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删除 'src/v2x/pc5.h'

dongjunhong 1 year ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 256 deletions
  1. 0 256

+ 0 - 256

@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PC5_H
-#define PC5_H
-//#include <QWidget>
-//#include <QAbstractSocket>
-//#include <QDialog>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QDateTime>
-#include <QQueue>
-//#include <QUdpSocket>
-#include <QTcpServer>
-#include <QSerialPort>
-#include "ivlog.h"
-//std::string VIN="A1000000CATARCS01";
-#define TrafficLight (0x01)
-#define RealtimeTraffic (0x02)
-#define CollisionEarlyWarning (0x03)
-#define CongestionIdentification (0x04)
-#define AutoDriveSystemOpenFlag (0x21)
-#define VehicleBaseInfo (0x80)
-#define ResponseMessage (0x81)
-#define VirtualVehicle (0x82)
-#define commentsend (0xFE)//命令
-#define resuccess (0x01)//成功
-#define reerror (0x02)//错误
-#define periodic_send (0x00)
-struct realtimeTrafficMessage
-    bool isEnable=false;
-    double lng;
-    double lat;
-    int scope;
-    int trafficInfo;//0x01:塌方;0x02:施工;0x03:道路结冰;0x04:前方限速;“0xFE”表示异常,“0xFF”表示无效
-    int speedLimit;
-struct upResponseInfo
-    char vin[17];//车辆识别码
-    unsigned char reponseType;//0x01:减速;0x02:停车;“0xFE”表示异常,“0xFF”表示无效
-struct collisionEarlyWarningMessage
-    bool isEnable=false;
-    std::string vin;//17位vin码
-    unsigned char warningType;//0x01:减速;0x02:停车;“0xFE”表示异常,“0xFF”表示无效
-    int speedLimit;
-struct congestionIdentificationMessage
-    bool isEnable=false;
-    std::string vin;//17位vin码
-    unsigned char openCommand;//0x01:开启;“0xFE”表示异常,“0xFF”表示无效
-struct lightMessage//红绿灯状态
-    bool isEnable=false;
-    unsigned char myface=0;
-    unsigned char light1face;//0x01横向 0x02纵向
-    float light1head=0;//面朝方向
-    unsigned char light1Type=0x00;//0x01:绿灯;0x02:红灯;0x03:黄灯;
-    int light1timeRemaining=200;//红绿灯时间
-    unsigned char light2face;//0x01横向 0x02纵向
-    float light2head=0;//面朝方向
-    unsigned char light2Type=0x00;//0x01:绿灯;0x02:红灯;0x03:黄灯;
-    int light2timeRemaining=200;//红绿灯时间
-    unsigned char light3face;//0x01横向 0x02纵向
-    float light3head=0;//面朝方向
-    unsigned char light3Type=0x00;//0x01:绿灯;0x02:红灯;0x03:黄灯;
-    int light3timeRemaining=200;//红绿灯时间
-    unsigned char light4face;//0x01横向 0x02纵向
-    float light4head=0;//面朝方向
-    unsigned char light4Type=0x00;//0x01:绿灯;0x02:红灯;0x03:黄灯;
-    int light4timeRemaining=200;//红绿灯时间
-struct gpsImuM//车辆状态传输
-    float gps_lng;//real value
-    float gps_lat;
-    float speed;//real value
-    float yaw;//real value
-    float accx;//real value
-    float accy;
-//struct responseCollisionEarlyWarningInfo
-//    char vin[17];//车辆识别码
-//    unsigned char warningType;
-//    unsigned char speedLimit;
-struct DataPackageHead//数据包结构
-    unsigned char startSymbol1;//起始符1
-    unsigned char startSymbol2;//起始符2
-    char RSU_Vin[2];//路测系统编码
-    unsigned char featureSymbol;//功能识别码
-    unsigned char commentSymbol;//命令标识
-    unsigned char responseSymbol;//应答标识
-    unsigned char encryptionType;//数据加密方式
-    unsigned char time[8];//本报文时间戳。格林威治时间1970年01月01日00时00分00秒(北京时间1970年01月01日08时00分00秒)起至现在的总秒数。
-    char dataLength[2];//数据单元长度
-    // unsigned char *data;//数据单元
-    // unsigned char verifyCode;//校验码
-struct CarFormationInfoData  //车况数据
-    char vin[17];//车辆识别码
-    unsigned char type;//0A
-    unsigned char gps_lng[4];//经度 有效值范围:0~180;精确到小数点后6位;“0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFE”表示异常,“0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF”表示无效
-    unsigned char gps_lat[4];//维度 有效值范围:0~180;精确到小数点后6位;“0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFE”表示异常,“0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF”表示无效
-    unsigned char car_speed;//车速 有效值范围:0~200(表示0km/h~200km/h),最小计量单元:1km/h;“0xFE”表示异常,“0xFF”表示无效
