@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+ * Copyright 2015-2019 Autoware Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <ros/ros.h>
+#include <tf/tf.h>
+#include <tf/transform_listener.h>
+#include <visualization_msgs/Marker.h>
+#include <visualization_msgs/MarkerArray.h>
+#include <lanelet2_core/LaneletMap.h>
+#include <lanelet2_core/geometry/BoundingBox.h>
+#include <lanelet2_core/geometry/Lanelet.h>
+#include <lanelet2_core/geometry/Point.h>
+#include <autoware_lanelet2_msgs/MapBin.h>
+#include <lanelet2_extension/utility/message_conversion.h>
+#include <lanelet2_extension/utility/query.h>
+#include <lanelet2_extension/visualization/visualization.h>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <waypoint_planner/velocity_set/libvelocity_set.h>
+#include <waypoint_planner/velocity_set/velocity_set_info.h>
+#include <waypoint_planner/velocity_set/velocity_set_path.h>
+constexpr int LOOP_RATE = 10;
+constexpr double DECELERATION_SEARCH_DISTANCE = 30;
+constexpr double STOP_SEARCH_DISTANCE = 60;
+static lanelet::LaneletMapPtr g_lanelet_map;
+static bool g_loaded_lanelet_map;
+lanelet::ConstLanelets g_crosswalk_lanelets;
+// set color according to given obstacle
+void obstacleColorByKind(const EControl kind, std_msgs::ColorRGBA* color, const double alpha = 0.5)
+ if (kind == EControl::STOP)
+ {
+ // red
+ color->r = 1.0;
+ color->g = 0.0;
+ color->b = 0.0;
+ color->a = alpha;
+ }
+ else if (kind == EControl::STOPLINE)
+ {
+ // blue
+ color->r = 0.0;
+ color->g = 0.0;
+ color->b = 1.0;
+ color->a = alpha;
+ }
+ else if (kind == EControl::DECELERATE)
+ {
+ // yellow
+ color->r = 1.0;
+ color->g = 1.0;
+ color->b = 0.0;
+ color->a = alpha;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // white
+ color->r = 1.0;
+ color->g = 1.0;
+ color->b = 1.0;
+ color->a = alpha;
+ }
+// Display a detected obstacle
+void displayObstacle(const EControl& kind, const ObstaclePoints& obstacle_points, const ros::Publisher& obstacle_pub)
+ visualization_msgs::Marker marker;
+ marker.header.frame_id = "/map";
+ marker.header.stamp = ros::Time();
+ marker.ns = "my_namespace";
+ marker.id = 0;
+ marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE;
+ marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
+ static geometry_msgs::Point prev_obstacle_point;
+ if (kind == EControl::STOP || kind == EControl::STOPLINE || kind == EControl::DECELERATE)
+ {
+ marker.pose.position = obstacle_points.getObstaclePoint(kind);
+ prev_obstacle_point = marker.pose.position;
+ }
+ else // kind == OTHERS
+ {
+ marker.pose.position = prev_obstacle_point;
+ }
+ geometry_msgs::Quaternion quat;
+ marker.pose.orientation = quat;
+ marker.scale.x = 1.0;
+ marker.scale.y = 1.0;
+ marker.scale.z = 2.0;
+ marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.1);
+ marker.frame_locked = true;
+ obstacleColorByKind(kind, &marker.color, 0.7);
+ obstacle_pub.publish(marker);
+// returns index of waypoint first crosswalk is detected (within 2 meters) from (if any -1 otherwise)
+int findClosestCrosswalk(const lanelet::ConstLanelets& crosswalks, const int closest_waypoint,
+ const autoware_msgs::Lane& lane_msg, const int search_distance,
+ lanelet::ConstLanelets* closest_crosswalks, bool multiple_crosswalk_detection)
+ int wp_near_crosswalk = -1;
+ double find_distance = 2.0; // meter
+ // find near crosswalk
+ for (int wpi = closest_waypoint;
+ wpi < closest_waypoint + search_distance && wpi < static_cast<int>(lane_msg.waypoints.size()); wpi++)
