@@ -0,0 +1,2939 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima).
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#ifndef _FASTCDR_CDR_H_
+#define _FASTCDR_CDR_H_
+#include "fastcdr_dll.h"
+#include "FastBuffer.h"
+#include "exceptions/NotEnoughMemoryException.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#if !__APPLE__ && !__FreeBSD__ && !__VXWORKS__
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <array>
+namespace eprosima
+ namespace fastcdr
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @brief This class offers an interface to serialize/deserialize some basic types using CDR protocol inside an eprosima::fastcdr::FastBuffer.
+ */
+ class Cdr_DllAPI Cdr
+ {
+ public:
+ //! @brief This enumeration represents the two kinds of CDR serialization supported by eprosima::fastcdr::CDR.
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ //! @brief Common CORBA CDR serialization.
+ //! @brief DDS CDR serialization.
+ } CdrType;
+ //! @brief This enumeration represents the two posible values of the flag that points if the content is a parameter list (only in DDS CDR).
+ typedef enum
+#ifdef HAVE_CXX0X
+ : uint8_t
+ {
+ //! @brief Specifies that the content is not a parameter list.
+ //! @brief Specifies that the content is a parameter list.
+ } DDSCdrPlFlag;
+ /*!
+ * @brief This enumeration represents endianness types.
+ */
+ typedef enum
+#ifdef HAVE_CXX0X
+ : uint8_t
+ {
+ //! @brief Big endianness.
+ //! @brief Little endianness.
+ } Endianness;
+ //! @brief Default endiness in the system.
+ static const Endianness DEFAULT_ENDIAN;
+ /*!
+ * @brief This class stores the current state of a CDR serialization.
+ */
+ class Cdr_DllAPI state
+ {
+ friend class Cdr;
+ public:
+ /*!
+ * @brief Default constructor.
+ */
+ state(const Cdr &cdr);
+ /*!
+ * @brief Copy constructor.
+ */
+ state(const state&);
+ private:
+ state& operator=(const state&) = delete;
+ //! @brief The position in the buffer when the state was created.
+ const FastBuffer::iterator m_currentPosition;
+ //! @brief The position from the aligment is calculated, when the state was created..
+ const FastBuffer::iterator m_alignPosition;
+ //! @brief This attribute specified if it is needed to swap the bytes when the state was created..
+ bool m_swapBytes;
+ //! @brief Stores the last datasize serialized/deserialized when the state was created.
+ size_t m_lastDataSize;
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @brief This constructor creates an eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object that can serialize/deserialize
+ * the assigned buffer.
+ *
+ * @param cdrBuffer A reference to the buffer that contains (or will contain) the CDR representation.
+ * @param endianness The initial endianness that will be used. The default value is the endianness of the system.
+ * @param cdrType Represents the type of CDR that will be used in serialization/deserialization. The default value is CORBA CDR.
+ */
+ Cdr(FastBuffer &cdrBuffer, const Endianness endianness = DEFAULT_ENDIAN, const CdrType cdrType = CORBA_CDR);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function reads the encapsulation of the CDR stream.
+ * If the CDR stream contains an encapsulation, then this function should be called before starting to deserialize.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ * @exception exception::BadParamException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize an invalid value.
+ */
+ Cdr& read_encapsulation();
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function writes the encapsulation of the CDR stream.
+ * If the CDR stream should contain an encapsulation, then this function should be called before starting to serialize.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize_encapsulation();
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function returns the parameter list flag when the CDR type is eprosima::fastcdr::DDS_CDR.
+ * @return The flag that specifies if the content is a parameter list.
+ */
+ DDSCdrPlFlag getDDSCdrPlFlag() const;
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function sets the parameter list flag when the CDR type is eprosima::fastcdr::DDS_CDR.
+ * @param plFlag New value for the flag that specifies if the content is a parameter list.
+ */
+ void setDDSCdrPlFlag(DDSCdrPlFlag plFlag);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function returns the option flags when the CDR type is eprosima::fastcdr::DDS_CDR.
+ * @return The option flags.
+ */
+ uint16_t getDDSCdrOptions() const;
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function sets the option flags when the CDR type is eprosima::fastcdr::DDS_CDR.
+ * @param options New value for the option flags.
+ */
+ void setDDSCdrOptions(uint16_t options);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function sets the current endianness used by the CDR type.
+ * @param endianness The new endianness value.
+ */
+ void changeEndianness(Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function returns the current endianness used by the CDR type.
+ * @return The endianness.
+ */
+ Endianness endianness() const { return static_cast<Endianness>(m_endianness); }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function skips a number of bytes in the CDR stream buffer.
+ * @param numBytes The number of bytes that will be jumped.
+ * @return True is returned when it works successfully. Otherwise, false is returned.
+ */
+ bool jump(size_t numBytes);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function resets the current position in the buffer to the beginning.
+ */
+ void reset();
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function returns the pointer to the current used buffer.
+ * @return Pointer to the starting position of the buffer.
+ */
+ char* getBufferPointer();
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function returns the current position in the CDR stream.
+ * @return Pointer to the current position in the buffer.
+ */
+ char* getCurrentPosition();
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function returns the length of the serialized data inside the stream.
+ * @return The length of the serialized data.
+ */
+ inline size_t getSerializedDataLength() const { return m_currentPosition - m_cdrBuffer.begin();}
+ /*!
+ * @brief Get the number of bytes needed to align a position to certain data size.
+ * @param current_alignment Position to be aligned.
+ * @param dataSize Size of next data to process (should be power of two).
+ * @return Number of required alignment bytes.
+ */
+ inline static size_t alignment(size_t current_alignment, size_t dataSize) { return (dataSize - (current_alignment % dataSize)) & (dataSize-1);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function returns the current state of the CDR serialization process.
