#pragma once #ifndef _IV_COMMON_CONSTANTS_ #define _IV_COMMON_CONSTANTS_ #include namespace iv { const std::uint8_t SPEED_MAX = 30; //车速上限 const std::uint8_t BRAKING_PRESSURE_PERCENT_MAX = 50; //刹车压力上限 const std::uint8_t ACCELERATE_PERCENT_MAX = 1; //油门开合度上限 const std::uint8_t CONTROL_SPEED_TOLERANCE = 5; //控制车速时容忍误差范围 const std::uint8_t CONTROL_WHEEL_ANGLE_TOLERANCE = 5; //控制方向盘时容忍误差范围 const std::uint16_t WHEEL_ZERO = 0x1F4A; //static iv::CarStatus CarStatus_(new iv::CarStatusBasic); const float SPEED_RATIO = 0.08; //实际车速和can中读出的车速比率 const float Veh_Width = 2.1; //车宽 const float Veh_Lenth = 4.6; const float Esr_Offset = 0; //ESR偏移量 const float Esr_Y_Offset = 2.5; //ESR纵向偏移量 const std::uint8_t THREAD_EXECUTECONTROL_MAXNUM = 1; //decition_executer 执行线程最大数量 const double MaxValue = 1.7976931348623157E+308; // Represents the largest possible value of a System.Double. This field is constant. const double MinValue = -1.7976931348623157E+308; // Represents the smallest possible value of a System.Double. This field is constant. } #endif // !_IV_COMMON_CONSTANTS_