// Copyright 2019 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima). // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef _FASTDDS_UDPV6_TRANSPORT_H_ #define _FASTDDS_UDPV6_TRANSPORT_H_ #include <fastdds/rtps/transport/UDPTransportInterface.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/transport/UDPv6TransportDescriptor.h> namespace eprosima{ namespace fastdds{ namespace rtps{ /** * This is a default UDPv6 implementation. * - Opening an output channel by passing a locator will open a socket per interface on the given port. * This collection of sockets constitute the "outbound channel". In other words, a channel corresponds * to a port + a direction. * * - It is possible to provide a white list at construction, which limits the interfaces the transport * will ever be able to interact with. If left empty, all interfaces are allowed. * * - Opening an input channel by passing a locator will open a socket listening on the given port on every * whitelisted interface, and join the multicast channel specified by the locator address. Hence, any locator * that does not correspond to the multicast range will simply open the port without a subsequent join. Joining * multicast groups late is supported by attempting to open the channel again with the same port + a * multicast address (the OpenInputChannel function will fail, however, because no new channel has been * opened in a strict sense). * @ingroup TRANSPORT_MODULE */ class UDPv6Transport : public UDPTransportInterface { public: RTPS_DllAPI UDPv6Transport(const UDPv6TransportDescriptor&); virtual ~UDPv6Transport() override; virtual const UDPTransportDescriptor* configuration() const override; /** * Starts listening on the specified port, and if the specified address is in the * multicast range, it joins the specified multicast group, */ virtual bool OpenInputChannel(const fastrtps::rtps::Locator_t&, TransportReceiverInterface*, uint32_t) override; virtual fastrtps::rtps::LocatorList_t NormalizeLocator(const fastrtps::rtps::Locator_t& locator) override; virtual bool is_local_locator(const fastrtps::rtps::Locator_t& locator) const override; TransportDescriptorInterface* get_configuration() override { return &configuration_; } virtual bool getDefaultMetatrafficMulticastLocators(fastrtps::rtps::LocatorList_t &locators, uint32_t metatraffic_multicast_port) const override; virtual bool getDefaultMetatrafficUnicastLocators(fastrtps::rtps::LocatorList_t &locators, uint32_t metatraffic_unicast_port) const override; bool getDefaultUnicastLocators(fastrtps::rtps::LocatorList_t &locators, uint32_t unicast_port) const override; virtual void AddDefaultOutputLocator(fastrtps::rtps::LocatorList_t &defaultList) override; protected: //! Constructor with no descriptor is necessary for implementations derived from this class. UDPv6Transport(); UDPv6TransportDescriptor configuration_; virtual bool compare_locator_ip(const fastrtps::rtps::Locator_t& lh, const fastrtps::rtps::Locator_t& rh) const override; virtual bool compare_locator_ip_and_port(const fastrtps::rtps::Locator_t& lh, const fastrtps::rtps::Locator_t& rh) const override; virtual void endpoint_to_locator(asio::ip::udp::endpoint& endpoint, fastrtps::rtps::Locator_t& locator) override; virtual void fill_local_ip(fastrtps::rtps::Locator_t& loc) const override; virtual asio::ip::udp::endpoint GenerateAnyAddressEndpoint(uint16_t port) override; virtual asio::ip::udp::endpoint generate_endpoint(uint16_t port) override; virtual asio::ip::udp::endpoint generate_endpoint(const std::string& sIp, uint16_t port) override; virtual asio::ip::udp::endpoint generate_endpoint(const fastrtps::rtps::Locator_t& loc, uint16_t port) override; virtual asio::ip::udp::endpoint generate_local_endpoint(const fastrtps::rtps::Locator_t& loc, uint16_t port) override; virtual asio::ip::udp generate_protocol() const override; virtual void get_ips(std::vector<fastrtps::rtps::IPFinder::info_IP>& locNames, bool return_loopback = false) override; eProsimaUDPSocket OpenAndBindInputSocket(const std::string& sIp, uint16_t port, bool is_multicast) override; //! Checks for whether locator is allowed. virtual bool is_locator_allowed(const fastrtps::rtps::Locator_t&) const override; /** * Method to get a list of interfaces to bind the socket associated to the given locator. * @return Vector of interfaces in string format. */ virtual std::vector<std::string> get_binding_interfaces_list() override; //! Checks if the given interface is allowed by the white list. virtual bool is_interface_allowed(const std::string& interface) const override; //! Checks if the given interface is allowed by the white list. bool is_interface_allowed(const asio::ip::address_v6& ip) const; //! Checks if the interfaces white list is empty. virtual bool is_interface_whitelist_empty() const override; std::vector<asio::ip::address_v6> interface_whitelist_; virtual void set_receive_buffer_size(uint32_t size) override; virtual void set_send_buffer_size(uint32_t size) override; virtual void SetSocketOutboundInterface(eProsimaUDPSocket&, const std::string&) override; }; } // namespace rtps } // namespace fastdds } // namespace eprosima #endif // _FASTDDS_UDPV6_TRANSPORT_H_