@@ -0,0 +1,4204 @@
+#include <decition/decide_gps_00.h>
+#include <decition/adc_tools/compute_00.h>
+#include <decition/adc_tools/gps_distance.h>
+#include <decition/decition_type.h>
+#include <decition/adc_tools/transfer.h>
+#include <decition/obs_predict.h>
+#include <common/constants.h>
+#include <common/car_status.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <control/can.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <decition/adc_controller/base_controller.h>
+#include <decition/adc_controller/pid_controller.h>
+#include <decition/adc_planner/lane_change_planner.h>
+#include <decition/adc_planner/frenet_planner.h>
+#include <QTime>
+#include <iomanip>
+using namespace std;
+#include "ivlog.h"
+extern iv::Ivlog * givlog;
+#define PI (3.1415926535897932384626433832795)
+iv::decition::DecideGps00::DecideGps00() {
+iv::decition::DecideGps00::~DecideGps00() {
+float iv::decition::DecideGps00::xiuzhengCs=0;
+int iv::decition::DecideGps00::PathPoint = -1;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::minDis = iv::MaxValue;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::maxAngle = iv::MinValue;
+//int iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastGpsIndex = iv::MaxValue;
+int iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastGpsIndex = 0;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::controlSpeed = 0;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::controlBrake = 0;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::controlAng = 0;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::Iv = 0;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastU = 0;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastVt = 0;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastEv = 0;
+int iv::decition::DecideGps00::gpsLineParkIndex = 0;
+int iv::decition::DecideGps00::gpsMapParkIndex = 0;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastDistance = MaxValue;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastPreObsDistance = MaxValue;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::obsDistance = -1;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::obsSpeed=0;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::obsDistanceAvoid = -1;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastDistanceAvoid = -1;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::lidarDistance = -1;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::myesrDistance = -1;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastLidarDis = -1;
+bool iv::decition::DecideGps00::parkMode = false;
+bool iv::decition::DecideGps00::readyParkMode = false;
+bool iv::decition::DecideGps00::zhucheMode = false;
+bool iv::decition::DecideGps00::readyZhucheMode = false;
+bool iv::decition::DecideGps00::hasZhuched = false;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastLidarDisAvoid = -1;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::lidarDistanceAvoid = -1;
+int iv::decition::DecideGps00::finishPointNum = -1;
+int iv::decition::DecideGps00::zhuchePointNum = 0;
+///kkcai, 2020-01-03
+bool iv::decition::DecideGps00::isFirstRun = true;
+float iv::decition::DecideGps00::minDecelerate=0;
+//bool iv::decition::DecideGps00::startingFlag = true;//起步标志,在起步时需要进行frenet规划。
+double offset_real = 0;
+double realspeed;
+double dSpeed;
+double dSecSpeed;
+double secSpeed;
+double ac;
+iv::Point2D obsPoint(-1, -1);
+iv::Point2D obsPointAvoid(-1, -1);
+int esrIndex = -1;
+int esrIndexAvoid = -1;
+double obsSpeedAvoid = 0;
+double esrDistance = -1;
+double esrDistanceAvoid = -1;
+int obsLostTime = 0;
+int obsLostTimeAvoid = 0;
+// double avoidTime = 0;
+double avoidX =0;
+int turnLampFlag=0; // if <0:left , if >0:right
+float roadWidth = 3.5;
+int roadSum =10;
+int roadNow = 0;
+int roadOri =0;
+int roadPre = -1;
+int lastRoadOri = 0;
+int lightTimes = 0;
+int lastRoadNum=1;
+int stopCount = 0;
+int gpsMissCount = 0;
+bool rapidStop = false;
+bool hasTrumpeted = false;
+bool changeRoad=false;
+bool handFirst = true;
+double handTimeSpan = 0;
+double handStartTime = 0;
+double handLastTime = 0;
+bool handPark = false;
+long handParkTime=10000;
+bool trumpetFirstCount=true;
+double trumpetTimeSpan = 0;
+double trumpetStartTime = 0;
+double trumpetLastTime = 0;
+bool transferFirstCount=true;
+double transferTimeSpan = 0;
+double transferStartTime = 0;
+double transferLastTime = 0;
+bool busMode = false;
+bool parkBesideRoad=false;
+bool chaocheMode = false;
+bool specialSignle = false;
+double offsetX = 0;
+double steerSpeed=9000;
+bool transferPieriod;
+bool transferPieriod2;
+double traceDevi;
+bool startingFlag = true; //起步标志,在起步时需要进行frenet规划。
+bool useFrenet = false; //标志是否启用frenet算法避障
+bool useOldAvoid = true; //标志是否用老方法避障
+//数据存储功能 ,20210903,cxw
+bool file_cnt_add_en =false; //用于提示是否需要将文件计数值增加
+bool file_cnt_add=false;
+bool map_start_point = true;
+bool first_start_en=true; //自主巡迹数据存储用
+int start_tracepoint;
+int end_tracepoint;
+std::vector<std::vector<double>> doubledata;//大地坐标系下x,y,phi,delta,速度规划用变量
+enum VehState { normalRun, park, readyPark, stopObs, avoidObs, preAvoid, avoiding, backOri,preBack,
+ waitAvoid ,shoushaTest,justRun, changingRoad, chaoche, chaocheBack, reverseCar,reversing, reverseCircle, reverseDirect,reverseArr,
+ dRever,dRever0,dRever1,dRever2,dRever3,dRever4} vehState;
+std::vector<iv::Point2D> gpsTraceAim; //记录变道后的目标路径,若车辆经frenet规划行驶至该路径上后,就关闭frenet规划
+std::vector<iv::Point2D> gpsTraceAvoid,gpsTraceNow,gpsTraceBack,gpsTracePre,gpsTraceOri,gpsTraceRear,gpsTraceNowLeft,gpsTraceNowRight,gpsTraceAvoidXY;
+std::vector<double> esrDisVector(roadSum, -1);
+std::vector<double> lidarDisVector(roadSum, -1);
+std::vector<double> obsDisVector(roadSum,-1);
+std::vector<double> obsSpeedVector(roadSum, 0);
+std::vector<int> obsLostTimeVector(roadSum, 0);
+std::vector<double> lastLidarDisVector(roadSum, -1);
+std::vector<double> lastDistanceVector(roadSum, -1);
+std::vector<iv::Point2D> traceOriLeft,traceOriRight;
+bool qiedianCount = false;
+static int obstacle_avoid_flag=0;
+iv::decition::Decition iv::decition::DecideGps00::getDecideFromGPS(GPS_INS now_gps_ins,
+ const std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine,
+ iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr,
+ std::vector<iv::Perception::PerceptionOutput> lidar_per,
+ iv::TrafficLight trafficLight)
+ // QTime xTime;
+ // xTime.start();
+ //39.14034649083606 117.0863975920476 20507469.630314853 4334165.046101382 353
+ Decition gps_decition(new DecitionBasic);
+ // vector<iv::Point2D> fpTraceTmp;
+ //如果useFrenet、useOldAvoid两者不互为相异,则采用原来的方法。“^”为异或运算符。
+ if(!(useFrenet^useOldAvoid)){
+ useFrenet = false;
+ useOldAvoid = true;
+ }
+ // //如果useFrenet、useOldAvoid两者均为真或均为假,则采用原来的方法
+ // if(useFrenet&&useOldAvoid || !useFrenet&&!useOldAvoid){
+ // useFrenet = false;
+ // useOldAvoid = true;
+ // }
+ // ServiceCarStatus.group_control=false;
+ // GPS_INS gps= Coordinate_UnTransfer(0,1.5,now_gps_ins);
+ // now_gps_ins.gps_x=gps.gps_x;
+ // now_gps_ins.gps_y=gps.gps_y;
+ // GaussProjInvCal(now_gps_ins.gps_x, now_gps_ins.gps_y,&now_gps_ins.gps_lng, &now_gps_ins.gps_lat);
+ static int file_num; //数据存储,20210903,cxw
+ if (isFirstRun)
+ {
+ file_num=0;
+ initMethods();
+ vehState = normalRun;
+ startAvoid_gps_ins = now_gps_ins;
+ init();
+ PathPoint = Compute00().getFirstNearestPointIndex(now_gps_ins, gpsMapLine,
+ DecideGps00::lastGpsIndex,
+ DecideGps00::minDis,
+ DecideGps00::maxAngle);
+ DecideGps00::lastGpsIndex = PathPoint;
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.
+ speed_control==true){
+ //Compute00().getDesiredSpeed(gpsMapLine); //add by zj
+ Compute00().getPlanSpeed(gpsMapLine);
+ }
+ // ServiceCarStatus.carState = 1;
+ // roadOri = gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadOri;
+ // roadNow = roadOri;
+ // roadSum = gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadSum;
+ // busMode = false;
+ // vehState = dRever;
+ double dis = GetDistance(*gpsMapLine[0], *gpsMapLine[gpsMapLine.size()-1]);
+ if(dis<15){
+ circleMode=true; //201200102
+ }else{
+ circleMode=false;
+ }
+ // circleMode = true;
+ getV2XTrafficPositionVector(gpsMapLine);
+ // group_ori_gps=*gpsMapLine[0];
+ ServiceCarStatus.bocheMode=false;
+ ServiceCarStatus.daocheMode=false;
+ parkMode=false;
+ readyParkMode=false;
+ finishPointNum=-1;
+ roadNowStart=true;
+ isFirstRun = false;
+ obstacle_avoid_flag=0;
+ givlog->debug("decition_brain_bool","DoorTimeStart: %d,current: %d",
+ 0,0);
+ }
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.gpsOffset_y!=0 || ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.gpsOffset_x!=0){
+ GPS_INS gpsOffset = Coordinate_UnTransfer(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.gpsOffset_x, ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.gpsOffset_y, now_gps_ins);
+ now_gps_ins.gps_x=gpsOffset.gps_x;
+ now_gps_ins.gps_y=gpsOffset.gps_y;
+ GaussProjInvCal(now_gps_ins.gps_x, now_gps_ins.gps_y, &now_gps_ins.gps_lng, &now_gps_ins.gps_lat);
+ }
+ //1227
+ // ServiceCarStatus.daocheMode=true;
+ //1220
+ changingDangWei=false;
+ minDecelerate=0;
+ if(now_gps_ins.gps_lat<0||now_gps_ins.gps_lat>90){
+ // int a=0;
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0;
+ gps_decition->speed = dSpeed;
+ gps_decition->torque =0; //20210906,cxw
+ gps_decition->accelerator = -0.5;
+ gps_decition->brake=10;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ //1220
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.daocheMode){
+ now_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle=now_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle+180;
+ if( now_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle>=360)
+ now_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle= now_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle-360;
+ }
+ //1220 end
+ //1125 traficc
+ traffic_light_gps.gps_lat=ServiceCarStatus.iTrafficeLightLat;
+ traffic_light_gps.gps_lng=ServiceCarStatus.iTrafficeLightLon;
+ GaussProjCal(traffic_light_gps.gps_lng,traffic_light_gps.gps_lat, &traffic_light_gps.gps_x, &traffic_light_gps.gps_y);
+ //xiesi
+ ///kkcai, 2020-01-03
+ //ServiceCarStatus.busmode=true;
+ //ServiceCarStatus.busmode=false;//20200102
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ busMode = ServiceCarStatus.busmode;
+ nearStation=false;
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = false;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = false;
+ // qDebug("heading is %g",now_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle);
+ aim_gps_ins.gps_lat= ServiceCarStatus.mfParkLat;
+ aim_gps_ins.gps_lng= ServiceCarStatus.mfParkLng;
+ aim_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle= ServiceCarStatus.mfParkHeading;
+ GaussProjCal(aim_gps_ins.gps_lng,aim_gps_ins.gps_lat, &aim_gps_ins.gps_x, &aim_gps_ins.gps_y);
+ is_arrivaled = false;
+ // xiuzhengCs=-0.8; //1026
+ xiuzhengCs=0;
+ // if (parkMode)
+ // {
+ // handBrakePark(gps_decition,10000,now_gps_ins);
+ // return gps_decition;
+ // }
+ realspeed = now_gps_ins.speed;
+ secSpeed = realspeed / 3.6;
+ //sidePark
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.mnParkType==1){
+ if( vehState!=dRever && vehState!=dRever0 && vehState!=dRever1 && vehState!=dRever2 && vehState!=dRever3 && vehState!=dRever4 && vehState!=reverseArr ){
+ int bocheEN=Compute00().bocheDirectCompute(now_gps_ins, aim_gps_ins);
+ if(bocheEN==1){
+ ServiceCarStatus.bocheEnable=1;
+ }else if(bocheEN==0){
+ ServiceCarStatus.bocheEnable=0;
+ }
+ }else{
+ ServiceCarStatus.bocheEnable=2;
+ }
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.bocheMode && vehState!=dRever && vehState!=dRever0 && vehState!=dRever1 &&
+ vehState!=dRever2 && vehState!=dRever3 && vehState!=dRever4&& vehState!=reverseArr ){
+ if(abs(realspeed)>0.1){
+ dSpeed=0;
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,-0.5f);
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle=0;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }else{
+ if(trumpet()>3000){
+ trumpetFirstCount=true;
+ vehState=dRever;
+ }
+ }
+ // ServiceCarStatus.bocheMode=false;
+ }
+ }
+ //chuizhiPark
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.mnParkType==0){
+ if( vehState!=reverseCar && vehState!=reversing && vehState!=reverseCircle && vehState!=reverseDirect && vehState!=reverseArr ){
+ int bocheEN=Compute00().bocheCompute(now_gps_ins, aim_gps_ins);
+ if(bocheEN==1){
+ ServiceCarStatus.bocheEnable=1;
+ }else if(bocheEN==0){
+ ServiceCarStatus.bocheEnable=0;
+ }
+ }else{
+ ServiceCarStatus.bocheEnable=2;
+ }
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.bocheMode && vehState!=reverseCar && vehState!=reversing && vehState!=reverseCircle && vehState!=reverseDirect&& vehState!=reverseArr ){
+ if(abs(realspeed)>0.1){
+ dSpeed=0;
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,-0.5f);
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle=0;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }else{
+ if(trumpet()>3000){
+ trumpetFirstCount=true;
+ vehState=reverseCar;
+ }
+ }
+ // ServiceCarStatus.bocheMode=false;
+ }
+ }
+ // ChuiZhiTingChe
+ if (vehState == reverseCar)
+ {
+ Compute00().bocheCompute(now_gps_ins, aim_gps_ins);
+ vehState = reversing;
+ qiedianCount=true;
+ }
+ if (vehState == reversing)
+ {
+ double dis = GetDistance(now_gps_ins, Compute00().nearTpoint);
+ if (dis<2.0)//0.5
+ {
+ vehState = reverseCircle;
+ qiedianCount = true;
+ cout<<"到达近切点+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ controlAng = 0;
+ dSpeed = 2;
+ dSecSpeed = dSpeed / 3.6;
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0;
+ gps_decition->speed = dSpeed;
+ obsDistance=-1;
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ // gps_decition->accelerator = 0;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vehState == reverseCircle)
+ {
+ double dis = GetDistance(now_gps_ins, Compute00().farTpoint);
+ double angdis =abs(now_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle - aim_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle);
+ if((((angdis<5)||(angdis>355)))&&(dis<3.0))
+ // if((((angdis<4)||(angdis>356)))&&(dis<2.0))
+ {
+ vehState = reverseDirect;
+ qiedianCount = true;
+ cout<<"到达远切点+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (qiedianCount && trumpet()<0)
+ // if (qiedianCount && trumpet()<1500)
+ {
+ // gps_decition->brake = 10;
+ // gps_decition->torque = 0;
+ dSpeed=0;
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,-0.5f);
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qiedianCount = false;
+ trumpetFirstCount = true;