+ * @return The current state of the CDR serialization process.
+ */
+ state getState();
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function sets a previous state of the CDR serialization process;
+ * @param state Previous state that will be set.
+ */
+ void setState(state &state);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function moves the alignment forward.
+ * @param numBytes The number of bytes the alignment should advance.
+ * @return True If alignment was moved successfully.
+ */
+ bool moveAlignmentForward(size_t numBytes);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function resets the alignment to the current position in the buffer.
+ */
+ inline void resetAlignment(){m_alignPosition = m_currentPosition;}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes an octet.
+ * @param octet_t The value of the octet that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const uint8_t octet_t){return serialize(octet_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a character.
+ * @param char_t The value of the character that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const char char_t){return serialize(char_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a int8_t.
+ * @param int8 The value of the int8_t that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const int8_t int8){return serialize(int8);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes an unsigned short.
+ * @param ushort_t The value of the unsigned short that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const uint16_t ushort_t){return serialize(ushort_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a short.
+ * @param short_t The value of the short that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const int16_t short_t){return serialize(short_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes an unsigned long.
+ * @param ulong_t The value of the unsigned long that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const uint32_t ulong_t){return serialize(ulong_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a long.
+ * @param ulong_t The value of the long that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const int32_t long_t){return serialize(long_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a wide-char.
+ * @param wchar The value of the wide-char that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const wchar_t wchar){return serialize(wchar);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes an unsigned long long.
+ * @param ulonglong_t The value of the unsigned long long that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const uint64_t ulonglong_t){return serialize(ulonglong_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a long long.
+ * @param longlong_t The value of the long long that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const int64_t longlong_t){return serialize(longlong_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a float.
+ * @param float_t The value of the float that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const float float_t){return serialize(float_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a double.
+ * @param double_t The value of the double that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const double double_t){return serialize(double_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a long double.
+ * @param ldouble_t The value of the long double that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const long double ldouble_t){return serialize(ldouble_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a boolean.
+ * @param bool_t The value of the boolean that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const bool bool_t){return serialize(bool_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a null-terminated c-string.
+ * @param string_t Pointer to the begining of the string that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const char *string_t){return serialize(string_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a null-terminated c-string.
+ * @param string_t Pointer to the begining of the string that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(char *string_t){return serialize(string_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a string.
+ * @param string_t The string that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const std::string &string_t){return serialize(string_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator serializes a wstring.
+ * @param string_t The wstring that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const std::wstring &string_t){return serialize(string_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator template is used to serialize arrays.
+ * @param array_t The array that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T, size_t _Size>
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const std::array<_T, _Size> &array_t){return serialize<_T, _Size>(array_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator template is used to serialize sequences.
+ * @param vector_t The sequence that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const std::vector<_T> &vector_t){return serialize<_T>(vector_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator template is used to serialize maps.
+ * @param map_t The map that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _K, class _T>
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const std::map<_K, _T> &map_t){return serialize<_K, _T>(map_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator template is used to serialize any other non-basic type.
+ * @param type_t A reference to the object that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ inline Cdr& operator<<(const _T &type_t)
+ {
+ type_t.serialize(*this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes an octet.
+ * @param octet_t The variable that will store the octet read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(uint8_t &octet_t){return deserialize(octet_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a character.
+ * @param char_t The variable that will store the character read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(char &char_t){return deserialize(char_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a int8_t.
+ * @param int8 The variable that will store the int8_t read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(int8_t &int8){return deserialize(int8);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes an unsigned short.
+ * @param ushort_t The variable that will store the unsigned short read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(uint16_t &ushort_t){return deserialize(ushort_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a short.
+ * @param short_t The variable that will store the short read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(int16_t &short_t){return deserialize(short_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes an unsigned long.
+ * @param ulong_t The variable that will store the unsigned long read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(uint32_t &ulong_t){return deserialize(ulong_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a long.
+ * @param long_t The variable that will store the long read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(int32_t &long_t){return deserialize(long_t);}
+ // TODO in FastCdr
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a wide-char.
+ * @param wchar The variable that will store the wide-char read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(wchar_t &wchar){return deserialize(wchar);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a unsigned long long.
+ * @param ulonglong_t The variable that will store the unsigned long long read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(uint64_t &ulonglong_t){return deserialize(ulonglong_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a long long.
+ * @param longlong_t The variable that will store the long long read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(int64_t &longlong_t){return deserialize(longlong_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a float.
+ * @param float_t The variable that will store the float read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(float &float_t){return deserialize(float_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a double.
+ * @param double_t The variable that will store the double read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(double &double_t){return deserialize(double_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a long double.
+ * @param ldouble_t The variable that will store the long double read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(long double &ldouble_t){return deserialize(ldouble_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a boolean.
+ * @param bool_t The variable that will store the boolean read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ * @exception exception::BadParamException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize an invalid value.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(bool &bool_t){return deserialize(bool_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a null-terminated c-string.
+ * @param string_t The variable that will store the c-string read from the buffer.
+ * Please note that a newly allocated string will be returned.
+ * The caller should free the returned pointer when appropiate.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ * @exception exception::BadParamException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize an invalid value.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(char *&string_t){return deserialize(string_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a string.
+ * @param string_t The variable that will store the string read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(std::string &string_t){return deserialize(string_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator deserializes a string.
+ * @param string_t The variable that will store the string read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(std::wstring &string_t){return deserialize(string_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator template is used to deserialize arrays.
+ * @param array_t The variable that will store the array read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T, size_t _Size>
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(std::array<_T, _Size> &array_t){return deserialize<_T, _Size>(array_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator template is used to deserialize sequences.
+ * @param vector_t The variable that will store the sequence read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(std::vector<_T> &vector_t){return deserialize<_T>(vector_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator template is used to deserialize maps.
