// Copyright 2016 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima). // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /*! * @file Authentication.h */ #ifndef _FASTDDS_RTPS_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_H_ #define _FASTDDS_RTPS_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_H_ #include <fastdds/rtps/security/common/Handle.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/security/common/SharedSecretHandle.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/common/Guid.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/attributes/RTPSParticipantAttributes.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/security/exceptions/SecurityException.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/common/Token.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/common/CDRMessage_t.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/security/authentication/Handshake.h> #include <cstdint> namespace eprosima { namespace fastrtps { namespace rtps { namespace security { class Logging; enum ValidationResult_t : uint32_t { VALIDATION_OK = 0, VALIDATION_FAILED, VALIDATION_PENDING_RETRY, VALIDATION_PENDING_HANDSHAKE_REQUEST, VALIDATION_PENDING_HANDSHAKE_MESSAGE, VALIDATION_OK_WITH_FINAL_MESSAGE }; class Authentication; class AuthenticationListener { virtual bool on_revoke_identity(Authentication& plugin, const IdentityHandle& handle, SecurityException& exception) = 0; }; class Authentication { public: virtual ~Authentication() = default; /*! * @brief Validates the identity of the local RTPSParticipant. * @param local_identity_handle (out) A handle that can be used to locally refer to the Authenticated * Participant in subsequent interactions with the Authentication plugin. * @param adjusted_participant_key (out) The GUID_t that the implementation shall use to uniquely identify the * RTPSParticipant on the network. * @param domain_id The Domain Id of the RTPSParticipant. * @param participant_attr The RTPSParticipantAttributes of the RTPSParticipant. * @param candidate_participant_key The GUID_t that the DDS implementation would have used to uniquely identify * the RTPSParticipant if the Security plugins were not enabled. * @param exception (out) A SecurityException object. * @return Validation status. */ virtual ValidationResult_t validate_local_identity(IdentityHandle** local_identity_handle, GUID_t& adjusted_participant_key, const uint32_t domain_id, const RTPSParticipantAttributes& participant_attr, const GUID_t& candidate_participant_key, SecurityException& exception) = 0; /*! * @brief Initiates the process of validating the identity of the discovered remote RTPSParticipant, represented * as an IdentityToken object. * @param remote_identity_handle (out) A handle that can be used to locally refer to the remote Authenticated * Participant in subsequent interactions with the AuthenticationPlugin. * @param local_identity_handle A handle to the local RTPSParticipant requesting the remote participant to be * validate. * @param remote_identity_token A token received as part of ParticipantProxyData, representing the * identity of the remote DomainParticipant. * @param remote_participant_key * @param exception (out) A SecurityException object. * @result Validation status. */ virtual ValidationResult_t validate_remote_identity(IdentityHandle** remote_identity_handle, const IdentityHandle& local_identity_handle, const IdentityToken& remote_identity_token, const GUID_t& remote_participant_key, SecurityException& exception) = 0; /*! * @brief This operation is used to initiate a handshake. * @param handshake_handle (out) A handle returned by the Authentication plugin used to keep the state of the * handshake. * @param handshake_message (out) A HandshakeMessageToken to be sent using the BuiltinParticipantMessageWriter. * @param initiator_identity_handle Handle to the local participant that originated the handshake. * @param replier_identity_handle Handle to the remote participant whose identity is being validated. * @param cdr_participant_data Participant's data. * @param exception (out) A SecurityException object. * @result Validation status. */ virtual ValidationResult_t begin_handshake_request(HandshakeHandle** handshake_handle, HandshakeMessageToken** handshake_message, const IdentityHandle& initiator_identity_handle, IdentityHandle& replier_identity_handle, const CDRMessage_t& cdr_participant_data, SecurityException& exception) = 0; /*! * @brief This operation shall be invoked by the implementation in reaction to the reception of the initial * handshake message that originated on a RTPSParticipant that called the begin_handshake_request operation. * @param handshake_handle (out) A handle returned by the Authentication Plugin used to keep the state of the * handshake. * @param handshake_message_out (out) A HandshakeMessageToken containing a message to be sent using the * BuiltinParticipantMessageWriter. * @param