isl).pLane = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).stopLines.push_back(map.stopLines.at(isl));
+ WayPoint wp((map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(0).x+map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(1).x)/2.0, (map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(0).y+map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(1).y)/2.0, (map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(0).z+map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(1).z)/2.0, (map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(0).a+map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(1).a)/2.0);
+ map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.at(PlanningHelpers::GetClosestNextPointIndexFast(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points, wp)).stopLineID = map.stopLines.at(isl).id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cout << " >> Find Max IDs ... " << endl;
+ GetMapMaxIds(map);
+ cout << "Map loaded from kml file with (" << laneLinksList.size() << ") lanes, First Point ( " << GetFirstWaypoint(map).pos.ToString() << ")"<< endl;
+TiXmlElement* MappingHelpers::GetHeadElement(TiXmlElement* pMainElem)
+ TiXmlElement* pElem = pMainElem;
+ if(pElem)
+ pElem = pElem->FirstChildElement("Folder");
+ if(pElem && pElem->FirstChildElement("Folder"))
+ pElem = pElem->FirstChildElement("Folder");
+ if(pElem && pElem->FirstChildElement("Document"))
+ pElem = pElem->FirstChildElement("Document");
+ if(!pElem)
+ {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return pElem;
+TiXmlElement* MappingHelpers::GetDataFolder(const string& folderName, TiXmlElement* pMainElem)
+ if(!pMainElem) return nullptr;
+ TiXmlElement* pElem = pMainElem->FirstChildElement("Folder");
+ string folderID="";
+ for(; pElem; pElem=pElem->NextSiblingElement())
+ {
+ folderID="";
+ if(pElem->FirstChildElement("name")->GetText()) //Map Name
+ folderID = pElem->FirstChildElement("name")->GetText();
+ if(folderID.compare(folderName)==0)
+ return pElem;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+WayPoint* MappingHelpers::GetClosestWaypointFromMap(const WayPoint& pos, RoadNetwork& map, const bool bDirectionBased)
+ double distance_to_nearest_lane = 1;
+ Lane* pLane = 0;
+ while(distance_to_nearest_lane < 100 && pLane == 0)
+ {
+ pLane = GetClosestLaneFromMap(pos, map, distance_to_nearest_lane, bDirectionBased);
+ distance_to_nearest_lane += 1;
+ }
+ if(!pLane) return nullptr;
+ int closest_index = PlanningHelpers::GetClosestNextPointIndexFast(pLane->points, pos);
+ return &pLane->points.at(closest_index);
+vector<WayPoint*> MappingHelpers::GetClosestWaypointsListFromMap(const WayPoint& pos, RoadNetwork& map, const double& distance, const bool bDirectionBased)
+ vector<Lane*> pLanes = GetClosestLanesListFromMap(pos, map, distance, bDirectionBased);
+ vector<WayPoint*> waypoints_list;
+ if(pLanes.size() == 0) return waypoints_list;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pLanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(pLanes.at(i))
+ {
+ int closest_index = PlanningHelpers::GetClosestNextPointIndexFast(pLanes.at(i)->points, pos);
+ waypoints_list.push_back(&pLanes.at(i)->points.at(closest_index));
+ }
+ }
+ return waypoints_list;
+WayPoint* MappingHelpers::GetClosestBackWaypointFromMap(const WayPoint& pos, RoadNetwork& map)
+ double distance_to_nearest_lane = 1;
+ Lane* pLane = 0;
+ while(distance_to_nearest_lane < 100 && pLane == 0)
+ {
+ pLane = GetClosestLaneFromMap(pos, map, distance_to_nearest_lane);
+ distance_to_nearest_lane += 1;
+ }
+ if(!pLane) return nullptr;
+ int closest_index = PlanningHelpers::GetClosestNextPointIndexFast(pLane->points, pos);
+ if(closest_index>2)
+ return &pLane->points.at(closest_index-3);
+ else if(closest_index>1)
+ return &pLane->points.at(closest_index-2);
+ else if(closest_index>0)
+ return &pLane->points.at(closest_index-1);
+ else
+ return &pLane->points.at(closest_index);
+std::vector<Lane*> MappingHelpers::GetClosestLanesFast(const WayPoint& center, RoadNetwork& map, const double& distance)
+ vector<Lane*> lanesList;
+ for(unsigned int j=0; j< map.roadSegments.size(); j ++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int k=0; k< map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.size(); k ++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL = &map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k);
+ int index = PlanningHelpers::GetClosestNextPointIndexFast(pL->points, center);
+ if(index < 0 || index >= pL->points.size()) continue;
+ double d = hypot(pL->points.at(index).pos.y - center.pos.y, pL->points.at(index).pos.x - center.pos.x);
+ if(d <= distance)
+ lanesList.push_back(pL);
+ }
+ }
+ return lanesList;
+Lane* MappingHelpers::GetClosestLaneFromMap(const WayPoint& pos, RoadNetwork& map, const double& distance, const bool bDirectionBased)
+ vector<pair<double, Lane*> > laneLinksList;
+ double d = 0;
+ double min_d = DBL_MAX;
+ //std::cout<<"road segmentt size: "<<map.roadSegments.size()<<std::endl;
+ for(unsigned int j=0; j< map.roadSegments.size(); j ++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int k=0; k< map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.size(); k ++)
+ {
+ //Lane* pLane = &pEdge->lanes.at(k);
+ d = 0;
+ min_d = DBL_MAX;
+ for(unsigned int pindex=0; pindex< map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).points.size(); pindex ++)
+ {
+ d = distance2points(map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).points.at(pindex).pos, pos.pos);
+ if(d < min_d)
+ min_d = d;
+ }
+ if(min_d < distance)
+ laneLinksList.push_back(make_pair(min_d, &map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k)));
+ }
+ }
+ if(laneLinksList.size() == 0) return nullptr;
+ min_d = DBL_MAX;
+ Lane* closest_lane = 0;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < laneLinksList.size(); i++)
+ {
+ RelativeInfo info;
+ PlanningHelpers::GetRelativeInfo(laneLinksList.at(i).second->points, pos, info);
+ if(info.perp_distance == 0 && laneLinksList.at(i).first != 0)
+ continue;
+ if(bDirectionBased && fabs(info.perp_distance) < min_d && fabs(info.angle_diff) < 45)
+ {
+ min_d = fabs(info.perp_distance);
+ closest_lane = laneLinksList.at(i).second;
+ }
+ else if(!bDirectionBased && fabs(info.perp_distance) < min_d)
+ {
+ min_d = fabs(info.perp_distance);
+ closest_lane = laneLinksList.at(i).second;
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout<<" min d : "<<min_d<<std::endl;;
+ return closest_lane;
+vector<Lane*> MappingHelpers::GetClosestLanesListFromMap(const WayPoint& pos, RoadNetwork& map, const double& distance, const bool bDirectionBased)
+ vector<pair<double, Lane*> > laneLinksList;
+ double d = 0;
+ double min_d = DBL_MAX;
+ for(unsigned int j=0; j< map.roadSegments.size(); j ++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int k=0; k< map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.size(); k ++)
+ {
+ //Lane* pLane = &pEdge->lanes.at(k);
+ d = 0;
+ min_d = DBL_MAX;
+ for(unsigned int pindex=0; pindex< map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).points.size(); pindex ++)
+ {
+ d = distance2points(map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).points.at(pindex).pos, pos.pos);
+ if(d < min_d)
+ min_d = d;
+ }
+ if(min_d < distance)
+ laneLinksList.push_back(make_pair(min_d, &map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k)));
+ }
+ }
+ vector<Lane*> closest_lanes;
+ if(laneLinksList.size() == 0) return closest_lanes;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < laneLinksList.size(); i++)
+ {
+ RelativeInfo info;
+ PlanningHelpers::GetRelativeInfo(laneLinksList.at(i).second->points, pos, info);
+ if(info.perp_distance == 0 && laneLinksList.at(i).first != 0)
+ continue;
+ if(bDirectionBased && fabs(info.perp_distance) < distance && fabs(info.angle_diff) < 30)
+ {
+ closest_lanes.push_back(laneLinksList.at(i).second);
+ }
+ else if(!bDirectionBased && fabs(info.perp_distance) < distance)
+ {
+ closest_lanes.push_back(laneLinksList.at(i).second);
+ }
+ }
+ return closest_lanes;
+Lane* MappingHelpers::GetClosestLaneFromMapDirectionBased(const WayPoint& pos, RoadNetwork& map, const double& distance)
+ vector<pair<double, WayPoint*> > laneLinksList;
+ double d = 0;
+ double min_d = DBL_MAX;
+ int min_i = 0;
+ for(unsigned int j=0; j< map.roadSegments.size(); j ++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int k=0; k< map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.size(); k ++)
+ {
+ //Lane* pLane = &pEdge->lanes.at(k);
+ d = 0;
+ min_d = DBL_MAX;
+ for(unsigned int pindex=0; pindex< map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).points.size(); pindex ++)
+ {
+ d = distance2points(map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).points.at(pindex).pos, pos.pos);
+ if(d < min_d)
+ {
+ min_d = d;
+ min_i = pindex;
+ }
+ }
+ if(min_d < distance)
+ laneLinksList.push_back(make_pair(min_d, &map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).points.at(min_i)));
+ }
+ }
+ if(laneLinksList.size() == 0) return nullptr;
+ min_d = DBL_MAX;
+ Lane* closest_lane = 0;
+ double a_diff = 0;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < laneLinksList.size(); i++)
+ {
+ RelativeInfo info;
+ PlanningHelpers::GetRelativeInfo(laneLinksList.at(i).second->pLane->points, pos, info);
+ if(info.perp_distance == 0 && laneLinksList.at(i).first != 0)
+ continue;
+ a_diff = UtilityH::AngleBetweenTwoAnglesPositive(laneLinksList.at(i).second->pos.a, pos.pos.a);
+ if(fabs(info.perp_distance)<min_d && a_diff <= M_PI_4)
+ {
+ min_d = fabs(info.perp_distance);
+ closest_lane = laneLinksList.at(i).second->pLane;
+ }
+ }
+ return closest_lane;
+ std::vector<Lane*> MappingHelpers::GetClosestMultipleLanesFromMap(const WayPoint& pos, RoadNetwork& map, const double& distance)
+ vector<Lane*> lanesList;
+ double d = 0;
+ double a_diff = 0;
