perceptionoutput.h 2.2 KB

  3. namespace iv {
  4. namespace Perception {
  5. class Point3f
  6. {
  7. public:
  8. float x;
  9. float y;
  10. float z;
  11. };
  12. class Point2f
  13. {
  14. public:
  15. float x;
  16. float y;
  17. };
  18. class PerceptionOutput
  19. {
  20. public:
  21. PerceptionOutput();
  22. Point3f location; /**<position of bbox center, measured in lidar or vehicle coordinate system, according to user's setting*/
  23. Point3f direction; /**<direction of bbox, vector format, measured by the length edge direction, in lidar or vehicle coordinate system, according to user's setting*/
  24. float yaw; /**<direction of bbox with roll pitch raw depictions, for simplicity, just yaw is usefull, coincident with "direction"*/
  25. Point3f size; /**<size of bbox, length, width, height of box, length is always >= width*/
  26. Point3f nearest_point; /**<position of nearest corner of bbox, measured in lidar or vehicle coordinate system, according to user's setting*/
  27. int tracker_id; /**<tracker id for objects, same object in sequtial frames share the same id*/
  28. float track_prob; /**<tracking association probability, confidence level (0~1), the higher, the better.*/
  29. Point2f velocity; /**<relative speed of obstacles, measured in local vehicle coordinate system*/
  30. Point2f acceleration; /**<relative acceleration of obstacles, measured in local vehicle coordinate system*/
  31. Point2f velocity_abs; /**<speed of obstacles, measured in global coordinate system*/
  32. Point2f acceleration_abs; /**<acceleration of obstacles, measured in global coordinate system*/
  33. float angle_velocity; /**< angle velocity in radian*/
  34. float life; /**<total current tracker life time, including visible and invisible ones, with unit seconds*/
  35. float visible_life; /**<current tracker life time only considering visible tracks, with unit seconds*/
  36. float robustness; /**< robustness analyzed by a historical sequential tracker frames, the smaller, the better.*/
  37. int label; /**<type of obstacles, like pedestrain, bike, car, truck*/
  38. float label_confidence; /**< confidence of classification*/
  39. bool is_background; /**< if is background, the flag will be set true. */
  40. };
  41. }
  42. }
  43. #endif // PERCEPTIONOUTPUT_H