+ {
+ geometry_msgs::Point waypoint = lane_msg.waypoints[wpi].pose.pose.position;
+ lanelet::BasicPoint2d wp2d(waypoint.x, waypoint.y);
+ waypoint.z = 0.0;
+ for (const auto& ll : crosswalks)
+ {
+ if (ll.hasAttribute(lanelet::AttributeName::Subtype))
+ {
+ lanelet::Attribute attr = ll.attribute(lanelet::AttributeName::Subtype);
+ if (attr.value() == lanelet::AttributeValueString::Crosswalk)
+ {
+ double d = lanelet::geometry::distance2d(ll, wp2d);
+ if (d < find_distance)
+ {
+ if (std::find(closest_crosswalks->begin(), closest_crosswalks->end(), ll) == closest_crosswalks->end())
+ {
+ closest_crosswalks->push_back(ll);
+ }
+ if (!multiple_crosswalk_detection)
+ {
+ wp_near_crosswalk = wpi;
+ return wp_near_crosswalk;
+ }
+ if (wp_near_crosswalk == -1)
+ wp_near_crosswalk = wpi;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return wp_near_crosswalk;
+// obstacle detection for crosswalk
+// return EControl::STOP when there are lidar points in crosswalk
+// return EControl::Keep otherwise
+EControl crossWalkDetection(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>& points,
+ const lanelet::ConstLanelets& closest_crosswalks,
+ const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& localizer_pose, const int points_threshold,
+ ObstaclePoints* obstacle_points)
+ for (auto lli = closest_crosswalks.begin(); lli != closest_crosswalks.end(); lli++)
+ {
+ // get polygon in lidar frame
+ lanelet::BasicPolygon2d transformed_poly2d;
+ lanelet::BasicPolygon3d poly3d = lli->polygon3d().basicPolygon();
+ for (const auto& point : poly3d)
+ {
+ geometry_msgs::Point point_geom, transformed_point_geom;
+ lanelet::utils::conversion::toGeomMsgPt(point, &point_geom);
+ transformed_point_geom = calcRelativeCoordinate(point_geom, localizer_pose.pose);
+ lanelet::BasicPoint2d transformed_point2d(transformed_point_geom.x, transformed_point_geom.y);
+ transformed_poly2d.push_back(transformed_point2d);
+ }
+ int stop_count = 0; // number of points in the detection area
+ for (const auto& p : points)
+ {
+ lanelet::BasicPoint2d p2d(p.x, p.y);
+ double distance = lanelet::geometry::distance(transformed_poly2d, p2d);
+ if (distance < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
+ {
+ stop_count++;
+ geometry_msgs::Point point_temp;
+ point_temp.x = p.x;
+ point_temp.y = p.y;
+ point_temp.z = p.z;
+ obstacle_points->setStopPoint(calcAbsoluteCoordinate(point_temp, localizer_pose.pose));
+ }
+ if (stop_count > points_threshold)
+ {
+ return EControl::STOP;
+ }
+ }
+ obstacle_points->clearStopPoints();
+ }
+ return EControl::KEEP; // find no obstacles
+// same as velocity_set.cpp - except for no reference to vector maps or crosswalk
+int detectStopObstacle(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>& points, const int closest_waypoint, int detection_waypoint,
+ const autoware_msgs::Lane& lane, const lanelet::ConstLanelets& closest_crosswalks,
+ double stop_range, double points_threshold, const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& localizer_pose,
+ ObstaclePoints* obstacle_points, EObstacleType* obstacle_type,
+ const int wpidx_detection_result_by_other_nodes)
+ int stop_obstacle_waypoint = -1;
+ *obstacle_type = EObstacleType::NONE;
+ // start search from the closest waypoint
+ for (int i = closest_waypoint; i < closest_waypoint + STOP_SEARCH_DISTANCE; i++)
+ {
+ // reach the end of waypoints
+ if (i >= static_cast<int>(lane.waypoints.size()))