-    unsigned char car_yaw[4];//航向角 有效值范围:0~360(表示0°~360°);“0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFE”表示异常,“0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF”表示无效
-    unsigned char electricalVoltage;
-    unsigned char acc_x;//-6.0~6.0(表示0m/s2~4m/s2),最小计量单元:0.1 m/s2;
-    unsigned char acc_y;
-    unsigned char error;
-struct ui_set_virtualVehicleM//虚拟车范围设置
-    double lngMax;
-    double lngMin;
-    double latMax;
-    double latMin;
-    float yawMax;
-    float yawMin;
-    int virtualVehicleNum;//虚拟车数量
-    float speedMax;
-    float speedMin;
-struct virtualVehicleM
-    std::string vin;
-    double gps_lng;//real value
-    double gps_lat;
-    float speed;//real value
-    float yaw;//real value
-struct  upVirtualVehicleInfo
-    char vin[17];//车辆识别码
-    unsigned char lng[4];//*1000000
-    unsigned char lat[4];
-    unsigned char speed;
-    unsigned char yaw[4];
-class PC5:public QObject
-    PC5();
-    ~PC5();
-    void connectPlatform();
-    void disconnectPlatform();
-    void setobu(QString str,int port);
-    void serialPortInit();//串口初始化
-    void openSerial();//打开串口
-    void closeSerial();//关闭串口
-    void setSerial(QString str1,int num1);//串口设置
-    void setConnectEnable(bool isEnable);//主界面调用以开关串口
-    bool isLinked();//返回连接状态
-    void setVin(std::string vin);//设置车辆vin
-    void setobuNewVin(int vin);//设置obu编号
-    void initRadio();//随机虚拟车vin
-    void getRandomNum();//抽取虚拟vin
-    void sendData();//车况数据发送
-    void replyMessage();//接受数据解析
-    QByteArray show_error();//主界面调用显示错误信息
-    QByteArray show_readdata();//主界面调用显示收到数据
-    int PackagetHeadInfo( unsigned char featureID,unsigned char commendID, unsigned char respondID,int dataLen);//包头写入
-    void upVirtualVehicleRaw();//发送虚拟车数据
-    void setGpsImuMemory(gpsImuM m);//接收车辆状态信息
-    char BCCEncode(char sbuf[],int len);//计算校验
-    bool BCCDecode(char sbuf[], int len);//核实校验位
-    void upVirtualVehicle(ui_set_virtualVehicleM ui_set);//生成虚拟车信息
-    ui_set_virtualVehicleM my_ui_set;
-    void upRespondMessage(unsigned char featureId);//发送应答回复
-    realtimeTrafficMessage ui_RealtimeTraffic();//主界面调用显示车况
-    lightMessage ui_Light();//主界面调用显示红绿灯
-    collisionEarlyWarningMessage ui_Warning();//主界面调用显示碰撞预警
-    congestionIdentificationMessage ui_identification();//主界面调用显示交通拥堵
-    bool show_warn_driver();//主界面调用显示危险驾驶
-    bool upRunMod();
-    bool m_runmod=false;
-    bool eth_enable = false;
-    QByteArray error_data;//程序状态
-    QByteArray datahex;//接收数据显示
-    QSerialPort *m_serialPort_Radio;
-    QString portname;//串口号
-    int Baud;//波特率
-    int obuport;
-    QString obuip;
-    QTcpServer *server;
-    QTcpSocket *client;
-    QTimer *timer;
-    bool isConnected=false;//连接状态
-    std::string m_strVin;//车辆vin
-    int m_obuVin;//路测编号
-    gpsImuM m_structMGpsImu;
-    DataPackageHead packageDataHead;
-    realtimeTrafficMessage realtimeTraffic;
-    lightMessage light;
-    collisionEarlyWarningMessage collisionWarning;
-    congestionIdentificationMessage congestionIdenti;
-    virtualVehicleM m_structMVirtualVehicle;
-    int m_iVirtualVehicle;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_vectorVin;
-    std::vector<int> m_vectorRandom;
-    QByteArray m_data;
-    QQueue<QByteArray> readData;
-    bool m_bIsConnect;
-    bool m_bEnableRadio;
-    bool m_bEnConnect;
-    int m_traffic_heart;
-    int m_light_heart;
-    int m_WarningMessage_heart;
-    int m_IdentificationMessage_heart;
-    int m_warndriver_heart;
-    unsigned char m_responseType;
-    bool warn_driver;
-private slots:
-    void recvData();
-//    void newConnectionSlot();
-    void readDataSlot();
-//    void disconnectedSlot();
-    void heartBeat();
-#endif // PC5_H