// Copyright 2019 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima).
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

 * @file DataReader.hpp


#include <fastrtps/qos/DeadlineMissedStatus.h>
#include <fastdds/rtps/common/Time_t.h>
#include <fastdds/dds/core/status/StatusMask.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/core/Entity.hpp>
#include <fastrtps/types/TypesBase.h>

#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>

using eprosima::fastrtps::types::ReturnCode_t;

namespace dds {
namespace sub {

class DataReader;

} // namespace sub
} // namespace dds

namespace eprosima {
namespace fastrtps {

class TopicAttributes;

namespace rtps {
class ReaderAttributes;
struct GUID_t;
struct InstanceHandle_t;
} // namespace rtps
} // namespace fastrtps

namespace fastdds {
namespace dds {

class Subscriber;
class SubscriberImpl;
class DataReaderImpl;
class DataReaderListener;
class TypeSupport;
class DataReaderQos;
class TopicDescription;
struct LivelinessChangedStatus;
struct SampleInfo;

 * Class DataReader, contains the actual implementation of the behaviour of the Subscriber.
 *  @ingroup FASTDDS_MODULE
class DataReader : public DomainEntity
    friend class DataReaderImpl;
    friend class SubscriberImpl;

     * Creates a DataReader. Don't use it directly, but through Subscriber.
    RTPS_DllAPI DataReader(
            DataReaderImpl* impl,
            const StatusMask& mask = StatusMask::all());

    RTPS_DllAPI DataReader(
            Subscriber* s,
            TopicDescription* topic,
            const DataReaderQos& qos,
            DataReaderListener* listener = nullptr,
            const StatusMask& mask = StatusMask::all());


     * @brief Destructor
    RTPS_DllAPI virtual ~DataReader();

     * @brief This operation enables the DataReader
     * @return RETCODE_OK is successfully enabled. RETCODE_PRECONDITION_NOT_MET if the Subscriber creating this
     *         DataReader is not enabled.
    RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t enable() override;

     * Method to block the current thread until an unread message is available
     * @param timeout Max blocking time for this operation
     * @return true if there is new unread message, false if timeout
    RTPS_DllAPI bool wait_for_unread_message(
            const fastrtps::Duration_t& timeout);

    /** @name Read or take data methods.
     * Methods to read or take data from the History.


    /* TODO
       RTPS_DllAPI bool read(
            std::vector<void*>& data_values,
            std::vector<SampleInfo>& sample_infos,
            uint32_t max_samples);

     * @brief This operation copies the next, non-previously accessed Data value from the DataReader; the operation also
     * copies the corresponding SampleInfo. The implied order among the samples stored in the DataReader is the same as for
     * the read operation.
     * The read_next_sample operation is semantically equivalent to the read operation where the input Data sequence has
     * max_length=1, the sample_states=NOT_READ, the view_states=ANY_VIEW_STATE, and the instance_states=ANY_INSTANCE_STATE.
     * The read_next_sample operation provides a simplified API to ‘read’ samples avoiding the need for the application to
     * manage sequences and specify states.
     * If there is no unread data in the DataReader, the operation will return NO_DATA and nothing is copied
     * @param data Data pointer to store the sample
     * @param info SampleInfo pointer to store the sample information
     * @return RETCODE_NO_DATA if the history is empty, RETCODE_OK if the next sample is returned and RETCODE_ERROR otherwise
    RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t read_next_sample(
            void* data,
            SampleInfo* info);

    /* TODO
       RTPS_DllAPI bool take(
            std::vector<void*>& data_values,
            std::vector<SampleInfo>& sample_infos,
            uint32_t max_samples);