+ break;
+ // detection from other nodes
+ if (wpidx_detection_result_by_other_nodes >= 0 && lane.waypoints.at(i).gid == wpidx_detection_result_by_other_nodes)
+ {
+ stop_obstacle_waypoint = i;
+ *obstacle_type = EObstacleType::STOPLINE;
+ obstacle_points->setStopPoint(lane.waypoints.at(i).pose.pose.position); // for vizuialization
+ break;
+ }
+ // Detection for cross walk
+ if (i == detection_waypoint)
+ {
+ // found an obstacle in the cross walk
+ if (crossWalkDetection(points, closest_crosswalks, localizer_pose, points_threshold, obstacle_points) ==
+ EControl::STOP)
+ {
+ stop_obstacle_waypoint = i;
+ *obstacle_type = EObstacleType::ON_CROSSWALK;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // waypoint seen by localizer
+ geometry_msgs::Point waypoint = calcRelativeCoordinate(lane.waypoints[i].pose.pose.position, localizer_pose.pose);
+ tf::Vector3 tf_waypoint = point2vector(waypoint);
+ tf_waypoint.setZ(0);
+ int stop_point_count = 0;
+ for (const auto& p : points)
+ {
+ tf::Vector3 point_vector(p.x, p.y, 0);
+ // 2D distance between waypoint and points (obstacle)
+ double dt = tf::tfDistance(point_vector, tf_waypoint);
+ if (dt < stop_range)
+ {
+ stop_point_count++;
+ geometry_msgs::Point point_temp;
+ point_temp.x = p.x;
+ point_temp.y = p.y;
+ point_temp.z = p.z;
+ obstacle_points->setStopPoint(calcAbsoluteCoordinate(point_temp, localizer_pose.pose));
+ }
+ }
+ // there is an obstacle if the number of points exceeded the threshold
+ if (stop_point_count > points_threshold)
+ {
+ stop_obstacle_waypoint = i;
+ *obstacle_type = EObstacleType::ON_WAYPOINTS;
+ break;
+ }
+ obstacle_points->clearStopPoints();
+ // check next waypoint...
+ }
+ return stop_obstacle_waypoint;
+// same as velocity_set.cpp - expect for no reference to vector maps
+int detectDecelerateObstacle(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>& points, const int closest_waypoint,
+ const autoware_msgs::Lane& lane, const double stop_range, const double deceleration_range,
+ const double points_threshold, const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& localizer_pose,
+ ObstaclePoints* obstacle_points)
+ int decelerate_obstacle_waypoint = -1;
+ // start search from the closest waypoint
+ for (int i = closest_waypoint; i < closest_waypoint + DECELERATION_SEARCH_DISTANCE; i++)
+ {
+ // reach the end of waypoints
+ if (i >= static_cast<int>(lane.waypoints.size()))
+ break;
+ // waypoint seen by localizer
+ geometry_msgs::Point waypoint = calcRelativeCoordinate(lane.waypoints[i].pose.pose.position, localizer_pose.pose);
+ tf::Vector3 tf_waypoint = point2vector(waypoint);
+ tf_waypoint.setZ(0);
+ int decelerate_point_count = 0;
+ for (const auto& p : points)
+ {
+ tf::Vector3 point_vector(p.x, p.y, 0);
+ // 2D distance between waypoint and points (obstacle)
+ double dt = tf::tfDistance(point_vector, tf_waypoint);
+ if (dt > stop_range && dt < stop_range + deceleration_range)
+ {
+ decelerate_point_count++;
+ geometry_msgs::Point point_temp;
+ point_temp.x = p.x;
+ point_temp.y = p.y;
+ point_temp.z = p.z;
+ obstacle_points->setDeceleratePoint(calcAbsoluteCoordinate(point_temp, localizer_pose.pose));
+ }
+ }
+ // there is an obstacle if the number of points exceeded the threshold
+ if (decelerate_point_count > points_threshold)
+ {
+ decelerate_obstacle_waypoint = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ obstacle_points->clearDeceleratePoints();
+ // check next waypoint...