+ dSpeed = 2;
+ dSecSpeed = dSpeed / 3.6;
+ gps_decition->speed = dSpeed;
+ obsDistance=-1;
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ controlAng = Compute00().bocheAngle*16.5;
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0 - controlAng*1.05;
+ cout<<"farTpointDistance================"<<dis<<endl;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vehState == reverseDirect)
+ {
+ // double dis = GetDistance(now_gps_ins, aim_gps_ins);
+ Point2D pt = Coordinate_Transfer(now_gps_ins.gps_x,now_gps_ins.gps_y, aim_gps_ins);
+ if ((pt.y)<0.5)
+ {
+ qiedianCount=true;
+ vehState=reverseArr;
+ cout<<"到达泊车点+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ // gps_decition->accelerator = -3;
+ // gps_decition->brake = 10;
+ // gps_decition->torque = 0;
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle=0;
+ dSpeed=0;
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,-0.5f);
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ else {
+ //if (qiedianCount && trumpet()<0)
+ if (qiedianCount && trumpet()<1000)
+ {
+ // gps_decition->brake = 10;
+ // gps_decition->torque = 0;
+ dSpeed=0;
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,-0.5f);
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qiedianCount = false;
+ trumpetFirstCount = true;
+ dSpeed = 1;
+ dSecSpeed = dSpeed / 3.6;
+ gps_decition->speed = dSpeed;
+ obsDistance=-1;
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ controlAng = 0;
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vehState == reverseArr)
+ {
+ //
+ ServiceCarStatus.bocheMode=false;
+ if (qiedianCount && trumpet()<1500)
+ {
+ // gps_decition->brake = 10;
+ // gps_decition->torque = 0;
+ dSpeed=0;
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,-0.5f);
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ ServiceCarStatus.bocheMode=false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qiedianCount = false;
+ trumpetFirstCount = true;
+ ServiceCarStatus.bocheEnable=0;
+ vehState=normalRun;
+ ServiceCarStatus.mbRunPause=true;
+ ServiceCarStatus.mnBocheComplete=100;
+ cout<<"泊车daowei mbRunPause+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ }
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0 ;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ //ceFangWeiBoChe
+ if (vehState == dRever)
+ {
+ GaussProjCal(aim_gps_ins.gps_lng, aim_gps_ins.gps_lat, &aim_gps_ins.gps_x, &aim_gps_ins.gps_y);
+ Compute00().bocheDirectCompute(now_gps_ins, aim_gps_ins);
+ vehState = dRever0;
+ qiedianCount=true;
+ std::cout<<"enter side boche mode"<<std::endl;
+ }
+ if (vehState == dRever0)
+ {
+ double dis = GetDistance(now_gps_ins, Compute00().dTpoint0);
+ if (dis<2.0)
+ {
+ vehState = dRever1;
+ qiedianCount = true;
+ cout<<"到达近切点+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ controlAng = 0;
+ dSpeed = 2;
+ dSecSpeed = dSpeed / 3.6;
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0;
+ gps_decition->speed = dSpeed;
+ obsDistance=-1;
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ // gps_decition->accelerator = 0;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vehState == dRever1)
+ {
+ double dis = GetDistance(now_gps_ins, Compute00().dTpoint1);
+ if(dis<2.0)
+ {
+ vehState = dRever2;
+ qiedianCount = true;
+ cout<<"到达远切点+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (qiedianCount && trumpet()<1000)
+ {
+ // gps_decition->brake = 10;
+ // gps_decition->torque = 0;
+ dSpeed=0;
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,-0.5f);
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qiedianCount = false;
+ trumpetFirstCount = true;
+ dSpeed = 2;
+ dSecSpeed = dSpeed / 3.6;
+ gps_decition->speed = dSpeed;
+ obsDistance=-1;
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ controlAng = Compute00().dBocheAngle*16.5;
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0 - controlAng;
+ cout<<"farTpointDistance================"<<dis<<endl;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vehState == dRever2)
+ {
+ double dis = GetDistance(now_gps_ins, Compute00().dTpoint2);
+ Point2D pt1 = Coordinate_Transfer(now_gps_ins.gps_x,now_gps_ins.gps_y, aim_gps_ins);
+ Point2D pt2 = Coordinate_Transfer(Compute00().dTpoint2.gps_x,Compute00().dTpoint2.gps_y, aim_gps_ins);
+ double xx= (pt1.x-pt2.x);
+ // if(xx>0)
+ if(xx>-0.5)
+ {
+ GaussProjCal(aim_gps_ins.gps_lng, aim_gps_ins.gps_lat, &aim_gps_ins.gps_x, &aim_gps_ins.gps_y);
+ Point2D ptt = Coordinate_Transfer(now_gps_ins.gps_x,now_gps_ins.gps_y, aim_gps_ins);
+ double xxx=ptt.x;
+ double yyy =ptt.y;
+ // if(xxx<-1.5||xx>1){
+ // int a=0;
+ // }
+ vehState = dRever3;
+ qiedianCount = true;
+ cout<<"到达远切点+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ cout<<"xxx+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<xxx<<endl;
+ cout<<"yyy+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<yyy<<endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (qiedianCount && trumpet()<1000)
+ {
+ /* gps_decition->brake = 10;
+ gps_decition->torque = 0; */
+ dSpeed=0;
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,-0.5f);
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qiedianCount = false;
+ trumpetFirstCount = true;
+ dSpeed = 2;
+ dSecSpeed = dSpeed / 3.6;
+ gps_decition->speed = dSpeed;
+ obsDistance=-1;
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0 ;
+ cout<<"farTpointDistance================"<<dis<<endl;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vehState == dRever3)
+ {
+ double dis = GetDistance(now_gps_ins, Compute00().dTpoint3);
+ double angdis =abs(now_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle - aim_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle);
+ if((((angdis<5)||(angdis>355)))&&(dis<10.0))
+ {
+ vehState = dRever4;
+ qiedianCount = true;
+ cout<<"到达远切点+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (qiedianCount && trumpet()<1000)
+ {
+ // gps_decition->brake = 10;
+ // gps_decition->torque = 0;
+ dSpeed=0;
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,-0.5f);
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qiedianCount = false;
+ trumpetFirstCount = true;
+ dSpeed = 2;
+ dSecSpeed = dSpeed / 3.6;
+ gps_decition->speed = dSpeed;
+ obsDistance=-1;
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ controlAng = 0-Compute00().dBocheAngle*16.5;
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0 - controlAng*0.95;
+ cout<<"farTpointDistance================"<<dis<<endl;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vehState == dRever4)
+ {
+ // double dis = GetDistance(now_gps_ins, aim_gps_ins);
+ Point2D pt = Coordinate_Transfer(now_gps_ins.gps_x,now_gps_ins.gps_y, aim_gps_ins);
+ if ((pt.y)<0.5)
+ {
+ qiedianCount=true;
+ vehState=reverseArr;
+ cout<<"到达泊车点+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ // gps_decition->accelerator = -3;
+ // gps_decition->brake =10 ;
+ dSpeed=0;
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,-0.5f);
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle=0;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ else {
+ //if (qiedianCount && trumpet()<0)
+ if (qiedianCount && trumpet()<1000)
+ {
+ // gps_decition->brake = 10;
+ // gps_decition->torque = 0;
+ dSpeed=0;
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,-0.5f);
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qiedianCount = false;
+ trumpetFirstCount = true;
+ dSpeed = 2;
+ dSecSpeed = dSpeed / 3.6;
+ gps_decition->speed = dSpeed;
+ obsDistance=-1;
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ controlAng = 0;
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vehState == reverseArr)
+ {
+ //
+ ServiceCarStatus.bocheMode=false;
+ if (qiedianCount && trumpet()<1500)
+ {
+ // gps_decition->brake = 10;
+ // gps_decition->torque = 0;
+ dSpeed=0;
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,-0.5f);
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0, now_gps_ins);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qiedianCount = false;
+ trumpetFirstCount = true;
+ ServiceCarStatus.bocheEnable=0;
+ vehState=normalRun;
+ ServiceCarStatus.mbRunPause=true;
+ ServiceCarStatus.mnBocheComplete=100;
+ cout<<"泊车daowei mbRunPause+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ }
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0 ;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ obsDistance = -1;
+ esrIndex = -1;
+ lidarDistance = -1;
+ obsDistanceAvoid = -1;
+ esrIndexAvoid = -1;
+ roadPre = -1;
+ //dSpeed = ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode0;
+ gpsTraceOri.clear();
+ gpsTraceNow.clear();
+ gpsTraceAim.clear();
+ gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
+ gpsTraceBack.clear();
+ gpsTraceNowLeft.clear();
+ gpsTraceNowRight.clear();
+ if (!isFirstRun)
+ {
+ PathPoint = Compute00().getNearestPointIndex(now_gps_ins, gpsMapLine, DecideGps00::lastGpsIndex, DecideGps00::minDis, DecideGps00::maxAngle);
+ if(PathPoint<0){
+ PathPoint = Compute00().getFirstNearestPointIndex(now_gps_ins, gpsMapLine, DecideGps00::lastGpsIndex, DecideGps00::minDis, DecideGps00::maxAngle);
+ }
+ }
+ if (PathPoint<0)
+ {
+ minDecelerate=-1.0;
+// if((ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="pixloop")||(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="yika")
+// || (ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="hunter"))
+// {
+// dSpeed=0.0; //20210903,cxw,这三种车型都是用决策速度控制的,在adapter中判断minDecelerate小于0直接将目标速度归0
+// }
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, -1, 0,now_gps_ins);
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ DecideGps00::lastGpsIndex = PathPoint;
+ double brake_distance=200;
+ brake_distance=max(250,(int)(dSpeed*dSpeed+150));
+ if(!circleMode && PathPoint>gpsMapLine.size()-brake_distance){
+ minDecelerate=-0.5;
+// if((ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="pixloop")||(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="yika")
+// || (ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="hunter"))
+// {
+// dSpeed=0.0; //20210622,cxw,地图到达终点决策速度设置为0,防止车子乱动
+// }
+ std::cout<<"map finish brake"<<std::endl;
+ }
+ if(!circleMode){
+ double forecast_final=secSpeed*secSpeed+5;
+ int forecast_final_point=((int)forecast_final)*10;
+ static int BrakePoint=-1;
+ static bool final_brake=false,final_brake_lock=false;
+ if(PathPoint+forecast_final_point<gpsMapLine.size())
+ {
+ if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+forecast_final_point]->mode2==23 && realspeed>3){
+ final_brake=true;
+ if(BrakePoint==-1)
+ BrakePoint=PathPoint-10;
+ }
+ }
+ if(PathPoint<BrakePoint)
+ {
+ final_brake=false;
+ final_brake_lock=false;
+ BrakePoint=-1;
+ }
+ if(final_brake==true){
+ if((realspeed>3)&&(final_brake_lock==false)){
+ minDecelerate=-0.5;
+ }else{
+ dSpeed=min(dSpeed, 3.0);
+ final_brake_lock=true;
+ if(PathPoint+50<gpsMapLine.size()){
+ if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+50]->mode2==23){
+ minDecelerate=-0.5; //主master核对,check =-0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// if(PathPoint+500<gpsMapLine.size())
+// {
+// if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+500]->mode2==23 && realspeed>20)
+// minDecelerate=-0.5;
+// else if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+300]->mode2==23 && realspeed>15)
+// minDecelerate=-0.5;
+// else if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+100]->mode2==23)
+// minDecelerate=-0.6;
+// }
+// else if(PathPoint+300<gpsMapLine.size()){
+// if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+300]->mode2==23 && realspeed>15)
+// minDecelerate=-0.5;
+// else if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+100]->mode2==23)
+// minDecelerate=-0.6;
+// }
+// else if(PathPoint+150<gpsMapLine.size()){
+// if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+150]->mode2==23 && realspeed>10)
+// minDecelerate=-0.5;
+// else if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+100]->mode2==23)
+// minDecelerate=-0.6;
+// }
+// else if(PathPoint+100<gpsMapLine.size()){
+// if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+100]->mode2==23)
+// minDecelerate=-0.6;
+// }
+ }
+ if(!ServiceCarStatus.inRoadAvoid){
+ roadOri = gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadOri;
+ roadSum = gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadSum;
+ givlog->debug("decition_brain","roadOri: %d",
+ roadOri);
+ }else{
+ roadOri=gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadOri*3+1;
+ roadSum = gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadSum*3;
+ }
+// roadOri =0;
+// roadSum =2;
+ if(roadNowStart){
+ roadNow=roadOri;
+ roadNowStart=false;
+ }
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.avoidObs){
+ gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->runMode=1;
+ }else{
+ gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->runMode=0;
+ }
+ if(obstacle_avoid_flag==1){
+ avoidX=computeAvoidX(roadNow,roadOri,gpsMapLine[PathPoint],ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth);
+ }else{
+ avoidX=0;
+ roadNow = roadOri;
+ if(vehState==backOri){
+ vehState=normalRun;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->runMode == 0 &&(vehState == avoidObs||vehState ==stopObs||vehState == preAvoid
+ ||vehState == avoiding||vehState == backOri||vehState ==preBack||vehState ==waitAvoid ) )
+ {
+ vehState = normalRun;
+ roadNow = roadOri;
+ }
+ gpsTraceOri= getGpsTrace(now_gps_ins, gpsMapLine, lastGpsIndex,circleMode);
+ if((vehState == avoiding || vehState == backOri)&&(gpsTraceAvoidXY.size()>0)&&(obstacle_avoid_flag==1))
+ {
+ gpsTraceOri=getGpsTraceAvoid(now_gps_ins, gpsTraceAvoidXY, lastGpsIndex,circleMode);
+ }
+ if(gpsTraceOri.empty()){
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0;
+ gps_decition->speed = dSpeed;
+ gps_decition->torque=0;//20210906,cxw
+ gps_decition->accelerator = -0.5;
+ gps_decition->brake=10;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ traceDevi=gpsTraceOri[0].x;
+ //起步进行frenet规划后,车辆行驶至地图路线上,起步操作完毕。
+ //如果车辆本身启动位置在地图路线上,可不用进行frenet规划。
+ // if(GetDistance(now_gps_ins,*gpsMapLine[PathPoint]) < 1){
+ // startingFlag = false;
+ // }
+ startingFlag = false;
+ if(startingFlag){
+ // gpsTraceAim = gpsTraceOri;
+ if(abs(gpsTraceOri[0].x)>1){
+ cout<<"frenetPlanner->getPath:pre"<<endl;
+ gpsTraceNow = frenetPlanner->getPath(now_gps_ins,gpsMapLine,PathPoint,0,lidarGridPtr);
+ cout<<"frenetPlanner->getPath,gpsTraceNow.size: "<<gpsTraceNow.size()<<endl;
+ if(gpsTraceNow.size()==0){
+ gps_decition->accelerator = 0;
+ gps_decition->brake=10;
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = lastAngle;