+ * @param map_t The variable that will store the map read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _K, class _T>
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(std::map<_K, _T> &map_t){return deserialize<_K, _T>(map_t);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This operator template is used to deserialize any other non-basic type.
+ * @param type_t The variable that will store the object read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ inline Cdr& operator>>(_T &type_t)
+ {
+ type_t.deserialize(*this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an octet.
+ * @param octet_t The value of the octet that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const uint8_t octet_t)
+ {
+ return serialize(static_cast<char>(octet_t));
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an octet with a different endianness.
+ * @param octet_t The value of the octet that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const uint8_t octet_t, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return serialize(static_cast<char>(octet_t), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a character.
+ * @param char_t The value of the character that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const char char_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a character with a different endianness.
+ * @param char_t The value of the character that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const char char_t, Endianness /*endianness*/)
+ {
+ return serialize(char_t);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an int8_t.
+ * @param int8 The value of the int8_t that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const int8_t int8)
+ {
+ return serialize(static_cast<char>(int8));
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an int8_t with a different endianness.
+ * @param octet_t The value of the int8_t that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const int8_t int8, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return serialize(static_cast<char>(int8), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an unsigned short.
+ * @param ushort_t The value of the unsigned short that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const uint16_t ushort_t)
+ {
+ return serialize(static_cast<int16_t>(ushort_t));
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an unsigned short with a different endianness.
+ * @param ushort_t The value of the unsigned short that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const uint16_t ushort_t, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return serialize(static_cast<int16_t>(ushort_t), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a short.
+ * @param short_t The value of the short that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const int16_t short_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a short with a different endianness.
+ * @param short_t The value of the short that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const int16_t short_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an unsigned long.
+ * @param ulong_t The value of the unsigned long that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const uint32_t ulong_t)
+ {
+ return serialize(static_cast<int32_t>(ulong_t));
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an unsigned long with a different endianness.
+ * @param ulong_t The value of the unsigned long that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const uint32_t ulong_t, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return serialize(static_cast<int32_t>(ulong_t), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a long.
+ * @param long_t The value of the long that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const int32_t long_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a long with a different endianness.
+ * @param long_t The value of the long that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const int32_t long_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a wide-char.
+ * @param wchar The value of the wide-char that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const wchar_t wchar)
+ {
+ return serialize(static_cast<uint32_t>(wchar));
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a wide-char with a different endianness.
+ * @param wchar The value of the wide-char that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const wchar_t wchar, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return serialize(static_cast<uint32_t>(wchar), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an unsigned long long.
+ * @param ulonglong_t The value of the unsigned long long that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const uint64_t ulonglong_t)
+ {
+ return serialize(static_cast<int64_t>(ulonglong_t));
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an unsigned long long with a different endianness.
+ * @param ulonglong_t The value of the unsigned long long that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const uint64_t ulonglong_t, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return serialize(static_cast<int64_t>(ulonglong_t), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a long long.
+ * @param longlong_t The value of the long long that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const int64_t longlong_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a long long with a different endianness.
+ * @param longlong_t The value of the long long that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const int64_t longlong_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a float.
+ * @param float_t The value of the float that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const float float_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a float with a different endianness.
+ * @param float_t The value of the float that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const float float_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a double.
+ * @param double_t The value of the double that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const double double_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a double with a different endianness.
+ * @param double_t The value of the double that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const double double_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a long double.
+ * @param ldouble_t The value of the long double that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ * @note Due to internal representation differences, WIN32 and *NIX like systems are not compatible.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const long double ldouble_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a long double with a different endianness.
+ * @param ldouble_t The value of the long double that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ * @note Due to internal representation differences, WIN32 and *NIX like systems are not compatible.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const long double ldouble_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a boolean.
+ * @param bool_t The value of the boolean that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const bool bool_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a boolean with a different endianness.
+ * @param bool_t The value of the boolean that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const bool bool_t, Endianness /*endianness*/)
+ {
+ return serialize(bool_t);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a string.
+ * @param string_t The pointer to the string that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline Cdr& serialize(char *string_t) { return serialize(static_cast<const char*>(string_t)); }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a string.
+ * @param string_t The pointer to the string that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const char *string_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a wstring.
+ * @param string_t The pointer to the wstring that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const wchar_t *string_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a string with a different endianness.
+ * @param string_t The pointer to the string that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const char *string_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a wstring with a different endianness.
+ * @param string_t The pointer to the wstring that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serialize(const wchar_t *string_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a std::string.
+ * @param string_t The string that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const std::string &string_t) {return serialize(string_t.c_str());}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a std::wstring.
+ * @param string_t The wstring that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const std::wstring &string_t) {return serialize(string_t.c_str());}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes a std::string with a different endianness.
+ * @param string_t The string that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serialize(const std::string &string_t, Endianness endianness) {return serialize(string_t.c_str(), endianness);}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes an array.
+ * @param array_t The array that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T, size_t _Size>
+ inline Cdr& serialize(const std::array<_T, _Size> &array_t)
+ { return serializeArray(array_t.data(), array_t.size());}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes an array with a different endianness.
+ * @param array_t The array that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T, size_t _Size>
+ inline Cdr& serialize(const std::array<_T, _Size> &array_t, Endianness endianness)
+ { return serializeArray(array_t.data(), array_t.size(), endianness);}
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && HAVE_CXX0X
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes a sequence of booleans.
+ * @param vector_t The sequence that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T = bool>
+ Cdr& serialize(const std::vector<bool> &vector_t)
+ {
+ return serializeBoolSequence(vector_t);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes a sequence.
+ * @param vector_t The sequence that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& serialize(const std::vector<_T> &vector_t)
+ {
+ state state_before_error(*this);
+ *this << static_cast<int32_t>(vector_t.size());
+ try
+ {
+ return serializeArray(vector_t.data(), vector_t.size());
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ setState(state_before_error);
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes a map.
