// Copyright 2016 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima).
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

 * @file History.h


#include <fastrtps/fastrtps_dll.h>

#include <fastdds/rtps/history/CacheChangePool.h>

#include <fastdds/rtps/common/SequenceNumber.h>
#include <fastdds/rtps/common/Guid.h>
#include <fastdds/rtps/attributes/HistoryAttributes.h>
#include <fastrtps/utils/TimedMutex.hpp>

#include <cassert>

namespace eprosima {
namespace fastrtps {
namespace rtps {

 * Class History, container of the different CacheChanges and the methods to access them.
 * @ingroup COMMON_MODULE
class History

            const HistoryAttributes&  att);
            History&&) = delete;
    History& operator =(
            History&&) = delete;
    virtual ~History();


    using iterator = std::vector<CacheChange_t*>::iterator;
    using reverse_iterator = std::vector<CacheChange_t*>::reverse_iterator;
    using const_iterator = std::vector<CacheChange_t*>::const_iterator;

    //!Attributes of the History
    HistoryAttributes m_att;
     * Reserve a CacheChange_t from the CacheChange pool.
     * @param[out] change Pointer to pointer to the CacheChange_t to reserve
     * @param[in] calculateSizeFunc Function to calculate the size of the change.
     * @return True is reserved
    RTPS_DllAPI inline bool reserve_Cache(
            CacheChange_t** change,
            const std::function<uint32_t()>& calculateSizeFunc)
        std::lock_guard<RecursiveTimedMutex> guard(*mp_mutex);
        return m_changePool.reserve_Cache(change, calculateSizeFunc);

    RTPS_DllAPI inline bool reserve_Cache(
            CacheChange_t** change,
            uint32_t dataSize)
        std::lock_guard<RecursiveTimedMutex> guard(*mp_mutex);
        return m_changePool.reserve_Cache(change, dataSize);

     * release a previously reserved CacheChange_t.
     * @param ch Pointer to the CacheChange_t.
    RTPS_DllAPI inline void release_Cache(
            CacheChange_t* ch)
        std::lock_guard<RecursiveTimedMutex> guard(*mp_mutex);
        return m_changePool.release_Cache(ch);

     * Check if the history is full
     * @return true if the History is full.
    RTPS_DllAPI bool isFull()
        return m_isHistoryFull;

     * Get the History size.
     * @return Size of the history.
    RTPS_DllAPI size_t getHistorySize()
        std::lock_guard<RecursiveTimedMutex> guard(*mp_mutex);
        return m_changes.size();

     * Remove all changes from the History
     * @return True if everything was correctly removed.
    RTPS_DllAPI bool remove_all_changes();

     * Remove a specific change from the history.
     * @param ch Pointer to the CacheChange_t.
     * @return True if removed.
    virtual bool remove_change(
            CacheChange_t* ch) = 0;

     * Get the beginning of the changes history iterator.
     * @return Iterator to the beginning of the vector.
    RTPS_DllAPI iterator changesBegin()
        return m_changes.begin();

    RTPS_DllAPI reverse_iterator changesRbegin()
        return m_changes.rbegin();

     * Get the end of the changes history iterator.
     * @return Iterator to the end of the vector.
    RTPS_DllAPI iterator changesEnd()
        return m_changes.end();

    RTPS_DllAPI reverse_iterator changesRend()
        return m_changes.rend();

     * Get the minimum CacheChange_t.
     * @param min_change Pointer to pointer to the minimum change.
     * @return True if correct.
    RTPS_DllAPI bool get_min_change(
            CacheChange_t** min_change);

     * Get the maximum CacheChange_t.
     * @param max_change Pointer to pointer to the maximum change.
     * @return True if correct.
    RTPS_DllAPI bool get_max_change(
            CacheChange_t** max_change);

     * Get the maximum serialized payload size
     * @return Maximum serialized payload size
    RTPS_DllAPI inline uint32_t getTypeMaxSerialized()
        return m_changePool.getInitialPayloadSize();

     * Get the mutex
     * @return Mutex
    RTPS_DllAPI inline RecursiveTimedMutex* getMutex()
        assert(mp_mutex != nullptr); return mp_mutex;

    RTPS_DllAPI bool get_change(
            const SequenceNumber_t& seq,
            const GUID_t& guid,
            CacheChange_t** change) const;

    const_iterator get_change_nts(
            const SequenceNumber_t& seq,
            const GUID_t& guid,
            CacheChange_t** change,
            const_iterator hint) const;

     * @brief A method to get the change with the earliest timestamp
     * @param change Pointer to pointer to earliest change
     * @return True on success
    bool get_earliest_change(
            CacheChange_t** change);


    //!Vector of pointers to the CacheChange_t.
    std::vector<CacheChange_t*> m_changes;

    //!Variable to know if the history is full without needing to block the History mutex.
    bool m_isHistoryFull;

    //!Pool of cache changes reserved when the History is created.
    CacheChangePool m_changePool;

    //!Print the seqNum of the changes in the History (for debuggisi, mng purposes).
    void print_changes_seqNum2();

    //!Mutex for the History.
    RecursiveTimedMutex* mp_mutex;


} /* namespace rtps */
} /* namespace eprosima */