+ gps_decition->speed = 0;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ }else{
+ startingFlag = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(useFrenet){
+ //如果车辆在变道中,启用frenet规划局部路径
+ if(vehState == avoiding || vehState == backOri){
+ // avoidX = (roadOri - roadNow)*roadWidth;
+ avoidX=computeAvoidX(roadNow,roadOri,gpsMapLine[PathPoint],ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth);
+ gpsTraceNow = frenetPlanner->getPath(now_gps_ins,gpsMapLine,PathPoint,avoidX,lidarGridPtr);
+ //gpsTraceAim = laneChangePlanner->getPath(now_gps_ins,gpsMapLine,PathPoint,avoidX,lidarGridPtr);
+ gpsTraceAim = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+ if(gpsTraceNow.size()==0){
+ gps_decition->accelerator = 0;
+ gps_decition->brake=10;
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = lastAngle;
+ gps_decition->speed = 0;
+ return gps_decition;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(gpsTraceNow.size()==0){
+ if (roadNow==roadOri)
+ {
+ if(vehState == backOri)
+ {
+ gpsTraceNow.assign(gpsTraceOri.begin(), gpsTraceOri.end());
+ getGpsTraceNowLeftRight(gpsTraceNow);
+ }
+ else{
+ gpsTraceNow.assign(gpsTraceOri.begin(), gpsTraceOri.end());
+ gpsTraceNowLeft.assign(traceOriLeft.begin(),traceOriLeft.end());
+ gpsTraceNowRight.assign(traceOriRight.begin(),traceOriRight.end());
+ }
+ }else
+ {
+ if((vehState == avoiding)||(vehState == backOri))
+ {
+ gpsTraceNow.assign(gpsTraceOri.begin(), gpsTraceOri.end());
+// gpsTraceNowLeft=getGpsTraceOffset(traceOriLeft, avoidX);
+// gpsTraceNowRight=getGpsTraceOffset(traceOriRight, avoidX);
+ getGpsTraceNowLeftRight(gpsTraceNow);
+ }else{
+ gpsTraceNow = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+// gpsTraceNowLeft=getGpsTraceOffset(traceOriLeft, avoidX);
+// gpsTraceNowRight=getGpsTraceOffset(traceOriRight, avoidX);
+ getGpsTraceNowLeftRight(gpsTraceNow);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(vehState==normalRun)
+ {
+ if(gpsTraceNow.size()>200){
+ if(gpsTraceNow[200].x<-3){
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = true;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = false;
+ }else if(gpsTraceNow[200].x>3){
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = false;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = true;
+ }else{
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = false;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // dSpeed = getSpeed(gpsTraceNow);
+ dSpeed =80;
+ planTrace.clear();//Add By YuChuli, 2020.11.26
+ for(int i=0;i<gpsTraceNow.size();i++){
+ TracePoint pt(gpsTraceNow[i].x,gpsTraceNow[i].y);
+ planTrace.push_back(pt);
+ }
+ controlAng= getAngle(gpsTraceNow,now_gps_ins,gps_decition);
+ if(!circleMode && PathPoint>(gpsMapLine.size()-250)){
+ if(realspeed<0.5)
+ controlAng=0;
+ }
+ //1220
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.daocheMode){
+ controlAng=0-controlAng;
+ }
+ //2020-0106
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype !="zhongche"){
+ if(vehState==avoiding){
+ ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth=2.4;
+ controlAng=max(-150.0,controlAng);//35 zj-150
+ controlAng=min(150.0,controlAng);//35 zj-150
+ }
+ if(vehState==backOri){
+ controlAng=max(-150.0,controlAng);//35 zj-150
+ controlAng=min(150.0,controlAng);//35 zj-150
+ }
+ }
+// givlog->debug("brain_decition","vehState: %d,controlAng: %f",
+// vehState,controlAng);
+ //准备驻车
+ if (readyZhucheMode)
+ {
+ cout<<"ready ZHECHE STATE+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ cout<<"zhuche point : "<<zhuchePointNum<<endl;
+ double dis = GetDistance(*gpsMapLine[zhuchePointNum], now_gps_ins);
+ if (dis<35)
+ {
+ Point2D pt = Coordinate_Transfer((*gpsMapLine[zhuchePointNum]).gps_x, (*gpsMapLine[zhuchePointNum]).gps_y, now_gps_ins);
+ double zhucheDistance = pt.y;
+#if 0
+ if (dSpeed > 15)
+ {
+ dSpeed = 15;
+ }
+ if (zhucheDistance < 20 && dis < 25)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(dSpeed, 5.0);
+ }
+ if (dSpeed > 12)
+ {
+ dSpeed = 12;
+ }
+ if (zhucheDistance < 9 && dis < 9)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(dSpeed, 5.0);
+ }
+ if (zhucheDistance < 3.0 && dis < 3.5)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(dSpeed, 5.0);
+ zhucheMode = true;
+ readyZhucheMode = false;
+ cout<<"jinru ZHECHE STATE+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (readyParkMode)
+ {
+ double parkDis = GetDistance(now_gps_ins, *gpsMapLine[finishPointNum]);
+ hasZhuched = true;
+ if (parkDis < 25)
+ {
+ Point2D pt = Coordinate_Transfer((*gpsMapLine[finishPointNum]).gps_x, (*gpsMapLine[finishPointNum]).gps_y, now_gps_ins);
+ double parkDistance = pt.y;
+ if (dSpeed > 15)
+ {
+ dSpeed = 15;
+ }
+ //dSpeed = 15;//////////////////////////////
+ if (parkDistance < 15 && parkDistance >= 4.5 && parkDis<20)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(dSpeed, 8.0);
+ }else if (parkDistance < 4.5 && parkDistance >= 3.5 && parkDis<5.0){
+ dSpeed = min(dSpeed, 5.0);
+ }else if(parkDistance < 3.5 && parkDis<4.0){
+ dSpeed = min(dSpeed, 3.0);
+ }
+ // float stopDis=2;
+ // if(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="ge3"){
+ // stopDis=1.6;
+ // } else if(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="vv7"){
+ // stopDis=1.8;
+ // }
+ if (parkDistance < 1.6 && parkDis<2.0)
+ {
+ // dSpeed = 0;
+ parkMode = true;
+ readyParkMode = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.speed_control==true){
+ dSpeed = min(doubledata[PathPoint][4],dSpeed);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadMode ==0)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode0,dSpeed);
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = false;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = false;
+ }else if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadMode == 5)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode5,dSpeed);
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = false;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = false;
+ }else if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadMode == 11)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode11,dSpeed);
+ }else if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadMode == 14)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode14,dSpeed);
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = true;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = false;
+ }else if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadMode == 15)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode15,dSpeed);
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = false;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = true;
+ }else if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadMode == 16)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode16,dSpeed);
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = true;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = false;
+ }else if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadMode == 17)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode17,dSpeed);
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = false;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = true;
+ }else if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadMode == 18)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode18,dSpeed);
+ }else if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadMode == 1)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode1,dSpeed);
+ }else if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadMode == 2)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(15.0,dSpeed);
+ }
+ else if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadMode == 7)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(15.0,dSpeed);
+ xiuzhengCs=1.5;
+ }else if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->roadMode == 4) //1220
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(4.0,dSpeed);
+ }else{
+ dSpeed = min(ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode0,dSpeed);
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = false;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->speed_mode == 2)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(25.0,dSpeed);
+ }
+ if((vehState==avoiding)||(vehState==backOri)||(roadNow != roadOri)||(vehState==preAvoid))
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(8.0,dSpeed);
+ }
+ if((gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->speed)>0.001)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min((gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->speed*3.6),dSpeed);
+// if((gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->speed)>4.5)
+// {
+// dSpeed =gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->speed*3.6;
+// }
+ }
+ dSpeed = limitSpeed(controlAng, dSpeed);
+ dSecSpeed = dSpeed / 3.6;
+// givlog->debug("brain_decition_speed","dspeed: %f",
+// dSpeed);
+ if(vehState==changingRoad){
+ if(gpsTraceNow[0].x>1.0){
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = false;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = true;
+ }else if(gpsTraceNow[0].x<-1.0){
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = true;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = false;
+ }else{
+ vehState==normalRun;
+ }
+ }
+ static int obs_filter=0,obs_filter_flag=0,obs_filter_dis_memory=0;
+ static double obs_speed_for_avoid=-1,obs_filter_speed_memory=0; //obs_speed_for_avoid: obstacle actual speed in km/h
+ if(!ServiceCarStatus.daocheMode){
+ //computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+ computeObsOnRoadXY(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow,gpsTraceNowLeft,gpsTraceNowRight,roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+ if(obs_filter_flag==0)
+ {
+ if(obsDistance>0&&obsDistance<60)
+ {
+ obs_filter++;
+ if(obs_filter<20) //80
+ {
+ obsDistance=-1;
+ obsSpeed=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ obs_filter_flag=1;
+ obs_filter_dis_memory=obsDistance;
+ obs_filter_speed_memory=obsSpeed;
+ obs_filter=0;
+ }
+ }else{
+ obs_filter=0;
+ }
+ }else
+ {
+ if(obsDistance<0||obsDistance>60)
+ {
+ obs_filter++;
+ if(obs_filter<20) //80
+ {
+ obsDistance=obs_filter_dis_memory;
+ obsSpeed=obs_filter_speed_memory;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ obs_filter_flag=0;
+ obs_filter=0;
+ }
+ }else
+ {
+ obs_filter=0;
+ obs_filter_dis_memory=obsDistance;
+ obs_filter_speed_memory=obsSpeed;
+ }
+ }
+ obs_speed_for_avoid=(secSpeed+obsSpeed)*3.6;
+ }else{
+ gpsTraceRear.clear();
+ for(int i=0;i<gpsTraceNow.size();i++){
+ Point2D pt;
+ pt.x=0-gpsTraceNow[i].x;
+ pt.y=0-gpsTraceNow[i].y;
+ gpsTraceRear.push_back(pt);
+ }
+ computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceNow, roadNow,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+ // obsDistance=-1; //1227
+ }
+ //old_bz--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (vehState == avoiding)
+ {
+ double avoidDistance=GetDistance(startAvoidGpsIns,now_gps_ins);
+ //若车辆到达变道后的路径,改变车辆状态,关闭frenet规划
+ if (useFrenet && abs(gpsTraceAim[0].x)<1.0) {
+ vehState = normalRun;
+ // useFrenet = false;
+ // useOldAvoid = true;
+ }
+ else if (useOldAvoid && avoidDistance>35) { //zj 2021.06.21 gpsTraceNow[60].x)<0.02
+ // vehState = avoidObs; 0929
+ vehState = normalRun;
+ turnLampFlag=0;
+ }
+ else if (turnLampFlag>0)
+ {
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = false;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = true;
+ }
+ else if(turnLampFlag<0)
+ {
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = true;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vehState==preBack)
+ {
+ vehState = backOri;
+ }
+ if (vehState==backOri)
+ {
+ double backDistance=GetDistance(startBackGpsIns,now_gps_ins);
+ //若车辆到达变道后的路径,改变车辆状态,关闭frenet规划
+ if (useFrenet && abs(gpsTraceAim[0].x)<1.0) {
+ vehState = normalRun;
+ turnLampFlag=0;
+ // useFrenet = false;
+ // useOldAvoid = true;
+ }
+ else if (useOldAvoid && backDistance>35 ) {//abs(gpsTraceNow[60].x)<0.05
+ // vehState = avoidObs; 0929
+ vehState = normalRun;
+ obstacle_avoid_flag=0;
+ }
+ else if (turnLampFlag>0)
+ {
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = false;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = true;
+ }
+ else if (turnLampFlag<0)
+ {
+ gps_decition->leftlamp = true;
+ gps_decition->rightlamp = false;
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout<<"\n原始RoadOri:%d\n"<<roadOri<<endl;
+ // 计算回归原始路线
+ if ((roadNow!=roadOri))
+ {
+ if(useFrenet){
+ if ((GetDistance(now_gps_ins, startAvoidGpsInsVector[roadOri])>max(avoidMinDistanceVector[roadOri],30.0)))
+ {
+ double offsetL = -(roadSum - 1)*roadWidth;
+ double offsetR = (roadOri - 0)*roadWidth;
+ roadPre = frenetPlanner->chooseRoadByFrenet(now_gps_ins,gpsMapLine,PathPoint,offsetL,offsetR,lidarGridPtr,roadNow);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(useOldAvoid){
+ roadPre = chooseBackRoad(lidarGridPtr, now_gps_ins, gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+ // avoidX = (roadOri - roadNow)*roadWidth; //1012
+ avoidX=computeAvoidX(roadNow,roadOri,gpsMapLine[PathPoint],ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((roadNow != roadOri && roadPre!=-1))
+ {
+ roadNow = roadPre;
+ // avoidX = (roadOri - roadNow)*roadWidth;
+ avoidX=computeAvoidX(roadNow,roadOri,gpsMapLine[PathPoint],ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth);
+ if(avoidX<0)
+ turnLampFlag<0;
+ else if(avoidX>0)
+ turnLampFlag>0;
+ else
+ turnLampFlag=0;
+ if(useOldAvoid){
+ //gpsTraceNow = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+ gpsTraceAvoidXY.clear();
+ gpsTraceAvoidXY = getGpsTraceOffsetBackOri(gpsTraceOri, avoidX,now_gps_ins,gpsTraceNow);
+ startBackGpsIns = now_gps_ins;
+ }
+ else if(useFrenet){
+ gpsTraceNow = frenetPlanner->getPath(now_gps_ins,gpsMapLine,PathPoint,avoidX,lidarGridPtr);
+ }
+ vehState = backOri;
+ hasCheckedBackLidar = false;
+ // checkBackObsTimes = 0;
+ cout<<"\n回归RoadNum:%d\n"<< roadNow<<endl;
+ }
+ static bool avoid_speed_flag=false;
+ /*if(obsDistance>0&& (obsDistance<ServiceCarStatus.aocfDis+10)&&(abs(realspeed)>0.5)&&
+ (vehState==normalRun) &&(ObsTimeStart==-1)//&&(obs_speed_for_avoid<0.6)
+ && (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->runMode==1)&&(gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->mode2!=3000))
+ {
+ minDecelerate=-0.4;
+ avoid_speed_flag=true;
+ }*/
+ //shiyanbizhang 0929
+ if(obsDistance>0&& (obsDistance<ServiceCarStatus.aocfDis)&&(obs_speed_for_avoid>-8.0)&&(obs_speed_for_avoid<3.0)&&(realspeed>1)//&& (avoid_speed_flag==true) //
