123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465 |
- /**************************************************************************
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- #include "sshcryptofacility_p.h"
- #include "opensshkeyfilereader_p.h"
- #include "sshbotanconversions_p.h"
- #include "sshcapabilities_p.h"
- #include "sshexception_p.h"
- #include "sshkeyexchange_p.h"
- #include "sshkeypasswordretriever_p.h"
- #include "sshpacket_p.h"
- #include "sshlogging_p.h"
- #include <botan/block_cipher.h>
- #include <botan/hash.h>
- #include <botan/pkcs8.h>
- #include <botan/dsa.h>
- #include <botan/rsa.h>
- #include <botan/ber_dec.h>
- #include <botan/pubkey.h>
- #include <botan/filters.h>
- #include <botan/ecdsa.h>
- #include <QDebug>
- #include <QList>
- #include <string>
- using namespace Botan;
- namespace QSsh {
- namespace Internal {
- SshAbstractCryptoFacility::SshAbstractCryptoFacility()
- : m_cipherBlockSize(0), m_macLength(0)
- {
- }
- SshAbstractCryptoFacility::~SshAbstractCryptoFacility() {}
- void SshAbstractCryptoFacility::clearKeys()
- {
- m_cipherBlockSize = 0;
- m_macLength = 0;
- m_sessionId.clear();
- m_pipe.reset(nullptr);
- m_hMac.reset(nullptr);
- }
- SshAbstractCryptoFacility::Mode SshAbstractCryptoFacility::getMode(const QByteArray &algoName)
- {
- if (algoName.endsWith("-ctr"))
- return CtrMode;
- if (algoName.endsWith("-cbc"))
- return CbcMode;
- throw SshClientException(SshInternalError, SSH_TR("Unexpected cipher \"%1\"")
- .arg(QString::fromLatin1(algoName)));
- }
- void SshAbstractCryptoFacility::recreateKeys(const SshKeyExchange &kex)
- {
- checkInvariant();
- if (m_sessionId.isEmpty())
- m_sessionId = kex.h();
- const QByteArray &rfcCryptAlgoName = cryptAlgoName(kex);
- { // Don't know how else to get this with the new botan API
- std::unique_ptr<BlockCipher> cipher
- = BlockCipher::create_or_throw(botanCryptAlgoName(rfcCryptAlgoName));
- m_cipherBlockSize = static_cast<quint32>(cipher->block_size());
- }
- const QByteArray ivData = generateHash(kex, ivChar(), m_cipherBlockSize);
- const InitializationVector iv(convertByteArray(ivData), m_cipherBlockSize);
- Keyed_Filter * const cipherMode
- = makeCipherMode(botanCipherAlgoName(rfcCryptAlgoName), getMode(rfcCryptAlgoName));
- const quint32 keySize = static_cast<quint32>(cipherMode->key_spec().maximum_keylength());
- const QByteArray cryptKeyData = generateHash(kex, keyChar(), keySize);
- SymmetricKey cryptKey(convertByteArray(cryptKeyData), keySize);
- cipherMode->set_key(cryptKey);
- cipherMode->set_iv(iv);
- m_pipe.reset(new Pipe(cipherMode));
- m_macLength = botanHMacKeyLen(hMacAlgoName(kex));
- const QByteArray hMacKeyData = generateHash(kex, macChar(), macLength());
- SymmetricKey hMacKey(convertByteArray(hMacKeyData), macLength());
- m_hMac = MessageAuthenticationCode::create_or_throw("HMAC(" + std::string(botanHMacAlgoName(hMacAlgoName(kex))) + ")");
- m_hMac->set_key(hMacKey);
- }
- void SshAbstractCryptoFacility::convert(QByteArray &data, quint32 offset,
- quint32 dataSize) const
- {
- Q_ASSERT(offset + dataSize <= static_cast<quint32>(data.size()));
- checkInvariant();
- // Session id empty => No key exchange has happened yet.
- if (dataSize == 0 || m_sessionId.isEmpty())
- return;
- if (dataSize % cipherBlockSize() != 0) {
- "Invalid packet size");
- }
- m_pipe->process_msg(reinterpret_cast<const byte *>(data.constData()) + offset,
- dataSize);
- // Can't use Pipe::LAST_MESSAGE because of a VC bug.
