// Copyright 2016 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima). // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @file RTPSParticipantAttributes.h */ #ifndef _FASTDDS_RTPSPARTICIPANTPARAMETERS_H_ #define _FASTDDS_RTPSPARTICIPANTPARAMETERS_H_ #include <fastdds/rtps/common/Time_t.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/common/Locator.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/common/PortParameters.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/attributes/PropertyPolicy.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/flowcontrol/ThroughputControllerDescriptor.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/transport/TransportInterface.h> #include <fastdds/rtps/resources/ResourceManagement.h> #include <fastrtps/utils/fixed_size_string.hpp> #include <fastdds/rtps/attributes/RTPSParticipantAllocationAttributes.hpp> #include <fastdds/rtps/attributes/ServerAttributes.h> #include <memory> #include <sstream> namespace eprosima { namespace fastrtps { namespace rtps { //!PDP subclass choice typedef enum DiscoveryProtocol { NONE, /*!< NO discovery whatsoever would be used. Publisher and Subscriber defined with the same topic name would NOT be linked. All matching must be done manually through the addReaderLocator, addReaderProxy, addWriterProxy methods. */ SIMPLE, /*!< Discovery works according to 'The Real-time Publish-Subscribe Protocol(RTPS) DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol Specification' */ EXTERNAL, /*!< A user defined PDP subclass object must be provided in the attributes that deals with the discovery. Framework is not responsible of this object lifetime. */ CLIENT, /*!< The participant will behave as a client concerning discovery operation. Server locators should be specified as attributes. */ SERVER, /*!< The participant will behave as a server concerning discovery operation. Discovery operation is volatile (discovery handshake must take place if shutdown). */ BACKUP /*!< The participant will behave as a server concerning discovery operation. Discovery operation persist on a file (discovery handshake wouldn't repeat if shutdown). */ } DiscoveryProtocol_t; //!Filtering flags when discovering participants typedef enum ParticipantFilteringFlags : uint32_t { NO_FILTER = 0, FILTER_DIFFERENT_HOST = 0x1, FILTER_DIFFERENT_PROCESS = 0x2, FILTER_SAME_PROCESS = 0x4 } ParticipantFilteringFlags_t; #define BUILTIN_DATA_MAX_SIZE 512 //! PDP factory for EXTERNAL type class PDP; class BuiltinProtocols; typedef struct _PDPFactory { // Pointer to the PDP creator PDP* (*CreatePDPInstance)(BuiltinProtocols*); // Pointer to the PDP destructor void (* ReleasePDPInstance)( PDP*); bool operator ==( const struct _PDPFactory& e) const { return (CreatePDPInstance == e.CreatePDPInstance) && (ReleasePDPInstance == e.ReleasePDPInstance); } } PDPFactory; /** * Class SimpleEDPAttributes, to define the attributes of the Simple Endpoint Discovery Protocol. * @ingroup RTPS_ATTRIBUTES_MODULE */ class SimpleEDPAttributes { public: //!Default value true. bool use_PublicationWriterANDSubscriptionReader; //!Default value true. bool use_PublicationReaderANDSubscriptionWriter; #if HAVE_SECURITY bool enable_builtin_secure_publications_writer_and_subscriptions_reader; bool enable_builtin_secure_subscriptions_writer_and_publications_reader; #endif SimpleEDPAttributes() : use_PublicationWriterANDSubscriptionReader(true) , use_PublicationReaderANDSubscriptionWriter(true) #if HAVE_SECURITY , enable_builtin_secure_publications_writer_and_subscriptions_reader(true) , enable_builtin_secure_subscriptions_writer_and_publications_reader(true) #endif { } bool operator ==( const SimpleEDPAttributes& b) const { return (this->use_PublicationWriterANDSubscriptionReader == b.use_PublicationWriterANDSubscriptionReader) && #if HAVE_SECURITY (this->enable_builtin_secure_publications_writer_and_subscriptions_reader == b.enable_builtin_secure_publications_writer_and_subscriptions_reader) && (this->enable_builtin_secure_subscriptions_writer_and_publications_reader == b.enable_builtin_secure_subscriptions_writer_and_publications_reader) && #endif (this->use_PublicationReaderANDSubscriptionWriter == b.use_PublicationReaderANDSubscriptionWriter); } }; /** * Struct InitialAnnouncementConfig defines the behavior of the RTPSParticipant initial announcements. * @ingroup RTPS_ATTRIBUTES_MODULE */ struct InitialAnnouncementConfig { /// Number of initial announcements with specific period (default 5) uint32_t