+ &&(vehState==normalRun||vehState==backOri || vehState==avoiding) //&&(ObsTimeStart==-1)
+ && (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->runMode==1)&&(gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->mode2!=3000)&&(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+300]->mode2!=3000)&&(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+100]->mode2!=3000)&&(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+300]->mode2!=23)){
+// ObsTimeStart=GetTickCount();
+ ObsTimeEnd+=1.0;
+ //dSpeed = min(6.0,dSpeed);
+ cout<<"\n====================preAvoid time count start==================\n"<<endl;
+ }
+// if(ObsTimeStart!=-1){
+// ObsTimeEnd=GetTickCount();
+// }
+// if(ObsTimeEnd!=-1){
+// ObsTimeSpan=ObsTimeEnd-ObsTimeStart;
+// }
+// if(ObsTimeSpan>ObsTimeWidth &&(obsDistance>1.5||obsDistance<0) && (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->runMode==1)){ //1026
+// vehState=avoidObs;
+// ObsTimeStart=-1;
+// ObsTimeEnd=-1;
+// ObsTimeSpan=-1;
+// avoid_speed_flag=false;
+// cout<<"\n====================preAvoid time count finish==================\n"<<endl;
+// }
+// if((ObsTimeStart!=-1)&&(obs_speed_for_avoid>-8.0)&&(obs_speed_for_avoid<3.0)){
+// ObsTimeEnd+=1.0;
+// }
+ if(ObsTimeEnd>ObsTimeWidth &&(obsDistance>1.5||obsDistance<0) && (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->runMode==1)){ //1026
+ vehState=avoidObs;
+ ObsTimeStart=-1;
+ ObsTimeEnd=-1;
+ ObsTimeSpan=-1;
+ avoid_speed_flag=false;
+ cout<<"\n====================preAvoid time count finish==================\n"<<endl;
+ }
+ if(obsDistance<0 ||obsDistance>ServiceCarStatus.aocfDis){
+ ObsTimeStart=-1;
+ ObsTimeEnd=-1;
+ ObsTimeSpan=-1;
+ avoid_speed_flag=false;
+ }
+ //避障模式
+ if (vehState == avoidObs || vehState==waitAvoid ) {
+ // if (obsDistance <20 && obsDistance >0)
+ if (obsDistance <ServiceCarStatus.aocfDis && obsDistance >0)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(6.0,dSpeed);
+ avoidTimes++;
+ // if (avoidTimes>=6)
+ if (avoidTimes>=ServiceCarStatus.aocfTimes)
+ {
+ vehState = preAvoid;
+ avoidTimes = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // else if (obsDistance < 35 && obsDistance >0 && dSpeed>10)
+ // {
+ // dSpeed = 10;
+ // avoidTimes = 0;
+ // }
+ else if (obsDistance < 40 && obsDistance >0 && dSpeed>15)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(15.0,dSpeed);
+ avoidTimes = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ avoidTimes = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //givlog->debug("brain_decition","mfRoadwidth: %f",
+ //gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->mfLaneWidth );
+ if (vehState == preAvoid)
+ {
+ cout<<"\n====================preAvoid==================\n"<<endl;
+ /* if (obsDisVector[roadNow]>30)*/ //if (obsDisVector[roadNow]>30||obsDisVector[roadNow]<0)
+ if (obsDisVector[roadNow]>ServiceCarStatus.aocfDis)
+ {
+ // vehState = avoidObs; 0929
+ vehState=normalRun;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //roadPre = chooseAvoidRoad(lidarGridPtr, now_gps_ins,gpsMapLine);
+ if(useOldAvoid){
+ roadPre = chooseAvoidRoad(lidarGridPtr, now_gps_ins,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+ // avoidX = (roadOri - roadNow)*roadWidth; //1012
+ avoidX=computeAvoidX(roadNow,roadOri,gpsMapLine[PathPoint],ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth);
+ }
+ else if(useFrenet){
+ double offsetL = -(roadSum - 1)*roadWidth;
+ double offsetR = (roadOri - 0)*roadWidth;
+ roadPre = frenetPlanner->chooseRoadByFrenet(now_gps_ins,gpsMapLine,PathPoint,offsetL,offsetR,lidarGridPtr,roadNow);
+ }
+ if (roadPre == -1 && obsDisVector[roadNow]<1.5 && obsDisVector[roadNow]>0)
+ {
+ // vehState = waitAvoid; 0929
+ vehState = avoidObs;
+ }
+ else if (roadPre != -1)
+ {
+ if(useOldAvoid){
+ roadNow = roadPre;
+ // avoidX = (roadOri - roadNow)*roadWidth;
+ avoidX=computeAvoidX(roadNow,roadOri,gpsMapLine[PathPoint],ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth);
+ if(avoidX<0)
+ turnLampFlag<0;
+ else if(avoidX>0)
+ turnLampFlag>0;
+ else
+ turnLampFlag=0;
+ gpsTraceNow.clear();
+ //gpsTraceNow = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+ gpsTraceAvoidXY.clear();
+ gpsTraceAvoidXY = getGpsTraceOffsetAvoid(gpsTraceOri, avoidX,now_gps_ins);
+ startAvoidGpsIns = now_gps_ins;
+ }
+ else if(useFrenet){
+ if(roadPre != roadNow){
+ avoidMinDistanceVector[roadNow] = obsDisVector[roadNow] + ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehLenth;
+ startAvoidGpsInsVector[roadNow] = now_gps_ins;
+ }
+ roadNow = roadPre;
+ // avoidX = (roadOri - roadNow)*roadWidth;
+ avoidX=computeAvoidX(roadNow,roadOri,gpsMapLine[PathPoint],ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth);
+ gpsTraceNow = frenetPlanner->getPath(now_gps_ins,gpsMapLine,PathPoint,avoidX,lidarGridPtr);
+ }
+ vehState = avoiding;
+ obstacle_avoid_flag=1;
+ hasCheckedAvoidLidar = false;
+ cout<<"\n避障到RoadNum:%d\n"<<roadNow<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------old_bz_end
+ if (parkMode)
+ {
+ minDecelerate=-1.0;
+ if(finishPointNum<0||finishPointNum>=gpsMapLine.size()){
+ parkMode=false;
+ }else if(GetDistance(now_gps_ins, *gpsMapLine[finishPointNum])>20){
+ parkMode=false;
+ }
+ }
+ //驻车
+ if (zhucheMode)
+ {
+ int mzcTime = ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mzhuchetime * 1000;
+ // if(trumpet()<16000)
+ if (trumpet()<mzcTime)
+ {
+ // if (trumpet()<12000){
+ cout<<"ZHECHE ING STATE+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ minDecelerate=-1.0;
+ if(abs(realspeed)<0.2){
+ controlAng=0; //tju
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hasZhuched = true; //1125
+ zhucheMode = false;
+ trumpetFirstCount = true;
+ cout<<"ZHECHE STATE JIESHU +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ //判断驻车标志位
+ if (hasZhuched && GetDistance(now_gps_ins,*gpsMapLine[zhuchePointNum])>20)
+ {
+ hasZhuched = false;
+ }
+ if ( vehState==changingRoad || vehState==chaocheBack)
+ {
+ double lastAng = 0.0 - lastAngle;
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype !="zhongche"){
+ if (controlAng>40)
+ {
+ controlAng =40;
+ }
+ else if (controlAng<-40)
+ {
+ controlAng = - 40;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //速度结合角度的限制
+ controlAng = limitAngle(realspeed, controlAng);
+ std::cout << "\n呼车指令状态:%d\n" << ServiceCarStatus.carState << std::endl;
+ //1220
+ if(PathPoint+80<gpsMapLine.size()-1){
+ if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint+80]->roadMode==4 && !ServiceCarStatus.daocheMode){
+ changingDangWei=true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(changingDangWei){
+ if(abs(realspeed)>0.1){
+ dSpeed=0;
+ }else{
+ dSpeed=0;
+ gps_decition->dangWei=2;
+ ServiceCarStatus.daocheMode=true;
+ }
+ }
+ //1220 end
+ for(int i = 0;i<ServiceCarStatus.car_stations.size();i++)
+ {
+ GPS_INS gpsIns;
+ GaussProjCal(ServiceCarStatus.car_stations[i].longtitude, ServiceCarStatus.car_stations[i].latitude, &gpsIns.gps_x, &gpsIns.gps_y);
+ double dis = GetDistance(gpsIns, now_gps_ins);
+ if(dis<20)
+ ServiceCarStatus.currentstation = ServiceCarStatus.car_stations[i].ID;
+ }
+ if (ServiceCarStatus.carState == 0 && busMode)
+ {
+ minDecelerate=-1.0;
+ }
+ if (ServiceCarStatus.carState == 3 && busMode)
+ {
+ if(realspeed<0.1){
+ ServiceCarStatus.carState=0;
+ minDecelerate=-1.0;
+ }else{
+ nearStation=true;
+ dSpeed=0;
+ }
+ }
+ ///kkcai, 2020-01-03
+ //if (ServiceCarStatus.carState == 2 && busMode)
+ if (ServiceCarStatus.carState == 2)
+ {
+ aim_gps_ins.gps_lat=ServiceCarStatus.amilat;
+ aim_gps_ins.gps_lng=ServiceCarStatus.amilng;
+ // gps2xy(ServiceCarStatus.amilat, ServiceCarStatus.amilng, &aim_gps_ins.gps_x, &aim_gps_ins.gps_y);
+ GaussProjCal( aim_gps_ins.gps_lng, aim_gps_ins.gps_lat, &aim_gps_ins.gps_x, &aim_gps_ins.gps_y);
+ std::cout<<"lng"<<ServiceCarStatus.amilng<<std::endl;
+ qDebug("lat:%f", aim_gps_ins.gps_lat);
+ qDebug("lon:%f", aim_gps_ins.gps_lng);
+ std::cout<<"lat"<<ServiceCarStatus.amilat<<std::endl;
+ double dis = GetDistance(aim_gps_ins, now_gps_ins);
+ Point2D pt = Coordinate_Transfer((aim_gps_ins).gps_x, (aim_gps_ins).gps_y, now_gps_ins);
+ std::cout << "\n呼车dis距离:%f\n" << dis << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "\n呼车Y距离:%f\n" << pt.y << std::endl;
+ // if (dis<20 && pt.y<8&& realspeed<0.1)
+ if (dis<20 && pt.y<5 && abs(pt.x)<3)
+ {
+ dSpeed = 0;
+ nearStation=true;
+ //is_arrivaled = true;
+ //ServiceCarStatus.status[0] = true;
+ ServiceCarStatus.istostation=1;
+ minDecelerate=-1.0;
+ }
+ else if (dis<20 && pt.y<15 && abs(pt.x)<3)
+ {
+ nearStation=true;
+ dSpeed = min(8.0, dSpeed);
+ }
+ else if (dis<30 && pt.y<20 && abs(pt.x)<3)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(15.0, dSpeed);
+ }
+ else if (dis<50 && abs(pt.x)<3)
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(20.0, dSpeed);
+ }
+ }
+ dSecSpeed = dSpeed / 3.6;
+ gps_decition->speed = dSpeed;
+ if (gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->runMode == 2)
+ {
+ obsDistance = -1;
+ }
+ std::cout<<"juecesudu0="<<dSpeed<<std::endl;
+ //-----------------------------------------1+X采集车车路协同,add---------------------------------------------
+ unsigned char traffic_type=ServiceCarStatus.rsu_traffic_type;//路况信息
+ unsigned char warning_type=ServiceCarStatus.rsu_warning_type;//预警信息,RSU获得
+ float distance_to_center=0;
+ GPS_INS traffic_center_gps;
+ traffic_center_gps.gps_lat=ServiceCarStatus.rsu_gps_lat;
+ traffic_center_gps.gps_lng=ServiceCarStatus.rsu_gps_lng;
+ float radiation_distance=ServiceCarStatus.rsu_radiation_distance;//事件辐射范围,从RSU获得
+ float trafficlimit_spd=ServiceCarStatus.rsu_trafficelimit_spd; //从RSU获得的限速值
+ float warnlimit_spd=ServiceCarStatus.rsu_warnlimit_spd; //从RSU获得的限速值
+ //以上变量信息都需要存储到log文件中
+ distance_to_center=GetDistance(now_gps_ins,traffic_center_gps);//因为是长直道路所以直接计算事件中心点和当前位置的距离即可
+ ||(warning_type==0x01)||(warning_type==0x02))
+ if((traffic_type==0x01)||(traffic_type==0x02)||(traffic_type==0x03))//塌方,施工,道路结冰,事件范围外10米缓慢减速,事件范围内停车
+ {
+ if((distance_to_center>=radiation_distance)&&(distance_to_center<=radiation_distance+10))
+ {
+ dSpeed = min(1.0,realspeed-0.2);
+ ServiceCarStatus.vehicle_state_1x = 1;
+ ServiceCarStatus.target_spd_1x = 1.0;
+ }
+ else if(distance_to_center<radiation_distance)
+ {
+ dSpeed=0.0;
+ minDecelerate=-2.0;
+ ServiceCarStatus.vehicle_state_1x = 2;
+ ServiceCarStatus.target_spd_1x=0.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {}
+ }
+ else if(traffic_type==0x04)//如果事件类型是限速,则在辐射范围内限速,辐射范围外正常行驶
+ {
+ if((distance_to_center>=radiation_distance)&&(distance_to_center<=radiation_distance+2))
+ {
+ dSpeed=min((double)trafficlimit_spd,realspeed-0.5);//先让速度稍微减少一点
+ ServiceCarStatus.vehicle_state_1x = 1;
+ ServiceCarStatus.target_spd_1x = trafficlimit_spd;
+ }
+ else if(distance_to_center<radiation_distance)
+ {
+ dSpeed=min((double)trafficlimit_spd,realspeed);
+ ServiceCarStatus.vehicle_state_1x = 1;
+ ServiceCarStatus.target_spd_1x = trafficlimit_spd;
+ }
+ else
+ {}
+ }
+ else
+ {}
+//碰撞预警,1减速,2 停车
+ if(warning_type==0x01)
+ {
+ dSpeed=warnlimit_spd;//此处要判断限速值是不是在有效值范围以内
+ ServiceCarStatus.vehicle_state_1x = 1;
+ ServiceCarStatus.target_spd_1x = warnlimit_spd;
+ }
+ else if(warning_type==0x02)
+ {
+ dSpeed=0.0;
+ ServiceCarStatus.vehicle_state_1x = 2;
+ ServiceCarStatus.target_spd_1x = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {}
+ ServiceCarStatus.vehicle_state_1x = 0;
+ ServiceCarStatus.target_spd_1x = dSpeed;
+ //红绿灯信息处理,computeTrafficSpeedLimt由于车子最高5所以要对速度做调整
+ //-----------------------------------------1+X采集车车路协同,end---------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------traffic light----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(traffic_light_gps.gps_lat!=0 && traffic_light_gps.gps_lng!=0){
+ traffic_light_pathpoint = Compute00().getNoAngleNearestPointIndex(traffic_light_gps, gpsMapLine);
+ // traffic_light_pathpoint=130;
+ //1:绿灯 2:红灯 3:黄灯
+ float traffic_speed=ComputeTrafficLightSpeed(ServiceCarStatus.iTrafficeLightColor,ServiceCarStatus.iTrafficeLightTime,gpsMapLine,
+ traffic_light_pathpoint ,PathPoint,secSpeed,dSpeed);
+ dSpeed = min((double)traffic_speed,dSpeed);
+ if(traffic_speed==0){
+ minDecelerate=-2.0;
+ }
+ }
+ //-------------------------------traffic light end-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------v2x traffic light-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //vbox传递的红绿灯信息中,1是绿灯,2是红灯,3是黄灯
+ double v2xTrafficSpeed= ComputeV2XTrafficLightSpeed( trafficLight, gpsMapLine, v2xTrafficVector,
+ PathPoint, secSpeed, dSpeed, circleMode);
+ dSpeed = min(v2xTrafficSpeed,dSpeed);//???这里是不是应该是max,因为V2Xspeed应该是穿过红绿灯的最低速度吧?速度还不能超过当前的限速,如果V2Xspeed超过限速,需要判断车辆是否要
+ //停车,只会减速或当前决策速度不会加速
+ //------------------------------v2x traffic light end--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ transferGpsMode2(gpsMapLine);
+// if(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="hapo"){ //这一部分代码对1+x小车没有用,因为小车的速度比较慢,如果障碍物距离小于15的时候就将目标速度给0,停障距离太远,停障逻辑在ADAPTER中做
+// if(obsDistance>0 && obsDistance<8){
+// dSpeed=0;
+// }
+// }else if(obsDistance>0 && obsDistance<15){
+// dSpeed=0;
+// }
+// if(ServiceCarStatus.group_control){
+// dSpeed = ServiceCarStatus.group_comm_speed;
+// }
+// if(dSpeed==0){
+// if(realspeed<6)
+// minDecelerate=min(-0.5f,minDecelerate);
+// else
+// minDecelerate=min(-0.6f,minDecelerate); //1.0f zj-0.6
+// }
+ gps_decition->wheel_angle = 0.0 - controlAng;
+ //需要增加接收到路册单元限速或停车的命令后对dspeed或这minDecelerate做进一步限制,仅限于hunter车辆
+ //当收到停车命令后,直接给出最小减速度
+ //收到减速命令后,直接将目标速度给成限速值
+ phaseSpeedDecition(gps_decition, secSpeed, obsDistance, obsSpeed,now_gps_ins);
+ givlog->debug("decition_brain","vehState: %d,PathPoint: %d,dSpeed: %f,obsDistance: %f,obsSpeed: %f,realspeed: %f,minDecelerate: %f,torque: %f,brake: %f,wheel_angle: %f,obs_speed_for_avoid: %f,mode2: %d",
+ vehState,PathPoint,dSpeed,obsDistance,obsSpeed,realspeed,minDecelerate,gps_decition->torque,gps_decition->brake,gps_decition->wheel_angle,obs_speed_for_avoid,gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->mode2);
+ //shuju cunchu gognnenng add,20210624,cxw
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.txt_log_on==true)
+ {
+ if(first_start_en)
+ {
+ first_start_en=false;
+ start_tracepoint = PathPoint;
+ if(circleMode)
+ {
+ if(start_tracepoint==0)
+ {
+ end_tracepoint =gpsMapLine.size()-1; //这种计算终点坐标的序号只适合与闭环地图
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ end_tracepoint=start_tracepoint-1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ end_tracepoint =gpsMapLine.size()-1; //20210929,不是闭环地图的时候终点参考坐标就是地图数组的最大序号