- quint32 bytesRead = static_cast<quint32>(m_pipe->read(
- reinterpret_cast<byte *>(data.data()) + offset, dataSize, m_pipe->message_count() - 1));
- if (bytesRead != dataSize) {
- throw SshClientException(SshInternalError,
- QLatin1String("Internal error: Botan::Pipe::read() returned unexpected value"));
- }
- }
- Keyed_Filter *SshAbstractCryptoFacility::makeCtrCipherMode(const QByteArray &cipher)
- {
- StreamCipher_Filter *filter = new StreamCipher_Filter(cipher.toStdString());
- return filter;
- }
- QByteArray SshAbstractCryptoFacility::generateMac(const QByteArray &data,
- quint32 dataSize) const
- {
- return m_sessionId.isEmpty()
- ? QByteArray()
- : convertByteArray(m_hMac->process(reinterpret_cast<const byte *>(data.constData()),
- dataSize));
- }
- QByteArray SshAbstractCryptoFacility::generateHash(const SshKeyExchange &kex,
- char c, quint32 length)
- {
- const QByteArray &k = kex.k();
- const QByteArray &h = kex.h();
- QByteArray data(k);
- data.append(h).append(c).append(m_sessionId);
- SecureVector<byte> key
- = kex.hash()->process(convertByteArray(data), data.size());
- while (key.size() < length) {
- secure_vector<byte> tmpKey;
- tmpKey += secure_vector<byte>(k.begin(), k.end());
- tmpKey += secure_vector<byte>(h.begin(), h.end());
- tmpKey += key;
- key += kex.hash()->process(tmpKey);
- }
- return QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(key.data()), length);
- }
- void SshAbstractCryptoFacility::checkInvariant() const
- {
- Q_ASSERT(m_sessionId.isEmpty() == !m_pipe);
- }
- const QByteArray SshEncryptionFacility::PrivKeyFileStartLineRsa("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----");
- const QByteArray SshEncryptionFacility::PrivKeyFileStartLineDsa("-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----");
- const QByteArray SshEncryptionFacility::PrivKeyFileEndLineRsa("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----");
- const QByteArray SshEncryptionFacility::PrivKeyFileEndLineDsa("-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----");
- const QByteArray SshEncryptionFacility::PrivKeyFileStartLineEcdsa("-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----");
- const QByteArray SshEncryptionFacility::PrivKeyFileEndLineEcdsa("-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----");
- QByteArray SshEncryptionFacility::cryptAlgoName(const SshKeyExchange &kex) const
- {
- return kex.encryptionAlgo();
- }
- QByteArray SshEncryptionFacility::hMacAlgoName(const SshKeyExchange &kex) const
- {
- return kex.hMacAlgoClientToServer();
- }
- Keyed_Filter *SshEncryptionFacility::makeCipherMode(const QByteArray &cipher, const Mode mode)
- {
- if (mode == CtrMode) {
- return new StreamCipher_Filter(cipher.toStdString());
- }
- qWarning() << "I haven't been able to test the CBC encryption modes, so if this files file a bug at https://github.com/sandsmark/QSsh";
- Cipher_Mode_Filter *filter = new Cipher_Mode_Filter(
- Cipher_Mode::create_or_throw(cipher.toStdString(), ENCRYPTION).release()); // We have to release, otherwise clang fails to link
- return filter;
- }
- void SshEncryptionFacility::encrypt(QByteArray &data) const
- {
- convert(data, 0, data.size());
- }
- void SshEncryptionFacility::createAuthenticationKey(const QByteArray &privKeyFileContents)
- {
- if (privKeyFileContents == m_cachedPrivKeyContents)
- return;
- m_authKeyAlgoName.clear();
- qCDebug(sshLog, "%s: Key not cached, reading", Q_FUNC_INFO);
- QList<BigInt> pubKeyParams;
- QList<BigInt> allKeyParams;
- QString error1;
- QString error2;
- OpenSshKeyFileReader openSshReader(m_rng);
- if (openSshReader.parseKey(privKeyFileContents)) {
- m_authKeyAlgoName = openSshReader.keyType();
- m_authKey.reset(openSshReader.privateKey().release());
- pubKeyParams = openSshReader.publicParameters();
- allKeyParams = openSshReader.allParameters();
- } else if (!createAuthenticationKeyFromPKCS8(privKeyFileContents, pubKeyParams, allKeyParams,
- error1)
- && !createAuthenticationKeyFromOpenSSL(privKeyFileContents, pubKeyParams, allKeyParams,
- error2)) {
- qCDebug(sshLog, "%s: %s\n\t%s\n", Q_FUNC_INFO, qPrintable(error1), qPrintable(error2));
- throw SshClientException(SshKeyFileError, SSH_TR("Decoding of private key file failed: "
- "Format not understood."));
- }
- for (const BigInt &b : allKeyParams) {
- if (b.is_zero()) {
- throw SshClientException(SshKeyFileError,
- SSH_TR("Decoding of private key file failed: Invalid zero parameter."));
- }
- }
- m_authPubKeyBlob = AbstractSshPacket::encodeString(m_authKeyAlgoName);
- auto * const ecdsaKey = dynamic_cast<ECDSA_PrivateKey *>(m_authKey.data());
- if (ecdsaKey) {
- m_authPubKeyBlob += AbstractSshPacket::encodeString(m_authKeyAlgoName.mid(11)); // Without "ecdsa-sha2-" prefix.