+ * @param map_t The map that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _K, class _T>
+ Cdr& serialize(const std::map<_K, _T> &map_t)
+ {
+ state state_(*this);
+ *this << static_cast<int32_t>(map_t.size());
+ try
+ {
+ for (auto it_pair = map_t.begin(); it_pair != map_t.end(); ++it_pair)
+ {
+ *this << it_pair->first;
+ *this << it_pair->second;
+ }
+ //return serializeArray(map_t.data(), map_t.size());
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ setState(state_);
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes a sequence of booleans.
+ * @param vector_t The sequence that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<>
+ Cdr& serialize<bool>(const std::vector<bool> &vector_t)
+ {
+ return serializeBoolSequence(vector_t);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes a sequence with a different endianness.
+ * @param vector_t The sequence that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& serialize(const std::vector<_T> &vector_t, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ bool auxSwap = m_swapBytes;
+ m_swapBytes = (m_swapBytes && (m_endianness == endianness)) || (!m_swapBytes && (m_endianness != endianness));
+ try
+ {
+ serialize(vector_t);
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes a non-basic object.
+ * @param type_t The object that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ inline Cdr& serialize(const _T &type_t)
+ {
+ type_t.serialize(*this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of octets.
+ * @param octet_t The sequence of octets that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const uint8_t *octet_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(octet_t), numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of octets with a different endianness.
+ * @param octet_t The array of octets that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const uint8_t *octet_t, size_t numElements, Endianness /*endianness*/)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(octet_t), numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of characters.
+ * @param char_t The array of characters that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const char *char_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of characters with a different endianness.
+ * @param char_t The array of characters that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const char *char_t, size_t numElements, Endianness /*endianness*/)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(char_t, numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of int8_t.
+ * @param int8 The sequence of int8_t that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const int8_t *int8, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(int8), numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of int8_t with a different endianness.
+ * @param int8 The array of int8_t that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const int8_t *int8, size_t numElements, Endianness /*endianness*/)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(int8), numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of unsigned shorts.
+ * @param ushort_t The array of unsigned shorts that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const uint16_t *ushort_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(ushort_t), numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of unsigned shorts with a different endianness.
+ * @param ushort_t The array of unsigned shorts that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const uint16_t *ushort_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(ushort_t), numElements, endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of shorts.
+ * @param short_t The array of shorts that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const int16_t *short_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of shorts with a different endianness.
+ * @param short_t The array of shorts that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const int16_t *short_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of unsigned longs.
+ * @param ulong_t The array of unsigned longs that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const uint32_t *ulong_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(ulong_t), numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of unsigned longs with a different endianness.
+ * @param ulong_t The array of unsigned longs that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const uint32_t *ulong_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(ulong_t), numElements, endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of longs.
+ * @param long_t The array of longs that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const int32_t *long_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of longs with a different endianness.
+ * @param long_t The array of longs that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const int32_t *long_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of wide-chars.
+ * @param wchar The array of wide-chars that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const wchar_t *wchar, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of wide-chars with a different endianness.
+ * @param wchar The array of longs that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const wchar_t *wchar, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of unsigned long longs.
+ * @param ulonglong_t The array of unsigned long longs that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const uint64_t *ulonglong_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(ulonglong_t), numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of unsigned long longs with a different endianness.
+ * @param ulonglong_t The array of unsigned long longs that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const uint64_t *ulonglong_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(ulonglong_t), numElements, endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of long longs.
+ * @param longlong_t The array of long longs that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const int64_t *longlong_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of long longs with a different endianness.
+ * @param longlong_t The array of long longs that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const int64_t *longlong_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of floats.
+ * @param float_t The array of floats that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const float *float_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of floats with a different endianness.
+ * @param float_t The array of floats that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const float *float_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of doubles.
+ * @param double_t The array of doubles that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const double *double_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of doubles with a different endianness.
+ * @param double_t The array of doubles that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const double *double_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of long doubles.
+ * @param ldouble_t The array of long doubles that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const long double *ldouble_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of long doubles with a different endianness.
+ * @param ldouble_t The array of long doubles that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const long double *ldouble_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of booleans.
+ * @param bool_t The array of booleans that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const bool *bool_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of booleans with a different endianness.
+ * @param bool_t The array of booleans that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const bool *bool_t, size_t numElements, Endianness /*endianness*/)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(bool_t, numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of strings.
+ * @param string_t The array of strings that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const std::string *string_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ for(size_t count = 0; count < numElements; ++count)
+ serialize(string_t[count].c_str());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of wide-strings.
+ * @param string_t The array of wide-strings that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const std::wstring *string_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ for(size_t count = 0; count < numElements; ++count)
+ serialize(string_t[count].c_str());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of strings with a different endianness.
+ * @param string_t The array of strings that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const std::string *string_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ bool auxSwap = m_swapBytes;
+ m_swapBytes = (m_swapBytes && (m_endianness == endianness)) || (!m_swapBytes && (m_endianness != endianness));
+ try
+ {
+ serializeArray(string_t, numElements);
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function serializes an array of wide-strings with a different endianness.
+ * @param string_t The array of wide-strings that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const std::wstring *string_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ bool auxSwap = m_swapBytes;
+ m_swapBytes = (m_swapBytes && (m_endianness == endianness)) || (!m_swapBytes && (m_endianness != endianness));
+ try
+ {
+ serializeArray(string_t, numElements);
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes an array of sequences of objects.
+ * @param vector_t The array of sequences of objects that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const std::vector<_T> *vector_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ for(size_t count = 0; count < numElements; ++count)
+ serialize(vector_t[count]);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes an array of non-basic objects.
