/// \file PassiveDecisionMaker.cpp /// \brief Decision Maker for surrounding vehicle, to be integrated with particle filter for intention prediction /// \author Hatem Darweesh /// \date Jan 10, 2018 #include "op_planner/PassiveDecisionMaker.h" #include "op_utility/UtilityH.h" #include "op_planner/PlanningHelpers.h" #include "op_planner/MappingHelpers.h" #include "op_planner/MatrixOperations.h" namespace PlannerHNS { PassiveDecisionMaker::PassiveDecisionMaker() { } PassiveDecisionMaker& PassiveDecisionMaker::operator=(const PassiveDecisionMaker& obj) { return *this; } PassiveDecisionMaker::PassiveDecisionMaker(const PassiveDecisionMaker& obj) { } PassiveDecisionMaker::~PassiveDecisionMaker() { } double PassiveDecisionMaker::GetVelocity(PlannerHNS::WayPoint& currPose, const std::vector<WayPoint>& path, const CAR_BASIC_INFO& carInfo, const RelativeInfo& info) { double average_braking_distance = -pow(currPose.v, 2)/(carInfo.max_deceleration) + 1.0; int prev_index = 0; double velocity = PlannerHNS::PlanningHelpers::GetVelocityAhead(path, info, prev_index, average_braking_distance); if(velocity > carInfo.max_speed_forward) velocity = carInfo.max_speed_forward; else if(velocity < carInfo.min_speed_forward) velocity = carInfo.min_speed_forward; return velocity; } double PassiveDecisionMaker::GetSteerAngle(PlannerHNS::WayPoint& currPose, const std::vector<WayPoint>& path, const RelativeInfo& info) { unsigned int point_index = 0; PlannerHNS::WayPoint pursuite_point = PlanningHelpers::GetFollowPointOnTrajectory(path, info, 2, point_index); double current_a = UtilityHNS::UtilityH::SplitPositiveAngle(currPose.pos.a); double target_a = atan2(pursuite_point.pos.y - currPose.pos.y, pursuite_point.pos.x - currPose.pos.x); double e = UtilityHNS::UtilityH::SplitPositiveAngle(target_a - current_a); double before_lowpass = e;//m_pidSteer.getPID(e); //std::cout << "CurrA: " << current_a << ", targetA: " << target_a << ", e: " << e << std::endl; return before_lowpass; } bool PassiveDecisionMaker::CheckForStopLine(PlannerHNS::WayPoint& currPose, const std::vector<WayPoint>& path, const CAR_BASIC_INFO& carInfo) { double minStoppingDistance = -pow(currPose.v, 2)/(carInfo.max_deceleration); double critical_long_front_distance = carInfo.wheel_base/2.0 + carInfo.length/2.0; int stopLineID = -1; int stopSignID = -1; int trafficLightID = -1; double distanceToClosestStopLine = 0; distanceToClosestStopLine = PlanningHelpers::GetDistanceToClosestStopLineAndCheck(path, currPose, 0, stopLineID, stopSignID, trafficLightID) - critical_long_front_distance; if(distanceToClosestStopLine > -2 && distanceToClosestStopLine < minStoppingDistance) { return true; } return false; } PlannerHNS::BehaviorState PassiveDecisionMaker::MoveStep(const double& dt, PlannerHNS::WayPoint& currPose, const std::vector<WayPoint>& path, const CAR_BASIC_INFO& carInfo) { PlannerHNS::BehaviorState beh; if(path.size() == 0) return beh; RelativeInfo info; PlanningHelpers::GetRelativeInfo(path, currPose, info); bool bStopLine = CheckForStopLine(currPose, path, carInfo); if(bStopLine) beh.state = PlannerHNS::STOPPING_STATE; else beh.state = PlannerHNS::FORWARD_STATE; double average_braking_distance = -pow(currPose.v, 2)/(carInfo.max_deceleration) + 1.0; if(average_braking_distance < 10) average_braking_distance = 10; beh.indicator = PlanningHelpers::GetIndicatorsFromPath(path, currPose, average_braking_distance); currPose.v = beh.maxVelocity = GetVelocity(currPose, path, carInfo, info); double steer = GetSteerAngle(currPose, path, info); currPose.pos.x += currPose.v * dt * cos(currPose.pos.a); currPose.pos.y += currPose.v * dt * sin(currPose.pos.a); currPose.pos.a += currPose.v * dt * tan(steer) / carInfo.wheel_base; return beh; } PlannerHNS::ParticleInfo PassiveDecisionMaker::MoveStepSimple(const double& dt, PlannerHNS::WayPoint& currPose, const std::vector<WayPoint>& path, const CAR_BASIC_INFO& carInfo) { PlannerHNS::ParticleInfo beh; if(path.size() == 0) return beh; RelativeInfo info; PlanningHelpers::GetRelativeInfo(path, currPose, info); bool bStopLine = CheckForStopLine(currPose, path, carInfo); if(bStopLine) beh.state = PlannerHNS::STOPPING_STATE; else beh.state = PlannerHNS::FORWARD_STATE; double average_braking_distance = -pow(currPose.v, 2)/(carInfo.max_deceleration) + 15.0; PlannerHNS::WayPoint startPose = path.at(0); beh.indicator = PlanningHelpers::GetIndicatorsFromPath(path, startPose, average_braking_distance); double speed = 0; if(info.iFront < path.size()) { beh.vel = path.at(info.iFront).v; } else beh.vel = 0; double steer = GetSteerAngle(currPose, path, info); currPose.pos.x += currPose.v * dt * cos(currPose.pos.a); currPose.pos.y += currPose.v * dt * sin(currPose.pos.a); currPose.pos.a += currPose.v * dt * tan(steer) / carInfo.wheel_base; return beh; } } /* namespace PlannerHNS */