+ }
+ }
+ double dis1 = GetDistance(now_gps_ins, *gpsMapLine[start_tracepoint]);
+ double dis2 = GetDistance(now_gps_ins, *gpsMapLine[end_tracepoint]);
+ if(circleMode)//闭环地图
+ {
+ if(dis1<3&&dis2<3&&circleMode) //距离不能太小,太小了可能会错过,所以适当将距离增大一些
+ // if(dis1<1&&dis2<1&&circleMode)
+ {
+ file_cnt_add_en=true; //201200102
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ file_cnt_add_en=false;
+ }
+ if(dis1>10)
+ {
+ file_cnt_add=true;
+ }
+ if(file_cnt_add_en&&file_num<256&&file_cnt_add)
+ {
+ file_num++;
+ file_cnt_add=false;
+ map_start_point=true;
+ }
+ if(file_num==256)
+ {
+ file_num=1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ QDateTime dt=QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ QString date =dt.toString("yyyy_MM_dd_hhmm");
+ QString strsen = "1xdatalog_";
+ date.append(strsen);
+ QString s = QString::number(file_num);
+ date.append(s);
+ date.append(".txt");
+ string filename;
+ filename=date.toStdString();
+ ofstream outfile;
+ outfile.open(filename, ostream::app);
+ if((file_cnt_add==false)&&(map_start_point==true))
+ {
+ QDateTime dt=QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ outfile<<dt.date().year()<<"-"<<dt.date().month()<<"-"<<dt.date().day()<<" "<<dt.time().hour()<<":"
+ <<dt.time().minute()<<":"<<dt.time().second()<<"-"<<dt.time().msec()
+ <<endl;
+ outfile<<"***********************the vehicle at map start point!*************************"<<endl;
+ outfile<<"the number of lap is "<<": "<<file_num<<""<<endl;
+ map_start_point=false;
+ }
+ QDateTime dt2=QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ outfile <<dt2.time().hour()<<":"<<dt2.time().minute()<<":"<<dt2.time().second()<<":"<<dt2.time().msec()<<","
+ <<"Decide_Dspeed" << "," <<setprecision(2)<<dSpeed<< ","
+ <<"Decide_ACC" << "," <<setprecision(2)<<gps_decition->torque<< ","
+ <<"Decide_Brake"<< "," <<gps_decition->brake<< ","
+ <<"Vehicle_RealSpd"<< "," <<setprecision(2)<<now_gps_ins.speed<< ","
+ <<"Decide_Angle"<< "," << setprecision(2)<<gps_decition->wheel_angle<< ","
+ <<"Vehicle_GPS_heading"<< ","<< setprecision(10)<<now_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle<< ","
+ <<"Vehicle_GPS_X"<< ","<< setprecision(10)<<now_gps_ins.gps_lat<< ","
+ <<"Vehicle_GPS_Y"<< ","<< setprecision(10)<<now_gps_ins.gps_lng<< ","
+ <<"Trace_Point"<< ","<<PathPoint<< ","
+ <<"OBS_Distance"<< ","<<obsDistance<< ","
+ <<"OBS_Speed"<< ","<<obsSpeed<< ","
+ <<"Traffic_Type"<< ","<<traffic_type<< ","
+ <<"Warn_Type"<< ","<<warning_type<< ","
+ <<"Limit_Speed"<< ","<<trafficlimit_spd<< ","
+ <<endl;
+ outfile.close();
+ }
+ else //fei yuanxing luxian
+ {
+ if(dis1<3)
+ {
+ file_cnt_add_en=true; //201200102
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ file_cnt_add_en=false;
+ }
+ if(dis1>3)
+ {
+ file_cnt_add=true;
+ }
+ if(file_cnt_add_en&&file_num<256&&file_cnt_add)
+ {
+ file_num++;
+ file_cnt_add=false;
+ map_start_point=true;
+ }
+ if(file_num==256)//20210712
+ {
+ file_num=1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ QDateTime dt=QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ QString date =dt.toString("yyyy_MM_dd_hhmm");
+ QString strsen = "datalog_";
+ date.append(strsen);
+ QString s = QString::number(file_num);
+ date.append(s);
+ date.append(".txt");
+ string filename;
+ filename=date.toStdString();
+ ofstream outfile;
+ outfile.open(filename, ostream::app);
+ if((file_cnt_add==false)&&(map_start_point==true))
+ {
+ QDateTime dt=QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ outfile<<dt.date().year()<<"-"<<dt.date().month()<<"-"<<dt.date().day()<<" "<<dt.time().hour()<<":"<<dt.time().minute()<<":"<<dt.time().second()<<"-"<<dt.time().msec()
+ <<endl;
+ outfile<<"********the vehicle near map start point!********"<<endl;
+ outfile<<"the number of lap is "<<":" <<file_num<<""<<endl;
+ map_start_point=false;
+ }
+ if(dis2<3)
+ {
+ outfile<<"********the vehicle near map end point!********" <<endl;
+ QDateTime dt=QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ outfile<<dt.date().year()<<"-"<<dt.date().month()<<"-"<<dt.date().day()<<" "<<dt.time().hour()<<":"<<dt.time().minute()<<":"<<dt.time().second()<<"-"<<dt.time().msec()
+ <<endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float ttc = 0-(obsDistance/obsSpeed);
+ double obsDistance_log=0;
+ if(obsDistance>500)
+ obsDistance_log=100;
+ else
+ obsDistance_log=obsDistance;
+ QDateTime dt2=QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ outfile <<dt2.time().hour()<<":"<<dt2.time().minute()<<":"<<dt2.time().second()<<":"<<dt2.time().msec()<<","
+ <<"Decide_Dspeed" << "," <<setprecision(2)<<dSpeed<< ","
+ <<"Decide_ACC" << "," <<setprecision(2)<<gps_decition->torque<< ","
+ <<"Decide_Brake"<< "," <<gps_decition->brake<< ","
+ <<"Vehicle_RealSpd"<< "," <<setprecision(2)<<now_gps_ins.speed<< ","
+ <<"OBS_Distance"<< ","<<obsDistance_log<< ","
+ <<"Min_Decelation"","<<minDecelerate<< ","
+ <<"Decide_Angle"<< "," << setprecision(2)<<gps_decition->wheel_angle<< ","
+ <<"Vehicle_GPS_heading"<< ","<< setprecision(10)<<now_gps_ins.ins_heading_angle<< ","
+ <<"Vehicle_GPS_X"<< ","<< setprecision(10)<<now_gps_ins.gps_lat<< ","
+ <<"Vehicle_GPS_Y"<< ","<< setprecision(10)<<now_gps_ins.gps_lng<< ","
+ <<"Trace_Point"<< ","<<PathPoint<< ","
+ <<"OBS_Speed"<< ","<<obsSpeed<< ","
+ <<"TTC"<< ","<<ttc<< ","
+ <<"Traffic_Type"<< ","<<traffic_type<< ","
+ <<"Warn_Type"<< ","<<warning_type<< ","
+ <<"TrafficLimit_Speed"<< ","<<trafficlimit_spd<< ","
+ <<"Radation_Dis"<< ","<<radiation_distance<< ","
+ <<"Dis_to_center"<< ","<<distance_to_center<< ","
+ <<endl;
+ outfile.close();
+ }
+ }
+ givlog->debug("decition_brain","vehState: %d,PathPoint: %d,dSpeed: %f,obsDistance: %f,"
+ "obsSpeed: %f,realspeed: %f,minDecelerate: %f,torque: %f,brake: %f,"
+ "wheel_angle: %f","Traffic_Type: %d","Warn_Type: %d","TrafficLimit_Speed: %f",
+ "radiation_dis: %f","Dis_to_center: %f","WarnLimit_Speed: %f",
+ vehState,PathPoint,dSpeed,obsDistance,obsSpeed,realspeed,minDecelerate,
+ gps_decition->torque,gps_decition->brake,gps_decition->wheel_angle,traffic_type,
+ warning_type,trafficlimit_spd,radiation_distance,distance_to_center,warnlimit_spd);
+ }
+ lastAngle=gps_decition->wheel_angle;
+ // qDebug("decide1 time is %d",xTime.elapsed());
+ return gps_decition;
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::initMethods(){
+ pid_Controller= new PIDController();
+ ge3_Adapter = new Ge3Adapter();
+ qingyuan_Adapter = new QingYuanAdapter();
+ vv7_Adapter = new VV7Adapter();
+ zhongche_Adapter = new ZhongcheAdapter();
+ bus_Adapter = new BusAdapter();
+ hapo_Adapter = new HapoAdapter();
+ hunter_Adapter = new HunterAdapter(); //20210903,cxw
+ mpid_Controller.reset(pid_Controller);
+ mge3_Adapter.reset(ge3_Adapter);
+ mqingyuan_Adapter.reset(qingyuan_Adapter);
+ mvv7_Adapter.reset(vv7_Adapter);
+ mzhongche_Adapter.reset(zhongche_Adapter);
+ mbus_Adapter.reset(bus_Adapter);
+ mhapo_Adapter.reset(hapo_Adapter);
+ mhunter_Adapter.reset(hunter_Adapter); //20210903,cxw
+ frenetPlanner = new FrenetPlanner();
+ // laneChangePlanner = new LaneChangePlanner();
+ mfrenetPlanner.reset(frenetPlanner);
+ // mlaneChangePlanner.reset(laneChangePlanner);
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::phaseSpeedDecition(iv::decition::Decition decition, double secSpeed, double obsDis, double obsSpeed, GPS_INS gpsIns ) {
+ pid_Controller->getControlDecition( gpsIns, gpsTraceNow, dSpeed, obsDis, obsSpeed, false, true, &decition);
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="ge3"){
+ ge3_Adapter->getAdapterDeciton(gpsIns, gpsTraceNow, dSpeed, obsDis,obsSpeed, decition->accelerator,ServiceCarStatus.mfCalAcc ,changingDangWei, &decition);
+ }else if( ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="qingyuan"){
+ qingyuan_Adapter->getAdapterDeciton(gpsIns, gpsTraceNow, dSpeed, obsDis,obsSpeed, decition->accelerator,ServiceCarStatus.mfCalAcc ,changingDangWei, &decition);
+ }else if( ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="vv7"){
+ vv7_Adapter->getAdapterDeciton(gpsIns, gpsTraceNow, dSpeed, obsDis,obsSpeed, decition->accelerator,ServiceCarStatus.mfCalAcc ,changingDangWei, &decition);
+ }else if( ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="zhongche"){
+ zhongche_Adapter->getAdapterDeciton(gpsIns, gpsTraceNow, dSpeed, obsDis,obsSpeed, decition->accelerator,ServiceCarStatus.mfCalAcc ,changingDangWei, &decition);
+ }else if(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="bus"){
+ bus_Adapter->getAdapterDeciton(gpsIns, gpsTraceNow, dSpeed, obsDis,obsSpeed, decition->accelerator,ServiceCarStatus.mfCalAcc ,changingDangWei, &decition);
+ }else if(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="hapo"){
+ hapo_Adapter->getAdapterDeciton(gpsIns, gpsTraceNow, dSpeed, obsDis,obsSpeed, decition->accelerator,ServiceCarStatus.mfCalAcc ,changingDangWei, &decition);
+ }else if(ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.mvehtype=="hunter"){
+ hunter_Adapter->getAdapterDeciton(gpsIns, gpsTraceNow, dSpeed, obsDis,obsSpeed, decition->accelerator,ServiceCarStatus.mfCalAcc ,changingDangWei, &decition);
+ }
+std::vector<iv::Point2D> iv::decition::DecideGps00::getGpsTrace(iv::GPS_INS now_gps_ins, const std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine, int lastIndex, bool circleMode) {
+ vector<iv::Point2D> trace;
+ traceOriLeft.clear();
+ traceOriRight.clear();
+ if (gpsMapLine.size() > 800 && PathPoint >= 0) {
+ int aimIndex;
+ if(circleMode){
+ aimIndex=PathPoint+800;
+ }else{
+ aimIndex=min((PathPoint+800),(int)gpsMapLine.size());
+ }
+ for (int i = PathPoint; i < aimIndex; i++)
+ {
+ int index = i % gpsMapLine.size();
+ Point2D pt = Coordinate_Transfer((*gpsMapLine[index]).gps_x, (*gpsMapLine[index]).gps_y, now_gps_ins);
+ pt.x += offset_real * 0.032;
+ pt.v1 = (*gpsMapLine[index]).speed_mode;
+ pt.v2 = (*gpsMapLine[index]).mode2;
+ pt.roadMode=(*gpsMapLine[index]).roadMode;
+ if (gpsMapLine[index]->roadMode==3 && !hasZhuched)
+ {
+ readyZhucheMode = true;
+ DecideGps00::zhuchePointNum = index;
+ }
+ if (gpsMapLine[index]->roadMode==3 && !hasZhuched)
+ {
+ readyZhucheMode = true;
+ DecideGps00::zhuchePointNum = index;
+ }
+ //csvv7
+ if (gpsMapLine[index]->speed_mode==22 || gpsMapLine[index]->speed_mode==23)
+ {
+ readyParkMode = true;
+ DecideGps00::finishPointNum = index;
+ }
+ switch (pt.v1)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ pt.speed = 80;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ pt.speed = 25;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ pt.speed =25;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ pt.speed = 20;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ pt.speed =18;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ pt.speed = 18;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ pt.speed = 10;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ pt.speed = 5;
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ pt.speed = 5;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ trace.push_back(pt);
+ double hdg=90 - (*gpsMapLine[index]).ins_heading_angle;
+ if(hdg < 0) hdg = hdg + 360;
+ if(hdg >= 360) hdg = hdg - 360;
+ double xyhdg = hdg/180.0*PI;
+ double ptLeft_x=(*gpsMapLine[index]).gps_x + ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth / 2 * cos(xyhdg + PI / 2);
+ double ptLeft_y=(*gpsMapLine[index]).gps_y + ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth / 2 * sin(xyhdg + PI / 2);
+ Point2D ptLeft = Coordinate_Transfer(ptLeft_x, ptLeft_y, now_gps_ins);
+ double ptRight_x=(*gpsMapLine[index]).gps_x + ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth / 2 * cos(xyhdg - PI / 2);
+ double ptRight_y=(*gpsMapLine[index]).gps_y + ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth / 2 * sin(xyhdg - PI / 2);
+ Point2D ptRight = Coordinate_Transfer(ptRight_x, ptRight_y, now_gps_ins);
+ traceOriLeft.push_back(ptLeft);
+ traceOriRight.push_back(ptRight);
+ }
+ }
+ return trace;
+std::vector<iv::Point2D> iv::decition::DecideGps00::getGpsTraceAvoid(iv::GPS_INS now_gps_ins, const std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace, int lastIndex, bool circleMode) {
+ vector<iv::Point2D> trace;
+ int index = -1;
+ float minDis = 10;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gpsTrace.size(); i++)
+ {
+ double tmpdis = sqrt((now_gps_ins.gps_x - gpsTrace[i].x) * (now_gps_ins.gps_x - gpsTrace[i].x) + (now_gps_ins.gps_y - gpsTrace[i].y) * (now_gps_ins.gps_y - gpsTrace[i].y));
+ if (tmpdis < minDis)
+ {
+ index = i;
+ minDis = tmpdis;
+ }
+ }
+ trace.clear();
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ for (unsigned int i = index; i < gpsTrace.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Point2D pt = Coordinate_Transfer(gpsTrace[i].x, gpsTrace[i].y, now_gps_ins);
+ trace.push_back(pt);
+ }
+ }
+ return trace;
+std::vector<iv::Point2D> iv::decition::DecideGps00::getGpsTraceOffset(std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace, double offset) {
+ if (offset==0)
+ {
+ return gpsTrace;
+ }
+ std::vector<iv::Point2D> trace;
+ for (int j = 0; j < gpsTrace.size(); j++)
+ {
+ double sumx1 = 0, sumy1 = 0, count1 = 0;
+ double sumx2 = 0, sumy2 = 0, count2 = 0;
+ for (int k = max(0, j - 4); k <= j; k++)
+ {
+ count1 = count1 + 1;
+ sumx1 += gpsTrace[k].x;
+ sumy1 += gpsTrace[k].y;
+ }
+ for (int k = j; k <= min(gpsTrace.size() - 1, (size_t)(j + 4)); k++)
+ {
+ count2 = count2 + 1;
+ sumx2 += gpsTrace[k].x;
+ sumy2 += gpsTrace[k].y;
+ }
+ sumx1 /= count1; sumy1 /= count1;
+ sumx2 /= count2; sumy2 /= count2;
+ double anglevalue = atan2(sumy2 - sumy1, sumx2 - sumx1);
+ double carFrontx = gpsTrace[j].x;// -Form1.CarRear * Math.Cos(anglevalue);
+ double carFronty = gpsTrace[j].y;// -Form1.CarRear * Math.Sin(anglevalue);
+ double avoidLenth = abs(offset);
+ if (offset<0)
+ {
+ Point2D ptLeft(carFrontx + avoidLenth * cos(anglevalue + PI / 2),
+ carFronty + avoidLenth * sin(anglevalue + PI / 2));
+ ptLeft.speed = gpsTrace[j].speed;
+ ptLeft.v1 = gpsTrace[j].v1;
+ ptLeft.v2 = gpsTrace[j].v2;
+ trace.push_back(ptLeft);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Point2D ptRight(carFrontx + avoidLenth * cos(anglevalue - PI / 2),
+ carFronty + avoidLenth * sin(anglevalue - PI / 2));
+ ptRight.speed = gpsTrace[j].speed;
+ ptRight.v1 = gpsTrace[j].v1;
+ ptRight.v2 = gpsTrace[j].v2;
+ trace.push_back(ptRight);
+ }
+ }
+ return trace;
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::getGpsTraceNowLeftRight(std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < gpsTrace.size(); j++)
+ {
