@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Austin Robot Technology, Patrick Beeson
+ * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2012 Austin Robot Technology, Jack O'Quin
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Robosense, Tony Zhang
+ *
+ * License: Modified BSD Software License Agreement
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+ * @file
+ *
+ * RSLIDAR 3D LIDAR data accessor class implementation.
+ *
+ * Class for unpacking raw RSLIDAR LIDAR packets into useful
+ * formats.
+ *
+ */
+#include "rawdata.h"
+#define RS_Grabber_toRadians(x) ((x)*M_PI / 180.0)
+#define RS_SWAP_HIGHLOW(x) ((((x)&0xFF) << 8) | (((x)&0xFF00) >> 8))
+// #define RS_SWAP_HIGHLOW(x) (((x) / 256) + (((x) % 256) * 256))
+namespace rslidar_rawdata
+ point_idx_ = 0;
+ last_pitch_index_ = 0;
+ skip_block_ = 0;
+ last_pkt_index_ = -1;
+ pitch_max_ = 25000;
+ is_init_difop_ = false;
+void RawData::loadConfigFile(std::string strchannelPath, std::string strlimitPath)
+//void RawData::loadConfigFile(ros::NodeHandle node, ros::NodeHandle private_nh)
+ std::string channelPath, limitPath, slowPath;
+ std::string input_difop_packets_topic;
+ channelPath = strchannelPath;
+ limitPath = strlimitPath;
+// private_nh.param("channel_path", channelPath, std::string(""));
+// private_nh.param("limit_path", limitPath, std::string(""));
+// private_nh.param("input_difop_packets_topic", input_difop_packets_topic, std::string("rslidar_difop_packets"));
+ //=============================================================
+ FILE* f_channel = fopen(channelPath.c_str(), "r");
+ if (!f_channel)
+ {
+ std::cout<<"channelPath: " << channelPath << " does not exist"<<std::endl;
+ // ROS_ERROR_STREAM("channelPath: " << channelPath << " does not exist");
+ for (int i = 0; i < MEMS_SCANS_PER_FIRING; i++)
+ {
+ channel_num_[i] = 0;
+ pitch_offset_[i] = 0;
+ yaw_offset_[i] = 0;
+ }
+ pitch_rate_ = 1;
+ yaw_rate_ = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"Loading channelNum corrections file!"<<std::endl;
+// ROS_INFO_STREAM("Loading channelNum corrections file!");
+ int loopm = 0;
+ float tmpBuf[32];
+ const float defaultTmpBuf[32] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // distance correction offset
+ 1.0f, 1.0f, // pitch yaw rate
+ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // pitch offset
+ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // yaw offset
+ -6.75f, 6.75f, -6.75f, 6.75f, -6.75f, 6.75f, -6.75f, 6.75f, -6.75f, 6.75f, -6.75f, 6.75f};// yaw start angle
+ while (!feof(f_channel))
+ {
+ if (1 != fscanf(f_channel, "%f%*[^\n]%*c\n", &tmpBuf[loopm]))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ loopm++;
+ if (loopm >= 32)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (loopm != 32)
+ {
+ std::cout<<"the format of " << channelPath << " is not correct, use default data"<<std::endl;
+// ROS_ERROR_STREAM("the format of " << channelPath << " is not correct, use default data");
+ for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
+ {
+ tmpBuf[i] = defaultTmpBuf[i];
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < MEMS_SCANS_PER_FIRING; i++)
+ {
+ channel_num_[i] = (int)(tmpBuf[i]);
+ pitch_offset_[i] = tmpBuf[8 + i];
+ yaw_offset_[i] = tmpBuf[14 + i];