+ for(unsigned int j=0; j< map.roadSegments.size(); j ++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int k=0; k< map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.size(); k ++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int pindex=0; pindex< map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).points.size(); pindex ++)
+ {
+ d = distance2points(map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).points.at(pindex).pos, pos.pos);
+ a_diff = UtilityH::AngleBetweenTwoAnglesPositive(map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).points.at(pindex).pos.a, pos.pos.a);
+ if(d <= distance && a_diff <= M_PI_4)
+ {
+ bool bLaneExist = false;
+ for(unsigned int il = 0; il < lanesList.size(); il++)
+ {
+ if(lanesList.at(il)->id == map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).id)
+ {
+ bLaneExist = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!bLaneExist)
+ lanesList.push_back(&map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return lanesList;
+WayPoint MappingHelpers::GetFirstWaypoint(RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int j=0; j< map.roadSegments.size(); j ++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int k=0; k< map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.size(); k ++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int pindex=0; pindex< map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).points.size(); pindex ++)
+ {
+ WayPoint fp = map.roadSegments.at(j).Lanes.at(k).points.at(pindex);
+ return fp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return WayPoint();
+WayPoint* MappingHelpers::GetLastWaypoint(RoadNetwork& map)
+ if(map.roadSegments.size() > 0 && map.roadSegments.at(map.roadSegments.size()-1).Lanes.size() > 0)
+ {
+ std::vector<Lane>* lanes = &map.roadSegments.at(map.roadSegments.size()-1).Lanes;
+ if(lanes->at(lanes->size()-1).points.size() > 0)
+ return &lanes->at(lanes->size()-1).points.at(lanes->at(lanes->size()-1).points.size()-1);
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+void MappingHelpers::GetUniqueNextLanes(const Lane* l, const vector<Lane*>& traversed_lanes, vector<Lane*>& lanes_list)
+ if(!l) return;
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i< l->toLanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ bool bFound = false;
+ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < traversed_lanes.size(); j++)
+ if(l->toLanes.at(i)->id == traversed_lanes.at(j)->id)
+ {
+ bFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!bFound)
+ lanes_list.push_back(l->toLanes.at(i));
+ }
+Lane* MappingHelpers::GetLaneFromPath(const WayPoint& currPos, const std::vector<WayPoint>& currPath)
+ if(currPath.size() < 1) return nullptr;
+ int closest_index = PlanningHelpers::GetClosestNextPointIndexFast(currPath, currPos);
+ return currPath.at(closest_index).pLane;
+std::vector<Curb> MappingHelpers::GetCurbsList(TiXmlElement* pElem)
+ vector<Curb> cList;
+ TiXmlElement* pCurbs = GetDataFolder("CurbsLines", pElem);
+ if(!pCurbs)
+ return cList;
+ TiXmlElement* pE = pCurbs->FirstChildElement("Placemark");
+ for( ; pE; pE=pE->NextSiblingElement())
+ {
+ string tfID;
+ TiXmlElement* pNameXml = pE->FirstChildElement("name");
+ if(pNameXml)
+ {
+ tfID = pNameXml->GetText();
+ Curb c;
+ c.id = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "BID", "LnID").at(0);
+ c.laneId = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "LnID", "RdID").at(0);
+ c.roadId = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "RdID", "").at(0);
+ TiXmlElement* pPoints = pE->FirstChildElement("LineString")->FirstChildElement("coordinates");
+ c.points = GetPointsData(pPoints);
+ cList.push_back(c);
+ }
+ }
+ return cList;
+std::vector<Boundary> MappingHelpers::GetBoundariesList(TiXmlElement* pElem)
+ vector<Boundary> bList;
+ TiXmlElement* pBoundaries = GetDataFolder("Boundaries", pElem);
+ if(!pBoundaries)
+ return bList;
+ TiXmlElement* pE = pBoundaries->FirstChildElement("Placemark");
+ for( ; pE; pE=pE->NextSiblingElement())
+ {
+ string tfID;
+ TiXmlElement* pNameXml = pE->FirstChildElement("name");
+ if(pNameXml)
+ {
+ tfID = pNameXml->GetText();
+ Boundary b;
+ b.id = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "BID", "RdID").at(0);
+ b.roadId = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "RdID", "").at(0);
+ TiXmlElement* pPoints = pE->FirstChildElement("LineString")->FirstChildElement("coordinates");
+ b.points = GetPointsData(pPoints);
+ bList.push_back(b);
+ }
+ }
+ return bList;
+std::vector<Marking> MappingHelpers::GetMarkingsList(TiXmlElement* pElem)
+ vector<Marking> mList;
+ TiXmlElement* pMarkings= GetDataFolder("Markings", pElem);
+ if(!pMarkings)
+ return mList;
+ TiXmlElement* pE = pMarkings->FirstChildElement("Placemark");
+ for( ; pE; pE=pE->NextSiblingElement())
+ {
+ string tfID;
+ TiXmlElement* pNameXml =pE->FirstChildElement("name");
+ if(pNameXml)
+ {
+ tfID = pNameXml->GetText();
+ Marking m;
+ m.id = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "MID", "LnID").at(0);
+ m.laneId = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "LnID", "RdID").at(0);
+ m.roadId = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "RdID", "").at(0);
+ TiXmlElement* pPoints = pE->FirstChildElement("LineString")->FirstChildElement("coordinates");
+ m.points = GetPointsData(pPoints);
+ if(m.points.size() > 0)
+ {
+ //first item is the center of the marking
+ m.center = m.points.at(0);
+ m.points.erase(m.points.begin()+0);
+ }
+ mList.push_back(m);
+ }
+ }
+ return mList;
+std::vector<Crossing> MappingHelpers::GetCrossingsList(TiXmlElement* pElem)
+ vector<Crossing> crossList;
+ TiXmlElement* pCrossings= GetDataFolder("Crossings", pElem);
+ if(!pCrossings)
+ return crossList;
+ TiXmlElement* pE = pCrossings->FirstChildElement("Placemark");
+ for( ; pE; pE=pE->NextSiblingElement())
+ {
+ string tfID;
+ TiXmlElement* pNameXml =pE->FirstChildElement("name");
+ if(pNameXml)
+ {
+ tfID = pNameXml->GetText();
+ Crossing cross;
+ cross.id = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "CRID", "RdID").at(0);
+ cross.roadId = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "RdID", "").at(0);
+ TiXmlElement* pPoints = pE->FirstChildElement("LineString")->FirstChildElement("coordinates");
+ cross.points = GetPointsData(pPoints);
+ crossList.push_back(cross);
+ }
+ }
+ return crossList;
+std::vector<TrafficSign> MappingHelpers::GetTrafficSignsList(TiXmlElement* pElem)
+ vector<TrafficSign> tsList;
+ TiXmlElement* pSigns = GetDataFolder("TrafficSigns", pElem);
+ if(!pSigns)
+ return tsList;
+ TiXmlElement* pE = pSigns->FirstChildElement("Placemark");
+ for( ; pE; pE=pE->NextSiblingElement())
+ {
+ string tfID;
+ TiXmlElement* pNameXml =pE->FirstChildElement("name");
+ if(pNameXml)
+ {
+ tfID = pNameXml->GetText();
+ TrafficSign ts;
+ ts.id = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "TSID", "LnID").at(0);
+ ts.laneId = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "LnID", "RdID").at(0);
+ ts.roadId = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "RdID", "Type").at(0);
+ int iType = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "Type", "").at(0);
+ switch(iType)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ ts.signType = UNKNOWN_SIGN;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ ts.signType = STOP_SIGN;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ ts.signType = MAX_SPEED_SIGN;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ ts.signType = MIN_SPEED_SIGN;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ts.signType = STOP_SIGN;
+ break;
+ }
+ TiXmlElement* pPoints = pE->FirstChildElement("LineString")->FirstChildElement("coordinates");
+ ts.pos = GetPointsData(pPoints).at(0);
+ tsList.push_back(ts);
+ }
+ }
+ return tsList;
+std::vector<StopLine> MappingHelpers::GetStopLinesList(TiXmlElement* pElem)
+ vector<StopLine> slList;
+ TiXmlElement* pStopLines = GetDataFolder("StopLines", pElem);
+ if(!pStopLines)
+ return slList;
+ TiXmlElement* pE = pStopLines->FirstChildElement("Placemark");
+ for( ; pE; pE=pE->NextSiblingElement())
+ {
+ string tfID;
+ TiXmlElement* pNameXml =pE->FirstChildElement("name");
+ if(pNameXml)
+ {
+ tfID = pNameXml->GetText();
+ StopLine sl;
+ sl.id = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "SLID", "LnID").at(0);
+ sl.laneId = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "LnID", "TSID").at(0);
+ sl.stopSignID = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "TSID", "TLID").at(0);
+ sl.trafficLightID = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "TLID", "").at(0);
+ TiXmlElement* pPoints = pE->FirstChildElement("LineString")->FirstChildElement("coordinates");
+ sl.points = GetPointsData(pPoints);
+ slList.push_back(sl);
+ }
+ }
+ return slList;
+std::vector<TrafficLight> MappingHelpers::GetTrafficLightsList(TiXmlElement* pElem)
+ vector<TrafficLight> tlList;
+ TiXmlElement* pLightsLines = GetDataFolder("TrafficLights", pElem);
+ if(!pLightsLines)
+ return tlList;
+ TiXmlElement* pE = pLightsLines->FirstChildElement("Placemark");
+ for( ; pE; pE=pE->NextSiblingElement())
+ {
+ string tfID;
+ TiXmlElement* pNameXml =pE->FirstChildElement("name");
+ if(pNameXml)
+ {
+ tfID = pNameXml->GetText();
+ TrafficLight tl;
+ tl.id = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "TLID", "LnID").at(0);
+ tl.laneIds = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "LnID", "");
+ TiXmlElement* pPoints = pE->FirstChildElement("Point")->FirstChildElement("coordinates");
+ tl.pos = GetPointsData(pPoints).at(0);
+ tlList.push_back(tl);
+ }
+ }
+ return tlList;
+vector<Lane> MappingHelpers::GetLanesList(TiXmlElement* pElem)
+ vector<Lane> llList;
+ TiXmlElement* pLaneLinks = GetDataFolder("Lanes", pElem);
+ if(!pLaneLinks)
+ return llList;
+ TiXmlElement* pE = pLaneLinks->FirstChildElement("Folder");
+ for( ; pE; pE=pE->NextSiblingElement())
+ {
+ string tfID;
+ TiXmlElement* pNameXml =pE->FirstChildElement("description");
+ if(pNameXml)
+ {
+ tfID = pNameXml->GetText();
+ Lane ll;
+ ll.id = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "LID", "RSID").at(0);