+ double sumx1 = 0, sumy1 = 0, count1 = 0;
+ double sumx2 = 0, sumy2 = 0, count2 = 0;
+ for (int k = max(0, j - 4); k <= j; k++)
+ {
+ count1 = count1 + 1;
+ sumx1 += gpsTrace[k].x;
+ sumy1 += gpsTrace[k].y;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int k = j; k <= min(gpsTrace.size() - 1, (size_t)(j + 4)); k++)
+ {
+ count2 = count2 + 1;
+ sumx2 += gpsTrace[k].x;
+ sumy2 += gpsTrace[k].y;
+ }
+ sumx1 /= count1; sumy1 /= count1;
+ sumx2 /= count2; sumy2 /= count2;
+ double anglevalue = atan2(sumy2 - sumy1, sumx2 - sumx1);
+ double carFrontx = gpsTrace[j].x;// -Form1.CarRear * Math.Cos(anglevalue);
+ double carFronty = gpsTrace[j].y;// -Form1.CarRear * Math.Sin(anglevalue);
+ Point2D ptLeft(carFrontx + ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth / 2 * cos(anglevalue + PI / 2),
+ carFronty + ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth / 2 * sin(anglevalue + PI / 2));
+ Point2D ptRight(carFrontx + ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth / 2 * cos(anglevalue - PI / 2),
+ carFronty + ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth / 2 * sin(anglevalue - PI / 2));
+ gpsTraceNowLeft.push_back(ptLeft);
+ gpsTraceNowRight.push_back(ptRight);
+ }
+std::vector<iv::Point2D> iv::decition::DecideGps00::getGpsTraceOffsetAvoid(std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace, double offset,GPS_INS nowgps) {
+ if (offset==0)
+ {
+ return gpsTrace;
+ }
+ std::vector<iv::Point2D> trace;
+ std::vector<iv::Point2D> traceXY;
+ for (int j = 0; j < gpsTrace.size(); j++)
+ {
+ double sumx1 = 0, sumy1 = 0, count1 = 0;
+ double sumx2 = 0, sumy2 = 0, count2 = 0;
+ for (int k = max(0, j - 4); k <= j; k++)
+ {
+ count1 = count1 + 1;
+ sumx1 += gpsTrace[k].x;
+ sumy1 += gpsTrace[k].y;
+ }
+ for (int k = j; k <= min(gpsTrace.size() - 1, (size_t)(j + 4)); k++)
+ {
+ count2 = count2 + 1;
+ sumx2 += gpsTrace[k].x;
+ sumy2 += gpsTrace[k].y;
+ }
+ sumx1 /= count1; sumy1 /= count1;
+ sumx2 /= count2; sumy2 /= count2;
+ double anglevalue = atan2(sumy2 - sumy1, sumx2 - sumx1);
+ double carFrontx = gpsTrace[j].x;// -Form1.CarRear * Math.Cos(anglevalue);
+ double carFronty = gpsTrace[j].y;// -Form1.CarRear * Math.Sin(anglevalue);
+ double avoidLenth = abs(offset);
+ if (offset<0)
+ {
+ Point2D ptLeft(carFrontx + avoidLenth * cos(anglevalue + PI / 2),
+ carFronty + avoidLenth * sin(anglevalue + PI / 2));
+ ptLeft.speed = gpsTrace[j].speed;
+ ptLeft.v1 = gpsTrace[j].v1;
+ ptLeft.v2 = gpsTrace[j].v2;
+ trace.push_back(ptLeft);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Point2D ptRight(carFrontx + avoidLenth * cos(anglevalue - PI / 2),
+ carFronty + avoidLenth * sin(anglevalue - PI / 2));
+ ptRight.speed = gpsTrace[j].speed;
+ ptRight.v1 = gpsTrace[j].v1;
+ ptRight.v2 = gpsTrace[j].v2;
+ trace.push_back(ptRight);
+ }
+ }
+ bool use_new_method = true;
+ if (use_new_method)
+ {
+ const int val = 300;
+ if(trace.size()>val)
+ {
+ double V = trace[300].y;
+ for (int j = 0; j < val; j++)
+ {
+ double t = (double)j / val;
+ double s = t*t*(3.-2.*t);
+ double ox = s;
+ double oy = t *( V-3.0)+3.0;
+ trace[j].x=ox*trace[j].x;
+ trace[j].y=oy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ traceXY.clear();
+ for(int j=0;j<30;j++)
+ {
+ GPS_INS gpsxy = Coordinate_UnTransfer(gpsTrace[j].x,gpsTrace[j].y,nowgps);
+ Point2D gpsinxy(gpsxy.gps_x,gpsxy.gps_y);
+ traceXY.push_back(gpsinxy);
+ }
+ for(int j=0;j<trace.size();j++)
+ {
+ GPS_INS gpsxy = Coordinate_UnTransfer(trace[j].x,trace[j].y,nowgps);
+ Point2D gpsinxy(gpsxy.gps_x,gpsxy.gps_y);
+ traceXY.push_back(gpsinxy);
+ }
+ return traceXY;
+std::vector<iv::Point2D> iv::decition::DecideGps00::getGpsTraceOffsetBackOri(std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace, double offset,GPS_INS nowgps,std::vector<Point2D> gpsTraceNowNow) {
+ std::vector<iv::Point2D> trace;
+ std::vector<iv::Point2D> traceXY;
+ if (offset==0)
+ {
+ trace.assign(gpsTrace.begin(), gpsTrace.end());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < gpsTrace.size(); j++)
+ {
+ double sumx1 = 0, sumy1 = 0, count1 = 0;
+ double sumx2 = 0, sumy2 = 0, count2 = 0;
+ for (int k = max(0, j - 4); k <= j; k++)
+ {
+ count1 = count1 + 1;
+ sumx1 += gpsTrace[k].x;
+ sumy1 += gpsTrace[k].y;
+ }
+ for (int k = j; k <= min(gpsTrace.size() - 1, (size_t)(j + 4)); k++)
+ {
+ count2 = count2 + 1;
+ sumx2 += gpsTrace[k].x;
+ sumy2 += gpsTrace[k].y;
+ }
+ sumx1 /= count1; sumy1 /= count1;
+ sumx2 /= count2; sumy2 /= count2;
+ double anglevalue = atan2(sumy2 - sumy1, sumx2 - sumx1);
+ double carFrontx = gpsTrace[j].x;// -Form1.CarRear * Math.Cos(anglevalue);
+ double carFronty = gpsTrace[j].y;// -Form1.CarRear * Math.Sin(anglevalue);
+ double avoidLenth = abs(offset);
+ if (offset<0)
+ {
+ Point2D ptLeft(carFrontx + avoidLenth * cos(anglevalue + PI / 2),
+ carFronty + avoidLenth * sin(anglevalue + PI / 2));
+ ptLeft.speed = gpsTrace[j].speed;
+ ptLeft.v1 = gpsTrace[j].v1;
+ ptLeft.v2 = gpsTrace[j].v2;
+ trace.push_back(ptLeft);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Point2D ptRight(carFrontx + avoidLenth * cos(anglevalue - PI / 2),
+ carFronty + avoidLenth * sin(anglevalue - PI / 2));
+ ptRight.speed = gpsTrace[j].speed;
+ ptRight.v1 = gpsTrace[j].v1;
+ ptRight.v2 = gpsTrace[j].v2;
+ trace.push_back(ptRight);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool use_new_method = true;
+ if (use_new_method)
+ {
+ const int val = 300;
+ if(trace.size()>val)
+ {
+ double V = trace[300].y;
+ for (int j = 0; j < val; j++)
+ {
+ double t = (double)j / val;
+ double s = t*t*(3.-2.*t);
+ double ox = s;
+ double oy = t *( V-3.0)+3.0;
+ trace[j].x=ox*trace[j].x;
+ trace[j].y=oy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ traceXY.clear();
+ for(int j=0;j<30;j++)
+ {
+ GPS_INS gpsxy = Coordinate_UnTransfer(gpsTraceNowNow[j].x,gpsTraceNowNow[j].y,nowgps);
+ Point2D gpsinxy(gpsxy.gps_x,gpsxy.gps_y);
+ traceXY.push_back(gpsinxy);
+ }
+ for(int j=0;j<trace.size();j++)
+ {
+ GPS_INS gpsxy = Coordinate_UnTransfer(trace[j].x,trace[j].y,nowgps);
+ Point2D gpsinxy(gpsxy.gps_x,gpsxy.gps_y);
+ traceXY.push_back(gpsinxy);
+ }
+ return traceXY;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::getAngle(std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace,GPS_INS gpsIns,iv::decition::Decition decition) {
+ double angle=0;
+ if ( abs(iv::decition::DecideGps00().minDis) < 20 && abs(iv::decition::DecideGps00().maxAngle) < 100)
+ {
+ // angle = iv::decition::Compute00().getDecideAngle(gpsTrace, realspeed);
+ pid_Controller->getControlDecition(gpsIns, gpsTrace, -1, -1, -1, true, false, &decition);
+ angle= decition->wheel_angle;
+ }
+ return angle;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::getSpeed(std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace) {
+ double speed=0;
+ int speedPoint = iv::decition::Compute00().getSpeedPointIndex(gpsTrace, max(10.0, realspeed));
+ speed = gpsTrace[speedPoint].speed;
+ for (int i = 0; i < speedPoint; i++) {
+ speed = min(speed, gpsTrace[i].speed);
+ }
+ return speed;
+//void iv::decition::DecideGps00::getEsrObs(std::vector<iv::ObstacleBasic> obsRadars) {
+// if (!obsRadars.empty())
+// {
+// esrIndex = iv::decition::Compute00().getEsrIndex(gpsTrace, obsRadars);
+// if (esrIndex != -1)
+// {
+// esrDistance = obsRadars[esrIndex].nomal_y;
+// obsSpeed = obsRadars[esrIndex].speed_y;
+// }
+// else {
+// esrDistance = -1;
+// }
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// esrIndex = -1;
+// esrDistance = -1;
+// }
+// if (esrDistance < 0) {
+// ODS("\n------------------>ESR障碍物距离:%f\n", esrDistance);
+// }
+// else {
+// ODS("\n------------------>ESR障碍物距离:%f ( %.05f , %.05f )\n", esrDistance, obsRadars[esrIndex].nomal_x, obsRadars[esrIndex].nomal_y);
+// }
+// ODS("\n------------------>ESR障碍物速度:%f\n", obsSpeed);
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::getEsrObsDistance(std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace, int roadNum) {
+ int esrPathpoint;
+ esrIndex = iv::decition::Compute00().getEsrIndex(gpsTrace, roadNum, &esrPathpoint);
+ if (esrIndex != -1)
+ {
+ //优化
+ // double distance = 0.0;
+ // for(int i=0; i<esrPathpoint; ++i){
+ // distance+=DirectDistance(gpsTrace[i].x,gpsTrace[i].y,gpsTrace[i+1].x,gpsTrace[i+1].y);
+ // }
+ // esrDistance = distance - Esr_Y_Offset;
+ // if(esrDistance<=0){
+ // esrDistance=1;
+ // }
+ esrDistance = ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndex].nomal_y;
+ obsSpeed = ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndex].speed_y;
+ }
+ else {
+ esrDistance = -1;
+ }
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::getEsrObsDistanceAvoid() {
+ esrIndexAvoid = iv::decition::Compute00().getEsrIndexAvoid(gpsTraceAvoid);
+ if (esrIndexAvoid != -1)
+ {
+ esrDistanceAvoid = ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndexAvoid].nomal_y;
+ obsSpeedAvoid = ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndexAvoid].speed_y;
+ }
+ else {
+ esrDistanceAvoid = -1;
+ }
+ if (esrDistanceAvoid < 0) {
+ std::cout << "\nESR障碍物距离Avoid:%f\n" << esrDistanceAvoid << std::endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cout << "\nESR障碍物距离Avoid:%f %d:( %.05f , %.05f ,%.05f )\n" << esrDistanceAvoid << esrIndexAvoid << ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndexAvoid].nomal_x << ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndexAvoid].nomal_y << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << "\nESR障碍物速度Avoid:%f\n" << obsSpeedAvoid <<std::endl;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::limitAngle(double speed, double angle) {
+ double preAngle = angle;
+ if (speed > 15)
+ {
+ if (preAngle > 350)
+ {
+ preAngle = 350;
+ }
+ if (preAngle < -350)
+ {
+ preAngle = -350;
+ }
+ }
+ if (speed > 22)
+ {
+ if (preAngle > 200)
+ {
+ preAngle = 200;
+ }
+ if (preAngle < -200)
+ {
+ preAngle = -200;
+ }
+ }
+ if (speed > 25)
+ {
+ if (preAngle > 150)
+ {
+ preAngle = 150;
+ }
+ if (preAngle < -150)
+ {
+ preAngle = -150;
+ }
+ }
+ if (speed > 30)
+ {
+ if (preAngle > 70)
+ {
+ preAngle = 70;
+ }
+ if (preAngle < -70)
+ {
+ preAngle = -70;
+ }
+ }
+ if (speed > 45) //20
+ {
+ if (preAngle > 15)
+ {
+ preAngle = 15;
+ }
+ if (preAngle < -15)
+ {
+ preAngle = -15;
+ }
+ }
+ return preAngle;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::limitSpeed(double angle, double speed) {
+ if (abs(angle) > 500 && speed > 8) speed = 8;
+ else if (abs(angle) > 350 && speed > 14) speed = 14;
+ else if (abs(angle) > 200 && speed > 21) speed = 21;
+ else if (abs(angle) > 150 && speed > 24) speed = 24;
+ else if (abs(angle) > 60 && speed > 29) speed = 29;
+ else if (abs(angle) > 20 && speed > 34) speed = 34;
+ return max(0.0, speed);
+bool iv::decition::DecideGps00::checkAvoidEnable(double avoidX, iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr,int roadNum) {
+ if ((obsDisVector[roadNum]>0 && obsDisVector[roadNum]<obsDisVector[roadNow]+ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehLenth)||
+ (obsDisVector[roadNum]>0 && obsDisVector[roadNum]<15))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (roadNum-roadNow>1)
+ {
+ for (int i = roadNow+1; i < roadNum; i++)
+ {
+ if (obsDisVector[i] < 8 + (i-roadNow) * 2 && obsDisVector[i]>0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (roadNow-roadNum>1)
+ {
+ for (int i = roadNow-1; i >roadNum; i--)
+ {
+ if (obsDisVector[i] < 8 + (roadNow-i) * 2 && obsDisVector[i]>0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool iv::decition::DecideGps00::checkReturnEnable(double avoidX, iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr, int roadNum) {
+ //lsn
+ if (obsDisVector[roadNum]>0 && obsDisVector[roadNum]<20)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ((obsDisVector[roadNum]>0 && obsDisVector[roadNum]<50 && obsDisVector[roadNum]< obsDisVector[roadNow]) ||
+ (obsDisVector[roadNum]>0 && obsDisVector[roadNum]<50 && obsDisVector[roadNow]<0))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (roadNum - roadNow>1)
+ {
+ for (int i = roadNow + 1; i < roadNum; i++)
+ {
+ if (obsDisVector[i] < 8 + (i-roadNow) * 2 && obsDisVector[i]>0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (roadNow - roadNum>1)
+ {
+ for (int i = roadNow - 1; i >roadNum; i--)
+ {
+ if (obsDisVector[i] < 8 + (roadNow-i) * 2 && obsDisVector[i]>0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::getObsAvoid(iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr) {
+ if (lidarGridPtr == NULL)
+ {
+ iv::decition::DecideGps00::lidarDistanceAvoid = iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastLidarDisAvoid;
+ }
+ else {
+ obsPointAvoid = Compute00().getLidarObsPointAvoid(gpsTraceAvoid, lidarGridPtr);
+ iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastLidarDisAvoid = iv::decition::DecideGps00::lidarDistanceAvoid;
+ }
+ std::cout << "\nLidarAvoid距离:%f\n" << iv::decition::DecideGps00::lidarDistanceAvoid << std::endl;
+ getEsrObsDistanceAvoid();
+ //lidarDistanceAvoid = -1; //20200103 apollo_fu
+ if (esrDistanceAvoid>0 && iv::decition::DecideGps00::lidarDistanceAvoid > 0)
+ {
+ if (iv::decition::DecideGps00::lidarDistanceAvoid >= esrDistanceAvoid)
+ {
+ obsDistanceAvoid = esrDistanceAvoid;
+ obsSpeedAvoid = ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndexAvoid].speed_y;
+ }
+ else if (!ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar.empty())
+ {
+ obsDistanceAvoid = iv::decition::DecideGps00::lidarDistanceAvoid;
+ obsSpeedAvoid = Compute00().getObsSpeed(obsPointAvoid, secSpeed);
+ std::cout << "\n计算obsSpeed:%f\n" << obsSpeedAvoid << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ obsDistanceAvoid = iv::decition::DecideGps00::lidarDistanceAvoid;
+ obsSpeedAvoid = obsSpeedAvoid = 0 - secSpeed;;
+ std::cout << "\n毫米波无数据,计算obsSpeed:%f\n" << obsSpeedAvoid << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (esrDistanceAvoid>0)
+ {
+ obsDistanceAvoid = esrDistanceAvoid;
+ obsSpeedAvoid = ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndexAvoid].speed_y;
+ }
+ else if (iv::decition::DecideGps00::lidarDistanceAvoid > 0)
+ {
+ obsDistanceAvoid = iv::decition::DecideGps00::lidarDistanceAvoid;
+ obsSpeedAvoid = Compute00().getObsSpeed(obsPointAvoid, secSpeed);
+ std::cout << "\n计算obsSpeed:%f\n" << obsSpeedAvoid << std::endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ obsDistanceAvoid = esrDistanceAvoid;
+ obsSpeedAvoid = 0 - secSpeed;
+ }
+ std::cout << "\n最终得出的obsDistanceAvoid:%f\n" << obsDistanceAvoid << std::endl;
+ if (iv::decition::DecideGps00::obsDistanceAvoid <0 && obsLostTimeAvoid<4)
+ {