+ }
+ return decelerate_obstacle_waypoint;
+// Detect an obstacle by using pointcloud
+// same as velocity_set.cpp - no reference to vector maps or crosswalk
+EControl pointsDetection(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>& points, const int closest_waypoint,
+ const int detection_waypoint, const autoware_msgs::Lane& lane,
+ const lanelet::ConstLanelets& closest_crosswalks, const VelocitySetInfo& vs_info,
+ int* obstacle_waypoint, ObstaclePoints* obstacle_points)
+ // no input for detection || no closest waypoint
+ if ((points.empty() == true && vs_info.getDetectionResultByOtherNodes() == -1) || closest_waypoint < 0)
+ return EControl::KEEP;
+ EObstacleType obstacle_type = EObstacleType::NONE;
+ int stop_obstacle_waypoint =
+ detectStopObstacle(points, closest_waypoint, detection_waypoint, lane, closest_crosswalks, vs_info.getStopRange(),
+ vs_info.getPointsThreshold(), vs_info.getLocalizerPose(), obstacle_points, &obstacle_type,
+ vs_info.getDetectionResultByOtherNodes());
+ // skip searching deceleration range
+ if (vs_info.getDecelerationRange() < 0.01)
+ {
+ *obstacle_waypoint = stop_obstacle_waypoint;
+ if (stop_obstacle_waypoint < 0)
+ return EControl::KEEP;
+ else if (obstacle_type == EObstacleType::ON_WAYPOINTS || obstacle_type == EObstacleType::ON_CROSSWALK)
+ return EControl::STOP;
+ else if (obstacle_type == EObstacleType::STOPLINE)
+ return EControl::STOPLINE;
+ else
+ return EControl::OTHERS;
+ }
+ int decelerate_obstacle_waypoint =
+ detectDecelerateObstacle(points, closest_waypoint, lane, vs_info.getStopRange(), vs_info.getDecelerationRange(),
+ vs_info.getPointsThreshold(), vs_info.getLocalizerPose(), obstacle_points);
+ // stop obstacle was not found
+ if (stop_obstacle_waypoint < 0)
+ {
+ *obstacle_waypoint = decelerate_obstacle_waypoint;
+ return decelerate_obstacle_waypoint < 0 ? EControl::KEEP : EControl::DECELERATE;
+ }
+ // stop obstacle was found but decelerate obstacle was not found
+ if (decelerate_obstacle_waypoint < 0)
+ {
+ *obstacle_waypoint = stop_obstacle_waypoint;
+ return EControl::STOP;
+ }
+ // about 5.0 meter
+ double waypoint_interval =
+ getPlaneDistance(lane.waypoints[0].pose.pose.position, lane.waypoints[1].pose.pose.position);
+ int stop_decelerate_threshold = 5 / waypoint_interval;
+ // both were found
+ if (stop_obstacle_waypoint - decelerate_obstacle_waypoint > stop_decelerate_threshold)
+ {
+ *obstacle_waypoint = decelerate_obstacle_waypoint;
+ return EControl::DECELERATE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *obstacle_waypoint = stop_obstacle_waypoint;
+ return EControl::STOP;
+ }
+// visualization of stoplines, crosswalks, and detection range
+void displayDetectionRange(const autoware_msgs::Lane& lane, const lanelet::ConstLanelets& closest_crosswalks,
+ const int closest_waypoint, const int detection_waypoint, const EControl& kind,
+ const int obstacle_waypoint, const double stop_range, const double deceleration_range,
+ const ros::Publisher& detection_range_pub)
+ // set up for marker array
+ visualization_msgs::MarkerArray marker_array;
+ visualization_msgs::Marker crosswalk_marker;
+ visualization_msgs::Marker waypoint_marker_stop;
+ visualization_msgs::Marker waypoint_marker_decelerate;
+ visualization_msgs::Marker stop_line;
+ crosswalk_marker.header.frame_id = "/map";
+ crosswalk_marker.header.stamp = ros::Time();
+ crosswalk_marker.id = 0;
+ crosswalk_marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE_LIST;
+ crosswalk_marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
+ waypoint_marker_stop = crosswalk_marker;
+ waypoint_marker_decelerate = crosswalk_marker;
+ stop_line = crosswalk_marker;
+ stop_line.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE;
+ // set each namespace
