// Copyright 2019 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima).
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

 * @file LocatorSelector.hpp


#include <fastdds/rtps/common/LocatorSelectorEntry.hpp>
#include <fastdds/rtps/common/Guid.h>
#include <fastdds/rtps/common/Locator.h>
#include <fastrtps/utils/collections/ResourceLimitedVector.hpp>
#include <fastrtps/utils/IPLocator.h>

#include <algorithm>

namespace eprosima {
namespace fastrtps {
namespace rtps {

 * A class used for the efficient selection of locators when sending data to multiple entities.
 * Algorithm:
 *   - Entries are added/removed with add_entry/remove_entry when matched/unmatched.
 *   - When data is to be sent:
 *     - A reference to this object is passed to the message group
 *     - For each submessage:
 *       - A call to reset is performed
 *       - A call to enable is performed per desired destination
 *       - If state_has_changed() returns true:
 *         - the message group is flushed
 *         - selection_start is called
 *         - for each transport:
 *           - transport_starts is called
 *           - transport handles the selection state of each entry
 *           - select may be called
 *       - Submessage is added to the message group
class LocatorSelector

     * Construct a LocatorSelector.
     * @param entries_allocation Allocation configuration regarding the number of remote entities.
    LocatorSelector(const ResourceLimitedContainerConfig& entries_allocation)
        : entries_(entries_allocation)
        , selections_(entries_allocation)
        , last_state_(entries_allocation)

     * Clears all internal data.
    void clear()

     * Add an entry to this selector.
     * @param entry Pointer to the LocatorSelectorEntry to add.
    bool add_entry(LocatorSelectorEntry* entry)
        return entries_.push_back(entry) != nullptr;

     * Remove an entry from this selector.
     * @param guid Identifier of the entry to be removed.
    bool remove_entry(const GUID_t& guid)
        return entries_.remove_if(
            [& guid](LocatorSelectorEntry* entry)
                return entry->remote_guid == guid;

     * Reset the enabling state of the selector.
     * @param enable_all Indicates whether entries should be initially enabled.
    void reset(bool enable_all)
        for(LocatorSelectorEntry* entry : entries_)
            last_state_.push_back(entry->enabled ? 1 : 0);

     * Enable an entry given its GUID.
     * @param guid GUID of the entry to enable.
    void enable(const GUID_t& guid)
        for (LocatorSelectorEntry* entry : entries_)
            if (entry->remote_guid == guid)
                entry->enabled = true;

     * Check if enabling state has changed.
     * @return true if the enabling state has changed, false otherwise.
    bool state_has_changed() const
        if (entries_.size() != last_state_.size())
            return true;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_.size(); ++i)
            if (last_state_.at(i) != (entries_.at(i)->enabled ? 1 : 0) )
                return true;

        return false;

     * Reset the selection state of the selector.
    void selection_start()
        for (LocatorSelectorEntry* entry : entries_)

     * Called when the selection algorithm starts for a specific transport.
     * Will set the temporary transport_should_process flag for all enabled entries.
     * @return a reference to the entries collection.
    ResourceLimitedVector<LocatorSelectorEntry*>& transport_starts()
        for (LocatorSelectorEntry* entry : entries_)
            entry->transport_should_process = entry->enabled;

        return entries_;

     * Marks an entry as selected.
     * @param index The index of the entry to mark as selected.
    void select(size_t index)
        if (index < entries_.size() &&
            std::find(selections_.begin(), selections_.end(), index) == selections_.end())

     * Count the number of selected locators.
     * @return the number of selected locators.
    size_t selected_size() const
        size_t result = 0;

        for (size_t index : selections_)
            LocatorSelectorEntry* entry = entries_.at(index);
            result += entry->state.multicast.size();
            result += entry->state.unicast.size();

        return result;

     * Check if a locator is present in the selections of this object.
     * @param locator The locator to be checked.
     * @return True if the locator has been selected, false otherwise.
    bool is_selected(const Locator_t locator) const
            for (size_t index : selections_)
                LocatorSelectorEntry* entry = entries_.at(index);
                for (size_t loc_index : entry->state.multicast)
                    if (entry->multicast.at(loc_index) == locator)
                        return true;
            for (size_t index : selections_)
                LocatorSelectorEntry* entry = entries_.at(index);
                for (size_t loc_index : entry->state.unicast)
                    if (entry->unicast.at(loc_index) == locator)
                        return true;
        return false;