- m_authPubKeyBlob += AbstractSshPacket::encodeString(
- convertByteArray(ecdsaKey->public_point().encode(PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED)));
- } else {
- for (const BigInt &b : pubKeyParams) {
- m_authPubKeyBlob += AbstractSshPacket::encodeMpInt(b);
- }
- }
- m_cachedPrivKeyContents = privKeyFileContents;
- }
- bool SshEncryptionFacility::createAuthenticationKeyFromPKCS8(const QByteArray &privKeyFileContents,
- QList<BigInt> &pubKeyParams, QList<BigInt> &allKeyParams, QString &error)
- {
- try {
- Pipe pipe;
- pipe.process_msg(convertByteArray(privKeyFileContents), privKeyFileContents.size());
- m_authKey.reset(PKCS8::load_key(pipe, m_rng, SshKeyPasswordRetriever::get_passphrase));
- if (auto * const dsaKey = dynamic_cast<DSA_PrivateKey *>(m_authKey.data())) {
- m_authKeyAlgoName = SshCapabilities::PubKeyDss;
- pubKeyParams << dsaKey->group_p() << dsaKey->group_q()
- << dsaKey->group_g() << dsaKey->get_y();
- allKeyParams << pubKeyParams << dsaKey->get_x();
- } else if (auto * const rsaKey = dynamic_cast<RSA_PrivateKey *>(m_authKey.data())) {
- m_authKeyAlgoName = SshCapabilities::PubKeyRsa;
- pubKeyParams << rsaKey->get_e() << rsaKey->get_n();
- allKeyParams << pubKeyParams << rsaKey->get_p() << rsaKey->get_q()
- << rsaKey->get_d();
- } else if (auto * const ecdsaKey = dynamic_cast<ECDSA_PrivateKey *>(m_authKey.data())) {
- const BigInt value = ecdsaKey->private_value();
- m_authKeyAlgoName = SshCapabilities::ecdsaPubKeyAlgoForKeyWidth(
- static_cast<int>(value.bytes()));
- pubKeyParams << ecdsaKey->public_point().get_affine_x()
- << ecdsaKey->public_point().get_affine_y();
- allKeyParams << pubKeyParams << value;
- } else {
- qCWarning(sshLog, "%s: Unexpected code flow, expected success or exception.",
- return false;
- }
- } catch (const std::exception &ex) {
- error = QLatin1String(ex.what());
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool SshEncryptionFacility::createAuthenticationKeyFromOpenSSL(const QByteArray &privKeyFileContents,
- QList<BigInt> &pubKeyParams, QList<BigInt> &allKeyParams, QString &error)
- {
- try {
- bool syntaxOk = true;
- QList<QByteArray> lines = privKeyFileContents.split('\n');
- while (lines.last().isEmpty())
- lines.removeLast();
- if (lines.count() < 3) {
- syntaxOk = false;
- } else if (lines.first() == PrivKeyFileStartLineRsa) {
- if (lines.last() != PrivKeyFileEndLineRsa)
- syntaxOk = false;
- else
- m_authKeyAlgoName = SshCapabilities::PubKeyRsa;
- } else if (lines.first() == PrivKeyFileStartLineDsa) {
- if (lines.last() != PrivKeyFileEndLineDsa)
- syntaxOk = false;
- else
- m_authKeyAlgoName = SshCapabilities::PubKeyDss;
- } else if (lines.first() == PrivKeyFileStartLineEcdsa) {
- if (lines.last() != PrivKeyFileEndLineEcdsa)
- syntaxOk = false;
- // m_authKeyAlgoName set below, as we don't know the size yet.
- } else {
- syntaxOk = false;
- }
- if (!syntaxOk) {
- error = SSH_TR("Unexpected format.");
- return false;
- }
- QByteArray privateKeyBlob;
- for (int i = 1; i < lines.size() - 1; ++i)
- privateKeyBlob += lines.at(i);
- privateKeyBlob = QByteArray::fromBase64(privateKeyBlob);
- BER_Decoder decoder(convertByteArray(privateKeyBlob), privateKeyBlob.size());
- BER_Decoder sequence = decoder.start_cons(SEQUENCE);
- size_t version;
- sequence.decode (version);
- const size_t expectedVersion = m_authKeyAlgoName.isEmpty() ? 1 : 0;
- if (version != expectedVersion) {
- error = SSH_TR("Key encoding has version %1, expected %2.")