+ * @param type_t The array of objects that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const _T *type_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ for(size_t count = 0; count < numElements; ++count)
+ type_t[count].serialize(*this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes an array of non-basic objects with a different endianness.
+ * @param type_t The array of objects that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const _T *type_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ bool auxSwap = m_swapBytes;
+ m_swapBytes = (m_swapBytes && (m_endianness == endianness)) || (!m_swapBytes && (m_endianness != endianness));
+ try
+ {
+ serializeArray(type_t, numElements);
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes a raw sequence.
+ * @param sequence_t Pointer to the sequence that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements The number of elements contained in the sequence.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& serializeSequence(const _T *sequence_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ state state_before_error(*this);
+ serialize(static_cast<int32_t>(numElements));
+ try
+ {
+ return serializeArray(sequence_t, numElements);
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ setState(state_before_error);
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template serializes a raw sequence with a different endianness.
+ * @param sequence_t Pointer to the sequence that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements The number of elements contained in the sequence.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& serializeSequence(const _T *sequence_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ bool auxSwap = m_swapBytes;
+ m_swapBytes = (m_swapBytes && (m_endianness == endianness)) || (!m_swapBytes && (m_endianness != endianness));
+ try
+ {
+ serializeSequence(sequence_t, numElements);
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an octet.
+ * @param octet_t The variable that will store the octet read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(uint8_t &octet_t)
+ {
+ return deserialize(reinterpret_cast<char&>(octet_t));
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an octet with a different endianness.
+ * @param octet_t The variable that will store the octet read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(uint8_t &octet_t, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return deserialize(reinterpret_cast<char&>(octet_t), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a character.
+ * @param char_t The variable that will store the character read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(char &char_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a character with a different endianness.
+ * @param char_t The variable that will store the character read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(char &char_t, Endianness /*endianness*/)
+ {
+ return deserialize(char_t);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an int8_t.
+ * @param int8 The variable that will store the int8_t read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(int8_t &int8)
+ {
+ return deserialize(reinterpret_cast<char&>(int8));
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an int8_t with a different endianness.
+ * @param int8 The variable that will store the int8_t read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(int8_t &int8, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return deserialize(reinterpret_cast<char&>(int8), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an unsigned short.
+ * @param ushort_t The variable that will store the unsigned short read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(uint16_t &ushort_t)
+ {
+ return deserialize(reinterpret_cast<int16_t&>(ushort_t));
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an unsigned short with a different endianness.
+ * @param ushort_t The variable that will store the unsigned short read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(uint16_t &ushort_t, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return deserialize(reinterpret_cast<int16_t&>(ushort_t), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a short.
+ * @param short_t The variable that will store the short read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(int16_t &short_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a short with a different endianness.
+ * @param short_t The variable that will store the short read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(int16_t &short_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an unsigned long.
+ * @param ulong_t The variable that will store the unsigned long read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(uint32_t &ulong_t)
+ {
+ return deserialize(reinterpret_cast<int32_t&>(ulong_t));
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an unsigned long with a different endianness.
+ * @param ulong_t The variable that will store the unsigned long read from the buffer..
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(uint32_t &ulong_t, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return deserialize(reinterpret_cast<int32_t&>(ulong_t), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a long.
+ * @param long_t The variable that will store the long read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(int32_t &long_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a long with a different endianness.
+ * @param long_t The variable that will store the long read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(int32_t &long_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a wide-char.
+ * @param wchar The variable that will store the wide-char read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(wchar_t &wchar)
+ {
+ uint32_t ret;
+ deserialize(ret);
+ wchar = static_cast<wchar_t>(ret);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a wide-char with a different endianness.
+ * @param wchar The variable that will store the wide-char read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(wchar_t &wchar, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ uint32_t ret;
+ deserialize(ret, endianness);
+ wchar = static_cast<wchar_t>(ret);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an unsigned long long.
+ * @param ulonglong_t The variable that will store the unsigned long long read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(uint64_t &ulonglong_t)
+ {
+ return deserialize(reinterpret_cast<int64_t&>(ulonglong_t));
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an unsigned long long with a different endianness.
+ * @param ulonglong_t The variable that will store the unsigned long long read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(uint64_t &ulonglong_t, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return deserialize(reinterpret_cast<int64_t&>(ulonglong_t), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a long long.
+ * @param longlong_t The variable that will store the long long read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(int64_t &longlong_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a long long with a different endianness.
+ * @param longlong_t The variable that will store the long long read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(int64_t &longlong_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a float.
+ * @param float_t The variable that will store the float read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(float &float_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a float with a different endianness.
+ * @param float_t The variable that will store the float read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(float &float_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a double.
+ * @param double_t The variable that will store the double read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(double &double_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a double with a different endianness.
+ * @param double_t The variable that will store the double read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(double &double_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a long double.
+ * @param ldouble_t The variable that will store the long double read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ * @note Due to internal representation differences, WIN32 and *NIX like systems are not compatible.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(long double &ldouble_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a long double with a different endianness.
+ * @param ldouble_t The variable that will store the long double read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ * @note Due to internal representation differences, WIN32 and *NIX like systems are not compatible.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(long double &ldouble_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a boolean.
+ * @param bool_t The variable that will store the boolean read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ * @exception exception::BadParamException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize an invalid value.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(bool &bool_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a boolean with a different endianness.
+ * @param bool_t The variable that will store the boolean read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ * @exception exception::BadParamException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize an invalid value.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(bool &bool_t, Endianness /*endianness*/)
+ {
+ return deserialize(bool_t);
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a string.
+ * This function allocates memory to store the string. The user pointer will be set to point this allocated memory.
+ * The user will have to free this allocated memory using free()
+ * @param string_t The pointer that will point to the string read from the buffer.
+ * The user will have to free the allocated memory using free()
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(char *&string_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a wide string.