+ iv::decition::DecideGps00::obsDistanceAvoid = iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastDistanceAvoid;
+ obsLostTimeAvoid++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ obsLostTimeAvoid = 0;
+ iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastDistanceAvoid = -1;
+ }
+ if (obsDistanceAvoid>0)
+ {
+ iv::decition::DecideGps00::lastDistanceAvoid = obsDistanceAvoid;
+ }
+ std::cout << "\nODSAvoid距离:%f\n" << iv::decition::DecideGps00::obsDistanceAvoid << std::endl;
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::init() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < roadSum; i++)
+ {
+ lastEsrIdVector.push_back(-1);
+ lastEsrCountVector.push_back(0);
+ GPS_INS gps_ins;
+ gps_ins.gps_x = 0;
+ gps_ins.gps_y = 0;
+ startAvoidGpsInsVector.push_back(gps_ins);
+ avoidMinDistanceVector.push_back(0);
+ }
+#include <QTime>
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::computeObsOnRoad(iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr, std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace, int roadNum,
+ const std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine, std::vector<iv::Perception::PerceptionOutput> lidar_per) {
+ // QTime xTime;
+ // xTime.start();
+ // qDebug("time 0 is %d ",xTime.elapsed());
+ double obs,obsSd;
+ if (lidarGridPtr == NULL)
+ {
+ lidarDistance = lastLidarDis;
+ // lidarDistance = lastlidarDistance;
+ }
+ else {
+ obsPoint = Compute00().getLidarObsPoint(gpsTrace, lidarGridPtr);
+ float lidarXiuZheng=0;
+ if(!ServiceCarStatus.useMobileEye){
+ lidarXiuZheng=0-ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.frontGpsXiuzheng;
+ }
+ lidarDistance = obsPoint.y + lidarXiuZheng; //激光距离推到车头 gjw20191110 lidar
+ // lidarDistance=-1;
+ if (lidarDistance<0)
+ {
+ lidarDistance = -1;
+ }
+ lastLidarDis = lidarDistance;
+ }
+ if(lidarDistance<0){
+ lidarDistance=500;
+ }
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "激光雷达距离:" << lidarDistance << std::endl;
+ ServiceCarStatus.mLidarObs = lidarDistance;
+ obs = lidarDistance;
+ obsSd= obsPoint.obs_speed_y;
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.useLidarPerPredict){
+ double preDis= predictObsOnRoad(lidar_per, gpsTrace, 1.0);
+ if (preDis<obs){
+ obs = preDis;
+ if(abs(obs-preDis>0.5)){
+ obsSd = 0-realspeed;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(roadNum==roadNow){
+ obsDistance=obs;
+ obsSpeed=obsSd;
+ }
+ if(obsDistance<500&&obsDistance>0){
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "obsDistance<500:" << obsDistance << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "最终得出的obsDistance:" << obsDistance << std::endl;
+ ServiceCarStatus.mObs = obsDistance;
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.mObs>100){
+ ServiceCarStatus.mObs =-1;
+ }
+ if (obsDistance>0)
+ {
+ lastDistance = obsDistance;
+ }
+ //lsn
+ if(obs<0){
+ obsDisVector[roadNum]=500;
+ }else{
+ obsDisVector[roadNum]=obs;
+ }
+ // qDebug("time 3 is %d ",xTime.elapsed());
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::computeObsOnRoadXY(iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr, std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace,std::vector<Point2D> gpsTraceLeft,std::vector<Point2D> gpsTraceRight,int roadNum,
+ const std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine, std::vector<iv::Perception::PerceptionOutput> lidar_per) {
+ // QTime xTime;
+ // xTime.start();
+ // qDebug("time 0 is %d ",xTime.elapsed());
+ double obs,obsSd;
+ if (lidarGridPtr == NULL)
+ {
+ lidarDistance = lastLidarDis;
+ // lidarDistance = lastlidarDistance;
+ }
+ else {
+ //obsPoint = Compute00().getLidarObsPoint(gpsTrace, lidarGridPtr);
+ obsPoint = Compute00().getLidarObsPointXY(gpsTrace,gpsTraceLeft,gpsTraceRight,lidarGridPtr);
+ float lidarXiuZheng=0;
+ if(!ServiceCarStatus.useMobileEye){
+ lidarXiuZheng=0-ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.frontGpsXiuzheng;
+ }
+ lidarDistance = obsPoint.y + lidarXiuZheng; //激光距离推到车头 gjw20191110 lidar
+ // lidarDistance=-1;
+ if (lidarDistance<0)
+ {
+ lidarDistance = -1;
+ }
+ lastLidarDis = lidarDistance;
+ }
+ if(lidarDistance<0){
+ lidarDistance=500;
+ }
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "激光雷达距离:" << lidarDistance << std::endl;
+ ServiceCarStatus.mLidarObs = lidarDistance;
+ obs = lidarDistance;
+ obsSd= obsPoint.obs_speed_y;
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.useLidarPerPredict){
+ double preDis= predictObsOnRoad(lidar_per, gpsTrace, 1.0);
+ if (preDis<obs){
+ obs = preDis;
+ if(abs(obs-preDis>0.5)){
+ obsSd = 0-realspeed;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(roadNum==roadNow){
+ obsDistance=obs;
+ obsSpeed=obsSd;
+ }
+ if(obsDistance<500&&obsDistance>0){
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "obsDistance<500:" << obsDistance << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "最终得出的obsDistance:" << obsDistance << std::endl;
+ ServiceCarStatus.mObs = obsDistance;
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.mObs>100){
+ ServiceCarStatus.mObs =-1;
+ }
+ if (obsDistance>0)
+ {
+ lastDistance = obsDistance;
+ }
+ //lsn
+ if(obs<0){
+ obsDisVector[roadNum]=500;
+ }else{
+ obsDisVector[roadNum]=obs;
+ }
+ // qDebug("time 3 is %d ",xTime.elapsed());
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::computeRearObsOnRoad(iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr, std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace, int roadNum,
+ const std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine) {
+ double obs,obsSd;
+ if (lidarGridPtr == NULL)
+ {
+ lidarDistance = lastLidarDis;
+ // lidarDistance = lastlidarDistance;
+ }
+ else {
+ obsPoint = Compute00().getLidarRearObsPoint(gpsTrace, lidarGridPtr);
+ float lidarXiuZheng=0;
+ if(!ServiceCarStatus.useMobileEye){
+ lidarXiuZheng = ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.rearGpsXiuzheng;
+ }
+ if(abs(obsPoint.y)>lidarXiuZheng)
+ lidarDistance = abs(obsPoint.y)-lidarXiuZheng; //激光距离推到车头 1220
+ // lidarDistance=-1;
+ if (lidarDistance<0)
+ {
+ lidarDistance = -1;
+ }
+ lastLidarDis = lidarDistance;
+ }
+ if(lidarDistance<0){
+ lidarDistance=500;
+ }
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "激光雷达距离:" << lidarDistance << std::endl;
+ if(lidarDistance==500){
+ lidarDistance=-1;
+ }
+ ServiceCarStatus.mLidarObs = lidarDistance;
+ obs=lidarDistance;
+ // obsSpeed = 0 - secSpeed;
+ obsSd = 0 -secSpeed;
+ if(roadNum==roadNow){
+ obsDistance=obs;
+ obsSpeed=obsSd;
+ }
+ if (obsDistance <0 && obsLostTime<4)
+ {
+ obsDistance = lastDistance;
+ obsLostTime++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ obsLostTime = 0;
+ lastDistance = -1;
+ }
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "最终得出的obsDistance:" << obsDistance << std::endl;
+ ServiceCarStatus.mObs = obsDistance;
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.mObs>100){
+ ServiceCarStatus.mObs =-1;
+ }
+ if (obsDistance>0)
+ {
+ lastDistance = obsDistance;
+ }
+ //lsn
+ if(obs<0){
+ obsDisVector[roadNum]=500;
+ }else{
+ obsDisVector[roadNum]=obs;
+ }
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::predictObsOnRoad(std::vector<iv::Perception::PerceptionOutput> lidar_per,std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace,double realSpeed){
+ double preObsDis=500;
+ if(!lidar_per.empty()){
+ preObsDis=PredictObsDistance( realSpeed, gpsTrace, lidar_per);
+ lastPreObsDistance=preObsDis;
+ }else{
+ preObsDis=lastPreObsDistance;
+ }
+ ServiceCarStatus.mfttc = preObsDis;
+ return preObsDis;
+// if(preObsDis<obsDistance){
+// obsDistance=preObsDis;
+// lastDistance=obsDistance;
+// }
+int iv::decition::DecideGps00::chooseAvoidRoad(iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr, GPS_INS now_gps_ins, const std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine,std::vector<iv::Perception::PerceptionOutput> lidar_per) {
+ roadPre = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < roadSum; i++)
+ {
+ gpsTraceAvoid.clear();
+ avoidX=computeAvoidX(i,roadOri,gpsMapLine[PathPoint],ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth);
+ gpsTraceAvoid = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+ computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceAvoid, i,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+ }
+ if (lidarGridPtr!=NULL)
+ {
+ hasCheckedAvoidLidar = true;
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<roadSum;i++){
+ std::cout<<"\odsjuli====================:\n"<<i<<"chedaojuli:"<<obsDisVector[i]<<endl;
+ }
+ checkAvoidObsTimes++;
+ if (checkAvoidObsTimes<4 || hasCheckedAvoidLidar==false)
+ {
+ return - 1;
+ }
+ for (int i = 1; i < roadSum; i++)
+ {
+ if (roadNow + i < roadSum) {
+ // avoidX = (roadOri-roadNow-i)*roadWidth;
+ avoidX=computeAvoidX(roadNow+i,roadOri,gpsMapLine[PathPoint],ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth);
+ if (checkAvoidEnable(avoidX, lidarGridPtr, roadNow+i))
+ {
+ /*if (roadNow==roadOri)
+ {
+ avoidRunDistance = obsDisVector[roadNow] + ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehLenth;
+ startAvoid_gps_ins = now_gps_ins;
+ } */
+ avoidMinDistanceVector[roadNow]= obsDisVector[roadNow] + 2*ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehLenth;
+ startAvoidGpsInsVector[roadNow] = now_gps_ins;
+ roadPre = roadNow + i;
+ return roadPre;
+ }
+ }
+ if (roadNow - i >= 0)
+ {
+ // avoidX = (roadOri - roadNow+i)*roadWidth;
+ avoidX=computeAvoidX(roadNow-i,roadOri,gpsMapLine[PathPoint],ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth);
+ if (checkAvoidEnable(avoidX, lidarGridPtr, roadNow - i))
+ {
+ /*if (roadNow == roadOri)
+ {
+ avoidRunDistance = obsDisVector[roadNow] + ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehLenth;
+ startAvoid_gps_ins = now_gps_ins;
+ }*/
+ avoidMinDistanceVector[roadNow] = obsDisVector[roadNow] + 2*ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehLenth;
+ startAvoidGpsInsVector[roadNow] = now_gps_ins;
+ roadPre = roadNow - i;
+ return roadPre;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return roadPre;
+int iv::decition::DecideGps00::chooseBackRoad(iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr, GPS_INS now_gps_ins, std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine,std::vector<iv::Perception::PerceptionOutput> lidar_per) {
+ roadPre = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i <roadSum; i++)
+ {
+ gpsTraceBack.clear();
+ avoidX=computeAvoidX(i,roadOri,gpsMapLine[PathPoint],ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth);
+ gpsTraceBack = getGpsTraceOffset(gpsTraceOri, avoidX);
+ computeObsOnRoad(lidarGridPtr, gpsTraceBack, i,gpsMapLine,lidar_per);
+ }
+ if (lidarGridPtr != NULL)
+ {
+ hasCheckedBackLidar = true;
+ }
+ checkBackObsTimes++;
+ if (checkBackObsTimes<4 || hasCheckedBackLidar == false)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ((GetDistance(now_gps_ins, startAvoidGpsInsVector[roadOri])>max(avoidMinDistanceVector[roadOri],40.0)) &&
+ (checkReturnEnable(avoidX, lidarGridPtr, roadOri)))
+ {
+ roadPre = roadOri;
+ return roadPre;
+ }
+ if (roadNow-roadOri>1)
+ {
+ for (int i = roadOri + 1;i < roadNow;i++) {
+ if (checkReturnEnable(avoidX, lidarGridPtr, i)&&
+ (GetDistance(now_gps_ins, startAvoidGpsInsVector[i])> avoidMinDistanceVector[i])&&
+ (GetDistance(now_gps_ins, startAvoidGpsInsVector[i])> 30.0))
+ {
+ roadPre = i;
+ return roadPre;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (roadNow <roadOri-1)
+ {
+ for (int i = roadOri - 1;i > roadNow;i--) {
+ if (checkReturnEnable(avoidX, lidarGridPtr, i)&&
+ (GetDistance(now_gps_ins, startAvoidGpsInsVector[i])>avoidMinDistanceVector[i])&&
+ (GetDistance(now_gps_ins, startAvoidGpsInsVector[i])> 30.0))
+ {
+ roadPre = i;
+ return roadPre;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return roadPre;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::trumpet() {
+ if (trumpetFirstCount)
+ {
+ trumpetFirstCount = false;
+ trumpetLastTime= GetTickCount();
+ trumpetTimeSpan = 0.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ trumpetStartTime= GetTickCount();
+ trumpetTimeSpan += trumpetStartTime - trumpetLastTime;
+ trumpetLastTime = trumpetStartTime;
+ }
+ return trumpetTimeSpan;
+double iv::decition::DecideGps00::transferP() {
+ if (transferFirstCount)
+ {
+ transferFirstCount = false;
+ transferLastTime= GetTickCount();
+ transferTimeSpan = 0.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ transferStartTime= GetTickCount();
+ transferTimeSpan += transferStartTime - transferLastTime;
+ transferLastTime = transferStartTime;
+ }
+ return transferTimeSpan;
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::handBrakePark(iv::decition::Decition decition, long duringTime, GPS_INS now_gps_ins) {
+ if (abs(now_gps_ins.speed)>0.1)
+ {
+ decition->accelerator = 0;
+ decition->brake = 20;
+ decition->wheel_angle = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ decition->accelerator = 0;
+ decition->brake = 20;
+ decition->wheel_angle = 0;
+ handPark = true;
+ handParkTime = duringTime;
+ }
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::getMapBeside(std::vector<iv::GPSData> navigation_data, iv::GPS_INS now_gps_ins) {
+ gmapsL.clear();
+ gmapsR.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
+ {
+ std::vector<iv::GPSData> gpsMapLineBeside;
+ // gpsMapLineBeside = iv::decition::ComputeUnit().getBesideGpsMapLine(*ServiceCarStatus.location, navigation_data, -0.5*i);
+ gpsMapLineBeside = iv::decition::Compute00().getBesideGpsMapLine(now_gps_ins, navigation_data, -0.5*i);
+ gmapsL.push_back(gpsMapLineBeside);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
+ {
+ std::vector<iv::GPSData> gpsMapLineBeside;
+ // gpsMapLineBeside = iv::decition::ComputeUnit().getBesideGpsMapLine(*ServiceCarStatus.location, navigation_data, 0.5*i);
+ gpsMapLineBeside = iv::decition::Compute00().getBesideGpsMapLine(now_gps_ins, navigation_data, 0.5*i);
+ gmapsR.push_back(gpsMapLineBeside);
+ }
+bool iv::decition::DecideGps00::checkChaoCheBack(iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr) {
+ if (lidarGridPtr == NULL)
+ {
+ return false;
+ // lidarDistance = lastlidarDistance;
+ }
+ else {
+ obsPoint = Compute00().getLidarObsPoint(gpsTraceOri, lidarGridPtr);
+ double lidarDistance = obsPoint.y - 2.5; //激光距离推到车头
+ // ODS("\n超车雷达距离:%f\n", lidarDistance);
+ if (lidarDistance >-20 && lidarDistance<35)
+ {
+ checkChaoCheBackCounts = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ checkChaoCheBackCounts++;
+ }
+ if (checkChaoCheBackCounts>2) {
+ checkChaoCheBackCounts = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::updateGroupDate(GPS_INS now_gps_ins,float realspeed,float theta,float s){