+ crosswalk_marker.ns = "Crosswalk Detection";
+ waypoint_marker_stop.ns = "Stop Detection";
+ waypoint_marker_decelerate.ns = "Decelerate Detection";
+ stop_line.ns = "Stop Line";
+ // set scale and color
+ double scale = 2 * stop_range;
+ waypoint_marker_stop.scale.x = scale;
+ waypoint_marker_stop.scale.y = scale;
+ waypoint_marker_stop.scale.z = scale;
+ waypoint_marker_stop.color.a = 0.2;
+ waypoint_marker_stop.color.r = 0.0;
+ waypoint_marker_stop.color.g = 1.0;
+ waypoint_marker_stop.color.b = 0.0;
+ waypoint_marker_stop.frame_locked = true;
+ scale = 2 * (stop_range + deceleration_range);
+ waypoint_marker_decelerate.scale.x = scale;
+ waypoint_marker_decelerate.scale.y = scale;
+ waypoint_marker_decelerate.scale.z = scale;
+ waypoint_marker_decelerate.color.a = 0.15;
+ waypoint_marker_decelerate.color.r = 1.0;
+ waypoint_marker_decelerate.color.g = 1.0;
+ waypoint_marker_decelerate.color.b = 0.0;
+ waypoint_marker_decelerate.frame_locked = true;
+ if (obstacle_waypoint > -1)
+ {
+ stop_line.pose.position = lane.waypoints[obstacle_waypoint].pose.pose.position;
+ stop_line.pose.orientation = lane.waypoints[obstacle_waypoint].pose.pose.orientation;
+ }
+ stop_line.pose.position.z += 1.0;
+ stop_line.scale.x = 0.1;
+ stop_line.scale.y = 15.0;
+ stop_line.scale.z = 2.0;
+ stop_line.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.1);
+ stop_line.frame_locked = true;
+ obstacleColorByKind(kind, &stop_line.color, 0.3);
+ // int crosswalk_id = crosswalk.getDetectionCrossWalkID();
+ crosswalk_marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::TRIANGLE_LIST;
+ crosswalk_marker.scale.x = 1.0;
+ crosswalk_marker.scale.y = 1.0;
+ crosswalk_marker.scale.z = 1.0;
+ crosswalk_marker.color.a = 0.5;
+ crosswalk_marker.color.r = 0.0;
+ crosswalk_marker.color.g = 1.0;
+ crosswalk_marker.color.b = 0.0;
+ for (const auto crosswalk_ll : closest_crosswalks)
+ {
+ std::vector<geometry_msgs::Polygon> triangles;
+ lanelet::visualization::lanelet2Triangle(crosswalk_ll, &triangles);
+ for (const auto t : triangles)
+ {
+ for (const auto p_32 : t.points)
+ {
+ geometry_msgs::Point pt;
+ lanelet::utils::conversion::toGeomMsgPt(p_32, &pt);
+ crosswalk_marker.points.push_back(pt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // inverse to correct direction of triangle
+ std::reverse(crosswalk_marker.points.begin(), crosswalk_marker.points.end());
+ crosswalk_marker.frame_locked = true;
+ // set marker points coordinate
+ for (int i = 0; i < STOP_SEARCH_DISTANCE; i++)
+ {
+ if (closest_waypoint < 0 || i + closest_waypoint > static_cast<int>(lane.waypoints.size()) - 1)
+ break;
+ geometry_msgs::Point point;
+ point = lane.waypoints[closest_waypoint + i].pose.pose.position;
+ waypoint_marker_stop.points.push_back(point);
+ continue;
+ waypoint_marker_decelerate.points.push_back(point);
+ }
+ marker_array.markers.push_back(crosswalk_marker);
+ marker_array.markers.push_back(waypoint_marker_stop);
+ marker_array.markers.push_back(waypoint_marker_decelerate);
+ if (kind != EControl::KEEP)
+ marker_array.markers.push_back(stop_line);
+ detection_range_pub.publish(marker_array);
+ marker_array.markers.clear();
+// same as velocity_set.cpp - except for no reference to vector maps
+EControl obstacleDetection(int closest_waypoint, int detection_waypoint, const autoware_msgs::Lane& lane,
+ const lanelet::ConstLanelets& closest_crosswalks, const VelocitySetInfo vs_info,
+ const ros::Publisher& detection_range_pub, const ros::Publisher& obstacle_pub,
+ int* obstacle_waypoint)
+ ObstaclePoints obstacle_points;
+ EControl detection_result = pointsDetection(vs_info.getPoints(), closest_waypoint, detection_waypoint, lane,
+ closest_crosswalks, // crosswalk,
+ vs_info, obstacle_waypoint, &obstacle_points);