+ * This function allocates memory to store the wide string. The user pointer will be set to point this allocated memory.
+ * The user will have to free this allocated memory using free()
+ * @param string_t The pointer that will point to the wide string read from the buffer.
+ * The user will have to free the allocated memory using free()
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(wchar_t *&string_t);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a string with a different endianness.
+ * This function allocates memory to store the string. The user pointer will be set to point this allocated memory.
+ * The user will have to free this allocated memory using free()
+ * @param string_t The pointer that will point to the string read from the buffer.
+ * The user will have to free the allocated memory using free()
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(char *&string_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a wide string with a different endianness.
+ * This function allocates memory to store the wide string. The user pointer will be set to point this allocated memory.
+ * The user will have to free this allocated memory using free()
+ * @param string_t The pointer that will point to the wide string read from the buffer.
+ * The user will have to free the allocated memory using free()
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserialize(wchar_t *&string_t, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a std::string.
+ * @param string_t The variable that will store the string read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(std::string &string_t)
+ {
+ uint32_t length = 0;
+ const char *str = readString(length);
+ string_t = std::string(str, length);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a std::string.
+ * @param string_t The variable that will store the string read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(std::wstring &string_t)
+ {
+ uint32_t length = 0;
+ string_t = readWString(length);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a string with a different endianness.
+ * @param string_t The variable that will store the string read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(std::string &string_t, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ bool auxSwap = m_swapBytes;
+ m_swapBytes = (m_swapBytes && (m_endianness == endianness)) || (!m_swapBytes && (m_endianness != endianness));
+ try
+ {
+ deserialize(string_t);
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes a string with a different endianness.
+ * @param string_t The variable that will store the string read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserialize(std::wstring &string_t, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ bool auxSwap = m_swapBytes;
+ m_swapBytes = (m_swapBytes && (m_endianness == endianness)) || (!m_swapBytes && (m_endianness != endianness));
+ try
+ {
+ deserialize(string_t);
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes an array.
+ * @param array_t The variable that will store the array read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T, size_t _Size>
+ inline Cdr& deserialize(std::array<_T, _Size> &array_t)
+ { return deserializeArray(array_t.data(), array_t.size());}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes an array with a different endianness.
+ * @param array_t The variable that will store the array read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T, size_t _Size>
+ inline Cdr& deserialize(std::array<_T, _Size> &array_t, Endianness endianness)
+ { return deserializeArray(array_t.data(), array_t.size(), endianness);}
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && HAVE_CXX0X
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes a sequence.
+ * @param vector_t The variable that will store the sequence read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T = bool>
+ Cdr& deserialize(std::vector<bool> &vector_t)
+ {
+ return deserializeBoolSequence(vector_t);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes a sequence.
+ * @param vector_t The variable that will store the sequence read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& deserialize(std::vector<_T> &vector_t)
+ {
+ uint32_t seqLength = 0;
+ state state_before_error(*this);
+ *this >> seqLength;
+ try
+ {
+ vector_t.resize(seqLength);
+ return deserializeArray(vector_t.data(), vector_t.size());
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ setState(state_before_error);
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes a map.
+ * @param map_t The variable that will store the map read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _K, class _T>
+ Cdr& deserialize(std::map<_K, _T> &map_t)
+ {
+ uint32_t seqLength = 0;
+ state state_(*this);
+ *this >> seqLength;
+ try
+ {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < seqLength; ++i)
+ {
+ _K key;
+ _T value;
+ *this >> key;
+ *this >> value;
+ map_t.emplace(std::pair<_K, _T>(std::move(key), std::move(value)));
+ }
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ setState(state_);
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes a sequence.
+ * @param vector_t The variable that will store the sequence read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<>
+ Cdr& deserialize<bool>(std::vector<bool> &vector_t)
+ {
+ return deserializeBoolSequence(vector_t);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes a sequence with a different endianness.
+ * @param vector_t The variable that will store the sequence read from the buffer.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& deserialize(std::vector<_T> &vector_t, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ bool auxSwap = m_swapBytes;
+ m_swapBytes = (m_swapBytes && (m_endianness == endianness)) || (!m_swapBytes && (m_endianness != endianness));
+ try
+ {
+ deserialize(vector_t);
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ }
+ catch(exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes a non-basic object.
+ * @param type_t The variable that will store the object read from the buffer.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ inline Cdr& deserialize(_T &type_t)
+ {
+ type_t.deserialize(*this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of octets.
+ * @param octet_t The variable that will store the array of octets read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(uint8_t *octet_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(reinterpret_cast<char*>(octet_t), numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of octets with a different endianness.
+ * @param octet_t The variable that will store the array of octets read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(uint8_t *octet_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(reinterpret_cast<char*>(octet_t), numElements, endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of characters.
+ * @param char_t The variable that will store the array of characters read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(char *char_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of characters with a different endianness.
+ * @param char_t The variable that will store the array of characters read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(char *char_t, size_t numElements, Endianness /*endianness*/)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(char_t, numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of int8_t.
+ * @param int8 The variable that will store the array of int8_t read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(int8_t *int8, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(reinterpret_cast<char*>(int8), numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of int8_t with a different endianness.
+ * @param int8 The variable that will store the array of int8_t read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(int8_t *int8, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(reinterpret_cast<char*>(int8), numElements, endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of unsigned shorts.
+ * @param ushort_t The variable that will store the array of unsigned shorts read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(uint16_t *ushort_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(ushort_t), numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of unsigned shorts with a different endianness.
+ * @param ushort_t The variable that will store the array of unsigned shorts read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(uint16_t *ushort_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(ushort_t), numElements, endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of shorts.
+ * @param short_t The variable that will store the array of shorts read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(int16_t *short_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of shorts with a different endianness.