+ }
+ pitch_rate_ = tmpBuf[6];
+ yaw_rate_ = tmpBuf[7];
+ fclose(f_channel);
+ }
+ //=============================================================
+ FILE* f_limit = fopen(limitPath.c_str(), "r");
+ if (!f_limit)
+ {
+ std::cout<<"limitPath: " << limitPath <<" does not exist"<<std::endl;
+// ROS_ERROR_STREAM("limitPath: " << limitPath <<" does not exist");
+ distance_max_thd_ = 200.0;
+ distance_min_thd_ = 0.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"Loading limit file!"<<std::endl;
+// ROS_INFO_STREAM("Loading limit file!");
+ float tmp_min;
+ float tmp_max;
+ if (1 == fscanf(f_limit, "%f\n", &tmp_min) &&
+ 1 == fscanf(f_limit, "%f\n", &tmp_max))
+ {
+ distance_max_thd_ = tmp_max / 100.0;
+ distance_min_thd_ = tmp_min / 100.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"the format of " << limitPath << " is not correct, use default data"<<std::endl;
+ // ROS_ERROR_STREAM("the format of " << limitPath << " is not correct, use default data");
+ distance_max_thd_ = 200.0;
+ distance_min_thd_ = 0.0;
+ }
+ fclose(f_limit);
+ }
+ // lookup table init, -10 ~ 10 deg, 0.01 resolution
+ this->tan_lookup_table_.resize(2000);
+ for (int i = -1000; i < 1000; i++)
+ {
+ double rad = RS_Grabber_toRadians(i / 100.0f);
+ this->tan_lookup_table_[i + 1000] = std::tan(rad);
+ }
+ input_ref_ << 0.748956, 0.414693, -0.414693, -0.748956, 0,
+ 0.33131, 0.454981, 0.454981, 0.33131, 0.5,
+ -0.573846,-0.78805, -0.78805, -0.573846,-0.866025;
+ rotate_gal_ << 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.965926, -0.258819, 0, 0.258819, 0.965926;
+ // std::cout << "input_ref_" << input_ref_ << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "rotate_gal_" << rotate_gal_ << std::endl;
+ // advertise output temp info
+ std::string temp_info_topic = "temperature";
+// private_nh.param("output_temp_topic", temp_info_topic, std::string("temperature"));
+// temp_output_ = node.advertise<std_msgs::Float32>(temp_info_topic, 10);
+// // subscribe to difop topic
+// difop_sub_ = node.subscribe(input_difop_packets_topic, 10, &RawData::processDifop, (RawData*)this);
+void RawData::processDifop(const std::shared_ptr<rs_driver::m1packet> & difop_msg)
+//void RawData::processDifop(const rslidar_msgs::rslidarPacket::ConstPtr& difop_msg)
+ const rs_difop* difop_ptr = (const rs_difop*)&difop_msg->data[0];
+ if (difop_ptr->framHeader[0] == 0xa5 && difop_ptr->framHeader[1] == 0xff &&
+ difop_ptr->framHeader[2] == 0x00 && difop_ptr->framHeader[3] == 0x5a)
+ {
+ if (!this->is_init_difop_)
+ {
+ bool cali_param_flag = true;
+ // check difop reigon has been flashed the right data
+ if ((difop_ptr->caliParam[9].data[0] == 0x00 && difop_ptr->caliParam[9].data[1] == 0x00) &&
+ (difop_ptr->caliParam[10].data[0] == 0x00 && difop_ptr->caliParam[10].data[1] == 0x00))
+ {
+ cali_param_flag = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cali_param_flag = true;
+ }
+ // calibration parameter
+ if (cali_param_flag)
+ {
+ int bit1, bit2, bit3, symbolbit;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MEMS_SCANS_PER_FIRING; ++i)
+ {
+ // distance cor
+ bit1 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[0 + i].paramSign);
+ bit2 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[0 + i].data[0]);