+ displayDetectionRange(lane, closest_crosswalks, closest_waypoint, detection_waypoint, detection_result,
+ *obstacle_waypoint, vs_info.getStopRange(), vs_info.getDecelerationRange(),
+ detection_range_pub);
+ static int false_count = 0;
+ static EControl prev_detection = EControl::KEEP;
+ static int prev_obstacle_waypoint = -1;
+ // stop or decelerate because we found obstacles
+ if (detection_result == EControl::STOP || detection_result == EControl::STOPLINE ||
+ detection_result == EControl::DECELERATE)
+ {
+ displayObstacle(detection_result, obstacle_points, obstacle_pub);
+ prev_detection = detection_result;
+ false_count = 0;
+ prev_obstacle_waypoint = *obstacle_waypoint;
+ return detection_result;
+ }
+ // there are no obstacles, but wait a little for safety
+ if (prev_detection == EControl::STOP || prev_detection == EControl::STOPLINE ||
+ prev_detection == EControl::DECELERATE)
+ {
+ false_count++;
+ if (false_count < LOOP_RATE / 2)
+ {
+ *obstacle_waypoint = prev_obstacle_waypoint;
+ displayObstacle(EControl::OTHERS, obstacle_points, obstacle_pub);
+ return prev_detection;
+ }
+ }
+ // there are no obstacles, so we move forward
+ *obstacle_waypoint = -1;
+ false_count = 0;
+ prev_detection = EControl::KEEP;
+ return detection_result;
+// change velocity according to detected obstacles and stoplines
+// same as velocity_set.cpp
+void changeWaypoints(const VelocitySetInfo& vs_info, const EControl& detection_result, int closest_waypoint,
+ int obstacle_waypoint, const ros::Publisher& final_waypoints_pub, VelocitySetPath* vs_path)
+ int stop_distance =
+ (detection_result == EControl::STOPLINE) ? vs_info.getStopDistanceStopline() : vs_info.getStopDistanceObstacle();
+ double deceleration =
+ (detection_result == EControl::STOPLINE) ? vs_info.getDecelerationStopline() : vs_info.getDecelerationObstacle();
+ int stop_waypoint = calcWaypointIndexReverse(vs_path->getPrevWaypoints(), obstacle_waypoint, stop_distance);
+ if (detection_result == EControl::STOP || detection_result == EControl::STOPLINE) // STOP for obstacle/stopline
+ { // stop_waypoint is about stop_distance meter away from obstacles/stoplines
+ // change waypoints to stop by the stop_waypoint
+ vs_path->changeWaypointsForStopping(stop_waypoint, obstacle_waypoint, closest_waypoint, deceleration);
+ }
+ else if (detection_result == EControl::DECELERATE) // DECELERATE for obstacles
+ {
+ vs_path->initializeNewWaypoints();
+ vs_path->changeWaypointsForDeceleration(vs_info.getDecelerationObstacle(), closest_waypoint, obstacle_waypoint);
+ }
+ else
+ vs_path->initializeNewWaypoints();
+ }
+ vs_path->avoidSuddenAcceleration(deceleration, closest_waypoint);
+ vs_path->avoidSuddenDeceleration(vs_info.getVelocityChangeLimit(), deceleration, closest_waypoint);
+ vs_path->setTemporalWaypoints(vs_info.getTemporalWaypointsSize(), closest_waypoint, vs_info.getControlPose());
+ final_waypoints_pub.publish(vs_path->getTemporalWaypoints());
+void binMapCallback(const autoware_lanelet2_msgs::MapBin& msg)
+ g_lanelet_map = std::make_shared<lanelet::LaneletMap>();
+ lanelet::utils::conversion::fromBinMsg(msg, g_lanelet_map);
+ g_loaded_lanelet_map = true;
+ lanelet::ConstLanelets all_lanelets = lanelet::utils::query::laneletLayer(g_lanelet_map);
+ g_crosswalk_lanelets = lanelet::utils::query::crosswalkLanelets(all_lanelets);
+ ROS_INFO("velocity_set_lanelet2: lanelet map loaded\n");
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ g_loaded_lanelet_map = false;
+ ros::init(argc, argv, "velocity_set");
+ ros::NodeHandle rosnode;
+ ros::NodeHandle private_rosnode("~");
+ // parameters from ros param
+ bool use_crosswalk_detection;
+ bool enable_multiple_crosswalk_detection;
+ bool enablePlannerDynamicSwitch;
+ std::string points_topic;
+ private_rosnode.param<bool>("use_crosswalk_detection", use_crosswalk_detection, true);