+ * @param short_t The variable that will store the array of shorts read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(int16_t *short_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of unsigned longs.
+ * @param ulong_t The variable that will store the array of unsigned longs read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(uint32_t *ulong_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(ulong_t), numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of unsigned longs with a different endianness.
+ * @param ulong_t The variable that will store the array of unsigned longs read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(uint32_t *ulong_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(ulong_t), numElements, endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of longs.
+ * @param long_t The variable that will store the array of longs read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(int32_t *long_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of longs with a different endianness.
+ * @param long_t The variable that will store the array of longs read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(int32_t *long_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of wide-chars.
+ * @param wchar The variable that will store the array of wide-chars read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(wchar_t *wchar, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of wide-chars with a different endianness.
+ * @param wchar The variable that will store the array of wide-chars read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(wchar_t *wchar, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of unsigned long longs.
+ * @param ulonglong_t The variable that will store the array of unsigned long longs read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(uint64_t *ulonglong_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(ulonglong_t), numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of unsigned long longs with a different endianness.
+ * @param ulonglong_t The variable that will store the array of unsigned long longs read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(uint64_t *ulonglong_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(ulonglong_t), numElements, endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of long longs.
+ * @param longlong_t The variable that will store the array of long longs read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(int64_t *longlong_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of long longs with a different endianness.
+ * @param longlong_t The variable that will store the array of long longs read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(int64_t *longlong_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of floats.
+ * @param float_t The variable that will store the array of floats read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(float *float_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of floats with a different endianness.
+ * @param float_t The variable that will store the array of floats read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(float *float_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of doubles.
+ * @param double_t The variable that will store the array of doubles read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(double *double_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of doubles with a different endianness.
+ * @param double_t The variable that will store the array of doubles read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(double *double_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of long doubles.
+ * @param ldouble_t The variable that will store the array of long doubles read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(long double *ldouble_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of long doubles with a different endianness.
+ * @param ldouble_t The variable that will store the array of long doubles read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(long double *ldouble_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of booleans.
+ * @param bool_t The variable that will store the array of booleans read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(bool *bool_t, size_t numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of booleans with a different endianness.
+ * @param bool_t The variable that will store the array of booleans read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(bool *bool_t, size_t numElements, Endianness /*endianness*/)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(bool_t, numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of strings.
+ * @param string_t The variable that will store the array of strings read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(std::string *string_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ for(size_t count = 0; count < numElements; ++count)
+ deserialize(string_t[count]);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of wide-strings.
+ * @param string_t The variable that will store the array of wide-strings read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(std::wstring *string_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ for(size_t count = 0; count < numElements; ++count)
+ deserialize(string_t[count]);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of strings with a different endianness.
+ * @param string_t The variable that will store the array of strings read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(std::string *string_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ bool auxSwap = m_swapBytes;
+ m_swapBytes = (m_swapBytes && (m_endianness == endianness)) || (!m_swapBytes && (m_endianness != endianness));
+ try
+ {
+ deserializeArray(string_t, numElements);
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of wide-strings with a different endianness.
+ * @param string_t The variable that will store the array of wide-strings read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ inline
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(std::wstring *string_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ bool auxSwap = m_swapBytes;
+ m_swapBytes = (m_swapBytes && (m_endianness == endianness)) || (!m_swapBytes && (m_endianness != endianness));
+ try
+ {
+ deserializeArray(string_t, numElements);
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function deserializes an array of sequences of objects.
+ * @param string_t The variable that will store the array of sequences of objects read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(std::vector<_T> *vector_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ for(size_t count = 0; count < numElements; ++count)
+ deserialize(vector_t[count]);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes an array of non-basic objects.
+ * @param type_t The variable that will store the array of objects read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(_T *type_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ for(size_t count = 0; count < numElements; ++count)
+ type_t[count].deserialize(*this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes an array of non-basic objects with a different endianness.
+ * @param type_t The variable that will store the array of objects read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(_T *type_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ bool auxSwap = m_swapBytes;
+ m_swapBytes = (m_swapBytes && (m_endianness == endianness)) || (!m_swapBytes && (m_endianness != endianness));
+ try
+ {
+ deserializeArray(type_t, numElements);
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && HAVE_CXX0X
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes a string sequence.
+ * This function allocates memory to store the sequence. The user pointer will be set to point this allocated memory.
+ * The user will have to free this allocated memory using free()
+ * @param sequence_t The pointer that will store the sequence read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements This variable return the number of elements of the sequence.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T = std::string>
+ Cdr& deserializeSequence(std::string *&sequence_t, size_t &numElements)
+ {
+ return deserializeStringSequence(sequence_t, numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes a wide-string sequence.
+ * This function allocates memory to store the sequence. The user pointer will be set to point this allocated memory.
+ * The user will have to free this allocated memory using free()
+ * @param sequence_t The pointer that will store the sequence read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements This variable return the number of elements of the sequence.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T = std::wstring>
+ Cdr& deserializeSequence(std::wstring *&sequence_t, size_t &numElements)
+ {
+ return deserializeWStringSequence(sequence_t, numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes a raw sequence.
+ * This function allocates memory to store the sequence. The user pointer will be set to point this allocated memory.
+ * The user will have to free this allocated memory using free()
+ * @param sequence_t The pointer that will store the sequence read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements This variable return the number of elements of the sequence.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& deserializeSequence(_T *&sequence_t, size_t &numElements)
+ {
+ uint32_t seqLength = 0;
+ state state_before_error(*this);
+ deserialize(seqLength);
+ try
+ {
+ sequence_t = reinterpret_cast<_T*>(calloc(seqLength, sizeof(_T)));
+ deserializeArray(sequence_t, seqLength);
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ free(sequence_t);
+ sequence_t = NULL;
+ setState(state_before_error);
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ numElements = seqLength;
+ return *this;
+ }
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes a string sequence.