+ bit3 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[0 + i].data[1]);
+ if (bit1 == 0)
+ symbolbit = 1;
+ else if (bit1 == 1)
+ symbolbit = -1;
+ channel_num_[i] = 0.01 * (bit2 * 256 + bit3) * symbolbit;
+ // pitch offset angle
+ bit1 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[8 + i].paramSign);
+ bit2 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[8 + i].data[0]);
+ bit3 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[8 + i].data[1]);
+ if (bit1 == 0)
+ symbolbit = 1;
+ else if (bit1 == 1)
+ symbolbit = -1;
+ pitch_offset_[i] = 0.01 * (bit2 * 256 + bit3) * symbolbit;
+ // yaw offset angle
+ bit1 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[14 + i].paramSign);
+ bit2 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[14 + i].data[0]);
+ bit3 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[14 + i].data[1]);
+ if (bit1 == 0)
+ symbolbit = 1;
+ else if (bit1 == 1)
+ symbolbit = -1;
+ yaw_offset_[i] = 0.01 * (bit2 * 256 + bit3) * symbolbit;
+ // printf("index: %d, dis_cor: %d, pitch_offset_: %f, yaw_offset_: %f\n", i, channel_num_[i], pitch_offset_[i], yaw_offset_[i]);
+ }
+ // pitch_rate
+ bit1 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[6].paramSign);
+ bit2 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[6].data[0]);
+ bit3 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[6].data[1]);
+ if (bit1 == 0)
+ symbolbit = 1;
+ else if (bit1 == 1)
+ symbolbit = -1;
+ pitch_rate_ = 0.01 * (bit2 * 256 + bit3) * symbolbit;
+ // yaw_rate
+ bit1 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[7].paramSign);
+ bit2 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[7].data[0]);
+ bit3 = static_cast<int>(difop_ptr->caliParam[7].data[1]);
+ if (bit1 == 0)
+ symbolbit = 1;
+ else if (bit1 == 1)
+ symbolbit = -1;
+ yaw_rate_ = 0.01 * (bit2 * 256 + bit3) * symbolbit;
+ // printf("pitch_rate: %f, yaw_rate: %f\n", pitch_rate_, yaw_rate_);
+ }
+ this->is_init_difop_ = true;
+ std::cout<<"read angle from difop!"<<std::endl;
+ // ROS_INFO_STREAM("read angle from difop!");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+/** @brief convert raw packet to point cloud
+ *
+ * @param pkt raw packet to unpack
+ * @param pc shared pointer to point cloud (points are appended)
+ */
+float RawData::pitchConvertDeg(int deg) // convert deg into -625 ~ +625
+ float result_f;
+ float deg_f = deg;
+ result_f = (deg_f * (1250.0f / pitch_max_) - 625.0f);
+ // printf("%d,%f;%f\n",deg,deg_f,result_f);
+ return result_f;
+float RawData::yawConvertDeg(int deg) // convert deg into -675 ~ 675
+ float result_f;
+ float deg_f = deg;
+ result_f = (deg_f * (1350.0f / 65534.0f) - 675.0f);
+ // printf("%d,%f;%f\n",deg,deg_f,result_f);
+ return result_f;
+float RawData::pixelToDistance(int distance, int dsr)
+ float result;
+ int cor = channel_num_[dsr];
+ if (distance <= cor)
+ {
+ result = 0.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = distance - cor;
+ }
+ return result;
+void RawData::unpack_MEMS(const rs_driver::m1packet &pkt, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr pointcloud)
+//void RawData::unpack_MEMS(const rslidar_msgs::rslidarPacket& pkt, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr pointcloud)
+ float pitch, yaw; // degree