- .arg(version).arg(expectedVersion);
- return false;
- }
- if (m_authKeyAlgoName == SshCapabilities::PubKeyDss) {
- BigInt p, q, g, y, x;
- sequence.decode (p).decode (q).decode (g).decode (y).decode (x);
- DSA_PrivateKey * const dsaKey = new DSA_PrivateKey(m_rng, DL_Group(p, q, g), x);
- m_authKey.reset(dsaKey);
- pubKeyParams << p << q << g << y;
- allKeyParams << pubKeyParams << x;
- } else if (m_authKeyAlgoName == SshCapabilities::PubKeyRsa) {
- BigInt p, q, e, d, n;
- sequence.decode(n).decode(e).decode(d).decode(p).decode(q);
- RSA_PrivateKey * const rsaKey = new RSA_PrivateKey(p, q, e, d, n);
- m_authKey.reset(rsaKey);
- pubKeyParams << e << n;
- allKeyParams << pubKeyParams << p << q << d;
- } else {
- BigInt privKey;
- sequence.decode_octet_string_bigint(privKey);
- m_authKeyAlgoName = SshCapabilities::ecdsaPubKeyAlgoForKeyWidth(
- static_cast<int>(privKey.bytes()));
- const EC_Group group(SshCapabilities::oid(m_authKeyAlgoName));
- auto * const key = new ECDSA_PrivateKey(m_rng, group, privKey);
- m_authKey.reset(key);
- pubKeyParams << key->public_point().get_affine_x()
- << key->public_point().get_affine_y();
- allKeyParams << pubKeyParams << privKey;
- }
- sequence.discard_remaining();
- sequence.verify_end();
- } catch (const std::exception &ex) {
- error = QLatin1String(ex.what());
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- QByteArray SshEncryptionFacility::authenticationAlgorithmName() const
- {
- Q_ASSERT(m_authKey);
- return m_authKeyAlgoName;
- }
- QByteArray SshEncryptionFacility::authenticationKeySignature(const QByteArray &data) const
- {
- Q_ASSERT(m_authKey);
- QScopedPointer<PK_Signer> signer(new PK_Signer(*m_authKey,
- m_rng,
- botanEmsaAlgoName(m_authKeyAlgoName)));
- QByteArray dataToSign = AbstractSshPacket::encodeString(sessionId()) + data;
- QByteArray signature
- = convertByteArray(signer->sign_message(convertByteArray(dataToSign),
- dataToSign.size(), m_rng));
- if (m_authKeyAlgoName.startsWith(SshCapabilities::PubKeyEcdsaPrefix)) {
- // The Botan output is not quite in the format that SSH defines.
- const int halfSize = signature.count() / 2;
- const BigInt r = BigInt::decode(convertByteArray(signature), halfSize);
- const BigInt s = BigInt::decode(convertByteArray(signature.mid(halfSize)), halfSize);
- signature = AbstractSshPacket::encodeMpInt(r) + AbstractSshPacket::encodeMpInt(s);
- }
- return AbstractSshPacket::encodeString(m_authKeyAlgoName)
- + AbstractSshPacket::encodeString(signature);
- }
- QByteArray SshEncryptionFacility::getRandomNumbers(int count) const
- {
- QByteArray data;
- data.resize(count);
- m_rng.randomize(convertByteArray(data), count);
- return data;
- }
- SshEncryptionFacility::~SshEncryptionFacility() {}
- QByteArray SshDecryptionFacility::cryptAlgoName(const SshKeyExchange &kex) const
- {
- return kex.decryptionAlgo();
- }
- QByteArray SshDecryptionFacility::hMacAlgoName(const SshKeyExchange &kex) const
- {
- return kex.hMacAlgoServerToClient();
- }
- Keyed_Filter *SshDecryptionFacility::makeCipherMode(const QByteArray &cipher, const Mode mode)
- {
- if (mode == CtrMode) {
- return new StreamCipher_Filter(cipher.toStdString());
- }
- qWarning() << "I haven't been able to test the CBC decryption modes, so if this files file a bug at https://github.com/sandsmark/QSsh";
- Cipher_Mode_Filter *filter = new Cipher_Mode_Filter(
- Cipher_Mode::create_or_throw(cipher.toStdString(), DECRYPTION).release()); // We have to release, otherwise clang fails to link
- return filter;
- }
- void SshDecryptionFacility::decrypt(QByteArray &data, quint32 offset,
- quint32 dataSize) const
- {
- convert(data, offset, dataSize);
- qCDebug(sshLog, "Decrypted data:");
- const char * const start = data.constData() + offset;
- const char * const end = start + dataSize;
- for (const char *c = start; c < end; ++c)
- qCDebug(sshLog) << "'" << *c << "' (0x" << (static_cast<int>(*c) & 0xff) << ")";
- }
- } // namespace Internal
- } // namespace QSsh