+ private_rosnode.param<bool>("enable_multiple_crosswalk_detection", enable_multiple_crosswalk_detection, true);
+ private_rosnode.param<bool>("enablePlannerDynamicSwitch", enablePlannerDynamicSwitch, false);
+ private_rosnode.param<std::string>("points_topic", points_topic, "points_lanes");
+ VelocitySetPath vs_path;
+ VelocitySetInfo vs_info;
+ // map subscriber
+ ros::Subscriber bin_map_sub = rosnode.subscribe("lanelet_map_bin", 1, binMapCallback);
+ // velocity set path subscriber
+ ros::Subscriber waypoints_sub =
+ rosnode.subscribe("safety_waypoints", 1, &VelocitySetPath::waypointsCallback, &vs_path);
+ ros::Subscriber current_vel_sub =
+ rosnode.subscribe("current_velocity", 1, &VelocitySetPath::currentVelocityCallback, &vs_path);
+ // velocity set info subscriber
+ ros::Subscriber config_sub = rosnode.subscribe("config/velocity_set", 1, &VelocitySetInfo::configCallback, &vs_info);
+ ros::Subscriber points_sub = rosnode.subscribe(points_topic, 1, &VelocitySetInfo::pointsCallback, &vs_info);
+ ros::Subscriber localizer_sub =
+ rosnode.subscribe("localizer_pose", 1, &VelocitySetInfo::localizerPoseCallback, &vs_info);
+ ros::Subscriber control_pose_sub =
+ rosnode.subscribe("current_pose", 1, &VelocitySetInfo::controlPoseCallback, &vs_info);
+ ros::Subscriber detectionresult_sub =
+ rosnode.subscribe("state/stopline_wpidx", 1, &VelocitySetInfo::detectionCallback, &vs_info);
+ // publisher
+ ros::Publisher detection_range_pub = rosnode.advertise<visualization_msgs::MarkerArray>("detection_range", 1);
+ ros::Publisher obstacle_pub = rosnode.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("obstacle", 1);
+ ros::Publisher obstacle_waypoint_pub = rosnode.advertise<std_msgs::Int32>("obstacle_waypoint", 1, true);
+ ros::Publisher stopline_waypoint_pub = rosnode.advertise<std_msgs::Int32>("stopline_waypoint", 1, true);
+ ros::Publisher final_waypoints_pub;
+ final_waypoints_pub = rosnode.advertise<autoware_msgs::Lane>("final_waypoints", 1, true);
+ ros::Rate loop_rate(LOOP_RATE);
+ while (ros::ok())
+ {
+ ros::spinOnce();
+ int closest_waypoint = 0;
+ if (!vs_info.getSetPose() || !vs_path.getSetPath())
+ {
+ loop_rate.sleep();
+ continue;
+ }
+ int detection_waypoint = -1;
+ lanelet::ConstLanelets closest_crosswalks;
+ if (use_crosswalk_detection)
+ {
+ if (!g_loaded_lanelet_map)
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("use_crosswalk_detection is true, but lanelet map is not loaded!");
+ }
+ detection_waypoint =
+ findClosestCrosswalk(g_crosswalk_lanelets, closest_waypoint, vs_path.getPrevWaypoints(), STOP_SEARCH_DISTANCE,
+ &closest_crosswalks, enable_multiple_crosswalk_detection);
+ }
+ int obstacle_waypoint = -1;
+ EControl detection_result =
+ obstacleDetection(closest_waypoint, detection_waypoint, vs_path.getPrevWaypoints(), closest_crosswalks, vs_info,
+ detection_range_pub, obstacle_pub, &obstacle_waypoint);
+ changeWaypoints(vs_info, detection_result, closest_waypoint, obstacle_waypoint, final_waypoints_pub, &vs_path);
+ vs_info.clearPoints();
+ // publish obstacle waypoint index
+ std_msgs::Int32 obstacle_waypoint_index;
+ std_msgs::Int32 stopline_waypoint_index;
+ if (detection_result == EControl::STOP)
+ {
+ obstacle_waypoint_index.data = obstacle_waypoint;
+ stopline_waypoint_index.data = -1;
+ }
+ else if (detection_result == EControl::STOPLINE)
+ {
+ obstacle_waypoint_index.data = -1;
+ stopline_waypoint_index.data = obstacle_waypoint;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ obstacle_waypoint_index.data = -1;
+ stopline_waypoint_index.data = -1;
+ }
+ obstacle_waypoint_pub.publish(obstacle_waypoint_index);
+ stopline_waypoint_pub.publish(stopline_waypoint_index);
+ vs_path.resetFlag();
+ loop_rate.sleep();
+ }
+ return 0;