+ Point2D pt = Coordinate_Transfer( now_gps_ins.gps_x, now_gps_ins.gps_y, group_ori_gps);
+ ServiceCarStatus.group_x_local=pt.x;
+ // ServiceCarStatus.group_y_local=pt.y;
+ ServiceCarStatus.group_y_local=s;
+ if(realspeed<0.36){
+ ServiceCarStatus.group_velx_local=0;
+ ServiceCarStatus.group_vely_local=0;
+ }else{
+ ServiceCarStatus.group_velx_local=realspeed*sin(theta)/3.6;
+ ServiceCarStatus.group_vely_local=realspeed*cos(theta)/3.6;
+ }
+ ServiceCarStatus.group_pathpoint=PathPoint;
+float iv::decition::DecideGps00::ComputeTrafficLightSpeed(int traffic_light_color, int traffic_light_time, const std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine,int traffic_light_pathpoint,
+ int pathpoint,float secSpeed,float dSpeed){
+ float traffic_speed=200;
+ float traffic_dis=0;
+ float passTime;
+ float passSpeed;
+ bool passEnable=false;
+ if(abs(secSpeed)<0.1){
+ secSpeed=0;
+ }
+ if(pathpoint <= traffic_light_pathpoint){
+ for(int i=pathpoint;i<traffic_light_pathpoint;i++){
+ traffic_dis +=GetDistance(*gpsMapLine[i],*gpsMapLine[i+1]);
+ }
+ }else{
+ for(int i=pathpoint;i<gpsMapLine.size()-1;i++){
+ traffic_dis +=GetDistance(*gpsMapLine[i],*gpsMapLine[i+1]);
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<traffic_light_pathpoint;i++){
+ traffic_dis+=GetDistance(*gpsMapLine[i],*gpsMapLine[i+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ // if(traffic_light_color != 0)
+ // {
+ // int a = 3;
+ // }
+ if(traffic_light_color==0 && traffic_dis<10){
+ traffic_speed=0;
+ }
+ // else //20200108
+ // {
+ // traffic_speed=10;
+ // }
+ return traffic_speed;
+ passSpeed = min((float)(dSpeed/3.6),secSpeed);
+ passTime = traffic_dis/(dSpeed/3.6);
+//1+x V2R //1:绿灯 2:红灯 3:黄灯
+ //最开始0x0: 红色 0x1: 黄色 0x2: 绿色
+ switch(traffic_light_color){
+ case 2://case 0: //for 1+x修改
+ if(passTime>traffic_light_time+1 && traffic_dis>10){
+ passEnable=true;
+ }else{
+ passEnable=false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:// case 1:
+ if(passTime<traffic_light_time-1 && traffic_dis<10){
+ passEnable=true;
+ }else{
+ passEnable = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1://case 2:
+ if(passTime<traffic_light_time){
+ passEnable= true;
+ }else{
+ passEnable=false;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!passEnable){
+ if(traffic_dis<5){
+ traffic_speed=0;
+ }else if(traffic_dis<10){
+ traffic_speed=5;
+ }else if(traffic_dis<20){
+ traffic_speed=15;
+ }else if(traffic_dis<30){
+ traffic_speed=25;
+ }else if(traffic_dis<50){
+ traffic_speed=30;
+ }
+ }
+ return traffic_speed;
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::computeObsOnRoadByFrenet(iv::LidarGridPtr lidarGridPtr, const std::vector<Point2D>& gpsTrace, double & obs, const std::vector<iv::GPSData>& gpsMap,int pathpoint,GPS_INS nowGps)
+ // Point2D obsCombinePoint = Point2D(-1,-1);
+ iv::decition::FrenetPoint car_now_frenet_point = iv::decition::FrenetPlanner::getFrenetfromXY(0,0,gpsTrace,gpsMap,pathpoint,nowGps);
+ double obsSd;
+ if (lidarGridPtr == NULL)
+ {
+ lidarDistance = lastLidarDis;
+ // lidarDistance = lastlidarDistance;
+ }
+ else {
+ obsPoint = Compute00().getLidarObsPoint(gpsTrace, lidarGridPtr);
+ // lidarDistance = obsPoint.y-2.5; //激光距离推到车头
+ iv::decition::FrenetPoint lidarFPointTmp = iv::decition::FrenetPlanner::getFrenetfromXY(this->obsPoint.x,this->obsPoint.y,gpsTrace,gpsMap,pathpoint,nowGps);
+ lidarDistance = lidarFPointTmp.s - car_now_frenet_point.s - 2.5;
+ // lidarDistance=-1;
+ if (lidarDistance<0)
+ {
+ lidarDistance = -1;
+ }
+ lastLidarDis = lidarDistance;
+ }
+ FrenetPoint esr_obs_frenet_point;
+ getEsrObsDistanceByFrenet(gpsTrace, car_now_frenet_point,esr_obs_frenet_point,gpsMap,pathpoint,nowGps);
+ if(lidarDistance<0){
+ lidarDistance=500;
+ }
+ if(esrDistance<0){
+ esrDistance=500;
+ }
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "激光雷达距离:" << lidarDistance << std::endl;
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "毫米波距离:" << esrDistance << std::endl;
+ myesrDistance = esrDistance;
+ if(lidarDistance==500){
+ lidarDistance=-1;
+ }
+ if(esrDistance==500){
+ esrDistance=-1;
+ }
+ ServiceCarStatus.mRadarObs = esrDistance;
+ ServiceCarStatus.mLidarObs = lidarDistance;
+ // //zhuanwan pingbi haomibo
+ // if(gpsTraceNow[0].v1==4||gpsTraceNow[0].v1==5){
+ // esrDistance=-1;
+ // }
+ if (esrDistance>0 && lidarDistance > 0)
+ {
+ if (lidarDistance >= esrDistance)
+ {
+ obs = esrDistance;
+ // obsSd=ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndex].speed_y;
+ obsSd = obsSpeed;
+ //障碍物信息使用毫米波采集的。其位置坐标加上偏移量,转换成相对于惯导的位置,即转换成车辆坐标系下的位置坐标。
+ // obsCombinePoint = Point2D(ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndex].nomal_x+Esr_Offset,ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndex].nomal_y+Esr_Y_Offset);
+ }
+ else if (!ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar.empty())
+ {
+ obs = lidarDistance;
+ // obsCombinePoint = obsPoint;
+ // obsSd = Compute00().getObsSpeedByFrenet(obsPoint, secSpeed,gpsTrace);
+ obsSd = Compute00().getObsSpeedByFrenet(obsPoint, secSpeed,gpsTrace,gpsMap,pathpoint,nowGps);
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "计算obsSpeed:" << obsSpeed << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ obs=lidarDistance;
+ // obsCombinePoint = obsPoint;
+ obsSd = 0 -secSpeed*cos(car_now_frenet_point.tangent_Ang-PI/2);
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "毫米波无数据,计算obsSpeed:" << obsSpeed << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (esrDistance>0)
+ {
+ obs = esrDistance;
+ // obsSd = ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndex].speed_y;
+ obsSd = obsSpeed;
+ //障碍物信息使用毫米波采集的。其位置坐标加上偏移量,转换成相对于惯导的位置,即转换成车辆坐标系下的位置坐标。
+ // obsCombinePoint = Point2D(ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndex].nomal_x+Esr_Offset,ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndex].nomal_y+Esr_Y_Offset);
+ }
+ else if (lidarDistance > 0)
+ {
+ obs = lidarDistance;
+ // obsCombinePoint = obsPoint;
+ obsSd = Compute00().getObsSpeedByFrenet(obsPoint, secSpeed,gpsTrace,gpsMap,pathpoint,nowGps);
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "计算obsSpeed:" << obsSpeed << std::endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ obs = esrDistance;
+ // obsCombinePoint = Point2D(ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndex].nomal_x+Esr_Offset,ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndex].nomal_y+Esr_Y_Offset);
+ obsSd = 0 - secSpeed*cos(car_now_frenet_point.tangent_Ang-PI/2);
+ }
+ obsDistance=obs;
+ obsSpeed=obsSd;
+ std::cout <<ServiceCarStatus.mRunTime.elapsed()<<"ms:"<< "最终得出的obsDistance:" << obsDistance << std::endl;
+ ServiceCarStatus.mObs = obsDistance;
+ if(ServiceCarStatus.mObs>100){
+ ServiceCarStatus.mObs =-1;
+ }
+ if (obsDistance>0)
+ {
+ lastDistance = obsDistance;
+ }
+ if(obs<0){
+ obsDistance=500;
+ }else{
+ obsDistance=obs;
+ }
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::getRearEsrObsDistance(std::vector<Point2D> gpsTrace, int roadNum) {
+ esrIndex = iv::decition::Compute00().getRearEsrIndex(gpsTrace, roadNum);
+ if (esrIndex != -1)
+ {
+ esrDistance = ServiceCarStatus.obs_rear_radar[esrIndex].nomal_y;
+ obsSpeed = ServiceCarStatus.obs_rear_radar[esrIndex].speed_y;
+ }
+ else {
+ esrDistance = -1;
+ }
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::getEsrObsDistanceByFrenet(const std::vector<Point2D>& gpsTrace, const FrenetPoint car_now_frenet_point, FrenetPoint &esrObs_F_Point, const std::vector<iv::GPSData>& gpsMap,int pathpoint,GPS_INS nowGps) {
+ esrIndex = iv::decition::Compute00().getEsrIndexByFrenet(gpsTrace,esrObs_F_Point,gpsMap,pathpoint,nowGps);
+ if (esrIndex != -1)
+ {
+ //障碍物的距离,是障碍物和车辆沿道路上的距离,即s。并不直接是它的x坐标或y坐标或两点直线坐标。
+ //严格来说应是 esrDistance=障碍物的s - 车辆的s - Esr_Y_Offset,但这是根据车辆位置实时搜索路径,故车辆的s极其小。
+ esrDistance = esrObs_F_Point.s - car_now_frenet_point.s - Esr_Y_Offset; //-Esr_Y_Offset是把距离推到车头,换算frenet坐标时,把它加上了的。故需减去。
+ double speedx=ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndex].speed_x; //障碍物相对于车辆x轴的速度
+ double speedy=ServiceCarStatus.obs_radar[esrIndex].speed_y; //障碍物相对于车辆y轴的速度
+ double speed_combine = sqrt(speedx*speedx+speedy*speedy); //将x、y轴两个方向的速度求矢量和
+ //障碍物的速度方向与道路方向的夹角。用于将速度分解到s方向和d方向。
+ //所谓道路方向是指,道路上离障碍物的最近的点沿道路弧线的切线方向。
+ double Etheta = esrObs_F_Point.tangent_Ang - atan2(speedy,speedx);
+ obsSpeed = speed_combine*cos(Etheta); //由speed_combine分解的s轴方向上的速度
+ }
+ else {
+ esrDistance = -1;
+ }
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::getV2XTrafficPositionVector(const std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine){
+ v2xTrafficVector.clear();
+ for (int var = 0; var < gpsMapLine.size(); var++) {
+ if(gpsMapLine[var]->roadMode==6|| gpsMapLine[var]->mode2==1000001){
+ v2xTrafficVector.push_back(var);
+ }
+ }
+float iv::decition::DecideGps00::ComputeV2XTrafficLightSpeed(iv::TrafficLight trafficLight, const std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine,std::vector<int> v2xTrafficVector,
+ int pathpoint,float secSpeed,float dSpeed, bool circleMode){
+ float trafficSpeed=200;
+ int nearTraffixPoint=-1;
+ float nearTrafficDis=0;
+ int traffic_color=0;
+ int traffic_time=0;
+ bool passThrough=false;
+ float dSecSpeed=dSpeed/3.6;
+ if(v2xTrafficVector.empty()){
+ return trafficSpeed;
+ }
+ if(!circleMode){
+ if(pathpoint>v2xTrafficVector.back()){
+ return trafficSpeed;
+ }else {
+ for(int i=0; i< v2xTrafficVector.size();i++){
+ if (pathpoint<= v2xTrafficVector[i]){
+ nearTraffixPoint=v2xTrafficVector[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else if(circleMode){
+ if(pathpoint>v2xTrafficVector.back()){
+ nearTraffixPoint=v2xTrafficVector[0];
+ }else {
+ for(int i=0; i< v2xTrafficVector.size();i++){
+ if (pathpoint<= v2xTrafficVector[i]){
+ nearTraffixPoint=v2xTrafficVector[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(nearTraffixPoint!=-1){
+ for(int i=pathpoint;i<nearTraffixPoint;i++){
+ nearTrafficDis +=GetDistance(*gpsMapLine[i],*gpsMapLine[i+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(nearTrafficDis>50){
+ return trafficSpeed;
+ }
+ int roadMode = gpsMapLine[pathpoint]->roadMode;
+ if(roadMode==14 || roadMode==16){
+ traffic_color=trafficLight.leftColor;
+ traffic_time=trafficLight.leftTime;
+ }else if(roadMode==15 ||roadMode==17){
+ traffic_color=trafficLight.rightColor;
+ traffic_time=trafficLight.rightTime;
+ }else {
+ traffic_color=trafficLight.straightColor;
+ traffic_time=trafficLight.straightTime;
+ }
+ passThrough=computeTrafficPass(nearTrafficDis,traffic_color,traffic_time,secSpeed,dSecSpeed);
+ if(passThrough){
+ return trafficSpeed;
+ }else{
+ trafficSpeed=computeTrafficSpeedLimt(nearTrafficDis);
+ if(nearTrafficDis<6){
+ float decelerate =0-( secSpeed*secSpeed*0.5/nearTrafficDis);
+ minDecelerate=min(minDecelerate,decelerate);
+ }
+ return trafficSpeed;
+ }
+ return trafficSpeed;
+bool iv::decition::DecideGps00::computeTrafficPass(float trafficDis,int trafficColor,float trafficTime,float realSecSpeed,float dSecSpeed){
+ float passTime=0;
+ if (trafficColor==2 || trafficColor==3){
+ return false;
+ }else if(trafficColor==0){
+ return true;
+ }else{
+ passTime=trafficDis/dSecSpeed;
+ if(passTime+1< trafficTime){
+ return true;
+ }else{
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+float iv::decition::DecideGps00::computeTrafficSpeedLimt(float trafficDis){
+ float limit=200;
+ if(trafficDis<10){
+ limit = 0;
+ }else if(trafficDis<15){
+ limit = 5;
+ }else if(trafficDis<20){
+ limit=10;
+ }else if(trafficDis<30){
+ limit=15;
+ }
+ return limit;
+void iv::decition::DecideGps00::transferGpsMode2( const std::vector<GPSData> gpsMapLine){
+ static int obstacle_disable=0;
+ static int speed_slowdown_flag=0;
+ static bool lock_flag=false;
+ double forecast_distance=0;
+ int forecast_point_num=0;
+ bool cross=false;
+ double secLowSpeed=ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode18/3.6; //m/s
+ if(secSpeed>secLowSpeed)
+ {
+ forecast_distance=secSpeed*secSpeed-secLowSpeed*secLowSpeed+5;
+ forecast_point_num=((int)forecast_distance)*10;
+ if((PathPoint+forecast_point_num+2)>gpsMapLine.size())
+ forecast_point_num=0;
+ }
+ if((PathPoint+forecast_point_num-8>0)&&(PathPoint+forecast_point_num+8<gpsMapLine.size()))
+ {
+ for(int i=PathPoint+forecast_point_num-8;i<PathPoint+forecast_point_num+8;i++)
+ {
+ if(gpsMapLine[i]->mode2==5000)
+ cross=true;
+ }
+ }
+ //givlog->debug("decition_brain","PATHFORE: %d,Forecast: %d,cross: %d",
+ //PathPoint+forecast_point_num,forecast_point_num,cross);
+ if( gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->mode2==3000){
+ if(obsDistance>4){ //7 zj-5
+ obsDistance=200;
+ }else{
+ lock_flag=false;
+ obsSpeed=-realspeed/3.6;
+ }
+ if((realspeed>3)&&(lock_flag==false)){
+ minDecelerate=-0.5;
+ }else{
+ dSpeed=min(dSpeed,3.0);
+ lock_flag=true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->mode2==3001){
+ obstacle_disable=1;
+ }else if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->mode2==3002){
+ obstacle_disable=0;
+ }else if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->mode2==4000){
+ //ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth=5.6;
+ }else if(cross==true){
+ speed_slowdown_flag=1;
+ lock_flag=false;
+ }else if(gpsMapLine[PathPoint]->mode2==5001){
+ speed_slowdown_flag=0;
+ }
+ if(obstacle_disable==1){
+ obsDistance=200;
+ }
+ if(speed_slowdown_flag==1)
+ {
+ if((realspeed>ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode18)&&(lock_flag==false)){
+ minDecelerate=-0.5;
+ }else{
+ dSpeed=min(dSpeed,ServiceCarStatus.mroadmode_vel.mfmode18);
+ lock_flag=true;
+ }
+ }
+float iv::decition::DecideGps00::computeAvoidX(int roadAim,int roadOri,GPSData gps,float vehWidth){
+ if(roadAim==roadOri){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ float x=0;
+ float veh_to_roadSide=(gps->mfLaneWidth- ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth)*0.5;
+ float roadSide_to_roadSide=ServiceCarStatus.msysparam.vehWidth;
+ if(!ServiceCarStatus.inRoadAvoid){
+ x= (roadOri-roadAim)*gps->mfLaneWidth;
+ }else{
+ int num=roadOri-roadAim;
+ switch (abs(num)%3) {
+ case 0:
+ x=(num/3)*gps->mfLaneWidth;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if(num>0){
+ x=(num/3)*gps->mfLaneWidth +veh_to_roadSide;
+ }else{
+ x=(num/3)*gps->mfLaneWidth -veh_to_roadSide;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if(num>0){
+ x=(num/3)*gps->mfLaneWidth +veh_to_roadSide+roadSide_to_roadSide;
+ }else{
+ x=(num/3)*gps->mfLaneWidth -veh_to_roadSide-roadSide_to_roadSide;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return x;