+ ll.roadId = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "RSID", "NUM").at(0);
+ ll.num = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "NUM", "From").at(0);
+ ll.fromIds = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "From", "To");
+ ll.toIds = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "To", "Vel");
+ ll.speed = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "Vel", "").at(0);
+ if(m_USING_VER_ZERO == 1)
+ ll.points = GetCenterLaneDataVer0(pE, ll.id);
+ else
+ ll.points = GetCenterLaneData(pE, ll.id);
+ llList.push_back(ll);
+ }
+ }
+ return llList;
+vector<RoadSegment> MappingHelpers::GetRoadSegmentsList(TiXmlElement* pElem)
+ vector<RoadSegment> rlList;
+ TiXmlElement* pRoadLinks = GetDataFolder("RoadSegments", pElem);
+ if(!pRoadLinks)
+ return rlList;
+ TiXmlElement* pE = pRoadLinks->FirstChildElement("Placemark");
+ for( ; pE; pE=pE->NextSiblingElement())
+ {
+ string tfID;
+ TiXmlElement* pNameXml =pE->FirstChildElement("description");
+ if(pNameXml)
+ tfID = pNameXml->GetText();
+ RoadSegment rl;
+ rl.id = GetIDsFromPrefix(tfID, "RSID", "").at(0);
+ rlList.push_back(rl);
+ }
+ return rlList;
+std::vector<GPSPoint> MappingHelpers::GetPointsData(TiXmlElement* pElem)
+ std::vector<GPSPoint> points;
+ if(pElem)
+ {
+ string coordinate_list;
+ if(!pElem->NoChildren())
+ coordinate_list = pElem->GetText();
+ istringstream str_stream(coordinate_list);
+ string token, temp;
+ while(getline(str_stream, token, ' '))
+ {
+ string lat, lon, alt;
+ double numLat=0, numLon=0, numAlt=0;
+ istringstream ss(token);
+ getline(ss, lat, ',');
+ getline(ss, lon, ',');
+ getline(ss, alt, ',');
+ numLat = atof(lat.c_str());
+ numLon = atof(lon.c_str());
+ numAlt = atof(alt.c_str());
+ GPSPoint p;
+ p.x = p.lat = numLat;
+ p.y = p.lon = numLon;
+ p.z = p.alt = numAlt;
+ points.push_back(p);
+ }
+ }
+ return points;
+vector<WayPoint> MappingHelpers::GetCenterLaneData(TiXmlElement* pElem, const int& currLaneID)
+ vector<WayPoint> gps_points;
+ TiXmlElement* pV = pElem->FirstChildElement("Placemark");
+ if(pV)
+ pV = pV->FirstChildElement("LineString");
+ if(pV)
+ pV = pV->FirstChildElement("coordinates");
+ if(pV)
+ {
+ string coordinate_list;
+ if(!pV->NoChildren())
+ coordinate_list = pV->GetText();
+ istringstream str_stream(coordinate_list);
+ string token, temp;
+ while(getline(str_stream, token, ' '))
+ {
+ string lat, lon, alt;
+ double numLat=0, numLon=0, numAlt=0;
+ istringstream ss(token);
+ getline(ss, lat, ',');
+ getline(ss, lon, ',');
+ getline(ss, alt, ',');
+ numLat = atof(lat.c_str());
+ numLon = atof(lon.c_str());
+ numAlt = atof(alt.c_str());
+ WayPoint wp;
+ wp.pos.x = wp.pos.lat = numLat;
+ wp.pos.y = wp.pos.lon = numLon;
+ wp.pos.z = wp.pos.alt = numAlt;
+ wp.laneId = currLaneID;
+ gps_points.push_back(wp);
+ }
+ TiXmlElement* pInfoEl =pElem->FirstChildElement("Folder")->FirstChildElement("description");
+ string additional_info;
+ if(pInfoEl)
+ additional_info = pInfoEl->GetText();
+ additional_info.insert(additional_info.begin(), ',');
+ additional_info.erase(additional_info.end()-1);
+ vector<string> add_info_list = SplitString(additional_info, ",");
+ if(gps_points.size() == add_info_list.size())
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i< gps_points.size(); i++)
+ {
+ gps_points.at(i).id = GetIDsFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "WPID", "AC").at(0);
+ gps_points.at(i).actionCost.push_back(GetActionPairFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "AC", "From"));
+ gps_points.at(i).fromIds = GetIDsFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "From", "To");
+ gps_points.at(i).toIds = GetIDsFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "To", "Lid");
+ vector<int> ids = GetIDsFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "Lid", "Rid");
+ if(ids.size() > 0)
+ gps_points.at(i).LeftPointId = ids.at(0);
+ ids = GetIDsFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "Rid", "Vel");
+ if(ids.size() > 0)
+ gps_points.at(i).RightPointId = ids.at(0);
+ vector<double> dnums = GetDoubleFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "Vel", "Dir");
+ if(dnums.size() > 0)
+ gps_points.at(i).v = dnums.at(0);
+ dnums = GetDoubleFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "Dir", "");
+ if(dnums.size() > 0)
+ gps_points.at(i).pos.a = gps_points.at(i).pos.dir = dnums.at(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return gps_points;
+vector<WayPoint> MappingHelpers::GetCenterLaneDataVer0(TiXmlElement* pElem, const int& currLaneID)
+ vector<WayPoint> gps_points;
+ TiXmlElement* pV = pElem->FirstChildElement("Placemark");
+ if(pV)
+ pV = pV->FirstChildElement("LineString");
+ if(pV)
+ pV = pV->FirstChildElement("coordinates");
+ if(pV)
+ {
+ string coordinate_list;
+ if(!pV->NoChildren())
+ coordinate_list = pV->GetText();
+ istringstream str_stream(coordinate_list);
+ string token, temp;
+ while(getline(str_stream, token, ' '))
+ {
+ string lat, lon, alt;
+ double numLat=0, numLon=0, numAlt=0;
+ istringstream ss(token);
+ getline(ss, lat, ',');
+ getline(ss, lon, ',');
+ getline(ss, alt, ',');
+ numLat = atof(lat.c_str());
+ numLon = atof(lon.c_str());
+ numAlt = atof(alt.c_str());
+ WayPoint wp;
+ wp.pos.x = wp.pos.lat = numLat;
+ wp.pos.y = wp.pos.lon = numLon;
+ wp.pos.z = wp.pos.alt = numAlt;
+ wp.laneId = currLaneID;
+ gps_points.push_back(wp);
+ }
+ TiXmlElement* pInfoEl =pElem->FirstChildElement("Folder")->FirstChildElement("description");
+ string additional_info;
+ if(pInfoEl)
+ additional_info = pInfoEl->GetText();
+ additional_info.insert(additional_info.begin(), ',');
+ additional_info.erase(additional_info.end()-1);
+ vector<string> add_info_list = SplitString(additional_info, ",");
+ if(gps_points.size() == add_info_list.size())
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i< gps_points.size(); i++)
+ {
+ gps_points.at(i).id = GetIDsFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "WPID", "C").at(0);
+ gps_points.at(i).fromIds = GetIDsFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "From", "To");
+ gps_points.at(i).toIds = GetIDsFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "To", "Vel");
+ gps_points.at(i).v = GetDoubleFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "Vel", "Dir").at(0);
+ gps_points.at(i).pos.a = gps_points.at(i).pos.dir = GetDoubleFromPrefix(add_info_list.at(i), "Dir", "").at(0);
+// if(currLaneID == 11115)
+// {
+// pair<ACTION_TYPE, double> act_cost;
+// act_cost.first = FORWARD_ACTION;
+// act_cost.second = 100;
+// gps_points.at(i).actionCost.push_back(act_cost);
+// }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return gps_points;
+vector<int> MappingHelpers::GetIDsFromPrefix(const string& str, const string& prefix, const string& postfix)
+ int index1 = str.find(prefix)+prefix.size();
+ int index2 = str.find(postfix, index1);
+ if(index2 < 0 || postfix.size() ==0)
+ index2 = str.size();
+ string str_ids = str.substr(index1, index2-index1);
+ vector<int> ids;
+ vector<string> idstr = SplitString(str_ids, "_");
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i< idstr.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ if(idstr.at(i).size()>0)
+ {
+ int num = atoi(idstr.at(i).c_str());
+ //if(num>-1)
+ ids.push_back(num);
+ }
+ }
+ return ids;
+vector<double> MappingHelpers::GetDoubleFromPrefix(const string& str, const string& prefix, const string& postfix)
+ int index1 = str.find(prefix)+prefix.size();
+ int index2 = str.find(postfix, index1);
+ if(index2 < 0 || postfix.size() ==0)
+ index2 = str.size();
+ string str_ids = str.substr(index1, index2-index1);
+ vector<double> ids;
+ vector<string> idstr = SplitString(str_ids, "_");
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i< idstr.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ if(idstr.at(i).size()>0)
+ {
+ double num = atof(idstr.at(i).c_str());
+ //if(num>-1)
+ ids.push_back(num);
+ }
+ }
+ return ids;
+pair<ACTION_TYPE, double> MappingHelpers::GetActionPairFromPrefix(const string& str, const string& prefix, const string& postfix)
+ int index1 = str.find(prefix)+prefix.size();
+ int index2 = str.find(postfix, index1);
+ if(index2<0 || postfix.size() ==0)
+ index2 = str.size();
+ string str_ids = str.substr(index1, index2-index1);
+ pair<ACTION_TYPE, double> act_cost;
+ act_cost.first = FORWARD_ACTION;
+ act_cost.second = 0;
+ vector<string> idstr = SplitString(str_ids, "_");
+ if(idstr.size() >= 2)
+ {
+ if(idstr.at(0).size() > 0 && idstr.at(0).at(0) == 'L')
+ act_cost.first = LEFT_TURN_ACTION;
+ else if(idstr.at(0).size() > 0 && idstr.at(0).at(0) == 'R')
+ act_cost.first = RIGHT_TURN_ACTION;
+ if(idstr.at(1).size() > 0)
+ act_cost.second = atof(idstr.at(1).c_str());
+ }
+ return act_cost;
+vector<string> MappingHelpers::SplitString(const string& str, const string& token)
+ vector<string> str_parts;
+ int iFirstPart = str.find(token);
+ while(iFirstPart >= 0)
+ {
+ iFirstPart++;
+ int iSecondPart = str.find(token, iFirstPart);
+ if(iSecondPart>0)
+ {
+ str_parts.push_back(str.substr(iFirstPart,iSecondPart - iFirstPart));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ str_parts.push_back(str.substr(iFirstPart,str.size() - iFirstPart));
+ }
+ iFirstPart = iSecondPart;
+ }
+ return str_parts;
+void MappingHelpers::FindAdjacentLanes(RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ //Link Lanes
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ //Link left and right lanes
+ for(unsigned int rs_2 = 0; rs_2 < map.roadSegments.size(); rs_2++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i2 =0; i2 < map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.size(); i2++)
+ {
+ int iCenter1 = pL->points.size()/2;
+ WayPoint wp_1 = pL->points.at(iCenter1);
+ int iCenter2 = PlanningHelpers::GetClosestNextPointIndexFast(map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2).points, wp_1 );
+ WayPoint closest_p = map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2).points.at(iCenter2);
+ double mid_a1 = wp_1.pos.a;
+ double mid_a2 = closest_p.pos.a;
