// Copyright 2017 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima). // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #ifndef XML_PROFILE_MANAGER_H_ #define XML_PROFILE_MANAGER_H_ #include <fastrtps/attributes/ParticipantAttributes.h> #include <fastrtps/attributes/PublisherAttributes.h> #include <fastrtps/attributes/SubscriberAttributes.h> #include <fastrtps/xmlparser/XMLParserCommon.h> #include <fastrtps/xmlparser/XMLParser.h> #include <fastrtps/types/DynamicTypeBuilderFactory.h> #include <fastrtps/types/DynamicTypeBuilder.h> #include <fastrtps/types/DynamicPubSubType.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <map> namespace eprosima { namespace fastrtps { namespace xmlparser { using participant_map_t = std::map<std::string, up_participant_t>; using part_map_iterator_t = participant_map_t::iterator; using publisher_map_t = std::map<std::string, up_publisher_t>; using publ_map_iterator_t = publisher_map_t::iterator; using subscriber_map_t = std::map<std::string, up_subscriber_t>; using subs_map_iterator_t = subscriber_map_t::iterator; using topic_map_t = std::map<std::string, up_topic_t>; using topic_map_iterator_t = topic_map_t::iterator; using requester_map_t = std::map<std::string, up_requester_t>; using requester_map_iterator_t = requester_map_t::iterator; using replier_map_t = std::map<std::string, up_replier_t>; using replier_map_iterator_t = replier_map_t::iterator; using xmlfiles_map_t = std::map<std::string, XMLP_ret>; using xmlfile_map_iterator_t = xmlfiles_map_t::iterator; /** * Class XMLProfileManager, used to make available profiles from XML file. * @ingroup XMLPROFILEMANAGER_MODULE */ class XMLProfileManager { public: /** * Load the default profiles XML file. */ RTPS_DllAPI static void loadDefaultXMLFile(); /** * Load a profiles XML file. * @param filename Name for the file to be loaded. * @return XMLP_ret::XML_OK if all profiles are correct, XMLP_ret::XML_NOK if some are and some are not, * XMLP_ret::XML_ERROR in other case. */ RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret loadXMLFile( const std::string& filename); /** * Load a profiles XML node. * @param doc Node to be loaded. * @return XMLP_ret::XML_OK if all profiles are correct, XMLP_ret::XML_NOK if some are and some are not, * XMLP_ret::XML_ERROR in other case. */ RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret loadXMLNode( tinyxml2::XMLDocument& doc); /** * Load a profiles XML node. * @param profiles Node to be loaded. * @return XMLP_ret::XML_OK if all profiles are correct, XMLP_ret::XML_NOK if some are and some are not, * XMLP_ret::XML_ERROR in other case. */ RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret loadXMLProfiles( tinyxml2::XMLElement& profiles); /** * Load a dynamic types XML node. * @param types Node to be loaded. * @return XMLP_ret::XML_OK on success, XMLP_ret::XML_ERROR in other case. */ RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret loadXMLDynamicTypes( tinyxml2::XMLElement& types); /** * Library settings setter. * @param library_settings New value for library settings. */ RTPS_DllAPI static void library_settings( const LibrarySettingsAttributes& library_settings); /** * Library settings getter. * @return const ref to current library settings. */ RTPS_DllAPI static const LibrarySettingsAttributes& library_settings(); /** * Search for the profile specified and fill the structure. * @param profile_name Name for the profile to be used to fill the structure. * @param atts Structure to be filled. * @param log_error Flag to log an error if the profile_name is not found. * @return XMLP_ret::XML_OK on success, XMLP_ret::XML_ERROR in other case. Defaults true. */ RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret fillParticipantAttributes( const std::string& profile_name, ParticipantAttributes& atts, bool log_error = true); //!Fills participant_attributes with the default values. RTPS_DllAPI static void getDefaultParticipantAttributes( ParticipantAttributes& participant_attributes); /** * Search for the profile specified and fill the structure. * @param profile_name Name for the profile to be used to fill the structure. * @param atts Structure to be filled. * @param log_error Flag to log an error if the profile_name is not found. * @return XMLP_ret::XML_OK on success, XMLP_ret::XML_ERROR in other case. Defaults true. */ RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret fillPublisherAttributes( const std::string& profile_name, PublisherAttributes& atts, bool log_error = true); //!Fills publisher_attributes with the default values. RTPS_DllAPI static void getDefaultPublisherAttributes( PublisherAttributes& publisher_attributes); /** * Search for the profile specified and fill the structure. * @param profile_name Name for the profile to be used to fill the structure. * @param atts Structure to be filled. * @param log_error Flag to log an error if the profile_name is not found. * @return XMLP_ret::XML_OK on