123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168 |
- /// \file LocalPlannerH.h
- /// \brief OpenPlanner's local planing functions combines in one process, used in simulation vehicle and OpenPlanner old implementation like dp_planner node.
- /// \author Hatem Darweesh
- /// \date Dec 14, 2016
- #include "BehaviorStateMachine.h"
- #include "PlannerCommonDef.h"
- #include "RoadNetwork.h"
- #include "TrajectoryCosts.h"
- namespace PlannerHNS
- {
- class LocalPlannerH
- {
- public:
- WayPoint state;
- ControllerParams m_ControlParams;
- std::vector<GPSPoint> m_CarShapePolygon;
- std::vector<WayPoint> m_Path;
- std::vector<WayPoint> m_OriginalLocalPath;
- std::vector<std::vector<WayPoint> > m_TotalPath;
- std::vector<std::vector<WayPoint> > m_TotalOriginalPath;
- std::vector<DetectedObject> m_PredictedTrajectoryObstacles;
- int m_iCurrentTotalPathId;
- int m_iSafeTrajectory;
- double m_InitialFollowingDistance;
- // int m_iGlobalPathPrevID;
- // std::vector<std::vector<WayPoint> > m_PredictedPath;
- std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<WayPoint> > > m_RollOuts;
- std::string carId;
- Lane* pLane;
- double m_SimulationSteeringDelayFactor; //second , time that every degree change in the steering wheel takes
- timespec m_SteerDelayTimer;
- double m_PredictionTime;
- double m_CostCalculationTime;
- double m_BehaviorGenTime;
- double m_RollOutsGenerationTime;
- int m_PrevBrakingWayPoint;
- BehaviorStateMachine* m_pCurrentBehaviorState;
- ForwardState * m_pGoToGoalState;
- StopState* m_pStopState;
- WaitState* m_pWaitState;
- InitState* m_pInitState;
- MissionAccomplishedState* m_pMissionCompleteState;
- GoalState* m_pGoalState;
- FollowState* m_pFollowState;
- SwerveState* m_pAvoidObstacleState;
- TrafficLightStopState* m_pTrafficLightStopState;
- TrafficLightWaitState* m_pTrafficLightWaitState;
- StopSignStopState* m_pStopSignStopState;
- StopSignWaitState* m_pStopSignWaitState;
- TrajectoryCosts m_TrajectoryCostsCalculatotor;
- //for debugging
- std::vector<WayPoint> m_SampledPoints;
- void InitBehaviorStates();
- void ReInitializePlanner(const WayPoint& start_pose);
- void SetSimulatedTargetOdometryReadings(const double& velocity_d, const double& steering_d, const SHIFT_POS& shift_d)
- {
- m_CurrentVelocityD = velocity_d;
- m_CurrentSteeringD = steering_d;
- m_CurrentShiftD = shift_d;
- }
- double GetSimulatedVelocity()
- {
- return m_CurrentVelocity;
- }
- double GetSimulatedSteering()
- {
- return m_CurrentSteering;
- }
- double GetSimulatedShift()
- {
- return m_CurrentShift;
- }
- //For Simulation
- WayPoint m_OdometryState;
- double m_CurrentVelocity, m_CurrentVelocityD; //meter/second
- double m_CurrentSteering, m_CurrentSteeringD; //radians
- SHIFT_POS m_CurrentShift , m_CurrentShiftD;
- double m_CurrentAccSteerAngle; //degrees steer wheel range
- double m_CurrentAccVelocity; // kilometer/hour
- //std::vector<TrafficLight> m_TrafficLights;
- UtilityHNS::PIDController m_pidVelocity;
- UtilityHNS::PIDController m_pidStopping;
- public:
- LocalPlannerH();
- virtual ~LocalPlannerH();
- void Init(const ControllerParams& ctrlParams, const PlanningParams& params, const CAR_BASIC_INFO& carInfo);
- void InitPolygons();
- void FirstLocalizeMe(const WayPoint& initCarPos);
- void LocalizeMe(const double& dt); // in seconds
- void UpdateState(const VehicleState& state, const bool& bUseDelay = false);
- void CalculateImportantParameterForDecisionMaking(const VehicleState& car_state,
- const int& goalID, const bool& bEmergencyStop, const vector<TrafficLight>& detectedLights,
- const TrajectoryCost& bestTrajectory);
- BehaviorState DoOneStep(
- const double& dt,
- const VehicleState& state,
- const std::vector<DetectedObject>& obj_list,
- const int& goalID,
- RoadNetwork& map,
- const bool& bEmergencyStop,
- const std::vector<TrafficLight>& trafficLight,
- const bool& bLive = false);
- void SimulateOdoPosition(const double& dt, const VehicleState& vehicleState);
- private:
- //Obstacle avoidance functionalities
- // bool CalculateObstacleCosts(RoadNetwork& map, const VehicleState& vstatus, const std::vector<DetectedObject>& obj_list);
- //
- // double PredictTimeCostForTrajectory(std::vector<WayPoint>& path,
- // const VehicleState& vstatus,
- // const WayPoint& currState);
- //
- // void PredictObstacleTrajectory(RoadNetwork& map,
- // const WayPoint& pos,
- // const double& predTime,
- // std::vector<std::vector<WayPoint> >& paths);
- //
- // bool CalculateIntersectionVelocities(std::vector<WayPoint>& path,
- // std::vector<std::vector<WayPoint> >& predctedPath,
- // const DetectedObject& obj);
- bool GetNextTrafficLight(const int& prevTrafficLightId, const std::vector<TrafficLight>& trafficLights, TrafficLight& trafficL);
- void UpdateCurrentLane(RoadNetwork& map, const double& search_distance);
- bool SelectSafeTrajectoryAndSpeedProfile(const VehicleState& vehicleState);
- BehaviorState GenerateBehaviorState(const VehicleState& vehicleState);
- void TransformPoint(const WayPoint& refPose, GPSPoint& p);
- void AddAndTransformContourPoints(const DetectedObject& obj, std::vector<WayPoint>& contourPoints);
- double UpdateVelocityDirectlyToTrajectory(const BehaviorState& beh, const VehicleState& CurrStatus, const double& dt);
- void ExtractHorizonAndCalculateRecommendedSpeed();
- bool NoWayTest(const double& min_distance, const int& iGlobalPathIndex);
- PlannerHNS::PlanningParams m_params;
- };
- } /* namespace PlannerHNS */
- #endif /* LOCALPLANNERH_H_ */