+ double angle_diff = UtilityH::AngleBetweenTwoAnglesPositive(mid_a1, mid_a2);
+ double distance = distance2points(wp_1.pos, closest_p.pos);
+ if(pL->id != map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2).id && angle_diff < 0.05 && distance < 3.5 && distance > 2.5)
+ {
+ double perp_distance = DBL_MAX;
+ if(pL->points.size() > 2 && map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2).points.size()>2)
+ {
+ RelativeInfo info;
+ PlanningHelpers::GetRelativeInfo(pL->points, closest_p, info);
+ perp_distance = info.perp_distance;
+ //perp_distance = PlanningHelpers::GetPerpDistanceToVectorSimple(pL->points.at(iCenter1-1), pL->points.at(iCenter1+1), closest_p);
+ }
+ if(perp_distance > 1.0 && perp_distance < 10.0)
+ {
+ pL->pRightLane = &map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2);
+ for(unsigned int i_internal = 0; i_internal< pL->points.size(); i_internal++)
+ {
+ if(i_internal<map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2).points.size())
+ {
+ pL->points.at(i_internal).RightPointId = map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2).id;
+ pL->points.at(i_internal).pRight = &map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2).points.at(i_internal);
+// map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2).points.at(i_internal).pLeft = &pL->points.at(i_internal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(perp_distance < -1.0 && perp_distance > -10.0)
+ {
+ pL->pLeftLane = &map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2);
+ for(unsigned int i_internal = 0; i_internal< pL->points.size(); i_internal++)
+ {
+ if(i_internal<map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2).points.size())
+ {
+ pL->points.at(i_internal).LeftPointId = map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2).id;
+ pL->points.at(i_internal).pLeft = &map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2).points.at(i_internal);
+// map.roadSegments.at(rs_2).Lanes.at(i2).points.at(i_internal).pRight = &pL->points.at(i_internal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::ExtractSignalData(const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanSignalFileReader::AisanSignal>& signal_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanVectorFileReader::AisanVector>& vector_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints>& points_data,
+ const GPSPoint& origin, RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int is=0; is< signal_data.size(); is++)
+ {
+ if(signal_data.at(is).Type == 2)
+ {
+ TrafficLight tl;
+ tl.id = signal_data.at(is).ID;
+ tl.linkID = signal_data.at(is).LinkID;
+ tl.stoppingDistance = 0;
+ for(unsigned int iv = 0; iv < vector_data.size(); iv++)
+ {
+ if(signal_data.at(is).VID == vector_data.at(iv).VID)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int ip = 0; ip < points_data.size(); ip++)
+ {
+ if(vector_data.at(iv).PID == points_data.at(ip).PID)
+ {
+ tl.pos = GPSPoint(points_data.at(ip).Ly + origin.x, points_data.at(ip).Bx + origin.y, points_data.at(ip).H + origin.z, vector_data.at(iv).Hang*DEG2RAD);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ map.trafficLights.push_back(tl);
+ if(tl.id > g_max_traffic_light_id)
+ g_max_traffic_light_id = tl.id;
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::ExtractStopLinesData(const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanStopLineFileReader::AisanStopLine>& stop_line_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanLinesFileReader::AisanLine>& line_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints>& points_data,
+ const GPSPoint& origin, RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int ist=0; ist < stop_line_data.size(); ist++)
+ {
+ StopLine sl;
+ sl.linkID = stop_line_data.at(ist).LinkID;
+ sl.id = stop_line_data.at(ist).ID;
+ if(stop_line_data.at(ist).TLID>0)
+ sl.trafficLightID = stop_line_data.at(ist).TLID;
+ else
+ sl.stopSignID = 100+ist;
+ for(unsigned int il=0; il < line_data.size(); il++)
+ {
+ if(stop_line_data.at(ist).LID == line_data.at(il).LID)
+ {
+ int s_id = line_data.at(il).BPID;
+ int e_id = line_data.at(il).FPID;
+ for(unsigned int ip = 0; ip < points_data.size(); ip++)
+ {
+ if(points_data.at(ip).PID == s_id || points_data.at(ip).PID == e_id)
+ {
+ sl.points.push_back(GPSPoint(points_data.at(ip).Ly + origin.x, points_data.at(ip).Bx + origin.y, points_data.at(ip).H + origin.z, 0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ map.stopLines.push_back(sl);
+ if(sl.id > g_max_stop_line_id)
+ g_max_stop_line_id = sl.id;
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::ExtractCurbData(const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanCurbFileReader::AisanCurb>& curb_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanLinesFileReader::AisanLine>& line_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints>& points_data,
+ const GPSPoint& origin, RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int ic=0; ic < curb_data.size(); ic++)
+ {
+ Curb c;
+ c.id = curb_data.at(ic).ID;
+ for(unsigned int il=0; il < line_data.size(); il++)
+ {
+ if(curb_data.at(ic).LID == line_data.at(il).LID)
+ {
+ int s_id = line_data.at(il).BPID;
+ //int e_id = line_data.at(il).FPID;
+ for(unsigned int ip = 0; ip < points_data.size(); ip++)
+ {
+ if(points_data.at(ip).PID == s_id)
+ {
+ c.points.push_back(GPSPoint(points_data.at(ip).Ly + origin.x, points_data.at(ip).Bx + origin.y, points_data.at(ip).H + origin.z, 0));
+ WayPoint wp;
+ wp.pos = c.points.at(0);
+ Lane* pLane = GetClosestLaneFromMap(wp, map, 5);
+ if(pLane)
+ {
+ c.laneId = pLane->id;
+ c.pLane = pLane;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ map.curbs.push_back(c);
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::ExtractWayArea(const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanAreasFileReader::AisanArea>& area_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanWayareaFileReader::AisanWayarea>& wayarea_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanLinesFileReader::AisanLine>& line_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints>& points_data,
+ const GPSPoint& origin, RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int iw=0; iw < wayarea_data.size(); iw ++)
+ {
+ Boundary bound;
+ bound.id = wayarea_data.at(iw).ID;
+ for(unsigned int ia=0; ia < area_data.size(); ia ++)
+ {
+ if(wayarea_data.at(iw).AID == area_data.at(ia).AID)
+ {
+ int s_id = area_data.at(ia).SLID;
+ int e_id = area_data.at(ia).ELID;
+ for(unsigned int il=0; il< line_data.size(); il++)
+ {
+ if(line_data.at(il).LID >= s_id && line_data.at(il).LID <= e_id)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int ip=0; ip < points_data.size(); ip++)
+ {
+ if(points_data.at(ip).PID == line_data.at(il).BPID)
+ {
+ GPSPoint p(points_data.at(ip).Ly + origin.x, points_data.at(ip).Bx + origin.y, points_data.at(ip).H + origin.z, 0);
+ bound.points.push_back(p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ map.boundaries.push_back(bound);
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::LinkMissingBranchingWayPoints(RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int p= 0; p < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.size(); p++)
+ {
+ WayPoint* pWP = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.at(p);
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pWP->toIds.size(); j++)
+ {
+ pWP->pFronts.push_back(FindWaypoint(pWP->toIds.at(j), map));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::LinkMissingBranchingWayPointsV2(RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pLane = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ for(unsigned int p= 0; p < pLane->points.size(); p++)
+ {
+ WayPoint* pWP = &pLane->points.at(p);
+ if(p+1 == pLane->points.size()) // Last Point in Lane
+ {
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pLane->toLanes.size(); j++)
+ {
+ //cout << "Link, Next Lane: " << pWP->laneId << ", WP: " << pWP->id << " To WP: " << pWP->toIds.at(j) << endl;
+ pWP->pFronts.push_back(&pLane->toLanes.at(j)->points.at(0));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pWP->toIds.size() > 1)
+ {
+ cout << "Error Error Erro ! Lane: " << pWP->laneId << ", Point: " << pWP->originalMapID << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // cout << "Link, Same Lane: " << pWP->laneId << ", WP: " << pWP->id << " To WP: " << map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.at(p+1).id << endl;
+ pWP->pFronts.push_back(&pLane->points.at(p+1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::LinkTrafficLightsAndStopLines(RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int p= 0; p < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.size(); p++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int isl = 0; isl < map.stopLines.size(); isl++)
+ {
+ WayPoint* pWP = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.at(p);
+ if(map.stopLines.at(isl).linkID == pWP->id)
+ {
+ map.stopLines.at(isl).laneId = pWP->laneId;
+ map.stopLines.at(isl).pLane = pWP->pLane;
+ map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).stopLines.push_back(map.stopLines.at(isl));
+ pWP->stopLineID = map.stopLines.at(isl).id;
+ for(unsigned int itl = 0; itl < map.trafficLights.size(); itl++)
+ {
+ if(map.trafficLights.at(itl).id == map.stopLines.at(isl).trafficLightID)
+ {
+ map.trafficLights.at(itl).laneIds.push_back(pWP->laneId);
+ map.trafficLights.at(itl).pLanes.push_back(pWP->pLane);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int itl = 0; itl < map.trafficLights.size(); itl++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int p= 0; p < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.size(); p++)
+ {
+ WayPoint* pWP = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.at(p);
+ if(map.trafficLights.at(itl).linkID == pWP->id)
+ {