+ int index_temp;
+ pcl::PointXYZI point;
+ const raw_mems_packet_t* raw = (const raw_mems_packet_t*)&pkt.data[0];
+ // check if it is lost udp packet, and need to set nan data and increase index of point
+ // normally, index of packet will increase one if it doesn't lose packet
+ int pkt_index = 256 * raw->cmd[0] + raw->cmd[1];
+ // lose packets limit: 1 ~ 630
+ if (pkt_index - last_pkt_index_ > 1 && pkt_index - last_pkt_index_ < POINT_COUNT_PER_VIEWFIELD / MEMS_BLOCKS_PER_PACKET
+ && last_pkt_index_ != -1)
+ {
+ int lose_pkt_count = pkt_index - last_pkt_index_ - 1;
+ while (lose_pkt_count--)
+ {
+ for (int block = 0; block < MEMS_BLOCKS_PER_PACKET; block ++)
+ {
+ for (int dsr = 1; dsr < MEMS_SCANS_PER_FIRING; dsr++)
+ {
+ point.x = NAN;
+ point.y = NAN;
+ point.z = NAN;
+ point.intensity = 0;
+ pointcloud->at(point_idx_, dsr - 1) = point;
+ }
+ point_idx_ ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // unpack block
+ for (int block = skip_block_; block < MEMS_BLOCKS_PER_PACKET; block++) // 1 packet:25 data blocks
+ {
+ raw_mems_block_t* pBlockPkt = (raw_mems_block_t*)(raw->blocks + block);
+ index_temp = RS_SWAP_HIGHLOW(pBlockPkt->pitch);
+ // pitch index will increase until new frame
+ if (last_pitch_index_ > index_temp)
+ {
+ {
+ pitch_max_ = last_pitch_index_;
+ }
+ point_idx_ = 0;
+ skip_block_ = block;
+ last_pitch_index_ = index_temp;
+ //temperature publish
+// std_msgs::Float32 tempMsg; // temperature value, Celsius degree
+// tempMsg.data = raw->temp;
+// temp_output_.publish(tempMsg);
+ break;
+ }
+ last_pitch_index_ = index_temp;
+ pitch = pitchConvertDeg(RS_SWAP_HIGHLOW(pBlockPkt->pitch)) * ANGLE_RESOLUTION;
+ yaw = yawConvertDeg(RS_SWAP_HIGHLOW(pBlockPkt->yaw)) * ANGLE_RESOLUTION;
+ // unpack points
+ Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> n_gal;
+ Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> i_out;
+ for (int dsr = 1; dsr < MEMS_SCANS_PER_FIRING; dsr++) // 5 channels, channel index 1 ~ 5
+ {
+ float temp_a, temp_b, temp_c, tanax, tanay;
+ int ax, ay;
+ ax = (int)(100 * pitch_rate_ * (pitch + pitch_offset_[dsr])); // ax: -1000 ~ 1000, 0.01deg
+ ay = (int)(100 * yaw_rate_ * (yaw + yaw_offset_[dsr])); // ay: -1000 ~ 1000, 0.01deg
+ tanax = this->tan_lookup_table_[ax + 1000];
+ tanay = this->tan_lookup_table_[ay + 1000];
+ tanax = -tanax;
+ tanay = -tanay;
+ // calc i_out
+ n_gal << tanay, -tanax, 1;
+ n_gal.normalize();
+ n_gal = rotate_gal_ * n_gal;
+ i_out = input_ref_.col(dsr - 1) - 2 * n_gal * n_gal.transpose() * input_ref_.col(dsr - 1);
+ float distance = pixelToDistance(RS_SWAP_HIGHLOW(pBlockPkt->channel[dsr].distance_1), dsr);
+ distance = distance * DISTANCE_RESOLUTION;
+ if (distance > distance_max_thd_ || distance < distance_min_thd_) // invalid data
+ {
+ point.x = NAN;
+ point.y = NAN;
+ point.z = NAN;
+ point.intensity = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ point.x = i_out(2) * distance;
+ point.y = i_out(0) * distance;
+ point.z = i_out(1) * distance;
+ point.intensity = RS_SWAP_HIGHLOW(pBlockPkt->channel[dsr].intensity_1);
+ }
+ if (point_idx_ < POINT_COUNT_PER_VIEWFIELD)
+ pointcloud->at(point_idx_, dsr - 1) = point;
+ }
+ point_idx_ ++;
+ skip_block_ = 0;
+ }
+ last_pkt_index_ = pkt_index;
+} // namespace rslidar_rawdata