handshake_message_in A HandshakeMessageToken containing a message received from the * BuiltinParticipantMessageReader. * @param initiator_identity_handle Handle to the remote participant that originated the handshake. * @param replier_identity_handle Handle to the local participant that is initiaing the handshake. * @param cdr_participant_data Participant's CDRMessage. * @param exception A SecurityException object. * @result Validation status. */ virtual ValidationResult_t begin_handshake_reply( HandshakeHandle** handshake_handle, HandshakeMessageToken** handshake_message_out, HandshakeMessageToken&& handshake_message_in, IdentityHandle& initiator_identity_handle, const IdentityHandle& replier_identity_handle, const CDRMessage_t& cdr_participant_data, SecurityException& exception) = 0; /*! * @brief This operation is used to continue a handshake. * @param handshake_message_out (out) A HandshakeMessageToken containing the message_data that should be * place in a ParticipantStatelessMessage to be sent using the BuiltinParticipantMessageWriter. * @param handshake_message_in The HandshakeMessageToken contained in the message_data attribute of the * ParticipantStatelessMessage received. * @param handshake_handle Handle returned by a correspoing previous call to begin_handshake_request or * begin_handshake_reply. * @param exception A SecurityException object. * @return Validation status. */ virtual ValidationResult_t process_handshake( HandshakeMessageToken** handshake_message_out, HandshakeMessageToken&& handshake_message_in, HandshakeHandle& handshake_handle, SecurityException& exception) = 0; /*! * @brief Retrieve the SharedSecretHandle resulting with a successfully completed handshake. * @param handshake_handle Handle returned bu a corresponding previous call to begin_handshake_request or * begin_handshake_reply, which has successfully complete the handshake operations. * @param exception SecurityException object * @return SharedSecretHandle. */ virtual SharedSecretHandle* get_shared_secret( const HandshakeHandle& handshake_handle, SecurityException& exception) = 0; /*! * @brief Sets the AuthenticationListener that the Authentication plugin will use to notify the infrastructure * of events relevant to the Authentication of RTPSParticipants. * @param listener An AuthenticationListener object to be attached to the Authentication object. * @param exception (out) A SecurityException object. */ virtual bool set_listener(AuthenticationListener* listener, SecurityException& exception) = 0; virtual bool get_identity_token(IdentityToken** identity_token, const IdentityHandle& handle, SecurityException& exception) = 0; /*! * @brief Returns the IdentityToken object to the plugin so it can be disposed of. * @param token An IdentityToken issued by the plugin on a prior call to get_identity_token. * @param exception (out) A SecurityException object. */ virtual bool return_identity_token(IdentityToken* token, SecurityException& exception) = 0; /*! * @brief Returns the Handshakehandle object to the plugin so it can be disposed of. * @param handshake_handle A HandshakeHandle issued by the plugin on a prior call to begin_handshake_request or * begin_handshake_reply. * @param exception (out) A SecurityException object. */ virtual bool return_handshake_handle(HandshakeHandle* handshake_handle, SecurityException& exception) = 0; /*! * @brief Returns the IdentityHandle object to the plugin so it can be disposed of. * @param identity_handle An IdentityHandle issued by the plugin on a prior call to validate_local_identity or * validate_remote_identity. * @param exception (out) A SecurityException object. */ virtual bool return_identity_handle(IdentityHandle* identity_handle, SecurityException& exception) = 0; /*! * @brief Returns the SharedSecretHandle object to the plugin so it can be disposed of. * @param sharedsecret_handle An SharedSecretHandle issued by the plugin on a prior call to get_shared_secret. * @param exception (out) A SecurityException object. */ virtual bool return_sharedsecret_handle(SharedSecretHandle* sharedsecret_handle, SecurityException& exception) = 0; virtual bool set_permissions_credential_and_token(IdentityHandle& identity_handle, PermissionsCredentialToken& permissions_credential_token, SecurityException& ex) = 0; virtual bool get_authenticated_peer_credential_token(PermissionsCredentialToken **token, const IdentityHandle& identity_handle, SecurityException& exception) = 0; virtual bool return_authenticated_peer_credential_token(PermissionsCredentialToken* token, SecurityException& ex) = 0; bool set_logger(Logging* logger, SecurityException& /*exception*/) { logger_ = logger; return true; } protected: const Logging* get_logger() const { return logger_; } private: Logging* logger_ = nullptr; }; } //namespace security } //namespace rtps } //namespace fastrtps } //namespace eprosima #endif // _FASTDDS_RTPS_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_H_