+ map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).trafficlights.push_back(map.trafficLights.at(itl));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::LinkTrafficLightsAndStopLinesConData(const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanDataConnFileReader::DataConn>& conn_data,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<int,int> >& id_replace_list, RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int ic = 0; ic < conn_data.size(); ic++)
+ {
+ UtilityHNS::AisanDataConnFileReader::DataConn data_conn = conn_data.at(ic);
+ ReplaceMyID(data_conn.LID , id_replace_list);
+ if(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).id == data_conn.LID)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int itl = 0; itl < map.trafficLights.size(); itl++)
+ {
+ if(map.trafficLights.at(itl).id == data_conn.SID)
+ {
+ map.trafficLights.at(itl).laneIds.push_back(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).id);
+ map.trafficLights.at(itl).pLanes.push_back(&map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i));
+ map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).trafficlights.push_back(map.trafficLights.at(itl));
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int isl = 0; isl < map.stopLines.size(); isl++)
+ {
+ if(map.stopLines.at(isl).id == data_conn.SLID)
+ {
+ map.stopLines.at(isl).laneId = map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).id;
+ map.stopLines.at(isl).pLane = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ map.stopLines.at(isl).trafficLightID = data_conn.SID;
+ map.stopLines.at(isl).stopSignID = data_conn.SSID;
+ map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).stopLines.push_back(map.stopLines.at(isl));
+ WayPoint wp((map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(0).x+map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(1).x)/2.0, (map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(0).y+map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(1).y)/2.0, (map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(0).z+map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(1).z)/2.0, (map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(0).a+map.stopLines.at(isl).points.at(1).a)/2.0);
+ map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.at(PlanningHelpers::GetClosestNextPointIndexFast(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points, wp)).stopLineID = map.stopLines.at(isl).id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::UpdateMapWithOccupancyGrid(OccupancyToGridMap& map_info, const std::vector<int>& data, RoadNetwork& map, std::vector<WayPoint*>& updated_list)
+ PlannerHNS::Mat3 rotationMat(- map_info.center.pos.a);
+ PlannerHNS::Mat3 translationMat(-map_info.center.pos.x, -map_info.center.pos.y);
+ updated_list.clear();
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int p= 0; p < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.size(); p++)
+ {
+ WayPoint* pWP = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.at(p);
+ GPSPoint relative_point = pWP->pos;
+ relative_point = translationMat * relative_point;
+ relative_point = rotationMat *relative_point;
+ int cell_value = 0;
+ if(map_info.GetCellIndexFromPoint(relative_point, data, cell_value) == true)
+ {
+ if(cell_value == 0)
+ {
+ bool bFound = false;
+ for(unsigned int i_action=0; i_action < pWP->actionCost.size(); i_action++)
+ {
+ if(pWP->actionCost.at(i_action).first == FORWARD_ACTION)
+ {
+ pWP->actionCost.at(i_action).second = 100;
+ bFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!bFound)
+ pWP->actionCost.push_back(make_pair(FORWARD_ACTION, 100));
+ updated_list.push_back(pWP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::ConstructRoadNetworkFromROSMessageV2(const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane>& lanes_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints>& points_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanCenterLinesFileReader::AisanCenterLine>& dt_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanIntersectionFileReader::AisanIntersection>& intersection_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanAreasFileReader::AisanArea>& area_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanLinesFileReader::AisanLine>& line_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanStopLineFileReader::AisanStopLine>& stop_line_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanSignalFileReader::AisanSignal>& signal_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanVectorFileReader::AisanVector>& vector_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanCurbFileReader::AisanCurb>& curb_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanRoadEdgeFileReader::AisanRoadEdge>& roadedge_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanWayareaFileReader::AisanWayarea>& wayarea_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanCrossWalkFileReader::AisanCrossWalk>& crosswalk_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanNodesFileReader::AisanNode>& nodes_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanDataConnFileReader::DataConn>& conn_data,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader* pLaneData,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader* pPointsData,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanNodesFileReader* pNodesData,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLinesFileReader* pLinedata,
+ const GPSPoint& origin, RoadNetwork& map, const bool& bSpecialFlag,
+ const bool& bFindLaneChangeLanes, const bool& bFindCurbsAndWayArea)
+ vector<Lane> roadLanes;
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i< pLaneData->m_data_list.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(pLaneData->m_data_list.at(i).LnID > g_max_lane_id)
+ g_max_lane_id = pLaneData->m_data_list.at(i).LnID;
+ }
+ cout << " >> Extracting Lanes ... " << endl;
+ CreateLanes(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, roadLanes);
+ cout << " >> Fix Waypoints errors ... " << endl;
+ FixTwoPointsLanes(roadLanes);
+ FixRedundantPointsLanes(roadLanes);
+ ConnectLanes(pLaneData, roadLanes);
+ cout << " >> Create Missing lane connections ... " << endl;
+ FixUnconnectedLanes(roadLanes);
+ ////FixTwoPointsLanes(roadLanes);
+ //map has one road segment
+ RoadSegment roadSegment1;
+ roadSegment1.id = 1;
+ roadSegment1.Lanes = roadLanes;
+ map.roadSegments.push_back(roadSegment1);
+ //Fix angle for lanes
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ PlannerHNS::PlanningHelpers::FixAngleOnly(pL->points);
+ }
+ }
+ //Link Lanes and lane's waypoints by pointers
+ cout << " >> Link lanes and waypoints with pointers ... " << endl;
+ LinkLanesPointers(map);
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->points.size(); j++)
+ {
+ if(pL->points.at(j).actionCost.size() > 0)
+ {
+ if(pL->points.at(j).actionCost.at(0).first == LEFT_TURN_ACTION)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(pL->points.at(j).actionCost.at(0).first == RIGHT_TURN_ACTION)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(bFindLaneChangeLanes)
+ {
+ cout << " >> Extract Lane Change Information... " << endl;
+ FindAdjacentLanesV2(map);
+ }
+ //Extract Signals and StopLines
+ cout << " >> Extract Signal data ... " << endl;
+ ExtractSignalDataV2(signal_data, vector_data, pPointsData, origin, map);
+ //Stop Lines
+ cout << " >> Extract Stop lines data ... " << endl;
+ ExtractStopLinesDataV2(stop_line_data, pLinedata, pPointsData, origin, map);
+ if(bFindCurbsAndWayArea)
+ {
+ //Curbs
+ cout << " >> Extract curbs data ... " << endl;
+ ExtractCurbDataV2(curb_data, pLinedata, pPointsData, origin, map);
+ //Wayarea
+ cout << " >> Extract wayarea data ... " << endl;
+ ExtractWayArea(area_data, wayarea_data, line_data, points_data, origin, map);
+ }
+ //Link waypoints
+ cout << " >> Link missing branches and waypoints... " << endl;
+ LinkMissingBranchingWayPointsV2(map);
+ //Link StopLines and Traffic Lights
+ cout << " >> Link StopLines and Traffic Lights ... " << endl;
+ LinkTrafficLightsAndStopLinesV2(map);
+// //LinkTrafficLightsAndStopLinesConData(conn_data, id_replace_list, map);
+ cout << " >> Map loaded from data with " << roadLanes.size() << " lanes" << endl;
+bool MappingHelpers::GetPointFromDataList(UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader* pPointsData,const int& pid, WayPoint& out_wp)
+ if(pPointsData == nullptr) return false;
+ AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints* pP = pPointsData->GetDataRowById(pid);
+ if(pP!=nullptr)
+ {
+ out_wp.id = pP->PID;
+ out_wp.pos.x = pP->Ly;
+ out_wp.pos.y = pP->Bx;
+ out_wp.pos.z = pP->H;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+int MappingHelpers::GetBeginPointIdFromLaneNo(UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader* pLaneData,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader* pPointsData,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanNodesFileReader* pNodesData,const int& LnID)
+ if(pLaneData == nullptr) return false;
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane* pL = nullptr;
+ UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints* pP = nullptr;
+ UtilityHNS::AisanNodesFileReader::AisanNode* pN = nullptr;
+ pL = pLaneData->GetDataRowById(LnID);
+ if(pL!=nullptr)
+ {
+ return pL->FNID;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int MappingHelpers::GetEndPointIdFromLaneNo(UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader* pLaneData,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader* pPointsData,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanNodesFileReader* pNodesData,const int& LnID)
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane* pL = nullptr;
+ UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints* pP = nullptr;
+ UtilityHNS::AisanNodesFileReader::AisanNode* pN = nullptr;
+ pL = pLaneData->GetDataRowById(LnID);
+ if(pL!=nullptr)
+ {
+ return pL->BNID;
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool MappingHelpers::IsStartLanePoint(UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader* pLaneData, UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane* pL)