count = 5u; /// Specific period for initial announcements (default 100ms) Duration_t period = { 0, 100000000u }; bool operator ==( const InitialAnnouncementConfig& b) const { return (count == b.count) && (period == b.period); } }; /** * Class DiscoverySettings, to define the attributes of the several discovery protocols available * @ingroup RTPS_ATTRIBUTES_MODULE */ class DiscoverySettings { public: //! Chosen discovery protocol DiscoveryProtocol_t discoveryProtocol = DiscoveryProtocol_t::SIMPLE; /** * If set to true, SimpleEDP would be used. */ bool use_SIMPLE_EndpointDiscoveryProtocol = true; /** * If set to true, StaticEDP based on an XML file would be implemented. * The XML filename must be provided. */ bool use_STATIC_EndpointDiscoveryProtocol = false; /** * Lease Duration of the RTPSParticipant, * indicating how much time remote RTPSParticipants should consider this RTPSParticipant alive. */ Duration_t leaseDuration = { 20, 0 }; /** * The period for the RTPSParticipant to send its Discovery Message to all other discovered RTPSParticipants * as well as to all Multicast ports. */ Duration_t leaseDuration_announcementperiod = { 3, 0 }; //!Initial announcements configuration InitialAnnouncementConfig initial_announcements; //!Attributes of the SimpleEDP protocol SimpleEDPAttributes m_simpleEDP; //! function that returns a PDP object (only if EXTERNAL selected) PDPFactory m_PDPfactory{}; /** * The period for the RTPSParticipant to: * send its Discovery Message to its servers * check for EDP endpoints matching */ Duration_t discoveryServer_client_syncperiod = { 0, 450 * 1000000}; // 450 milliseconds //! Discovery Server settings, only needed if use_CLIENT_DiscoveryProtocol=true RemoteServerList_t m_DiscoveryServers; //! Filtering participants out depending on location ParticipantFilteringFlags_t ignoreParticipantFlags = ParticipantFilteringFlags::NO_FILTER; DiscoverySettings() = default; bool operator ==( const DiscoverySettings& b) const { return (this->discoveryProtocol == b.discoveryProtocol) && (this->use_SIMPLE_EndpointDiscoveryProtocol == b.use_SIMPLE_EndpointDiscoveryProtocol) && (this->use_STATIC_EndpointDiscoveryProtocol == b.use_STATIC_EndpointDiscoveryProtocol) && (this->discoveryServer_client_syncperiod == b.discoveryServer_client_syncperiod) && (this->m_PDPfactory == b.m_PDPfactory) && (this->leaseDuration == b.leaseDuration) && (this->leaseDuration_announcementperiod == b.leaseDuration_announcementperiod) && (this->initial_announcements == b.initial_announcements) && (this->m_simpleEDP == b.m_simpleEDP) && (this->m_staticEndpointXMLFilename == b.m_staticEndpointXMLFilename) && (this->m_DiscoveryServers == b.m_DiscoveryServers) && (this->ignoreParticipantFlags == b.ignoreParticipantFlags); } /** * Get the static endpoint XML filename * @return Static endpoint XML filename */ const char* getStaticEndpointXMLFilename() const { return m_staticEndpointXMLFilename.c_str(); } /** * Set the static endpoint XML filename * @param str Static endpoint XML filename */ void setStaticEndpointXMLFilename( const char* str) { m_staticEndpointXMLFilename = std::string(str); } private: //! StaticEDP XML filename, only necessary if use_STATIC_EndpointDiscoveryProtocol=true std::string m_staticEndpointXMLFilename = ""; }; /** * TypeLookupService settings. */ class TypeLookupSettings { public: //!Indicates to use the TypeLookup Service client endpoints bool use_client = false; //!Indicates to use the TypeLookup Service server endpoints bool use_server = false; }; /** * Class BuiltinAttributes, to define the behavior of the RTPSParticipant builtin protocols. * @ingroup RTPS_ATTRIBUTES_MODULE */ class BuiltinAttributes { public: //! Discovery protocol related attributes DiscoverySettings discovery_config; //!Indicates to use the WriterLiveliness protocol. bool use_WriterLivelinessProtocol = true; //!TypeLookup Service settings TypeLookupSettings typelookup_config; //!Metatraffic Unicast Locator List LocatorList_t metatrafficUnicastLocatorList; //!Metatraffic Multicast Locator List. LocatorList_t metatrafficMulticastLocatorList; //! Initial peers. LocatorList_t initialPeersList; //! Memory policy for builtin readers MemoryManagementPolicy_t readerHistoryMemoryPolicy = MemoryManagementPolicy_t::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE; //! Maximum payload size for builtin readers uint32_t readerPayloadSize = BUILTIN_DATA_MAX_SIZE; //! Memory policy for builtin writers MemoryManagementPolicy_t writerHistoryMemoryPolicy = MemoryManagementPolicy_t::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE; //! Maximum payload size for builtin writers uint32_t writerPayloadSize = BUILTIN_DATA_MAX_SIZE; //! Mutation tries if the port is being used. uint32_t mutation_tries = 100u; //!Set to true to avoid multicast traffic on builtin endpoints bool avoid_builtin_multicast = true; BuiltinAttributes() = default; virtual ~BuiltinAttributes() = default; bool operator ==( const BuiltinAttributes& b) const { return (this->discovery_config == b.discovery_config) && (this->use_WriterLivelinessProtocol == b.use_WriterLivelinessProtocol) && (typelookup_config.use_client == b.typelookup_config.use_client) && (typelookup_config.use_server == b.typelookup_config.use_server) && (this->metatrafficUnicastLocatorList == b.metatrafficUnicastLocatorList) && (this->metatrafficMulticastLocatorList == b.metatrafficMulticastLocatorList) && (this->initialPeersList == b.initialPeersList) && (this->readerHistoryMemoryPolicy == b.readerHistoryMemoryPolicy) && (this->readerPayloadSize == b.readerPayloadSize) && (this->writerHistoryMemoryPolicy == b.writerHistoryMemoryPolicy) && (this->writerPayloadSize == b.writerPayloadSize) && (this->mutation_tries == b.mutation_tries) && (this->avoid_builtin_multicast == b.avoid_builtin_multicast); } }; /** * Class RTPSParticipantAttributes used to define different aspects of a RTPSParticipant. *@ingroup RTPS_ATTRIBUTES_MODULE */ class RTPSParticipantAttributes { public: RTPSParticipantAttributes() { setName("RTPSParticipant"); sendSocketBufferSize = 0; listenSocketBufferSize = 0; participantID = -1; useBuiltinTransports = true; } virtual ~RTPSParticipantAttributes() { } bool operator ==( const RTPSParticipantAttributes& b) const { return (this->name == b.name) && (this->defaultUnicastLocatorList == b.defaultUnicastLocatorList) && (this->defaultMulticastLocatorList == b.defaultMulticastLocatorList) && (this->sendSocketBufferSize == b.sendSocketBufferSize) && (this->listenSocketBufferSize == b.listenSocketBufferSize) && (this->builtin == b.builtin) && (this->port == b.port) && (this->userData == b.userData) && (this->participantID == b.participantID) && (this->throughputController == b.throughputController) && (this->useBuiltinTransports == b.useBuiltinTransports) && (this->properties == b.properties && (this->prefix == b.prefix)); } /** * Default list of Unicast Locators to be used for any Endpoint defined inside this RTPSParticipant in the case * that it was defined with NO UnicastLocators. At least ONE locator should be included in this list. */ LocatorList_t defaultUnicastLocatorList; /** * Default list of Multicast Locators to be used for any Endpoint defined inside this RTPSParticipant in the * case that it was defined with NO UnicastLocators. This is usually left empty. */ LocatorList_t defaultMulticastLocatorList; /*! * @brief Send socket buffer size for the send resource. Zero value indicates to use default system buffer size. * Default value: 0. */ uint32_t sendSocketBufferSize; /*! Listen socket buffer for all listen resources. Zero value indicates to use default system buffer size. * Default value: 0. */ uint32_t listenSocketBufferSize; //! Optionally allows user to define the GuidPrefix_t GuidPrefix_t prefix; RTPS_DllAPI inline bool ReadguidPrefix( const char* pfx) { return bool(std::istringstream(pfx) >> prefix); } //! Builtin parameters. BuiltinAttributes builtin; //!Port Parameters PortParameters port; //!User Data of the participant std::vector<octet> userData; //!Participant ID int32_t participantID; //!Throughput controller parameters. Leave default for uncontrolled flow. ThroughputControllerDescriptor throughputController; //!User defined transports to use alongside or in place of builtins. std::vector<std::shared_ptr<fastdds::rtps::TransportDescriptorInterface> > userTransports; //!Set as false to disable the default UDPv4 implementation. bool useBuiltinTransports; //!Holds allocation limits affecting collections managed by a participant. RTPSParticipantAllocationAttributes allocation; //! Property policies PropertyPolicy properties; //!Set the name of the participant. inline void setName( const char* nam) { name = nam; } //!Get the name of the participant. inline const char* getName() const { return name.c_str(); } private: //!Name of the participant. string_255 name; }; } /* namespace rtps */ } /* namespace fastrtps */ } /* namespace eprosima */ #endif /* _FASTDDS_RTPSPARTICIPANTPARAMETERS_H_ */