     * @brief This operation copies the next, non-previously accessed Data value from the DataReader and ‘removes’ it from
     * the DataReader so it is no longer accessible. The operation also copies the corresponding SampleInfo. This operation
     * is analogous to the read_next_sample except for the fact that the sample is ‘removed’ from the DataReader.
     * The take_next_sample operation is semantically equivalent to the take operation where the input sequence has
     * max_length=1, the sample_states=NOT_READ, the view_states=ANY_VIEW_STATE, and the instance_states=ANY_INSTANCE_STATE.
     * This operation provides a simplified API to ’take’ samples avoiding the need for the application to manage sequences
     * and specify states.
     * If there is no unread data in the DataReader, the operation will return NO_DATA and nothing is copied.
     * @param data Data pointer to store the sample
     * @param info SampleInfo pointer to store the sample information
     * @return RETCODE_NO_DATA if the history is empty, RETCODE_OK if the next sample is returned and RETCODE_ERROR otherwise
    RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t take_next_sample(
            void* data,
            SampleInfo* info);


     * @brief Returns information about the first untaken sample.
     * @param [out] info Pointer to a SampleInfo_t structure to store first untaken sample information.
     * @return RETCODE_OK if sample info was returned. RETCODE_NO_DATA if there is no sample to take.
    RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t get_first_untaken_info(
            SampleInfo* info);

     * Get associated GUID
     * @return Associated GUID
    RTPS_DllAPI const fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t& guid();

     * @brief Getter for the associated InstanceHandle
     * @return Copy of the InstanceHandle
    RTPS_DllAPI fastrtps::rtps::InstanceHandle_t get_instance_handle() const;

     * Getter for the data type
     * @return TypeSupport associated to the DataReader
    TypeSupport type();

     * Get TopicDescription
     * @return TopicDescription pointer
    const TopicDescription* get_topicdescription() const;

     * @brief Get the requested deadline missed status
     * @return The deadline missed status
    RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t get_requested_deadline_missed_status(
            fastrtps::RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus& status);

     * @brief Setter for the DataReaderQos
     * @param qos new value for the DataReaderQos
     * @return RETCODE_IMMUTABLE_POLICY if any of the Qos cannot be changed, RETCODE_INCONSISTENT_POLICY if the Qos is not
     * self consistent and RETCODE_OK if the qos is changed correctly.
    RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t set_qos(
            const DataReaderQos& qos);

     * @brief Getter for the DataReaderQos
     * @return Pointer to the DataReaderQos
    RTPS_DllAPI const DataReaderQos& get_qos() const;

     * @brief Getter for the DataReaderQos
     * @param qos DataReaderQos where the qos is returned
     * @return RETCODE_OK
    RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t get_qos(
            DataReaderQos& qos) const;

     * @brief Setter for the DataReaderListener
     * @param listener new value for the DataReaderListener
     * @return RETCODE_OK
    RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t set_listener(
            DataReaderListener* listener);

     * @brief Getter for the DataReaderListener
     * @return Pointer to the DataReaderListener
    RTPS_DllAPI const DataReaderListener* get_listener() const;

    /* TODO
       RTPS_DllAPI bool get_key_value(
            void* data,
            const fastrtps::rtps::InstanceHandle_t& handle);

     * @brief Get the liveliness changed status
     * @param status LivelinessChangedStatus object where the status is returned
     * @return RETCODE_OK
    RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t get_liveliness_changed_status(
            LivelinessChangedStatus& status) const;

    /* TODO
       RTPS_DllAPI bool get_requested_incompatible_qos_status(
            fastrtps::RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus& status) const;

    /* TODO
       RTPS_DllAPI bool get_sample_lost_status(
            fastrtps::SampleLostStatus& status) const;

    /* TODO
       RTPS_DllAPI bool get_sample_rejected_status(
            fastrtps::SampleRejectedStatus& status) const;

     * @brief Getter for the Subscriber
     * @return Subscriber pointer
    RTPS_DllAPI const Subscriber* get_subscriber() const;

    /* TODO
       RTPS_DllAPI bool wait_for_historical_data(
            const fastrtps::Duration_t& max_wait) const;


    DataReaderImpl* impl_;

    friend class ::dds::sub::DataReader;


} /* namespace dds */
} /* namespace fastdds */
} /* namespace eprosima */