+ * This function allocates memory to store the sequence. The user pointer will be set to point this allocated memory.
+ * The user will have to free this allocated memory using free()
+ * @param sequence_t The pointer that will store the sequence read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements This variable return the number of elements of the sequence.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<>
+ Cdr& deserializeSequence<std::string>(std::string *&sequence_t, size_t &numElements)
+ {
+ return deserializeStringSequence(sequence_t, numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes a wide-string sequence.
+ * This function allocates memory to store the sequence. The user pointer will be set to point this allocated memory.
+ * The user will have to free this allocated memory using free()
+ * @param sequence_t The pointer that will store the sequence read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements This variable return the number of elements of the sequence.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<>
+ Cdr& deserializeSequence<std::wstring>(std::wstring *&sequence_t, size_t &numElements)
+ {
+ return deserializeWStringSequence(sequence_t, numElements);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template deserializes a raw sequence with a different endianness.
+ * This function allocates memory to store the sequence. The user pointer will be set to point this allocated memory.
+ * The user will have to free this allocated memory using free()
+ * @param sequence_t The pointer that will store the sequence read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements This variable return the number of elements of the sequence.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T>
+ Cdr& deserializeSequence(_T *&sequence_t, size_t &numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ bool auxSwap = m_swapBytes;
+ m_swapBytes = (m_swapBytes && (m_endianness == endianness)) || (!m_swapBytes && (m_endianness != endianness));
+ try
+ {
+ deserializeSequence(sequence_t, numElements);
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ }
+ catch(eprosima::fastcdr::exception::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ m_swapBytes = auxSwap;
+ ex.raise();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ private:
+ Cdr(const Cdr&) = delete;
+ Cdr& operator=(const Cdr&) = delete;
+ Cdr& serializeBoolSequence(const std::vector<bool> &vector_t);
+ Cdr& deserializeBoolSequence(std::vector<bool> &vector_t);
+ Cdr& deserializeStringSequence(std::string *&sequence_t, size_t &numElements);
+ Cdr& deserializeWStringSequence(std::wstring *&sequence_t, size_t &numElements);
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template detects the content type of the STD container array and serializes the array.
+ * @param array_t The array that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T, size_t _Size>
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const std::array<_T, _Size> *array_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(array_t->data(), numElements * array_t->size());
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template detects the content type of the STD container array and serializes the array with a different endianness.
+ * @param array_t The array that will be serialized in the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to serialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T, size_t _Size>
+ Cdr& serializeArray(const std::array<_T, _Size> *array_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return serializeArray(array_t->data(), numElements * array_t->size(), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template detects the content type of the STD container array and deserializes the array.
+ * @param array_t The variable that will store the array read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T, size_t _Size>
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(std::array<_T, _Size> *array_t, size_t numElements)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(array_t->data(), numElements * array_t->size());
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function template detects the content type of STD container array and deserializes the array with a different endianness.
+ * @param array_t The variable that will store the array read from the buffer.
+ * @param numElements Number of the elements in the array.
+ * @param endianness Endianness that will be used in the serialization of this value.
+ * @return Reference to the eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr object.
+ * @exception exception::NotEnoughMemoryException This exception is thrown when trying to deserialize a position that exceeds the internal memory size.
+ */
+ template<class _T, size_t _Size>
+ Cdr& deserializeArray(std::array<_T, _Size> *array_t, size_t numElements, Endianness endianness)
+ {
+ return deserializeArray(array_t->data(), numElements * array_t->size(), endianness);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function returns the extra bytes regarding the allignment.
+ * @param dataSize The size of the data that will be serialized.
+ * @return The size needed for the aligment.
+ */
+ inline size_t alignment(size_t dataSize) const {return dataSize > m_lastDataSize ? (dataSize - ((m_currentPosition - m_alignPosition) % dataSize)) & (dataSize-1) : 0;}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function jumps the number of bytes of the alignment. These bytes should be calculated with the function eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr::alignment.
+ * @param align The number of bytes to be skipped.
+ */
+ inline void makeAlign(size_t align){m_currentPosition += align;}
+ /*!
+ * @brief This function resizes the internal buffer. It only applies if the FastBuffer object was created with the default constructor.
+ * @param minSizeInc Minimun size increase for the internal buffer
+ * @return True if the resize was succesful, false if it was not
+ */
+ bool resize(size_t minSizeInc);
+ //TODO
+ const char* readString(uint32_t &length);
+ const std::wstring readWString(uint32_t &length);
+ //! @brief Reference to the buffer that will be serialized/deserialized.
+ FastBuffer &m_cdrBuffer;
+ //! @brief The type of CDR that will be use in serialization/deserialization.
+ CdrType m_cdrType;
+ //! @brief Using DDS_CDR type, this attribute stores if the stream buffer contains a parameter list or not.
+ DDSCdrPlFlag m_plFlag;
+ //! @brief This attribute stores the option flags when the CDR type is DDS_CDR;
+ uint16_t m_options;
+ //! @brief The endianness that will be applied over the buffer.
+ uint8_t m_endianness;
+ //! @brief This attribute specifies if it is needed to swap the bytes.
+ bool m_swapBytes;
+ //! @brief Stores the last datasize serialized/deserialized. It's used to optimize.
+ size_t m_lastDataSize;
+ //! @brief The current position in the serialization/deserialization process.
+ FastBuffer::iterator m_currentPosition;
+ //! @brief The position from where the aligment is calculated.
+ FastBuffer::iterator m_alignPosition;
+ //! @brief The last position in the buffer;
+ FastBuffer::iterator m_lastPosition;
+ };
+ } //namespace fastcdr
+} //namespace eprosima
+#endif // _CDR_CDR_H_