success, XMLP_ret::XML_ERROR in other case. Defaults true. */ RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret fillSubscriberAttributes( const std::string& profile_name, SubscriberAttributes& atts, bool log_error = true); //!Fills subscriber_attributes with the default values. RTPS_DllAPI static void getDefaultSubscriberAttributes( SubscriberAttributes& subscriber_attributes); //!Add a new transport instance along with its id. RTPS_DllAPI static bool insertTransportById( const std::string& transport_id, sp_transport_t transport); //!Retrieves a transport instance by its id. RTPS_DllAPI static sp_transport_t getTransportById( const std::string& transport_id); /** * Search for the profile specified and fill the structure. * @param profile_name Name for the profile to be used to fill the structure. * @param atts Structure to be filled. * @return XMLP_ret::XML_OK on success, XMLP_ret::XML_ERROR in other case. */ RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret fillTopicAttributes( const std::string& profile_name, TopicAttributes& atts); //!Fills topic_attributes with the default values. RTPS_DllAPI static void getDefaultTopicAttributes( TopicAttributes& topic_attributes); //!Add a new dynamic type instance along with its name. RTPS_DllAPI static bool insertDynamicTypeByName( const std::string& type_name, p_dynamictypebuilder_t type); //!Retrieves a transport instance by its name. RTPS_DllAPI static p_dynamictypebuilder_t getDynamicTypeByName( const std::string& type_name); /** * Search for the profile specified and fill the structure. * @param profile_name Name for the profile to be used to fill the structure. * @param atts Structure to be filled. * @return XMLP_ret::XML_OK on success, XMLP_ret::XML_ERROR in other case. */ RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret fillRequesterAttributes( const std::string& profile_name, RequesterAttributes& atts); /** * Search for the profile specified and fill the structure. * @param profile_name Name for the profile to be used to fill the structure. * @param atts Structure to be filled. * @return XMLP_ret::XML_OK on success, XMLP_ret::XML_ERROR in other case. */ RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret fillReplierAttributes( const std::string& profile_name, ReplierAttributes& atts); /** * Deletes the XMLProsileManager instance. * FastRTPS's Domain calls this method automatically on its destructor, but * if using XMLProfileManager outside of FastRTPS, it should be called manually. */ RTPS_DllAPI static void DeleteInstance() { participant_profiles_.clear(); publisher_profiles_.clear(); subscriber_profiles_.clear(); xml_files_.clear(); transport_profiles_.clear(); } /** * Retrieves a DynamicPubSubType for the given dynamic type name. * Any instance retrieve by calling this method must be deleted calling the * XMLProfileManager::DeleteDynamicPubSubType method. */ RTPS_DllAPI static types::DynamicPubSubType* CreateDynamicPubSubType( const std::string& type_name) { if (dynamic_types_.find(type_name) != dynamic_types_.end()) { return new types::DynamicPubSubType(dynamic_types_[type_name]->build()); } return nullptr; } /** * Deletes the given DynamicPubSubType previously created by calling * XMLProfileManager::CreateDynamicPubSubType method. */ RTPS_DllAPI static void DeleteDynamicPubSubType( types::DynamicPubSubType* type) { delete type; } private: RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret extractDynamicTypes( up_base_node_t properties, const std::string& filename); RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret extractProfiles( up_base_node_t properties, const std::string& filename); RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret extractParticipantProfile( up_base_node_t& profile, const std::string& filename); RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret extractPublisherProfile( up_base_node_t& profile, const std::string& filename); RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret extractSubscriberProfile( up_base_node_t& profile, const std::string& filename); RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret extractTopicProfile( up_base_node_t& profile, const std::string& filename); RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret extractRequesterProfile( up_base_node_t& profile, const std::string& filename); RTPS_DllAPI static XMLP_ret extractReplierProfile( up_base_node_t& profile, const std::string& filename); static BaseNode* root; static LibrarySettingsAttributes library_settings_; static participant_map_t participant_profiles_; static publisher_map_t publisher_profiles_; static subscriber_map_t subscriber_profiles_; static topic_map_t topic_profiles_; static requester_map_t requester_profiles_; static replier_map_t replier_profiles_; static xmlfiles_map_t xml_files_; static sp_transport_map_t transport_profiles_; static p_dynamictype_map_t dynamic_types_; }; } /* xmlparser */ } /* namespace */ } /* namespace eprosima */ #endif