     * Performs an action on each selected locator.
     * @param action   Unary function that accepts a locator as argument.
     *                 The function shall not modify its argument.
     *                 This can either be a function pointer or a function object.
    template<class UnaryPredicate>
    void for_each(UnaryPredicate action) const
        for (size_t index : selections_)
            LocatorSelectorEntry* entry = entries_.at(index);
            for (size_t loc_index : entry->state.multicast)
            for (size_t loc_index : entry->state.unicast)

    struct IteratorIndex
        size_t selections_index;
        size_t state_index;
        bool state_multicast_done;
        Locator_t* locator;

    class iterator : public std::iterator<
            std::input_iterator_tag,                    // iterator_category
            Locator_t,                                  // value_type
            IteratorIndex,                              // difference_type
            Locator_t*,                                 // pointer
            Locator_t&>,                                 // reference
        public LocatorsIterator
        const LocatorSelector& locator_selector_;
        IteratorIndex current_;

        void go_to_next_entry()
            // While entries selected
            while (++current_.selections_index < locator_selector_.selections_.size())
                LocatorSelectorEntry* entry =

                // No multicast locators in this entry
                if (entry->state.multicast.size() == 0)
                    // But there's unicast
                    if (entry->state.unicast.size() > 0)
                        current_.locator = &entry->unicast[entry->state.unicast.at(0)];
                else     // process multicast
                    current_.state_multicast_done = false;
                    current_.locator = &entry->multicast[entry->state.multicast.at(0)];

            current_.locator = nullptr;


        enum class Position

        explicit iterator(
                const LocatorSelector& locator_selector,
                Position index_pos)
            : locator_selector_(locator_selector)
            current_ = {std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(),0,true, nullptr};

            if (index_pos == Position::Begin)

        iterator(const iterator& other)
            : locator_selector_(other.locator_selector_)
            , current_(other.current_)

        iterator& operator++()
            // Shouldn't call ++ when index already at the end
            assert(current_.selections_index < locator_selector_.selections_.size());

            LocatorSelectorEntry* entry =

            // Index at unicast locators
            if (current_.state_multicast_done)
                // No more unicast locators selected
                if (++current_.state_index >= entry->state.unicast.size())
                    current_.state_index = 0;
                else     // current unicast locator
                    current_.locator = &entry->unicast[entry->state.unicast.at(current_.state_index)];
            else     // Index at multicast locators
                // No more multicast locators selected
                if (++current_.state_index >= entry->state.multicast.size())
                    // Reset index to process unicast
                    current_.state_multicast_done = true;
                    current_.state_index = 0;
                    // No unicast locators
                    if (current_.state_index >= entry->state.unicast.size())
                    else     // current unicast locator
                        current_.locator = &entry->unicast[entry->state.unicast.at(current_.state_index)];
                else     // current multicast locator
                    current_.locator = &entry->multicast[entry->state.multicast.at(current_.state_index)];

            return *this;

        bool operator==(
                const LocatorsIterator& other) const
            return *this == static_cast<const iterator&>(other);

        bool operator!=(
                const LocatorsIterator& other) const
            return !(*this == other);

        bool operator==(
                const iterator& other) const
            return (current_.locator == other.current_.locator);

        bool operator!=(
                const iterator& other) const
            return !(*this == other);

        pointer operator->() const
            return current_.locator;

        reference operator*() const
            return *current_.locator;

    iterator begin() const
        return iterator(*this, iterator::Position::Begin);

    iterator end() const
        return iterator(*this, iterator::Position::End);

    //! Entries collection.
    ResourceLimitedVector<LocatorSelectorEntry*> entries_;
    //! List of selected indexes.
    ResourceLimitedVector<size_t> selections_;
    //! Enabling state when reset was called.
    ResourceLimitedVector<int> last_state_;

} /* namespace rtps */
} /* namespace fastrtps */
} /* namespace eprosima */