// Copyright 2020 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima). // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @file Topic.hpp */ #ifndef _FASTDDS_TOPIC_HPP_ #define _FASTDDS_TOPIC_HPP_ #include <fastrtps/fastrtps_dll.h> #include <fastdds/dds/core/Entity.hpp> #include <fastdds/dds/core/status/BaseStatus.hpp> #include <fastdds/dds/topic/TopicDescription.hpp> #include <fastdds/dds/topic/qos/TopicQos.hpp> using eprosima::fastrtps::types::ReturnCode_t; namespace dds { namespace topic { class Topic; } // namespace topic } // namespace dds namespace eprosima { namespace fastdds { namespace dds { class DomainParticipant; class TopicListener; class DomainParticipantImpl; class TopicImpl; /** * Class TopicDescription, represents the fact that both publications * and subscriptions are tied to a single data-type * @ingroup FASTDDS_MODULE */ class Topic : public DomainEntity, public TopicDescription { friend class TopicImpl; friend class DomainParticipantImpl; /** * Create a topic, assigning its pointer to the associated implementation. * Don't use directly, create Topic using create_topic from Participant. */ RTPS_DllAPI Topic( const std::string& topic_name, const std::string& type_name, TopicImpl* p, const StatusMask& mask = StatusMask::all()); RTPS_DllAPI Topic( DomainParticipant* dp, const std::string& topic_name, const std::string& type_name, const TopicQos& qos = TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, TopicListener* listener = nullptr, const StatusMask& mask = StatusMask::all()); public: /** * @brief Destructor */ RTPS_DllAPI virtual ~Topic(); /** * @brief Getter for the DomainParticipant * @return DomainParticipant pointer */ virtual DomainParticipant* get_participant() const override; /** * Allows the application to retrieve the INCONSISTENT_TOPIC_STATUS status of a Topic. * @param status [out] Status to be retrieved. * @return RETCODE_OK */ ReturnCode_t get_inconsistent_topic_status( InconsistentTopicStatus& status); /** * Allows accessing the Topic Qos. * @return reference to TopicQos */ RTPS_DllAPI const TopicQos& get_qos() const; /** * Retrieves the Topic Qos. * @param qos TopicQos where the qos is returned * @return RETCODE_OK */ RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t get_qos( TopicQos& qos) const; /** * Allows modifying the Topic Qos. * The given Qos must be supported by the Topic. * @param qos new TopicQos value to set for the Topic. * @retval RETCODE_IMMUTABLE_POLICY if a change was not allowed. * @retval RETCODE_INCONSISTENT_POLICY if new qos has inconsistent values. * @retval RETCODE_OK if qos was updated. */ RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t set_qos( const TopicQos& qos); /** * Retrieves the attached TopicListener. * @return pointer to TopicListener */ RTPS_DllAPI const TopicListener* get_listener() const; /** * Modifies the TopicListener. * @param listener new value for the TopicListener * @param mask StatusMask (default: all) * @return RETCODE_OK */ RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t set_listener( TopicListener* listener, const StatusMask& mask = StatusMask::all()); /** * @brief Getter for the TopicDescriptionImpl * @return pointer to TopicDescriptionImpl */ TopicDescriptionImpl* get_impl() const override; private: TopicImpl* impl_; friend class ::dds::topic::Topic; }; } /* namespace dds */ } /* namespace fastdds */ } /* namespace eprosima */ #endif /* _FASTDDS_TOPIC_HPP_ */