+ if(pL->JCT > 0 || pL->BLID == 0)
+ return true;
+ if(pL->BLID2 != 0 || pL->BLID3 != 0 || pL->BLID4 != 0)
+ return true;
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane* pPrevL = pLaneData->GetDataRowById(pL->BLID);
+ if(pPrevL == nullptr || pPrevL->FLID2 > 0 || pPrevL->FLID3 > 0 || pPrevL->FLID4 > 0 || pPrevL->JCT > 0)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+bool MappingHelpers::IsEndLanePoint(UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader* pLaneData, UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane* pL)
+ if(pL->FLID2 > 0 || pL->FLID3 > 0 || pL->FLID4 > 0)
+ return true;
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane* pNextL = pLaneData->GetDataRowById(pL->FLID);
+ return IsStartLanePoint(pLaneData, pNextL);
+void MappingHelpers::GetLanesStartPoints(UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader* pLaneData,
+ std::vector<int>& m_LanesStartIds)
+ m_LanesStartIds.clear();
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane* pL = nullptr;
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane* pPrevL = nullptr;
+ for(unsigned int il=0; il < pLaneData->m_data_list.size(); il++)
+ {
+ pL = &pLaneData->m_data_list.at(il);
+ if(IsStartLanePoint(pLaneData, pL) == true)
+ {
+ m_LanesStartIds.push_back(pL->LnID);
+ }
+ {
+ if(IsStartLanePoint(pLaneData, pL) && IsEndLanePoint(pLaneData, pL))
+ cout << " :( :( :( Start And End in the same time !! " << pL->LnID << endl;
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::ConnectLanes(UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader* pLaneData, std::vector<PlannerHNS::Lane>& lanes)
+ for(unsigned int il = 0; il < lanes.size(); il++)
+ {
+ WayPoint fp = lanes.at(il).points.at(0);
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane* pFirstL = pLaneData->GetDataRowById(fp.originalMapID);
+ if(pFirstL!=nullptr)
+ {
+ if(pFirstL->BLID > 0)
+ lanes.at(il).fromIds.push_back(pFirstL->BLID);
+ if(pFirstL->BLID2 > 0)
+ lanes.at(il).fromIds.push_back(pFirstL->BLID2);
+ if(pFirstL->BLID3 > 0)
+ lanes.at(il).fromIds.push_back(pFirstL->BLID3);
+ if(pFirstL->BLID4 > 0)
+ lanes.at(il).fromIds.push_back(pFirstL->BLID4);
+ }
+ WayPoint ep = lanes.at(il).points.at(lanes.at(il).points.size()-1);
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane* pEndL = pLaneData->GetDataRowById(ep.originalMapID);
+ if(pEndL!=nullptr)
+ {
+ if(pEndL->FLID > 0)
+ lanes.at(il).toIds.push_back(pEndL->FLID);
+ if(pEndL->FLID2 > 0)
+ lanes.at(il).toIds.push_back(pEndL->FLID2);
+ if(pEndL->FLID3 > 0)
+ lanes.at(il).toIds.push_back(pEndL->FLID3);
+ if(pEndL->FLID4 > 0)
+ lanes.at(il).toIds.push_back(pEndL->FLID4);
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::CreateLanes(UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader* pLaneData,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader* pPointsData,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanNodesFileReader* pNodesData,
+ std::vector<PlannerHNS::Lane>& out_lanes)
+ out_lanes.clear();
+ std::vector<int> start_lines;
+ GetLanesStartPoints(pLaneData, start_lines);
+ for(unsigned int l =0; l < start_lines.size(); l++)
+ {
+ Lane _lane;
+ GetLanePoints(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, start_lines.at(l), _lane);
+ out_lanes.push_back(_lane);
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::GetLanePoints(UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader* pLaneData,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader* pPointsData,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanNodesFileReader* pNodesData, int lnID,
+ PlannerHNS::Lane& out_lane)
+ int next_lnid = lnID;
+ bool bStart = false;
+ bool bLast = false;
+ int _rID = 0;
+ out_lane.points.clear();
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLanesFileReader::AisanLane* pL = nullptr;
+ out_lane.id = lnID;
+ out_lane.speed = 0;
+ while(!bStart)
+ {
+ pL = pLaneData->GetDataRowById(next_lnid);
+ if(pL == nullptr)
+ {
+ cout << "## Error, Can't find lane from ID: " << next_lnid <<endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ next_lnid = pL->FLID;
+ if(next_lnid == 0)
+ bStart = true;
+ else
+ bStart = IsStartLanePoint(pLaneData, pLaneData->GetDataRowById(next_lnid));
+// if(_lnid == 1267 ) //|| _lnid == 1268 || _lnid == 1269 || _lnid == 958)
+// out_lane.id = lnID;
+ if(out_lane.points.size() == 0)
+ {
+ WayPoint wp1, wp2;
+ GetPointFromDataList(pPointsData, pNodesData->GetDataRowById(pL->BNID)->PID, wp1);
+ wp1.v = pL->RefVel == 0 ? DEFAULT_REF_VELOCITY : pL->RefVel;
+ wp1.id = pL->BNID;
+ if(pL->BLID != 0)
+ {
+ _rID = GetBeginPointIdFromLaneNo(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, pL->BLID);
+ if(_rID > 0)
+ wp1.fromIds.push_back(_rID);
+ }
+ if(pL->BLID2 != 0)
+ {
+ _rID = GetBeginPointIdFromLaneNo(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, pL->BLID2);
+ if(_rID > 0)
+ wp1.fromIds.push_back(_rID);
+ }
+ if(pL->BLID3 != 0)
+ {
+ _rID = GetBeginPointIdFromLaneNo(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, pL->BLID3);
+ if(_rID > 0)
+ wp1.fromIds.push_back(_rID);
+ }
+ if(pL->BLID4 != 0)
+ {
+ _rID = GetBeginPointIdFromLaneNo(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, pL->BLID4);
+ if(_rID > 0)
+ wp1.fromIds.push_back(_rID);
+ }
+ GetPointFromDataList(pPointsData, pNodesData->GetDataRowById(pL->FNID)->PID, wp2);
+ wp2.v = pL->RefVel == 0 ? DEFAULT_REF_VELOCITY : pL->RefVel;
+ wp2.id = pL->FNID;
+ if(bStart && pL->FLID != 0)
+ {
+ _rID = GetEndPointIdFromLaneNo(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, pL->FLID);
+ if(_rID > 0)
+ wp2.toIds.push_back(_rID);
+ }
+ if(pL->FLID2 != 0)
+ {
+ _rID = GetEndPointIdFromLaneNo(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, pL->FLID2);
+ if(_rID > 0)
+ wp2.toIds.push_back(_rID);
+ }
+ if(pL->FLID3 != 0)
+ {
+ _rID = GetEndPointIdFromLaneNo(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, pL->FLID3);
+ if(_rID > 0)
+ wp2.toIds.push_back(_rID);
+ }
+ if(pL->FLID4 != 0)
+ {
+ _rID = GetEndPointIdFromLaneNo(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, pL->FLID4);
+ if(_rID > 0)
+ wp2.toIds.push_back(_rID);
+ }
+ if(pL->LaneDir == 'L')
+ {
+ wp1.actionCost.push_back(make_pair(LEFT_TURN_ACTION, LEFT_INITIAL_TURNS_COST));
+ wp2.actionCost.push_back(make_pair(LEFT_TURN_ACTION, LEFT_INITIAL_TURNS_COST));
+ }
+ else if(pL->LaneDir == 'R')
+ {
+ wp1.actionCost.push_back(make_pair(RIGHT_TURN_ACTION, RIGHT_INITIAL_TURNS_COST));
+ wp2.actionCost.push_back(make_pair(RIGHT_TURN_ACTION, RIGHT_INITIAL_TURNS_COST));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wp1.actionCost.push_back(make_pair(FORWARD_ACTION, 0));
+ wp2.actionCost.push_back(make_pair(FORWARD_ACTION, 0));
+ }
+ wp1.originalMapID = pL->LnID;
+ wp2.originalMapID = pL->LnID;
+ wp1.laneId = lnID;
+ wp2.laneId = lnID;
+ wp1.toIds.push_back(wp2.id);
+ wp2.fromIds.push_back(wp1.id);
+ out_lane.points.push_back(wp1);
+ out_lane.points.push_back(wp2);
+ out_lane.speed = pL->RefVel == 0 ? DEFAULT_REF_VELOCITY : pL->RefVel;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WayPoint wp;
+ GetPointFromDataList(pPointsData, pNodesData->GetDataRowById(pL->FNID)->PID, wp);
+ wp.v = pL->RefVel == 0 ? DEFAULT_REF_VELOCITY : pL->RefVel;
+ wp.id = pL->FNID;
+ out_lane.points.at(out_lane.points.size()-1).toIds.push_back(wp.id);
+ wp.fromIds.push_back(out_lane.points.at(out_lane.points.size()-1).id);
+ if(bStart && pL->FLID != 0)
+ {
+ _rID = GetEndPointIdFromLaneNo(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, pL->FLID);
+ if(_rID > 0)
+ wp.toIds.push_back(_rID);
+ }
+ if(pL->FLID2 != 0)
+ {
+ _rID = GetEndPointIdFromLaneNo(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, pL->FLID2);
+ if(_rID > 0)
+ wp.toIds.push_back(_rID);
+ }
+ if(pL->FLID3 != 0)
+ {
+ _rID = GetEndPointIdFromLaneNo(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, pL->FLID3);
+ if(_rID > 0)
+ wp.toIds.push_back(_rID);
+ }
+ if(pL->FLID4 != 0)
+ {
+ _rID = GetEndPointIdFromLaneNo(pLaneData, pPointsData, pNodesData, pL->FLID4);
+ if(_rID > 0)
+ wp.toIds.push_back(_rID);
+ }
+ if(pL->LaneDir == 'L')
+ {
+ wp.actionCost.push_back(make_pair(LEFT_TURN_ACTION, LEFT_INITIAL_TURNS_COST));
+ }
+ else if(pL->LaneDir == 'R')
+ {
+ wp.actionCost.push_back(make_pair(RIGHT_TURN_ACTION, RIGHT_INITIAL_TURNS_COST));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wp.actionCost.push_back(make_pair(FORWARD_ACTION, 0));
+ }
+ wp.originalMapID = pL->LnID;
+ wp.laneId = lnID;
+ out_lane.points.push_back(wp);
+ }
+// if(next_lnid == 0)
+// break;
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::FixRedundantPointsLanes(std::vector<Lane>& lanes)
+ //Fix Redundant point for two points in a row
+ for(unsigned int il=0; il < lanes.size(); il ++)
+ {
+ for(int ip = 1; ip < lanes.at(il).points.size(); ip++)
+ {
+ WayPoint* p1 = &lanes.at(il).points.at(ip-1);
+ WayPoint* p2 = &lanes.at(il).points.at(ip);
+ WayPoint* p3 = nullptr;
+ if(ip+1 < lanes.at(il).points.size())
+ p3 = &lanes.at(il).points.at(ip+1);
+ double d = hypot(p2->pos.y-p1->pos.y, p2->pos.x-p1->pos.x);
+ if(d == 0)
+ {
+ p1->toIds = p2->toIds;
+ p1->originalMapID = p2->originalMapID;
+ if(p3 != nullptr)
+ p3->fromIds = p2->fromIds;
+ lanes.at(il).points.erase(lanes.at(il).points.begin()+ip);
+ ip--;
+ cout << "Fixed Redundant Points for Lane:" << lanes.at(il).id << ", Current: " << ip << ", Size: " << lanes.at(il).points.size() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::FixTwoPointsLane(Lane& l)
+ if(l.points.size() == 2)
+ {
+ g_max_point_id++;
+ WayPoint wp = l.points.at(0);
+ wp.id = g_max_point_id;
+ wp.fromIds.clear();
+ wp.fromIds.push_back(l.points.at(0).id);
+ wp.toIds.clear();
+ wp.toIds.push_back(l.points.at(1).id);
+ l.points.at(0).toIds.clear();
+ l.points.at(0).toIds.push_back(wp.id);
+ l.points.at(1).fromIds.clear();
+ l.points.at(1).fromIds.push_back(wp.id);
+ wp.pos.x = (l.points.at(0).pos.x + l.points.at(1).pos.x)/2.0;
+ wp.pos.y = (l.points.at(0).pos.y + l.points.at(1).pos.y)/2.0;
