#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "candbc.h" int64_t get_raw_value(const std::vector &msg, const Signal &sig) { int64_t ret = 0; int i = sig.msb / 8; int bits = sig.size; while (i >= 0 && i < msg.size() && bits > 0) { int lsb = (int)(sig.lsb / 8) == i ? sig.lsb : i*8; int msb = (int)(sig.msb / 8) == i ? sig.msb : (i+1)*8 - 1; int size = msb - lsb + 1; uint64_t d = (msg[i] >> (lsb - (i*8))) & ((1ULL << size) - 1); ret |= d << (bits - size); bits -= size; i = sig.is_little_endian ? i-1 : i+1; } return ret; } bool MessageState::parse(uint64_t nanos, const std::vector &dat) { std::vector tmp_vals(parse_sigs.size()); bool checksum_failed = false; bool counter_failed = false; for (int i = 0; i < parse_sigs.size(); i++) { const auto &sig = parse_sigs[i]; int64_t tmp = get_raw_value(dat, sig); if (sig.is_signed) { tmp -= ((tmp >> (sig.size-1)) & 0x1) ? (1ULL << sig.size) : 0; } //DEBUG("parse 0x%X %s -> %ld\n", address, sig.name, tmp); if (!ignore_checksum) { if (sig.calc_checksum != nullptr && sig.calc_checksum(address, sig, dat) != tmp) { checksum_failed = true; } } if (!ignore_counter) { if (sig.type == SignalType::COUNTER && !update_counter_generic(tmp, sig.size)) { counter_failed = true; } } tmp_vals[i] = tmp * sig.factor + sig.offset; } // only update values if both checksum and counter are valid if (checksum_failed || counter_failed) { LOGE_100("0x%X message checks failed, checksum failed %d, counter failed %d", address, checksum_failed, counter_failed); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < parse_sigs.size(); i++) { vals[i] = tmp_vals[i]; all_vals[i].push_back(vals[i]); } last_seen_nanos = nanos; return true; } bool MessageState::update_counter_generic(int64_t v, int cnt_size) { if (((counter + 1) & ((1 << cnt_size) -1)) != v) { counter_fail = std::min(counter_fail + 1, MAX_BAD_COUNTER); if (counter_fail > 1) { INFO("0x%X COUNTER FAIL #%d -- %d -> %d\n", address, counter_fail, counter, (int)v); } } else if (counter_fail > 0) { counter_fail--; } counter = v; return counter_fail < MAX_BAD_COUNTER; } CANParser::CANParser(int abus, const std::string& dbc_name, const std::vector> &messages) : bus(abus) { dbc = dbc_lookup(dbc_name); assert(dbc); bus_timeout_threshold = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (const auto& [address, frequency] : messages) { // disallow duplicate message checks if (message_states.find(address) != message_states.end()) { std::stringstream is; is << "Duplicate Message Check: " << address; throw std::runtime_error(is.str()); } MessageState &state = message_states[address]; state.address = address; // state.check_frequency = op.check_frequency, // msg is not valid if a message isn't received for 10 consecutive steps if (frequency > 0) { state.check_threshold = (1000000000ULL / frequency) * 10; // bus timeout threshold should be 10x the fastest msg bus_timeout_threshold = std::min(bus_timeout_threshold, state.check_threshold); } const Msg *msg = dbc->addr_to_msg.at(address); state.name = msg->name; state.size = msg->size; assert(state.size <= 64); // max signal size is 64 bytes // track all signals for this message state.parse_sigs = msg->sigs; state.vals.resize(msg->sigs.size()); state.all_vals.resize(msg->sigs.size()); } } CANParser::CANParser(int abus, const std::string& dbc_name, bool ignore_checksum, bool ignore_counter) : bus(abus) { // Add all messages and signals dbc = dbc_lookup(dbc_name); assert(dbc); for (const auto& msg : dbc->msgs) { MessageState state = { .name = msg.name, .address = msg.address, .size = msg.size, .ignore_checksum = ignore_checksum, .ignore_counter = ignore_counter, }; for (const auto& sig : msg.sigs) { state.parse_sigs.push_back(sig); state.vals.push_back(0); state.all_vals.push_back({}); } message_states[state.address] = state; } } void CANParser::update(const std::vector &can_data, std::vector &vals) { uint64_t current_nanos = 0; for (const auto &c : can_data) { if (first_nanos == 0) { first_nanos = c.nanos; } if (current_nanos == 0) { current_nanos = c.nanos; } last_nanos = c.nanos; UpdateCans(c); UpdateValid(last_nanos); } query_latest(vals, current_nanos); } void CANParser::UpdateCans(const CanData &can) { //DEBUG("got %zu messages\n", can.frames.size()); bool bus_empty = true; for (const auto &frame : can.frames) { if (frame.src != bus) { // DEBUG("skip %d: wrong bus\n", cmsg.getAddress()); continue; } bus_empty = false; auto state_it = message_states.find(frame.address); if (state_it == message_states.end()) { // DEBUG("skip %d: not specified\n", cmsg.getAddress()); continue; } if (frame.dat.size() > 64) { DEBUG("got message longer than 64 bytes: 0x%X %zu\n", frame.address, frame.dat.size()); continue; } // TODO: this actually triggers for some cars. fix and enable this //if (dat.size() != state_it->second.size) { // DEBUG("got message with unexpected length: expected %d, got %zu for %d", state_it->second.size, dat.size(), cmsg.getAddress()); // continue; //} state_it->second.parse(can.nanos, frame.dat); } // update bus timeout if (!bus_empty) { last_nonempty_nanos = can.nanos; } bus_timeout = (can.nanos - last_nonempty_nanos) > bus_timeout_threshold; } void CANParser::UpdateValid(uint64_t nanos) { const bool show_missing = (nanos - first_nanos) > 8e9; bool _valid = true; bool _counters_valid = true; for (const auto& kv : message_states) { const auto& state = kv.second; if (state.counter_fail >= MAX_BAD_COUNTER) { _counters_valid = false; } const bool missing = state.last_seen_nanos == 0; const bool timed_out = (nanos - state.last_seen_nanos) > state.check_threshold; if (state.check_threshold > 0 && (missing || timed_out)) { if (show_missing && !bus_timeout) { if (missing) { LOGE_100("0x%X '%s' NOT SEEN", state.address, state.name.c_str()); } else if (timed_out) { LOGE_100("0x%X '%s' TIMED OUT", state.address, state.name.c_str()); } } _valid = false; } } can_invalid_cnt = _valid ? 0 : (can_invalid_cnt + 1); can_valid = (can_invalid_cnt < CAN_INVALID_CNT) && _counters_valid; } void CANParser::query_latest(std::vector &vals, uint64_t last_ts) { if (last_ts == 0) { last_ts = last_nanos; } for (auto& kv : message_states) { auto& state = kv.second; if (last_ts != 0 && state.last_seen_nanos < last_ts) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < state.parse_sigs.size(); i++) { const Signal &sig = state.parse_sigs[i]; SignalValue &v = vals.emplace_back(); v.address = state.address; v.ts_nanos = state.last_seen_nanos; v.name = sig.name; v.value = state.vals[i]; v.all_values = state.all_vals[i]; state.all_vals[i].clear(); } } }