+ wp.pos.z = (l.points.at(0).pos.z + l.points.at(1).pos.z)/2.0;
+ l.points.insert(l.points.begin()+1, wp);
+ }
+ else if(l.points.size() < 2)
+ {
+ cout << "## WOW Lane " << l.id << " With Size (" << l.points.size() << ") " << endl;
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::FixTwoPointsLanes(std::vector<Lane>& lanes)
+ for(unsigned int il=0; il < lanes.size(); il ++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int ip = 0; ip < lanes.at(il).points.size(); ip++)
+ {
+ if(lanes.at(il).points.at(ip).id > g_max_point_id)
+ {
+ g_max_point_id = lanes.at(il).points.at(ip).id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int il=0; il < lanes.size(); il ++)
+ {
+ FixTwoPointsLane(lanes.at(il));
+ PlannerHNS::PlanningHelpers::CalcAngleAndCost(lanes.at(il).points);
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::InsertWayPointToBackOfLane(const WayPoint& wp, Lane& lane, int& global_id)
+ WayPoint* pFirst = &lane.points.at(0);
+ pFirst->pos = wp.pos;
+// WayPoint f_wp = *pFirst;
+// f_wp.pos = wp.pos;
+// //Give old first new ID
+// global_id++;
+// pFirst->id = global_id;
+// //link ids
+// f_wp.toIds.clear(); //only see front
+// f_wp.toIds.push_back(pFirst->id);
+// pFirst->fromIds.clear();
+// pFirst->fromIds.push_back(f_wp.id);
+// if(lane.points.size() > 1)
+// {
+// lane.points.at(1).fromIds.clear();
+// lane.points.at(1).fromIds.push_back(pFirst->id);
+// }
+// lane.points.insert(lane.points.begin(), f_wp);
+void MappingHelpers::InsertWayPointToFrontOfLane(const WayPoint& wp, Lane& lane, int& global_id)
+ WayPoint* pLast = &lane.points.at(lane.points.size()-1);
+ pLast->pos = wp.pos;
+// WayPoint l_wp = *pLast;
+// l_wp.pos = wp.pos;
+// //Give old first new ID
+// global_id++;
+// pLast->id = global_id;
+// //link ids
+// l_wp.fromIds.clear(); //only see front
+// l_wp.fromIds.push_back(pLast->id);
+// pLast->toIds.clear();
+// pLast->toIds.push_back(l_wp.id);
+// if(lane.points.size() > 1)
+// {
+// lane.points.at(lane.points.size()-2).toIds.clear();
+// lane.points.at(lane.points.size()-2).toIds.push_back(pLast->id);
+// }
+// lane.points.push_back(l_wp);
+void MappingHelpers::FixUnconnectedLanes(std::vector<Lane>& lanes)
+ std::vector<Lane> sp_lanes = lanes;
+ bool bAtleastOneChange = false;
+ //Find before lanes
+ for(unsigned int il=0; il < lanes.size(); il ++)
+ {
+ if(lanes.at(il).fromIds.size() == 0)
+ {
+ double closest_d = DBL_MAX;
+ Lane* pL = nullptr;
+ Lane* pFL = nullptr;
+ for(int l=0; l < sp_lanes.size(); l ++)
+ {
+ if(lanes.at(il).id == sp_lanes.at(l).id)
+ {
+ pFL = &sp_lanes.at(l);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ PlannerHNS::RelativeInfo closest_info;
+ int closest_index = -1;
+ for(int l=0; l < sp_lanes.size(); l ++)
+ {
+ if(pFL->id != sp_lanes.at(l).id )
+ {
+ PlannerHNS::RelativeInfo info;
+ WayPoint lastofother = sp_lanes.at(l).points.at(sp_lanes.at(l).points.size()-1);
+ PlanningHelpers::GetRelativeInfoLimited(sp_lanes.at(l).points, pFL->points.at(0), info, 0);
+ double back_distance = hypot(lastofother.pos.y - pFL->points.at(0).pos.y, lastofother.pos.x - pFL->points.at(0).pos.x);
+ bool bCloseFromBack = false;
+ if((info.bAfter == true && back_distance < 15.0) || info.bAfter == false)
+ bCloseFromBack = true;
+ if(fabs(info.perp_distance) < 2 && fabs(info.perp_distance) < closest_d && info.bBefore == false && bCloseFromBack)
+ {
+ closest_d = fabs(info.perp_distance);
+ pL = &sp_lanes.at(l);
+ closest_info = info;
+ closest_info.angle_diff = back_distance;
+ closest_index = l;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(pL != nullptr && pFL != nullptr)
+ {
+ if(closest_info.iFront == pL->points.size()-1)
+ {
+ pL->toIds.push_back(pFL->id);
+ pL->points.at(closest_info.iFront).toIds.push_back(pFL->points.at(0).id);
+ pFL->points.at(0).fromIds.push_back(pL->points.at(closest_info.iFront).id);
+ pFL->fromIds.push_back(pL->id);
+ bAtleastOneChange = true;
+ {
+ cout << "Closest Next Lane For: " << pFL->id << " , Is:" << pL->id << ", Distance=" << fabs(closest_info.perp_distance) << ", Size: " << pL->points.size() << ", back_index: " << closest_info.iBack <<", front_index: " << closest_info.iFront << ", Direct: " << closest_info.angle_diff << endl;
+ cout << "Don't Split , Perfect !" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // split from previous point
+ cout << "Closest Next Lane For: " << pFL->id << " , Is:" << pL->id << ", Distance=" << fabs(closest_info.perp_distance) << ", Size: " << pL->points.size() << ", back_index: " << closest_info.iBack <<", front_index: " << closest_info.iFront << ", Direct: " << closest_info.angle_diff << endl;
+ Lane front_half, back_half;
+ front_half.points.insert(front_half.points.begin(), pL->points.begin()+closest_info.iFront, pL->points.end());
+ front_half.toIds = pL->toIds;
+ front_half.fromIds.push_back(pL->id);
+ front_half.id = front_half.points.at(0).originalMapID;
+ front_half.areaId = pL->areaId;
+ front_half.dir = pL->dir;
+ front_half.num = pL->num;
+ front_half.roadId = pL->roadId;
+ front_half.speed = pL->speed;
+ front_half.type = pL->type;
+ front_half.width = pL->width;
+ back_half.points.insert(back_half.points.begin(), pL->points.begin(), pL->points.begin()+closest_info.iFront);
+ back_half.toIds.clear();
+ back_half.toIds.push_back(front_half.id);
+ back_half.toIds.push_back(pFL->id);
+ back_half.fromIds = pL->fromIds;
+ back_half.id = pL->id;
+ back_half.areaId = pL->areaId;
+ back_half.dir = pL->dir;
+ back_half.num = pL->num;
+ back_half.roadId = pL->roadId;
+ back_half.speed = pL->speed;
+ back_half.type = pL->type;
+ back_half.width = pL->width;
+ WayPoint* last_from_back = &back_half.points.at(back_half.points.size()-1);
+ WayPoint* first_from_front = &pFL->points.at(0);
+ last_from_back->toIds.push_back(first_from_front->id);
+ first_from_front->fromIds.push_back(last_from_back->id);
+ if(front_half.points.size() > 1 && back_half.points.size() > 1)
+ {
+ cout << "Split this one Nicely! first_half_size: " << front_half.points.size() << ", second_hald_size: " << back_half.points.size() << endl;
+ pFL->fromIds.push_back(back_half.id);
+ if(closest_index >= 0)
+ sp_lanes.erase(sp_lanes.begin()+closest_index);
+ else
+ cout << "## Alert Alert Alert !!!! " << endl;
+ // add perp point to lane points
+ InsertWayPointToBackOfLane(closest_info.perp_point, front_half, g_max_point_id);
+ InsertWayPointToFrontOfLane(closest_info.perp_point, back_half, g_max_point_id);
+ sp_lanes.push_back(front_half);
+ sp_lanes.push_back(back_half);
+ bAtleastOneChange = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "=> Can't Split this one :( !" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "=> Can't find Before Lanes For: " << lanes.at(il).id << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lanes = sp_lanes;
+ //Find to lanes
+ for(unsigned int il=0; il < lanes.size(); il ++)
+ {
+ if(lanes.at(il).toIds.size() == 0)
+ {
+ double closest_d = DBL_MAX;
+ Lane* pL = nullptr;
+ Lane* pBL = nullptr;
+ for(int l=0; l < sp_lanes.size(); l ++)
+ {
+ if(lanes.at(il).id == sp_lanes.at(l).id)
+ {
+ pBL = &sp_lanes.at(l);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ PlannerHNS::RelativeInfo closest_info;
+ int closest_index = -1;
+ for(int l=0; l < sp_lanes.size(); l ++)
+ {
+ if(pBL->id != sp_lanes.at(l).id )
+ {
+ PlannerHNS::RelativeInfo info;
+ WayPoint firstofother = sp_lanes.at(l).points.at(0);
+ WayPoint last_point = pBL->points.at(pBL->points.size()-1);
+ PlanningHelpers::GetRelativeInfoLimited(sp_lanes.at(l).points, last_point, info, 0);
+ double front_distance = hypot(firstofother.pos.y - last_point.pos.y, firstofother.pos.x - last_point.pos.x);
+ bool bCloseFromFront = false;
+ if((info.bBefore == true && front_distance < 15.0) || info.bBefore == false)
+ bCloseFromFront = true;
+ if(fabs(info.perp_distance) < 2 && fabs(info.perp_distance) < closest_d && info.bAfter == false && bCloseFromFront)
+ {
+ closest_d = fabs(info.perp_distance);
+ pL = &sp_lanes.at(l);
+ closest_info = info;
+ closest_info.angle_diff = front_distance;
+ closest_index = l;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(pL != nullptr && pBL != nullptr)
+ {
+ if(closest_info.iFront == 0)
+ {
+ pL->fromIds.push_back(pBL->id);
+ pL->points.at(closest_info.iFront).fromIds.push_back(pBL->points.at(pBL->points.size()-1).id);
+ pBL->points.at(pBL->points.size()-1).toIds.push_back(pL->points.at(closest_info.iFront).id);
+ pBL->toIds.push_back(pL->id);
+ bAtleastOneChange = true;
+ {
+ cout << "Closest Back Lane For: " << pBL->id << " , Is:" << pL->id << ", Distance=" << fabs(closest_info.perp_distance) << ", Size: " << pL->points.size() << ", back_index: " << closest_info.iBack <<", front_index: " << closest_info.iFront << ", Direct: " << closest_info.angle_diff << endl;
+ cout << "Don't Split , Perfect !" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // split from previous point
+ cout << "Closest Back Lane For: " << pBL->id << " , Is:" << pL->id << ", Distance=" << fabs(closest_info.perp_distance) << ", Size: " << pL->points.size() << ", back_index: " << closest_info.iBack <<", front_index: " << closest_info.iFront << ", Direct: " << closest_info.angle_diff << endl;
+ Lane front_half, back_half;
+ front_half.points.insert(front_half.points.begin(), pL->points.begin()+closest_info.iFront, pL->points.end());
+ front_half.toIds = pL->toIds;
+ front_half.fromIds.push_back(pL->id);
+ front_half.fromIds.push_back(pBL->id);
+ front_half.id = front_half.points.at(0).originalMapID;
+ front_half.areaId = pL->areaId;
+ front_half.dir = pL->dir;
+ front_half.num = pL->num;
+ front_half.roadId = pL->roadId;
+ front_half.speed = pL->speed;
+ front_half.type = pL->type;
+ front_half.width = pL->width;
+ back_half.points.insert(back_half.points.begin(), pL->points.begin(), pL->points.begin()+closest_info.iFront);
+ back_half.toIds.push_back(front_half.id);
+ back_half.fromIds = pL->fromIds;
+ back_half.id = pL->id;
+ back_half.areaId = pL->areaId;
+ back_half.dir = pL->dir;
+ back_half.num = pL->num;
+ back_half.roadId = pL->roadId;
+ back_half.speed = pL->speed;
+ back_half.type = pL->type;
+ back_half.width = pL->width;
+ WayPoint* first_from_next = &front_half.points.at(0);
+ WayPoint* last_from_front = &pBL->points.at(pBL->points.size()-1);
+ first_from_next->fromIds.push_back(last_from_front->id);
+ last_from_front->toIds.push_back(first_from_next->id);
+ if(front_half.points.size() > 1 && back_half.points.size() > 1)
+ {
+ cout << "Split this one Nicely! first_half_size: " << front_half.points.size() << ", second_hald_size: " << back_half.points.size() << endl;
+ pBL->toIds.push_back(front_half.id);
+ if(closest_index >= 0)
+ sp_lanes.erase(sp_lanes.begin()+closest_index);
+ else
+ cout << "## Alert Alert Alert !!!! " << endl;
+ // add perp point to lane points
+ InsertWayPointToBackOfLane(closest_info.perp_point, front_half, g_max_point_id);
+ InsertWayPointToFrontOfLane(closest_info.perp_point, back_half, g_max_point_id);
+ sp_lanes.push_back(front_half);
+ sp_lanes.push_back(back_half);
+ bAtleastOneChange = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "=> Can't Split this one :( !" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "=> Can't find After Lanes For: " << lanes.at(il).id << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lanes = sp_lanes;
+void MappingHelpers::LinkLanesPointers(PlannerHNS::RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ //Link Lanes
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->fromIds.size(); j++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int l= 0; l < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); l++)
+ {
+ if(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(l).id == pL->fromIds.at(j))
+ {
+ pL->fromLanes.push_back(&map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(l));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->toIds.size(); j++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int l= 0; l < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); l++)
+ {
+ if(map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(l).id == pL->toIds.at(j))
+ {
+ pL->toLanes.push_back(&map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(l));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->points.size(); j++)
+ {
+ pL->points.at(j).pLane = pL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::ExtractCurbDataV2(const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanCurbFileReader::AisanCurb>& curb_data,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLinesFileReader* pLinedata,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader* pPointsData,
+ const GPSPoint& origin, RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int ic=0; ic < curb_data.size(); ic++)
+ {
+ Curb c;
+ c.id = curb_data.at(ic).ID;
+ for(unsigned int il=0; il < pLinedata->m_data_list.size() ; il++)
+ {
+ if(curb_data.at(ic).LID == pLinedata->m_data_list.at(il).LID)
+ {
+ int s_id = pLinedata->m_data_list.at(il).BPID;
+ if(s_id == 0)
+ s_id = pLinedata->m_data_list.at(il).FPID;
+ AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints* pP = pPointsData->GetDataRowById(s_id);
+ if(pP != nullptr)
+ {
+ c.points.push_back(GPSPoint(pP->Ly + origin.x, pP->Bx + origin.y, pP->H + origin.z, 0));
+ WayPoint wp;
+ wp.pos = c.points.at(0);
+ Lane* pLane = GetClosestLaneFromMap(wp, map, 5);
+ if(pLane != nullptr)
+ {
+ c.laneId = pLane->id;
+ c.pLane = pLane;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ map.curbs.push_back(c);
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::ExtractSignalDataV2(const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanSignalFileReader::AisanSignal>& signal_data,
+ const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanVectorFileReader::AisanVector>& vector_data,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader* pPointData,
+ const GPSPoint& origin, RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int is=0; is< signal_data.size(); is++)
+ {
+ //if(signal_data.at(is).Type == 2)
+ {
+ TrafficLight tl;
+ tl.id = signal_data.at(is).ID;
+ tl.linkID = signal_data.at(is).LinkID;
+ tl.stoppingDistance = 0;
+ for(unsigned int iv = 0; iv < vector_data.size(); iv++)
+ {
+ if(signal_data.at(is).VID == vector_data.at(iv).VID)
+ {
+ AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints* pP = pPointData->GetDataRowById(vector_data.at(iv).PID);
+ if(pP != nullptr)
+ {
+ tl.pos = GPSPoint(pP->Ly + origin.x, pP->Bx + origin.y, pP->H + origin.z, vector_data.at(iv).Hang*DEG2RAD);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ map.trafficLights.push_back(tl);
+ if(tl.id > g_max_traffic_light_id)
+ g_max_traffic_light_id = tl.id;
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::ExtractStopLinesDataV2(const std::vector<UtilityHNS::AisanStopLineFileReader::AisanStopLine>& stop_line_data,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanLinesFileReader* pLineData,
+ UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader* pPointData,
+ const GPSPoint& origin, RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int ist=0; ist < stop_line_data.size(); ist++)
+ {
+ StopLine sl;
+ sl.linkID = stop_line_data.at(ist).LinkID;
+ sl.id = stop_line_data.at(ist).ID;
+ if(stop_line_data.at(ist).TLID>0)
+ sl.trafficLightID = stop_line_data.at(ist).TLID;
+ else
+ sl.stopSignID = 100+ist;
+ AisanLinesFileReader::AisanLine* pLine = pLineData->GetDataRowById(stop_line_data.at(ist).LID);
+ if(pLine != nullptr)
+ {
+ UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints* pStart = pPointData->GetDataRowById(pLine->BPID);
+ UtilityHNS::AisanPointsFileReader::AisanPoints* pEnd = pPointData->GetDataRowById(pLine->FPID);
+ if(pStart != nullptr)
+ sl.points.push_back(GPSPoint(pStart->Ly + origin.x, pStart->Bx + origin.y, pStart->H + origin.z, 0));
+ if(pEnd != nullptr)
+ sl.points.push_back(GPSPoint(pEnd->Ly + origin.x, pEnd->Bx + origin.y, pEnd->H + origin.z, 0));
+ }
+ map.stopLines.push_back(sl);
+ if(sl.id > g_max_stop_line_id)
+ g_max_stop_line_id = sl.id;
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::LinkTrafficLightsAndStopLinesV2(RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int p= 0; p < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.size(); p++)
+ {
+ WayPoint* pWP = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.at(p);
+ for(unsigned int isl = 0; isl < map.stopLines.size(); isl++)
+ {
+ if(map.stopLines.at(isl).linkID == pWP->originalMapID)
+ {
+ map.stopLines.at(isl).laneId = pWP->laneId;
+ map.stopLines.at(isl).pLane = pWP->pLane;
+ map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).stopLines.push_back(map.stopLines.at(isl));
+ pWP->stopLineID = map.stopLines.at(isl).id;
+ for(unsigned int itl = 0; itl < map.trafficLights.size(); itl++)
+ {
+ if(map.trafficLights.at(itl).id == map.stopLines.at(isl).trafficLightID)
+ {
+ map.trafficLights.at(itl).laneIds.push_back(pWP->laneId);
+ map.trafficLights.at(itl).pLanes.push_back(pWP->pLane);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int itl = 0; itl < map.trafficLights.size(); itl++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int p= 0; p < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.size(); p++)
+ {
+ WayPoint* pWP = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).points.at(p);
+ if(map.trafficLights.at(itl).linkID == pWP->originalMapID)
+ {
+ map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i).trafficlights.push_back(map.trafficLights.at(itl));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::FindAdjacentLanesV2(RoadNetwork& map)
+ bool bTestDebug = false;
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ for(unsigned int i2 =0; i2 < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i2++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL2 = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i2);
+ if(pL->id == pL2->id) continue;
+ if(pL->id == 1683)
+ bTestDebug = true;
+ for(unsigned int p=0; p < pL->points.size(); p++)
+ {
+ WayPoint* pWP = &pL->points.at(p);
+ RelativeInfo info;
+ PlanningHelpers::GetRelativeInfoLimited(pL2->points, *pWP, info);
+ if(!info.bAfter && !info.bBefore && fabs(info.perp_distance) > 1.2 && fabs(info.perp_distance) < 3.5 && UtilityH::AngleBetweenTwoAnglesPositive(info.perp_point.pos.a, pWP->pos.a) < 0.06)
+ {
+ WayPoint* pWP2 = &pL2->points.at(info.iFront);
+ if(info.perp_distance < 0)
+ {
+ if(pWP->pRight == 0)
+ {
+ pWP->pRight = pWP2;
+ pWP->RightPointId = pWP2->id;
+ pWP->RightLnId = pL2->id;
+ pL->pRightLane = pL2;
+ }
+ if(pWP2->pLeft == 0)
+ {
+ pWP2->pLeft = pWP;
+ pWP2->LeftPointId = pWP->id;
+ pWP2->LeftLnId = pL->id;
+ pL2->pLeftLane = pL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pWP->pLeft == 0)
+ {
+ pWP->pLeft = pWP2;
+ pWP->LeftPointId = pWP2->id;
+ pWP->LeftLnId = pL2->id;
+ pL->pLeftLane = pL2;
+ }
+ if(pWP2->pRight == 0)
+ {
+ pWP2->pRight = pWP->pLeft;
+ pWP2->RightPointId = pWP->id;
+ pWP2->RightLnId = pL->id;
+ pL2->pRightLane = pL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MappingHelpers::GetMapMaxIds(PlannerHNS::RoadNetwork& map)
+ for(unsigned int rs = 0; rs < map.roadSegments.size(); rs++)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i =0; i < map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Lane* pL = &map.roadSegments.at(rs).Lanes.at(i);
+ if(pL->id > g_max_lane_id)
+ g_max_lane_id = pL->id;
+ for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pL->points.size(); j++)
+ {
+ if(pL->points.at(j).id > g_max_point_id)
+ {
+ g_max_point_id = pL->points.at(j).id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i < map.stopLines.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(map.stopLines.at(i).id > g_max_stop_line_id)
+ g_max_stop_line_id = map.stopLines.at(i).id;
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i < map.trafficLights.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(map.trafficLights.at(i).id > g_max_traffic_light_id)
+ g_max_traffic_light_id = map.trafficLights.at(i).id;
+ }
+} /* namespace PlannerHNS */